8E. Band Shell in Sunset Park ~ CITY OF SALINA I REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA SECTION: NO. Administration Salina Park Advisory Board TIME 4:00 P.M. I APP.R..O V ED. FOR .....t I ,AGE ND.A: ~'. I' ../ C7 - V/.C-= I . r DATE 12/3/79 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: ITEM NO. E BY: Ci ty Manager BY: Attached is a letter from Dr. Dale Cole, Chairman of the Salina Park Advisory Board advising that the Board unanimously agreed to recommend that the present band shell remain, as is, in Sunset Park and plan for a new facility in the next update of the Capital Improvements Program. Your motion in referring the matter to them on July 16, 1979 also in- cluded that all future concerts be held at Lakewood Park. The Board did not specifically address holding concerts in Lakewood versus Sun- set or any other park. According to Dr. Cole, they are not opposed to holding concerts in Lakewood, but their thinking is since they are recommending the band shell be left in Sunset Park, there would be no facilities for concerts at Lakewood. COMMISSION ACTION MOTION BY SECOND BY TO: CITY OF SALINA , COMMISSIONERS KAREN M GRAVES. MAYOR ROY W. ALLEN KEITH G. DUCKERS DAN S. GElS MERLE A HODGES CITY-COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET POBOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 CITY MANAGER RUFUS L NYE AREA CODE 913 823-2277 November 21, 1979 Salina City Commission 300 West Ash Salina, Kansas 67401 Gentlemen and Mrs. Graves: At the regular meeting of the Salina Park Advisory Board on November 13, 1979, the Board further considered relocating the band shell in Sunset Park as requested at the July 16, 1979, City Commission meeting. It was unanimously agreed to recommend to the City Commission the present band shell be left, as is in Sunset Park, and plan for some new facility in the next round of Capital Improvements. Sincerely, ~-~O\(.~- Dr. Dale K. Cole Chairman Salina Park Advisory Board DKC:lw MEMBER _ _ _ KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES . ~ 40 -:s- "^- \ ~ \ 10 I \0. 19 .~ormHsiRATION ~oved by Commissioner Geis, seconded by Commissioner ~llen that Ordinance ~umoer 3724, designa~ing the time during which the public parKs within the City of Salina, Kansas, shall be closed to the public, enacting Sections 25- 7, 25-8, and 25-9 of the Salina Code, be introduced for fi~t reading. Ben Sellers, Jr., 349 Sunset Drive, feels there should be a curfew in neighborhood parks only, such as Sunset Park. Dr. Dole, Chairman of the Salina Park Advisory Board, feels the change in the ordinance to allow campers in Thomas Park and fishermen in other parks would be okay with the park board. Freeda Steyer, 523 Marymount Road, is concerned about closinq the parks at midni~ht because they clay tennis after midnight. Rocxy Entriken, 1513 Pershing, said when his organization has sports car races at the old airport, he tells all the c~mpers to go to ihomas P~rK. Mayor called for a vote on the pending C1otion.~ye: Allen, Geis, Hodges, Graves (d). ~ay: uuckers (1). ~~o~ion adopted. The Commission considered relocating the band shell at Sunset Park to Lakewood Park and that all future concerts would be held at Lakewood Park. Dr. Cole, Chairman of the Salina Park Advisory Board, said he is not necessarily opposed to moving the bandshell to Lakewood, but would like to have more time to consider it. Don Jolley, Recreation Director, is opposed to having all concerts in Lakewood Park, because they schedule and use the gazebo in Oakdale Park for many concerts and have had no complaints. I . . i .".' , .,; ,1(:' J.? ';,{.: ~ :..- .' ;-'...~ :;;'.~ c" ,... ~-:~. '," I' ,.1"' "",.. -n' ~~~.., '-.,_. , ~l?f~_.~."""",~,, ,...., 1"".,. a L, if' ~"m "~"""'~ :~ , ~~'.'j.-4'Vf'.V'.r.............,\il!VlI':...'t ~"~ <." i'-" t I '.41,.~)f-l;~~~'. .~....:Gt}_o(~t";':.. ~ '~K';J.; "'~'l;' .;"...~L"''''''f~~~ ." ,>>..'" ~.." j~ . _ ~ ~ ". ,t~~' I.' :~ ._~~;_~;,; .!.: ~~'_:;1: ~ t"rt..., f,X ~:4<~'~" d ~ ,. i I Moved by Cornnrissioner Geis, seconded by Commissioner Allen that ~esoluti n Number 3440, providing for the merger of the public recreation system with the city par~ deoartment into a single city park and recreation department and I aboliShing the existing l"!creation department operated jointly by the City of . Salina and U.S.D. Number 305, be adopted. Dr. Charles Olson, President of Unified School District 305, doesn't feel the school ooard would care either way. I Or. Lloyd Schur, Unified School District 305, said he feels the City i should do the budgetinq for 1980 instead of the- school. He was told the time schedule was such that it was too late for' the city to include it with their budget. Don Jolley, Recreation Director, spoke in favor of a joint Par~ and Recreation Department. Mayor- ca 11 ed for a. vote on the pendi ng moti on. Aye: (5). !fay: (0). Motion adopted. The Ci ty Manaqer presented the proposed 1980 Budget. Moved by Comnrissioner Allen, seconded by Comnrissioner Duckers, that the proposed 1980 budget be accepted for publication, that a work session be scheduled for 1:00 p.m. on Thursday. July 19, 1979. that August 6, 1979 be set as the date- for publiC hearing, and that the City Clerk be authorized to publish the notice.of nearing. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion adopted.