Water Supply Explorations I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II i I I I CITY OF SALINA KANSAS WATER SUPPLY EXPLORATIONS REPORT MAY 1957 WILSON & COMPANY ENGINEERS & ARCHITECTS SALINA - KANSAS (156-107A) WATER SUPPLY EXPLORATImlS I I I REPORT I ~ ~ ~I:}r~;:,. '. . )A. -''-;['".''' ,.'<' _:'';t: : - ~. ;., ',. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MAY 1957 I (156-107A) I CITY OF SALINA KANSAS WATER SUPPLY EXPLORATIONS ***** - CITY OFFICIALS - Ralph Exline, Mayor --Commissioners-- Carl Ramsey Don McCune E. P. Wenger Harold Jaeger Harold Peterson, Clerk Leland M. Srack, Sr., Manager Harold F. Harper, Engineer Rudolph Barta, Attorney * * * * * WILSON & CONPANY ENGINEERS & ARCHITECTS SALINA - KANSAS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SALINA, KANSAS WATER SUPPLY EXPLORATIONS - Ta.ble of C ontente - .~ SECTION 1 - GENERAL I Purpose 2 Summary of Recommendations 3 Scope of Investigations 4 Water Production Requirements 1-1 1-,2' 1-3 1-4 SECTION 2 - WATER SUPPLY EXPLORATIONS 1 General 2 Objective 3 Geology 4 History of Water Production 5 Test Drilling 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-3 2-4 SECTION 3 - ANALYSIS OF RESULTS 1 General 2 Quali ty 3 Adequacy and Dependability 4 Economy of Development 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-7 SECTION 4 - SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1 Summary 2 Recommendations 4-1 4-4 APPENDIX A - TEST HOLE LOGS APPENDIX B - WELLS APPENCIX C - PUMPING TESTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SALINA, KANSAS WATER SUPPLY EXPLORATIONS ENGINEERS' PRELIMINARY REPORT SECTION 1 - GENERAL 1 . Purpose The purpose of this report is to make a study of all of the potential underground sources of water in the vicinity of Salina to determine which sources may be utilized for water supply development in the future to meet the City's ever increasing demand for water; to explore the underground formations from the standpoint of the quality of water normally in storage in the aquifers, the rates at which supply wells may be pumped, the quality of the water, and the possibilities of adequate recharge of the aquifers; to recommend certain well field areas for development; to study routes for new transmission pipelines from the well fields to the water softening plant; and to recommend a development plan which will be compatible with the City's requirements for water in future years, insofar as underground sources may be able to supply the demand. 1-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The report has been divided into four sections, as follows: Section 1 defines the purpose of the report, outlines the scope of the investigations, establishes the predicted future water requirements of the City and reviews the present water system facilities. Section 2 is an outline of the information obtained by the test drilling explorations and includes such earlier information about the local ground water and geology as is available. Section 3 is an analysis of the results of the explorations and a comparison of each potential area with the criteria required for a suitable water supply source. Section 4 summarizes the findings as described in the report and makes recommendations with regard to future development. 2. Summary of Recommendations At the conclusion of the report, the following will be recommended: a. Complete the required explorations and develop two water supply wells directly west of the water treatment plant, west of Ninth Street. b. Begin development of an additional well field northeast of the City near the intersection of Pacific and Ohio, together with a new transmission main to the water treatment plant. c. Take preparatory st~ps toward the aQqUisition and development of an additional river water supply in the amount of 10 million gallons per day. d. Study the possibilities of constructing recharge wells in the existing well field. c. Plan for the expansion of water treatment plant facilities. 1-2 I I I I I I I I I I 1'1 I I I I I I I I 3. Scope of Investi~ations The investigations consisted of a study of all existing wells and test holes in the vicinity about which accurate information could be obtained; the exploration by test drilling of water producing a~ea8 north, northeast and south of the City; and a study of the effects of heavy pumping of the existing City wells. The ground elevation of each well and test hole was determined by survey; and from these data the elevations of the Permian fo;nnation and the present static water level was obtained. Chemical analysis of the water from representative test holes was obtained in order that the chemical quality of the water in anyspeoific area could be judged. In order that current records of water levels in the vicinity of Salina can be maintained, three observation wells were constructed and equipped with automatic water-level recording equipment. Information regarding the possible ~verage expected yields of future wells in each of the possible well fields was obtained by test pumping the observation wells and by observing the production of present wells where possible. All of the information obtained as the result of these investigations is shown by the maps accompanying the report and by tables contained in the report. The text of the report discusses the findings and justifies the conclusions reached and the recommendations made in the report. Since construction or development of the possible water sources is not of an immediate nature, no estimates of cost have been prepared other than those which are intended to show relative costs of development of each area. These estimates are based OD current construction costs, and will have to be reviewed and brought up to date when actual planning begins. 1 <~3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4,. Water Production ReQuirements Before begi~ing the discussion of the explorator,y work that ha. been accomplished, it is well to review briefly the predicted demand. fo~ ~t,r as have been established by previous report., and to outline the tentative plan which has been proposed fqr meeting the future deman~s ..s th-.r ~come apparent. It is also advisable to review the hi,tor,y of the city'. water production and treatment facilities and the plans for incre..~ng the capacities of the various units of which the treatment and pu.mping plant is composed. ~. PODulation and Water Consumotion. The population and ~ter qori. sumption graphs, as used in the Planning Report dated October 1955, ..~ repeated on the following pages, but the predictions have been extended to the year 1980, at which time the population of Salina -.y be ~ect8d to reach 50,000. Exhibit nAif is a graph of the population and Exhibit "a" is a graph of the water consumption trends and predictions. The use of water in Salina during 1955 and 1956 declined slightly from the peak reached in 1954. This decline was caused by the lack of water supply during those years and the resultant imposition of ~ter r.strictio~8 through the periods of highe8t'~dell.8.Jici. The graphs have been analyzed further in Table I, below, in order to determine usages for particular periods which affect materially the capacity requirements of the various water treatment units. 1-4 I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I - 0 1'\ 0 0 \\.. I 0 U) 8', 0 \\,. .......~ ~ 8", "t \ I~ \ \ \ \. '\ \ ~ 1\ ~ 1\ . 1\ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 0 0 <Il ~ tii ~ ~ .n 0 0 <Il 0 <Il 0 <Il q- q- 11') I") N N - - POPULATION o co 01 , "j" It)," ,,... II, (Jl o ,... 01 ltl co' 01 o co 01 1tI ~I f- o~ ~o a:: (j ~z 010 - f- <( -.J o=> 1"'10- 0)0 a... o N 0) o 01 EXHIBIT IIA" I I I I I I r-.. w \!) < 0- I ~ :> 0- w I \!) < a: w > < I >- J a: < w I 0 >- < I 0 a: w 0- I c:( I- 0- c:( 0 I a: w 0- I <f) z 0 J J < I \!) I I I I 225 200 175 4000 / 3,832 / 7'- - 3 559 3500 .....- ""..... ,.. / '" / ;' r-.. '" a: / / 3,239 < / w / >- 3000 0: w 0- f 11) / z f 0 / J J I < 2500 \!) I z I 0 I J I J - I ~ I '-' 2000 l/) Z - < ~ 0 I- 1500 0 w 0- ~ :> 0- 0: w 1000 I- < ~ 150 500 125 100 75 50 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 WATER USAGE TRENDS EXHISI,.. liS II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE I P~IG~EP WAT~CQN~~1IqN 1960 1~65 . 1970 197' 1,989 Population 36,400 40 , 000 43, SOO 47,000 ,0 .000 Annual Average, Gallons per Capita per Day 194 200 204 207~5 210 Annual Average, Million Gallons per Day 7.061 8.000 8.874 9.752 10~ 500 ; Total Usage per Year, I Million Gallons 2,577 2,930 3,239 3,559 3,832 Usage for Maximum Month, gpcpd 388 400 408 415 420 Daily Usage for Maximum Month, Million Gallons 14.123 16.000 17.750 19. SOO 21.000 Usage, ThreeConsecuti ve Maximum Days, gpcpd 485 500 510 520 ;25 , Usage, Tll-ree .consecutive Maximum~Days, Million Gallons per Day 17.654 20.000 22.185 24.,380 26.250 1- 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I b. Water SouroeA-_ Total produotion qapacity,. in~luding wells-'.plIDlp8 I and raw water tranllmi~sion pipelines, Djl18t have adequate. cap~~i t,. to 'UPP~1 the demand of the maximum day with a reserve capacity adeq~te to ~low for some of the units to be out of service tor _intenance or repair. The capacity of the source of supply must be ~dequate to pr~v1.e the year's total demand without serious depletion and must be able to supply such instantaneous (hourly) production rates as may be expected. Each source of supply, that is, river supply or ground water supply, should be capable independently of supplying at least the nor,mal sanitary demands of the City; and preferably the entire demands if restrictions are to be wholly avoided. The source of supply or combination of sources, therefore, must be capable of about 4 billion gallons per year in 1980, with production units capable of withdrawing water at the rate of 26.25 mgd (18,400 gpm). Allowing for 10 percent shutdown for repairs and maintenance, a capacity of at least 29.0 mgd (20,000+ gpm) should be provided. For the portion of the supply that is to be obtained from wells, an allowance of )J~l/J percent should be made so that each well will not have to be pumped mQre than two-thirds of the time. Q.. Water Treatment. All treatment units should be sized to treat the water required for the average daily demands of the maximum month. Overioad provisions can usually accommodate the excess usage that may occ~ on maximum days or even several days of maximum usage. Storage and higll service pumping should be sized for adequacy during the peak hours of water consumption. 1-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Water treatment units, inQluding 80ttenfng and 8~ttling ba-lnI, fi1t$rs and 'chemiea.l feeding e'qu.ipmen~, will be -required. to hamUe ,21.0 J184 by 1980. Calcining equipment will. bave to be expa,nded tp ~0IIl$ ~t.u.t, unless some means is employed to store ~oftening sludge tQr later praq...ing; and additional chemical storage facilities .ust be prqvided. d. Water Distributj"on ~d star",,_ As the City grows, the eli.trial1" tion~8tem will be expanded and extended as required tQproTide ~.rvlc. - " ~ to new customers. In addition to this expansion, however, JIIl,ny .ore teedt~ mains will be required to convey the water from the pUJIl.Ping ~tationtptl1. new areas and to reinforce existing residential and business are... Additional storage tanks, either elevated or underground units witl1 high service pumps, will be required from time to time as the City expandl~ ~. Construction Proll~"ruz:. It is of course rea1i~ed tb.,t the Cit,. will not build all of the facilities required for 1980 at One time. It is the primary object of this report to point out the l'i\agnitW:1e of the future requirements and to r~commend sources of vater supply for development. , The physical quantity of construction work required to develop each SourCE! and deliver the water to the plant will be described. We will att~pt to predict when development of eaoh recommended souroe shoQld begin and when it should be completed. However, it must be reali:Zed that th~concU- tions which control the adequacy of present sourcelil to supply fut~e deme.nd.s may cha~e and such ch~nge8 will bear directly on future development. The City should plan fi~oially to handle such future constNotion as may be required throughout the water works system. 1 '1 - ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 2 - WATER SUPPLY EXPLORATIONS 1 . General The explorations which are described herein were conducted during the winter of 1956 and the spring of 1957. All drilling work vas performed by the Hydraulic Drilling Company of Salina, supervised by Wilson & Company. The area studied is shown on the maps accompanying the report. 2. Objective The objective of the exploratory work was to investigate underground formations within and in the vicinity of Salina. Ground elevations at each test hole were optained, and from these elevations the slope of the water table and the topography of the Permian bedl"QQk was obtained. The logs of all test holes appear in Appendix A at the end of the report. In addition to the new test holes, information was obtained from other sources as to the characteristics of existing wells, both public and private, earlier test holes drilled by the State Geological Survey, and all other definite and reliable information that could be obtained. The location of all test holes and existing wells that were studied is shown on the maps accompanying the report. 3. Geology. The water bearing material in the river valleys near Salina consists of sands and gravels deposited on the floor of the ancient stream valley that parallels, in general, the present stream valleys. The ancient valleys were eroded into the Permian deposit to a considerable depth below the present stream beds. Sands, gravels and clays were later depos~ted in the valleys to varJing depths, forming the present aquifers. 2-1 .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The fermain deposit is relatively impervious, and the small amounts of water that can be found in the Permian in this vicinity are of poor quality and ofttimes very salty. Therefore, all of the explorations were confined to the alluvium overlying the Permian, test holes being ~rilled into the Permian only far enough to permit ~ositive identification. The ancient valle.ychannels are rather difficult to trace out accurately unless test holes are spaced very closely. However, the general contour of the top of the Permian has been determined by information obtained by the test drilling and other investigations, and is shown on Map No. J accompanying the report. It is generally true that where the sand and gravel deposits are the deepest they are also the coarsest and are capable of yielding the largest amounts of water. Therefore, the importance of locating the deeper portions of the aquifer is apparent. The expected yield of wells in each of the areas explored can be judged only by well production information in each area, obtained either by pumping of test wells or from records of existing wells. Drawing No. 4 contains cross sections showing the elevations of the Permian fo~ion, the typical locations of sand, gravel and clay formations and the static water level at various locations through the areas studied. 2-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I 4. Historv of Water Production Portions of the area explored have a rather complete and extended history of water production. others have not been developed sufficiently to determine probable yields. a. City Well Field. The well field area within the City itself has a long record of continuous water production, since it has always been the City's primary source of water supply. The first wells were drilled on what is now the softening plant site. As the requirements for wat~r increased additional wells were drilled south, east and northeast of the water plant so that now the well field area is bounded generally by McAdams street on the south, Kansas Avenue on the east, Ash street . on the north and Fifth Street on the west. This well field ~erved the City adequately until 1953 when the lack of recharge, combined with hot, dry weather and very high demands, resulted in an excessive lowering of the water table and a serious decrease in well capacity. b. Area South of Salina. The area immediately south of the City ha~ not been explored thoroughly and has no history of well production. This area was investigated in detail and will be described later in the report. Further south, a well field has been developed for use by the Government in connection with Camp Phillips and Schilling.Air Force Base. The well field contains five wells, each originally equipped with a 700-gpm pump. Following the deactivation of Camp Phillips, two of the wells were taken out of service, primarily because of excessive iron content, and the remaining three were maintained for use by Schilling Air Force Base. 2-3 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Upon the installation of softening facilities for the Air Base, the veIl pumps were modified. At the present time, two wells are equipped with 700 gpm pumps, one is equipped with a 350-gpm pump, and the other two wells are, for all practical purposes, abandoned. Use of vater by the Air Base averages less than one mgd. The soften- ing plant capacity is 1.5 mgd. The Government well field has not been used to the extent that serious lowering of the water table has occurred. c. Area Northeast of Salina. The area northeast of the City, generally bounded by Front Street on the west and North Street on the south, has a limited history of water production. There are a few irrigating wells in the area, but no accurate information regarding the logs of the wells, pumping rates or drawdown has been maintained by the respective owners. The wells, however, are known to be capable of sustained high production. 5. Test DrillinK The purpose of drilling the first group of test holes was to explore formations adjacent to the existing well field and to locate suitable sites for the immediate construction of two additional water supply wells. These were to be located if possible, close enough to existing flowlines that new flowlines would not be required from the new wells to the softening plant. ~. Immediate Water Supply Wells. Two suitable sites were located, one in-Riverside Park and the other at Riverside Drive and Columbia. These two sites are being developed and will soon be placed in service. 2-4 I' I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I I ! I I They will became Well No. 15 and Well No. 16, respectively. Well No.1, is to be equipped with 8,. 900-gpm pump and Well No. 16 with an BOO-gpD1 pwttp. After completion of drilling, the two wells vere test pumped fQr a period of 24 hours each. Each vell produced over 1,000 gpm w,itho,-t 8XQe.s1ve drawdown. Both wells are oonsidered at least equal to any of the .~ -,. others previously drilled in Salina. Test pumping recol;'d. ar, OOl\ta~ed in Appendix C at the end of the report. Exploratory test drilling for the two wells also l~uded some' t.,t, in .Kenvood Park between existing Well No. 2 and Well No.7. The "...tIlt. of these tests were rather discouraging and it is not recommended that consideration be given to a supply well in Kenwood Park. Tests in this area indicated good gravel formations, relatively deep, and with a relatively high water table. The area has good potentialities for development of a future water supply, but the presence of high eb10rides in the vicinity of Dry Creek must be considered when production plarining is undertaken and watched caref0~ly thereafter. ?_l; .1:.... ..-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I One observatio~ veIl is being constructed in this area to provide a continuous record of vater levels. It is located on Ohio Street ~tended, along the south side of the flood control levee, one-half mile north of Pacific Avenue. Be~ore being equipped vith recording equipment, the observation veIl was test-pumped to determine probable yields of properly constructed wells in this area. The results of the test are contained in Appendix C. Q.. Area South of CitX. The area south of Cloud Street between Highvay 81 and the Smoky Hill River vas explored for a distance of 3 miles south of Cloud street. In this area, the elevation of the Permian formation was found to be much higher than in the present City well field or the area north of the City. The elevation of the static water level is also much higher, but the thickness and coarsness of the water bearing material is considerably less than in the other areas explored. (See maps and sections accompanying the report.) An observation well was drilled near the intersection of Cloud and Fourth Streets, to be provided with equipment for the continuoue recording of ground vater levels. The specific use to vhich these records viII be put is described later in the report. The water bearing formation at the site of this observation hole was very poO'r and certainly no water supply well suitable for the City's use could be found in the immediate vicinity. A test well was constructed on Ohio Street extended, one and one-half miles south of Cloud Street. The formation at this site is representative of the general area between the City and the Government veIls. This well yielded only 285 gpm during a 48-hour test. (See Appendix C) On the basis of this test and comparative analysis of the formations encountered in the other tests south or Cloud Street, we jQd~~ that p~operly construeted wells in this general area may be expected to yi~ld approximately 350 gpm each. 2-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I d. Other Areas. Only one other area was studied in detail during the survey. A test hole was put down near the intersection of South and Putnam primarily to provide additional information with regard to static water levels. At this location, however, it was found that the shale vas quite deep, the waterbearing formation good and the water quality somewhat better than that of the present City wells. It was therefore decided to explore the area further to determine its suitability for one or more water supply well sites. Although no actual test wells were pumped, we are convinced that possibly two good well locations are obtainable in this area and recommend that consideration be given to the area whenever additional City wells are required. ~. Water Table. Information as to the static water level was obtained at each test hole drilled. In addition, the static water eleva- tions were obtained from City wells and other public and private wells in the area. These elevations have been plotted on the Map No. 2 and are shown on the valley sections. The information regarding water levels is very important in a study of this nature and will be disoussed fully in the analysis seotion of the report. i.. Water Quality. In order to survey the areas explored with regard '. - to the quality of water possessed by each area, many of the test holes were cleaned up and ~lear water samples were obtained. These samples were analyzed for chemical content, particularly to determine the amounts of total , " hardness, chlorides and iron. The results of these analys~s, together with the analyses of other wells which has been previously tested, as shown in Table II, below. 2-7 I " Total I Total , Cal- Bicar- ChI or- Alka- Hard... cium bonate Sulfate ide linity Iron ness Number ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm pH TEST HOLES , 620 7.66 3 463 131 84 5 282 235 193 219 361 7.51 7 329 192 60 159 )SJ 8.16 8 326 60 411 7.32 9 343 93 103 465 7.65 11 316 335 143 274 495 7.75 13 371 297 50 76 243 0.08 490 7.10 15 I 366 271 37 f$4 224 0.44 512 8.15 16 360 430 21 52 353 0.98 469 7.80 17 275 332 46 26 272 0.08 376 8.00 18 606 29 590 100 1.50 914 7.60 21 301 290 97 237 399 8.25 26 330 384 25 i1..4 315 0.02 470 7.90 28 304 358 12 293 1.40 405 8.02 30 309 422 42 346 0.58 374 8.04 32 311 430 24 .tg 353 0.94 430 8.07 35 258 472 20 ,12 384 4,00 400 7.80 38 I 292 468 24 20 383 1.10 477 7.97 53 393 298 22: 85 282 531 8.27 56 404 275 22 85 225 584 8.00 62 200 314 19 24 I 259 308 8.07 ~B #3 376 360 88 296 509 7.75 I USGS TESTS I 126 159 410 177 84 0.19 524 191 140 503 90 43 0.06 464 192 144 311 180 74 1.20 458 C['q; vg-;T,g' 1 460 2 4~4 3 I 5':10 4 5'10 5 1>52 6 5~7 7 8 ;010 10 I 586 11 I ,04 12 ~10 I I I I I 13 I I 624 I I 14 i i 524 i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 15 16 2-8 I I I -.1-____ 696 484 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 3 - ANALYSIS OF RESULTS 1 . General The results of the exploratory work will be described and analyzed in this section of the report to form a justification for the recommenda- tions l~ter to be made. The criteria by which a water supply may be judged are, -in the order of their importance, adequacy and dependability, economy of develop- . ment, and water quality. Except for the presence of excessive amounts of chlorides, the quality of a water supply may be improved by treatment and softening; therefore, since Salina has the treatment facilities, quality of the water supply is not as important as it might be in other localities. There is without doubt,a sufficient amount of water within a radius of ten miles of Salina to supply all of the demands of the foreseeable future. However, the cost of construction, including wells, pumping equipment, buildings and transmission pipelines, necessary to secure the supply and deliver it to the treatment plant is a very important consideration in the development of a suitable source. Finally, no source should be recommended for development as a complete solution to the City's water supply problem unless it can be shown that the source Is adequate and dependable. For a ground water source to meet this requirement, it must be capa~le of being recharged at rates equal to the withdrawal rate. The ground water sourqes -tn;and around Salina will be judged in accordance with the foregoing criteria. )":'1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. Quali tv. Table II, in the preceding section, indicates that all of the water in the area explored possesses a greater total hardness than is desired for ordinary uses, varying from slightly over 300 ppm to over 900 ppm, and ayeraging approximately 510 ppm Qver the entire area which includes the present City wells. The iron content varies from 0.02 ppm to a maximum of 4.0 ppm, the average being well above the 0.3 ppm upper limit for use without treatment. The chloride content was found to be excessive only in the area directly north of the City from Thomas Park northeastward. The presence of excessive total hardness and iron in ground water supplies near Salina is a condition to be generally expected and one which can be improved by treatment and softening. The areas in which excessive amounts of chlorides are present, however, must be avoided regardless of how well these areas comply with the other criteria established for a water supply source. l!.,. Area South of the City. The area south of Cloud Street and between Highway 81 and the Smoky Hill River contains ground water averaging 435 ppm in total hardness, 1.4 ppm iron and 28 ppm chlorides. This is a better quality nf water than that now being obtained from the present City well field, and there appears to be no danger of future chloride contamination. b. Area Northeast of the City. The area immediately northeast of the City, the limits of which have been previously defined, contains ground water averaging slightly less than 500 ppm total hardness, 0.29 ppm iron and 90 ppm chlorides. (These averages do not include the sample taken from Test Hole No. 18, since that area will be avoided.) 3-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I The ground water in this area is also of slightly better q~ity than that of the present well field, but there is some danger of ohlorides moving in from the northwest after a number of years if the area should be heavily and continuously pumped. ~. Other Areas. The only other potential area tested is the one directly west of the softening plant and west of Ninth Street. Water from Test Hole No. 62 in this area contained 308 ppm total hardness and 24 ppm of chlorides. d. Summary. The three areas explored all contained water of better quality than that now being obtained from the present well field. However, it has been noted that the total hardness of water from the present field has been gradually increasing over the years, for reasons which have not been determined. It is possible and highly probable that the same condition will oocur in any of the new well fields that may be developed, but this is not a serious problem. 3. AdeQuacv and Dependabilitv. The character and quantity of the sand and gravel formations in the areas explored, the elevation and slope of the water table and the factors affecting the rate of recharge of the aquifers, do not have the appearance of qualify~ng any of the areas expored as a completely adequate and dependable source of water supply for the entire future requirements of the City. For many years the potential of the present City well field was thought to be adequate for the City with the general consensus of opinion being that it was "inexhaustible". An extended period of drought, combined 3~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .3-'4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Local recharge may be derived from adjacent areas of higher water table .. j elevation, but this recharge results in 8~bsequent lowering of tho water table in the adjacent areas as the overall water table tends to lev~l o~t. The rate ot,;mvem.ent of the 'body of ground water down the valley is of a very low order, actually only a few feet per day. Even with the help of an abundance of local rainfall with a large amount of water soak.l,ng into the ground and eventually reaching the ground water re.ervoir, it is reasonable to assume that the present well field cannot be recha~ged to a safe and dependable level for a matter of several years, even with reduced rates of withdrawal. The history of water table lowering and rates of reeharge of the present well field may ~ell be presumed to prevail in any new well field that may be developed in the vioinity of Salina, the degree of fluctuation depending upon the ratio of the rate of withdrawal to the rate of recharge. g". Area South of Citv. The.~rea south of the City, as defined earlier, is acceptable from the standpoint of water quality, but does not appear to be satisfactory from other standpoints. The aquifer 1,s rather limited in depth and area, containing many clay lenses. The gravels and sands are densely graded from coarse to fine and contain a considerable amount of silt. In other words, the formation has neither the depth nQr the pemeabili ty ~e~u,ired for high capacity wells. Recharge of the aquifer must come from the south only, I.l,nd the rate that the ground water will travel through the graded and m.ixed formations is undoubtedly very slow. In our judgment, this area is not suitable foI' development, at least not within a distance of three miles south of Cloud street. The Air Base well field, however, contains much betterformatioos, which continue on to the south for . "considerable distanoe. 3-, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I b. Area Northeast of the City. The area east of Front street and north of North Street, extending on down ~he Smoky Hill and the Saline River Valleys, appears to be capable of supplying a very large volume of water for the City. In most of this area the sand and gravel formations are quite deep, the material clean and loose, and the water table relatively high. The test holes that were drilled in this area were located in a manner in which the deeper portions of the ancient valley could be defined. The mapf entitled "Bedrock Elevations" shows that the principal ancient valley extends northeastward from the present City well field to the vicinity of Pacific and Ohio and thence northward along Ohio Street. Along this channel, the depth of the water producing material exceeds that of the present City wells by from ten to twenty feet. The gravel forma- tions are as good or better than those of the existing City wells. Properly constructed wells in the better portions of this area should be capable of from 1,000 to 1,500 gpm, based on information obtained by test pumping of Observation Well No.3, the yield of the Beverly Well, and by comparison to the capacities of existing City wells. The possibilities for recharge of this area are relatively good. We believe that the underflow of the Mulberry Creek Valley, the Saline I Valley and the Smoky Hill Valley will all contribute to recharge of a properly located well field in this area. Underflow from the Smoky-tIill Valley will contribute a relatively small amount of recharge as long as the water table in the present City well field remains low. However, there is evidence of a substantial amount of recharge in a local area near the Putnam Sand Pit, and further evidence of recharge directly from the Smoky Hill River downstream from Ohio Street. 3-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I It is probable that the river channel is not 80 completely sealed below the mill dam as it is kno'Wn to be above the dam. In general, the recharge possibilities of this area are much better than those of the present well field or the area immediately south of the City. It is not believed, however, that the well field area whioh will be later recommended for development is capable of fulfilling the City'~ entire 1980-water requirements, even if used in conjunction with the present well field. However, the combination of this well field, the present well field and the river supply should meet the 1980-water requirements as stated herein. ~. Other Areas. The only other well field location considered in this report is the small area west of the water plant. This area is capable of only about two wells, and these would be merely an extension of the present well field. The possibilities of obtaining an adequate well field upstream from the Air Base wells, or further to the north or northeast of the City are not too encouraging, primarily because of the cost of development and transmission. 4,. Economv of Development: The second most important crite~1a in the selection of a source of water supply is the matter of construction cost. The original well field satisfied this criteria ver,y well, since large capacity wells could be and were construc~ed in the immediate vicinity of the central water plant. After the poor quality of the water from this source was improved by softening, the only failure to meet the three criteria conditions was the matter of adequacy. " ]-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I We do not believe that any of the wells have been seriously damaged by overpumping, except Well No. 14, and we think there is no doubt that the wells will return to full capacity it' and "hen the water table returns to normal. The cost of development of a new source of water supply to supple~ ment the present sources will now be studied, analyzed and compared to alternate available development methods. The present river water source is capable of producing 10 mgd to the City; and the City will be able to take this quantity of water-from the river eource as long~as the Division of Water Resources does not have to allocate the available supply. The present well field, not including the two new wells (Nos. 15 and 16) was capable of producing 10 mgd last SUJIUIler, but this quantity was obtained by ,pumping the field much harder than it should have been. Actually, the th'irteen wells should have been limited to about 5 mgd under the water table conditions that existed last summer. This amount, together with the 10 mgd obtained from the river, was just about equal to the ,daily demands last summer. Therefore, a new source of at least 10 mgd must be developed sometime prior to 1980. This source may be either from ground water or from surface vater impoundment. The source which most nearly complies with the afOre- mentioned criteria would be the logiqal one to develop. ~. Ground Water Sources. It has been established in the report that two ground water sources could be considered for development, one south of the City and the other northeast of the City. The costs of development ~. ...... of each of these two sources will now be compared with one another, ]-8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I following which we will compare the costs of the more economicai of the two ground water sources with that of an additional surface water source. In each of the following computations, facilities for the production and transmission to the water plant of 10.0 mgd of water will be included. In each case, the total dynamic heads against which the pumps will be required to operate will be lilnited to a maxilnum of 140 feet, in order to permit pump selection which will allow wells to be operated singly or all together without excessive delivery fluctuations. In the northeast well field, we have assigned 700 gpm (1.0 mgd) as the normal pumping rate per well, even though we are sure that wells in that area can be pumped at higher rates. In the 80uth well field, we have assigned 350 gpm (0.5 mgd) as the normal pumping rate per well. This figure is very close to the maxilnum that we expect in this area. In other words, ten wells will be required in the northeast area to produce 10 mgd, while 20 wells will be required in the south area to produce the same amount. Pumping equipment and housing will be assumed to be similar to that in the existing wells. Transmission mains will be cast J,ron, routed to avoid excessive construction costs as much as possible. b. Estimates of Cost. The estimated total costs of developing the northeast and the south sources, respectively, follow. The suggested well locations in each area and the size and location of the proposed collecting and transmission mains are shown on Drawing No.5, accompanying the report. The estimates do not include costs for expanding the water softening or high service pumping facilities since those costs would be applicable to increased production regardless of the source of raw water. ]-9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Unit Price Description '9uanti tv Unit North Well Field Cast Iron Pipeline: 30-inch 24-inch 20-inch 16-inch 10-inch 9,400 L.F. 1 ;1.00 L.F. 1,000 L.F. 2,400 L.F. 8,000 L.F. $ 20.00 17.00 14.00 10.00 5.00 Fittings, Valves & Appurtenances Miscellaneous Pipeline Work Wells, Well Houses and Pumping Equipment Remote Control Equipment Miscellaneous & Incidental Items Lump Sum Lump Sum 10 Each 22000.00 Lump Sum Lump Sum Total Construction Cost Engineering, Plans and Specifications, Supervision, Land, Legal, Administrative and Contingencies TOTAL PROJECT COST Extension $ 188,000.00 . :18'~ 700.00 : 1~uOOO.00 24,000.00 40,000.00 10,000.00 8,odo.00 220,000.00 15,000.00 20.000..00 $ 557,700.00 52.300.00 $ 610,000.00 South Well Field Cast Iron Pipeline: 30-inch 1 0 , 250 L.F. $ 20.00 $ 205,000.00 24-inch 1;700 L.F. 17.00 28,900.00 20-inch 1,600 L.F. 14.00 22,400.00 18-inch 1 ~ 500 L.F. 1 2.00 18,000.00 16-inch 1 , 500 L.F. 10.00 15,000.00 14 -inch 1,500 L.F. 8.00 12,000.00 10-inch 1 , 500 L..F. 5.00 7,500.00 8-inch 15,000 L.F. 4.00 60,000.00 6-inch 4,900 L.F. ~3.50 17 , 1 50 . 00 Fittings, Valves & Appurtenances Miscellaneous Pipeline Work Wells, Well Houses & Pumping Equipment Remote Control Equipment Miscellaneous & Incidental Items Lump Sum Lump Sum 20 Each' ~,6000. 00 Lump Sum Lump Sum Total Construction Cost Engineering, Plans and Spe~ifications, Supervisi on, Land, Legal, . Administrative and Contingencies TOTAL PROJECT COST 3-10 15,000.00 10,000.00 320,000.00 20,000.00 28.090.00 $ 779,000.00 . 71.000.00 $ 850,000.00 I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I The foregoing estimates show clearly that development of the northeast well field will be considerably more economical than that of the southern well field. In addition, we feel that the production potentialities of the northeast well field are much the better of the two, Therefore, if ground ~ter development is indicated by further analysis, the location to be recommended is the one northeast of the City. Q.. Surface Water Source. The only source of surface supply for the City at the present time is the Smoky Hill River. In dry times this source dBpe-ms upon releases of water from the Kanopolis ~eservoir. We believe the City can be fairly certain of obtaining water from the Smoky Hill at the present rate of 10.0 mgd. Should the City desire to be more certain of obtaining a specified amount of water it should take steps to purchase from the Government a certain amount of storage in the reservoir. Therefore, if we are to compare the cost of surface water development with ground water developmen~~ ve should include the cost of reservoir storage along with pumping and pretreatment facilities at the plant site. Pretreatment facilities will include additional river intake and pumping facilities, a short transmission pipeline, a desilting basin and a nev chemical building. The building viII include chemical storage space and chemical feeders. It will be sized for a capacity l1l1:1eJl;cess of that actually required for pretreatment of the second 10 mgd of river Wilier, so that all pretreatment chemical facilities will be housed therein, and, in addition, it viII contain some of the additional secondary treatment units and chemical storage. Therefore, only about one-half Qf the chemical building cost should be charged directly to pretreatment of the second 10 mgd of river water. 3-11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I If storage rights for water in Kanopolis Reservoir are purchased by the City, the total amount should be' about 50,000 acre-feet. The cost of half of this amount, or 25,000 acre-feet would be chargeable to develop- ment of the second 10 mgd. The cost of construction applicable to development of the second 10 mgd of river water supply, therefore, is estimated as follows: River Intake, Pump, Pipeline and Settling Basin $ 175,000.00 Chemical Building and Equipment (50% of Total Cost) Total Construction Cost 100.000.00 $ 275,000.00 Engineering, Plans, Specifications and Supervision 20,000.00 Land, Legal, Administrative and Contingencies 75,000.00 25-000 Acre-feet of Storage in Kanopolis Reservoir 662.500.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 1,032,500.00 ]-12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 4 - SUMMARY A~~ RECOMMENDATIONS 1 . Summary The ground water sources which are economically suitable for development by the City of' Salina. were explored, studied, analyzed and discussed in tpe report. The f'uture water requirements of' the City have been established by prediction. Of the ground water areas explored, only the area northeast of the City is considered suitable for. development as a source of additional water supply for the City. It will be possible to develop a total of 10 mgd in this area with reasonable assurance that the supply will not be seriously depleted by pumping. When developed, this source will become a part of the complete system and will be correlated with the present well and river supplies. Observation wells have been constructed irithe present well field, upstream from the present well field, and in the area to be recommended for development. These wells are equipped with automatic continuous water level recording equipment. The continued maintenance of water level records from these locations will serve to give advance warning of' well field conditions that may be expected, so that appropriate action can be taken in time to avoid water supply deficiencies. Ground water sources involve considerable development expense because of the great cost of wells, pumping equipment and transmission pipelines~ For that reason, detailed studies of' potential ground water sources were limited to the areas immediately adjoining the City. It is known that other areas, both upstream and downstream from the City may be capable of' supplying " or supplementing the City's water demands. While these areas may heed ,to be explored in the future, it is probable that the development of' surf'ace supplies in lieu thereof' will be found the more economical and satisf'actory. 4-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I From the present time until 1960, we believe that the present well field, which now includes 14 producing wells, and the Smoky Hill River source will meet the demands of the City, or at least nIl do so nth the addition of two more wells west of the water plant. Under conditions of average rainfall and with the majority of the supply being taken from the river to allow maximum rest of the wells, it i. quite possible that no new sources of water will be required for several years after 1960. However, we believe that immediate steps should be taken toward the preliminary planning of a new ground water source, with consideration being given to an additional river water source supplementary thereto. The suggested preliminary planning for the ground water sources would include leases or options for well sites and collecting pipelines, sufficient preliminary planning for the transmission pipeline that other construction on and along Ohio Street can be governed accordingly, and application to the Division of Water Resources for water rights in tbe area of the well field. Preliminary planning for the additional river supply should include application to the Division of Rater Resources for the water appropriation and diversion, and preliminary planning "for the structures involved:QlR1-tl\at the amount of right of way needed can be determined. The existing well field,in its present condition~ is capable of 5.0 mgd. With the two new wells being constructed and two more wells in the area near South and Ninth Streets, the present well field may be expected to produce about 9.0 mgd. 4-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The water supply requirement for the year 1980 is expected to be - 3,832 million gallons, the use for the three consecutive days of maximum demand reaching 26,250,000 gallons per day. This total could be obtained in the following manner: From the Smoky Hill River From the New Well Field From the Existing Well Field with 16 Wells TOT A L Gallons 10,000,000 9,250,000 7.000.000 26,250,000 The required rate of pumping from the wells would be somewhat less than the potentials of the two fields, but will approach the maximum that should be withdrawn. The average daily demand of the maximum month in 1980 will be 21 million gallons. This amount could be obtained in the following manner: From the Smoky Hill River From the New Well Field From the Existing Well Field with 16 Wells TOT A L Gallons 10,000,000 6,000,000 5,000.000 21,000,000 The required rate of well pumping for the daily demands of the maximum month in 1980 will be within safe limits for the respective well fields, unless a very serious and e~tended drought occurs. 4-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. Recommendations The following are our recommendations for increasing the water production capacity of the Salina water works system. Preliminary planning for developing the supply should be started in the very near future. a. Carry on additional test drilling on both sides of South Street west of Ninth Street for the purpose of loeating two or more well sites. b. If the test drilling confirms preliminary data, initiate steps to construct two wells in that area, together with the trans- mission main to the water plant. c. Plan for the orderly development of the northeast well field, including the construction of the transmission main and two or three wells per year as required. d. Initiate procedures for obtaining the second 10 mgd from the Smoky Hill River. This will include application to the Division of Water Resources for the additional appropriation, and, in the event of failure to obtain such appropriation, begin such procedure as is necessary to purchase storage I in Kanopolis Reservoir. e. Authorize the study of-'a system of recharge wells for the purpose of returning clarified river water to the ground water reservoir. this procedure appears to be quite practical and should definitely be given serious consideration. 4-4 I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I f. Proceed with preliminary planning for the expansion of the vater treatment plant, ino1uding chemical building, treatment basins, settling basins, filters and piping. The planning should proceed far enough to determine location and space requirements of all structures and piping. 4-5 I I APPENDIX A I TEST HOLE LOG~ I - Index to Test Hole Logs - I Test Test Test Hole Hole Hole I ~ ~ No. ~ ..l!2.:.. flu. 1 A-16 23 A-15 45 A-3 I 2 A-13 24 A-12 46 A-4 3 A-13 25 A-19 47 A,-3 I 4 A-12 26 A-18 48 A-5 5 A-11 27 A~~O 49 A-6 ! I 6 A-10 28 A-19 50 A-7 I 7 A-5 29 A-20 51 A-8 8 A-4 30 A-19 52 A-9 I 9 A~2 31( btJ4) A-22 53 A-11 I 10 A-2 32 A-21 54 A-9 I 11 A-7 33 A-23 55 A-8 I 12 A-7 34 A-22 56 A-8 13 A-11 35 A-22 57 A-15 I 14 A-5 36 A-20 58 A-16 15 A-6 37 A,.21 59 A-p I 16 A-10 38 A-21 60 A-17 I 17 A-.9 39 A-14 61 A...17 18 A~2 ,'..0 A-14 62 A-18 I 19 A-16 4, A-14 6~ A-17 2C~- ;; ~15 .." ? A-10 64( OB2) A-19 I 21 A-1J 43 b. ~-4 65 A-18 I 22. A-,1:c' 44 A-3 OB3 A-8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I In the-following pages are listed the logs of 65 test poles drilled by the Hydraulic Drilling Company of Salina, for the City of Salina, Kansas, and under the supervision of Wilson & Company, Engineers & Architects, Salina, Kansas. The numbers in parenthesis are those assigned when drilling and are the same as shown on the maps, text and tables contained in the report. The numbers following thse in parenthesis are the standard Geological Survey identification numbers that can be used to locate a particular test hole without benefit of a map. In th~ G~ological S~ey system, test holes are numbered in groups by Township, Range and Section, followed by letters denoting 160-acre, 4O-acre and 10-acre subdivisions -of the section. The following sketch and example demonstrates the Geologieal S~ey method of numbe~ing as applied to the first test hole located L(9) 13231ddg! ...: OJ I t;"1 \( b a ili c d9. R2W T 13 S The sketch shows Township 13, Range 2, Section 31. Test hole No.9 is in the.SEt(d) of the SE!(d) of the Sfut(d) of the section. Following the Geological Survey's system, the first logs are those in Township 13, foll~wed by those in Township 14 and then those in Township 15. The following key is being used throughout the list of logs: GE = Ground Elevation at Test Hole in Feet, U.S.G.S. Datum SWL = Static Water Level at Time of Drilling; (depth below ground) WTE = Water Table Elevation at Time of Drilli~~; U.S.G.S. Datum A-1 I I Thickness Depth Feet Feet I (9) 13231ddd GE 1211.66 SWL Z7.2 WTE 1185.5 Drilled 20 November 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium S11 t and Clay 23 23 I Sand, fine to medium 9 32 Gravel, fine to medium 9 41 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 18 69 I Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 6 75 ( 10) 13231cidd GE 1213.11 SWL 'Z7. 6 WTE 1185.5 I Drilled 20 November 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium S11 t and Clay 25 25 II Sand, fine to medium 5 30 Gravel, medium to coarse 34 74 Permian - Wellington 1 Shale, blue 6 80 1 ( 18) 13336cdd GE 1218.35 SWL 'Z7. 5 WTE 1186.4 Drilled 23 November 1956 I. QU4ternary - Alluvium 1 S11 t and Clay 33 33 Gravel and S11 t 18 51 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 24 75 I Sil t and Fine Sand 11.5 86.5 Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 4~' 91 I I I A-2 I I Thickness Depth Feet F,et I (8) 1425bcc GE 1212.86 SWL 27.1 WTE 1185.8 Drilled 12 November 1956 I Qlaternary - Alluvium Silt and Clay 43 43 I Sand, fine to medium 15 58 Clay and Silt 1 59 Gravel, medium to coarse, I clay lense at 68' 22.5 77.5 Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 4.5 82 I (46) 1425 cbb GE 1211.21 SWL 22.0 WTE 1189.2 Drilled 11 December 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Sil t and Clay 19 19 I Fine Sand 7 26 Silt and Clay 9 .35 Gravel and Silt 7 42 I Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 27 69 Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 5 74 I ( 4.3) 1425ccb GE 1 21 2.79 SWL 2.3..3 WTE 1189.5 Drilled 10 December 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium I Sil t and Clay 19 19 Fine Sand 4 2.3 Gravel, ,silty 6 29 Sil t and Clay 8 .37 I Gravel, fine, medium to coarse, clay lenses at 4.3' and 47' .34 71 I Permian - Wellington Shale, blue 5 76 I A-4 I J " I I Thickness Depth Feet Feet I (7) 1425ccc GE 1212.19 SWL 24.2 WTE 1188.0 Drilled 9 November 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Sil t and Clay 7 7 I Fine Sand 13 20 Gravel, medium to coarse 3 23 Silt and Sand 8 31 I Gravel, coarse 35 66 Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 6 72 I (48) 1426aba . GE 1210.09 SWL 25.0 WTE 1185.1 \'-> Drilled 11 December 1956 I 9uaternary - Alluvium Sil t and Clay 23 23 I Gravel, clean, fine, medium to coarse 44.5 67.5 Permian,- Wellington I Shale, blue 5 72.5 I ( 14) 1426ddb GE 1216.18 SWL 31.0 WTE 1185.2 Drilled 26 November 19;6 I Qua~eri1ary" -~Alluvium . I Silt and Clay 29 29 Gravel and Silt 7 36 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 37 73 I Gravel, some silt 4 77 Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 5 82 I I A- 5 I I I Thickness Depth Feet Feet I (12) 1426cbb GE 1213.79 SWL 27.9 WTE 1185.9 Drilled 23 November 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Silt and Clay Z7 27 I Sand and Silt 2 29 Gravel, fine, meidum to coarse 35.5 64.5 Sil1; and Clay 1.5 66 I Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 15 81 Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 5 86 I ( 50) 1426bbc GE 1214.04 SWL 28.5 WTE 1185.5 Dril~ed 24 December 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Silt and Clay 22 22 I Sand and Silt 3 25 Gravel, fine, metlium to coarse 50 75 Gravel, some silt 2 77 I Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 11 88 Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 5 93 I (11) 1426bbb GE 120947 SWL 28.5 WTE 1181.0 Drilled 19 November 1956 I Quaternary~ Alluvium I Silt and Clay 25 25 Silt and Fine Sand 6 31 Gravel, fine medium to coarse, clay lense at 41 ' 30 61 I Gravel and Silt 8 69 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 6.5 75.5 I Permian - Wellington Shale, blue 6.5 82 I A-7 I I I Thickness Depth Fe~t Feet I (51 ) 1426cbc GE 1214.58 SWL 30.5 WTE 1185.1 Drilled 20 Decernber 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium I Sil t and Clay 24 24 Fine Sand, sorne silt 5 29 Gravel, fine, rnedium to coarse 55 84 I Permian - Wellington Shale, blue 5 89 I ( 56) 1426ccc dE 1216.36 SWL 30 WTE 1186.4 I Drilled 19 December 1956 Quaternary - Alluvium I Sil~ and Clay 23 23 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 66 89 "I Permian - Wellington Shale, blue 5 94 I ( OB3) 1431add GE 1214.0 SWL 28.0 WTE 1186.0 I Drilled 1 May 1957 I Quaternary - Alluvium Silrt and Clay 25 25 Sand, fine to medium 7 32 I Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 53 85 Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 4 89 I ( 55) 1431 ddd GE 1216.33 SWL 30.9 WTE 1185.4 Drilled 9 December 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium I Si]t and Clay 30 30 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 61.5 91;5 Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 5 96.5 A-8 I I T.b1ckness Depth Feet Feet I ( 52) 1431 adc GE 1213.08 SWL Z7.5 WTE 1185.6 Drilled 19 December 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Si1,t and Clay 23 23 I Sana/and Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 38 61 Gravel, some silt 2 Q) I Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 5 68 (17) 1431bdd GE 1215.28 SWL Z7 WTE 1188.3 I Drilled 26 November 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium , 28 28 Si]:~ and Clay Gravel and Silt 18 46 I Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 9 55 Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 5 60 I ( 54) 1431 dbc GE 1218.49 SWL 33.3 WTE 1185.2 Drilled 20 December 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium I Si~"-t and Clay 31 31 Sand and Silt 16 47 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 9 56 I Gravel (silt) 5 61 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 7 68 Gravel and Silt 4 72 I Permian - Wellington Shale, blue 5 77 I I A-9 I I I Thickness Depth Feet Feet I (16) 14.31dcc GE 1216.62 SWL .32.5 WTE 1184. 1 Drilled 21 November 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Silt and Clay 26 26 I Sand and Silt 7 .3.3 Gravel, medium to coarse 17 50 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 19 <69 I Permian - Wellington Shale, blue 5 74 I (42) 1188.9 1428bbc GE 1210.00 SWL 21. 1 WTE I Drilled 10 December 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Sil t and Clay 11 11 Gravel, some silt 8 19 I Gravel, fine to medium 9 28 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 27 55 Clay 1 56 I Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 7 6.3 Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 5 68 I ( 6) 142Bcbb GE 1214.60 SWL 25.5 WTE 1189.1 Drilled 9 November 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Sil t and Clay 11 11 I Fine Sand 11 22 Gravel, medium to coarse 8 .30 Silt and Gravel .3 .3.3; I Gravel, medium to cQarse 16 49 Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 7 56 I A... 10 I I I Thickness Depth ~eet Feet I (4) 1431 2add GE 1218.67 SWL 35.5 WTE 1183.2 Drilled 8 November 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Silt and Clay 38 38 I Sand, fine, medium 5 43 Gravel, medium, coarse 17 60 Silt and Gravel 5 65 I Gravel, medium to coarse 5 70 Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 5 75 I ( 22) 1431.'l,daa GE 1218.11 SWL 35.5 WTE.1182.6 Drilled 21 November 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Silt and Fine Sand 25 25 I Fine Sand 6 31 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 39 70 I Permian - Wellington Shale, blue 4 74 I ( 24) 1431 2adb GE 1219.76 SWL 35.8 WTE 1184.0 'I Drilled 27 November 1956 Q~ternary - Alluvium I Silt and Fine Sand 8 8 Sil t and Clay 7 15 Silt and Fine ~d 6 21 I Silt and Clay 10 31 Sil t and Sand ;3 34 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse, I clay at 58' 27 61 Grl;lvel and Silt J 64 Gravel, fine, medium, coarse 11 75 I Gravel and Silt 10 85 Permian - Wellington I ~hale, blue 5 90 A-12 I I I Thickness Depth Feet .,eet . , j I (21 ) 1431 2dba GE 1219.82 SWL 37.0 WTE 1182.8 Drilled 19 November 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Silt and Clay 13 13 I Silt and Fine Sand 11 24 Gravel, fine to medium 8 32 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 10 62 . 1 Gravel and Silt 2 64 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 11 75 Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 4.5 79.5 I ( 2) 1431 2dbd GE 1215.34 SWL 34.8 WTE 1180.5 I Drilled 7 November 1956 Quaternary - Alluvium I Sil t and Clay 19 19 lUne Sand 4 23 Gravel, coarse 58 81 I Perm!an - Wellington Clay, blue 5 86 I (3;) 1431 2acc GE 1220.77 SWL 38.4 WTE 1182.4 I Drilled 7 November 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Silt and Clay 21 21 Fine Sand 6 Z7 I. Gravel, medium to coarse 12 39 Clay 1 40 Sand and Clay 6 46 I Gravel, medium to coarse 34 .go Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 5 85 I A-13 I I I Thickness Depth Feet Feet I (39) 1431 2bda GE 1219.47 SWL 37.0 l/rE 1182.5 Drilled 4 December 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Silt_and Clay Z7 ,ZJ I Gravel, :fine, medium to coarse 6lay lense at 37 f, cemented 28'-29 f 29 56 I Silt and Clay 7 63 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 10 73 I Permian - Wellington Shale, blue 5 78 I (40) 14312bdd GE 1219.48 SWL 33.0 l/rE 1186.5 I Drilled 5 December 1956 Quaternary - Alluvium I Sil t and Clay 26 26 Gravel and Silt 3 29 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse ft8 77 I Permian - Wellington Shale, blue 10 87 I Gypsum 3 90 I (41 ) 14312cdd GE 1220.00 SWL 42.7 WTE 1177.3 Drilled 10 December 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Silt and Clay 21 21 I ,Sand and Silt 2 23 Gravel, fine to coarse 6.; 29.5 Sil t and Sand 9 3S.5 I Sil t and Clay 2.5 41 Gravel, fine, medium to ooarse 14 5; Sil t and Gravel 4 59 I~ Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 16 75 Permian - Wellington I Shale 5 'aO I A-14 I I Thickness Depth Feet feet (19) 14313adc GE 1222.86 SWL 46.1 WTE 1178.8 I Drilled 12 November 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Sil t and Clay 5 5 I Sil t and Fine Sand 7 12 Sil t and Clay 10 22 Sand and Sil t 22 44 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse --. ......... ''/ I hard layer +6" at about 43 I 25 69 Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 3 72 I ( 1 ) 14313baa GE 1221.69 SWL 44.7 WTE 1187.3 Drilled 7 November 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium I Sil t and Clay 13 13 Fine.Sand 10 23 Gravel, medium 15 38 Silt and Blue Clay 3 41 I Sand and Clay 12 53 Silt and Clay 16 69 Gravel, medium 4 73 I Sand and Clay 2.5 75.5 Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 6~~ 82 I ( 58) 14313ccc GE 1229.28 SWL 45.6 WTE 1183.7 Drilled 18 January 1957 I Quaternary.- Alluvium Sil t and Clay 39 39 I Gravel, fine, medium to coarse, some silt 10 49 Gravel, fine, medium to coa,.rse 16 65 I Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 5 70 A-16 I I I Thickness Depth Feet F~et I (61 ) 14314ada GE . 1227 . 72 SWL 45.5 WTE 1182.2 Drilled 25 February 1957 I Quaternary - Alluv~um Clay and Silt 33 33 I Sand, tine to coar8e 14 47 Sil t and Clay 1 4B Gravel, medium to tine, and sand 28 76 Gravel, coarse to tine and sand 10 86 I Permian ~ Wellington I Shale, blue 4 9Q I (60) 14314daa GE 1227 .60 SWL 45.7 WTE 1181.9 Drilled 25 Feq,r,Uary 1957 I Quaternary - Alluvium Silt and Clay 27 27 I Silt 9 36 Sandy Silt 4 40 Sand, coarse to fine 4 44 I Gravel, fine and sand 4 48 Gravel, mediUm to fine, and sand 8.5 56.5 Silt 2.5 59 Gravel, coarse, fine and sand 30.5 89.5 I Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 4.5 94 (63) 14314dad GE 1228.87 SWL 46.7 WTE 1182.2 I Drilled 27 February 1957 I Quaternary - Alluvium Silt and Clay 23 23" I Clay . 18 41 Fine Sand 15 56 .S8.hd, coarse to fine 38 94 I Permian - Wellington Shale, blue 2 96 I I !-17 I I Thickness Depth Feet ~eet (62) 14.314dab GE 1 229. 1.3 SWL 46.2 WTE 1182.9 I Drilled 26 February 1957 I Quaternary - Alluvium Silt and Clay .34 34 I Sand, fine 18 52 Sand and Gravel, coarse to fine 7 59 Sil t and Clay .3 62 Gravel, coarse, cemented zone I 8.3'-87' 25 ,87 Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 4 91 I ( 26) 14324ddc GE 1232.51 SWL 28.5 WTE 1204.0 Drilled 28 November 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium I Silt and Clay 30 30 Gravel 'and Silt 10 40 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 5 45 Clay 5 50 II Gravel and Silt 4 54 Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue, hard 5 59 I ( 65) 14324cdb GE 1231.60 SWL 32.9 WTE 1198.7 Drilled 14 March 1957 I Quaternary - Alluvium I Silt and Clay 26 26 Gravel, fine to coarse 8 34 Silt and Clay 5 .39 I Gravel, fine to medium, -.and and silt, interbedded mostly granitic to 60' 31 70 I Permian - Wellington Shale, blue 4 74 I A-18 I I I Thickness Depth Feet Feet I (OB2) (64) 14324cdd (Same as ( 25) ) ( 25) 14324cdc GE 1232.29 SWL 31.0 WTE 120~...J I Drilled 'Z7 November 1956 I Quaternary - Alluviwn Silt and Clay 30 30 I Sandy Silt 4 34 Clay 5 39 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 20.5 59.5 Gravel and Silt 10.5 70 I Permian - Wellington I Shale 5 75 ( 28) 14230cbb GE 1229. 56 SWL 18.0 WTE 1 211 . 6 I Drilled 'Z7 November 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Sil t and Clay 12 12 I Sil t and Sand 7 19 Gravel, medium to coarse 12 31 Gravel and Silt 4 35 Gravel, fine, medium, coarse 9 44 I Permian - Wellington I Shale 5 49 I (30) 14230 cdd GE 1233.29 SWL 17.4 WTE 1 21 5.9 Drilled 29 November 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Sil t and Clay 13 13 I Silt and Fine Sand 9 22 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 30 52 I Permian - Wellington Shale, blue .5 57 I A-19 I I I Thickness Depth Feet Feet I (29) 14325ddd GE 1230.28 SWL 1;.0 WTE 1215.3 Drilled 28 November 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Silt and Clay 19 19 I Gravel and Silt 12 31 Clay 5 36 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 14 50 I Clay 3 53 Gravel, Borne silt 7 60 Clay 7 67 I Permian - Wellington 'Shale 5 72 I ( 27) 14325acd GE 1230.00 SWL 20.3 WTE 1 209 .7 I Drilled 27 November 1956 Quaternary - Alluvium I Silt and Clay 19 19 Gravel, fine, medium and coarse 30 49 I Permian - Wellington Shale, blue 5 54 I (36) 14325dcc GE 1237.41 SWL 21.7 WTE 1 21 5 . 7 I Drilled 3 December 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Sil t and Clay '31 31 Sand and Silt 5 36 I Gravel, fine to medium 5 41 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 17 , 5.8 Sil tand Clay J 61 I Sand and Silt 6 67 Gravel and Silt 11 78 I Permian - Wellington Shale, blue 5 83 I A- 20~' I I I Thickness Depth Feet Feet I (38) 14325bdd GE 1235.33 SWL 23.7 WTE 1 211 .6 Drilled 4 December 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Silt and Clay Z1 2f) I Gravel and Silt 7 .36 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 13 49 Gravel and Silt 9 58 I Clay and Silt 3 61 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 8 69 Silt and Clay 3 72 Gravel with Silt 12 84 I Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 5 89 I (37) 14325ccc GEl 237 . 20 SWL 23.3 WTE 1 21 3 . 9 Drilled 3 December 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Sil t and Clay 31 31 I Gravel and Silt 3 34 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 14 48 Gravel and Silt 3 51 Silt and Clay 28 79 I ~ermian - Wellington I Shale 5 84 I (32) 14231 ccc GE 1241.79 SWL 23..3 WTE 1218.5 Drilled .30 November 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Silt and Clay 35 35 I Gravel? fine, medium, coarse 17 52 Gravel,'some silt -6 58 I Permian - Wellington Shale, blue 5 63 I A- 21 I I I Thipkness Depth Feet Feet I '(31). 14336daa GE 1238.66 SWL 18.5 WTE 1220.2 Drilled 29 November 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Sil t and Clay 25 25 I Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 36 55 Permian - Wellington I Shale, blue 5 60 I ( OB4) 14336add (Same as (31)) I -(34) 14336dcc GE 1244.17 SWL 23.0 WTE 1 221 . 2 Drilled 30 November 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Sil t and Clay 34 34 I Sand and S11 t 5 39 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 28 67 S11 t and Clay 5 72 I ~avel, fine, medium to coarse, oemented zones 71 " 77' and 78' 7 79 Clay 2 81 I Permian - Wellington Shale 5 86 I (35) 14336dbb GE 1240.68 SWL 23.8 WTE 1 216.9 I Drilled 3 December 1956 I Quaternary - Alluvium Silt and Clay 29 i: Sand and Silt 4 33 I Gravel, fine, medium to coarse 25 58 Silt and Clay 3 61 Gravel and Silt 17 78 I S11 t and Clay 2 80 Gravel, fine, medium to coarse S 8; I Permian - Wellington Shale, blue 5 90 I A -22 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A - 2.3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B The following data describes the four observation wells and the two water supply wells (Nos. 15 and 16) that were constructed. The contract with Hydraulic Drilling Company originally included three observation wells, one of which was to be located near the center of the existing City well field. The other two were to be constructed at locations where a continuous record of water levels would be of some interest and value to the City. It was planned for the latter two to be test pumped to determine probable yields of theraquifers encountered. When Observation Well No. 2 was drilled, at the intersection of Fourth and Cloud, it was decided that the sand and gravel formation was not suitable for production and hence was not tested. In order to save the well screen for a more suitable aquifer, Observation Well No. 2 was constructed with 6-inch steel casing, set to a depth of 58 feet. The lower 5 feet of the casing was torch-perforated. The' remainder of the equipment was installed as specified. In order to obtain a yield test of the aquifer immediately south of the City, an arrangement was made with Mr. D. G. Green, the owner of a small tract in the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of Section 36, T 14 S, R 3 W, whereby a well would be drilled on the property to obtain the information desired. This well r8~constructed in accordance with the specifications for observation wells but is not equipped with recording equipment. The 10-inch casing and screen intended for Observation Well No. 2 was installed in this well, which has been numbered "OB4". The well is to remain in place as long as desired by the City and is the property of the City. B-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I However, the lando\o1Iler is permitted to use the well for irrigating on his O\o1Il property as he may desire, the o~y limitation being that he shall not pump the well at a rate greater than 250 gpm. Observation Well No.1 Location Oakdale Park, 200" SSE of City Well No. 8 Depth 72'0" Casing 10" Steel Pipe, 0.25- wall thickness Screen 15'0" of No. 60 slot, Johnson wire-wound silicon red brass s~reen Elevation Top of Casing 1227.20 USGS Datum Well was not test pumped. Observation W~ll No.2 Location East ~f UPRR, North of Cloud Street Depth 58'0" Casiilg 58' of 6" Standa1:"d Weight Steel Screen None, bottom 5' of caatng is torch perforated Elevation Top of Casing 1233.65 USGS Datum Observation Well No.3 Location NE Corner SE t, Section 1, T 14 S, R 3 W; t mile N of Pacific and Ohio 85 '0" 10" Steel Pipe, 0.25" wall thickness Depth Casing 1510~ of No. 60 slot, Johnson wire-woutd silicon red brass screen Piezometer Holes 10' East, 25~ East and 100' East Elevation Top of Casing 1216.44 USGS Datum Screen Well was. test pumped, see Appendix C. B-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Observation Well No.4 Location NE Corner, SE t, Section 36, T 14 s, R 3 w, 11- mile S of Cloud and Ohio Depth 56'0" Casing 10. Steel Pipe, 0.25" wall thickness Screen 15'0" of No. 60 slot, Johnson wire-wound silicon red brass screen Piezometer Holes 10' west, 25' west and 100' west ;-,~':';~'["":"'f;.~_ , " "'1;f~~~. Elevat:t.~p,."._ :j':' Top of Casing 1 241 .84 USGS: Datuiri,' '": Well was test pumped, see Appendix C. City Well No. 15 Location Riverside Park Depth 82 '6" Casing 75'6" of 18" steel pipe, 3/8" wall thickness, welded connections Screen 15'0" of 18" Layne stainless steel shutter screen, No. 5 openings Outer Casing 20'0" of 42" Armco pipe, welded connections Surface Seal Upper 20' between 42" outer casing and well hole sealed with concrete Gravel Envelope 1-" x 1/8" gravel, bottom of well upwards to pump base Pumping Equipment Layne deep well turbine, 900 gpm Well was test pumped, see Appendix C. B-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I citl Well No. 16 Loea1;.ion Riverside Drive ~d alley betwe~ Pe~~d Columbia 75'6" 6610" of 18" steel pipe, 3/8" wall thielen_ss, welded connections Deptl1 Caaipg Screen 15'0" of 18" Layne stainless ste.l sl1utter se~ee~, flo. 5 ope~s 20' 0" of 42" ArIlco pipe, welded connections OUter CaBins. Surface Seal Upper 20' between 42" outer caSing anq well 1101e sealeQ with conc~ete .. G:re.vel Envelope l/2" x l/S" gravel, bottOll1. of well ~pwards to pump base Pl.UI1ping EquiPment LaYne deep well turbine, 800 ,pm Well was test p~ped, see Appepdix C. 13-4 I I APPENDIX C PUMPING TESTS I 9BSERVATION WELL NO. 3 I Measured I ...' Drawdown (FeetL~ P.iezomet~r....;... Time Yield g:PDl 10~ Well No.1(10'E) No.2(2S'E) No.3(1~0IE) I 2:00 0 0 0 0 0 2:30 195 42.3 0.2 0.8 0.1 3:00 195 40.8 1 .1 0.8 0.1 I 3:30 195 37.9 2.7 1 .1 0.1 4:00 195 31.0 4.0 1 .1 0.1 4:30 195 18.5. 4.3 1.3 0.1 5:00 363 33.1' 7.0 1.5 0.2 I 5:30 357 33.1 7.2 1.5 0.3 6:00 372 33.0 7.3 1.6 0.5 6:30 357 30.8 7.2 1.6 0.5 I 7:00 351 30.5 7.0 1.6 0.5 7:30 351 30.5 7.0 1.6 0.6 8:00 351 30.5 6.9 1.6 0.6 I 8:30 351 30.5 6.9 1.6 0.6 9:00 351 30.5 6.9 1.6 0.6 9:30 351 30.6 6.6 1.6 0.7 I 10:00 351 30.6 6.6 1.7 0.7 10:30 347 30.6 6.6 1.7 0.7 11:00 347 29.5 6.9 1.7 0.7 I 11:30 347 29.2 6.9 1.7 0.7 1 2: 00 347 28.9 7.0 1.7 0.7 1 2: 30 346 28.8 1.0 1.7 0.7 I 1 :00 346 28.6 6.9 1.7 0.7 1:30 346 28.4 6.9 1.7 0.8 2:00 346 28.3 6.9 1.7 0.8 I 2:30 346 28.3 6.9 1.7 0.8 3:00 346 28.3 6.9 1.7 0.8 3:30 346 28.3 6.9 1.7 0.8 I 4:00 346 28.3 6.9 1.7 0.8 4:30 346 28.3 6.8 1.7 0.9 5:00 346 28.3 6.8 1.7 0.9 I 5:30 346 28.3 6.8 1.7 0.9 6:00 434 38.0 8.6 1.9 0.9 6:30 434 38.3 8.8 2.1 0.9 I 7:00 434 38.3 8.8 2.1 0.9 7:30 434 38.3 8.8 2.1 0.9 8:00 434 38.3 8.8 2.1 0.9 8:30 434 38.3 8.8 2.1 0.9 I 9:00 450 38.3 9.1 2.1 0.9 9:30 448 38.3 9.1 :2.1 0.9 10:00 448 38.3 9.1 2.1 1.0 I 10:30 453 38.3 9.1 2.1 1.0 I C-1 I I OBSERVATION WF.T.T. NO.4 I Measured " .. ..' Drawdo~_~(~~e~): -c:Piezom.f't~r[ : ',-:.C_' Time Y ie1dtpJIl 10.e...Jle1L No.1(10'W) No.2(25'W) No.3(100'W) I 9:45 0 0 0; 0 0 10:00 130 22 0 0 0 10:30 130 22 6.2 2.4 0.5 I 11:00 160 22 6.2 2.3 1.0 11:30 160 22 6.2 2.3 1.0 1 2: 00 160 22 6.2 2.3 1.0 I 1 2: 30 153 21 4.7 2.4 1.0 1 :00 160 22 4.7 2.7 1 .1 1 :30 160 22 4.7 2.4 0.6 2.: 00 160 14 4.4 2.7 0.8 I 2:30 160 14 4.7 2.7 1 .1 3:00 167 15 4.9 2.7 1 .1 I 3:30 250 23 6.8 2.9 1.7 4:00 239 21 6.7 2.9 1.8 4:30 243 22 6.7 2.9 0.9 5:00 243 22 6.7 3.1 0.9 I 5:30 243 22 6.7 3.2 0.9 6:00 247 22 6.7 3.2 0.8 6:30 247 22 6.8 3.1 0.8 I 7:00 254 22 6.8 3.1 0.8 21 6.8 3.1 0.9 7:30 250 I 8:00 250 21 6.8 3.1 0.9 8:30 250 21 6.8 3.1 0.9 9:00 252 21 6.8 3.2 0.9 9:30 261 21 6.8 3.2 0.9 I 10:00 215 19 6.2 2.7 0.4 10:30 215 19 6.2 2.7 0.4 11:00 215 19 6.2 2.7 0.4 I 11:30 215 19 6.2 2.7 0.4 1 2: 00 215 19 6.2 2.7 0.4 I 12: 30 215 19 6.2 2.7 0.4 1:00 215 20 6.2 2.7 0.4 1:30 215 20 6.2 2.8 0.4 2:00 217 20 6.2 2.7 0.4 I 2:30 217 20 6.2 2.7 0.4 3:00 217 20 6.3 2.8 0.5 3:30 217 20 6.3 2.8 0.5 I 4:00 215 21 6.4 2.9 0.6 4:30 215 21 6.4 2.9 0.6 5:00 215 21 6.4 2.9 0.6 I I C-2 I I I OBSERVATION WELL NO. 4 (Cant 'd) I Measured Time Yield EtDJIl 10" Well 5:30 215 21 6.4 2.9 0.6 I 6:00 215 12 5.2 2.5 0.8 6:30 280 15 6.2 2.8 0.7 7:00 280 16 6.4 3.1 0.7 I 7:30 280 16 6.5 3.7 0.7 8:00 285 17 7.1 3.7 0.7 8:30 285 17 7.1 3.4 1.0 9:00 285 17 7.1 3.4 1.0 I 9:30 2:78 17 7.1 3.4 1.0 10:00 2:78 18 7.1 3.4 1.1 10:30 282 18 7.1 3.4 1 .1 II 11 :00 282 18 7.1 3.4 1 .1 11 :30 282 18 7.1 3.4 1 .1 '~ I 12:00 282 19 7.1 3.4 1 .1 1 2 : .30 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1 .1 1:00 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1.2 1:.30 282 19 7.1 .3 .4 1.2 I 2:00 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1.2 2:.30 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1.2 .3:00 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1.2 I .3:30 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1.2 4:00 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1.2 I 4:.30 285 19 7.1 3.4 1.2 5:00 282 19 7.1 3.4 1.2 5:.30 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1.2 6:00 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1.2 I 6:.30 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1.2 7:00 282 19 7.1 3.4 1.2 8:00 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1.2 I 8:.30 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1.2 9:00 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1.2 I 9:30 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1.2 10:00 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1.2 10:.30 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1.2 11:00 282 19 7.1 3.4 1.2 I 11:.30 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1..2 1 2 : 00 282 19 7.1 3.4 1.2 1 2: .30 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1.2 I 1 :00 282 19 7.1 3.4 1.2 1:.30 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1.2 2:00 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1,2 I I C-;3 I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I OBSERVATION WELL NO. L.. (Cont Id) Measured . Dravdown (Feet) - Piezometer Time Yield ~rDm 10" Well No.1 <10 'W) . No.2(25IW) No.3(100'W) 2:30 282 19 7.1 3.4 1.2 3:00 282 19 7.1 3.4 1.2 3:30 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1.2 4:00 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1.2 4:30 282 19 7.1 3.4 1.2 5:00 282 19 7.1 .3.4 1.2 5:30 282 19 7.1 3.4 1.2 6:00 282 19 7.1 3.4 1.2 6:30 285 24 7.1 3.4 1.2 7:00 28S 24 7.1 3.5 1.2 7:30 285 24 7.1 3.5 1.2 8:00 285 24 7.1 3.5 1.2 8:30 285 24 7.1 3.5 1.2 9:00 285 24 7.1 3.5 1.2 9:30 285 24 7.1 3.5 1.2 10;00 285 24 7.1 3.5 1.2 C-4 I I WELL NO. 15 Measured Drawdown Measured Dravdown I Time Yield e'Dm Feet Time Yield . e'D~ Feet , 11:30 200 4 11:30 600 8.5 12:00 200 4 12:00 600 8.5 I 12:30 200 4 1 2: 30 650 9.0 1 :00 200 4 1:00 700 10 1 :30 200 4 1:30 700 10 I 2:00 200 4 2:00 750 10. '5 2:30 200 4 2:30 750 10.5 3:00 200 4 3:00 800 11 I 3:30 200 4 3:30 800 11 4:00 250 4.5 4:00 850 12 4:30 250 4.5 4:30 850 12 I 5:00 300 5.0i 5:00 900 12.5 5:30 300 5.0 5:30 900 12.5 6:00 350 5.5 6:00 950 13 I 6:30 350 5.5 6:30 950 13.5 7:00 350 5.5 7:00 1 ,000 1.t,. 0 I 7:30 400 6.0 7:30 1,000 14.0 8:00 400 6.0 8:00 1,000 14.0 8:30 450 6.5 8:30 1,000 14.5 9:00 450 6.5 9:00 1,000 14.5 I 9:30 500 7.0 9:30 1,000 14.5 10:00 500 7.0 10:00 1,000 15.0 10:30 550 8.0 1 0 : 30 1,000 15.0 I 11:00 550 8.0 11:00 1,000 15.0 I * * * ~ * I - Recovery - I 2 Minutes 2.0 3 Minutes 2.0 I 10 Minutes 1.0 _. 30 Minutes 0.5 I I I 0-5 I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WELL NO. 16 Measured Drawdown Measured Dxawdown Time Yield gpm Feet Time Yi'e1d gpa Feet 2:30 215 2.5 12:30 554 6.5 .3:00 215 2.5 1:00 554 6.5 .3:30 215 2.5 1:30 602 'J.5 4:00 215 2.5 2:00 602 ';/.5 4:30 215 2.5 2:30 650 8.5 5:00 215 2.5 3:00 650 8.5 5:30 215 2.5 3:30 703 9.0 6:00 215 2.5 4:00 703 9.0 6:30 250 3.0 ,'4:30 754 9.5 7:00 250 3.0 5:00 754 9.5 5:30 805 10.5 7:30 300 3.5 6:00 805 10.5 8:00 300 3.5 6:30 855 11.0 8:30 350 4.0 7:00 855 11.0 9:00 350 4.0 7:30 904 11.5 9:30 400 4.5 7:40 904 11.5 10:00 400 4.5 10:30 450 5.0 Engine stopped to replace head 11:00 450 5.0 gasket. Surged well for 30 minutes 11:30 500 5.5 after repairs were made. 12: 00 500 5.5 11:30 1,012 12.5 12:00 1,012 12.5 12:30 1,012 12.5 1:00 1,012 13.0 1:30 1,012 13.0 2:00 1,012 13.0 ~2:30 1,012 !J.O 3:00 1,012 13.0 * * * * * - Recovery - 1 Minute 2.5 2 Minutes 2.5 5 Minutes ID.5 .~-. 30 Minutes 0.5 C-6 - "'~l n~w ".~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .' Noy. 0 Ap R3 W R2 W ~YORAULIC DRILLING COMPANY NO. Grd. EI. W. T.E. Per... EI. / 1221.89 1177.0 1118.2 2 1215.311 1180.5 1311.3 ..:4 3 1220.77 118~.1& 1110.8 fJ:i. II 12/8.87 1183.2 1118.7 5 1220.37 1190.0 188.11 :tn e 12111.80 189.1 le5.8 7 1212.19 188.0 IlIe.2 8 1212.8e IBe.8 135.3 9 1211.88 185.5 1113.7 10 1213.11 185.5 139.1 I\) II 12Cll.1I7 181.0 1311.0 en 0 U) 12 1213.79 185.9 132.9 ~ 13 1218.39 1811.11 1211.11 III 1218.18 185.2 139.2 15 12111.10 188.1 139.8 ~ 18 1218.82 1811.1 1117.8 01 17 1215.28 188.3 /180.3 18 1213.85 188.11 1/27.11 10 1222.ee 1178.8 1153.9 . 20 1221.89 1182.5 1181.9 VI 21 1219.82 1182.8 111111.8 0 22 1218.11 1182.8 11118.1 23 1223.00 1178.5 1153.5 2_ 1219.78 11811.0 11311.8 ~G .!G 25 1232.29 1201.3 1182.3 . . . . . 28 1232.51 12011.0 1178.5 -.J VI 0 N VI ~ VI 27 1230.00 1209.7 1181.0 AVE. I\) (Jl U) U) 28 1229.ee 1211.8 1185.8 Ul 29 1230.28 1215.3 1183.3 30 1233.29 1215.9 1181.3 31 1238.88 1220.2 1183.7 32 12111.79 1218.5 183.8 33 1233.97 12'9.1 185.0 311 121111.17 1221.2 183.2 35 12110.88 1218.9 155.7 3ll 1237.111 1215.7 159.11 37 1237.19 1213.9 158.2 38 1235.33 1211.8 151.3 39 1210.117 182.5 1118.5 \10 1210.118 lee.5 1112.5 III 1220.00 177.3 1115.0 112 1210.00 188.9 1117.0 113 1212.70 189.5 1111.8 1111 1212.811 185.8 1111.8 115 1212.28 185.5 1112.3 lie 1211.21 189.2 1112.2 117 1211.13 185.1 1113.8 118 1210.09 185.1 1112.8 110 12111.57 lee.2 1311.e 50 12111.09 185.5 12e.O III 1215.58 1185.1 131.8 112 1213.08 1185.8 150.1 53 1217.59 1811.3 125.1 ell 1218.119 185.2 1116.5 55 1218.3.] 185.11 11211.8 ee 121e.3e lee.1I 127.11 57 1228.70 181.7 1159.7 . 58 1229.28 183.7 11811.3 VI 50 12111.28 188.1 1131.8 -.J eo 1227.eo 181.9 1138.0 el 1227.72 182.2 11111.7 IRON 82 1229.13 182.9 11112.1 e3 1228.87 182.2 11311.9 ell 'ft2'i8 200.3 f1eO.3 e5 I I. 1198.7 Ilel.e it )> ~ it i ~ ..... USGS TEST HOLES !! (and othe reI USGS Grd. EI. Bod rock EI. Na. ::::; 1113 1221 11117 .511 1221 11117 en '1111 1221 IIe2 ~ .ee 1218 1130 0 1117 1217 1127 188 1217 11118 1110 1213 11111 lei 1219 1182 le2 1219 11112 . ~ lell 1223 112e 1811 12211 11311 VI (II n 188 1220 11118 )> 187 1222 lIel ,.. 178 1228 llee '" 177 1229 1178 REPUBLIC AVE. 0 W-& C-E 178 1229 1173 ~ of Z 179 /231 1178 :D ::::; it 180 1232.2 1197 0 U) 181 12311 1188 en )> i" 182 1230 II 511 n ~ '" ..... ::x: en 183 12311 1192 :D 1811 1235 1173 '" 0 '" 185 1232 II eo ..... 18e 1232 1178 01 187 1225 1170 188 1229 1180 01 189 1227 1172 ~ ~ 1911 1250.7 1223 01 D~p ~ ~ 1911 12118.e 1193 0 197 12117.1 1189 01 198 12117.7 117e VI -.J 2D5 1301.9 12911 2De 12110 1191 ~ :D n '" '" 0 ..... c z z 0 ..... :D @ @ :D ..... .. . -c ::x: EXISTING WELLS I\) I\) < -.J 01 n ;;; I nden t I fI ca t I on Datu.. W~ T.E. Per... L. r " Elevation C City Wel I No. I 1230.50 1178.5 111I7.1I III CI ty Well No. 2 1229.110 1180.9 11115.9 City lIell No. 3 I 229.1le 1177 .2 111111.0 CI ty Well No. II 1229.911 1180.8 11117.2 City Well No. 5 1230.72 llee.7 Ilell.7 \0 I\) Ul CI ty Well No. 8 1230.10 1177.7 111I9.e U) 0 City Well No. 7 1228.38 1178.5 1155.3 ~ . . City lie II No. 8 1227.02 1177.0 1153.0 CI ty Well No.IO 1227.72 1177.2 1152.5 CI ty WolI No. II 1228.15 1179.1 1150.7 City Well No.12 122e.30 1177.11 1153.6 City \lell No.13 1227.10 1175.9 1152.0 it City lie I I No. III 1225.82 H78.3 . 1153.0 P SAF8 lie I I No. I 1(201'1 1250.8 1221.2 1187.6 '" SAFe lie II No. 2 1 (2021 12117.0 1220.5 1189.5 ~ ..... SAFB Well No. 3 1 (2031 12117.0 1187.0 0 :D -i SAFB Well No. II 1 (20111 12117.0 1221.5 1197.0 '" SAFe lie II No~ 5 , (2001 12110.0 1221.0 1189.11 :D '" ~ ..... i: @ @ (II VI .~.c. ~ .. ~ :E r)> 0;;1 n:tl >(II~ -icr -"'tl- OZf1~ -< . I'TI=" ~~~ -i> r ~ 1J~(II )> O::! "1'10 z (II ~~~~~ r " 0 ~ Iii '" I'TI :D.......... G"l ..... ..... ~ z Z I'TI :;::;:;"" Z .......... O"1l n 0 ::x:::x:z:!!..... ~~,,~-< '" ",'''' ..... " '" (II :: '" '" (II " :: '" (II ,.. ,.. (II z >m n - .. ~ z oQO"- = i J; lOt ......... ~~:). ~ :... z ~_.. ~ ~ ~ ~ UI :: z ? .;......~ -i Vi (II Ul ~ Ul Ul ~ <0 ~ G c I\) o o ~ U) en ~ <0 01 c I\) o c I\) o I\) U) -.J ~ I\) o en - _ST H~D WEl_ Drlllod Nov. 10M to April 11157 HYDRAULIC DRilliNG C~~PAHY NO. Grd. EI. W. T.E. PerM. EI. I 1221.69 1177.0 1116.2 2 1215.311 1180.5 1311.3 3 1220.77 1182.11. IlIll.8 II 1218.67 1183.2 1118.7 5 1220.37 1190.0 166.11 6 12111.60 1189.1 165.6 .7 1212.19 1188.0 1116.2 8. 1212.86 1186;8 135.3 0 1211.66 1186.5 1113.7 10 . 1213.11 1186.5 139.1 II 1200.117 1181.0 1311.0 .12 1213.79 185.9 132.8 13 1216.30 1811.11 1211.11 III 121~.18 185.2 1139.2 16 12111.10 186.1 139.6 16 1216.62 1811.1 1117.6 17 1216.28 188.3 160.3 18 1213.85 186.11 127.11 10 1222.86 176.8 153.9 20 1221.89 182.5 161.9 21 1219.82 182.8 11111.8 22 1218.11 182.6 1118.1 23 1223.00 178.6 153.5 211 1219.76 1811.0 1311.8 25 1232.29 201.3 162.3 28 1232.51 12011.0 178.6 27 1230.00 1209.7 181.0 28 1229. !56 1211.6 186.6 29 1230.28 1215.3 163.3 30 1233.29 1215.9 181.3 31 1238.68 1220.2 183.1 32 12111.79 1218.5 183.8 33 1233.117 12'0.1 185.0 311 121111.17 1221.2 1163.2 35 12110.88 1216.9 1166.7 36 1237.111 1216.7 159.11 37 1237.19 1213.9 168.2 38 1235.33 1211.8 151.3 39 1219.117 182.5 1116.6 110 1219.118 186.5 1112.6 III 1220.00 177.3 1115.0 112 1210.00 188.9 1117.0 113 1212.79 180.5 1111.8 1111 1212.611 185.6 1111.6 116 1212.26 185.6 1112.3 lie 1211.21 189.2 1112.2 117 1211.13 185.1 1113.6 118 1210.09 185.1 1112.6 1111 12111.57 186.2 1311.6 50 12111.09 186.6 126.0 61 1215.68 186.1 131.6 62 1213.08 186.6 160.1 53 1217.59 1811.3 125.1 611 1218.119 186.2 1116.6 65 1216.33 1185.11 1211.8 !56 1218.38 1186.11 127.11 57 1226.70 118 1.7 159.7 58 1229.28 1183.7 1611.3 59 12111.28 1186.1 131.8 80 1227.60 1181.0 138.0 81 1227.72 1182.2 1111.7 82 1229.13 1182.9 1112.1 83 1228.87 1182.2 11311.9 611 1232.20 1200.3 : 1160.3 86 1231.60 1108.7 1181.6 USGS TEST HOLES lend others) USGS Grd. EI. BOdrock EI. MOo 153 1221 1117 1611 1221 1117 155 1221 162 1!56 1218 130 157 1217 127 108 1217 I liB 159 1213 1111 161 1219 162 I~ 1219 1112 1811 1223 126 165 1225 1311 188 1220 1118 167 1222 161 178 1228 1I!56 177 1229 176 178 1229 173 179 1231, 17Fl 180 1232.2 197 181 12311 188 182 1230 1611 183 12311 192 1811 1235 173 186 1232 180 188 1232 178 187 1225 170 188 1229 180 189 1227 172 196 1260.7 1223 186 12118.8 1193 197 12117.1 1189 108 12117.7 1178 205 1301.9 12911 208 1250 1191 EXISTlIlG WEllS Indentl flcatlon DatUM Elevation 1230.50 1229.110 1220.116 1229.96 1230.72 1230.10 1228.38 1227.02 1227.72 1226.16 1226.30 1227.10 1225.82 1250.5 12117.0 12117.0 12117.0 /250.0 W. T.E. P. r... l. 1178.5 1117.5 1180.9 165.9 1177.2 11111.0 1180.8 1117.2 1186.7 1611.7 1177.7 1119.6 1178.5 155.3 1177.0 163.0 1177.2 152.~ 1179.1 150.7 1177.11 163.6 1175.9 162.0 IUe.3 1.153.0 1221.2 1187.6 1220.~ II 89.5 1187.0 1221.5 1197.0 /221.0 1189.6 City WolI City WolI City W.II CI ty WolI CI ty Woll City WolI CI ty WolI City WolI CI ty Woll City WolI City WolI City WolI CltyWol1 SAfB WolI SAfB WolI SAfBWol1 SAfB Woll SAfB Woll No. I No.2 No.3 No. 11 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No.8 No.IO No.11 No.12 No.13 No. III No. I 1(201) No. 2 1(202) No. 3 1(203) Mo. II , (2011) No~ 5 ., (200) > z rO r' -t '" '" r '" ~. ~ > ~ ~ . ~.O . -t Ul 1"1 -i > ZOOPlPl r :::0 1"1 " I'IrlDXX 1"1 ;0 PI ~o:<:SS G) 1ft lD -t-d!-- 1"1 -t 1ft )> > PlPI>~~ Z Ul Ull/l-t , 0 .. ~ > Cr PI -t-tO-vC'l ,. "tJ- 0 0- m ~~ :r: :r: Z :!! ::; z >....0 - r 0 1212~~-< ,. >>z Z ogor- 1"1 -< ... ",,,,PI-I ~ :; ~ III ;:: l/ll/l r PI PI ~ ~.. ... 1"1 " PI r r ,. .... 0 > Ul ~ r z n. >- x )> .. ;:.. z 1"1 illli Z Pll/l ,. Z r .. --< r Ul r rl 0>. '" 41', ;0 1ft > 0 .. ~ 0 ~ ~ .... z ,.. ~ r . PI \II . . it . -t 5 < .. :=.~>.: ,.r. z r ~ I .00( 0 Z 0' 1ft 0 ... Z > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - R3 W R2 W IV n r-~} -jlfii~ ~ h ~ ~~~ nrJ) ~~ V ~ .45 AVE. 0 .!(\_ ~ t:::::\ . ~ 118G> v.. ...~ ..a--- .11<17 ~ ~ AVE -.j R; ~ i\3 ~~(ji - /; ~188 ~ r Z V .54 o'~ ~ ~F1. ~ ~ 118(;, ~ -t 156 - - ~ - \./:0 << _:r: :r: _ (J1. (J1 ./:0/1 W __u x: PACIFIC V .~AVE, <: ~ ~::::--"7 '/ #~ ~L<'ifVg O~~j:v~)g~;, ~ r / 177 ~ p- t. N C 0 ~~c ~ ~ / _~. /; A NORT/ J ~ L ~ ./:0 ./:0. ~ ST ~ ~/~ 7f~'J0~ '1 / 1 :;-// -- L N~ ~~ ~Il~ '- ~7. v ~""'-ST, ~ '\ ST~:;; / I~~ ...l IR N / / m.~ 1\ ,~\ ~ 'i ~I "A~ ~~~. ~ 11/1// C ~)~~NI1 r/1I I ffr/; @ ~ . ~ /i; ~~ AVE. ?~ \ ~~ ~ i~~_L ~~'\ ~ ~~/ ~~ ? :~u ~>: '\. ~ ;~,vc //~ @ ~\ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~/ ;~ ~ .~~ ~ :,~, ~~~ / .,~& ~ )> -i W 1ft " =' ~ ~\I r OJ PI " ~ : ()) .47 .44 = 1/"". EUCLID ~& {J!J; '')J y ~ ~ ~ Vi ./:0 STATE Ci ! ;x /11 1 ; ~ 0\ ~~ ;:: )> ;0 -< ;:: o c Z -t \II ~- ~} ~ " - (JI n )> r PI ,," z W-l C-E ;0 g o ;:: , '" VI CD o '7 ~/ ~/Y( ~@~/ ~ ~ CD ) ~ \0 ? ~\; ~/l- E:,,? ~ . -v- . @ w n o c z Z 0 -t ;0 " -t -< J: < n M r 1:: c OJ @ :c p ~ r ;0 ;0 1\ - B ~ ~~ . , --N \0 ~ ~ ~L/ c -v ;0 '" ~ W ~o : i> / .: // L;;.;I /6 PI -t - " -i ~ 1ft I "- )) - @~/ (J1 (Jl- ./:0 -(,.I ./:0 ~ @ @ ./ ~ (,.I ~ /' ~ ( ,n ~ ~~ "fr-"~;\ .. , -,J ~ e(:~ ~ .....j (J1 1ft G c:: ~ iO \0 a I\) 0 0 ~ ~ a, iO iO N -.j CD Q o I\) o I\) o . \0 (J1 ~ \0 01 ~ I\) """'"~ - _T HO~ IIfLL_ Drilled Nay. 1056 to April IA~7 HYDRAULIC DRILLING CCllPA/IY NO. Grd. fl. II. T. E. Per~. EI. I 1221.69 1177.0 11~6.2 l! 121~.3~ IIAO.~ 113~.3 3 1220.71 111l2.~ 11~0.8 - 1218.67 1183.2 11~8.7 5 1220.37 1190.0 1166..4 II 12111.60 1189.1 116~.6 7 1212.19 1188.0 111l6.2 B 1212.86 118~.8 113~.3 Q 1211.66 18~.~ 11~3.7 10 1213.11 18~.~ 139.1 II 1209.117 181.0 1311.0 12 ~213.79 18~.9 132.8 13 12111.39 18~.1l 1211.11 III 12111.18 18~.2 139.2 III 12111.10 186.1 139.11 18 12111.112 1811.1 11l7.6 17 1216.28 188.3 160.3 18 1213.8~ 186.11 127.~ III 1222.86 1711.8 1~3.9 20 1221.89 182.~ 161.9 21 1219.82 182.8 1~~.8 22 1218.11 182.6 1~8.1 23 1223.00 178.~ 1~3.~ 2. 1219.711 18~.0 13~.1l 2~ 1232.2ll 201.3 1112.3 28 1232.~1 120~.0 178.~ 27 1230.00 1209.7 181.0 28 1229.68 1211.8 18~.6 2ll 1230.2A 121~.3 183.3 30 1233.29 121~.9 181.3 31 1238.88 1220.2 1183.7 32 12111.79 1218.~ 1183.8 33 1233.97 1219.1 1185.0 3li 12lill.I.7 1221.2 1183.2 35 12~0.68 1218.9 1155.7 38 1237.111 1215.7 11~9.~ 37 1237.19 1213.9 11~8.2 38 1235.33 1211.6 11~1.3 39 1219.~7 IIA2.~ 11~6.~ ~O 1219.~8 Ilall.~ 11~2.~ ~I 1220.00 1177.3 II~~.O ~2 1210.00 1188.9 11~7.0 113 1212.79 1189.~ 11111.8 llll 1212.811 118~.6 11~1.6 ~~ 1212.28 18~.~ 11112.3 118 1211.21 189.2 11112.2 117 1211.13 18~.1 11113.6 118 1210.09 18~.1 11~2.6 ~ll 12111.~7 186.2 11311.6 ~O 12111.09 18~.~ 1126.0 51 1215.~8 18~.1 1131.6 ~2 1213.08 18~.6 1150. I ~3 1217.~1l 18~.3 1125.1 ~ll 1218.~9 185.2 11~6.5 5~ 1216.33 185.11 112~.8 56 1216.36 186.11 1127.~ ~7 1226.70 181.7 II ~9. 7 58 1229.28 183.7 11611.3 ~9 12111.28 186.1 1131.8 60 1227.60 181.9 1138.0 61 1227.72 1182.2 11111.7 62 1229.13 1182.9 11112.1 63 1228.87 1182.2 11311.0 611 1232.29 1200.3 1160.3 6~ 1231.60 119a.7 1161.6 USGS TfST HOLES (.nd others) Grd. EI. Bedrock EI. USGS No. 1~3 I~ll 1~5 1~6 157 168 1~9 161 162 16~ 16~ 166 167 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 1811 185 186 187 188 189 19~ 196 IS7 198 205 206 1221 1221 1221 1218 1217 1217 1213 1219 1219 1223 122~ 1220 1222 1228 1229 1229 1231 1232.2 123~ 1230 12311 123~ 1232 1232 122~ 1229 1227 1250.7 12118.6 12117.1 IZ\i7,7 1301.!! 12~O City W,II City W,II City W,II City W,II City W,II Clty",.1I City 11.11 City WIll Ci ty W,II City Well City W.II City WIll CI ty W.II SAfA lie I I SAfIt W.II SAfO W.II SAf8 W.II SAFB W,II EXISTltlG \IfLLS Indlntlflc.tion O.tUM EllIIvation 1230.~0 1229.110 1229.116 1229.96 1230.72 1230.10 1228.38 1227.02 1227.72 122e.15 l22e.30 1227.10 122~.82 1250.~ 12117.0 12U7.0 12~7 .C 1250.0 ~~ : :~n- neOr- I :-; ~ II> ~~:=O ': ::'" z z ..-'" 0 . 0 . , . . II> 1 U' ~ z ell )> 0 I -< <5 iD ..., W )> U' ..., No. I No. 2 No.3 '.0. II No. ~ 110. e ~o. 7 No. 8 ho.IO No. I I No.12 No.13 Ho.l~ No. I 1(201) /10. 2 1(202) No. 3 1 (203) No. II 1(2011) No. 5 1(200) m ~ M -l o ~ ::0 o (') ~ fT1 r fT1 < )I- -i o Z (J) VI VI> er "0 ~~ -< . rl=" X> "Z rVl 0> ::0 VI > -l o Z VI ZOO'" '" r l"'I,aJ)(X r'1 :EO~Viv> C) ~~:o<:!~ ,.., )> Z Z z :;: :;: ~ CHI ~~(5,,('l 0 J: J: Z :!! ::; ~ ~ :E ~ '" ~~p~~ :;; :E :: '" V> r r <JI 1I117 1I117 lIe2 1130 1127 11118 II ~I 1162 11112 1126 11311 1I118 Ilel 1156 117e 1173 1178 II 97 1188 11511 1192 1173 II eo 1178 1170 1180 1172 1223 1193 1189 Il7e 12911 1191 W. T.F. PerM. L. 1178.5 1180.9 1177 .2 1180.8 1186.7 1177.7 1178.5 1177.0 1177.2 1179.1 1177.11 117~.9 1178.3 1221.2 1220.5 1221.S 1221.0 )> Z r 0 r ~ '" '" r '" ~ ~ (5 Z en .~.c. ~ '" lJl )> V> 1'1 o o Z ;: 1'1 )> Z V> 1'1 )> r 1'1 < '" r o )> ~ C ~ - - - - - - - R3W - - - - - - - R 2W )> -l W VI - '/ '/ I\) - ~ ~ 01 ~ CO ~ . rV hi n "" I!. t2~ ~)) 1130 ~/J'o 11"0 1135 114V" = ir;;- ..,,{", I" ~.A:J~- ~).!. ~ t .!G 0 l/1L ~-o')~ ~ ~V /, ~. g I\) CO CO 01 "" 7 ~~ ~V;0:~"; (:~\ \ ~~e ~ ~\ / \: W \~FIQ ( .16'r",,JEJ ~II ~~ ~~ /' __ / 1145,_ ~ _or:. I <t4 ~// !. .!. !. "~/!7 13~"? V~-..j ---. \ .3>~ ~~ 6\ ;;; VI 0 / j ~ ~ / CO ii~~~. ~~:>~,o (t~\~~~ ~::_ /; ~" Af',l" ~.. Va- ,,/~./~ -::~t~ \,,~~~- / I / /' '~n V JL~" ~~ ~ 1\ ~ ~! \~ / I g ~ ~'I/ ~ :kATE 1 s\[\ ~ ~ \ \~ t~ C\ Oi / __ - lieS .ct ~ ~ \ IRO 'If. I \ ~ / / V "::f:/ AVE. "~: ~ ~ D \ 1\ I~ . ~ i~ ~ C 11.3:, . (;j . -:;1 ~) 1140 ./,..~ ~ r:>>ci5 'i ~ :ii~ V ~. i~D ~ '!l. ~~:~ 5~~ _;~ ~w,:: ~ ~~ ~::j{ ~;) "'~Q I} / (I \\ ;,:= r / / Sff_ ~; : UI " ~ l I ~ "-I~ ^"' I J · 0 '~ ~ ~ 65 ~. ~ .1 \\; ~ ceo co lil.oB~'~ <, ~ w~ n4 ~I/I ~ \~ W LJ / " ~ rt ~ '/d~ .. OUl Cll- ~ ~ " J. r:>> . =f"'.-. /I ~( r lJl I'l ." :0 -< .44 .47 .45 -8 ......1140 ~ .............-'~ ~ 1l4S~ ~--T ;: )> :0 '" ;: o c Z ~ o " .. , <JI ('l )> r 1'1 :J: r W-& C-E N' Z ~ o ~ r 1'1 V> r:>> o ). ~ 10 11l7.5 55.9 Illll.O 11l7.2 lell.7 11l9.e 155.3 153.0 152.5 I~O.7 1526 152.0 153.0 1187.6 II e9.5 1157.0 1197. ~ 116.. = \ ) -=;'I ~ ~/V ~~ ~ : @ ('l Q C z Z 0 ~ :Xl :Xl .~ '" J: < ('l M r :E c lJl '" '" I \~ ~~\ ~ ~ \ ~<\\ ~ ~ \~ ~ \)' .\J ~] ;~ I G co / c I\l 0 0 c c I\) I\) 52 0 I\) 0> II' I\) 10 . UI o . CO I\l ~ I I~ p ^I) V=~ \ // "I, ~.~ : ( @ " )> () -l ~ VI :0 ;0 @ ) ~. 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