5B. PH Street & Utility Imp - Ivey Park . , CITY OF SALINA ., REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 1i7m1979 m P.M. AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearings and NO. Items Scheduled for a Certain Time ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: City Clerk APPROVED FOR AGENDA: ITEM NO. B Don Harri son BY: {}r! BY: On November 5th the public hearing date was set for November 19, 1979 for Engineering Project 78-638 for street and utility improvements in Ivey Park. This hearing is being held for the purpose of receiving comments, written or oral, on the method of assessment for this job. Ordinance Number 8763 should be introduced for first reading at the conclusion of the public hearing and then adopted December 3, 1979. COMMISSION ACTION MOTION BY SECOND BY TO: