Consent to Maintenance ~ ." LAW OFFICES OF LEHMAN, ROMINE &. GUILFOYLE 204 BROADWAY ABILENE, KANSAS 67410 JOHN H_ LEHMAN D. V. ROMINE WILLIAM A. GUILFOYLE December 10, 1964 PHONE CO 3-3070 AREA CODE 913 Mr. L. O. Bengston City Attorney 151 S. Santa Fe Sal ina:t Kansas Dear Larry: As attorney for the D. S. & O. Rural Electric Cooperative Association, I am directing this letter to you in connection with a '::erta in problem that has arisen between my client and Kansas Pm18r and Light Company. It would appear that the City of Salina has recently annexed a certain area along Highway 81 north of the fonner City Limits of Salina. I am enclosing a plat which I believe was prepared by K. P. & L., which indicates the new area annexed. As you will note. you hav'c annexed a portion of the Northeast Quarter (NE\) of the Northeast Quarter (NW~) of Section Thirty-five (35), and a port ion of the Northwest Quarter (NW\) of the North,,,est Quarter (NW~4) of Section Thirty-six (36), and a portion of the South- east Quarter (SE\) of the Southeast Quarter (SE\) of Section Twenty- six (26), and the Southwest Quarter (SW\) of the Southwest Quarter (SW\) of Section Twenty-five (25), all in Township Thirteen (1.3) South, Range Three (3) West of the 6th P. M. By reason of Corporation Commission rulings and regulations, when areas are annexed to a city being served by Kansas Power and Ligk.t, the area be ing served by the D. S. & O. then becomes an area to be served by Kansas Pom~r and Light. In this partieular instance, no c.ustomers are being served by my client in the area that has been annexed as indicated on the attached pla~t. HOv13ver, at points l:t 2, 3, 4 and 5 as shoml on the plat, we do have util ity poles and transmiss io'n lines strung from the poles as they are located on the plat. Mr. James Schmidt, the manager of the D. S. & 0., has been in consultation with K. P. & L. and with Corporation Commission offi2ials, and there is no ob}cction to the D. S. & O. maintaining their transmission poles and lines in the particular area as shown on the map, with the full understanding that the D. S. & O. 'Alill no~t serve any present or potential customers within the area annexed to the City. . Mr. L. O. Bengston, City Attorney - 2 - December 10, 1964 It has been the r~commendation of the Corporation Commission officials and with agreement of K. P. & L., that my client, the D. S. & O. Rural Ele::tric Cooperative of Solomon request of the City of Salina a let~er indicating that they have no objection to the main... tenanCi~ of the transmiss ion poles and 1 ines as are exhibited on the plat attach0d to this letter. Personally, I do not fee 1 that this is legally m~cessary but apparently it will satisfy the Corporation Commission and since it is in agreement with K. P. & L., I an certain it will pose no problem for the City t::> give my client, the D. S. & 0., a letter stating that insofar as the City is concerned they have no objection to the continuanC:E~ of the installation as is in existence with reference to poles and trans- mission lines only within the City Limits for transmission only. I might suggest you contact Phil Wilcox of K. P. & T"., who ~s familiar with this problem as it exists and is also avJar<:~ of the Kansas P01iJer and Light's position with reference to the City furnishing such a letter as I have her,~in requested. I believe the letter probably should come over the signat..lre of either the City Manager or the Mayor, as you deem appropriate, and it should be addressed to ,James Schmidt, Manag3r, D. S. & O. Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Solomon, Kansas. I T-rould also appreciate it if when you mail the lettl~r, a copy be sent to me so that I will know that the matter has been attended to. Should you have any qU'i~stion or desire to consult either with me or with the Manager, please feel free to do So. Very truly yours, LEHMfu~, ROM~NE/J& GUILFOYLZ (/2 J:;/?(~~ ""0. V. ~mine DVR/eh Cc. Mr. ,James Schmidt, Manager D. S. & O. Rural Electric Coop.Assn. Solomon, Kansas . - lJWotj .( ~ ::i ~ l' I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! ~~*~ . \AJ . :c:: : ;;e I l.. ~ i ~I '~ I ~ 2- I ~ I ~ I~ I U bl I ~ cr) I ' :.:t- .. 1 :::"t I 3 I i! =z: I (5 ~ ) ~ ~ LJ.i r~ CI) -~ ~ ~ II 0 &.J W (r') (J) .. I ' .. - . T 12--. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J _ I I I I I I I \ l:J3A 1flJ-- ~11'"- f I --- '; a: ((;~ e-: '~-- ) J 12- -~ ~- ~. <.. f J .... ,l ~i ._~ I - --.r i .. ( ( (", ~ - w -~ ..i ) LAW OffICES L. O. BENGTSON 151 SOUTH SANTA FE SALINA/KANSAS TELEPHONE TA 3-6223 December 24, 13C4 D.S. & O. Rural Electric Co-ooerativc AGsociation ~lr. Jamos SCl~;:1id1: t ~-:..lnaj.;cr Solomon t Knn.:::;;ls Dear Mr. SChDi~t: cc ! i!.r~1 in r-a::ci'pt e,f a l;'0:"c"~:-~""l'" f!"'()rt }!'~u.r a't't()r.'1.ey ~ i-!t'. :'i. V. Rorninc.. d~'t:e{~ l)~;c~m~~\....;-:' ~'/~ :"~'G"~~ i;.i '.Jl~,i('.;-i\ '~'..3 requested tha.t the C:L ty of Salin..., ":~.::l.n:;a,s) ccnsen.t '';:0 the J~lai!"1tcr.ance of ~'r',:..~1S':;1issioj. pOl;~3 ,.:l:':(l lin~;3 <.:1.S ~O-;:J e)~iu.t wi~hin the city li~i~s of Salind in Sections 35~ 36s 26 ..=~ad 25, all in Tovms:likl 13 Sou1:h, ;{;:nEr.c ;) 'dc;.:;t 0..... 'cl1e Si;(th Prtil1,;:ipal !'~cl'"\i<.liar~. CO) The cit,y e:1?;ineer has ch~ck~d "this r;,at;te'.:-' ;~;1d this rr~;l1:t(.;?.~ \:Ja.s' D:':'louy:;l"tt b,;-~f O:~t~f~ the C i cy (:~<~,::1i~'j,5 ion on i:::c:. ~lbcr' 21., lS64, c:nd. "th~y a'i.l'tl"~ul'\izQd :~....~ v~1 trf;h~llf of t[-~\:; Cit1 of S{:ili;'~i"~ fI Kar1.cas, to a,~ivisc yc.u t~1..1~t t:11e City of 3.;.~~lii"'.3. h~~3 no objection to th~ maintcnanc..:;-:;f "the trc.nsmissio;" p;)les a::td lines i:Hi exhibit.:~d on the pl:ct: attached to the l-atter of your at'torney dat.:!d Doc~:nbQrLO II ID64. 1F Should you need any"thi.12; :-u.rt'her in this :c';.:.:,ards I please feel free to l::ontact me. Ve ~"'Y 'C)(,~j.Y yours t w a-~7., ., L.. 0~ Bc;nZ:'l:son At.tOl....;.,C"j at Law LOB/blp cc: l',,':;;~':;":3 POwer S Lizht Ci ':;.'1 ~1anagcr . lir. D. V ~ Romine