Lot 18 & 20, Block 9 \/1 )'7 , I l, -:'-'. -l' l'''''''''~~ ~ ;'\ ..";0)/ DRIVEWAY EASIMENT For go04 and valuable con81derat1on, THE CITY OF SALItiA, SaUne County, Kansa., doe. hereby grant, bargain, sell, tr,ana- fer and convey unto AMD.lCAN nTllOfINA COMPANY OF TUA& and its .ucca..ors and a..ignl, in perpetuity as a covenant running with the land, an easement, and right-of-way for u.e as a driveway only for ingre.. and egress to and from Lots 18 and 20, Block 9, Pacific Addition to tile City of Salina, Saline County, Kan.a., which said property is owned by American Petrofina Company of TeXA', said ea.ement to be on and acroa' the following described real property, which was acquired by the City of Salina in a condemnation proceeding authorized by re80lution of the City COCIIIliaelon of the City of Salina, No., 669, ou Augult 14, Ht36, which resolution waa publhhed in The Salina Journal on Augu.t 19, 1936, and which coudemnation proceeding was duly filed in t.he District Court of Saline County. }:.an..., a8 Case No. 14,779, on October 16, 1936: All of that portion of Lot 18 and Lot 20, Block 9, Pacific Addition. takeu by the City of Salina for highway purposes by condemnation proceeding and resolution of the City Commis.ion, No. 669. and Ca.. No. 14,779. in the District Court of Saline County, Kan.as The specific condition of this grant of 68lement and right- of-way it that the said property owned by the City of Salina shall never be used by the grantee. it. lucces.ora or aSligns for any purpo.e except .1 . driveway. and the further condition that no type of construction lball ever be placed upon laid lublexvient premise.. apeeif1cally excluding an)' type of sign without thereb)' limiting the other types of construction that are forbidden. This instrument executed in the City of Salina, Kans.s. by the following duly authorized officers, officials and executives of said City. who.e act herein haa been Ipecifically authorized by the City Coumiuion of the City of Salina 1u ita regulnr meet- ing on July 7. 1959. ~) r, ~l~~ Mayor. City of k~-Q~,--- SaUna. Kansas Attest: " > 9+$1J~v~ City Clerk of the City of Salina, Kan... - ... , ,. ,. ., ~,. ," ~.' ~ ~ StATE OF KANSAS ) ) ss. COUNn OF SALINE ) 'BE IT J.U:MaiBERED That on this ~daY of July. 19!>9. before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, came Don C. McCune, Mayor of the City of lialina, a municipal corporation duly organized, incorporated and e:dsting under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Kansas, and Harold E. Peterson, City Clerk of said City of Salina, who are personally knmm to me to be such officers, and who are personally known to 1i:.~ to be the persons who executed, as such officers, the within instrument of writing on behalf of said corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, affixed 'my official seal the I have hereunto set my hand a.nd day and year 1~8t abo~e wr/~f:~n. /~ ('If ~ "\ -A.-t~~ /;L1/ ",_(/lc'-z-/~~ Notary Public My C~ission ExPir~s:( -?-J~- [ G, [ ! q \y () - 2 -