F-5 Sidewalk Imp - Hollybrook Addition '. .' '\ /5 ~~ \ Y -- I~ May 11, 1979 TO: Rufus L. Nye, City Manager FROM: Dean Boyer, City Engineer SUBJECT: Petition No. 3759 - filed by MK Development Co., requesting permission to construct curb sidewalks in Hollybrooke Addition. The Salina Code (Section 32-218) does not allow the construction of curb sidewalks without City Commission approval. A study of the area shows that approximately 60% of the above area is presently served with four (4) foot wide curb sidewalks. These sidewalks exist primarily along the major streets in the area. Our policy in the past has been to recommend the construction of five (5) foot wide curb sidewalks, when authorized by the City Commission. However, due to the fact that the proposed sidewalks will be constructed on minor streets and cul-de-sacs, we would recommend that this petition be approved to allow the construction of new four (4) foot wide curb sidewalks to match the existing four (4) foot wide sidewalks in Hollybrooke Addition. Respectfully submitted, ~~~ Dean Boyer DH:DB:MKP ENC: (1) ... f , PETITION i~L7'<1BEK 3 7 S~ Date Fi 1 ed " :'\ 1\Jl~ 7 \gi~ , o TO: I ne GQverni ng Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Sa1ina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for ;)':-"',-/1,''-.<,",'_, -I-c- ; ~"\ .... "-~ I (v _" h ~ ,.., ,,,;..,',:.11.:;,-<. :.Y1 ,!./" II '.1 h ,,- r ., I: c / 4.1_,(: i- / '.. Respectful1y sucmittad by: In k (lc""~/~r) ,.t"L{:~?f f,~ Te1ephone Number: ? 1. ~ - -- 2 I '-I- 7 \&-:f'" I I. ) ',} . . / /, ,,', <- t....'--. .,....,.... , il.;f'... ~ I NAME '" ," )1 f-//?L~/~- ADDRESS './ ' ..; 1-:7IV I ; I I f i j I I I I , J I I I I i ~~ e. ~....;.~ ,., L, (~,,_k.__ . ..