Aesthetic Use 1975 11 ~ L! I.::; ~ '- T:ILSON COMPANY ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS t ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS PO. BOX 28 631 EAST CRAVVFORD AVENUE . SALINA. KANSAS 67401 . 913 827 - 0433 19 June 1975 Mr. Donald Harrison City Clerk 300 West Ash Salina, KS 67401 Re: First National Bank and Trust Co. Site Plans WCEA File: 73-69 Dear Don: On behalf of our client, I am making application under Section 32-41 of the Salina City Codes, i.e., Use of Public Property for Aesthetic Purposes by Abutting Property Owners, for the construction of certain structures, detailed as follows: 1. Attachment A shows three planting boxes proposed to be located in the public walk area immediately east of the new bank building. These planters are intended to provide a separation between the existing Fifth Street sidewalk and an asphalt service drive, in addition to providing landscaped areas to the east portion of the development. Attachment B provides a cross-section detail of the proposed planters. These will be provided with underground irrigation and lighting directed upwards into branches of trees in the planter. 2. Attachment A also shows the location of a proposed sign located par- tially on City right-of-way toward the northeast part of the site. Details of the proposed sign are shown by Attachment C. Only structural portions of the sign will be located on City right-of-way; the advertising face of the sign will be located wholly on bank property. We will appreciate the City Commission's favorable consideration of our application at their earliest convenience. If I may be of further assist- ance in providing additional information regarding this project, please let me know. }~ANY ~h B. Ricklefs Encl. cc: Gerald Shadwick First National Bank & Trust Co. Salina, KS 67401 -cd SALINA. KANSAS . VVICHITA. KANSAS . ALBUQUERQUE, NEVV MEXICO