Bids 03/26/03 11:50 FAX 316 264 4146 F & H INSrL~TION :aJ 002 March 26, 2'J03 City cI Salina B~ Erickson 420 East Ash Salina KS 67401 Project: Asbestos RemoYliiIland Disposal from Salina Municipal Court F & H Proposal fI. 23-03-095 Page 1 of 1 F & H INSULATION. INC p.o. a.. SSfJ StJfJI E. .In sr.. No x.dI.f. U '7fM7 PlfIIU (3Ifi}Jfi4-J:MJf Fa(JJ.I)IU-II46 Industrial Insulation & Scaffolding Contractors Asbestos Abatement Tel: (785) 3Q9-!5768 Fax: (785) 309-5769 D83f Mr. Er!cIaon. We propose to furnish the labor, material and equipment for the removal & disposal of approx. 1500 sq. ft. of asbestos containing floor tile and mastic and carpet, and approx. 100 sq. ft. of floor tile and mastic from the above listed location. Work to be done during pha.. 2 of the abatement project previously bid. REQUIREMENTS. CONDlnONS. EXCLUSION~ 1) All movable objects to be removed from the wor1< area by the owner. 2) The work 8res must not be occupied by any persons other than properly trained abatement personnel or the owner's authorized representative. 3) F & H shall make. obtain and pay for all notificstions. permm. and fees required to perform this wor1<. All work and disposal shall oomply with Federal, State and County Regulations. 4) Price quoted below does not include KS sale6 tax. 5) Price quoted below does include bonding. 6) This proposal is submitted for your consideration subject to all terms and oonditions set forth herein and on the back of this sheet. 7) The price quoUtcl does include general liability insurance in the amount of (.2) mil. per occurrence, (2) mil. aggregate. 8) Temperature of pipe or equipment scheduled for insulation removal must be below 151)0 prior to start of work and must remain below 1500 for the duration of the project. 9) Any add..ons. modifications, or delays not the fault of F & H, will be billed at a cost plus rate. Bid Price ll_.;t 41 JI.. _________'1.- .....---$4.550..00 We at F & H Insulation, Inc., thank you for this opportunity and look forward to hearing from you. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Proposal approved by: BY, F~~ Gregory it Date: 03/13 i03 11; 35 FAX 316 264 41:.16 F & H INSlILATION ~(J02 F & H INSULATION. INC p.o. 81>># ~S, S(J(J! E. 6I~t811'1IdN. Ko:dlL KS 67Q67 no., (JIJJ~U-~JOI FII1I(J16)2U-4U' Industria/Insulation & Scaffolding Contractors Asbestos Abatement March 13,2003 Page 1 of , City of Salina Byron Eriokson 420 East Ash Salina KS 67401 Tel: (785) 309-5768 Fax: (785) 309-5769 PrOject: Asbestos Removal and Di$posal from Salina Municipal Court F & H Propos.I" 23-03-079 Dear Mr. Erick&On, We propose to furnish the labor, material and equipment ror the removal & disposal of approx. 500 1Iq. ft. of asbestos containing floor tile and mastic from the above listed location. Work to be done during Ph... 2 of the abatement projeet previously bid. REQUIREMENTS. CONDITIONS. EXCLUSIONS 1) All movabl" objects to be removed from the work area by the owner. 2) The work area must not be occupied by any persons other than properly trained abatement personnel or the owner's authorized representative. 3} F & H shall make, obtain and pay for all notifications, permits and fees required to perform this work. All work and disposal shall comply with Federal. State snd County Regul8tionS. 4) Price quoted below does not include KS sales tax. 5} Price quoted below does not include bonding. 6) This proposal Is submitted for your consideration subject to all terms and conditions set forth herein and on the back of this sheet. 1) The price quoted does include genel"l!llliabllity insurance in the amount of (2) mil. per occurrence, (2) mil. aggregate. 8) Temperature of pipe or equipment scheduled for insulation removal must be below 1500 prior to start of work and must remain belOw 1500 for the duration of the project. 9) Any add-ons. modifications, or delays not the fault of F & H, will be billed at a cost plus rate. Bid Price ~ --- ---$1,375.00 , T..ra We at F & H Insulation, Inc., thank you for this opportunity and look fOJWard to hearing from you. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Proposal approved by: BY; Date~