Water & Sewer Condition & Operations 1978-1982 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I II SALI NA,KANSAS Water and Sewerage System CONDITION AND OPERATIONS REPORT 1978 - 1982 - \It\I1 LS 0 N I h- [COMPANY , ENGINEERS ~ J_ tAR CHI TEe T S . I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I JUNE 1983 (83-018) SALINA, KANSAS WATER AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM CONDITION AND OPERATIONS REPORT FOR THE YEARS 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981 & 1982 WITH RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 1983 & 1984 ***** John Burgess, Mayor Commissioners Fortino Bonilla Merle Hodges Joe Ritter Charles Roth Rufus Nye, City Manager Dean Boyer, Director of Engineering and Utilities 11LSON COMPANY EHGIH....RS ARCHIT~CTS t I I PURPOSE OF REPORT I I City of Salina Ordinance Number 8635, dated 1 May 1978, provides for the issuance of revenue bonds for the refunding of two bond ordinances issued for the purpose of altering, improving, extending and enlarging the munici- pal waterworks and sewerage systems, contains, in part, the following requirements: I I Section 12(h): "At least once in every two years the City's consulting engineers hereinafter referred to in Section 16(d) of this ordinance, after making their examination and report on the condition, operation and needs of the City's combined water and sewage system as provided in said Section 16(d), shall, by written instrument filed in the office of the City Clerk, . . . , certify whether or not, in their opinion, the moneys in the 'Combined Water and Sewage System Extension and Bond Retirement Account' are in excess of the amount reasonably required to be maintained in such account for extending, improving or enlarging the City's combined water and sewage system, and, if so, the amount of such excess .. " I I I Section 16(d). "At least once in every two years the City will employ an independent consulting engineer or firm of consulting engineers having a reputation for knowledge, skill and experience in the operation of municipal water and sewage systems and will cause such consulting engineer or engineers to make an examination and report on the condition and operation of the City's Water and Sewage Utility, such report to include recommendations as to any changes in such operation deemed desirable. Such report shall also make reference to any unusual or extraordinary items of maintenance and repair and any extensions or improvements that may be needed in the ensuing year .. " I I I The 1961 bond ordinance required condition and operations reports which were prepared in 1964, 1966, 1968 and 1970. The information required for the 1972 report, covering the years 1970 and 1971, was included in the Engineering report entitled "Water Distribution Study", dated August 1972. The last two Condition and Operations reports were dated June 1974 and August 1978. Projection of revenue requirements for the period 1980 - 1984 were included in "Water Rate Study", dated July 1980. This rate study was the basis for new rate schedules implemented in 1981, 1982 and 1983. This report is the first one covered by the 1978 bond ordinance and covers the years 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981 and 1982, with recommendations for 1983 and 1984. I I I I I I I 1 I I 1978 BOND ISSUE I On 23 May 1978, the City of Salina, Kansas, authorized the issuance of $4,670,000 in Revenue Bonds, the proceeds to be used to refund the principal amounts of two previous outstanding bond issues and ". . . providing for the collection, segregation and application of the revenues of said system for the purposes authorized by law, including paying the cost of operation, improvement and maintenance of said utility, paying the principal of and interest on the refunding revenue bonds of said City issued against said system and providing adequate reserve funds, making certain covenants with respect to said bond, authorizing an escrow trust agreement relating to certain prior lien bonds and authorizing a securities option and purchasing agreement relating to the bonds. II I I I The 1978 refunding bond issue was authorized to refund the following bond issues: I I Series 1961 1977 Bond Ordinance No. 6546 8546 Effective Date July 1, 1961 April 1, 1977 Original $3,600,000 3,000,000 Principal Outstanding $1,670,000 3,000,000 I 1978 Refunding Bond Issue $4,670,000 I 1961 BOND ISSUE EXPENDITURES I The following tabulation summarizes the expenditures for improvements to the combined water and sewerage system, such expenditures being solely from the original bond issue (as refunded in 1978), Federal Grant and investment income. All improvements are in accordance with recommendations of the City's Consulting Engineers and of the City Engineer's Office. I Project Cost I Key Acres Elevated Water Tower North Front Street Water Main South Fourth Street Water Main Water Treatment Plant Improvements Sanitary Sewer Trunk Mains Sewage Treatment Plant Improvements Purchase of System Materials and Minor System Improvements Planning and Engineering Water Main to Westinghouse Water Main to Schilling City-County Building, Water and Sewer Services South Industrial Area (Roberts Mfg.) East North Street (Wyatt Mfg.) Miscellaneous Extensions and Improvements $ 120,005.00 38,390.00 23,060.00 566,956.00 573,018.00 859,092.00 I I 237,602.00 51,450.00 75,000.00 49,603.00 36,028.42 15,702.29 19,589.68 2,497.09 I I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,847,993.48.,': I *Includes investment income. I 2 I I 1977 BOND ISSUE EXPENDITURES I I The following tabulation summarizes the expenditures for improvements to the combined water and sewerage utility, such expenditures being solely from the original bond issue (as refunded in 1978) and investment income. All improvements are in accordance with recommendations of the City's Consulting Engineers and of the City Engineer's office. I Project Cost I WTP Sludge Disposal Facilities Water Main, 30-inch, WTP to Ohio and Crawford Water Main, 20-inch, Ohio, Crawford to Magnolia, ~nd on Magnolia, Ohio to Ninth Street Northwest Water Main, 12-inch Northwest Elevated Water Tank, 0.5 mg North Fourth Street Water Main, 20-inch, Water Plant to Santa Fe and Lincoln, and Water Main, 20-inch, West Crawford, Santa Fe to Broadway $ 270,538 586,736 I 528,422 385,000 324,500 I 904,804 TOTAL $3,000,000 I I I I I I I I I I I 3 I I I SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS The Condition and Operations report prepared in 1977 contained recommenda- tions and budget estimates of cost for system improvements deemed necessary during the ensuing two-year period. These recommendations pertained prin- cipally to short-range improvements or to the planning or first phase construction of long-range improvements. I I Long-range water system improvements were studied in the Engineering Reports prepared in 1968, 1970 and 1972. The 1968 report dealt principally with potential sources of water supply over a 40-year period and included recommendations regarding future water supply, treatment, transmission and distribution facilities. I I I I I I The 1970 report was limited to recommendations regarding the expansion of the present water treatment plant and the collection and disposal of all plant wastes. The 1972 report included a very comprehensive study and analysis of the water distribution system, a recommended capital improvements program for the water system and a financial study. As a result of the refunding bond issue of 1978, adjustments to water and sewer rates schedules were programmed for adjustments on an annual basis through 1983 to assure maintenance of proper debt service coverage. The following table lists the major capital improvement projects financed by current Water and Sewerage Department revenues for the years 1978 through 1982, and describes and estimates the cost of other capital improvement projects planned for 1983 and 1984, which likewise, will be financed through current revenues. TOTAL 5-year average I I I Year 1978 1979 1980 1981 I I 1982 I I I Projects Constructed Project New Water Utility Vehicles Water Meters Water and Sewer Improvements in Dow Addition Parshall Flume, WWTP #2 Water Meters Calcining Plant Improvements Water Meters Motor Vehicles Vacuum Rail Car Unloader, WTP Calcining Plant Improvements Boiler @ WWTP #1 Backhoe Water Meters Office Equipment Motor Vehicles Trickling Filter Mechanism @ WWTP #2 Calcining Plant Improvement Cost $ 36,290 17,200 65,530 7,680 19,100 458,070 8,780 30,070 31,770 36,410 31,770 25,000 7,320 2,000 5,490 25,480 19,600 $827,550 $165,510 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I Projects Proposed 1983 Project Estimated Cost Bypass line from secondary settling basin to filters at WTP #1 (Downtown) $150,000.00 Heating unit at WTP #2 (Schilling) 15,000.00 18,000.00 Three (3) new well houses at WTP #2 Filter media and control valves at North 8 filters at WTP #1 100,000.00 New intercom system at WTP #1 10,000.00 Spectrometer for WTP #1 Lab 3,000.00 Specific Ion Electrodes (3) for WWTP #1 Lab 2,000.00 26,000.00 3 Raw Sewage Pumps at WWTP #2 10-inch sanitary sewer main Chicago to Broadway between Ash and State 8,500.00 Computer Printer for Customer Service 10,500.00 Miscellaneous 7,000.00 Total Capital Improvements $350,000.00 Projects Proposed 1984. Capital improvement projects anticipated for 1984 total $350,000.00 5 I I REVENUE I I I I I I I I I I I Revenue is derived principally from a water rate schedule and a sewer service charge schedule. Both schedules are based on customer water usage. The sewer service charge schedule was established at the time the water and sewerage departments were combined, there having been no previous direct charge for this service. The sewer service charge schedule has been revised, on occasion, primarily to establish equitable rates for special cases. New water rate schedules have been placed in effect on 1 January 1973, 1 January 1977, 1 January 1981, 1 January 1982, and 1 January 1983. The water and sewer departments are now operating under Ordinance No. 8635, dated 15 May 1978. City Ordinance No. 8635 requires that the City "will fix, establish and maintain rates, fees and other charges for the sale of water and sewage services and commodities of the Water and Sewage Utility as shall be required to provide revenues at least sufficient in each fiscal year to pay an amount equal to at least 130 percent of the aggregate debt service for the fiscal year." The following table indicates the Water and Sewer Department income position as compared to the requirement of the ordinance. Principal & Sold Gross Total Operating Interest Ratio Year (MG) Income Expenses Income Payments ~ 1978 1872.9 2,198,615 1,530,474 668,141 301,187 221 1979 1891. 7 2,220,180 1,744,309 475,871 413,820 115 1980 2388.8 2,452,227 2,047,399 404,828 392,285 103 1981 1777.3 2,838,441 2,145,384 693,057 391,165 177 1982 1762.6 3,068,939 2,464,071 604,868 404,575 149 1983 1880.0 3,382,000 2,544,270 837,730 409,630 204 1984 1890.0 3,400,000 2,849,600 550,400 412,000 134 I I ,I I I I The required ratio of 130 percent was not maintained in 1979 and 1980. New rate schedules were implemented on 1 January 1981, 1 January 1982 and 1 January 1983, in anticipation of keeping the debt service ratio at required levels. No rate increases have been scheduled after 1983. The projections indicate that the debt service ratio will be approaching the minimum required by 1984. Plates 1 and 2 indicate graphically the population, number of accounts and the Water and Sewer Department revenues, operating expenses and debt service on an annual basis since 1970. 6 ------------------- 50 ~"_._.- --~- -- _ ~_n~~ f ~ ----- ~---- ----..--- --~-_._- .....----.. -- - -....-... ~-_... ~....... --- -~. ---~.. -- -- ~- ---- --- --_.---- --.--- ---'- _.'. -- ~ - -",- POPULATlOr ",,,,. - iL - ",'" -'"' -+- ............. -=--j: - - - ------ ---- - -.--- _._~--- ---..,.--- f------ -~-~-- -------- - I .-SEWER ACCOUNTS / \ I : I~ATER ACCOUNTS 111 11\ 1\ :~ ::t : n._ : -- ~-- - -, .--- - ---- _n_ -, : : : : : : : : : : 1\ : : ':: : - - " - : : : : : : : .- : .. : : : : : " : : : : : : : " 0""." : ., "r " : : " : : '. ..--~ ; " : "" :' - -. --- .- -- n_ ,- , ; .., , ", " : p ", . ", . .- ; ," .. - - - - : ; " .. '. : , .- , -- - -- -~ -- - - - - -- - ---- , --- >---- - .. .' : " .: .- : : ," . : 2.0,870 Sewer Accounts 60 40 I 30 20 2/,670 Water Accounts 10 o 1968 1970 1975 1980 1985 PLATE I WA TER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT POPULATION AND NUMBER OF ACCOUNTS 1990 JUNE 1983 WCEA FILE: 83-018 ------------------- 5,000 ,f-o I I I ANNUAL DEBT SERVICE 71 SEWER DEPT. ANNUAL OPERATING EXPENSE I--- ' WATER DEPT. ANNUAL OPERATING EXPENSE 4,000 ~ 3,000'- <I .J .J 8 ~ o U) o Z <I U) 2,000 ::l o 1: ~ 1,000 , o 1970 1/ ---- F:'~, r~ rm' :'." ',' :'~' :~ 1975 ACTUAL !iifi " , " ~ 7 ~ .' ~ :.<r ~;i~ ~~'. ....; ,,~ f :~t ~~.: .'~'. ~.;: ::.~: ,: ..,'. ~ioi --::~- GROSS AN!l UAL ./ ,bo. REVENUES n - -;:;;:1.:S I~ " ,~ V ,,~ 1980 ,-: - I I/~ 1/ '/ 1/'/ 1/ '/ 1// I/~ 1/'/ 1/ ~ 1/ r/ ~. [;J '/[1 [I ~ ~ ESt FRQN, CITY BUDGET 1985 1990 PLATE 2 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REVENUES AND EXPENSES JUNE 1983 WCEA FILE: 83-018 I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I CASH FUND ACCOUNTS As of 31 December 1982, all bond accounts are at or above the levels required by the current Bond Ordinance, and as required by good management practices. Until 31 December 1978, no funds had been maintained in the Extension and Bond Retirement Fund. Moneys for extending, improving or enlarging the City's combined water and sewer system have been obtained from surpluses in Operating Income and from the Depreciation and Emergency Fund where applicable. From 1968 through 1976, no new Revenue Bond Issues were required for capital improvements to the water and sewer system. The major capital improvements projects completed since 1978 were financed by the 1977 Revenue Bond Issue, as described earlier in this report. A summary of the Cash Fund Accounts follows: Summary of Cash Fund Accounts Extension & Bond & * Bond Depreciation & Bond Interest Reserve Emergency Retirement Balance 12/31/78 313,272 419,453 367,934 600,000 Required by Ordinance 317,000 410,000 125,000 Balance 12/31/79 415,070 438,534 390,118 856,760 Required by Ordinance 397,000 410,000 125,000 Balance 12/31/80 554,647 480,750 429,405 199,040 Required by Ordinance 551,000 410,000 125,000 Balance 12/31/81 709,181 537,736 460,283 218,849 Required by Ordinance 716,000 410,000 125,000 Balance 12/31/82 884,150 618,326 528,053 250, 132 Required by Ordinance 909,000 410,000 125,000 Operating Income 668,141 475,870 404,827 693,056 604,868 *Invested Sinking Fund - Contributions are made to this cash fund account in February and August of each year. 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Following the $3,600,000 revenue bond issue in 1961, it was not necessary for the City of Salina to issue additional revenue bonds for its combined Water and Sewerage Department until early in 1977. All debt services, operating expenses, extensions and betterments during that period were financed from water revenues and sewage service charges. It was necessary, however, to increase the water rates at the beginning of 1973 and again in 1977, the latter increase being required to offset the increased debt service requirement of the 1977 revenue bond issue. Additional rate schedule adjustments have been implemented annually since 1981 to meet debt service requirements of the 1978 refunding bond issue. Funds Available for Capital Improvements Year 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 ASSETS (CASH) Operating Income $ 559,696 $ 419,066 $410,141 $503,159 $688,238 Ext. & Bond Retire- ment Fund 600,000 856,760 199,040 218,849 250 , 132 TOTAL ASSETS $1,159,696 $1,275,826 $609,181 $722,008 $938,370 LIABILITIES Accounts Payable 89,316 20,032 62,379 66,268 103,334 BALANCE $1,070,380 $1,255,794 $546,802 $655,740 $835,036 Projected Funds Available for Capital Improvements 1983 1984 ASSETS (CASH) Operating Income Ext. & Bond Retire- ment Fund $ 650,000 $400,000 400,000 400,000 TOTAL ASSETS $1,050,000 $800,000 LIABILITIES Accounts Payable BALANCE $ 100,000 $ 950,000 $100,000 $700,000 8 I I I REVIEW OF EARLIER RECOMMENDATIONS The Conditions and Operations report of 1977 contained recommendations regarding two items of improvement. These recommendations and the action that has been taken by the City are as follows: I I I I I I I I I 1. Old Smoky Hill River Channel. Study was authorized in 1978 to evaluate concepts for beautification, recreation enhancement, stabilization of channel and banks, alternative concepts for dealing with the progressive siltation and aggradation of the old channel and maintenance of the raw water intake at the water treatment plant. Study was completed and recommen- dations presented to City Commission. Due to estimated project cost and lack of Federal funding, no action has been taken on the recommendations. The project remains a feasible alternative for continued use of Smoky Hill River water for raw water supply. 2. Restoration of Sewage Gas Utilization. This project would enable sewage gas to be collected and used for digester heating and for other purposes at the Sewage Treatment Plant No.1. The project has not been implemented. It is recommended that efforts to complete the remodeling work be expedited to achieve full utilization of the excess sewage gas. I I I I I I I 9 I I NEW RECOMMENDATIONS I 1. Water and Sewerage Systems Study. The City has authorized Wilson & Company, Engineers & Architects to prepare an engineering report to examine the short-term and long-term improvement needs of the combined utility through the year 2020. The study is expected to be completed late in 1983. I 2. Long-Range Water Study. Study was completed earlier. City has completed groundwater survey in Smoky Hill River Valley and has filed applications for water appropriations. Information from the Division of Water Resources regarding those applications is expected in the near future. I I The City is represented on a Steering Committee for the Central Kansas Wholesale Water Supply District. This Committee is coordinating planning activities to determine the feasibility of providing 15 communities, includ- ing Salina, with water supply from Milford Reservoir. Participation in these long-range water supply planning activities should continue. I I 3. Water Rate Increase. Annual water rate increases for 1981, 1982 and 1983 were implemented by ordinance in 1980. Review of the rate schedule should be implemented and consideration given to annual water rate adjustments required for 1984 and beyond to maintain debt service coverage. I I I I I I I I I I I 10 I I OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE I A survey of the operations of the combined water and sewerage department was conducted. The survey included on-site inspections, examination of records and reports, and interviews with department personnel. I The combined water and sewerage department is well equipped to perform the required services to the community. Maintenance, in general, is routine in nature and is accomplished according to schedule and with reasonble dispatch. I The combined water and sewerage department is exceptionally well managed and operated. Administrative personnel are knowledgeable and operate a business-like, efficient public utility. I In the course of interviews with Department Staff personnel, several matters were discussed which need immediate action and others which appear to merit consideration for further study and appropriate action. I I The items which need immediate attention include: I 1. Recarbonation equipment, for pH control at water treatment plant. Estimated cost $110,000 plus annual CO2 costs of $80,000/year. 2. Replacement of 5 existing chemical feeders at water treatment plant. Feeders include 2 lime, 2 soda ash and 1 alum. Estimated cost $50,000. I 3. One additional air compressor at water treatment plant to provide reliability for calcining operations and filter controls. Estimated cost $30,000. I I 4. Installation of equipment and chemical handling facilities for trihalomethane (THM) control at WTP. Estimated cost $15,000. I 5. WWTP #1. Replacement of steel checkerplate on all clarifier bridges at Estimated cost $30,000. I 6. Recalibrate and service influent magnetic flow meter at WWTP #1. Estimated Cost $4,000. 7. Replace handrail on 1st stage trickling filter stairways at WWTP #1. Estimated cost $2,000. I 8. Replace metal chutes and other miscellaneous metal on grit augers and grit screw conveyer at WWTP #1. Estimated cost $5,000. I 9. Add new lighting around headworks structure at WWTP #1. Estimated cost $3,000. I 10. Install trickling filter recirculation line at WWTP #2. Estimated cost $6,000. I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11. Haul WWTP #2 sludge to WWTP #1. Estimated cost $73,000/yr. * Total Estimated Cost of Immediate Needs $308,000. *Will be an annual cost until sludge handling improvements are made at WWTP #2. In addition to the items of immediate need to maintain adequate process control and alleviate potentially hazardous areas at facilities of the Water and Sewage Utility, the City should initiate work for the following items: 1. Primary Digester Rehabilitation at WWTP #1. 2. Mechanical Barscreen at WWTP #1. 3. Provide partition in lab building and relocate recorders for magnetic flow meters at WWTP #1. 4. WTP #1. Raw water and finished water flow metering and recording at 5. Replacement of control valves and control equipment in north 8 filters at WTP #1. 6. Rework control equipment in south 8 filters at WTP #1. 7. Replace filter media in north 8 filters at WTP #1. 8. Rechlorination facilities in extremities of distribution system. 9. Methods of improving quantity and quality of Smoky Hill River water arriving at raw water intake to treatment plant. 12 I I CONCLUSIONS I The results of this study and examination indicate that as of 31 December 1982, the funds in the Extension and Bond Retirement Account as shown in the Summary of Cash Funds Account Table are not in excess of the amount reasonably required to be maintained in such account for extending, improv- ing or enlarging the combined water and sewerage system of the City of Salina, Kansas. The reserve accounts "Bond Reserve" and "Depreciation and Emergency" have reached the minimum limit set by ordinance. I I The review of the condition and operation of the combined water and sewer- age system indicates that the system is operated in a satisfactory manner and that the condition, in general, is good. I The following is a summary of recommendations in regard to the operation of the combined water and sewerage system. I It is recommended that of all of the studies and improvements listed under "Operations and Maintenance", Immediate Need be completed as soon as possible. The remaining studies and improvements recommended in this report should be initiated in the coming two-year period. I I It is recommended that the current water and sewer rate schedules be reviewed and adjustments made to assure adequate debt service coverage is maintained and to provide adequate revenue for capital improvement programs. I I I I I I I I I I 13