St. John's Baptist Church Day BY HER HONOR A PROCLAMATION 1979 WHEREAS, oVeJr.:two thouAand ljeaJrA ago J e6uA, the. Son 0 n God, -6a.i..d, "Upon -tfUA Jr..oc.k I IAJ.i.U bui.e.d my c.luvtc.h, and the. ga.te6 06 hei.i.. -6hai..l no:t pJr..e.vtUl aga.i..Yl-6;t U", and WHEREAS, S;t. John' -6! Ba.pw;t Cluvtc.h ha.6 be.e.n.{.n e.x...i.6;te.nc.e. noJr.. one. hwu1Jc.e.d (100 I YeaJrA noJr.. the. -60.te. puJtpO-6 e. 06 c.aJVty-i..ng out the. ~:tJt1j On Je6uA CJvU.6;t, and WHEREAS, Nove.mbeJr. 11, 1979 ha.6 be.e.n de6-i..gna.te.d by the. c.ongJr..e.- ga.U.on On S-t. John'-6 Ba.pw;t ChuJr.c.h a.6 S-t. John' -6 Ba.pfu;t ChuJtc.h Vay, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ka.Jr..e.n GJr..a.Ve6, a.6 Ma.yoJr.. 06 Sa..U.na. do heJr.e.by pJr..oc..ta.i..m Nove.mbeJr. 11, 1979 a.6 S-t. John'.6 Ba.pw;t ChWtc.h Vay, and uJtge. cWZe.n4 06 SaiJ.na. :to .take. Jr..e.c.ogrU.ti..on 06 -tfUA e.vent and :to paJc.:t)..dpa;te. 6LUi..ng.t1j -i..n U.6 0 b.6 eJr.vanc.e.. GIVEN a.t CUy Hall. .{.n SaLUut, Ka.n6a.6, -tfUA Nove.mbeJr. 5th .{.n the. Ye.a.Jr.. 06 ouJt LoJr..d, one. thouAand YLiJ'l.e. hundlte.d and -6e.ve.nty-n-i..ne.. ~ Ka.Jr..e.n GJr..a.Ve6 Ma.yoJr.. f1.{.~....- /