Local Long Distance Agreement FROM :NEX-TECH FAX NO. :7858744497 Feb. 21 2006 04:32PM P1 ~([EiIE~ Jfvr 9'1'(\ ~11"e'erjt.lOn6 COtf'l OIIt.5ille excnang@ Almena . 6t.Q Almena . 669 Atwood. 626 Bird City . 734 eo/DY -44~ COlby. 462 Colby. 465 Downs - 454 . . Coodland - 821 GoOClland - 899 Great Bend- (6201 " 791 .792 .793 Hays . 621 Hays" 623 Haw - 6:;/5 Mays" 628 Hays - 650 HemclOn . 322 HoisingtOn. (620) -653 Hoxie . 675 LaCrosse - 222 Luray - 698 Manlcato . 378 MCOonllld . 53S Norcatur . 693 Norton - 874 Norton. 877 OakleY - 672 Oberlin - 475 Osborne. 346 F'tliffiDSburg.543 PlelnVlIKl . 434 Portis - "46 Local Lang Distance Company Please sign and return this acceptance form to switch to Nex-Tech Long Distance. I am selecting NeX-Tech Long Distance for ' . o IIltr.Ilata (In your .... codel 0 Intenata (D'tsid, jOur ".. con" F':" Intral.ta and lnt....". Main Telephone Number: / 8 C / 5.:.,1- S' J i)<' l,ff - 02 ,,- ) 1.. c, . Additional Telepho'ne Number Additional Telephone Number: s' -(' ,.. L([:\ Name: c-- I l./ , 0--'1 ( A c:. ~ Ie S ,4 ( t, . ) : ~ 3{. State: Ie 5' 4 K - t.o II 2. 2. g >"e::<. Physical Address: Mailing Address: City: ~ ~1. ( 't-\..t:.~ SoC!ial 5eeblfli!'1t Nu,,"b~r: fpJ>1J ,;:t X Signature 5 c; t..) {1. (> U) IJ . ! It:; '(- Zip Code: ~ ') Y-o ( Di?<< _r ell ~.h: Date: (, - ~ - .::J( With my slgl"latlJre I ag tt/ switd'l mv Lana 1")1. ~nd LDcal TOll S@l'IIiee to Nex-Tecn and take the aHlrmative stellS reQum to maloe the $WItd'L I ~ Nt'!X.Todl to switch 's<lfVites and notify mv local tt!IeoI1one CQ'I'Ipany of my aec&on I underStand that for each of mese services I may desigl"late only one carrier per service for tl'lla teIepMone numl:ler Iistl!d on mis form. My loc:ll tetept10ne eompanv 11'111V ch~rge me a feels) to switch these services. Kof( f1 \ ~ 4- ;<f f<^",k CSR Initials: o Yes, I want a toll free num~er. Have it ring: into this Dhone #: LOng DIStance Depcirtment will asslgn a number anti notify thecustDmer. DYes, 1 want a NeX~TechCalling Card. Please send me my free lIeXpT8ch Calling card fat' eas~~ low"'CDSt calling- Number of cards requested: 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 Other --.:::. . Pick aPersonalldentlfic:atlon Number (PIN) that will be easy for you to remember. The PINyou's~lect will be assigned to all Nex-Tech Calling Cards sent to you. Use any 4 numbers. Then write your PIN in the boxes. {IMPORTANT:' Your PIN cannot begin with a zero (OJ. cannot include four consecutive numbers (1234) or repeating numbers (5555). If you don't indicate a PIN, one will be assigned for you.) ( )- - - ---. -~- ---- '----- FREE CUSTOM EMBOSSING ON YOUR CARDS Area Code-Phone Number Pin R\Jss@i1 . 445 RusseI-485 Scott City. 1m (620 tara 1 Smith Center - 282 ~t. Francis, 352 Stod(ton . 425 Name o Name Only o Name & Phone Number o PIN Number Only o Name. Phone Number & PIN Number o NO Embossing Carel 2 Card 3 Name NamE! .(HEilECi:?, Ii'l.Jr \l~ at Telephone co(j\ Nex-Tech Business Term Volume Discount Contract Business Name: Term: 0 12 month o 24 month Notes: o 36 month Minimum 1 Line Minimum 5 Lines Minimum 11 Lines Minimum 31 Lines Minimum 101 Lines Minimum 201 Lines 07% 07.5% 08% 09% 010% 011% 09% 09.5% 010% 011% 012% 013% Number of Lines: Nex-Tech Term Volume Discount Plan (TVD) provides optional term discounts on local telephone service for Nex-Tech business customers. Eligible services under TVD are business access lines, Centrex simulated lines and PBX Trunk local exchange service, provided the customer has their local and long distance service with Nex-Tech. The business flat rate access line and trunk service rates referred to in the above eligible services list are also eligible for the TVD plan (hereinafter referred to as "eligible services"). The TVD Plan promotion provides for 12, 24, and 36 month term and volume discounts. All rules, regulations, fees and surcharges normally applicable to eligible services apply. Standard installation charges will be waived for lines ordered at the time TVD is ordered. To qualify, the business customer subscribing to the TVD must commit to a written service agreement by establishing the term period, volume, and discount percentage to be applied to the monthly local telephone service rate in effect at the time the business customer enters into the service agreement. TVD Plan business customers may choose to terminate an existing service agreement before the end of the term period without paying termination charges provided they negotiate a new service agreement for local and long distance telephone service with a term that is greater than the remaining term of the existing term and contains an equal or greater number of business access lines than their existing service agreement. The new service agreement will be based upon the monthly business access line and long distance rates in effect at the time the new service agreement is established. The 12-month term also has a 12-month renewable option. If the customer selects the 12-month renewable option, the benefit will renew for 12-month intervals. A maximum of two 12-month renewals are available after the first 12-month term. Termination charges will also not apply if a customer upgrades to another service under a service agreement whose term period is equal to or greater than the term period remaining on the service agreement being terminated. Customers requesting the termination of a service agreement prior to the expiration date, excluding the circumstances mentioned above, will be charged a termination charge. When a TVD Plan business customer moves service from one service location to another, the duration and discount associated with the service agreement is not affected. If the applicable local exchange access and long distance monthly rate changes as a result of the move, the monthly rate at the new service location will be based on the rate in effect at the time of the move. Termination charges do not apply if the customer agrees to continue the service agreement at the new service location and retain local exchange access lines and long distance that equal or exceed the number of lines that were connected at the old service location. Termination charges are equal to 50% of the monthly payments remaining on the term period for each business access line or trunk. Payment of the termination charge does not release the customer from other previous amounts owed to Nex-Tech. (Customers must commit to a minimum volume of access lines. The total number of access lines subscribed by the customer will apply toward the volume commitment. At any month during the term, if the total number of subscribed lines is less than the minimum, an adjustment charge will appear on the customer's designated Master BTN. A $20 per line charge will be billed for the number of lines under the minimum line size. Upon expiration of a service agreement, the service will automatically be billed at the monthly rates set forth in Local Exchange tariffs, in effect at the time the service agreement expires, unless a new service agreement is negotiated. Nex-Tech, Inc. reserves the right to make any modifications to or to cancel the above information prior to the proposed ~:u."g. oryffective dates. ft / Name: ! ~ '?JL'] ? _ _ Date: C - IS ' "'c- f/ Page_of _