Eastgate Detention Pond Covenant
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....j / ES REALTY. INC. , the fee owner of the fa 11 owi ng
V descnbed real property locatea 1n the City of Salina, County of Saline,
State of Kansas, the same being the real property duly' platted as
Eastqa'~e Addi:ion , a sub~ivision of the City ,9f Saiina as
SUCI1 piat is now recorded in Plat Book ~- 7 at page _ 1-:/) of the
records in the offi ce of the Regi s ter of Oeeas of Sa 1 i ne County, Kansas,
hereby makes the following declarations as to limitations, restrictions and
covenants concerning the lots or tracts constituting such subdivision and
hereby speci fi es that such dec 1 ara ti on sha 11 cons ti tute covenants to run
with the ail of the land: in said subdivision as provided by iaw and shall
be binding on all parties and all persons cla'iming under them and for the
benefit of and the limitations of all future owners in the subdivision and
the~City or Salina, :<ansas (the "City"):
(1). Lot owners shall be responsible for and agree to maintain and tc keep
. in a good state of repair to the satisfaction of the City an drainage
facilities required by the City, whether located within the subdivision
or. located off the subdivi sian, but used for the benefi t of the lots
within the subdivision.
(2). Any costs incurred by the City in the maintenance of the drainage
facilities located within the subdivision, or located off the sub-
division but used for the benefit of the subdivision, shall be assessed
and charged against all of the lots within the subdivision. The City
Clerk shall at the time or certifying the. City taxes to the County
C1er~ certify the aforesaid costs and the County C1erx shall extend the
same on the tax rolls or the County against said subdivision lots and
it shall be collected by the County Treasurer and paid to the City as
ether City taxes are collected and paid. City may, in lieu of ie'lying
the maintenance costs against the subdivision owne.rs as above provided.
maintain an action against the subdivision lot owner to co-ilect the
costs of said maintenance in the same manner as any oth'er obligation
owed the City might be, collected.
This instrument shall ,not be amended or modified in any manner without the
prior approval of the Planning COlT'IIlission and governing body of the City or
Salina, Saline County, Kansas.
IN W IiNESS lr'!HEREOF, the owner has
thi s 1st day of November
caused this declaration to be executed
, .1984.
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George C. Etherington
The foregOing instrument was duly acknowledged before me this 1st
day of November , 1984, by GeorQe C. EtherinQton
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