Environmental Site Assessment Report Tract 15 PHASE [ ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT Tract 15 725 N. Ohio Street Salina, KS 67401 April 2003 COy.. ~ SdIIna City of Salina Salina, Kansas t L L ~ '- ~ ... ... ~ - ~ - - W'lSOIV & COMPANY - * 'C! PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT Tract 15 752 N. Ohio Street Salina, KS 67401 April 2003 City of Salina Salina, Kansas Address all communication regarding this work to: Wilson & Company P.O. Box 1640 Salina,KS67402-1640 (785)8:27-0433 X2-41O-0t4!05/379!1420 l , .... - - - - * WJISD'" &COMPANY Alt>uquerque CoIorBooSpn'fl!iS ~~ E'IPaso FMWorIIl Housloo KanSBSCify Le,CfUCo. LaM" L"'An9e1es Phoenix RioFlancho Salina SaoB>3rnardino Wichita WiIS()Jl&Company LarinAmefica,ltC 1700 East Iron Avenue Salina, Kansas 67401 Po. Box 1640 67402-1640 785-827-0433 785-827-5949 Fax 28 April 2003 Shawn O'Leary, PE Director of Engineering and General Services City of Salina 300 West Ash Street Salina, KS 67401 Rc: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report Tract 15 752 N. Ohio Street, Salina, Kansas WCEA File: X2-41 0-0 14/05/3 7911420 Dear Mr. O'Leary: A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment has been performed on the property referenced above for the North Ohio Street Overpass project. Most of the records research was conducted approximately one year ago. A site visit and interview with Troy Ditto, one of the property owners, was conducted on 8 April 2003. Please review the attached Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report that includes all appropriate inquiry and due diligence in accordance with environmental industry standards for property and loan transactions. This report meets ASTM E 1527-97 and Environmental Assessment Association standards for performing Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. Attachments include the following: l. Certification and Statement of Limiting Conditions 2. Uniform Environmental Assessment Report 3. Copy of property survey map 4. List of past and present property ownership a. Land Title Services deed search b. Polk Directory summary c. Building Records 5. Results of Environmental Data Base Searches a. Environmental Data Resources b. Kansas Department of Health and Environment 6. Summary and Conclusion Addendum WILSON & COMPANY, INC. ENGINEERS & ARCHITECTS t I , i.. ... - - - - (i) WlISOIV &COMPANY Shawn O'Leary, PE 28 April 2003 Page 2 7. Limited Environmental Site Assessment report. 8. Professional Qualifications of the inspector of record Please let me know if you have questions or need additional infonnation. WILSON & COMPANY bNM4-';:(.tJ(}-/~ Barbara L. Johnson, PE, LG Geological Engineer Attachments WILSON & COMPANY. INC. ENGINEERS & ARCHITECTS 1 ... - - . '! WIlSON & COMPANY CERTIFICATION AND STATEMENT OF LIMITING CONDITIONS Certification: The Environmental Inspector certifies 6. to the Buyer, Seller and/or lender in a transaction as named in the inspection report "Principal Parties"; and the Inspector and the Principal Parties agree that: 1. The Environmental Inspector has no present or contemplated future (a) partnership with Principal Parties nor (b) an interest in the property inspected which could adversely affect the Inspector's ability to perform an objective inspection; and neither the employment of the inspector to conduct the inspection, nor the compensation for it, is contingent on the results of the inspection. 2. The Environmental Inspector has no personal interest in or bias with respect to the subject matter of the inspection report or any parties who may be part of a financial transaction involving the property. The conclusions and recommendations of the report are not based in whole or in part upon the race, color, creed, sex or national origin of any of the Principal Parties. 3. The Environmental Inspector has personally inspected the property, both inside and out and 3. has made visual inspection of adjacent properties, to the extent possible by readily available access. The inspection does not include the removal of any soil, water or air samples, the moving of furniture or fixtures, or any type of inspection that would require 4. extraordinary effort to access. 4. All contingent and limiting conditions are contained herein (imposed by the terms of the inspection assignment or by the undersigned affecting the conclusions and recommendations 5. contained in the report). 5. The Environmental Inspection report has been made in conformity with and is subject to the requirements of the Code of Professional Ethics of the Environmental Assessment Association. All opinions, conclusions and recommendations concerning the inspected property that are set forth in the inspection report were prepared by the Environmental Inspector whose signature appears on the report. Contingent and Limiting Conditions: The certification of the Environmental Inspector appearing in the environmental inspection report is subject to the following conditions and to such other specific and limiting conditions as are set forth by the Inspector in the report. I. The Inspector assumes no responsibility for matters of a legal nature affecting the property inspected or the title thereto. The property IS inspected assuming responsible ownership. 2. Any sketch appearing in or attached to the inspection report, or any statement of dimensions, capacities, quantities or distances, are approximate and are included to assist the reader in visualizing the property. The inspector has made no survey of the property. The Inspector is not required to give testimony or appear in court because of having made the inspection with reference to the property in question, unless arrangements have been previously made therefore. This report is not intended to have any direct effect on the value of the property inspected but simply to provide a visual Environmental Assessment solely for the benefit of the Principal Parties. The Inspector assumes that there are no hidden, unapparent, or latent conditions or defects in or of the property, subsoil, or structures, other than those noted on the inspection report or any addendum to the report which the Inspector has included. The Inspector assumes no responsibility for such conditions, or for the 'C Copyright2IJOI Environmemal Assessment Association Wil,on & Comrany_ Inc.. acknowledges and "redit' Environmental AsseSmlCnt AssociatIon for development oftb;s lom,_ Pagelof2_FonnbIO , - I L inspection, engineering or repair which might be required to discover or correct such factors. , I... 6. Information, estimates and opinions furnished to 8. the Inspector, and contained in the report, were obtained from sources considered reliable and believed to be true and correct. However, the Inspector has made no independent investigation as to such matters and undertakes no responsibility for the accuracy of such items. - 7. The Inspection and Inspection Report are being made by the Inspector solely for the benefit and personal use of the Principal Parties. Inspector undertakes no responsibility for harm or - Inspectors Name: Barbara L. Johnson Date: 8 April 2003 - - - - damages to any party other than the Principal Parties. Neither the Inspection Report, any part thereof, nor any copy of the same (including conclusions or recommendations, the identity of the Inspector, professional designation, reference to any professional organization, or the firm with which the Inspector is connected), shall be used for any purposes by anyone but the Principal Parties. The report shall not be conveyed by anyone to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales, or other media, without the prior written consent and approval of the Inspector. 'C Copyright 2001 E!lvironmentaIAssesSlnentAssociat;on Wilson & Company. lnc" acknowledges and "redits Environmental A"essment A.'&oeiation for development oftb;s form. Page2of2. FormMO I l WllSOIV & COMPANY L UNIFORM ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REPORT Small Commercial .... INSPECTION DATA Property Address: 752 N Ohio St City: Salina County: Saline State: KS Zip: 67401 Legal Description: See attached copy of survey map & see attached legal description from land title search Property is 0 Vacant; i:2J Improved; 0 Occupied, by Whom: Prepared for: City of Salina, Director of Engineering and General Services Environmental Inspector: Barbara Johnson Inspection Date: 04-08~03 Company Address: Wilson & Company, Inc., 1700 E Iron Ave, Salina, KS 67401 Phone: 785-827-0433 Fax: 785-827-5949 Email: bljohnson@sal.wilsonco.com ~ ~ PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS Current Use of Property D Residential; ~ Commercial; 0 Industrial; D Undeveloped Land; o Agricultural; 0 Other (describe): Past Use of Property D Residential; k8J Commercial; D Industrial; 0 Undeveloped Land; o Ab'Ticultural; 0 Unknown; 0 Other (describe): Past Tenants Business I. bulk fuel storage 2. J. 1. bulk fuel storage 2. 3. Time at Location I. 1967 - 2000 2. J. I. 2000 - present 2. J. - ... - Current T enunts Business Time at Location - Comments: Metal building with concrete floor (no floor drains) is used for office and storage of drums of oil, gear lubricants, and greases. Permit to construct warehouse and bulk plant was received in 1967 and permit to construct a carport was obtained in 1970. GENERAL FIELD OBSERVATION SUBJECT PROPERTY Were there any physical signs of the following observed on the property. Check for "Yes" o Underground Storage Tanks 0 Storage Building [2J Above Ground Tanks o Discarded Batteries 0 Vegetation Damage [2J Oil/Gas Drums o Suspected Lead Hazard 0 Streams, Lakes or Ponds 0 Suspected Asbestos o Stained Soi I 0 Monitoring Wells 0 Waste Sites o Electronic Magnetic Field Potential 0 Other (see comments) Comments: Above ground tanks consist of 2-14,000 gal diesel, 2-14,000 gal unleaded gasoline, 1-4,000 gal kerosine, and 1-4,000 gal solvent. Approximately 70 drums of oil, gear lubricants, and greases were stored in the warehouse the day of the site inspection. - .~':. Copyrig~1 2001 Environmenlal Assessment Association Wilson & {"ompan}'. Inc., acknowledges and ",edits Environmemal A"essmem Associalion for developmem ofthis form PagclofS.Fonn6IO I L GENERAL FIELD OBSERVATION ADJACENT PROPERTY Were there any physical signs ortbe following observed on the property. Check for "Ves" o Underground Storage Tanks 0 Storage Building 0 Above Ground Tanks o Discarded Batteries 0 Vegetation Damage 0 Oil/Gas Drums o Suspected Lead Hazard 0 Streams, Lakes or Ponds 0 Suspected Asbestos o Stained Soil 0 Monitoring Wells 0 Waste Sites o Electronic Magnetic Field Potential [8J Other (see comments) I: , L - ... Comments: Railroad tracks surrounds the subject property except on the west. Ohio Street bounds the property on the west. i... GENERAL FIELD OBSERVATION Storage Facilities DYes [8J No 0 Unknown Are buildings or rooms observed that may contain or have contained hazardous materials for storage purposes? Is there any indication that hazardous waste or materials are or have been stored on the property? - DYes IZl No D Unknown Comments: - Underground Storage Tanks (UST's) DYes IZl No D Unknown Is there any evidence of Below Ground Storage Tanks on the property? DYes IZl No D Unknown Is there evidence of soil or groundwater contamination observed on the property? DYes IZl No 0 Unknown Are any chemical manufacturing plants, gas stations, petroleum delivery/storage facilities or similar operations observed on surrounding properties? - Comments: ... - - Above Ground Storage Tanks (AST's) IZl Yes D No 0 Unknown Are there Above Ground Storage Tanks on the property? Comments: Above ground tanks consist of 2-14,000 gal diesel, 2-14,000 gal unleaded gasoline, 1-4,000 gal kerosine, and 1-4,000 gal solvent. - - Waste Sites r2JY" ONo 0 Unknown Is there evidence that the subject property or neighboring properties have engaged in storing, transporting or producing waste, chemicals or hazardous substances? Comments: Solvent is stored and transported from this site. - o Cupyrighl :'001 Environmental Assessment Association Wilsotl & Company_ Inc.. acknowledges and credits Environmental Assessment A",ociation for de\'elopment Oflhis form Page2of5.Form61O I , , WATER INSPECTION DrinkinLWater f 0 Yes Il9 No 0 Unknown Is there any evidence of water wells, in use or abandoned, on the property: ~ 0 Yes 0 No 0 Unknown Jfyes, are these wells the primary or sole source of drinking water'? DYes IZJ No 0 Unknown Is there any evidence of pits, ponds or lagoons or any other standing water visible on the property? ~ Comments: Connected to municipal water supply. No evidence of a well was found in a search of the Kansas Geological Survey water well recards data base. DRAINS - DYes I2lNo D Unknown DYes I2l No D Unknown Are drams present In work areas that could be used for cleanmg or flushmg machmery or equipment? Are the drains full? Comments: - - CHEMICAL, GAS & MINERAL INSPECTION Asbestos DYes I2l Nn D Unknown DYes D No D Unknown DYes I2l No D Unknown Comments: Is there evidence of asbestos on the property? If any asbestos is observed, does it appear friable? Are suspected asbestos containing materials observed, such as sprayed materials on fireproofing areas, pipe insulation, floor tile, etc.? - Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation (UFFI) DYes l:Z1 No 0 Unknown Is there evidence of Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation or other Formaldehyde containing products on the property? Comments: - Lead Hazard DYes I2l No D Unknowo DYes I2l No D Unknown Is there visible evidence of peeling, cracking, or flaking paint? Was any evidence of lead containing potable water supply lines visible on the property? Comments: ;:: Copyright 2001 Environmental Assessmem Association Wil,on & Company. Inc.. acknowledge, aod credit' Fnviromnental Assessment Association lor de,'elopmcnt Oflhi, fonn Page3of5.FormolO t -, PesticidesIHerbicides DYes [gJ No D Unknown DYes [gJ No D Unknown DYes [gJ No D Unknown DYes [gJ No D Unknown i... .... Comments: - ~ Fiberglass DYes [2] No D DYes [gJNo D Unknown Unknown Does it appear pesticides or herbicides have been stored or used in excess of normal use? Has the property been used for agricultural purposes in the past ten (10) years? Are there any noticeable pesticide odors? Are there noticeable signs of straining or stressed vegetation? Is Fiberglass observed as an insulator or for any other purpose? Is Fiberglass observed on any surface that appears worn, where individual fibers are exposed in a condition where release into the air appears likely? Note: Fiberglass is not currently listed as a hazardous material; however, recent studies indicate that it may constitute a human health hazard. Its presence on a property does not currently require removal or encapsulation. Comments: - Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB's) DYes C8J No D Unknown Are any transformers, electrical devices or hydraulic equipment observed on the property labeled as containing PCB's? D Yes C8J No D Unknown Is there evidence of oil leakage from any machinery or devices that may contain PCB's'? DYes C8J No 0 Unknown Is there evidence of PCB contamination to the soil or groundwater observed on the property'! Nole: The ml1m4acture (!/PCBs has heen prohihiled in the United States since /976. - - Comments: Radon DYes [gJ No D Unknown DYes [gJ No D Unknown Comments: - Is there reason to suspect that radon may be a problem in the intermediate property's location'! Has radon screening been conducted which indicates that the property may have elevated levels for radon? {C. Copyright 2001 Environmental Assessmenl Association Wilson & Company, Inc.. acknowledges and credits En\'ironmenl.1 Assessment Associ.lion for development oflhi. [onn. r.ge4of5.Fonn610 t GENERAL DYes r8J No 0 Unknown Are there any conditions present not previously mentioned that need to be evaluated for any potential environmental risk? DYes 0 No 1:8:1 Unknown Are there any activities on adjacent properties that may pose potential environmental risks to the subject property? Comments: Present and past activities by the neighboring railroad are unknown. I l .... SUMMARY & CONCLUSION OF INSPECTION ~ See Summary and Conclusion Addendum. r certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the facts and data used in this inspection are true and accurate, based on the available infonnation as of the inspection date and in accordance with ASTM Guidelines, EI527-97, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process; I personally inspected the subject property; and I have no undisclosed interest, present or prospective therein. - - EnVironmental Inspector's Signature Addenda and other support documents are attached and are made a part of this report. A list is provided in the "llnUII"" cover letter. ,,"';.~A. L. JO':~'" ~'',,<Q.'''''~'''''~T.'. .... so .\CEN . .:- ~ . ~ '.. . . . . . g i 11438 l ~ ~ 4-2';--03; ~ ':.i... .. .: ':... 0 ....""..s....c:. ...~~. 4-28-03 ....~.. 'y .....v~... ....~...s. ......... G"- " "",S/ONAl E"" ~l'" ""'IIIII"I"~ - Name Barbara L. Johnson Kansas Professional Engineer License No. 11438 - <<;:; Copyright 2001 EnvironmenIaIA"c"memA,$oci.tion Wil,on & Company. lne.. acknowledge, and eredil, Environmentai Assessment Assoc;aliun for developmem Oflhis fonn l>age5of5.Form610 TRACT NO_ 15 [ OWNER: Oll Oil Co., Inc. Co '" " '" I" ~ ~~ W ZN '" W ~ I iJ" 001 f- v" Ul c~ ._ r- a 1- I - -" :r: mOl a ~ 40' R/W 't1~~ 0' (<\G\\' o~o '00'''- ~\\.-(< Q.,1 , (< \-I6u 0 00 ~:w NW Section Corner 57- T145-R2W Point of Beginning 33,797 sq. ft. I w " 00 " 0 ON b" o z r ~ >- T '" "; "; "- 0 o- r- " <0 :r: - '" N . '5 Scale 1" ~ 50' NN ;,., '" '" 0 0 01 '" 0 '" -' '" '" This does not constitute a boundary survey r- r- INJISOIV &COMPANY 1700 E. Iron Salino., KS 67401 785-827-0433 L LAND TITLE SERVICES, INC. 136 N. 7th - P.O. Box 922 Salina, Kansas 67402-0922 Phone:(785) 823-7223 Fax:(785) 823-7303 E-mail: patty@landtitlesalina.com , - TITLE REPORT SCHEDULE A File No.: CT-34449 WILSON AND COMPANY Altn: KARLA Cc: - Title Fees: $100.00 Effective Date: 04/1812003 at 8:00 A.M. - Title Report Limitations: This is a Title Report for the benefit of WILSON AND COMPANY, And is limited in value to $1,000.00. A commitment for the value of the land referred would be issued upon satisfactory application. Title Company hereby states that all instruments and proceedings in the chain of Title have not been examined, and this report is not a guarantee of the marketable title. The estate or the interest in the land described or referred to in the commitment and covered herein is fee simple and is at the effective date herein vested in: -. AKTD, INC. The land referred to in this commitment is situated in the county of SALINE, State of Kansas, and described as follows: SEE APPENDIX A By: a?a~~------ Charles N. Griffin Authorized Agent VALID ONLY IF SCHEDULE B AND COVER ARE ATTACHED. l I , '- '- - - - - Appendix A - Legal Description File No. CT -34449 A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4) OF SECTION SEVEN (7), TOWNSHIP FOURTEEN (14) SOUTH, RANGE TWO (2) WEST OF THE 6TH P. M., SALINE COUNTY, KANSAS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT FIVE HUNDRED FORTY-FIVE AND EIGHTEEN (545.18') FEET SOUTH OF AND FORTY (40') FEET EAST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4); THENCE NORTH 68 DEGREES 17' 00" EAST A DISTANCE OF TWO HUNDRED THIRTY-TWO (232') FEET: THENCE SOUTH 03 DEGREES 22' 40" WEST A DISTANCE OF ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-TWO AND FIFTY- EIGHT HUNDREDTHS (152.58') FEET; THENCE SOUTH 62 DEGREES 56' 00" WEST A DISTANCE OF TWO HUNDRED THIRTY-TWO (232') FEET; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 00' 00" WEST A DISTANCE OF ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-TWO (172') FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH ALL APPURTENANCES AND RIGHTS OF GRANTORS IN AND TO THE REAL ESTATE, INCLUDING ALL RIGHT, TITLE, AND INTEREST OF GRANTORS IN THE LAND UNDERLYING ANY DEDICATED ROADWAY EASEMENTS OR RIGHT-OF-WAY. I , , L , ... 1. - 2. - - ... - SCHEDULE B File No.: CT -34449 GENERAL TAXES FOR LAST HALF OF THE YEAR 2002 AND ALL SUBSEQUENT YEARS AND ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS DUE AND PAYABLE THEREWITH. MORTGAGE EXECUTED BY AKTD, INC., IN FAVOR OF THE BENNINGTON STATE BANK, IN THE AMOUNT OF $250,000.00, DATED DECEMBER I, 2000, AND RECORDED DECEMBER 4, 2000, IN MORTGAGE BOOK 661, PAGES 39, OF THE REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE, SALINE COUNTY, KANSAS (INCLUDES ADDITIONAL REAL ESTATE). (FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: The 2002 tax amount is $833.02. For verification parties should contact the County Treasurer in reference to Tract No, 28406.) NOTE: Judgments/Liens checked on the following names: AKTD, INC. L NOTE: If you encounter any problems in regard to title requirements or exceptions, please do not hesitate to call us 785-823-7223. It has been a pleasure doing business with you. - I L . - Site Property Ownership and Activity List 752 North Ohio Street Salina, KS 67401 - The following information was assembled based on review of property title search by Land Title Services, Inc. - 1997 Ou Oil Co., Inc. acquires the property from Central Kansas Railway, LLC and CKR Realty. LLC through a QuitClaim Deed on July 31. - 1997 Ott Oil Co., Inc. quit claims to B.E. Ott and Dianne J. Ott. ... 2000 AKTD, Inc. acquires property from RE. Ott and Dianne J. Ott. - - - - - - L - - - -.- .- ---- .----.~-.______...___Ioo_ ................ .'. Tboi -Mid-Kansas ,olio eo.. Inc. " o. ~- ~ North Slnta Ft Avenue i . S111no, K...... 67401 ~.. 1J3G3031!ll1 __ .~ ...1lL QUITCLAIM DEED nnSINDEN11JRE,madelbis 1I1ot dayof .JUL.,! .1997.byandbetweeo CENTRAL KANSAS RAILWAY, LLc., a Colorado Iimi,"" liability company, and l, I N CKR REALTY, LLC. a Kansas limited liability compony ("Graotors"), whoso _ is I "" 252 Clayton S-. 4th A...., Denver, Colnndo 80206, and O'IT OIL CO. INC. a ~"..:!1.. . corporatinn ("Gran..."), whoso _ is PO Box 7111, SaJina. Kansas 67402. ~. ~~._." . ~ ~:--~ ..,,~., l'~' WITNESSETII: fsf ~ : ..{-;' ;"': i< tot . Grantors. in consideration nf.... sum oUI.on (One DoBar) and other g~leC. /:' consideration, to them in baod paid. ....lOCCipt of_ is bcrcby ""knowledged, dQ.' .J. ':'.' .... --' quitclaim, gran~ bupin, ..U and convey unto the Onntoe, aU their right, title, intcrcSf:~ and every claim and demand. both ..law and in equity, in and to aU of.... foUowing dcscri p;operty. situated in Saline County, in the State arKansas: ;<1 See Exhibit A. attached. J i EXCEPTING AND RESERVING, bo_, unto Granton, their hcin and assigns. in addition to all minerals and to the rmts or proceed. &om any C8SeIIlCIlts. leases, licenses or crossiDg -- berctofOre previously ........t or conveyed, an undivided interest in and to all of the coal. oil, gas, C'.Rcti~ gas, and all ores and minerals (~f every kind and nature, in and underlying .... surface of the prcmi... bercin COJM:ycd, together with .... right of ingress and egress at all times for the purposes of mining. drilling, exploring. operating and developing said land for oil. gas and ....... mincn1a, and storinc. ~ and marlretbg, together with aU .... hereditaments and -=-- tbetcunto bcJoD8iog. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD.... above dcocribed premises unto.... Gran.... its heirs and assigns forever, so that neither Grantors nor any penoo in their name and behalf shall or will hereafter claim or demand any right or title to the Sllid pranises or any part thereof (except as reserved above). but sball by tbcsc pr<s<nb be e,,,,)..ded and forever bam:d. Gran... sbaU indcmni1y. defend and bold harmless Grantors from and against any and all claims of wbatcver nature arising from or relating to ownership of the property and Grantee acknowledges that Grantors have no liability for any defcct(s) of tide. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Gran_ ba... caused Ibis indenture to be executed the day and year first above written.. STAlIDFIWGAS } c:..- "'" FUDRlRIECB c:cumCJFtMINE .. I" INIIYCIIIUI 3i:"" ......... ~~ CENIllALKANSAS RAILWAY, L.L.C. CKR REALTY, L.L.C. BY~~ ClAD. A. ROBERTSON TItle: Authorized Agent .'.:;- ~{;; -iT:,- .tJ!;" -, ~.:- _il';', ~, ".- oi:-' ~w", ,;~ , .' . ,\~ . , ~-, ~. . QUrT ClAIMS TO B.E. OTT and DIANNE J. OTT. T_ a/ the IIoIlIlio E. 011 TIUBl No. I, dated Oclober 20, 1970 II the loIIowIng daocribed REAL ESTATE In the Ccxny a/ SoJine and the Stale a/ ~ _ See Attached "Exhibit A" NOTE: No ~ ... ~ II-. VIIIcIldlun CIuea1IGnrllIIre ...- IU_ III K.S.A. "'14370(8)(31. far the sum a/ CORRECT PREVIOUSlY RECORDED DEED (0-1 Book 380. poges 818-820) BY SUPPLYING CORRECT IDENTIFICATION OF GRANTEE N s Public (Seal) ~ KELSI R. STEINUI ...,......-..- - ."~'~,i;;;;;;,. My Appt. Will Expir&:.....~.:.ifI~~\ l :" \ \. .: . (,nlINTY . j er~.~~~..tP-~ 'Irr~, ^ ~/..u Aegera/ee.m -..-1f ....... -v-':i... , 0 ~...., , Dated:~1997 STATE OF KANSAS. COUNTY OF SALINE. so: BE IT R~~D, that 00 !his diJh.- day a/ . 1997, befOIll me, the undersig1ed, notary public In and far the County and State afolllssJd, cerne B.E. OTT. Presldant a/ Ott 011 Co.. Inc.. a Kansas cotpOIIltloo. who i. personally known 10 me 10 be the serne persoo who executed the within instrument a/ writing and sucl1 person duly acknowledged Ihe 8X8CUl1cn a/ Ihe serne as the act and deed of sald corpollltlcn.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto S8I my hand and affixed my seal. the day and year IeSI above writt.... County Clerk OTT Oil CO., !NC. ~~~W B.E. TT. Pres)denl STATE OF KANSAS, c-- + SALINE COUNTY. so: tJ + Th~ instrument was liled lor I8COI'd 00 the ~iZJ day a/ Y!:"~ ,AD.. 19$$-. at ';"'40 0'0 E..M., and duly recorded in Book \48'() a/ Daeds. at page '151 -qs;l. qJ.- Fees: $ 8' Deputy. 1 .1 .~ i . I r : I ; \1 ~ i; . I ; , 'J . , I' l ..... ~. ~ - ~.- .-~ ----~ -- _..... -.......-_.... .::"'-.J_ ......a... . ~~___ _ .:._ _ . . . - The Mid-KallSaS Tille Co., I .... ~:;L. .. ~ .. __..... 217 North 'Santa Fe ,avamt... ':fe. <:'~"..- 'r . Isit attTi II totl9 hsUE!)I 'eu!lVS ~ enu,wlt'a.::f ejue~ '11'(\", IT7 .",.. '. 1MIS INDENTURE. _.. ,"" .., 'aI Il<<~ , 2000. by and _.eM B.E. OTT .nd DIANNE J. OTT. TIU81888 01 "'" ~ E. 011 Truot'~ 0cl0b8r 20, 1970, IS __. GnlloIorI. end AKTD. INC.. . KeI1l8S ~. GI1I-. *Ro. 1 Grantors by virtue of lh8111rms end prDIrisiono at Slid TIUII AgreenI8lll, far......- consideration lh8 I8<l8ipt of which 10 hereby ec:knowtedged. do hereby grant, sell .nd COlMly to GI8lll88. ill lIUCC8SSOI8 '" .sslg.... lh8 following d_ ..... _ in SIlins County. Ken.... _ ~ !reel of I8nd In lh8 ~ QIBl8r (SW Yo) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Fourteen (14) South. RInge l1ve8 (3) West oflh8 6'" P.M...satine . County. K8mes, more perticul8rty de8c>_ IS foIIowo: BegInning II. point 1.211.7 f881NorII1 of1l1e South Une 01 Slid Section 14.nd 140 fe8tW8Sl at 1I1e W881lins of Bto8dw8y BouI8v8nl (formerly U.S: Hlghwey 81); th.nce South 117 feet; th8f1Ce W8Sl233.78 feel; lh8 NorII1117feel; thence E881 233.78 f88I to 1I1e point of beginning: and /A trlIcI of I8nd _ In lh8 N_ Quarter (NW Yo) of Section Seven (7). Township Foul188n (14) South. Renge Two (2) W8Sl of lh8 6'" P.M.. SlIIne County. KeI1888, more pertlcul8rly _ IS _: Beginning II · point 545.18 f88I South at .nd 40 f88I East of lh8 N""'-t comer of 8IIid NW y~ thence N68"17'oo"E . distance of 232.0 feet; thence S03"22'40"W · disblnce of 152.58 feel; thence S62"56'oo"W. distance of l32.0 feel; thence NOO'OO'oo"W . dislllnce at 172.0 f88I to lh8 point at beginning (8IIid tract containing .pproxlm8l8ly .78 IIa8S more '" less): Except .nd subj8cl to _nil. COV8I18I1ls. ......Uiuns. re&efV8tions, and rood rig_- way of record; taxes and .ssessmenlB far the year 2001 .nd subsequent yea.... Granlonl """'"""' thlllh8 TIUII """,,ins in fuU forte and 8fl8cllllhls time and Ih8I the Trus_, B.E. OtI.nd Dianne J. OIl, """" auth_n without limitation to selland convey .11 of the above described reel os_. Dated this 1. day of December, 2000. BOBBIE E. OTT TRUST NO.1 dated October 20, 1970, .s amended by.~KJ/ - B.E. . Trustee by.~bt- DIANNE J. OTT, T "-...- 1 .., f'..'... ,. . , ,1' '~;"t" - ~ iF, .. .{, . , [\1. r~' , ;'\' ~ ,. k- ",' I N. Ohio Street Polk Directory search-searched to 1921. The 1921 directory did not go north of North 51. The 1925 directory had no businesses listed L 500 Caseys General Store 2001 - 2002 i .... 515 Brown Oil Co (whse) ]926-1933 520 Elmer's Diesel Repair ]965-1993 - 522 Mobil Oil Co Bulk Plant 1967-]977 Dunn Oil Co Stg ]985-]991 - 527 Phillips Petro Co (whse) ]932- ]941 Derby Oil Co (whse) - 529 Bamsdall Refining Corp (whse) 1926- ]941 .... (bulk sta) 1942 - ]950 549 Hi-Qual ity La-Cost Gas Distr 1963-1966 ... Hi-Qual ity La-Cost Service Sta 1967 - ]982 Taylor Petroleum Inc. Service Sta 1982 - ]983 Triplett Inc. oil marketers 1984 - 1990 .... 615 Kline Pattern & Machine 1973 - 1976 621 Best Auto Body Ine ]972- 1974 639 Wilson Constructors loe ]976- 1986 666 Hi-Plains Elevato!)' Machinery Ine 1973-1981 752 Everitts DX Service gas sta 1970 - ]970 Sun Oil Co Bulk Plant 197] - 1973 Landes Oil Co. Bulk Plant 1'J74 - 1978 Rohrer Oil Co 1979 - 1984 Ott Oil Co Inc (plant) ]985 - 1996 - 801 lP Auto Salvage 1997-1999 803 Ohio St Iron & Metal Co 1951- 1983 Salina Iron & Metal 1991 - 2002 825 Bud's Garage 1956 - 835 F & C Steel Products ]972 Catherman Const Co 1962 - 1970 ... 839 Bud's Auto Repair 1968 - 1970 Competition Automotive Auto Rpr 1965 - 1967 904 Maupin's Auto Salvage 1939-1943 r 3 Mar r I r , .. __'i5LtI Oit1lJ_ _____ 67 Warehouse 12784 17594 Bulk Plan 3 Aug 70 Carport 12784 ~QN'n~IO'TEO."^~'N^."'''_'''_''_'' 18733 r Sunray OX Oil Sun oil Co. r o 24 f r r- BUlL [;>/td<C, ,RECoRDS r- "" :.i I I "- '- - - The EDR Radius Map with GeoCheck@ - - - North Ohio Overpass ESA 640 North Ohio St Salina, KS 67401 Inquiry Number: 751390.3s March 27, 2002 - - .... , @: Environmental : Data : Resources. Inc. The Source For Environmental Risk Management Data 3530 Post Road South port, Connecticut 06490 Nationwide Customer Service Telephone: 1-800-352-0050 Fax: 1-800-231-6802 Internet: www.edrnet.com -~ I I I... ~ - - - - - - - - ~ , , I PAGE ES1 2 3 4 5 1.6 GR-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION Executive Summary_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Overview Map_ __ _ _ _ __ __ ___ __ _ __ ___ __. __ _ __ __ _ __ ___ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ __ ___ Detail Map_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Map Findings Summary_ __ ___ __ _ __ ___ ___ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ _. ___ __ _ __ __ _. __ __ __ __ Map Flndlngs_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Orphan Summary_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Government Records Searched/Data Currency Tracking_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ GEOCHECK ADDENDUM Physical Setting Source Addendumu _ u _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ A-1 Physical Setting Source Summary__ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ ___ __ __ _ __ _ __ ___ __ __ __ __ ___ __ _. A-2 Physical Setting Source Map__ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ ___ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ A-6 Physical Setting Source Map Findlngsn __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ A-7 Physical Setting Source Records Searchedn _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ A-8 Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer Copyright and Trademark Notice This report contains information obtained from a variety of pub/ic and other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHA TSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES INC. SPECIFICALL Y DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION. MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL EDR BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. Entire contents copyright 2001 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and the edr logos are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. TC751390.3s Page 1 I ~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY L I I... A search of available environmental records was conducted by Environmental Dala Resources, Inc. (EDR). The report meets the government records search requirements of ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments, E 1527-00. Search distances are per ASTM standard or custom distances requested by the user. - TARGET PROPERTY INFORMATION ADDRESS - 640 NORTH OHIO ST SALINA, KS 67401 - COORDINATES - Latitude (North): 38.852460 - 38' 51' 8.9" Longitude (West): 97.594230 - 97' 35' 39.2" Universal Tranverse Mercator: Zone 14 UTM X (Meiers): 621986.2 UTM Y (Meiers): 4301135.5 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ASSOCIATED WITH TARGET PROPERTY Target Property: Source: 2438097-G5 SALINA, KS USGS 7.5 min quad index , ..... TARGET PROPERTY SEARCH RESULTS The target property was not listed in any of the databases searched by EDR. ..... - DATABASES WITH NO MAPPED SITES No mapped sites were found in EDR's search of available ( "reasonably ascertainable ~) government records either on the target property or within the ASTM E 1527-00 search radius around the target property for the following databases: - FEDERAL ASTM STANDARD NPL____mm_m_mm_m National Priority List Proposed NPLmm___m__ Proposed National Priority List Sites CERCUS.n_m_m_h__n__. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System CERC.NFRAP.mmm_____ CERCLlS No Further Remedial Action Planned CORRACTS_n_n_m_____--. Corrective Action Report RCRIS.TSD__________________ Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System RCRIS-LQG__________________ Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System RCRIS-SQG_________________. Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System ERNS________________________ Emergency Response Notification System - STATE ASTM STANDARD SWF/LFmm_mm_______n Directory of Sanitary Landfills, Solid Waste Transfer Stations and Collector in Kansas ... FEDERAL ASTM SUPPLEMENTAL CONSENT___________________ Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees TC751390.3s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 'I I ~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 'I I i.. '- ROD__m_u.hmm_mn__ Records Of Decision Delisted NPL_mmm.____ National Priority List Deletions FINDS___m____mo__mmu Facility Index System/Facility Identification Initiative Program Summary Report HMIRS__________..___________ Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System MLTS._________h_mm___h Material Licensing Tracking System MINESmmm_______m___. Mines Master Index File NPL L1ensm________________ Federal Superfund liens PADS.._______...________m_ PCB Activity Database System RAATSm___m_______mo... RCRAAdministrative Action Tracking System TRIS__.._____________________ Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System TSCA.___________m_hn____ Toxic Substances Control Act FTTS_____mm_h_______m_ FIFRNTSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)fTSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) - STATE OR LOCAL ASTM SUPPLEMENTAL AST____m_.._m_m____m_ Aboveground Storage Tank Data SURROUNDING SITES: SEARCH RESULTS Surrounding sites were identified. - Elevations have been determined from the USGS 1 degree Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified. EDR's definition of a site with an elevation equal to the target property includes a tolerance of +/~ 10 feel. Sites with an elevation equal to or higher than the target property have been differentiated below from sites with an elevation lower than the target property (by more than 10 feet). Page numbers and map identification numbers refer to the EDR Radius Map report where detailed data on individual sites can be reviewed. - Sites listed in bold Italics are in multiple databases. - Un mappable (orphan) sites are not considered in the foregoing analysis. - STATE ASTM STANDARD SHWS: The State Hazardous Waste Sites records are the states' equivalent to CERCLlS. These sites mayor may not already be listed on the federal CERCLlS list. Priority sites planned for cleanup using state funds (state equivalent of Superfund) are identified along with sites where cleanup will be paid for by potentially responsible parties. The data come from the Department of Health & Environment's lisl: Summary of Bureau of Environmental Remediation Sites in Kansas. - A review of the SHWS list, as provided by EDR, has revealed that there are 5 SHWS sites within approximately 1 mile of the target property. EquallHlgher Elevation Address Dist/Dlr MaplD Page ------------- -------~ ------- TURBINE SPECIAL TIES INC 1908 W HWY 40 1I4-112N 5 7 DEWEY A VENUE SITE 1705 DEWEY AVE 112- 1 E 6 I. SALINA PWS WELL #11 ASH STREET / OAKDALE 1/2 ~ 1 SSW 8 12 SALINA ~ PINE & SEVENTH STREET 411 N SEVENTH STREET 1/2.1 WSW 9 13 LINCOLN AVE & 8TH STREET LINCOLN AVE / 8TH STR 1/2.1 W 10 14 - TC751390.3s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 I L ~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY " '- LUST: The Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Reports contain an inventory of reported leaking underground storage tank incidents. The data come from the Kansas Department of Environmental Protection's LUST Incident Report. A review of the LUST list, as provided by EOR, and dated 02108/2002 has revealed that there are 4 LUST siles within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. ~~ual/Hi~~er Elevatio~ Address Dlst/Oir MaplD Page --- ------ THOMAS & OSTEN BERG 1123VAN HORNE 0-118 SSE 1 5 WILSON CONSTRUCTORS, INC. 505 FRANCIS AVE 1/B-1/4SW 2 5 - CROUGH SALVAGE & SERVICE 1111 E PACIFIC 1/8-1/4N 3 7 TURBINE SPECIAL TIES INC. 1030 E NORTH ST. 1/4. 112SSW 4 7 UST: The Underground Storage Tank database contains registered USTs. USTs are regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The data come from the Department of Health & Environment's UST (Report) Listing Including Names. A review of the UST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 02/08/2002 has revealed that there is 1 UST site within approximately 0.25 miles of the Iarget property. ~~ua~~Hlg~!!_Ele~at~o_~ WILSON CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Address Dlst 1 Olr Map 10 Page 505 FRANCIS A VE lIB-1/4SW 2 5 PROPRIETARY DATABASES - - Former Manufactured Gas (Coal Gas) Sites: The existence and location of Coal Gas sites is provided exclusively to EDR by Real Property Scan, Inc. Copyright 1993 Real Property Scan, Inc. For a technical description of the types of hazards which may be found at such sites, contact your EDR customer service representative - A review of the Coal Gas list, as provided by EDR, has revealed that there is 1 Coal Gas site within approximately 1 mile of the target property. - ~~~_~IL~I!I_h_e!_~~J~~~o_~ SALINA GAS & ELECTRIC CO. Address Dlst I Dlr Map ID Page 401-417 N. 34RD 112.1 WSW7 12 - TC751390.3s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 t ~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY '- Due 10 poor or inadequate address information, the following sites were not mapped: Site Name - SALINA CITY LANDFILL WEST NORTH STREET EXLINE, INC. SeOULAR ELEVATOR (MORRISON GRAIN) AGREX, INC. KANEB - SALINA SALINA (EX) WASTE ANX CAMP PHILLIPS EX) SALINE COUNTY LANDFILL CITY OF SALINA ROSS, WOODROW WINDSOR VILLA UNITED PARCEL SERVICE MOSS SALES & SERVICE MID KANSAS COOP, BAVARIA PUMP JOHNSON, GARY TRUCKING OGY 1/4 EAST OF 2012 W. NORTH STREET. BRIDGE OVER CREEK SANTA FE AND NORTH ST WEST NORTH STREET - - - - Database(s) SHWS CERCLlS, SHWS SHWS SHWS SHWS SHWS CERCLlS CERCUS CERC-NFRAP SWF/LF LUST LUST LUST LUST UBT, AST UBT, AST UST ERNS ERNS FINDS TC751390.3s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 'I :- - . - ~ '/..1 ~I/I/://:'i;:~ ;;;:~~ ,//~/ ,/, /I:/w /0'/ '/; / 'i 1/ all ~ - 1/ /'ivr//(~, ,'/ 0 ~ -?; ~ '// '/ r?~ r/ '//f/'/~I:/:;I/~ ~ ~~ ~1'ij~%~0V - ;;r-,;,~ ;.~ ~/ I"~.~v;;; ./7707 V /./ r/ './ '/v '/ '/ 1/ '7 '/ I)' '//r)//)/:;.. V//W/ // '/ '/7. '? // ,/l/'M//:: :;... v/ '7 r///;/0 ~ ~ '/'~ /V~7// 'J- / %/. '~ 1// 7,/ ~ y/ ~ //~~~ '/~ -/ /~~ ~ ~ 1:/0 '/~ ~t;; ~I/ v; ~ ~ ! V// '/ v/ ';k. /~ . 1/1"/ /////V/ //.~v.{A ~ / .l-< - ~~~'/~,/ 1/ >>,~~~~~1'i~~I///~~J '\ f/~A:;;t/ '/p)) V'/ f/ vr~/~ I~~~V//:;~ 1// '/7 /::;;~ %~'f f-{ * Target Property ... Sites at elevations higher than - or equal to the target property . Sitas at elevations lower than the target property .....1 Coal Gasification Sites o National Priority List Sites o LandfillSiles OVERVIEW MAP 75139038 Wilson & Company o 1/~ I ' '" , ,11I1'-. I N Power transmission lines N Oil & Gas pjpelines ~ 100-yearlloodzone 123 SOD-year Ilood lone ~ 1 TARGET PROPERTY: North Ohio Overpass ESA ADDRESS: 640 North Ohio St CITY/STATE/ZIP: Salina KS 67401 I LAT/LONG: 38.8525/97.5942 CUSTOMER: Wilson & Company CONTACT: Jeff Leach INQUIRY#: 751390.35 DATE: March 27, 2002 2:56 pm I L 0;/ 'i'i/ ~/&(///k ;;';;:;;(0;/((// 'i// ~~ ~ ~ '/ ~ ~~ '/'V ~~/~ ~;;W~~~~~ ~r~~/ W ///~~~ // ,,:::;~'/ ;; 'i/ '/ / '/ // /0 -'i: '/,/ '/-;;;; r/ ~/~-/ ~ /// '//7~ ~ ~:~~~~/~ ~ ~ ~ ~~N~W/////////////ij///////~ DETAIL MAP - 751390.3s - Wilson Be Company '- ~ ~ ~ - - , - * Target Property _.a. Sites al elevations higher than or equal to the target property . Siles at elevations lower than the target property _.1 Coal Gasification Sites ~ SensiliveReceptors . 0 National Priority US! Sites . ~ LandfillSites o 111& 1/R I ' , 11"MIi-. I N Power transmission lines N Oil & Gas plpelines ~ 100-yearfloodzone E23 SOD-year flood zone ~ TARGET PROPERTY: North Ohio Overpass ESA ADDRESS: 640 North Ohio St CITY/STATE/ZIP: Salina KS 67401 LATfLONG: 38.8525/97.5942 CUSTOMER: Wilson & Company CONTACT: Jeff Leach INQUIRY #: 751390.3s DATE: March 27, 2002 2:56 pm I ~ MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY L Search Target Distance Total Database Property (Miles) < 1/8 1/8-1/4 1/4-112 1/2-1 > 1 Plotted ~ FEDERAL ASTM STANDARD ~ NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Proposed NPl 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 CERCLlS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 ~ CERC-NFRAP 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 GORRACTS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 RCRIS-TSD 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 RCRIS Lg. Quan. Gen. 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 ~ RCRIS Sm. Quan. Gen. 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 ERNS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 STATE ASTM STANDARD ... State Haz. Waste 1.000 0 0 1 4 NR 5 State Landfill 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 LUST 0.500 1 2 1 NR NR 4 ~ UST 0.250 1 NR NR NR 1 0 FEDERAL ASTM SUPPLEMENTAL CONSENT 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 ROD 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Oelisted NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 FINDS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 HMIRS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 MLTS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 MINES 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 - NPLUens TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 PADS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 RAATS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 TRIS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 ... TSCA TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 FITS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 STATE OR LOCAL ASTM SUPPLEMENTAL - AST TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 EDR PROPRIETARY HISTORICAL DATABASES - Coal Gas 1.000 0 0 0 NR 1 AQUIFLQW - see EDR Physical Setting Source Addendum TP = Target Property NR = Not Requested at this Search Distance - . Sites may be listed in more than one database - TC751390.3s Page 4 I L L - ~ ~ I.. ~ ~ ~ - MaplD Direction Distance Distance (fl.) Elevation Site 1 SSE <118 434 Higher 2 SW 1(8-1/4 1102 Higher 1 ~ '1 MAP FINDINGS EDR 10 Number Dalabase(s) EPA 10 Number THOMAS & OSTEN BERG 1123 VAN HORNE SALINA, KS 67401 LUST 5101901126 NJA ( LUST: Facility 10: 81156 Project Name: THOMAS & OSTENBERG Project Number: U50851Q078 Project Num Extension: Not reported Quarter Fraction of Section: NWNESWNW Section, Township, Range: 1402W07 Buried Tank leak Assessment Data: 11/17/1993 Initial RepartDete: 11/1711993 County Abbreviation: SA Facility Status: CLOSED - a 'Closed' status indicates that according 10 the data available, levels of contamination at the site do not exceed cleanup levels SEll by the state. WILSON CONSTRUCTORS, INC. 505 FRANCIS AVE SALINA, KS 67401 UST LUST U001440148 NJA LUST: Facility 10: 29688 Project Name: WILSON CONSTRUCTORS Project Number: U508500803 Project Num Extension: Not reported Quarter Fraction of Section: NESWSENE Section, Township, Range: 1403W12 Buried Tank Leak Assessment Date: 06121/1993 Initial Report Date: 06/21/1993 County Abbreviation: SA FacHity Status: CLOSED - a 'Closed' status Indicates that according to the data available, levels of contaminallon at the site do not exceed cleanup levels sel by the slate. Facility 10: 29688 Project Name: WILSON CONSTRUCTORS WAREHOUSE Project Number: U508500823 Project Num Extension: Not reported Quarter Fraction of Section: SWNESENE Section, Township, Range: 1403W12 Buried Tank Leak Assessment Date: 08/27/1993 Initial Report Date: 06lt 1/1993 County Abbreviation: SA Facility Status: CLOSED - a 'Closed' status indicates that according to the data available, levels of contamination at the site do not exceed cleanup levels set by the state. Facility 10: 29688 Project Name: WILSON CONSTRUCTORS Project Number: U508500890 Project Num Extension: Not reported Quarter Fraction of Section: NESWSENE Section, Township, Range: 1403W12 Buried Tank Leak Assessment Date: 02125/1994 Initial Report Date: 02104/1994 County Abbreviation: SA Facility Status: CLOSED - a 'Ciosed' status indicates that according to the data available. levels of contamination at the site do not exceed cleanup levels set by the state. TC751390.3s Page5 E MAP FINDINGS ~ , I ... MaplD Direction Distance Dislance(ft.) Elevation Site EDR 10 Number Oatabase(s) EPA 10 Number ~ WILSON CONSTRUCTORS, INC. (Continued) UST: Facility 10: Tank 10: Contact: OWner: Owner Address: - 29688 001 Not reported WILSON CONSTRUCTORS, INC. 505 FRANCIS AVE SALINA, KS 67401 Owner Tel: 785-825-6771 Date Removed: 02115/1994 Principal CERCLA Substance/Chern Abstract Service Num: ConstruclionOther: Interna! Protection Other: Ext Protection Other. Piping Other: Facility District: Contact Title: Owner/Rap Nama: Owner/Rap Title: Owner County: Tank Type: Marketer?: Standby?: TankSlatus: Estimated Year in Service: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: Material of Construction: Inlerna/Protection: External Protection: Oul of service MoNr: Piping type: Substance stored: Owner Type: - ~ - FacilitylD: TanklD: Contact: Owner: Owner Address: - 29688 002 Not reported WILSON CONSTRUCTORS. INC. 505 FRANCIS AVE SALINA, KS 67401 Owner Tel: 785-825-6771 Date Removed: 02115/1994 Principal CERCLA Substance/Chem Abstract Service Num: Construction Other: Intemal Protection Other: Ext Protection OIher: Piping Other: Facility District: Contact TiUe: Owner/Rep Name: Owner/RepTitle: Owner County: Tank Type: Marketer?: Standby?: TankSlalus: Estimated Year in Service: U001440148 OwnerlD: Capacity (Gals): Facility Tel: 29688 Not reported 785-825.6771 QTY Remaining in Tank: 0 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported NC Estimator/project Mg Jeff Wilson President SALINE U No No Permanently Out Of Use 1982 Not reported Not reported FbrRefPlaslic Unknown Fbr Ref Plstc Coat 021994 GalvSteel Diesel Private Or Corp. Owner 10: Capacity (Gals): Facility Tel: 29688 Not reported 785-825-6771 QTY Remaining in Tank: 0 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported NC Estimator/projectMg Jeff Wilson President SALINE U No No Permanently Out Of Use 1982 TC751390.3s Page6 l , , , '- '- - - MaplD Direction Distance Distance (ft.) Elevation Sile 3 North 118-1(4 1319 Higher 4 SSW 114-1/2 1S4S Higher S North 1/4-112 1784 Higher , ~ MAP FINDINGS EDR 10 Number Dalabase(s) EPA 10 Number WILSON CONSTRUCTORS, INC. (Continued) Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: Material of ConslNction: Internal Protection: ExtemalProtection: Out of service MoIYr: Piping type: Substance stored: QwnerType: U001440148 Nolreported Not reported Fbr Ref Plastic Unknown Fbr Ref Plstc Coat 021994 GalvSteel Gas (InclAlcohol) PrivaleOrCorp. CROUGH SALVAGE & SERVICE 1111 E PACIFIC SALINA, KS 67401 lUST 5103236934 NIA LUST: Facility 10: 61608 Project Name: CROUGH SALVAGE & SERVICE Project Number: U508511943 Project Num Extension: Not reported Quarter Fraction of Seclion: SWSWSWSW Section, Township, Range: 1402W06 Buried Tank Leak Assessment Date: 04/2211998 Initial Report Date: 04/2211998 County Abbreviation: SA Facility Status: CLOSED - a 'Closed' status indicates that according to the data available, levels of contamination at the site do not exceed cleanup levels set by the state. TURBINE SPECIALTIES INC. 1030 E NORTH ST. SALINA, KS 67401 LUST S101836869 NIA LUST: FacilitylD: 80305 Project Name: TURBINE SPECIALTIES, SALINA Project Number: U508500277 Project Num Extension: Not reported Quarter Fraction of Section: NENENESE Section, Township, Range: 1403W12 Buried Tank Leak Assessment Date: 01/29/1990 Initial Report Date: 01/19/1990 County Abbreviation: SA Facility Status: CLOSED - a 'Closed' status indicates that according to the data available, levels of contamination at the site do not exceed cleanup levels set by the state. TURBINE SPECIALTIES INC 1908WHWY40 SALINA, KS 67401 RCRIS-SQG 1000984454 FINDS KSD984988782 CERC-NFRAP SHWS TC751390.3s Page 7 f I L L - - - - .- - MaplD Direction Distance Distance (ft.) Elevation Site ~ MAP FINDINGS , '1 EOR 10 Number Database(s) EPA 10 Number TURBINE SPECIALTIES INC (Continued) CERCLlS-NFRAP Classification Data: Site Incident Category: Not reported Non NPL Code: NFRAP OWnership Status: Private CERCLlS.NFRAP Assessment History: Assessment: DISCOVERY Assessment: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT RCRIS: Owner: Contact: TURBINE SPECIALTIES INC (785)823-9211 LOREN LOUCKS (785)623-9211 08/03/1993 Small Quantity Generator No Record Date: Classification: Used 011 Recyc: Violation Slatus: Violations exist Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Dale Violation Determined: Priority of Violation: Schedule Dale to Achieve Compliance: Actual Dale Acnieved Compliance: Enforcement Action: Enforcement Action Date: Proposed Monetary Penalty: Final Monetary Penalty: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: PriorltyofViolalion: Schedule Date to Achieve Compliance: Actual Dale Achieved Compliance: Enforcement Action: Enforcement Action Date: Proposed Monetary Penalty: Final Monetary Penalty: Regulation Violated; Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Priority of Violation: Schedule Date to Achieve Compliance: Acl1Jal Date Achieved Compliance: Enforcement Action: Enforcement Action Date: Proposed Monetary Penalty: Final Monetary Penalty: Regulation Violated: Area of Violalion: Date Violation Determined: Priority of Viola lion: Schedule Dale to Achieve Compliance: 1000984454 NPlStatus: Federal Facility: Not a Federal Facility Not on the NPl Completed: Completed: Not reported Generalor-A1IRequirements OS/20/1993 Low 08109/1993 08/09/1993 Written Informal 07/09/1993 Not reported Not reported Not reported Generator-All Requirements 05120/1993 Low 08/09/1993 03/01/1994 Wrlttenlnforrnal 07/09/1993 Nolreported Not reported Nolreported Generator-All Requirements 05120/1993 Low 08/09/1993 08/09/1993 WrllIen Informal 07/09/1993 Not reported Not reported Not reported Generator-All Requirements OS/20/1993 Low 08/09/1993 03/2211995 07/19/1995 TC751390.3s Page 8 I L ... - .... - - - - - - - MaplD Direction Distance Distance (ft.) Elevation Site ~ MAP FINDINGS TURBINE SPECIALTIES INe (Continued) Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Enforcement AcIion: Enforcement Action Date: Proposed Monetary Penalty: Final Monetary Penalty: Regulation Violated: AreaofVioJalion: Date Violation Determined: Priority of Violation: ScI1edule Date 10 Achieve Compliance: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Enforcement Action: Enforcement Action Date: Proposed Monetary Penalty: Final Monetary Penalty: 08/09/1993 Written Informal 07109/1993 Nolreported Not reported Not reported Generator-All Requirements 05f20f1993 Low 08109/1993 08/09/1993 Written Informal 07/09/1993 Not reported Nolreportoo There are 5violalion record(s) reported at this site: EY.alJ.Iat~__________________ Compliance Schedule Evaluation (CSE) Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) 8ma..Qf~Qla1imL______ GeneratOl"-AII Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-All Requirements FINDS: Other Pertinent Environmental Activity Identified at Site: AIRS Fadlity System (AIRS/AFS) Facility Registry System (FRS) Resource Conservation end Recovery Act Information system (RGRAINFO) SHWS: Contaminants:. Source: . Project code : Quarter4: Quarter3: Quarter2: Quarter1: Section: Township: Range: AddU Sections Affec : Acid: Base Neutral : Pesticide: VQG: Heavy Metal. Inorganic: Curdeoil: Refined petroleum : Nitrates: Chlorides: Groundwater: Surface water: Not reported Not reported C508570051 SE SW NW Not reported 10 14 03W Not reported FALSE FAlSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE EDR 10 Number Database(s) EPA 10 Number 1000984454 Date of ~ 03101/1994 08/09/1993 03/01/1994 08/09/1993 08/09/1993 08/09/1993 TC751390.3s Page 9 t MapfO Direction Distance Dislance(ft.) Elevation Site ~ MAP FINDINGS '1 L EDR 10 Number Database(s) EPA 10 Number - TURBINE SPECIALTIES INC (Continued) Soil : TRUE Public waler supply: FALSE Private well : FALSE Wasle: FALSE Air: FALSE Potential GW : TRUE Potential Surface water; TRUE Potential Soil : FALSE Potentia) Air: TRUE Pot Public Waler Supp: FALSE Polen Pvt Well: FALSE Undergmd Tnk/Plping: FALSE Spill: FALSE Pipeline leak: FALSE Lagoon/Impoundment: TRUE Salt prod Ipg : FALSE Dumping drums: FALSE Abandoned facility: FALSE Oil production: FALSE Closed Non Perm LF: FALSE Agricultural facllity: FALSE Septic tank: FALSE Active permit well: FALSE Aboveground tank: FALSE Facility operations: FALSE Closed Permitted LF: FALSE Drycleaner: FALSE Date resolved 3/6/97 Preparer CHAFFEE. P. County Code SA 1000984454 ... - - - - . East 1/2-1 2659 Higher DEWEY AVENUE SITE 1705 DEWE'f AVE SAUNA, KS 67401 CERCLlS FINDS SHWS 1000893541 KS0000790360 - CERClIS Classification Data: Site Incident Category: Not reported Non NPL Status: NFRAP Ownership Status: Private Contact: ,0 - KS STATE COOR Contact Title: Not reported Site Description: CARBON TET DETECTED IN COOLING WATER WELL AT CONCENTRATION SLIGHTLY EXCEEDING MCL SUBSEQUENT WELL SAMPLING AND COOLING WATER EFFLUENT SAMPLING SHOWED CARBON TET & CHLOROFORM BELOW MCl'S. CERCLIS Assessment History: Assessment: DISCOVERY Assessment: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT Assessment: SITE INSPECTION CERClIS Site Status: NFRAP (No Futher Remedial Action Planned Federal Facility: Nota Federal Faclllly NPLStatus: Contact Tel: Not on the NPl (913) 551-7708 Completed: Completed: Completed: 04/05/1994 03/10/1995 0711211995 - TC751390.3s Page 10 I \ I.. , - - - - - - - MaplD Direction Distance Distance (ft.) Elevation Site ~ MAP FINDINGS '1 . EDR 10 Number Dalabase(s) EPA 10 Number DEWEY AVENUE SITE (Continued) FINDS: Other Pertinent Environmental Activity Identified at Site: Compemensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLlS) SHWS: Contaminants: : Source: . Project code : Quarter4: Quarter3: Quarter2: Quarter1: Section: Township: Range: Addt! Sections Affec . Acid: Base Neutral: Pesticide: vac: Heavy Metal: Inorganic: Curdeoil: Refined petroleum: Nitrates: Chlorides: Groundwater: Surfacewater: Soil: Publicwatersupply: Private well : Waste: Air: Potential GW : Potential Surface water: PotenlialSoll : PotenlialAir: Pol Public Water SUpp : POlenPvtWell: UndergrndTnklPiping: Spill : PipeJineleak: Lagoon/irnpoundment: Saltprodlpg: Dumpingdrums: Abandonedfacility: Oilproduction: Closed Non Perm LF : Agricultural facility: Septic tank: Activepermitwell: Aboveground lank: Facility operations : Closed Permitted LF: Drycleaner: Dale resolved Preparer Not reported UNKNOWN C506503007 NW BE Not reported Not reported 07 14 02W Not reported FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Not reported CHAFFEE, P. 1000893541 TC751390.3s Page 11 I L l - - - - - - - MaplD Direction Distance Dislance(ft.) Elevation Site 7 WSW 1/2.1 3809 Higher . SSW 1/2.1 4016 Higher ~ MAP FINDINGS DEWEY AVENUE SITE (Continued) County Gode : SA SAUNA GAS & ELECTRIC CO. 401-417 N. 34RD SALINA, KS 67401 COAl GAS SITE DESCRIPTION: Salina Gas & Electric Light co. Is located on the comer of 3rd Street, nortl1 of. Pine Street. Railroad lines are located 10 the west and northwest, 1899 People's Light, Heat & Power on site. 1903 People's Heal, Light & Power on site, 1911 Sail 1889,1899,1904,1911, 1926,1948 @Copyright 1993 Real Property Scan, Inc. SALINA PWS WELL #11 ASH STREET I OAKDALE AVENUE SALINA, KS SHWS: Contaminants: . Source: : Project code : Quarter4: Quarter3: Quarter2: Quarter 1 : Section: Township: Range: AddU Sections Affec : Acid: Base Neutral : Pesticide: VQC: HeavyMetal: Inorganic: Curdeoil" Refinedpetroleum: Nitrates: Chlorides: Groundwater: Surface water: Soil: Publicwatersupply: Private well: Waste: Air: PotentialGW: Potential Surface water: Potential Soil : Potential Air: Pol Public Water Supp : Poten Pvt Well : UndergrndTnk/Piping: Spill: Not reported Not reported C508503004 SE SW SW SE 12 " 03W Not reported FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE EOR 10 Number Database{s) EPA 10 Number 1000893541 Coal Gas G000001627 .fA SHW5 5101713731 .fA TC751390.3s Page 12 MaplD Direction Distance Distance (ft.) Elevation Site l L ~ 9 WSW 1f2.1 4899 Higher ij MAP FINDINGS 'I SAUNA PWS WELL #11 (Continued) Pipeline leak: FALSE Lagoon/impoundment: FALSE Salt prod Ipg : FALSE Dumping drums: FALSE Abandoned facility: FALSE Oil production: FALSE Closed Non Perm LF: FALSE Agricultural facility: FALSE Septic tank: FALSE Active permit well: FALSE Aboveground tank: FALSE Facility operations: TRUE Closed Permitted LF: FALSE Orycleaner : FALSE Date resolved Not reported Preparer : CHAFFEE. P. County Code : SA SAUNA. PINE & SEVENTH STREETS 411 N SEVENTH STREET SAUNA, KS SHWS: Contaminants: . Not reported Source: . UNKNOWN Project code : C508503010 Quarter4: SW Quarter3: NE Quarter2: SW Quarter 1 : SW Section: 12 Township: 14 Range: 03W AddU Sections Affec : Not reported Acid: FALSE Base Neutral: FALSE Pesticide: FALSE VOC : TRUE Heavy Metal: FALSE Inorganic: FALSE Curde oil : FALSE Refined petroleum: FALSE Nitrates: FALSE Chlorides: FALSE Groundwater: TRUE Surface water: FALSE Soil: TRUE Public water supply: FALSE Private well: FALSE Waste: FALSE Air: FALSE Potential GW: FALSE Potential Surface water: FALSE Potential Soil: FALSE Potential Air: FALSE Pot Public Water Supp: TRUE Poten Pvt Well: TRUE I EDR 10 Number Database(s) EPA ID Number $101713731 SHWS 5103836432 NJA TC751390.3s Page 13 I \ L - - - '-- - - - MaplD Direction Distance Dislance(fl.) Elevation Site 10 West 112.1 5011 Higher ~ MAP FINDINGS SAUNA. PINE & SEVENTH STREETS (Continued) Undergmd Tnk/Piping: FALSE Spill: FALSE Pipeline leak: FALSE Lagoonfimpoundment: FAlSE Salt prod lpg : FALSE Dumping drums: FAlSE Abandoned facility: FALSE Oil production: FALSE Closed Non Perm LF: FALSE Agriculluralfacllily: FALSE Septic lank: FALSE Active permit well: FALSE Aboveground tank: FALSE Facility operations: FALSE Closed Permitted LF : FALSE Drycleaner: FALSE Dale resolved Not reported Preparer : CHAFFEE, P. County Code SA LINCOLN AVE & 8TH STREET LINCOLN AVE 18TH STREET SALINA, KS SHWS: Contaminants: . Not reported Source:. unknown Project code : C508571100 Quarter4: Not reported Quarter3: Not reported Quarter2: Not reported Quarter1: SW Section: 12 Township: 14 Range: 03W Addt! Sections Affec : Not reported Acid: FALSE Base Neutral : FALSE Pesticide: FALSE vac : TRUE Heavy Metal: FALSE Inorganic: FALSE Curde oil : FALSE Refined petroleum: FALSE Nitrates: FALSE Chlorides: FALSE Groundwater: TRUE Surface water: FALSE Soil: FALSE Public water supply: FALSE Private well: FALSE Waste: FALSE Air: FALSE Potential GW : TRUE Potential Surface water: FALSE Potential Soil: TRUE Potential Air: TRUE EOR 10 Number Oatabase(s) EPA 10 Number 5103836432 5HW5 5104959434 N/. TC751390.3s Page 14 t L - - - - - MaplD Direction Distance Distance (fl.) Elevation Site ij MAP FINDINGS UNCOLN AVE & 8TH STREET (Continued) Pol Public Water Supp: FALSE Polen Pvt Well: FALSE Undergmd Tnk/Piping: FALSE Spill: FALSE Pipeline leak: FALSE Lagoon/impoundment: FALSE Salt prod Ipg : FALSE Dumping drums: FALSE Abandoned facility: FALSE Oil production: FALSE Closed Non Perm LF: FALSE Agricultural facility: FALSE Septic lank: FALSE Active permit well: FAlSE Aboveground tank: FALSE Facility operations: FALSE Closed Permitted LF : FALSE Drycleaner: FALSE Date resolved Not reported Preparat : KOGL, T. County Code SA EOR 10 Number Database(s) EPA 10 Number 5104959434 TC751390.3s Page 15 I I I ( r ( I r I r r~- .. ORPHAN SUMMARY City EDRIO Site Name Site Address op Dalabase(s) Facility 10 SA VARIA UOO3269658 MID KANSAS COOP. BAVARIA PUMP 6889WHWY40 67401 UST,AST 02780 SALINA 5101836928 ROSS, WOODROW Wl40HWY 67401 LUST 80308 SALINA UOOQ196229 JOHNSON, GARY TRUCKING RT 2 W DIAMOND DR 67401 UST,AST 05269 SAUNA 1003876270 SAliNE COUNTY LANDFILL RT 3 BURMA RD 67401 CERC-NFRAP SAliNA 5104959504 SAliNA CITY LANDFILL RT 3 I BURMA RD_ SHWS SALINA 1004155868 WEST NORTH STREET 1500 BLOCK OF WEST NORTH STREET 67401 FINDS SALINA 1001491792 WEST NORTH STREET 1500 BLOCK OF WEST NORTH STREET 67401 CERCUS, SHWS SALINA 8101713726 EXLINE, INC. E COUNTRY CLUB RD SHWS SALINA 5101713734 SeOULAR ELEVATOR (MORRISON GRAIN) E COUNTRY CLUB ROAD SHWS SALINA 5101836674 WINDSOR VILLA NHWY81 67401 LUST 80307 SALINA $103836240 CITY OF SALINA 1201 MARKLEY ROAD 67401 SWFILF SALINA 1003108986 SALINA (EX) WASTE ANX 13 MILES SW OF SALINA CERClIS SALINA S101836950 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE W NORTH ST RD 67401 LUST 27047 SALINA 92294927 1/4 EAST OF 2012 W. NORTH STREET, BRIDGE 1/4 EAST OF 2012 W. NORTH STREET, BRIOGE 67401 ERNS OVER CREEK OVER CREEK SALINA S104959578 AGREX, INC. 1884 EOLD HWY40 67401 SHWS SALINA S105074763 KANEB - SAliNA 2137 WOLD HWY 40 67401 SHWS SALINA UOO1112073 OGY 1-70 ROUTE II 67401 UST 25728 SALINA 874574 SANTA FE ANO NORTH ST SANTA FE AND NORTH ST ERNS SALINA S101836915 MOSS SALES & SERVICE STATE ST I HWY 35 (1-35} 67401 LUST 80294 SMOLAN 1003073151 CAMP PHILLIPS EX} 10 MILES SW OF SALINA 67401 CERClIS TC751390.3s Page 16 I GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED I DATA CURRENCY TRACKING \.. To maintain currency of the following federal and state databases, EOR contacts the appropriate governmental agency on a monthly or quarterly basis, as required. '- Elapsed ASTM days: Provides confirmation that this EDR report meels or exceeds the gO-day updating requirement of the ASTM standard. FEDERAL ASTM STANDARD RECORDS - NPL: National Priority List Source: EPA Telephone: N/A National Priorities List (Superfund). The NPL is a subset of CERCLlS and identifies over 1,200 siles for priority cleanup under the Superfund Program. NPL siles may encompass relatively large areas. As such, EDR provides polygon coverage for over 1 ,000 NPL sile boundaries produced by EPA's Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) and regional EPA offices. - - Date of Government Version: 01/29/02 Date Made Active at EDR: 02125/02 Database Release Frequency: Semi-Annually Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 02104102 Elapsed ASTM days: 21 Dete of Last EDR Contact: 02104102 - NPL Slto Boundaries Sources: EPA's Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) Telephone: 202-564-7333 EPARegion 1 Telephone 617-916-1143 EPA Region 3 Telephone 215-614-5418 EPAReglon4 Telephone 404-562-8033 EPA Region 6 Telephono:214-655-6659 EPA Re9ion 8 Telephone: 303-312-6774 - - - Proposed NPL: Proposed National Priority List Sites Source: EPA Telephone: NfA Date of Government Version: 01/17/02 Date Made Active at EDR: 02125/02 Database Release Frequency: Semi.Annually Date of Deta Arrival at EDR: 02104/02 Elapsed ASTM days: 21 Date of Last EDR Contact: 02104/02 - CERCUS: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and liability Information System Source: EPA Telephone: 703-413-0223 CERCLlS contains data on potentially hazardous waste sites that have been reported to the USEPA by states, municipalities, private companies and private persons, pursuant to Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). CERCUS contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List (NPL) and sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. Date of Government Version: 11/21/01 Date Made Active at EDR: 02104/02 Database Release Frequency: Quarterly Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 12126101 Elapsed ASTM days: 40 Date of Last EDR Contact: 12126/01 - CERCUs..NFRAP: CERCUS No Further Remedial Action Planned Source: EPA Telephone: 703-413-0223 As of February 1995, CERCUS sites designated "No Further Remedial Action Planned" (NFRAP) have been removed from CERCUS. NFRAP sites may be sites where, following an initial investigation, no contamination was found, contamination was removed quickly without the need for the site 10 be placed on the NPL, or the contamination was not serious enough to require Federal Superfund action or NPL consideration. EPA has removed approximately 25,000 NFRAP sites to lift the unintended barriers to the redevelopment of Ihese properties and has archived them as historical records so EPA does not needlessly repeat the investigations in the future. This policy change is part of Ihe EPA's Brownfields Redevelopment Program to help cities, states, private investors and affected citizens to promote economic redevelopment of unproductive urban sites. TC751390.3s Page GR-' I GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED I DATA CURRENCY TRACKING I... Date of Government Version: 11121/01 Date Made Active at EDR: 02104/02 Dalabase Release Frequency: Quarterly Dale otOate Arrival at fOR: 12126101 Elapsed ASTM days: 40 Date of Last fOR Contact: 12/16101 ~ CORRACTS: Corrective Action Report Source: EPA Telephone: 800-424-9346 CORRACTS identifies hazardous waste handlers with ReRA corrective action activity. Date of Government Version: 11/14/01 Date Made Active at fOR: 01/14f02 Database Release Frequency: Semi.Annually Dale of Dala Arrival at EDR: 11f14101 Elapsed ASTM days: 61 Date of Last fOR Contact 03f11/02 - RCRIS: Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System Source: EPAlNTIS Telephone: 800-424-9346 Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System. RCRIS includes selective information on sites which generate. transport, store, treat andlor dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). - - Date of Government Version: 06121/00 Date Made Active at EDR: 07/31/00 Database Release Frequency: Varies Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 07/10/00 Elapsed ASTM days: 21 Date of Last EDR Contact: 01/14/02 ERNS: Emergency Response Notification System Source: EPAfNTIS Telephone: 202-260-2342 Emergency Response Notification System. ERNS records and stores information on reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. ~ Date of Government Version: 08108100 Date Made Active at EDR: 09/06/00 Database Release Frequency: Varies Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 08111/00 Elapsed ASTM days: 26 Date of Last EDR Contact: 02/01f02 ~ FEDERAL ASTM SUPPLEMENTAL RECORDS - BRS: Biennial Reporting System Source: EPAfNTIS Telephone: 800-424-9346 The Biennial Reporting System is a national system administered by the EPA that collects data on the generation and management of hazardous waste. BRS captures detailed data from two groups: Large Quantity Generators (LOG) and Treatment, Storage. and Disposal Facilities. Date of Government Version: 12/31/99 Database Release Frequency: Biennially Date of Last EDR Contact: 03/18/02 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/17/02 CONSENT: Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees Source: EPA Regional Offices Telephone: Varies Major legal selllements that establish responsibility and standards for cleanup at NPL (Superfund) sites. Released periodically by United States District Courts after seWement by parties to litigation mailers. Date of Government Version: N/A Database Release Frequency: Varies Date of Last EDR Contact: N/A Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact N/A ROD: Records Of Decision Source: NTIS Telephone: 703-416-0223 Record of Decision. ROO documents mandate a permanent remedy at an NPL (Superfund) site containing technical and heallh information to aid in the cleanup. - TC751390.3s Page GR-2 L ! GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED I DATA CURRENCY TRACKING L Date of Government Version: 09/30/00 Database Release Frequency; Annually Date of Last EDR Contact: 01/07/02 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact 04/08/02 '-- DEUSTED NPL: National Priority List Deletions Source: EPA Telephone: NfA The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) establishes the criteria that the EPA uses 10 delete siles from the NPL. In accordance with 40 eFR 300.425.(e), sites may be deleted from the NPL where no further response is appropriate. Dale of Government Version: 01/29/02 Database Release Frequency: Quarterly Date of Last EDR Contact: 02104/02 Dale of Next Scheduled EOR Contact: 05/06102 ~ FINDS: Facility Index System/Facility Identification Initiative Program Summary Report Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Facility Index System. FINDS contains both facility information and 'pointers' to other sources that contain more detail. EDR Includes the following FINDS databases in this report PCS (Permit Compliance System), AIRS (Aerometric Information Retrieval System), DOCKET (Enforcement Docket used to manage and track information on civil judicial enforcement cases for all environmental statutes), FURS (Federal Underground Injection Control), C-DOCKET (Criminal Docket System used to track criminal enforcement actions for all environmental statutes), FFIS (Federal Facilities Information System), STATE (State Environmental Laws and Statutes), and PADS (PCB Activity Data System). Date of Government Version: 10f29/01 Date of Last EDR Contact: 01/07/02 Database Release Frequency: Quarterly Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/08/02 ~ HMIRS: Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Telephone: 202-366-4526 Hazardous Materials Incident Report System. HMIRS contains hazardous material spill incidents reported to DOT. Date of Government Version: 09/30/01 Database Release Frequency: Annually Date of Last EDR Contact: 01f21/02 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/22/02 ~ MLTS: Material Licensing Tracking System Source: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Telephone: 301-415-7169 ML TS is maintained by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and contains a list of approximately 8,100 sites which possess or use radioactive materials and which are subjeelto NRC licensing requiraments. To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. ~ Date of Government Version: 10/25/01 Database Release Frequency: Quarterly Date of Last EDR Contacl: 01/07/02 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact 04/08/02 MINES: Mines Master Index File Source: Department of labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration Teiephone: 303-231-5959 Date of Government Version: 12/14/01 Database Release Frequency: Semi-Annually Date of last EDR Contael: 01/02/02 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/01/02 NPL LIENS: Federal Superfund Liens Source: EPA Telephone: 205-564-4267 Federal Superfund Liens. Under the authority granted the USEPA by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980, the USEPA has the authority to file liens against real property in order to recover remedial action expenditures or when the property owner receives notification of potential liability. USEPA compiles a listing of filed notices of Superfund Liens. ~ TC751390.3s Page GR-3 I GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED I DATA CURRENCY TRACKING I L Date of Government Version: 10/15/91 Database Release Frequency: No Update Planned Dale of last fOR Contact: 02126/02 Dale of Next Scheduled fOR Contact: 05127/02 ~ PADS: PCB Activity Database System Source: EPA Telephone: 202-260-3936 PCB Activity Database. PADS Identifies generators, transporters, commercial storers and/or brokers and disposers of PCB's who are required to notify the EPA of such activities. Dale of Government Version: 09/30/01 Database Release Frequency: Annually Dale of Last fOR Contact: 02112102 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05113/02 - RAATS: ReRA Administrative Action Tracking System Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4104 ReRA Administration Action Tracking System. RAATS contains records based on enforcement actions issued under ReRA pertaining to major violators and includes administrative and civil actions brought by the EPA. For administration actions after September 30, 1995, data enlfy in the RAATS database was discontinued. EPA will retain a copy of the database for historical records. It was necessary to terminate RAATS because a decrease in agency resources made it impossible to continue to update the information contained In the database. - ~ Date of Government Version: 04/17/95 Database Release Frequency: No Update Planned Date of Last EDR Contact: 03/11/02 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/10/02 TRIS: Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System Source: EPA Telephone: 202-260-1531 Toxic Release Inventory System. TRIS identifies facilities which release toxic chemicals to the air, water and land in reportable quantities under SARA Title III Section 313. ~ Date of Government Version: 12/31/99 Database Release Frequency: Annually Date of Last EDR Contact: 12/26/01 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25/02 - TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act Source: EPA Telephone: 202-260-5521 Toxic Substances Control Act. TSCA identifies manufacturers and importers of chemical substances included on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory list. It includes data on the production volume of these substances by plant site. Date of Government Version: 12131/96 Database Release Frequency: Every 4 Years Date of Last EDR Contact: 01/22/02 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/22/02 - FTTS: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)rrSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) Source: EPA/Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances Telephone: 202-564-2501 FTTS tracks administrative cases and pesticide enforcement actions and compliance activities related to FIFRA. TSCA and EPCRA (Emergency Planning and Community Right-ta-Know Act). To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 01/11/02 Database Release Frequency: Quarterly Date of Last EDR Contact: 12126101 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/25102 FITS INSP: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federallnseclicide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)rrSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-2501 Date of Government Version: 01/14/02 Database Release Frequency: Quarterly Date of Last EDR Contact: 12126/01 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03125/02 - - TC751390.3s Page GR-4 I GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED I DATA CURRENCY TRACKING , L STATE OF KANSAS ASTM STANDARD RECORDS ~ SHWS: Identified Sites List Source: Department of Health and Environment Telephone: 785-296-1660 State Hazardous Wasle Siles. State hazardous waste site records are the states' equivalent to CERCUS. These siles mayor may nol already be listed on the federal CERCUS list. Priority sites planned for cleanup using slate funds (stale equivalent of Superfund) are identified along with sites where cleanup will be paid for by potentially responsible parties. Available infOlTTlation varies by state. Date of Government Version: 12/03/01 Dale Made Active at EOR: 12118f01 Database Release Frequency: Semi-Annually Date of Dala Arrival al fOR: 12/10/01 Elapsed ASTM days: 8 Dale of Last EDR Contact: 02112102 - SWF/LF: Directory of Sanitary Landfills, Solid Waste Transfer Stations and Collector in Kansas Source: Department of Health and Environment Telephone: 785-296-1590 Solid Waste Facilities/Landfill Sites. SWFflF type records typically contain an Inventory of solid waste disposal fadllties or landfills in a particular state. Depending on the state, these may be active or inactive facilities or open dumps that failed to meet RCRA Subtitle 0 Section 4004 criteria for solid waste landfills or disposal sites. - .... Date of Government Version: 02101102 Date Made Active at EDR: 02125/02 Database Release Frequency: Annualty Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 02f18102 Elapsed ASTM days: 7 Date of Last EDR Contact: 02l18f02 - LUST: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Data Source: Department of Health and Environment Telephone: 785-296-1685 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Reports. LUST records contain an inventory of reported leaking underground storage tank incidents. Not aU states maintain these records, and the information stored varies by state. ... Date of Government Version: 02108102 Date Made Active at EDR: 02l19f02 Database Release Frequency: Quarteriy Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 02108/02 Elapsed ASTM days: 11 Date of Last EDR Contact: 01f02/02 - - UST: Underground Storage Tank Data Source; Department of Health and Environment Telephone: 785-296-1685 Registered Under9round Storege Tanks, UST's are regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and must be registered with the state department responsible for administering the UST program. Available informaUon varies by state program. Date of Government Version: 02f08f02 Date Made Active at EDR: 02120/02 Database Release Frequency: Quarteriy Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 02108102 Elapsed ASTM days: 12 Date of Last EDR Contact: 01102102 STATE OF KANSAS ASTM SUPPLEMENTAL RECORDS AST: Aboveground Storage Tank Data Source: Department of Health and Environment Telephone: 785-296-1685 Registered Aboveground Storage Tanks. Date of Government Version: 02f08/02 Database Release Frequency: Quarteriy Date of Last EDR Contact: 01f02/02 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/01/02 - .... TC751390.3s Page GR-5 I GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED I DATA CURRENCY TRACKING L EDR PROPRIETARY HISTORICAl. DATABASES Former Manufactured Gas (Coal Gas) Sites: The existence and location of Coal Gas sites is provided exdusively to EDR by Real Property Scan, Inc. @Copyright 1993 Real Property Scan, Inc. For a technical description of the types of hazards which may be found al such sites, contact your EDR customer service representative. ~ Disclaimer Provided by Real Property Scan, Inc. The information contained in this report has predominantly been obtained from publicly available sources produced by entities other than Real Property Scan. While reasonable steps have been taken to insure the accuracy of this report, Real Property Scan does not guarantee the accuracy of this report. Any liability on the part of Real Property Scan is stricUy limited to a refund of the amount paid. No claim is made for the actual existence of toxins at any site. This raport does not constitute a legal opinion. - - OTHER DATABASE{S) ~ Depending on the geographic area covered by this report, the data provided in these specialty databases mayor may not be complete. For example. the existence of wetlands infonnation data in a speclfic report does not mean that all wetlands In the area covered by the report are Included. Moreover, the absence of any reported wetlands infonnation does not necessarily mean that wetlands do not exist in the area covered by the report. - Oil/Gas Pipelines/Electrical Transmission Lines: This data was obtained by EDR from the USGS in 1994. It is referred to by USGS as GeoData Digital Line Graphs from 1 :100.000.Scale Maps. It was extracted from the transportation category including someoil,butprimarllygaspipelinesandelectricaltransmissionllnes. ... Sensitive Receptors: There are indlviduals deemed sensitive receptors due to their fragile immune systems and special sensitivity to environmental discharges. These sensitive receptors typically include the elderly, the sick, and children. While the location of all sensitive receptors cannot be determined, EDR indicates those buildings and facilities - schools, daycares, hospitals, medical centers, and nursing homes - where individuals who are sensitive receptors are likely to be located. - Flood Zone Data; This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 1999 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100-year and SQO-year flood zones as defined by FEMA. NWI; National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available In select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 1999 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. - ~ ~ TC7S1390.3s Page GR-6 I 1 I I.... GEOCHECK"". PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE ADDENDUM ~ TARGET PROPERTY ADDRESS NORTH OHIO OVERPASS ESA 640 NORTH OHIO ST SALINA, KS 67401 TARGET PROPERTY COORDINATES - Latitude (North): Longitude (West): Universal Tranverse Mercator: UTM X (Meters): UTM Y (Meters): 38.852459 - 38" 51' 8.9" 97.594231 - 97" 35' 39.2" Zone 14 621986.2 4301135.5 ~ EDR's GeoCheck Physical Setting Source Addendum has been developed to assist the environmental professional with the collection of physical setting source information in accordance with ASTM 1527-00, Section 7.2.3. Section 7.2.3 requires that a current USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map (or equivalent, such as the USGS Digital Elevation Model) be reviewed. II also requires that one or more additional physical setting sources be sought when (1) conditions have been identified in which hazardous substances or petroleum products are likely to migrate to or from the property, and (2) more information than is provided in the current USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map (or equivalent) is generally obtained, pursuant to local good commercial or customary practice, to assess the impact of migration of recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property. Such additional physical setting sources generally include information about the topographic, hydrologic, hydrogeologic, and geologic characteristics of a site, and wells in the area. Assessment of the impact of contaminant migration generally has two principle investigative components: ..... 1. Groundwater flow direction, and 2. Groundwater flow velocity. Groundwater flow direction may be impacted by surface topography, hydrology, hydrogeology, characteristics - of the soil, and nearby wells. Groundwater flow velocity is generally impacted by the nature of the geologic strata. EDR's GeoCheck Physical Setting Source Addendum is provided to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of potential contaminant migration. - - TC751390.3s PageA-1 I L ... - - - ~ - - - GEOCHECI(!!l - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION INFORMATION Groundwater flow direction for a particular sile is best determined by a qualified environmental professional using site-specific well data. If such data is not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other sources of information, such as surface topographic information, hydrologic information, hydrogeologic data collected on nearby properties, and regional groundwater flow information (from deep aquifers). TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Surface topography may be indicative of the direction of surficial groundwater flow. This information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ASSOCIATED WITH THIS SITE Target Property: 2438097.G5 SALINA, KS Source: USGS 7.5 min quad index GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC GRADIENT AT TARGET PROPERlY Target Property: General ESE Source: General Topographic Gradient has been determined from the USGS 1 Degree Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified. HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION Surface water can act as a hydrologic barrier to groundwater flow. Such hydrologic information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. Refer to the Physical Setting Source Map following this summary for hydrologic information (major waterways and bodies of water). FEMA FLOOD ZONE TarQet Property County SALINE, KS FEMA Flood Electronic Data YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detai] Map Flood Plain Panel at Target Property: 2003190005B I CBPP Additional Panels in search area: 2003160060B I CBPP 2003160070B f CBPP NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY NWI Quad at Tarqet Property SALINA NWI Electronic Data Coverage Not Available HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION Hydrogeologic information obtained by installation of wells on a specific site can often be an indicator of groundwater flow direction in the immediate area. Such hydrogeologic information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. TC751390.3s Page A-2 I L '- '- - - - '- - - - - - GEOCHEC~ . PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY AQUIFlOW~ Search Radius: 2.000 Miles. EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted by environmental professionals to regulatory authorities a1 select sites and has extracted the date of the report, groundwater flow direction as determined hydrogeologically, and the depth to water table. MAP 10 Not Reported LOGA TtON FROM TP GENERAL DIRECTION GROUNDWATER FLOW GROUNDWATER FLOW VELOCITY INFORMATION Groundwater flow velocily information for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional using site specific geologic and soil strata data. If such data are not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other sources of information, including geologic age identification, rock stratigraphic unit and soil characteristics data collected on nearby properties and regional soil information. In general, contaminant plumes move more Quickly through sandy-gravelly types of soils than silty-clayey types of soils. GEOLOGIC INFORMATION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY Geologic information can be used by the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the relative speed at which contaminant migration may be occurring. ROCK STRATIGRAPHIC UNIT GEOLOGIC AGE IDENTIFICATION Era: System: Series: Code: Paleozoic Category: Stratifed Sequence Permian Lower part of Leonardian Series P2a (decoded above 8S Era, System & Series) Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. SChruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - a digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS -11 (1994). DOMINANT SOIL COMPOSITION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS) leads the National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed (SSURGO) soil survey maps. The following information is based on Soil Conservation Service STATSGO data. Soil Component Name: SUTPHEN Soil Surface T elcture: silty clay Hydrologic Group: Class 0 - Very slow infiltration rates. Soils are clayey, have a high water table, or are shallow to an impervious layer. Soil Drainage Class: Moderately well drained. Soils have a layer of low hydraulic conductivity, wet state high in the profile. Depth to water table is 3 to 6 feet. TC751390.3s Page A-3 I L '- - '- - ... ... L. - ... GEOCHEC~ . PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY Hydric Status: Soil does not meet the requirements for a hydric soil. Corrosion Potential- Uncoated Steel: HIGH Depth to Bedrock Min: Depth to Bedrock Max: > 60 inches > 60 inches Soli Layer Information Boundary Classification Layer Upper Lower Soli Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Permeabl~~ Soli Reaction Rate (in/hr) (pH) 1 o inches 6 inches silty clay Sill-Clay FINE-GRAINED Max: 0.06 Max: 8.40 Materials (more SOILS,Sills Min: 0.00 Min: 6.10 than35pct. and Clays passing No. (liquidfimlt 200), Clayey 50%orrnore), Soils. FatClav. 2 6 inches 46 inches clay Silt-Clay FINE-GRAINED Max: 0.06 Max: 8.40 Matarials(more SOILS, Silts Min: 0.00 Mln: 6.60 Ihan35 pct. and Clays passing No. (liquid limit 200),Clayey 50% or morej, Soils. FalClav. 3 46 inches 60 inches d,y Silt-Clay FINE-GRAINED Max; 0.20 Max: 8.40 Malerials(more SOILS,SlIts Min; 0.00 Mln: 7.40 Ihan 35 pel. and Clays passing No_ (liquidllmil 200j,Clayey 50% or more), Soils. FatClav. OTHER SOIL TYPES IN AREA Based on Soil Conservation Service ST A TSGO data, the following additional subordinant soil types may appear within the general area of target property. Soil Surface Textures: sill loam silly clay loam loam Surficial Soli Types: sill loam silty clay loam loam Shallow Soil Types: No Other Soil Types Deeper Soil Types: silt loam silly clay loam very fine sandy loam silty clay clay loam TC751390.3s PageA-4 l I L. ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ - - , GEOCHEC~ - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORD SOURCES According to ASTM E 1527-00, Section 7.2.2, "one or more additional stale or local sources of environmental records may be checked, in the discretion of the environmental professional, to enhance and supplement federal and state sources... Factors to consider in determining which local or additional state records, if any, should be checked include (1) whether they are reasonably ascertainable, (2) whether they are sufficiently useful, accurate, and complete in light of the objective of the records review (see 7.1.1), and (3) whether they are obtained, pursuant to local, good commercial or customary practice." One of the record sources listed in Section 7.2.2 is water well information. Water well information can be used to assist the environmental professional in assessing sources that may impact groundwater flow direction, and in forming an opinion about the impact of contaminant migration on nearby drinking water wells. WELL SEARCH DISTANCE INFORMATION DATABASE Federal USGS Federal FRDS PWS State Database SEARCH DISTANCE (miles) 1.000 Nearest PWS within 1 mile 1.000 FEDERAL USGS WELL INFORMATION MAPID No Wells Found LOCATION FROM TP WELL 10 FEDERAL FRDS PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM INFORMATION MAP 10 LOCATION FROM TP WELL 10 No PWS System Found Note: PWS System location is not always the same as well location. STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION MAP 10 LOCATION FROM TP WELL 10 No Wells Found TC751390.3s Page A-5 I PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP -751390.3s L , l. - ... , -" . . , ~ c " . - ... ^ ~ '- - .. - CIVlWFADST N -N @) @ _I ill) (ill Major Roads ContourUnes Water Wells Public Water Supply Wells Groundwater Flow Direction Indeterminate Groundwater Flow at Location Groundwater Flow Varias at Loeation _@ Clusler of Multiple Icons TARGET PROPERTY: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: LAT/LONG: ,o\,ll , . , . - . COUNTRY ue!\O , . !: . c < " c ~ > < < . EC FORB AA," '<',. 2 Milo, I ~ . . " @ Eal1t1quakeepicenter, Richter 5 or greater North Ohio Overpass ESA 640 North Ohio St Salina KS 67401 38.8525 J 97.5942 Wilson & Company Jeff Leach 751390.35 March 27, 2002 2:57 pm CUSTOMER: CONTACT: INQUIRY #: DATE: I L , '- - '- - - '- - - - , < GEOCHECK@- PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS RADON AREA RADON INFORMATION Federal EPA Radon Zone for SALINE County: Nole: Zone 1 indoor average level:> 4 pCifL. : Zone 2 indoor average level >= 2 pCilL and <: 4 pCilL. :Zone3indooraveragelevel<2pCIIL. Zip Code: 67401 Number of sites tested: 24 A", living Area - 1st Floor Living Area - 2nd Floor Basement Average AcIivily %<4pCifL %4-20pCi/L %>20pCill 2.567pCi1L Not Reported 5.804pCIIL 100% Not Reported 50% 0% Not Reported 46% 0% NolReported 4% TC751390.3s Page A-7 I PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED . L HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION Flood Zone Data: This dala, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 1999 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100.year and SOa-year flood zones as defined by FEMA. '- NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 1999 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. - HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION - AQUIFLOwR Infannation System Source: EDR proprietary database of groundwater flow information EOR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System (AIS) to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow al specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted to regulatory aulholities al seleel siles and has extracted the date of the report, hydrogeologically determined groundwater flow direction and depth to water table information. - GEOLOGIC INFORMATION - Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale _ A digital representation of the 1974 P.B. Kin9 and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS -11 (1994). STATSGO: State Soil Geographic Database The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Soli Conservation Service (SCS) leads the national Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soli map In a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed (SSURGO) soil survey maps. ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORD SOURCES FEDERAL WATER WELLS - PWS: Public Water Systems Source: EPAfOffice of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-260-2805 Public Water System data from the Federal Reporting Data System. A PWS is any water system which provides water to at least 25 people for at least 60 days annually. PWSs provide water from wells, rivers and other sources. PWS ENF: Public Water Systems Violation and Enforcement Data Source: EPAfOffice of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-260-2805 Violation and Enforcement data for Public Water Systems from the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) after August 1995. Prior to August 1995, the data came from the Federal Reporting Data System (FRDS). USGS Water Wells: In November 1971 the United States Geological Survey (USGS) implemented a national water resource information tracking system. This database contains descriptive information on sites where the USGS collects or has collected data on surface water and/or groundwater. The groundwater data Includes information on more than 900,000 wells, springs, and other sources of groundwater. - TC751390.3s Page A-a I PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED L STATE RECORDS ~ Kansas Water Well Locations Source: Kansas Geological Survey Telephone: 913-864-3965 r RADON I - ~ Area Radon Information: The National Radon Database has been developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and is a compilation of the EPAlState Residential Radon Survey and the National Residential Radon Survey. The study covers the years 1986 - 1992. Where necessary data has been supplemented by information collected al private sources sucl1 as universities and research institutions. EPA Radon Zones: Sections 307 & 309 of IRAA directed EPA to list and identify areas of u.s. with the potential for elevaled indoor radon levels. .... OTHER ... Epicenters; World earthquake epicenters, Richter 5 or greater Source: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ~ ... .... - - TC751390.3s Page A.9 I'. ,. L i - I - R : Environmental : Data : Resources, Inc. - - . : an..edr"company - - The EDR-Historical Topographic Map Report - North Ohio Overpass ESA 640 North Ohio St Salina, KS 67401 The Source For Environmental Risk Management Data - - March 28, 2002 3530 Post Road Southporl, Conneclicut 06490 - Inquiry Numher: 751390-5 Nationwide Customer Service Telephone: 1-800-352-0050 Fax: 1-800-231-6802 I L Environmental Data Resources, Inc. Historical Topographic Map Report - Environmental Data Resources, Inc.', (EDR) Historical Topographic Map Report is designed to assist professionals in evaluating pctentialliability on a target property. and its surrounding area. resulting from past activities. ASTM E 1527-94, Section 7.3 on Historical Use Infonnation, identifies the prior use requirements for a Phase I environmental site assessment. The ASTM standard requires a review of reasonably ascertainable standard historical sources. Reasonably ascertainable is defined as illformation that is publicly available, obtainable from a source with reasonable time and cost COILftraints, and practically reviewable. - - .... To meet the prior use requirements of ASTM E 1527.94, Section 7.3.2, the following statldard historical sources may be used: aerial photographs, city directories, fIre insurance maps, topographic maps, property tax files, land title records (although these cannot be the 'ole historical ,ource consulted). builcliflg department records. or zoninlVand use records. ASTM E 1527.94 requires ''All obvious uses of the property shall be identified from the present, back to the property's obvious first developed use, or back to 1940. whichever is earlier. This task requires reviewing only as many of the standard historical sources as are necessary, and that are reasonably ascertainable and likely to be usefuL If (ASTM E 1527.94. Section 7.3.2 page 11.) .... .... , ... EDR's Historical Topographic Map Report includes a search of available public and private color historical topographic map collections. - Topographic Maps A topographic map (tapa) is a color coded line-and-symbol representation of natural and selected artificial features plotted to a scale. Tapas show the shape, elevation, and development of the terrain in precise detail by using contour lines and color coded symbols. Many features are shown by lines that may be straight, curved, solid, dashed, dotted, or in any combination. The colors of the lines usually indicate similar classes of infonllation. For example, topographic contours (brown); lakes, streams, irrigation ditches, etc. (blue); land grids and important roads (red); secondary roads and trails, railroads, boundaries, etc. (black); and features that have been updated using aerial photography, but not field verified, such as d~turbed land areas (e.g., gravel pits) and newly developed water bodies (purple). - For more than a century, the USGS has been creating and revising topographic maps for the entire country at , variety of scales. There are about 60.000 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) produced tapa maps covering the United States. Each map covers a specific quadrangle (quad) defined as a four-sided area bounded by latitude and longitude. Historical topographic maps are a valuable historical resource for documenting the prior use of a property and its surrounding area, and due to their frequent availability can be particularly helpful when other standard historical sources (such as city directories, fIre insurance maps, or aerial photographs) are not reasonably ascertainable. - - - I \ I.. Please call EDR Nationwide Customer Service at 1-800-352-0050 (8am.8pm ET) with questions or comments about your report. Thank you/or your business! ~ ... DIsclaimer Copyright and Trademark Notice ~ , ... This r~port contains informaMn obtained from a variety of public 01ld other Sources. NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPUED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION wrm THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFlCAUY DISCLAIMS TffE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES. INCLUDING WrrHOUT UMrrATION, WARRANTIES AS TO NON-INFRINGEMENT OF TffIRD PARTY RIGHTS, ACCURACY, VAUDrrY. COMPlETENESS. SUrrABIUTY, CONDITION. QUAUTY, MERCHANTABIUTY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE OF THIS REPORT OR THE INFORMATION CONTAiNED OR REFERENCED THEREIN OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH THE PREPARATION THEREOF. AU RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. No liability to anYOM is assumed, whether arising out of errors or omissiollS, negligence. acci,unt or an,Y other caust, for any loss or damage, including, without limitation, special, incidental, consequential, or uemplary damages. - ~ ~ Entire COIIUnts copyright /998 b.v EnvironnuntaJ Data Resources. inc. All rights ruenled. Reproduction in any 1'1Udia or format, in 'HI/wl/!' or in part, of any report or map of Environmt!ntal Data Resources. Inc., or itJ affiliates. is prohibited without prilJr written permission. - EDR and the edr logos are trademarks of EnYironmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property oftkeir respective owners. Use of such trademarks does not constitute an endorsement by EnYironmental Data Resources, Inc., or ils affiliates, of the organizations claiming ownership thtreof or the injOntUJ.tion obtained/rom such organizations and contained herein. - .. - Jl'H 1 c.l..J 011-\1 c.u ENT OF THE INTERIOR .....LOGICAL SURVEY CONCOROIA 5/ MI. I /I MI. TO KANS. /8 " ,,=- ---.,.--....... L.U: q '!j g D' --~-- ~ 'Y' ee ~=======1' 36 ...-'f",""'Fl I ~ . . -. . ......."A.) 81 l:E - E K ( ~. L. ~ ~J.. ,V ~..... ......: /2/3 -- - - -,1). ~2 r Stimmel Sch VJ~' ~~ ~D ~. l~ ~===' : - r~. ~;('~ . '). ~ r===.".." , ~...o:::N '''i! c_, . . 1\. *~m(&~ JlH' . '? . ~ ,K )1~~ "'.~. .-----] L -~. ~ .f)! ----- . . }--~ ~ D . ~ !..::............ .. 1 12/5 ~JO.~hn.~ liJry~:h .~~ . ~J! i1= . .BM - " 0 I },;;T I " · f\ 1~ ~ _ , J tll. g' .J~~}~ p~, ~ UL <<t : ~~ TJI 'f. ~ (- ,~ '\, .-.. . R.3 W. R.2 w. 35' I (NEW ( . 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Ii , ~ T \ P k S h.. r F' r R 810 Inquiry Number: ;;Z 5' /3':> 6 - s- TP Quad 1]- Adj Quad 0 Quad ,;",1 ;^-''f Minute Series fjI.5 [] 15 [J 30 [J 30,,60 Year I 7'5 ~ []Provisional Edition [JRevised []Photorevised []Inspected from Scale {f!:24,000 [] 1:25,000 [J 150,000 [J 1:62,500 [] 1:100,000 [] 1:125,000 ~ tN - i _..L.....~~.J..J .......,~J..l.l..I......l......., - 1.EN'f OF THE INTERIOR ->LOGICAL SURVEY -/. ..l:i? II II II 1/ If .--... ...--:.---.. -r- - 1210 ____ . II II /I II ---- {j. (NIM ~2 R.3 W. R.2 W. ij "36 J. 31.. 624 ---- 1210-- -- '-. I I /2/0 '. /2/0 / 12/~ ,~ /2/2 ~ -!!- (;~ I!, l!' II " II II II. II II II II II II II /2/211 / ~' .\~ t. /' /1', I, \. ,I D ~::!== 1".... '" /2/5 1?/4,..... 6 . ....:::MN:i . /2/3 . . . . ," . -,2' io Tower o B:l ~.. if- tr Oil Wells '1 II ==}) 19 I??F; , ... Inquiry Number: '?- 'S ('?1 u - 5 TP Quad {] Adj Quad D tN Quad s... / ; '" Co Minute Series.ft'1.5 [] 15 [] 30 [] 3Ox60 Year 19' r 8' []Provisional Edition [JRevised lJPIiotorevised []lnspected from t' '1 .,;-S Scale 1TI:24,000 D 1:25.000 [J 1:50,000 [] 1:62,500 [] 1:100,000 [] 1:125,000 I RECEIVED KANSAS APR 1 2 2002 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMEllIIILSON & CO. - SALINA BILL GRA YES, GOVERNOR Clyde D. Graeber, Secretary . .... - April 10. 2002 Mr. Jeff Leach Wilson & Company 1700 East Iron A VenllC Salina. KS 67401 - Re: SOllthwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Saline County Dear Mr. Leach: - - Pursuant to your request for access to the records of the Kansas Department of Health and EnvIronment concerning the above named facility, records were found in one or more of the bureaus of the Division of Environment. To schedule an appointment to review the named facility's files (allow a few days to prepare the files}, you will need to contact the employees listed below: - Mark Gerard. Technical Services Section 785-296-5520 Bureau of Water Unable to locate any files for this site. Linda Vandevord. Air Engineering Section 785-296-6423 Bureau of Air & Radiation Unable to locate any files for this site. Shellv Hawks. Hazardous Waste Section 785-296-1123 Bureau of Waste Management Unable to locate any files in the Solid 'Waste database. Linda Prockish. Hazardous Waste Section 785-296.0005 Bureau of Waste Management Need a location address for this site in order to check my files. Debora Ellis. Storage Tank Section 785-296-1599 Bureau of Environmental Remediation Need a precise address! addresses for this site in order to check my files. - - DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENT !OOOSWJacksonStreet Signature Building, Suite4()(J Topeka,KS66612-l367 Prinwdon RecycledPaper PHONE (785)296-1535 FAX (785) 296-8464 I L ; '- ~ .... .... ... ... ~ - - - ... 'j Mr. Jeff Leach April 1 O. 2002 Page two Roger Bocken. Leaking Undenrround Storage Tanks 785-296-1674 Bureau of Environmental Remediation Lust search reports are enclosed for this area. Dan Caton. Spills Section 785-291-3252 Bureau of Environmental Remediation Spill report is enclosed for this site. Mary Stewart. Superfund 785-291-3248 Bureau of Envirorunental Remediation Unable to locate any files for this site. Site lists are enclosed for the Salina area. Please contact the project manager of these sites for more information. To schedule a file review, please contact Joanna Becker at (785) 296-1672. Scott Lang, (NC) Dist. - Environmental Remediation 785-827~9639 1 have already meet with Mr. Leach regarding this project. There are some fuel tank facilities within his area of study and some contaminated sites both east and west of this area. i. In order to conduct a complete file search, you must provide the facility name. precise address (street & city). and the cadastral legal description including quarter section. (townshio. section. range), Other agency records may exist concerning the site under names different than the name provided in the request. The records search undertaken by the agency was restricted to the infonnation you provided. Any further reports will be forwarded to your office. S~ ,// -"r-;;:-d,#-- /,.~ Ronald F. Hammerschmidt, Ph.D. Director, Division of Environment RFH:ddf enclosures t Kansas Instruction 1940-J Exhibit D AGENCY REVIEW TRANSMITTAL FORM Comments by: Transmittal Date: This form provides notification and the opportunity for your agency to review and comment on this proposed project as required by Executive Order 12372, Review Agency, please complete Parts II and III as appropriate and return to contact person listed below. Your prompt response will be appreciated. RETURN TO: .... - PART I REVIEW AGENCIES/COMMISSIONS - _ Aging _ Agriculture _ Biological Survey, KS Conservation Commission _ Corporation Commission Commerce Education _ Geological Survey, KS ~ Health & Environment _ Historical Society Social & Rehabilitation Services State Forester _ Transportation Water Office KS Wildlife & Parks - ; .... PART II Comments: AGENCY REVIEW COMMENTS Attached is a listing of selected entries contained within the KDHE Leaking Storage Tank database. The sites referenced by these entries are located in the section, township, and range of the legal description you specified in your request - and/or within adjacent sections. - PART III RECOMMENDED ACTION COMMENTS Clearance of the project should be granted. Clearance of the project should not be delayed but the Applicant should (in the final application) address and clarify the ques- tions or concerns indicate above Clearance of the project should not be granted. Clearance of the project should be delayed until the issues or questions above have been clarified. Request the opportunity to review final application prior to submission to the federal fund. ing agency. Request a State Process Recommendation in concurrence with the above comments. DIVISION/AGENCY/COMMISSION Reviewer's Name: Roqer Boeken Date' oJ, /1-("'- - Organization: Kansas Department of Health and Environment I L Project Name Project-Fac.Own Address Status --.---..,------- ,_ ____.'0.--________ Leaking Tanks in Township:145 Range:02W Section:07 L Aj Holmquist Excavating (Saline County) U5-085-00554 (04810-04810) 11737 E North St Salina Closed ~ ~ Brown & Brown Shop (Saline County) U5-085-10670 (06562-04119) 1901 E North Salina Closed ~ Research Chemical Co (Saline U5-085-00293 1835 E North St Salina Closed County) (27087-27087) - Thomas & Osten berg (Saline U5-085-10078 1123 Van Horne Salina Closed ~ County) (81156-99999) ... - ~ - - - l , L L ~ ~ - - '- ~ - - , Page: 1 Date: 04/01/2002 KDHE INCIDENT NOTIFICATION REPORT Reported Dale: Reported Time: Multiple Notification Sources: Spill or Complaint: 02/23196 1110 Spill Notification Received By: Initial EnlryBy: Updated By: KeC Spill No.: Scott Lang ThroughNRC: NRC#: Central Office Spill No: 551 Report: 10048 Did EPA Respond?: Epa Spill No: MethodRecievedlnilialCall: Spill Stage: ~EPORTER Confidentiality Requesled: 'Reported By: Privacy Act ReporterOrg ID:SetJ Clear. Organization Name: Organization Type: (Hslane) Did Spiller Report Incidenl: y.. 'Address: 'Phone: I ex!: City: State: I Zip: e. SameAsA:j I Organization Type(List one}: DischargerOrglD: .~If:~~ DISCHARGER 86836 Discharger Name: Phone: ext: Integrated Soutlons 16.264.7050 ContaclName: 2nd Phone: ex\: Kanna Mace Address: Facility ID Number: 1206E. Lincoln City: State: Zip: Wichita KS . Kansas C. INCIDENT Same As A: ! Street or Approx. Location: LOCATION Same As B: I 1835E North Street County: 14 of 14 of 14 of/4 SA. Saline Section:07 Township:14S Range:02W Lease Name: City: State: Zip: Salina KS Highway Type: Highway Designation: MilePost: II KDHE District: KCC District: Lease Number: NC Wichita GPSSource: Loca!ionMethod: Location Feature: Latitude: (like 38.46976) Longitude:(like-100.34314) Degrees: Minutes: Seconds: Degress: Minutes: Seconds: D. DATE Spill Date: Spill Time' Discovery Date: Discovery Time: 02111196 UNK 02119/96 1300 IE. MATERIAL Material Class CAS No_ UN DOT# Quantity Spilled Quantity Units Quantilyin Material Name Recovered Water 1. aAriculturalchemicals contaminated groundwater 800 0 gallon 1 , I ... '- - '- - ~ - - - - Page: 2 Date: 04/01/2002 F.SQURCE Source of Spill (List All): AST Vehicle 10 or Carrier No: I Number of Tanks: Tank Capacity: Tanks Units: Source Description: . MEDIA Media Affected (List All) : soli WalerWay Type (LisIAII): If WaterWay Type is River list River Name: ditch H. CAUSE Reported Cause {List All): Cause Description: I. DAMAGE No. aflnjuries: INo.afDeaths: I Property Damage>SSO,OOO: Damage Description: . ACTIONS Evacuation: Responders: Response Actions Taken: K. NOTIFIED Reporter has Notified: KDHE Notification List: (List All) M. INVEST Investigating Agency (ListAH): Site Visited By KDHE?: IGATlON KOHE KDHE or KeC Investigators: Hours Worked: 1. Howard Debauche 1.0 N.STATUS Status: Closed Dale: Closed 02/23/96 Followup Required: Response Required By Date: O. CLEANUP Cleanup Methods (Ust All) other Cleanup Description: the spill area Is already Involved In a clean-up because of these contalm-lnates (carbon tetrachloride and chloroform). this spill will be Inlcuded In the overall site Investigation. OMMENTS bufferfly valve failed on frac tank, causing loss of about 8,000 gallons of water contaminated with carbon tetrachloride (170 ppb) and chloroform (190 ppb) Attachment--> ~----- I I r r r r r r r r r r r .- ..... SALINE Site Name Project Code Address City Section Township Range Project Manager AGREX, 1Ne. C5-085-70888 ]884 E OLD HWY 40 SALINA 06 14 02W LINEBACK, J. CAMP PHILLIPS (FORMER) C5-085-713]5 SALINA CARlSON, R. DEWEY A VENUE SITE (MCSHARES, 1Ne.) C5-085-03007 1705 DEWEY SALINA 07 14 02W CHAFFEE,P_ AVENUE ELM & FRONT STREETS C5-085-709]9 SALINA 12 I' OJW KOOL, T. EXlINE,INe. C5-085--OOO]4 E COUNTRY CLUB SALINA 09 I' 02W KJRK,L RD EXl.INE,INe. C5-085--OOO]4 E COUNTRY CLUB SALINA 16 I' 02W KIRK,L RD EXPRESS CLEANERS C5-085-70354 540S SANTA FE SALINA 13 I' OJW SCHNEIDER, J_ FAST ONE-HOUR CLEANERS C5-085.70370 ]708 S SANTA FE SALINA 24 I' OJW SCHNEIDER, J. FMGP - SALINA C5-085-700J7 301 N 3RD STREET SALINA 12 I' OJW UNASS]GNED KANEB - SALINA C5-085-7]336 2]37 WOLDHWY40 SALINA 15 I' OJW GILL,J. KIPP GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION C5-085-70350 7400 EAST SCHILLING KIPP J2 I' OIW ELDER, R. ROAD KOCH AGRI-SERVICES, NEW CAMBRIA C5-085-03018 IOIISTST NEW CAMBRIA J5 13 02W lINEBACK, J_ LINCOLN AVE & 8TH STREET C5-085-71100 LINCOLN AVE & 8TH SALINA 12 I' OJW KOGl, T_ STREET NORTH HALSTEAD ROAD C5-085.70102 1112 N HALSTEAD ROAD SALINA 09 I' OJW CHAFFEE, P_ NORTH HALSTEAD ROAD C5-085-70102 1112 N HALSTEAD ROAD SALINA 09 I' OJW CHAFFEE, P. NORTH HALSTEAD ROAD C5-085-70102 1112 N HALSTEAD ROAD SALINA 04 I' OJW CHAFFEE, P. NORTH HALSTEAD ROAD C5-085-70102 1112 N HALSTEAD ROAD SALINA 08 I' OJW CHAFFEE, p_ ONE HOUR MARTINlZlNG (COMBINED Wf085-70370) C5-085-71192 1501 59TH SALINA HOEFFNER, K. " 0.., ~. SnLu"...-PIL..../TH ( f,--,--v.sS_71L" 411l. ,.nSTd", r :.....lIN.l ,2 r r ,HW r I..t1AFFE[r, r r- .. '" SALINA CITY LANDFILL C5-o85-OOO36 RT 3 & BURMA RD. SALINA 07 15 03W BWM SALINA NORTH CS-OSS-o3010 SALINA 12 I' 03W CHAFFEE, p, SALINA NORTH CS-085-03010 SALINA 12 14 03W CHAFFEE, P. SAUNA PWS WELL III 1 CS-oSS-03OO4 ASH STREET & OAKDALE SALINA 12 14 OJW KOGL, T. AVENUE SALINA WASTE ANNEX CS-085-71179 SMOLAN 24 15 04W GRAVATT, D. SALINA-ELM AND SEVENTH STREETS CS-OSS-70724 300 N 7TH STREET SALINA 12 14 03W CHAFFEE,P. SCHILLING AFB CS-08S-03013 SAlINA 34 14 03W DECARLO, D. SCHILLING AFB FACILITY "C" CS-08S-71180 GRAVATT, D. SCHILLING DEF GUIDED MISSILE MAINTENANCE CS-08S-71181 SALINA 34 14 03W GRAVATT, D, SHOP SCHilLING DEFENSE AREA NIKE SA TTERY SC.SO C5-08S-7128S SALEMSBORG 24 16 04W GRAVATT,D. SCHilLING DEFENSE AREA NIKE BATTERY SC-SO CS-085-7128S SALEMSBORG 07 16 03W GRAVATT, D. SCHillING FAMILY HOUSING CS-08S-71291 SALINA 3S 14 03W NICOSKI,D. SCOULAR ELEVATOR (MORRISON GRAIN) CS-08S-00182 E COUNTRY CLUB SALINA 16 14 02W CHAFFEE, P. ROAD SMOKY HILL WEAPONS RANGE CS-08S-00068 SALINA 23 15 05W CARLSON, R. SMOLAN DRUM SITE C5-o8S-7137S SMOLAN 24 15 04W CHAFFEE, p, SMOLAN SATELLITE POW CAMP CS-085-71274 SMOIAN 19 15 03W DECARlO, D. SOLOMON ELECTRIC SUPPLY, INC. CS-08S-OOO38 103WMAIN SOLOMON 24 13 01W CARLSON, R. SOUTHGATE COIN LAUNDRY CS.o8S-70892 2013 S OHIO STREET SALINA SCHNEIDER, J. - r- r ,) r r u3W r :SCtINEIJI::K,J, I .. 34 4 03W KOGL, T. I 4 OJW BEAN,R. 0 4 03W CHAFFEE, P. 3 4 OJW SCHNEIDER, ]. 4 O)W SCHAUER, S. BRODERICK, B. I 211 ~:'f\NfAFl r '::JAUNT ,--..>-v3j.70.JU..1 C5-085-70765 SALINA C5-085-7023] 725N ]1111 SAUNA C5..(l85-70051 1908 WOLD H'WY SALINA 40 C5-085-OOO37 401 55TH SALINA C5-085-70617 1500 BLOCK OF WEST SALINA NORTH 51 C5-085-70204 W SOUTH STREET & 8TH SAUNA AVENUE !......Rrsl~ mR~.'--','-'.1ER)r SUMMERS ROAD TOMMY'S RAOtA TOR TURBINE SPECIALTIES, INC. WATER TREATMENT PLANT (WTP) - SALINA WEST NORTH STREET WEST SOUTH STREET t WIlSON & COMPANY SUMMARY & CONCLUSION ADDENDUM 752 N Ohio Street, Salina, KS Underground Storage Tanks (UST's) Comments: No visual evidence observed at the time of the inspection. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment's data base showed no leaking underground storage tank (LUST) at this Jocation. - ... Above Ground Storage Tanks (AST's) Comments: Above ground tanks consist of 2-14,000 gal diesel, 2-14,000 gal unleaded gasoline, 1-4,000 gal kerosine, and 1-4,000 gal solvent. Approximately 70 drums of oil, gear lubricants, and greases were stored in the warehouse the day of the sile inspection. ... ... Waste Sites ~ Comments: No visual evidence was observed at the time of the inspection. - Drinking Water Comments: No on~site well was observed. No evidence of a well was found in a search of the Kansas Geological Survey water well records data base. Connected to municipal water supply. Asbestos Comments: No visual evidence of asbestos or asbestos-containing materials was observed at the time of the site inspection. Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation (UFFI) Comments: No visual evidence of urea formaldehyde foam insulation or other formaldyhyde-containing materials was observed at the time of the site inspection. - ... (" Copyrj~ht 2001 Em'ironmcntal A"e_"ment ASSOCIation Wilson & Comp.ny. Inc.. .cknowledge. and credits Em'ironmemal A<sessment Assoc;ation fllT development ofth;s fom,_ Pagelof2,Form610 I L SUMMARY & CONCLUSION ADDENDUM , ... lead Hazard Comments: No visual evidence of flaking or peeling paint, lead plumbing pipes, or other lead hazard was observed at the time of the site inspection. Pesticides/Herbicides - Comments: No visual evidence of excessive pesticide, herbicide, or fungicide usage/disposal was observed at the time of the site inspection. - Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB's) Comments: No visual evidence of PCB-containing sources. ... ... Radon Comments: There is a radon potential in Salina, but usually only of concern in basement areas. The building at this site .... did not have a basement. Other Comments: A property deed and title review by land Title Services, Inc. along with the Polk City Directory, revealed property use by previous businesses was similar, since 1967 when the warehouse and bulk storage facilities were constructed. A report of a limited environmental site assessment, dated May, 1997 is attached. The report concluded that soil and water samples from eight probe holes, located around the perimeter of the property, did not detect contaminants above Kansas Department of Hearth and Environment action levels or EPA's risk-based standards. Aerial photos from years 1957, 1963, and 1977 were examined and no additional information was gained for this assessment. Based on interviews with personnel from the Salina Fire Department and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. North Central Kansas District office, no chemical or petroleum spills were recorded at this site. - ... 'c (\'pyr;ght2001 E",'iromnem.1 Assessment Association Wilson & Comp.ny. In~.. acknnwledge_, .nd credit' Em';ronment.1 A"."""'nt Assnci.tion forde\'dopmem "fthis lorm P.ge2of2.F"rm610 I I L L - - ~ LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT Ott Oil Company, Inc. 752 North Ohio Salina, Kansas ~ for ~ On Oil Company. Inc. SALINA, KANSAS '- MAY, 1997 Prepared by TANK MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INe. 201 NWHIGHWAY24, SUITE 320 P. O. BOX 8479 TOPEKA. KANSAS 66608-0479 PHONE (913) 233-1414 - E L Table of Contents , '- INTRODUCTION........................................................... ..1 SUMMA.RYOFCONCLUSIONS ................................................1 - '- TEST HOLES. FIELD ANALYSES, SOIL SAMPLING AND LABORATORY ANALYSES...................................................5 TEST HOLES .......................................................... 5 FIELD ANALYSES .....................................................5 SOIL SAMPLING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 LABORATORY ANALYSES ............................................. 5 - ~ KANSAS PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON ACTION LEVELS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 LOCATION, GENERAL SETTING AND FIELD OBSERVATIONS......... .......... .7 .... PROBE HOLE LOCATIONS AND ANALYTICAL RESULTS .........................7 L.. DISCUSSION OF FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND ANALYTICAL RESULTS............ 7 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................. 14 - APPENDIX I Laboratory Analyses Results and Chain-of-Custody Form - APPENDIX II Probe Hole Log Data and Field Notes - - . l \ L INTRODUCTION , ~ on Oil Company, Inc., hereafter referred to as "OOC," requested Tank Management Services, Inc., hereafter referred to as "TMS," to investigate for contamination on the property, hereafter referred to as "Site," located at 752 North Ohio, Salina, Kansas (see Location Map, Figure 1). The property is currently operated by OOC as a petroleum product bulk plant with associated warehouse. The scope of work performed as agreed to by TMS and OOC included the following: - '- I) Discussions with OOC regarding the project, review of property boundaries and obtaining any additional file information that might be relevant to the project. 2) Review of available records and documents of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), Topeka, Kansas. - - 3) Placing Probe holes, using a Terrapin model push probe, near the aboveground storage tanks (AST), the loading rack and at various other locations as shown in Figure 2. Conducting GasTech 202 photoionization (PlD) meter readings for total petroleum hydrocarbons ([PH) in the field on some of the soil samples. Taking soil and water samples for laboratory analyses. - 4) Review of all data from field and laboratory analyses to determine if any contamination was present in the soil or water samples taken from beneath the Site that exceed the action levels of Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) . 5) A written report including all of the data collected, and interpretation of the data as to the level of contamination, if any. at the site. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS Probe holes were completed adjacent to the containment berm around the aboveground storage tanks, by the loading rack, up and down gradient from the bulk plant and at several other locations. A combination of PID meter readings. visual and olfactory methods were used to evaluate the soil before samples were taken for laboratory analysis. The results of the field observations, discussions with OOC and field and laboratory analyses have led to the following conclusions: 1- No contamination was found during the field observations and measurements or in the laboratory analyses in excess ofKDHE or U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) action levels for petroleum hydrocarbons, other volatile organic compounds and for eight metals. - Tank Management Services, Inc., May, 1997.Ott Oil-70401 I I I ... 2- The existing bulk plant contains six aboveground storage tanks containing gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene and solvent (naphtha). Probe holes adjacent to the AST containment berm and by the loading rack revealed no evidence of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination. Soil samples analyzed at the laboratory bore no evidence of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) or benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene or xylene (BTEX). L - - 3- Soil samples from probe holes P3 and P5 were analyzed for eight toxic metals at the laboratory. Analyses for total metals indicated the presence of arsenic, barium and chromium in the soil. The only metal detected using the EP A Toxic Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) test was barium, which was found in both soil samples. The amount of barium detected was well below the EPA TCLP test result limits for hazardous waste. - '- 4- Water samples were collected from probe holes P4 and P8. These samples were analyzed at the laboratory for BTEX and other volatile organic compounds. The only compound detected was toluene in hole P8 at a level of 0.7 parts per billion (Ppb). The KDHE action level for toluene in water is 1000 ppb. - , - - - Tank Management Services. Inc., May, 1997-Qtt Oil-70401 2 I I L.. L.. - - - - - - - - - SALINA ""'. ..... ..., TO JCT. US 81 ~ I I TO ABILENE & JUNCTION CITY I~I "-, , -"-- , , , , ~ . --' --' WC/l C/l>- C/l<( :::J:c c: oo!! ..... I --I ST. ~ ATE ~ IRON ST. ~ " ~ '" '" '" z Ii' >- ~ 0 :::! => '40 '" ,,~ .~ 0 Il.~' 0 '" ::t::: " <r z" 0 ~ '" <r ST. " CRAWFORD " 0 ..... R BLle ST. 11 II ... COUNTRY CLUB I RD. ,-- I I -, I I Smoky -" Hill J "J I - t) IMuseum , I 1 IllJ KSU-Salina Collevll " Technology I 1_- I 'I .... ,_____J , .. .. , . I ' --, I , 1 :..- .-.....'.. ;'. ';. . ~ Salina -V' .':. .'. .,. c.: J _JI M;i~~~al '---':'~~~r'Ljr 1* TO NEWTON _/ , , L, MAGNOL I A RD. '" >- '" 5CH LL ING RD. "'%' t:7.l\ ..: :::J & WICHITA Figure 1. Location Map Tank Management Services. Inc., May, 1997-Dtt Oil.70401 3 E I L... , - - - - - - L... - - - - , ,: ,: " " I: I: " " ,: t: I: " " ., " III I- Z W ... Q) ~ I- ..._ c: G)__ I: ...._ c_ Z-~__,,~.. l1loUlSl~2:= o ; ~.!I! III lU O-a. Ubt:)CC)~CI)tU , , I C :!II::'~NM"Itl.t)tO_ Z ~ . :', .. . ~O" ". :... ". ", . l . . ,lI.. " '. I: " I: ,: " ,: . ,: . : I' e , ,: l , \' ~ ,: j: ,.; . , '. '. . , o . . '. '" ". \;'" . . .... ". I j + " ,: " " b: ,: " " ,: ': " " " ., "~ l: ~ ~ o r/Yt. @ 88 88 , , '. , , , , , , , , , ,. ,,0 " -I' I / / "t / , / o o 3 . _ _ laaJ1S 0!40 :i: " I -0 3- N ! ..; wll.lll.. - I-cni - ~ -c i co ".. ii: . ~ ~ ~ ! f H Ii 3 ~ J t; 1 B . . " .. ~ o III !u f ~ ~ l- ll.. G p .-" l~ I I i i , , 1 I ... w , ~ t I J I I j ~ " 0 00' , 4 I L '- - - - - - - - - - TEST HOLES, FIELD ANALYSES, SOIL SAMPLING AND LABORATORY ANALYSES TEST HOLES All probe holes were accomplished using a 2 \I,-inch diameter continuous sampling probe-driven core barrel. Probe hole locations were selected based on infonnation provided by OOC, the history of the Site as a railroad property, geology and groundwater gradient. After probe hole locations were selected, the probe was advanced down to varying depths from 12 to 35 feet below ground surface. Using the push probe coring method. soil was examined as it was retrieved to the surface. FIELD ANALYSES Continuous core was obtained in order to bring soil to the surface. All soil returned to the surface was examined visually and checked for unusual odors, as well as subjected to PID meter (GasTech 202) readings on selected soil samples. SOIL SAMPLING Each probe hole had a soil sample taken from the core for possible analysis in a laboratory. Selection of which samples were to be analyzed was determined after all probe holes were completed and all cores examined. All samples were preserved by storing them with ice in an insulated container. LABORATORY ANALYSES Soil samples from the probe holes by the loading rack (PI) and by the AST benn (P2) were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons using the OA-I method for gasoline and the OA-2 method for diesel fuel. These samples were also analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylene (BTEX) using method EPA 8260 or DEQ Method. Water samples from probe holes P4 and P8 were analyzed for BTEX and other volatile organic compounds using EPA method 8260 which detects many hazardous chemicals. Soil samples from P3 and P5 were analyzed for 8 toxic metals using total metals and TCLP 8 metals using method EPA SW-846. Samples to be analyzed were submitted to M. D. Chemical and Testing, Inc., Topeka, Kansas for analysis. M. D. Chemical and Testing, Inc. is approved by KDHE to perfonn the types of analyses required for the submitted samples. The M. D. Chemical and Testing Inc. analyses reports are in APPENDIX I. KANSAS PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON ACTION LEVELS The State of Kansas has guidelines to detennine if a site is considered contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons and may require remediation. These guidelines are not necessarily rigid Tank Management Services, Inc.. May, 1997-Ott Oil-70401 5 I L i.. - ... - - - , ... - - - - but are often changed by local conditions that could impact human health and the environment. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) Corrective Action Policy Manual lists various levels of petroleum hydrocarbons that may require corrective action. These levels are listed in Table I guidelines which were compared to field and laboratory analyses to determine if Kansas action levels were exceeded in this project. T bl I K h d b Ii I Is a e - ansas Detro eum rocar on Be on eve . HYDROCARBON ACTION LEVEL IN SOIL ACTION LEVEL IN WATER TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS IOOppm . BENZENE 1.4ppm Sppb TOLUENE . IOOOppb ETHYL BENZENE . 680ppb XYLENE . 440ppb 1-2 DCA . Sppb NAPTHLENE . 143ppb PHENATHRENE . O.029ppb .. .. ppm- parts per mllhon. ppb- parts pcr billion. Region III of the EP A has published a table (Risked-Based Concentration Table, April 19, 1996) that lists recommended maximum levels of toxic metals in soil for proposed residential and industrial property. Two soil samples from the Site were analyzed for total metals (8 listed metals). Three metals, arsenic, barium and chromium, were detected in the soil samples. The following chart indicates the maximum levels as listed in the EPA Table mentioned above. T bl 2 Ri k b d t Ii ~ t Is d t t d . '1 1 f th S't a e . s - ase concen ra ODS or me a e ec e In SOl samples rom e Ie. Metal RBC Residential Soil. RBC Industrial Soil" Arsenic 23 mg/kg 610 mg/kg Barium 5,500 mg/kg 140,000 mg/kg Chromium 4.700 mg/kg 11 0,000 mg/kg . "As hsted in EPA Region III, Risked-Based Concentration Table, April 19, 1996 Tank Management Services. Inc., May, 1997-Qtt Oil-70401 6 l ~ LOCATION, GENERAL SETIING AND FIELD OBSERVATIONS The site is located at~ N. Ohio, Salina, Kansas (see Figure I). The aboveground storage tanks are currently registered with KDHE as owner number 18426, and facility number 40650 (photo I). The area is a mixture of industrial and commercial properties with relatively flat topography. The Site is a triangular shaped property lying between two sets of railroad tracks (Photo 3). The property has been owned by a railroad for many years and no information was made available by the railroad to OOC regarding the past uses of the property prior to about 1963. ~ Sivi N. Murray. KDHE, conducted a data base search for leaking underground storage tank (LUST) records on or near the property. No LUST records were found for the Site or adjacent properties. Debbie Inman. KDHE, conducted a data base search for non-LUST contaminated sites in the sections surrounding the Site. No contaminated sites were found near~ N. Ohio; however, much of the groundwater in Salina has some contamination which could impact the water beneath the Site. - Two gasoline ASTs, two diesel ASTs, one kerosene AST and one solvent (naphtha) AST are located on the property. Petroleum products are trucked onto the property and off-loaded into the tanks. Product is loaded into trucks from the tanks via a loading rack. The tanks are vertical on a gravel base and surrounded by an earthen benn for spill containment. The product lines are all located above ground on pipe racks. - - An inspection of the surface was made for any signs of surface contamination. No stains, odors, dead vegetation or other clues that might indicate contamination were observed. PROBE HOLE LOCATIONS AND ANALYTICAL RESULTS Probe hole locations are shown diagrammatically in Figure 2. Table 3 indicates the probe hole identification used by TMS and the location of each hole with respect to a fixed point. Table 4 lists the results of the field and laboratory analytical results. DISCUSSION OF FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND ANALYTICAL RESULTS Eight probe holes were completed at this site. The subsurface geology was consistent across the site. The probe cores were all examinedand logged (see drilling well logs, APPENDIX II). They consisted of a dark grey to black soil horizon (approximately 1.5 feet thick) overlying a light tan clayey silt that graded downward into a light tan to medium olive grey silt (Photo 4). No staining Tank Management Services. Inc., May, 1997-00 Oi1470401 7 I L , L.. - - - - - .... - - - , or odors were observed in any of the core samples. A check for total petroleum hydrocarbons with the PID meter on soil sample headspace gave readings of 0.0 parts per million (ppm), except for P7 at a depth of 7 feet which had a reading of 20 ppm. Laboratory results of the soil samples tested were "not detected" (NO), meaning no petroleum hydrocarbons were present in the samples. I Table 4 lists all of the field and laboratory test results. All of the samples tested had very low or NO readings for petroleum hydrocarbons. These tests results are for below the Kansas Action Levels for petroleum hydrocarbons. The two water analyses were tested for volatile organic compounds including BTEX. Only one compound, toluene, was detected at a level oro.? ppb. The action level for toluene in water is 1000 ppb. Two separate tests for eight toxic metals were conducted in the laboratory on soil samples from P-3 and P-5. In one of the tests, Total Metals, analyses were taken for the total amount of the eight toxic metals contained in the soil samples. In the other test, TCLP. tests were perfonned to determine the leachability of the 8 toxic metals from the soil. In other words, the TCLP test is used to detrmine if toxic metals can potentially migrate from the soil into the groundwater. Total metals analyses of the two samples found, three of the eight toxic metals - arsenic barium and chromium. The amount of these metals, in the soil samples, are less than the risk-based levels as shown in Table 2. The TCLP analyses of the two soil samples, found leachable barium at a level below the EP A TCLP limit as shown on the laboratory reports. Tank Management Services, Inc., May, 1997-On Oil-70401 8 ILLEGIBLE DOCUMENT THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT(S) IS OF POOR LEGIBILITY IN THE ORIGINAL THIS IS THE BEST COPY AVAILABLE )'-474 I l l L - - L - I - Photo 1. Bulk plant, looking east. Probe rig by Probc holeP-l. - - - - - Photo 2. BulkpJant, looking notlh. Carby Probe hole P-7 location. - TonkManqml<ll,s...t<<lI,Ino;"MIl)',19'l7-01l0il_7G4'_'1 9 - I L l L L l l I - l - - - L - - . - - Photo 3. Looking east. from behind warehou~. Probe rig at Probe hole P.4. Ph(lto--Uore from Probe hole P-4. Core is tY.PtC~ of all cores 81 Sileo ~perrigh~nom OfCore~]2-fOOld~Plh)allower~). Soilhorizonal ? T....M"".g......'S."','...In<"Moy.I\I97..QuOlI-7<l4(Jl 10 E ..... ,- - - - - - - , Table 3 - Probe hole numbers, locations and comments TMS PROBE PROBE HOLE LOCATIONS AND COMMENTS HOLE ID P-I 7 feet south and 2 feet east of the southwest comer of loading rack. (Refer to Figure 2, Site Base Map, with probe hole locations.) This 16-foot probe hole soil had no staining or odor. The probe hole was completed in light olive-grey silt. P-2 17 feet south and 8 feet west of the southeast comer of the AST pad. This 12-foot probe hole had no staining or odor and was completed in light brown silt. P-3 12 feet north and 117 east of the northeast comer of the warehouse. This 12-foot probe hole had no traces of hydrocarbon odor or staining and was completed in a medium brown silt. P-4 52 feet west and 45 feet south of the third railroad telegraph pole east of Ohio. This 35-foot probe hole was cored to 12 feet, had no traces of hydrocarbon odor or staining ending in a light tan silt. The hole was extended to 35 feet to obtain a water sample. P-5 6 feet north and 19 feet east of the northeast comer of the warehouse. This 12-foot probe hole had no trace of hydrocarbon odor or staining in light tan, dry silt. P-6 20 feet north and 27 feet west of the northwest comer of the warehouse. 'This 12- foot probe hole had no trace of hydrocarbon odor or staining in dark tan clayey silt. P-7 13 feet south and lO.feet west of south end of steps up to warehouse. This 12-foot probe hole had no trace of hydrocarbon odor or staining in light tan silt. . P-8 10 feet east of the power pole by the south drive into the bulk plant. This 3 I-foot probe hole was cored to 16 feet, had no traces of hydrocarbon odor or staining ending in a light tan silt. The hole was extended to 31 feet to obtain a water sample. Tank Management Services, Inc., May, 1997-Ott Oil~70401 11 ..._. I I I ! r r r r r- _ o O'IC I Sar Kan Table 4. Field and Laboratory Analytical Results It , ompany, nc. ma, sas Probe Hole Data 4/30/97 LABORATORY ANALYSES RESULTS FIELD ANALYSES RESULTS TYPE SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROBE PID FIELD VISUAL AND SOIL Allppm' TOTAL METALS' TCLP' HOLE! TEST TPIII OLFACTORY ". "B SAMPLE DEPTH FIELD TEST "'., ,_, B. '" ... ... k 010-1 OA-Il . , , , " .. '" fi ... "' k .. " fi .. NUMBER p., o ppm17 feet no odor or sIaIninl c1l)'tySilt P.)-14 Oppmll4fecl noodororstalninl silt NO NO NO NO NO NO I P.2 o ppmf6 feel 110 odor or staininl elayeysilt P.2 o ppmll2 feel no odor or stainln, clayey sill NO NO NO NO NO NO I p., o ppml6 feel no odor or staininr; ell)'tysill P.].II Oppmfll feci no odor or stalnln. 5111 2.11 I~ NO 11,' NO NO NO NO NO " NO NO NO NO NO NO P-4 Oppmat5fecl no odor or staining silt I P-4 OppmJ9cfecl no odor or staining silt I p., OppmlSfecl noodororstainin, sill I I I I I I P.S.IO Oppmfll feel no odor or stainins sill 2." ,~ NO ro.' NO NO NO NO NO " NO NO NO NO NO NO P" Oppmat7fcct no odor or staining silt I I I P-6 o ppmll2 feel no odor or staining ell)'tysill I I I I) Parts per million (millignnnslkilogram), 2) ppm (millignnnslliter). ND = not detected. As= arsenic, Ba= barium, Cd= cadmium, CF chromium, Pb= lead, Hg= mercury, Se= selenium, Ag= silver B= benzene, T~ toluene, E""Othyl benzene, X= xylene TPH= total petroleum hydrocarbons ~ N Tank Management Services, Inc., May, J997-ott Oil-70401 r r r r r r r r r ,- .. Table 4. Field and Laboratory Analytical Results (continued) Oil Oil Company, Inc. Salina, Kansas Probe Hole Data 4/30/97 FIELD ANALYSES RESULTS TYPE SAMPLE LABORATORY ANALYSES RESULTS" PROBE HOLE! PID FIELD TEST TPW VISUAL AND SOIL Volatile Organic SAMPLE DEPTH OLFACTORY B T E X NUMBER FIELD TEST Compounds (VOCs) P.7 20pprnl71'cet no odof or staining cllI)'t)'silt ... >i .. > iiii i ...... P.7 o ppmllUcet no odororstaininl sill >i >i ..... ..... P-S o ppm17 feet 00 odor or staining c1.yeysill >i I>i .... > ii>> po' o ppmll6 feet no odor or staining c1llye)'silt .i> Iii ..>> ;i....i i P-4-35 wlter sample II 35 feet for BTEX NA WATER NO NO NO NO No VOCs were dclCcted andolherVOCsinexce5Sof Kansas action lcvc:ls. P-8.J! watcrsampleatJI fcctforBrex NA WATER NO O.7ppb NO NO 0.7 ppb Iolucnc MId other VQCs in excess of KIIfISIIS lICtion levels. B= benzene, T= toluene, E=ethyl benzene, X= xylene . All soil analyses in parts per million (milligrams/kilogram), water analysis in parts per billion (micrograms/liter). ND ~ not detected. ~ w Tank Management Services. Inc., May, 1997-Ott Oil-70401 - I ! I L CONCLUSIONS Examination and analyses of soil cores and water samples from eight probe holes placed around the property at strategic locations, visual inspection of the surface and discussions with Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) personnel indicated no evidence of contamination. , ! - - There is always a possibility that contamination can still be present on the property, but the placement of the probe holes, analyses of the ground water and no known contamination on adjacent properties greatly reduces the risk for the Site to be contaminated. - It is our opinion that the Site is not contaminated with any of the chemicals or metals that were the subject of the laboratory analyses under the current EP A and KDHE regulations. - - - - - - - Tank Management Services, Inc.. May. 1997.Qtt Oil-70401 14 f I L ~ ~ - - - - - I APPENDIX I Laboratory Analyses Results and Cbain-oC-Custody Form Tank Management Services., Inc., May, 1997-Qtt Oil-70401 I M.D. Chemic.1 .nd T omneo Tne. P.O. BQ." /9321. FOI"buF'161d, Bldl28!, Topttktl, KS 66619 (9/J)862-35lJO FAX(9/~)B62.!lJ2 , L. S.mJlle Collected By: T.F.l"rcers Received 111lab: "1197 D.t~ Reported: 5/7/97 rroJca N,UlIC; O~~ Oil-PH Project Number! '0401 Lilb NUlllbel'l 11'1 JY1J Client: Tank Management Services POBox 3479 101 NW~;~hw.ll)l '4, ~lIite 300 Topeka, ~ 606(}8.0479 AnN: Ted I"teel:'$ , ~ - Aftllysb MotbOd RClult DctcctiOI. lTtlits D... Analy.t Limit .-\DPl)ud 971977-4)1 SampleID:0tt+14 Sampled: 4/30.197 ~ TI'U-OA2 OA-::! Not Oetected ('0) Ill$Ik2([.'lJ'lm) 5'5/97 CB 971917-04 Sample ID: Ott-2.1'. Sampled: 4/30/97 TPH-OA2 OA-2 Not Detected (20) mi/I<g(ppm) 5/6/97 CB ~ ~ - Approved By: , Lab Manag8 - Page I of 1 01!~0 'd ofl5098fl5 'ON X~3 ON!lS3l ~ 1~O!W3HO 'a'w lO:51 a3M L5-LO-^~W I L M.D. Chominland To.tiDE. Int. r.o. B~ 19.311. FfJrbn Fitlld. SlJ628/, if1(Je~ XS 66619 ('Jl.~ilI62.3JOO F.iX(9/J) 862.5/Jl - Somple CeUeet<d By: R<<eIvt.I'ITn 13h: Date R.eported: proJect Name: Projed Number: T.F.Ft:m Stl197 517i97 ouon-PIl 70401 Lab j"l/umbcrl 1)'/1')"11 eli.at: Tank. Manavment Smices POBox 8479 201 NW Hi;h~y 'A, ~u1te 300 Topeka, KS 66608-0479 A TIN: Ted t'rcc:rs '- Analysis Method Result Detectioa Units Date Aaalyst Limit Analyzed - 971971-01 Sample ID: on~ 1-14 Samplc:dI4/30/97 ~ BTEX & OA-J - EP A 8260 - OR DEQ Motbod - SW 846-S:U.O N'otD.r.eted (O.OS) mlP'ketrl'lm) 517f97 DS Toluene SW 846-8260 Not Oetected (O.O~) mg,kj(ppm) Ethylbenzenc SW 846-826Q Not O.teCle<! (u."') mg,1:i<ppm) ~ XyIMl~~ SW 846-8260 Not Dete<ted (0.05) mg,1cg(ppm) TPH-OAl OC/MS Not DctcctOd (10) m,,'ka(ppm) l.- 971977-04 Sample 10: 0.-2-12 Sampled; 4130197 BTEX & OA-I - EP A 8260 - OR DEQ Method Benzene SW 846-8260 ~otIJetected (O.OS) ms'kl:l(/Jpm) 517/97 DS Toluene SW 846-8260 Not Detected (0.05) mgikg(ppm) fthylbenzene SW 346-82(j0 Not Detected (0.05) mglks(ppm) Xyl.ulIi SW 146-8260 Not Detecttd (O.OS) mC-~i{PpmJ TPH-OAI OUMS Not Detected (10) mlllkg(ppm) Appro... Jly: \ r.a.b Manq;er - Paee I nf [ 01/50 'd GEI509BEI6 'ON X~j DNliS31 ~ 1~OIW3HO 'O'W ~0;51 03M L6-LO-A~W " E M.D. Ch.micaland resting, Ine. PO. Bm 19311. F",bu F~Id. Bldg18/. r"",.. KS 66619 f91J)$61J500 FAX{P/3.l8fil-51n I ... Sample Collected By: T.!". fJ'ters Recci'lled III lab: 5.'1/97 Date Reported: 5n191 Pl'Ojoct Na.u; Ott Oi~P!J Project Number: 70401 Lilb :'(............ 971977 Client: Tank Management Services Po. Box 8479 201 }liW Hi~hway 24, Suite 300 Tupeka, KS 66608-0479 A TIN: Ted Freen - ADtl)'sls Method Result D.tectloD Units D... Anal)'1it Limit An.lyz~d 971,17-t/% 3ample ID: On-S-) 1 S.mpie.HI'l0/91 BUX. EPA 80:0/8160 - _. sw &46.&160 Not n~~c.fed 10.5\ .ilL(Ppb) ,'7/97 OS Toluene SW 846-8260 0.7 (0.5) ~g/L(ppb) Ethylbwn:terle SW M6-"'2150 Not~tcctt:d (O.'} .o'L(ppb) Total Xylenes SW 846-8260 Not De'J:1;lCU. (0.;) ~glL(ppb) ~ 1~r 971977.116 S.mplt /D; Ott~.l5 - Samph:d: 4/30/97 !lTn. F.PA Xll2018260 Benzen. SlY 846-1260 NotDctecte(l (05) ~gIL(ppb) 5/7/97 OS Toluen, SW 846-&260 Not Dctcctc<l (0.5) .gIL(uub) Eth)"lbenzene SW 846-8Z60 Not Dmcted (O.l) .gIL(ppb) Totill Xylentl$ SlY 146-8260 Not Detected (n.5) .gIL(ppb) - - Appro,,' By. cL&:AP _ l.ab Manager - Page I of I OL/3C '2 3fl5G98EI60N X~3 9NILS31 ~ 1~OIW3HO 'C'W 80:91 03n L6-LO-A~W t ~ - ~ - - M.D. Chemical and Testing. In.. p.o Ba! 19311, FnrDu FUId. Bld,281. Topektt. KS 66619 ~JJj8Q-Jj(}() FAXffJJJ) 862a.flll Sampled Collected By: T.F. Free" Dat. Colloctcd: 4130197 Rcteivcd In lab: 511/9709a2 Date AnalJZCd; Sn/97 Dote 1Uported: 5.17/97 Analyst: OS Project Name: On Oil-PH Project Npmb.:r: 70"'01 :Sample Number. 9719i7-02 Client: Tank Man/licment Services POBox8479 201 NW Highway 24. Suite 300 Tupc:u. KS Guu08-0479 AT1'N= Ted rreers Sample Description: Grabr.....uer $temple ID: Ott.8.31 Aualy.i" VOL.<\.TILES - EPA 8~60 iCOMPOUND .---.- DETECTioN LrMlT-.'---- ~giL(ppb ) 0.5 Rl!:SULUi ~E/l.(ppb) Not Dettcted '-_. Not Detected NotDetec:ttd . 'NOt Detected ' ,.--".-- -._--- Not Detectod Not Detected .Oichlorodifluoromethanc ~hlorolIi~~e ..". "'.--.-- Vinyl chloride iBromometbane c_ . IChlur(w:thMle :Tl'icb lorofluoromdhane -_..... !t,I.D~lor~..:~____._ M.mylene chloride trW-l.2'~Dlchloroethene --- -.-.. '-".'--..., :t,l-DichIONWtham iCIs~i.2.Dichloroethcne . _... '~-Uicbloropropone ~ocliioromethane .n.___.__.. iChlorofonn "IIl-TrichIorolthan.- .. Carbon tetnachloride :l~l.Dichloropmpene.--- IBenzene 't.2-Oiohl~ !'friChloroethen. -----.. .- '1,2-0ichloroproptDt No-iDetcd:~--'-' :D1btOmomcthane l'iot DclcC~- ... --.....-..-., :Bromodichlorometlume Not Detected ~cJ.s..lj.DichloropropCne --..-----.- ----..--.. Not-iitected. -. .---- ---- _._-,- ------.-. .._--~_." :Tl.lllltllc 0.7 :~,:.~Diehloroprop~e . ---.- Not DeiCCiaI' - il,l,2-Tricb.loroethane -~_.-.. .Not~-.----- T;;;;l\io~me ----~ -N~ted TI:"O.ichiOfopropane ---.. .----. Not Dclcctcd."-' :lJibromochloromethane Not Octccted 1,2-0ibronioOtllaii.' ----NotOete<ted - .-...- ;Cl11oro~c .---.- -NO'tDetcCt;;d--' '1.1,I.2-TcNhi~~d~.'" --_..... ....---.NotDetN:reri'" ---- !Ethy'ibeDiene------ ..---.--.-- ..--.. N'~-~-ctcd ,mip:Xyle~_;.-----.- . ..- filet tietectc.d-'-" 0.5 0.5 ...---- O~ ..---..- 0.5 0.5 Not Dctc;ctcd 0.5 ...----NotDete<ier.-.. Notom:~d' ---- .--.....---.-- Not Dete~tr:d --. ,,_. Not Detected Nul Dctf;Ct~cl ----- ....-...-. Not Detected NotOeticted ..--. -.---.... ......--..-.. Not Detected .-----. Noto.et<<ed ..-.----.- - Noi-Deteaclf" Not Doto<tc<l No,DeteCtcd- 0.5 m.----O:S '''-0.5 " -.-..-.-.-. 0.5 ____.n. 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.' ...--... 0.5 .-...-.... O~ O.S 0.5.-.----- .----.--.-... 0.5 0.5 Not Dfnr.tNl 0.5 0.5 0.' O.~ """--. 0.5 (J,;' 0.5 0.5 0.5 O.S 0.5 0.' ----..- 0.' 0,;5 !'aiel 01/LO'd ZEISZ98EI6 'ON X~J DNIlSSl ~ l~oiWSHJ 'C'W 80:91 GSM L6-LO-^~W I ~ M.D. Chemical and Teslin2, Inc. P.O. Sf>>' 19321, FQI'buFit/d. Bldz 28/, T0pd4. KIi 666/9 (')J3i862-3500 FAX(fJ13j8$2-S131 i .... SIImpled conceted BY: T.F. Freers n.tc Cotketcd: 4130/97 Rcetlved In lab: 5/1/97 09:22 Dahl ADalY'~: S17197 Date Reported: 317/97 ADaIY5t: OS Projtet Name: Ott Oil.PTI Project Number; 70401 ~ sample Number: 97t977-01 Client: Tank Manqcment ServicEs POBox 3479 .201 NW Hishw8)' :24, !iuite 300 Tupeka.. KS (iGG08-0479 ATTN: Ted J:'reers Sample Description: GraDlWater Sall1lpla ID: Ott-g-~ J _..M__._" _,. .. Analyots: VOLATILES. EPA Imo RESUL'IlS IliVL(ppb) Not Dlttdtd -------'Not~~" -.---.---.. Not Deteclcd n-NotDetecied' __.n....___ ._--,-- .-.--..-. Nut DcICl;tN NotOetected ".---.. Nvl DclDo;.tcd Not' ~teeted -- Not Dctc~ --.----.". Not Deteeted .-----.-.-. .-.---,,-.-. Not Detected Not o.wcwd Not Dcu:eted NotDClCOl<d '-Not Detected'" Not Detected NotOereCIed" No< Dct<c"'d ".."--..-. NtltDetected __ .n .".___..__._._ Not O..c:ud 0.5 -.....----.., --.. Not Dmeted 0.5 ---NOiDctecied-... -...-.-. 0.' -...---... Not Detect~d 0.5 NotDetOa.d -di-...----- 0.' ~.IO<<;";'d- . .. -h~#-!J-- A;~~ov~~;;--- ,_ .-- (crz/~:y_:.-n Lab Manaler ,COMPoUND--' . - ... o-Xy.l~c_ !Styrent ~BrotiioiOiin ..-...----. 'Isopropylbenzen.e :I;I~W;-hioroeth;ne--'-' ~fOlI'lobenz.ene ~j~,j~'ii1chloropropane-' ._-_..~.. n-Proprl~zene _..______. 2.Chlorotoluene - .... 1,3.5. TrimethyIben:un. 4-Chlorotoluene .. !t<<t-Dutylbenzcnc ; 1.2.4- TrlmcthYlb.l!.~~ne :sec.B~~:.~zcm: :1).DlchIGtQh_n,..-n. _."._._H. Ip-Jsopropyltolucnc : l,4.l5iCtiiOwbenzene n-BI1tylb~.~ze~.".. ___ ._._ ,I,2-0icbloroben.zene -lj.Dibromo-j~'ehiorOpropGnc :1;'2.~TriChiorobenUne -.....- iHexac:hlorobutadiene -- ;Naphtllldmc: 1.2~.TrithIOTOI1en2ell' --_.... ,,- ~~yl Ten ~u~~.1 ~I.hl;l - - 01/80 'd 0,1909,,16 'ON X~3 ... .. DETECllONLtMir- ~~pb) 0.5 0.' -,.--.,.-. 0.5 -oj- ....----.,., 05 0.5 ..._._---~-- 0.$ _.._----~." ----..-........-. ll.5 -..~---_.- - 0.5 .. ------_... 0.5 O.S .--"---_.,.,,, O.:li 0.' 0.5 --.----,.-. 0.5 .----..-.." O.S 0.:; O.S 0.5 Paa.c2 DNllS31 ~ 1~OIW3HO 'Q'W 60:91 03M L6-LO-A~W I M.D. Cbemlcal and Tostio;, IDe. P.D 8m 1~321, F01'Dn FiIld. Su, 281. Topeka, KS 66619 (9JJ) 8624500 F,iX (913) 861.5/31 I... StmplHi Connected By: T.F. Freers D.te Colle<!ted: "130/97 ktteind In lab; 5/119709:22 Date Analyzed: 517197 Dale Reported: 5/7197 Andyst: OS Projed Naml'!: Oct Oil-PI! rruJect NUWUcI; 70401 Sample Number: 97197N)6 Client: Tank Manas:ement Services POBox 8479 201 NWHiihway 24. Sui'" 300 TOpeKa. KS "M08-o';'7~ ATTN: Ted Freers Sample Description: Orabfwarcr f L ~~,'~ 1 . SAlllpl. ID! '-'tt~.] ~ Analy'is: VOLATILES - EP A 8160 COMPOUND - RES(J(ts "'-.-. ae/L(ppb) :Dichlorodifluoromcthane Not DelectM (:blorOn1e'ihane--- ----.... Not Omc:<<:d ..---.- ~'~hiorid~--'---' .,-.---- ...--.--.-- Not Detected iBromomethane' --_.__._'" "'."----NotlieiC~.' -___. ...., '......n.____ '''h "__ Chlorocthmle Not Detected ~ricbJorof1uoromethane Not Detected. 1..-........ ,_. ...____ __'__""u __._ '1.1-Dlctlioroethenc Nl,llOl.llwW\! MelbY,I..', cl.lorid, Not oe:e<te--;r--- itran&-I,2-Dic:hloroet1lene Not Dctc~ _..- "'--_..... ,1.1 Dichloro.than. Not netectl!ld Cis:."l,2-0IChloroethene .,--~-- .- NOlIkteci('d'-'" '2.2.DicblorOp;-op~,--' -...---. Not Detected iBromochloromethane--" --Not Detected -.---.-. ----.. .-.-.-.-..--.- '.'-----.-... Chlorofonn Not Dotect,d l.T.T-TrichJorocih~;---' . _._____m ..-.--.-NO'tOdecr@d------.. ;CarbontetntchluriJ;.------., ,.----..... "'-N'oiOetected--_o.", ,1~1-DichloroprOPene .----- - - Notoecectei!--------- :Benzene Not Detected ,t,2-Dic:h1oroetbane NotOetcdcd "-.... 'Tril,;htuu:l't:tbc'iie .... Noti:i.tc~---_.. ~-,2-Di~toropropMe' '-'---.-. .----- NntDetectcd- Dibiomomethane ..-----. ----'-N'ot Deiecte<i--- -- '. .--.-- ""---. IBfOlnM;chlMftlTlethane Not Dekcted ~fs-':I;~=DichloroP'o~ne--- __.~=~_" ')..otO~eo'" --~-=---=_. . :Tuluc:nc 'Not Ddcctcd itran5~i".3..Dich_~opropene"- Not Detected .....--- I,I)-Tricbloroethane .-.-.-.. N-otrxtectcd. .---.- iT'.wchI~on.~ .-.---.. .'-'-NotOetected' D~jchioro;irop&\e- ---- .~_.--- ---NOi~t~d~--"- -- .... iDibromochlorQmeth3I1e Not OeleclctI lj:i51bromoethane . n__._ '-~'-- NotDCteCted iChlorobcnWt-;---' . ~-_.. '--N~t Detected :i;l,I).~"elfa.Ci;i~ctlw:t-e- -.-- --.-. "-NOi-oeterted- - :.EthYlbt~~~ _... --. ..--- ---==~..'N-;rtDctected--- ;:nip~Xylene Not-lJetected . "'Ut:TEtTION LIMiT ~glL(ppb) 0.5 "-'--.. ---.--.-... 0.5 0.5 ...--- 0.5 0.5 0.5 _...-_----_... 0.5 .-."~.._-". 0.5 0.5 .----...... 0.5 . ..__..._u_ 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 . ''''_'_'h..__... 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 ....-.. 0.5 0< O.l ..--.-... 0.5 .._---- - "----.-.-...- 0.5 --.--... 0.5 O.~ ..._-_.~_.~_... 0.5 ~._.._--" U.S ~ - ... - - - - C.S 0.5 0.5 0.5 0:5-"- 0.5 0.5 - 0,5 page 1 01/60 " cEIS?9R[16 'ON X~O ~NIlS3l ~ 1~OIW3H8 'a'w 01:51 J3M L6-LO-^~W I I ... ~ - - - ~ .. ... - .. .. - - .. .. .. M.D. Chemical and Te.sttne, Ino. P.O. Bt>>t /9321. F",ws Fi,M. 8Ug 28J. Tt;Ip'm. KS 65619 (913) 862-1500 FAX (')/3) B6J-J/32 Sampled Coll~ By: T.F. Freers Date CoUa:tcd: 4/30/97 lUceived In 'lib: 5,'119709:22 Dat. Analyzed: ,nt97 Datt Rlpol'ted: 5,''1 fQ7 Analyn: DS ProJtd Name: Oct Oil-PIT ProjcdNumtx:r: 70401 sample Number: ClifDt: 971977-00 lank ManJieIDeIlt services POBox 1479 201 NW Highway 24. Suite lOO Topeka, 1<.S 66603-0479 T"d Freer; Grablw_ OUJ.lS 11'l- ATTN: Sample DeseriptiDD: Rample: 10: AnaIy,la: VOLATILES - EP A 8UO COMPoUND ~t.'LTS DETECTION LIMIT I'&/L(ppb) 0.5 OJ 0.5 ..-- ..-.-.-.--. 0' -..--. '"--_.. 0.5 0.' I'elLCppb) Not Dctected '--'NotDet~d--"- '_""_._h - .--. '" -----. Not o.ct.d NotlJ~ ,-_... Not Dctootod Not Detected B:-?,ylene s~._. __.,____ :Bromoform illOpropylb~zene 'h""_'__", "1,1,2,2- Temehlnrnemane fBromobenzenl 'T:2J:Trlai"ioro~rQP~~_ ...--.. 'n-Propylbentcnc '2-Chlorololuenc...-.----- -....---.. 1,3,5-Trimethylhm!:l:'=I'Ic" :4=ChlOrotoluene' --.-- .-.-- ..~ -.. ..- _. -----. -.--- Il.crt-butylbc:nzcnc: :.1';~~~Trime~ylbmzcne se~.~B~~Ibenzc:nc _.. : 1.~-DichlorobelU8I1C! Not Dewl.1.Ilu "'--'---... Not Deleded 0.5 ----.... NOi15i"cttc:d"--'-"'- . .-.-.--.. o.~ "....."n_._... 'b.___. "at Detected 0.5 -.---.. ...--. .-"---.- ,....---.... Not Dctem:c. O.S ___.n ___... Not o-ctcd 0.5 -.---- NotDetectid -- 0.' --- '-'-. NotD.tlcted .----..."U.~ --_.. "---NntOitCcted -- '--'0:5 ...-..-----.-. .--..-. .-.--... .....---." Not Detected 0.5 No-t-neiCie,i' "'---4"0'.5 ----.. Not ~tetlc:d 0.5 Not Detected ----n.-.oT... -.-.. ..._-_. _.... ---...-..-- -...---. Not Do~rn:cl 0.5 Not Deteoiod---- .-o:s- _._ ._._.._._. ..___ _....h____ Not Detected. (I., .----.. .. .._- .--..--...-.-. Not Detected 0.5 .--~-~- ~:.~~---;/. .--~-I~.--.=~-~' ----. --~~P"";"'By: ~~1-- Lab MfWl.gor a.5 Il-Isapropyltoluene rr:4~'bich]orobl!nZlln~ .-.--... iD- Butvlbcnzene -...."..- 1,2-Dic:hlorobcnzene ,1.2-D_~~mo.J-chI~PrOp~-' '1,2,4- TridUorobenzcne iHexacl\lorobutadiene'" ---.. Nap~~~lcue '1,2,3- Trlchlol'(lbennne '----...---- :Mutlll.~.]'crt .6u~:Y.!_~~. P~e2 01/01 'd cEISc98E16 'ON X~3 ONI1S31 ~ 1~O[H3HO 'O'H 01;91 03M L6-LO-^~H t M.D. Chemical .ad T osting, Inc. P.O. 110% 1932J, Form F/lld. BJdg 2~/. Tcpeka, K.S 66619 (913)86).3300 FAX(9/J)861-5Jj} '- Sample Colltc:ted By: T.F. Freen Received In lab: 5/1/97 Date R_port.d: 5113/97 Project Name! Otr Oil-PH l'roJCC[ NUmber: 7U4Ul LBb Number: 971977 Client: Tank Management Services POBox 8479 201 NW Hi:hway 24. Suite 300 TOp=u, K:5 6660&-0479 ATTN: Ted Freers - ADalysis Melhod Result lJltectiOa UatU Date Analyst Limit ADally.tW - 971977.03 Sllll:np~ ID: Ott.5.1O Sampled: 4130/97 TOTAl. M"TAJ.RF~"'IJ1.T~ ~ Arsenic 2.59 SWS467060 (0.25) m&lk& 5/8197 HK Sill'Ium SW84g 7080 140 (10) ms/kg '112197 HK Cadmium SW846 7130 :-lot Detected (1.00) m~ 5/12/97 HI< - Chromium SWIl46 7190 10.S (S.OO) m~ 5/12/97 HK L.od SW846 7420 Not Det.c:tld (5.00) moIka SI12I97 HI( ~ Mercury SW8467471 NO[ Detected (0.25) mgikg 519197 HK Selenmm SWK4/\ 7740 NntJ]~tl!d (1I_'111) mglkg ~/8NI HK Silver SW846 7760 Not Dctccted (2.00) mgikg 51J2191 IlK - 971977.05 Sample ID: On.3.11 Sampted: 4tJOl97 TOTAl. MrT.4.r.R1i'.~ln.T~ - Arsenic SW84670tlO 2.21 (0.25) m&lkg 5/8/97 HK Barlultl SW846 7080 t50 (to) mS'ki '/12/97 Ill< Ca4mium SW6407t30 N(l(Detected (1.00) m&lkg 5/12197 HK - Chromium HI( SW8467190 11.S (5.00) m;'lq; 5112/97 Lead SWB467420 Not Dmcted (5.00) mll'ka 5il2197 HI( Mercury SWB46 747~ NotDctcctcd (O.2S) mg/kg 5/9/97 HI( Sc!emuDl ~WlW6 774U Not Ueteekd (U.'UI m&lk& '/819'1 HK Silvl:r SW8467700 Not Detectc:d (2.00) mglkg 5/12/97 HI( . Approved By: . // L- .1( LaO Manager - ,......r'.\Ir:~ 8~.' ,r:" l.-'-' \\.....-- " ~a.:\'" "J 10"../1 Page 1 or I "l! L M.D. Chemical and TesliDl. Inc. P,O. Ik# 19321, ForNI Fi#ld, Rldg281. Toptm KS 66619 (9JJ) 862.3$00 FAX (913) 863-$132 , ~ !Iii:lmpl~d C.nlleded By: I.F, Freen DMlc CoUectcd: 4130197 RetciYcd In lab: 5/1/97 09~22 Date Reported: ':6197 Anllyst: HK. project Name: On Oil-Pll Project Number: 70401 Sample Number: 971977-03 CliMt~ Tank Mana&ement :>erviccs POBox. &479 201 NW Highway 24. Suite 300 Topeka, KS 6660S-0<47!) AnN: Ted Freen Sample Description: Grab/soil S.m.plfl ID~ 0u-5-IO ~ ANALYTES :Arsenic .. Analysb;'TCLP"EXTRACT 'ANAL YSIS-=-METALS ErA SW-846 METHOD .._-_.-... . -..._-- - -- "-- TCLP EXTRACT DETECTION '''EPA itLP'~XTKAtT RESULTS LIMIT UMIT ANALVSIS mLl'L mglL mgIL lIIETIlOD Not Dctcctcd i (0.005> S.O JJUrl060 ".--- -. -j-. ..---. .._-,- ,g,,;um 1 . (0.2) 1 \Xl \Juno!o ~a<lmlurn_ NotO,'ette<! (0.05) 1.0 131tnl30 {;!~romlUm Nor Dctected -_(Mifn -"--5:0' -'-13fll7l~ . 5/6/97"' 'Lead:_:= : - NO!Oetccted (O.O!) 5.0 .-i3ifi7.2....,.- l"~ NotO..",cd (0.005) ____.O.2..~"filif7~7o.~ :S"'nium,,____n. Not'Oet'eC',ff':rt (O.OOj) t.O 1311/7740 ,sn'Ycr _ Not Detectad. , (0.05) _ -5~-- 13Jln760 .. T'l'e:rt Procedures as'"per EPA TeL" regulatiori"!li'40 CI"~261,' Appendix -ii, ~';;;;nd~d. ..- -. .-..--- 2. mg/L.... millisrams per liter '- OATF. ANAL YlED ~/jf97 --- 5/6197 5/6/97 - '- 5/6/97 ~6iY;--" n___.. S!SIt)7 516197 - - Approved By: pg.._ 4-... Lab Manager - - O!(GO'd (,f1S1088,16 'ON X~O ~NllS3J ~ WOIW3HO 'G'W 90:S! G3M L6-LO-^~~ E '- ~ - - - ... - - ... M.D. Chemi..llnd Toslin!. In.. P.O. B(1X 19J2J, FtHIm F~/d, BirJgJS!. T~ka, xs 66619 (91J)862-35oo FA.X(YIJ)862-U32 Ssmpttd ColI~eted By: I.F. Freers Date COllected: 4!3019i R",wiv.d In bb: 5!119' M:22 Date Rl:ported: 5(6/97 Aaalyst: HK Project Name: On OIl.PII Project Number: 70401 Sample Number: 97191HJ5 Clitnt~ Tank Mtll'Itilg:emerlt Services POBox 8419 201 NW Highway 2J., Suite 300 Topeka, KS 666084419 AnN: Ted Fr..rs Sample Dest'ription: Crab/soil !=UIrnple ID: Ott.3-11 A;.lpi;; TCLP EXTR.\.Cf ANALYSIS - METALs - EPA SW.S4(J METHOD .-- "TCLPEXTRACT' nF.TF.CTION EPATCLP' EXTRACT l\ESULTS LIMIT LIMIT "'N.uY~l:;. AN.~L YTES m8fl. maIL mgIL METHOD IArsenic NOt Derected (0.005) 5.0 131lflOOO 'Barium '-----. 1.8 . ..,-(~ -100 ----'131117080 ~dm~__. ____.NotD".,,'" (O.OJ)~_ 131lnIlO ChromIUm Not DetliCtAW (0.08) 5.0 "(jiTtit90 leal! ...----u-NoiiJ".cted .-~.08J '.0 1311/74io ,Mercury ..-.-.--. -~~otD.!tlcbld ""ro,0(5) '''---0',2 13TIi74j-6 'Selenium Not~t;ctl!d ..-. (O.OOS) J.O ..-.--.. 13li"n140" "'____u ._.__.__.. Sliver Not Oc.tected (O.OS) 5.0 131ln760 y. Test Proceclul'l!~ .a.~ per EPA TCLP reaulatlom in 40 en i61. Appcndi~-iT~ arn.;r;<lcd. ,.. 2, mgIL - milligrams per Iim DATI'. ANALYZED 5l'197 "'-- Si6/Y7 S/6/97 516197 .-,-.-.. 5/6/97 ---3is/Y7 ------.. JIJI97 J16/97 Approved By: k4'-.. LAb Mana~cr at/En'd Gf!SG8RFI6 'ON X~, 9NI1S31 ~ 1~O[W3HO 'C'W lO:SI Q3M l6-LO-A~W I r I r r M.D. Chemical & Testing, Inc. r r ~ Page I IH- ~ of ( .Quallty Analysis with Care. 913/862-3500 Topeka lab 913/492.1346 Lenexaotfice COMPANY NAME: Ttill'K A'nA.1fff.:E/1IfNl Address: ?fl A'll fh~I''it'l bl- City/St IZip' 7j,Pe,.1i 1<5 t t,oe-<YI-7? r J€l.I.t-'lCiS Anatysls Requested ProfectName: O'tt no/ - P1r u c CONTACT: Tt=-o FR.€E~ - .~ ~ P.D.Number: Telephone: C. 33 -/ttJ'-j Pro;eaSite: 5>k.",..'o# ./' rf '1.. ~) ~'I( . . ( ,t: (:?' ;; o\,; Fax: 35.tJ--'-I3 -}il- Requested Due Date: !; -7 - 17 ,,:- '" ' ","" 4.: ~.:.~+. J.l "q?- "l-v J...~"" M.D. lab Sample Comp Number Identification Date Time Grab Matrix OH-\-I't '/-'.-n 10:0". G"A" SCIL )( )( X Ott'~-31 ., l"l:/'SD rr U'AT~~ )<. 5 /, X Ott-~-IO " <::oS'"...... 50''- ott-Z- Il- " ?:"r; 0 " ''''L 'I. X X Otf-}-I/ " 1'.2.0 P , $CJ" X . OU_-1-'s " f"/i . /.tJAn=fi.. X " . te-~-Ic " '3 ~~t>n " S-""L I- (, [J Ot.l -t -/0 ~ I; ~5~ " SCOIL It (" D Ni.7-/J " /:150 . , H "'t; (/ '-0- , ProjectN moo 7c><./O! Additional Remarks: , Date I Time: -f -Y p: 5-/-'lj f ttfr' n Sampl'rs ignature Relinquished b : FORBES FIE . BLDG. 281, TOPEKA, KS66619 T. F. FKEER5 Sampler (print) I I L ~ - - ... - - - - I - - ~ APPENDIX II Probe Hole Log Data and Field Notes Tank Management Services, Inc.. May, 1997-0n Oil-70401 It L ~ Project: On Oil- Phase II Location" 752 N Ohio Salina Kansas Drilling/Monitoring Well log Owner: On Oil Company TMS Project No 70401 Page 1 of~ rICh. Baoiftt;No P-I Monitoring well No I "- . Date Drilled' If-3~ -'[7 Screc:nDia DrillingCo.lJdy~.'l.t:t"J (,q{~~"'cc'>J Total depth' hi Length: / M"hOd'P';;1'~'" Slot Silc' /' Hole diameter" Driller'~"-': ........ C! '4 ~&1.- Casing Di~' /'\.. Geologist' lev ,-eRrS Elev. G.L TOC Length; ./ ...... Sampling Method(s) Uu.H C~ Water elev.:lnitial Static Type: ,/ Analysis EquipA.s&-j, ..p;.j) Sampl Headspace Wd' Depth Lithologic Description! ObservationsIRemarks3 cdeplh (ppm)1 schematic (feet) ~" J)......k ;"1 fo~'.rk:: <1.,1' __..( .c~'I. ""'0 , WI"'\- t." "fir cloy "(,,Ed 1.( ,;,/-,/'-r' 2 I'\d l!Ihl/ "'KC ~I~t},v,t: ] 4 - cl<o.>Y("Y 5rH, C"~t <.- 11"'(1'/0 !r,-r::f'ier. , , h{l <!l~/..........c" ~'V{tlO (l'l'f.u 6 7' 1),1) 7 . {)#<t ,I,,,! "OJ cl> ICY <I Ii. "~"1 W,~ I no'!. 9 i~<!, f"A\~......., ~. ,\1 './~ , ';r /7 'f-.,-,., t~ A1t>nv'tz a{.(((..j l-o..,,,rl IL'MPf n, 10 II <)" rdl7 C\~'1-('t.--t. d II' 12 (r1wJI- I t ~"""il IJ {<j 19.1) 14 ~A"'fJt 0/1-/,+ " J"rc.:fd,w ?f>y 5dt-. V"I ~,C-I 16 17 18 I) Headspace by PID or detectortube measurement. 2) Lithologicdescription includes color, sorting, size, texture, and sIZe and shape of grains etc. 3) Observations/Rcmarks include fracturing, solution cavities. odor, staining, organic content, moisture content, etc. Tank Management Services, Inc., Topeka, Kansas (913) 233.1414 TM$\IORMNNVU.\KllIl!lFIELU.W!UOClI.PUl - - .... - .... .... - - I ... Project: Ott Oil- Phase II Location: 752 N. Ohio, Salina Kansas Drilling/Monitoring Well log Owner: On Oil Company TMS Project No. 70401 Page 1 ofL Pf1~ B_.:..g No L Monitoring well No - Date Drilled.'f--~o-9'1 Screen Dia . Drilling Co.IM"'~l\cl"'/ ~~l"cJ,..rc~J Total depth' ,..,- Length: ~ Method- It.:J. {Jog, p,.e&.p Slot Size' Driller. 7lte-<J. Hole diameter' CasingDi . Gcologist'tcitl F,..-e.-s Elev. G.L TO~ Length: /' " Sampling Mcthod(s) Water elev.:Initial Static Type: ./ Analysis Equip' tMS~ce. "a Sampl HClldspag: Wol' Depth Lithologic Description2 ObservationsIRemarks3 edepth {ppm)l schematic (feel) hll.......,W-{;-,2' c.v 1 - qO~I, I 2 d."'~l~ 'r'l Sfc ( V't"cds 3 4 < 1"7_ ~/7j ,(...:::. ~n<""Vl ,i'i - ? ,<:",7, he rt/€.J CCI S'1aI."",v.-:, ((-"" , r i" 6,t) 6 ~\..b~('")"~IK,-d,<-'f 'Ot...-,,--C~l.v. "r-.iJ o:'I~~~S~ ' , 7 8 Q,yl"t h~,,^-< s, 11'P>r~/' ~"':,- ~ dO '/0 9 d'f 10 ......H- ~' '-'~v. M ~lNINJ 11 12- 0.0 ::e<C~/,~""""~T f2 ~~Ot\O"..-\"L 13 14 " 16 17 J8 - - - - '- - 1) Headspace by PID or detector tube measurement. 2) Lithologic description includes color, sorting, size, texture, and size and shape of grains etc. 3) Obscrvll1ionslRcmarks include fracturing, solution cavities, odor, staining, organic content, moisture content, etc. Tank Management Services, Inc., Topeka, Kansas (913) 233-1414 T!llNO~SIl!NV]J.\KDIIE\fIELI1IWELLOGI.fKM I L Project: On Oil- Phase II Location: 752 N. Ohio, Salina Kansas Drilling/Monitoring Well log Owner: On Oil Company TMS Project No. 7040 I Page 1 of_ /"...... -Beatg No :'1 Monitoring well No ~ Date Drilled' 'f'~ -17 s en Diam" Drilling CoAd;t!l'(cC"d r;.teC~lJfrclf Total depth: 12- Len"'!.: McthOd./'~ fl'6bp Hole diameter' Slot Size Driller' 8 Casing Di . Geologist.J;;;n Fr&!'v-S Elev. G.L Tor Length: --- "- Sampling Mcthod(s) Water elev.:Initia1 Static Typ:"'-- - Analysis Equip~R.d. ,o,,{J SllIllpl Headspace Wdl ",,,, Lithologic Description! ObservationsIRemarks3 edeplh (ppm)l schemalic (feet) >"~' ~f z.4'd ~~....I-- jAl r \.0 I.,' ,"^<\ 9r7o I 2 t--:--c-i 1'<&..., '" "" A.<.i.{ ~ ,'tC, "",;i, J 4 If'lCd b-c,_ ,"T-.~ s,/t,I-.rI'jf"J :>.-!i- ~'Z \ ~(\~" , g!4-;~+ly ~l~"\. ~ 00 6 "0 cct!V\~~\Y\.\........)- 7 8 ~"-ro...,,,-- <;;t/+, sr++ (CW ') 707, 9 C~-HJ.II")Ti~~f- JO a;,O ~""ISi'tt>tU(.t '5e"1"~o-I:t.'" 3 -\ \ I( II 12 IJ 14 IS 16 17 18 ~~ 'j ~ ~ ~ ~ ... ~ .. .. 1) Headspace by Pro or dctect:ortube measurement. 2) Llthologlcdescrlptlon mcludes color, sortmg. sae, texture, and sIZe and shape of grains etc. 3) ObservationslRemarks include fracturing, solution cavities, odor, staining, organic content, moisture content. etc. Tank Management Services, Inc., Topeka, Kansas (913) 233~1414 TIotSIFOlMSlENVIAIKIIHNIELDlWELLOGJ,FIUot I L Drilling/Monitoring Well log Owner: On Oil Company TMS Project No. 70401 Page 1 of 1::.... .p,.."." B".;.'D No ~ Monitoring well No Project: On 0 iI- Phase II Location' 752 N Ohio Salina Kansas , , I.- . Date Drilled'l.j "'''0 . 'i" Screen Diam" Drilling Co' ~ J V~"l ud (;,...~ pd:' ,\Oc.1 - Length: Method" Ptl~t... ....."t"'... Total depth" :; b Slot Size' Driller- ~.....;t '!OcJ..,__t",.,&.V\ Hole diameter' CasingDi' Geologist' T rd F">"(',~ Elev.G.L TOe Length: ./............ Sampling Method(s) Water elev.:Initial Static Type: r "- Analysis Equip. b+s 7~C.t-i PI" Sampl Headspaa: Well "'~h Lithologic Description2 Observations/RemarksJ edepth (ppm)1 sch.ematic (feet) 0.,/.:. ,/,..ry "'I' ~<'<( ("'" I ~S% I ~"" 2 ('"J,;.yl'"'f ~i"f 3 4 tJ 1..'f't'ic" ",-olo+, Mi - 0.0 , {,...,. 'L l (l r '>" "" d,..., t.C\ ~<-{a'';'''Vr 6 7 8 0;;;, It c..<r;tL., u,l...(..o'{( ......1"11',"" /'li"f '1>", - ~ 'I (1),0 9 ;"'1 U"J( " - 'c,t 70 ~ 10 S''''1''~OttHO,l'' L(.'-tt.~"'WlclI"r S? I II 12 I-- All r IYl/ ,(" /;;, IG' 13 14 " 16 17 18 - ~ ... - ~ ~ - - - I) Headspace by PID or detector tube measurement. 2) Lithologic description includes color, soning, size, texture, and size and shape of grains etc. 3) ObscrvationslRcmarks include fracturing. solution cavities, odor, staining, organic content, moisture content, etc. Tank Management Services, Inc., Topeka, Kansas (913) 233-1414 TIot$\lOlIolSlENVll\KOIllV1ELD.W~U.OGl.fJJ" , ; "0 r I , L - - - - . - - Drilling/Monitoring Well log Page 2 of2 Project: Ort Oil. Phase II Owner: On Oil Company p;.,(,. iI=ll'! No. 4- ....ocation:752 N. Ohio, Salina, Kansas TMS Project No.70401 Monitoring well No. Date Drilled- 'j-"o -'11 ~.Diam' Drilling CoMt'~"'~tcA <y~~cht1I(_1 Total depth: 3>: Leng . Method- r'~h r-1"(rL( - Slot Silc.............. " Driller' ~.e..,,-'t- Hole diameter: CasingDi' . Geologist' J-FlJ. n-tlt.O Elev. G.L. TOC Length: / " Sampling Method(s) Water elev.:lnitial Static Type:___ Analysis EquipCIJ- f ~d1 . {JIb S''''ple Headspace w., 0._ Lithologic Description2 ObservationslRemarksJ doplh (ppm)\ schematic '"~ G_L. " Ale C <Vcvo " " n " " " " " " ,. .. " n " " :zt (.(e.-1e, S2 voydr CJtt 't-:3s' " " 1) Headspace by Pro or detector tube measurement. 2) Lithologic description includes color, sorting, size. texture. and size and shape f grains etc. 3) ObservationslRemarks include fracturing, solution cavities, odor, staining, organic content, moisture content, etc. ank Management Services, Inc., Topeka, Kansas (913) 233-1414 TMSII'O~MS\ENVI ~\KDHE\F lELDlWEl.LOGI.fIl. , I L Project: On Oil - Phase II Location: 752 N. Ohio, Salina Kansas Drilling/Monitoring Well log Owner: On Oil Company TMS Project No. 70401 Page I P",k IlIl!iIogNo Monitoring well No of -I-- 5 L. Date Drilled' 1-~". 9., Scre~.~' Drilling CO' Adv'?-'f.~d r;..h~"wI Total depth: \-z... Length: Method'Putt, f~-- SIOI Size" /' Dritler:Bre.J Hole diameter" CasingDi' /'--. Geologist'r~ h-~ Elev.O.L TOe Length: /' "- Sampling Mcthod(s) Water elev.:lnitial Statk Typc:/ Analysis Equip6ts k~ I"D Sampl Heao;!spag: Well o.,ili Lithologic Description2 ObservationslRemarksJ cdepth (ppm)l scltematic (feet) T;,p ..,( {/Ai: ~ <Ie lo,' (,l1/\ S('~i'" I <J-....J..--y I" , &<tJ... ~""- C.~'M ....t:t l.(! ~11., W::tJ ~ ~J,p.,.., ,'f.~ 3 4 ~~, ~.(,...~ -lrL,"".r:; 94.l- ~ ~.&'\- J "/\ ....,ci.-'t' t'~'2 .... "~?o S' 0.0 , Ir i 'I :,\ 'J ~m........_, (t....~..,~f- '4, 6 ~' 7 . 9 ,\td~ ~tt;r\"7er cl1"'j (-#'1P~ - 7"% to 11 ..., vct: Ot..c1b- 0.0 " ....'('c~~ . s.""fle ~-IO " 13 14 " 16 17 18 ~ ~ ~ ... I.. - - - ... I) Hcadspace by pm or detector tube measurement. 2) LllhologlcdescnptlOo mcludes color, sortmg, size, texture, and sIZe and shape of grains etc. 3) Obscrv81ionstRemarks include fracturing, solution cavities, odor, staining, organic content, moisture content, etc. Tank Management Services, Inc., Topeka, Kansas (913) 233-1414 TMS\F(IRMSlENVII\\lWIII!.\111UllWE!LLOOI.1Ul I L Project: On Oil ~ Phase II Location: 752 N. Ohio, Salina Kansas Drilling/MoDitoring Well log Owner: On Oil Company TMS Project No. 70401 Page I ofL f>J.t ~ No t, Monitoring well No ; - Date Drilled' Y-ae - 17 S en Diam" Drilling Co.A elwn c~J Iil1hltit,ccl Total depth' /1-- Leng . Method'PuS" Pl"'Ob@ SlotSi2~ Driller' (J",.;j-' Hole diameter' Casing~' Geologist, TQ;J F~eY"5 Elev. G.L Tor Lengt~~ Sampling Method(s) Water elev.:lnitial Static r,..?: Analysis EquipGts lkh PllJ Sampl Heal1space Well Deplh Lithologic Description2 Obs ervationslRemarksJ edepttl (ppm)] schematic (feel) c{".J::'t~:j-~' ..6, C-~yEy (......rl. ,,.,1', I ~"'. 2 ~~, ~C<,,"'- tlLtt, "'""! ky 3 ~ ~r'\t.';] (1-''''~ ~ ... \ "".5 4 S~ t\/~1~ """,-tl'H(I"'I' '/"r"'~ i4d, cL.~ , C""tn('L- I~!i~ , ... ~ ~ ..Ji;. , 6 (~S:I~~ ,>,' 7 O,D wt..'t, ~-'\t~ \,..,'1( \~.... 7 . 5~11J\....E' 9 ~t..I'f-O to d~~k -b.., C"'i'/ $111 II ""i'vorrs.i- ... 0.0 "'O",~.,.... ~, "",,,pk~-I:: b-IO /2- 12 13 14 " 16 17 18 ~ ~ ~ .. I.. '- .. - - .. .. I) Headspace by PID or detectortubc measurement. 2) Llthologlcdcscl'lptlOn Includes color, sortmg. SIZe, texture, and sIZe and shape of grains etc. 3) ObscrvaIions/Remarks include fracturing, solution cavities, odor, staining, organic content, moisture content, etc. Tank Management Services, Inc., Topeka, Kansas (913) 233-1414 TlllNOR.MSlENVJkIKDHNlELtlI.WElJ.OOIJ'kN I L Project: On 0 il- Phase II Location: 752 N. Ohio, Salina Kansas Drilling/Monitoring Well log Owner: On Oil Company TMS Project No. 70401 Page I of..L f',.1,z ea.;"g No 7 Monitoring well No L Date Drilled' <f-3c'n s, Diam' DrillingCo.flJt'ClhCP) ~'fc<t),n'co1 Total depth: ("I.- LengtH. "7 Method'tpu,~ MAP SlotSize~ / Driller.8........:t ' Hole diameter' Casing Oi . 7"-- Geologist' tom F"..pe~ Elev.O.L TOr. Length: ./ "'- Sampling Method(s) Water elev.:lnitial Statk: Ty:7 Analysis Equip' ~Teot PIt) SlIl11pl Hcadspao:: Well Depth Lithologic Description2 ObservationslRemarksJ edeplh (ppm)1 $chanatic (feet) ~~)-'I ~ l . (~-<to I <.\".,k o.d.B" 2 l ~ "'~t(-- 'S.....ct~( d~'1 ) cC'-'1 C,<, ~...r:tt<-.......( ~ ~~""""""'-r . !l~\......+-~_("\""""i:.,t,... /v../ (;0<" '2. - OCe; , ' I "'r,-iicct" .,.tJ.-J;f-- 0 , """'\ <,""..~.:e-~ ",' ~'k.r '.... TtI 6 - ltll,.r "'l'I."I't.-1..1 \\t .!:'-~t!c.~.... tl' (~/.~.I...-", 7 20,0 7 8 I 4J-ch.~ A.if, ('(.,.: 64/ , 8'c'/, <. .-. ...1, 9 '.":" , II 12. ""~"'.l".f ~ /'r'tl_.;:t: , to '\\.t ~ f,~ \ < . ':'."tTLt '-.G II 17 /0,0 12 ~ Ot.f',-\1 :2'>~ II 14 IS 16 17 IS ~ ; ... ... ... ~ I.. I.. ... ... ~ ... - - ... I) Headspacc by PID or detector tube measurement. 2) Lithologic description includes color, sorting, size, texture, and size and shape of grains etc. 3) Observll1lonslRemarks include fracturing, solution cavities. odor, staining, organic content, moisture content, ete. Tank Management Services, Inc., Topeka, Kansas (913) 233~1414 11otS\FOI\lot$\l!NV1J!.\KDKEII'ltL~WEU.OGUllM - I L Project: on Oil- Phase II Location: 752 N. Ohio, Salina Kansas Drilling/Monitoring Well log Owner: On Oil Company TMS Project No. 70401 Page 1 of_ /,. k -ileing No !? Monitoring well No t... Date Drilled'+-~o ."7 Scre~.~m' Drilling ~.hJIP"c{Ol') 6'ei7~ t, n,ce>! Total depth" Length: Method' ,,&oJ, Jl7~U SlotSizc', '- Driller.ll~;;:t . Hole diameter" CasingDi' Geologist' ~LJ FM'?~r5 Elev. G.L TOe Length: /' "- Sampling Method(s) Water elev.:lnitial Static Typ ./ Ana.lysisEquip:Gw.:s7~J,. Pto Sampl Headspace Wdl Depth Lithologic Description2 ObservationsIRemarks3 cdcpth (ppm)] schematic (feet) ~f60d-~...\o:"" 7vC'-1 (; " ~CIl'1- r- 7("\73 I 2 3 ct''! w,'f{. ,,,,,,,,,,(;/ -,t..~ ~ is'I'Tf, hy ~ ,,),.., "-< ~1'1.1f::F 4 U2.e.-:.N'2 - ,Q '7Ctt i> ~ <1"1'7" Ii 1.1 (~L, ~ IfVo..J ll-C']D , ",.tIt """,,'rlQ';"'S 6 "" ~,.[" '-' ~rtVl'1 v.{A '( rlry 7 Q,tJ 7 . ),#-{>", cI,y"/ "It c~ ~ ( b~"'/b 9 ~ ' to II )YIo..~..'t ':""1'-- 12 c~V, , (^H 4- iSD'I " 13 14 g,!Wto.A''f1 / 5' It C'~.i'';;f " I~ 0,0 16 "',<1 .G.t'1 17 f~d "'" &9w'>v -to) if woi, J~ IS I) Headspacc by PID or detector tube measurement. 2) Lithologic dcscripllon mcludcs color, sorting, SIZe, texture, and sIZe and shape of grains etc. 3) Observ31ionslRemarks include fracturing, solution cavities. odor, staining. organic content, moisture content, ete. Tank Management Services, Inc., Topeka, Kansas (913) 233-1414 TMS\fOIUlS\ENVIII.\KI:I1tE\F1ELDlWELLOGLnJ.! - - .. .. .. l.. - ... - - ... I L I L ~ ~ ~ ... - - ~ ~ - - - - - Drilling/Monitoring Well log P[C,l.,J! No, [? Page 2 of2 Project: On Oil. Phase II Owner: On Oil Company ,...ocation:752 N. Ohio, Salina, Kansas TMS Project No.70401 Monitoring well No. Date Drilled: 'f- ,"-r7 ~~.Diam' Drilling CO' .AJue.~ G-"t~.."c.J Total depth: 3rl Len . Method' P~r;J,. f'~ Slot Sizc:----"" ----- Drillcr.'6'I-f"...-r Hole diameter: CasingO' . Geologist'?em ~e,..j Elev. G.t. TOe I~ ""- Sampling Method(s) Water elev.:lnitial Static pc: Analysis Equip' Sample Headspace Well 0._ Lithologic Description2 ObservationslRemarksJ doplh (ppm)1 schcmatit (fool) G.L. " " " " " " " " " ""wd.L" " " .. w../l;, " s-izV Ott-"'S-3\ " n " " " I) Headspace by PID or detector tube mc:a.surement. 2) Lithologicdcscription includes color, sorting, size, texture, and size and shape f grains etc. 3) ObservationslRemarks include fracturing, solution cavities, odor, staining, organic content, moisture content, etc. ank Management Services. Inc., Topeka, Kansas (913) 233-1414 TMN'OIlJ,(S\l!NV11l\KIlH!\PlI!L~WtU.OGI.PIlI i. I L I '- ~ .... '- I.. '- \.. I.. .. '- ~ - - Tank Management Sen'ices, IDe KDHE FIELD NOTES Project NameOJtV,) -J..... 11 Location:,'2 ,0, (,)J,," _Proj.Code:_r TMSPROJ#: 70,,/ Owner: eft 0, II. J.-. , DATE L..ft TO.....Lp 12.'~S- "'" A,....~., I _"'f. .j i:).(1,~~ ~<I,~ 'r"" "'- ....,; L."n#.Ud '1-1ft-f7 -{'f',.. ,}'-. ...In..,, ,_ M e.l-oJ j, I,+'... __'Ie.. >.b. 0, ~L WS J "{((" _ 'ftu, (J <M"",'o. 0 V'f:t'oo.& ~(Jn5 b~-:lwll., k..~~.~I...JII...t " ii,~ I.... "",,.;l..,~~. 0.. ,,1<-... ,1I..:t w,I(,. ,,,'if 1.._ K.nrlC ~il 2..)'0/- /I..'-I,.../t . (",-. I , v . ",,,,;twG j';., 8 if;_~4.t7 7:t1$ ~,....,. "'''''''-. ,:" .::t ~ ?:;l() pot J' s,~'\l ,,' "..t> ~W,. ,.j 10,",/01, ~ec Ie p.Ii', Id Q1li\ '" .t.Lo , /~"o "" ~),.." ....,Rd,,"'-, , , " Ie', ~ .... M .t1.?I(\tC (",I .eI I.. , "'" 'Q.AI'I~ ~(tC..",~ , tN..'j ~,~t"ttl ,.,j'-f;......J, 12;/' c;,,_.L.J ~ 'U.. i",? P.7 1:3' !S~V rl'i: , t\..i'CST;-.(!,,-~<:;-4~. I~; '-( ~ /v I)", P?-- ;lIS' tJ,2-7 tAl '" IJ fi,J <fvIA..L, "" p...,,~ 2'00 1''5"- 10 r0, ''1 e. :r II/:s (,(...v\A.l-r \1,\tt.J""-..........r <. ('2. - \IS 610 ,<.( J .);;; SE. <~ ;'1 ic>cJ:: o.",J i ~rJ- 1'?- ILtv' III ~ IJ~ 1',;_. ',' ,'1 ."'^ (".U>-./ j :3Y pO{- S2w 'IS'S ,. ;g,( k:' I,d" ,,~(, ,J,.(, , .'" I Il{/,,,_. 1/;:.,(, '(,(r." '-f:u, 10~"J-j .Po v''''', S.c.oo,c( L~t..c..o CL:1 - , . v ("./0 It''-F'''''I- ~H lc'p-<.G:", !: j I L EDUCATION . UniversiryotMissouri-Roila-B.S. in GeolDgicalEngineerinx-19R3 '- , - REGISmAnONS ANDloR CERTIFICATIONS . Professivnal Engineer in KansuJ, Missouri, Okwhomu, and Nebraska . RegisteredGeolo}:istinKan,w..<und Missouri .... CONTINUING EDUCATION . OSHA II-Hour HA7MAT Rejresher , Courses (Annual) - . NatioMIWalerWeIiAsso[jat!on: Petroleum Nydmc(jrbon Conference -/996 Na/ional Waler Well A',wdullon: - Omdoor Action Conference & lixpu. sition.1996 . MidweJICenterforO,'cufll1/;o1Jol Health & Safely: Underxmund - SlomxeTankfnve.I'li;;ul;ollund Remediario1j.J992 . OSHA II-Hour Hazardous Mu;nle- oo1JceTm;nin,lij,,,Sul'l'l1'i.wr.\"- l. /99J . OSHA 40-Hour Safely al HUI.llrdOUJ Material..Sile.,.19R9 . Compliance Wilh ReNA GmulUlwll- luMonjjoringRequireflU!m.\'-19116 - . Groundwaler M"delinx Without AdvWlCedMutherrullie..-/9115 . HawrJousWasteMunasemem Conjerence-l9115, l<WO ... . Univer..i/)' of KIUlIll.\': ailund Gm Cont;nuillsEduculionDuy-l9115 . NUlionalWuterWeIlA".",cialion: GmunrJwlllerMoJeliflxSem;nur- 19M .... ~ - ~ - ... WIlSON &COMPANY ~ (i) BARBARA L. JOHNSON, P.E., L.G. GEOLOGICAL ENGINEER Ms. Johnson's work has dealt with subsurface investigations, contaminant mi- gration, and preparation of various permit applications and written plans and reports. She has supervised soil sampling, well completion, and water sam- pling operations in a variety of geologic settings including alluvial and sedi- mentary deposits, sedimentary and igneous bedrock, and industrial sludges. She has performed field-testing of hydraulic parameters in both pumping wells and piezometers. Ms. Johnson is responsible for hydrogeological studies, reports, and environ- mental assessments. She has been involved with investigations to determine the sources and extent of groundwater and subsurface soils contamination. In these site investigations she has supervised the installation of monitoring wells, performed geologic logging, collected water and soil samples, and determined groundwater level elevations. She has also written reports for RCRA projects, for compliance with State Administrative orders, for underground storage tank projects, and for assess- ments in real estate transactions. Additionally, she has assisted industries in completing regulatory-required environmental permits and closure plans. Ms. Johnson has had responsibility on the following representative projects: . V ogt Standard Oil - Herington, Kansas: Performed Phase I environ- mental site assessment. . Koch Sulfur Products Company - DeSoto, Kansas: Performed an en- vironmental baseline study at the sulfuric acid plant site, included supervis- ing monitoring well installation, collecting soil and water samples. . Pony Express Courier Corp, - Salina, Kansas: Performed soil and groundwater study required by KDHE at gasoline tank site. . Kansas Department of Transportation - Mayetta, Kansas: Performed environmental site assessment at UST site for highway expansion using di- rect push method for piezometer installation. . Valley Fertilizer - Concordia, Kansas: Supervised monitoring well installation and performed groundwater and soil sampling for pesticides and volatile organic compounds. . Confidential Client - Central Kansa'J: Prepared and implemented a required Kansas Department of Health and Environment Comprehensive Investigation Work Plan for determining the source and extent of elevated chlorides at LPG storage facilities. Field investigation methods included geophysical conductivity surveys; direct push methods for soil sample col- lection and monitoring well installation; and auger and air rotary drilling methods for soil sample collection and monitoring well installation. . Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico: Determined extent of soil and groundwater contamination at eight UST sites. . Hay & Forage Industries - Hesston, Kansas: Prepared and imple- mented a KDHE required Sampling Verification Plan for closure of an in- dustrial wastewater treatment surface impoundment. Direct push methods were used to collect soil samples and install temporary monitoring wells from which water samples were collected.