8.4 Fuel Pump Software / Equipment Purchase CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 06/12/2006 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO: 8 AGENDA: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ITEM NO. 4 BY: Mike Fraser BY: Page 1 ITEM: Replacement of Computer Software for the City Fueling Facility on Elm Street. BACKGROUND: The City of Salina owns and operates a gasoline and diesel Fueling Facility at 315 E. Elm Street, servicing 325 city and 45 county vehicles 24/7 including 8,500 gallons of gasoline per month and 4,500 gallons of diesel fuel per month. Our present computerized fuel management system, Gasboy was installed in 1991. This was a DOS based system with limited capacity for storage and reporting. Over the past 14~ years we have reached storage capacity on the number of users the program will allow and we are close to capacity on the number of vehicles and equipment the system will hold. In addition, the program has limited reporting ability and there is no way to back-up our current system's data. Vendor support has been sparse at best. Last month we experienced a fuel pump failure that was attributed to a software problem. During the process of analyzing that problem, we discovered the underground conduit for the system was rusted and will eventually cause an electrical short. This item will need to be repaired as soon as possible in conjunction with any fuel system software change. The Computer Technology Department has assisted the Central Garage staff with these problems and all parties believe that the electrical system should be repaired and a more up to date fueling software system package be installed as soon as possible. Considerable research has also been done concerning available software products on the market. City staff had intended to budget funds in the 2007 budget to address this situation, however, due to the readiness status of the system and its limitations, it is felt that action should be taken during FY 2006. FISCAL NOTE: The replacement of the fueling station software has not been budgeted for this year. However, sufficient funds are available in the Vehicles and Equipment Budget to make the purchase in 2006 by dividing the cost 500/0 out of the General Fund, 250/0 out of the Water Fund, and 250/0 out of the Sanitation Fund. The anticipated cost of the replacement software package should run about $20,000, plus $10,000 for the repair/replacement of the electrical system. The total cost is expected to be about $30,000. RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the City Commission approve a 2006 budget revision of $30,000 and authorize staff to accept bids for the replacement of the fueling station software package, and to make necessary electrical repairs to the fueling system.