Aesthetic Use 1987 , , RECEfVED__ JAN 2 1 1987 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE .- -,,", (".,. :"\ T\ 1"7 r'.. ",' " f '. 1 . ",' l' 'J Ii', "'1 . ' A ......~...... .l. i 1:' ..1 V 1 . rl J..... .:: __\ i'J ~Ul All ',D i_i '.. \ '0 /'\ :"'\'j'\/ 1.1 [11 .: ,i ", \",' j' ',' '" HAROLD W. EAGLETON - SE,nOR VICE PRESIlJENT January 21, 1987 Mr. Rufus Nye City Manager City of Salina P. O. Box 736 Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 Dear Mr. Nye: The undersigned, representing the First National Bank and Trust Company, does hereby respectfully request a place on the Agenda for the next City Commission Meeting (Monday, January 26). This request is to seek approval of the proposed Facade Renovation project for the existing Bank Building at 101 North Santa Fe, in accordance with Section 3540 of the Salina Code, which deals with "Use of public property for aesthetic purposes". In order to proceed with the new facade renovation it is necessary to project approximately two inches (2") further south beyond the existing southernmost projection on the existing south facade of our building. The existing stairway to the Basement of our building is to be closed up. This stairway is also on the south side of the building. Closing the existing stairway will return thirty two (32) square feet of sidewalk to public use. It will also be necessary to project approximately two inches (2") further east beyond the existing easternmost projection on the existing eastern facade of our building. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Your very truly, ~a//JY [.) r: ~ Harold W. Eagleton Senior Vice President cc: Mr. Don Harrison Mr. Don Hoff Mr. Mike Peterson The Shaver Partnership