8.7 Appr Bldg Serv Remodel CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 9/28~00 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO. 8 AGENDA: CITY MANAGER ITEM NO. 7 BY: Michael W. Morgan ITEM: Project authorization for Development Services building remodeling and authorizing staff to award various contracts as required. BACKGROUND: Over the past months, staff with design assistance, has been evaluating building remodeling options for the Development Services area including the following departments: Building Services, Utilities, Engineering and Planning. The purpose of this review is to modify interior space configuration in order to improve customer service, organization and overall staff efficiency. Scope of work to be authorized includes structural, electrical, HVAC, computer, telephone, carpet and furnishings. Total estimated cost is $130,000. Due to the scope, location and nature of this work, staff will utilize the Building Authority Superintendent as the general contractor and negotiate and/or obtain competitive price proposals for individual contracts associated with this work. This process will allow us to complete the project for less cost and in a more timely basis. Funding will be derived from the projected combined balances of the Building and Facilities and Vehicles and Equipment sub plans. Currently, staff projects the balance of these sub plans to equal $150,000 at year- end after completing budgeted projects. At a later date, staff will provide revised sub plans for City Commission approval to incorporate these changes. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Development Services building remodeling and for staff to award various contracts as required.