Master Utility Plan
The City of Salina, Kansas
Schilling Road/Ohio Street
City Commissioners
Kristin M. Seaton, Mayor
Deborah P. Divine
Alan E. Jilka
Don Heath
Monte D. Shadwick
City Manager
Dennis Kissinger
Director of Utilities
Don Hoff, P .E.
Director of Engineering and General Services
Shawn O'Leary, P.E.
Director of Planning and Community Development
Dean Andrew
Address all communication
regarding this work to:
Wilson & Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 1640
Salina, Kansas 67402-1640
(785) 827-0433
March 2003
1.1. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ANALYSIS ....................................................... 1
1.1.1. Phase 1.............................................................................................................. 1
1.1.2. Phase II............................................................................................................. 1
1.2. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS ............................................................... 1
1.3. STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM ANALYSIS .............................................................. 2
2.1. UT~ITY PLANNING .......... .............. ............... ....... ........ ................................. ........... 3
3.1. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ........................................................................... 4
3.1.1. Phase 1.............................................................................................................. 4
3.1.2. Phase II ...... ............... .............. ..... ........... .......... ................... .............. ..... ......... 5
3.2. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM ................................................................................... 6
3.2.1. Land Use Design. ..... ............ ........ ............... .......... ................................... ......... 6
3.2.2. Gravity Flow to Existing Manhole.................................................................... 7
3.2.3. Gravity Flow to Pump Station No. 35............................................................... 7
3.3. STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM ................. ................................................................. 8
4.1. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS ......................................... 10
4.1.1. Phase 1...... ........... ..... ............ ....... ............. ... .......... .......... ........................ ........ 10
4.1.2. Phase II ............. ............ ..................................... ..................... ........................ 11
4.2. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS.................................................. 11
4.3. STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS................................................. 12
A. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM - Phase 1................................................... Insert
B. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM - Phase II.................................................. Insert
The City of Salina, Kansas
Schilling Road/Ohio Street
weI File No. X3-410-002
March 2003
No alternatives were discussed as part of this water distribution system analysis. Recommended
improvements were selected from several alternatives presented during a previous hydraulic
computer modeling project described further in Section 3 of this report. The following proposed
improvements were more clearly defined as part of this analysis.
1.1.1. Phase I
Make a new 12-inch water line connection near the intersection of Magnolia Road and
Ohio Street. Install a new 12-inch water line along Ohio Street south to Schilling Road,
making two connections to the Twin Oaks and Bonnie Ridge subdivisions. Also install a
new 12-inch water line along Schilling Road west to the Union Pacific Railroad and
connect to the existing system on the west side of the Union Pacific Railroad.
Construction costs for these improvements are estimated at $483,080 which includes
materials, engineering, contingency, and easements.
1.1.2. Phase II
Make a new 12-inch water line connection to the previously installed l2-inch water line
near the intersection of Schilling Road and Ohio Street. Install a new 12-inch water line
along Ohio Street south to Water Well Road and connect to the existing system in Water
Well Road. This water line extension includes a pressure-reducing valve station towards
the north end. To complete these improvements, an 8-inch water line connection needs to
be made near the intersection of Linda Lane and Arrowhead Lane. Install a new 8-inch
water line along the proposed Linda Lane street extension south to Schilling Road and
connect to the previously installed 12-inch water line along Schilling Road. Construction
costs for these improvements are estimated at $374,570 which includes materials,
engineering, contingency, and easements.
To provide the undeveloped commercial/light industrial area from the Union Pacific Railroad
on the west to Ohio Street on the east and from Schilling Road on the north to W ater Well Road
on the south with sanitary sewer service, it is recommended to utilize gravity sewer lines which
discharge into existing Pump Station No. 35. Two l2-inch gravity sewer lines shall run north to
south and be located parallel to the proposed storm drainage ditch, one line on each side. The
two 12-inch gravity sewer lines shall then connect into a IS-inch gravity sewer line which shall
essentially run east to west into the existing pump station. Estimated construction costs of
providing sanitary sewer service to the proposed area are $510,350 which includes materials,
engineering, contingency, and easements.
Recommended storm drainage system improvements were developed assuming existing
undeveloped conditions from Water Well Road to Mentor Road and fully developed conditions
from Water Well Road to the Schilling Road Ditch within the drainage area bounded on the west
by the Union Pacific Railroad and on the east by Ohio Street. Three recommended street
crossing drainage structures were spaced a quarter mile apart along the proposed storm drainage
ditch from Water Well Road to the Schilling Road Ditch.
The proposed storm drainage system improvements for the study area include a large, deep, flat
ditch (lO-foot bottom width on the south end and 20-foot bottom width on the north end, 4:1 side
slopes, approximately 7 to 8 feet deep) be constructed approximately 1,250 feet west of and
parallel to Ohio Street, beginning on the north side of Water Well Road and continuing north to
the Schilling Road Ditch along the south side of Schilling Road, with a longitudinal grade of
0.10%. A proposed right-of-way width of 120 feet is recommended to accommodate the ditch
width including a buffer area approximately 20 feet wide on both sides of the ditch.
It appears adding 2 - 6' x 6' RCB's (providing 3 - 6' x 6' RCB's) in the Schilling Road Ditch
under Ohio Street and the first entrance west of Ohio Street will be sufficient to accommodate
storm water runoff from the area south of W ater Well Road in the existing undeveloped
conditions and runoff from the area north of Water Well Road in fully developed conditions.
Estimated construction costs for these storm drainage improvements are $584,720 which
includes materials, engineering, contingency, and right-of-way.
The purpose of this Master Utility Plan is to provide the City with planning documents to assist
with potential residential, commercial, and light industrial developments near the Schilling
Road/Ohio Street area. The general boundaries of this Master Utility Plan were Magnolia Road
on the north, Water Well Road on the south, the Union Pacific Railroad on the west, and Ohio
Street on the east. The majority of this area is currently designated for agricultural use.
Recommendations have been developed for providing water service, sanitary sewer service, and
storm drainage to this area based on the City's anticipation of this area becoming fully developed
with residential, commercial, and light industrial land users. This Master Utility Plan identifies
pipe sizes, locations, proposed easements, and right-of-ways required for the water distribution
system, sanitary sewer system, and storm drainage system that are to serve the potential
developments. Also included in this Master Utility Plan are the associated cost estimates for the
water distribution system, sanitary sewer system, and storm drainage system.
A water distribution system analysis was performed in July 2000 under a previous contract (WCI
File No. XO-41O-023) with the City of Salina to analyze a portion of their water distribution
system using WaterCAD (hydraulic computer model). The general boundaries of the study were
Magnolia Road on the north to Water Well Road on the south and the Union Pacific Railroad on
the west to Ohio Street on the east. The purpose of this original water distribution system
analysis was to determine potential water distribution system improvements necessary to provide
adequate water service and fire protection flow rates for potential developments in the study
area. The City anticipates residential developments to occur in the area enveloped by the Twin
Oaks and Bonnie Ridge subdivisions on the north, Schilling Road on the south, the Union Pacific
Railroad on the west, and Ohio Street on the east. Another potential residential development
area is anticipated directly east of Ohio Street from Magnolia Road on the north to Water Well
Road on the south. The City is also planning to accommodate commercial and light industrial
developments within the area surrounded by Schilling Road on the north, W ater Well Road on
the south, the Union Pacific Railroad on the west, and Ohio Street on the east. According to this
original study, the following general improvements were recommended:
~ Install a new 12-inch water line along Ohio Street from Magnolia Road on the
north to Schilling Road on the south.
~ Install a new 12-inch water line along Schilling Road from Ohio Street on the east
to the Union Pacific Railroad on the west.
~ Install a new 12-inch water line along Ohio Street from Schilling Road on the
north to Water Well Road on the south, including a pressure-reducing valve
~ Install a new 8-inch water line along the Union Pacific Railroad from Arrowhead
Lane on the north to Schilling Road on the south.
Since the completion of this original study, the City has examined the recommended
improvements with more detail. The following revisions were made to the hydraulic computer
model and the output was updated. The specifics of this generated output were compiled in a
report dated 17 January 2003. The proposed improvements were also divided into two separate
phases of completion.
3.1.1. Phase I
The following proposed water distribution system improvements are a part of the Phase I
completion schedule:
~ Tie a new t'2-inch water line into the existing 16-inch water line near the
intersection of Magnolia Road and Ohio Street.
)> Install a new 12-inch water line on the east side of Ohio Street from
Magnolia Road on the north to Schilling Road on the south.
)> Provide 6-inch water line connections from this new 12-inch water line to
the existing 6-inch water line on the west side of Ohio Street at Burr Oak
Lane and Scott A venue.
)> Install a new 12-inch water line on the north side of Schilling Road from
Ohio Street on the east to the Union Pacific Railroad on the west. Encase
water line under the Ohio Street and Schilling Road intersection as well as
under the Union Pacific Railroad.
)> Tie the new 12-inch water line into the existing 16-inch water line on the
west side of the Union Pacific Railroad near Schilling Road.
See Appendix A (Insert) for a pictorial representation of these improvements. Estimated
costs were also generated for these proposed improvements and are provided in Section 4
of this report.
3.1.2. Phase II
The following proposed water distribution system improvements are a part of the Phase II
completion schedule:
)> Tie a new 12-inch water line into the new 12-inch water line previously
installed near the intersection of Schilling Road and Ohio Street.
)> Install a new 12-inch water line south across Schilling Road and west
across Ohio Street.
)> Install a pressure-reducing valve station (approximate 60 psi setting) on
this new 12-inch water line near the intersection of Schilling Road and
Ohio Street.
)> Install a new 12-inch water line on the west side of Ohio Street from
Schilling Road on the north to W ater Well Road on the south.
)> Tie the new 12-inch water line into the existing 24-inch water line near the
intersection of Water Well Road and Ohio Street.
)> Tie a new 8-inch water line into the existing 6-inch water line near the
intersection of Linda Lane and Arrowhead Lane.
)> Install a new 8-inch water line on the west side of the proposed Linda
Lane street extension from Arrowhead Lane on the north to Schilling
Road on the south.
>- Tie a new 8-inch water line into the new 12-inch water line previously
installed near the intersection of the Union Pacific Railroad and Schilling
See Appendix B (Insert) for a pictorial representation of these improvements. Estimated
costs were also generated for these proposed improvements and are provided in Section 4
of this report.
3.2.1. Land Use Design
The sanitary sewer system was analyzed as if the area from Schilling Road on the north
to Water Well Road on the south and the Union Pacific Railroad on the west and Ohio
Street on the east is to become fully developed with commercial and light industrial
sewer users. For this Master Utility Plan it was assumed that fifty-percent of this area
would be commercially developed and fifty-percent would be used for light industrial
developments. Wastewater flow rates were based on estimated peak flows from each
contributing land use area as shown in Table 3.1. At these peak flow rates, the gravity
sewers will be designed to flow at a depth of two-thirds full for lines sized 8-inch through
18-inch, and, if flows necessitate, three-quarters full for lines sized larger than 18-inch, in
accordance with KDHE's minimum design standards. From the following flow rates and
land use it was determined that a minimum of a IS-inch pipe (2.58 cfs capacity) would be
needed to handle wastewater flows from the entire area (2.57 cfs). However, the area
could be divided such that multiple sanitary sewer lines of smaller diameter (i.e. 12-inch)
could provide adequate service.
Table 3.1. Peak Flowrates
Peak Flowrate Peak Flow Peak Flow
Land Use Acreage (gpd/acre) (!!Dd) (cfs)
Commercial 128 50001 640,000 0.99
Light 128 80002 1,024,000 1.58
Total Flow: 1,664,000 2.57
KDHE rrummum desIgn standard.
22000 gpdJacre below KDHE minimum design standards for industrial land use.
T bl 32 p. S..
a e . . I e Izmg
Pipe Minimum Slope Peak Flow Peak Flow
Diameter (%i (gpd) ( cfs )
8 0.40 491,200 0.76
10 0.28 749,700 1.16
12 0.20 1,027,600 1.59
15 0.t6 1,667,500 2.58
18 0.12 2,352,600 3.64
J, . .
KDHE rrummum desIgn standards.
The following two alternatives for providing sanitary sewer service to the proposed
development area were evaluated:
3.2.2. Gravity Flow to Existing Manhole
There is an existing manhole located near the intersection of the Union Pacific Railroad
and Schilling Road, which was evaluated as the first alternative to service the proposed
area. The area requiring sewer service has a range of ground elevations from 1244.00 on
the north to 1249.00 on the south. The sewer pipe flow line into the existing manhole has
an approximate elevation of 1239.00. With a minimum slope of 0.16% on a proposed 15-
inch sewer line, only a small portion of the total area could be serviced since there would
not be adequate ground cover on the pipe. The service area diminishes even further by
using a smaller diameter pipe. The potential area that could be serviced utilizing this
manhole would only be in the northwest corner and consist of only about ten-percent of
the total area. Therefore utilizing this manhole to provide sewer service to the entire
specified area is not possible. Utilizing the existing manhole to only service a portion of
the proposed area would not reduce total pipe length or pipe size. Therefore, this
alternative will not be evaluated any further.
3.2.3. Gravity Flow to Pump Station No. 3S
The second alternative evaluated was to utilize an existing pump station on the southwest
comer of the area to be serviced. The sewer pipe flow line into existing Pump Station
No. 35 is approximately at elevation 1229.00. With a minimum slope of 0.16% on the
proposed 15-inch sewer line, there would be adequate ground cover on the pipe at the end
of the line, therefore utilizing Pump Station No. 35 would be possible.
The area requiring sewer service is split by a proposed storm drainage ditch, which flows
south to north and is located approximately 1,250 feet west of the centerline of Ohio
Street. To provide sewer service to the area east of the storm drainage ditch the proposed
gravity sewer line would have to cross this storm drainage ditch. The only place to cross
the proposed storm drainage ditch in order to have adequate ground cover between the
top of pipe and the bottom of the ditch would be on the south end of the storm drainage
ditch. However, this doesn't allow for service on the west side of the proposed storm
drainage ditch unless another sewer line was placed on the west side as well. To provide
service to both areas and still maintain adequate cover over the sewer pipe at the end of
the line, two gravity sewer lines with a minimum 12-inch diameter would have to run on
each side of the storm drainage ditch. To accommodate wastewater flows from the entire
proposed area, these two 12-inch gravity sewer lines would need to be connected into one
15-inch gravity sewer line which would then flow into the existing pump station.
See Appendix C (Insert) for a pictorial representation of these improvements. Estimated
costs were also generated for these proposed improvements and are provided in Section 4
of this report.
The original recommended storm drainage improvements for the study area were developed in
the "South Salina Drainage Study" and are illustrated in that Study Report and its accompanying
appendix drawings, which were originally completed in 1978. That Study Report and its
accompanying appendix drawings were revised and updated in the 1997 "Southeast Salina
Drainage Study." These recommended storm drainage improvements were revisited for this
study, revised to reflect a reduced amount of the drainage area being fully developed, and are
summarized in this report.
The drainage area for the proposed ditch is approximately 950 acres and is generally bounded by
the Bonnie Ridge Subdivision (quarter mile north of Schilling Road) on the north, Mentor Road
on the south, the Union Pacific Railroad on the west, and Ohio Street on the east, as is illustrated
in sheets lA & lAR of the 1997 "Southeast Salina Drainage Study" appendix drawings.
The proposed 50-foot bottom ditch (3: 1 side slopes) from the "Southeast Salina Drainage Study"
was designed with a longitudinal grade of 0.08% (approximately equal to the existing ground),
and was designed to accommodate head loss for three future street crossing drainage structures
between Schilling Road and Water Well Road, using 5 - 8' x 5' RCB's. These future street
crossing drainage structures are shown at quarter-mile intervals along the proposed storm
drainage ditch between W ater Well Road and the Schilling Road Ditch. This ditch was
originally designed to accommodate fully developed conditions over the entire drainage basin
with approximately 2 feet of freeboard for the 25-year return frequency rainfall event. The ditch
was designed to eventually be extended straight south approximately two miles south of Water
Well Road to just north of Mentor Road.
The geometry of this proposed storm drainage ditch was modified to reflect 4: 1 side slopes, 1
foot of freeboard, and reduced design discharges created by a reduced amount of fully developed
area. Instead of accommodating fully developed conditions from Water Well Road on the north
to Mentor Road on the south, these improvements were designed assuming future development
in this area will not be permitted to free discharge into the proposed storm drainage ditch. It was
assumed future development in this area would be required to provide on-site detention to
accommodate additional runoff created by the increased impervious area, therefore maintaining
existing peak discharges. However, these improvements were designed to allow future
developments north of Water Well Road to free discharge into the proposed storm drainage
ditch, just like before.
The proposed storm drainage ditch from W ater Well Road to the Schilling Road Ditch is
designed with a bottom width ranging from 10 feet to 20 feet, 4: 1 side slopes, a 0.10%
longitudinal grade, and I foot of freeboard. The storm drainage ditch from the future 10' x 6'
RCB (not included in cost estimate) under Water Well Road north to the next anticipated street
crossing is designed to have a lO-foot bottom width. This southernmost street crossing will need
a 2 - 6' x 6' RCB. The storm drainage ditch from this southernmost anticipated street crossing
to the next proposed street crossing will also need a lO-foot bottom width. A 2 - 8' x 6' RCB
will be needed at this middle street crossing. The storm drainage ditch from the proposed middle
street crossing to the northernmost anticipated street crossing will need a I5-foot bottom width
and this street crossing will need a 3 - 6' x 6' RCB. The last stretch of the proposed storm
drainage ditch will have a 20-foot bottom width before discharging into the existing Schilling
Road Ditch.
In order to accommodate the inclusion of a dual-purpose easement for the proposed sanitary
sewer improvements and a buffer area on both sides of the proposed storm drainage ditch, 120
feet of right-of-way is recommended. This will include a buffer area approximately 20 feet wide
on both sides of the proposed storm drainage ditch.
The Schilling Road Ditch conveys storm water runoff from the north (downstream) end of the
proposed ditch, east along the south side of Schilling Road, under Ohio Street, and southeast
through an open field to the flood control levee and a levee outlet drainage structure. The
recently completed Schilling Road Ditch project included sufficient right-of-way in the open
field to accommodate storm water runoff from the entire drainage basin in developed conditions,
for a 1 DO-year return frequency storm event. The "Southeast Salina Drainage Study" also calls
for the addition of2 - 6' x 6' RCB's in the Schilling Road ditch under Ohio Street and under the
first entrance west of Ohio Street.
See Appendix C (Insert) for a pictorial representation of these improvements. Estimated costs
were also generated for these proposed improvements and are provided in Section 4 of this
4.1.1. Phase I
T bl 4 1 W D"b' S
C E'
(2003 D 11 )
a e . . ater Istn utlOn iystem ost stImate o ars
Description Estimated Unit Unit Price Extension
Watermain, 12" 7975 L.F. $35.00 $279,125.00
Watermain, 6" 150 L.F. $20.00 $3,000.00
Auger & Jack Encasement Pipe, 20" 250 L.F. $200.00 $50,000.00
Cast Iron Fittings 1 Tons $4,000.00 $4,000.00
Gate Valve, 12" 2 Each $1,600.00 $3,200.00
Gate Valve, 6" 2 Each $600.00 $1,200.00
Tapping Sleeve and Valves, 16" x 12" 2 Each $4,000.00 $8,000.00
Remove and Replace Pavement 100 S.Y. $80.00 $8,000.00
SUBTOTAL $356,525.00
Engineering & Contingency, 20% $71,305.00
Permanent Easement 1.70 Acres $25,000.00 $42,500.00
Temporary Construction Easement 0.85 Acres $15,000.00 $12,750.00
TOTAL Estimated Construction Cost $483,080.00
4.1.2. Phase II
T bl 42 W D"b' S
C E' t (2003 D 11 )
a e . . ater Istn utlOn system ost stlma e o ars
Description Estimated Unit Unit Price Extension
Watermain, 12" 5450 L.F. $35.00 $190,750.00
Watermain, 8" 1300 L.F. $25.00 $32,500.00
Cast Iron Fittings 0.75 Tons $4,000.00 $3,000.00
Gate Valve, 12" 1 Each $1,600.00 $1,600.00
Gate Valve, 8" 2 Each $1,000.00 $2,000.00
Tapping Sleeve and Valve, 24" x 12" 1 Each $6,000.00 $6,000.00
PRV Station 1 Each $10,000.00 $10,000.00
Remove and Replace Pavement 50 S.Y. $80.00 $4,000.00
SUBTOTAL $249,850.00
Engineering & Contingency, 20% $49,970.00
Permanent Easement 2.30 Acres $25,000.00 $57,500.00
Temporary Construction Easement 1.15 Acres $15,000.00 $17,250.00
TOTAL Estimated Construction Cost $374,570.00
T bl 4 3 S .
C E'
(2003 D 11 )
a e . . amtary ewer >ystem ost stlmate o ars
Description Estimated Unit Unit Price Extension
Gravity Sewer in Trench, 12" 6500 L.F. $39.00 $253,500.00
Gravity Sewer in Trench, 15" 1625 L.F. $42.00 $68,250.00
Standard Manhole (0'-6' depth) 22 Each $3,000.00 $66,000.00
Extra Manhole Depth 120 L.F. $200.00 $24,000.00
SUBTOTAL $411,750.00
Engineering & Contingency, 20% $82,350.00
Permanent Easement 0.50 Acre $25,000.00 $12,500.00
Temporary Construction Easement 0.25 Acre $15,000.00 $3,750.00
TOTAL Estimated Construction Cost $510,350.00
T bl 4 4 S
C E'
(2003 D 11 )
a e " . torm ramage >vstem ost stImate o ars
Description Estimated Unit Unit Price Extension
Common Excavation 70,000 c.Y. $2.00 $140,000.00
Drainage Structures
2 - 6'x 6'x 48' RCB's 2 Each $32,500.00 $65,000.00
3 - 6'x 6'x 48' RCB's 1 Each $42,800.00 $42,800.00
2 - 8' x 6'x 48' RCB's 1 Each $36,800.00 $36,800.00
2 - 6' x 6' x 116' RCB's 1 Each $78,000.00 $78,000.00
Remove & Replace Pavement 100 S.Y. $80.00 $8,000.00
SUBTOTAL $370,600.00
Engineering & Contingency, 20% $74,120.00
Right-of-Way 14.00 Acre $10,000.00 $140,000.00
TOT AL Estimated Construction Cost $584,720.00
. ~
4/28/03 4:00 P.M.
BY: :D A
Application #A03-3, filed by Roy Applequist on behalf of South Ohio Land, L.L.C., requesting
annexation of a 135.56 acre tract located in the NE 1/4 of Sec. 1, T15S, R3W of the 6th PM in Saline
County, Kansas. The annexation request area is located at the southwest corner of Schilling Road and
Ohio Street.
Backqround Information
South Ohio Land, L.L.C. has requested annexation of the remainder of their land holdings at the
southwest corner of Schilling Road and Ohio Street in order to connect City utilities, receive full
municipal services and to be eligible for special assessment financing for needed public
On April 7, 2003 the City Commission gave preliminary approval to an ordinance annexing a 9.45 acre
tract in the northeast corner of this property into the city. This 9.45 acre tract was considered
separately from the remainder of this 146 acre tract because the applicant has a tenant ready to
develop the property along Schilling Road immediately and the applicant wished to move ahead on
that project while working out the more complex street, utility and drainage issues for the entire 146
acre tract. The City's Development Review Team agreed to this approach provided that South Ohio
Land, L.L.C. agree to plat and annex the remainder of the 146 acre tract in the near future. The owner
now finds it beneficial to annex the remainder of the property so it can be included in a special
assessment benefit district for street and water improvements for the first project. Work is proceeding
on a preliminary plat for the remaining 135 acres.
Availability of Water and Sewer
The annexation request area can not currently be served by the city's utility system. Major water line
and sanitary sewer improvement projects need to be completed to make this site fully developable.
The City has worked with Wilson & Co. develop a utility and drainage master plan for this area. The
utility improvements needed to allow full development of this 146 acre tract include:
1. Improvements to the City's Water Distribution System
The installation of a new 12" water line connection to the existing 16" line near the intersection of
Magnolia Road and Ohio Street, the extension of a new 12" water line along the east side of Ohio
Street south to Schilling Road, the extension of a new 12" water line west under Ohio Street along
the north side of Schilling Road west to the Union Pacific Railroad and connection to the existing
system on the west side of the Union Pacific Railroad. This full looped water system must be in
place to allow any additional development on South Ohio Land, L.L.C.'s holdings.
4/28/03 4:00 P.M.
Page 2
The cost of installing this looped water system will be financed up front by the City's Water Utility
with those costs recovered through a Capital Cost Recovery Charge. Benefiting properties along
Ohio Street and Schilling Road will be charged their proportionate share of the equivalent cost of
a 6" water line. A "benefit area" will be established and the proportionate share of each benefiting
landowner will be based on the acreage of the benefiting property that can be served by this line.
This fee will be collected when a building permit is issued for a lot or tract of land.
2. Improvements to the City's Sanitary Sewer System
To provide South Ohio Land, L.L.C.'s property with sanitary sewer service, Wilson & Company
recommends that gravity sewer lines be utilized which would discharge south to an existing pump
station (Pump Station 35) located east of the railroad tracks, north of Crestwood Cabinets. Two
12" gravity sewer lines would be installed starting at the north end of the center of the tract and
extend south parallel to and on either side of a proposed north-south drainage ditch. These 12"
gravity lines would extend south into the property owned by the Salina Economic Development
Corporation and connect to a single 15" gravity pipeline which would extend west to the east right-
of-way of the Union Pacific Railroad and then south to the existing pump station. The reason for
the twin sewer lines is the depth of the proposed drainage ditch (7-8 ft.). The profile of the ditch
would not allow sewer lines to cross the ditch without being exposed above the bottom elevation
of the ditch.
The cost of installing this sanitary sewer system could be a combination of benefit district and
capital cost recovery charge financing. The Salina Economic Development Corporation property
would be subject to a Capital Cost Recovery Charge payable at the time building permits are
issued, unless their property is annexed prior to benefit district establishment. The portion of the
twin 12" sewer lines that are located on and serve South Ohio Land L.L.C.'s property could be
financed privately by South Ohio Land L.L.C. or publicly financed over 15 years through the
creation of a special assessment benefit district.
South Ohio Land L.L.C.'s share of the cost would be in proportion to its benefit, as calculated
under state law for special assessment benefit district. Other benefiting properties between
Schilling Road and Water Well Road would also pay a proportionate share based on benefit.
The applicant will be responsible for extending needed utility lines (both water and sewer) into the
remainder of the site to serve individual building lots. The layout and design of these internal
improvements will be resolved during the platting process on the larger tract. This property benefits
from the additional capacity provided by the interceptor sewer that runs south and east of the city so
building lots within this area would also be subject to a Capital Cost Recovery Charge to help repay the
cost of that interceptor sewer line.
4/28/03 4:00 P.M.
Page 3
This property would be subject to the Schilling Road Ditch Capital Cost Recovery Charge because it
drains directly into the Schilling Road Ditch. The drainage fee would be $.12/cu. ft. of additional runoff.
"Additional runoff' means the difference between the volume of stormwater runoff that comes off the
property today in its agricultural state and the amount of runoff generated by this property upon full
development (see attached Benefit Area map.)
To allow runoff from the south to get to the Schilling Road Ditch, Wilson & Co. is recommending the
construction of a north-south storm drainage ditch that would eventually run from Water Well Road to
Schilling Road. The proposed Wilson & Co. design calls for a large, deep relatively flat ditch with a
bottom width ranging from 10 ft. to 20 ft., 4:1 side slopes, a .10% longitudinal grade, and 1 ft. of
freeboard. The storm drainage ditch from Water Well Road north to the next anticipated street crossing
s designed to have a 10ft. bottom width. The last stretch of the proposed storm drainage ditch would
have a 20 ft. bottom width before discharging into the existing Schilling Road Ditch.
In order to accommodate the inclusion of a dual-purpose easement for the proposed sanitary sewer
improvements and a buffer/maintenance area on both sides of the proposed storm drainage ditch, 120
feet of right-of-way is required. This will include an area approximately 20 feet wide on both sides of
the proposed storm drainage ditch. The size and width of the drainage channel is based upon a 25
year storm design, developed conditions north of Water Well Road and undeveloped conditions south
of Water Well Road. The 25 year storm design is the minimum requirement of the City of Salina for
storm water systems.
The actual ditch location and design will be worked out during the platting process. An annexation
agreement with the applicant will address the construction and financing of the proposed ditch.
Street Access and Improvements
Schilling Road between the Union Pacific Railroad tracks and Ohio Street was rebuilt in 1997. Abutting
properties were not assessed for the cost of the road at that time. Therefore, this property would be
subject to a Capital Cost Recovery Charge for that reconstruction. The charge is set at $.0376/sq. ft.
of land area or $1 ,638/acre.
This fee or charge must be paid to the City prior to the development of any land subject to the Capital
Cost Recovery Charge. The charge is applicable to the square footage or acreage within the tract that
's being developed. For purposes of the Capital Cost Recovery Charge, "development" shall mean
either final approval of a subdivision plat by the City, or, if approval of a subdivision plat by the City is
not required for any reason, then upon the first to occur of either annexation of the property into the
corporate limits of the city or connection to the water or sewer system of the City. When the public
4/28/03 4:00 P.M.
Page 4
interest is seNed by a reasonable delay in payment of the lump sum Capital Cost Recovery Charge,
the governing body may approve an agreement with the owner specifying when the lump sum payment
shall be made and any other relevant terms or conditions.
As a result of being subject to the Capital Cost Recovery Charge, property within the Benefit Area shall
neither be specially assessed nor required to pay a charge or fee in conjunction with the future
reconstruction of Ohio Street (see attached Benefit Area map.)
The applicant will be responsible for extending public streets from Schilling Road and Ohio Street into
the site to seNe individual building lots. The future street layout will be determined during the platting
Other Utilities
This 135 acre tract is within Westar Energy's seNice territory for electric seNice and is not part of any
rural water district so there are no franchise issues or district boundaries that would need to be adjusted
as a result of annexing this property into the city. A natural gas line is located 1,100 feet away on
Schilling Road near the entrance to Bergkamp's. This line will need to be extended under the railroad
tracks to seNe this site.
Adiacent Properties
The agricultural land to the north, south and east is located in unincorporated Saline County. The
South Industrial Area which is also outside the city limits lies to the west and southwest of this property.
One small parcel west of the railroad tracks was annexed into the city limits in 1996. Schilling Road
and the Schilling Drainage Ditch were annexed in 1999. However, the railroad tracks and abutting
railroad right-of-way were not included in the annexation. Therefore, this tract is technically a
noncontiguous parcel and this annexation request would first have to be endorsed by the Saline County
Commission as an island annexation prior to final City Commission action on the request.
Emerqency SeNices
Annexation of this propertywould mean that the City of Salina Fire Department would be responsible
for providing EMS seNice and fire protection to the subdivision. Emergency response would be from
Station #3 on Belmont Boulevard. This property is in close proximity to areas that are within the
existing city limits and already receive City police and fire protection.
4/28/03 4:00 P.M.
Page 5
Comprehensive Plan
The city's future land use plan shows this tract as being suitable for light industrial I business park
development in the northern portion and industrial development in the southern portion and as a
Primary and Secondary Service Area for extension of city services, meaning it would be eligible for
special assessment financing in the northern portion only. Staff would recommend that the
Comprehensive Plan be amended to place all of this property in the city's Primary Growth Area. Saline
County's future land use plan also shows this tract as being within Salina's Urban Service Area.
In addition to the land use plan, the following development policies are relevant to this annexation
2 Annexation will be required before facilities and services are provided to any site, except for
industrial uses which shall consent to future annexation.
A6 While county zoning classifications will be considered in annexation, the appropriate
classification under the City's zoning regulations must be determined and applied.
A7 The City will assist property owners and developers in Primary Service Areas in taking positive
steps toward annexation under the presumption that annexation is in the best interest to
property owners as well as to Salina as a community. Assistance includes, but is not limited to,
dissemination of city plans and information regarding annexation and making available City staff
resources to assist in the coordination of annexation matters.
Planninq Commission Recommendation
Because this annexation request did not involve a request for a change in zoning or a proposed plat
for development of the property it was not referred to the Planning Commission. This property is zoned
Agricultural today and will remain zoned Agricultural after annexation until such time that there is an
application to plat and develop the property.
City Commission Action
If the City Commission wishes to approve this application petition for voluntary annexation, the attached
annexation ordinance should be placed on the first reading. Second reading would be deferred until
n annexation agreement with the owner is finalized and can be presented to the Commission.
Encl: Application
Vicinity Map
Schilling Road Benefit Area
Drainage Ditch Benefit Area
Ordinance No. 03
James Hall
Hearing Date APRIL 28. 2003
VICinity Map Attached VK
Date File APRIL, 3, 2003
Application No. IA03-3
Filing Fee -0-
Receipt No.
1. Applicant's Name: South Ohio Land L.L.C.
2. Applicant's Address: P.O. Box 1961. Salina. Kansas 67402-1961 Phone: 785-822-5662
3. General Location of Property: South Side of SchillinQ Road. East of the Union Pacific Rail Road Tracks.
Proposed Liberty Addition # 2
4. legal Description of Property (attach additional sheets if necessary)
.....See Attached.......
5. Size of Property to be annexed (sq. ft. and/or acres) : 135.56 Acres.
List reason(s) for annexation (attach additional sheets if necessary). To obtain full municipal utilities and services
7. Present zoning (Saline County): Aoricultural
Use: AQricultural
8. Proposed zoning is annexed: A combination of Commercial and LiQht Industrial
9. Number of persons residing on property to be annexed: One (1)
In submitting this application, I do hereby request the Salina City Planning Commission to consider the above-described
property for inclusion within the corporate limits of Salina, Kansas.
Signature: Roy E. Applequist. Manaoer - South Ohio Land L.L.C.
If the applicant is to be represented by legal counselor an authorized agent, please complete the following in order that correspondence and
communications pertaining to this application may be forwarded to the authorized individual.
_ame of representative: James M. Hall N. Ooerations ManaQer - South Ohio lJInd LLC.
Address: P.O. Box 1961. Salina Kansas 67402-1961
Telephone (Business): 785-822-5662
Legal Description
Proposed Liberty Addition #2,
City of Salina, Ks.
Office: (785) 263-2625 Fax: (785) 263-1580
301 North Broadway, P.O. Box 97
Abilene, Kansas, 67410
Legal Description
A parcel ofland located in the Northeast Quarter of Section 1, Township 15 South, Range 3 West
of the 6th Principal Meridian in Saline County, Kansas, more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the Southeast comer of said Northeast Quarter; thence on an assumed bearing of
N 89057'35" W along the South line of said Northeast Quarter a distance of 50.00 feet to the
POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel to be described;
- thence continuing N 89057'35" W along said South line a distance of2517.53 feet to a point on
the East right-of-way line of the Union Pacific Railroad;
- thence N 00009'46" W along said West right-of-way line a distance of2007.59 feet;
- thence N 90000'00" E a distance of 698.41 feet;
- thence N 00000'00" E a distance of 103.00 feet;
- thence on a curve to the right with a radius of 173.08 feet, a chord length of 192.06 feet, a chord
bearing ofN 33041'54" E, and an arc length of203.60 feet;
- thence on a curve to the left with a radius of233.08 feet, a chord length of258.63 feet, a chord
bearing ofN 33041 '02" E, and an arc length of274.17 feet to a point on the South right-of-way
line of Schilling Road;
- thence N 90000'00" E along said South right-of-way line a distance of 1577.87 feet;
- thence S 03027'41" E along said South right-of-way line a distance of217.91 feet;
- thence S 00024'33" W a distance of 2269.90 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING;
Said parcel contains 135.56 acres, more or less, and is subject to easements, reservations, and
restrictions of record.
Date: 3/28/03
Proj. #: 02-2939
South Ohio Land, LLC (James Hall)
February 10, 2003
Mr. Dean R. Andrew
City of Salina
Director of Planning &
Community Development
300 West Ash
P.o. Box 736
Salina, Kansas 67402-0736
Re: Liberty Addition: Units 1 & 2
Dear Dean:
South Ohio land L.L.C
P.o. Box 1961
Salina, Kansas 67402-1961
Phone: 785-822-5662
Fax: 785-822-5619
Thank you for all of your help with this matter.
Roy E. Applequist
James M. Hall I
Operations Manager
April 1 , 2003
Mr. Dean R. Andrew
City of Salina
Director of Planning &
Community Development
300 West Ash
P.O. Box 736
Salina, Kansas 67402-0736
Re: Liberty Addition #2
Dear Dean:
South Ohio Land L.L.C
P.o. Box 1961
Salina, Kansas 67402-1961
Phone: 785-822-5662
Fax: 785-822-5619
Enclosed you will find our Application for Annexation of Liberty Addition # 2 to the City of Salina
along with the legal description on the second page.
Thank you for all of your help with this matter.
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(published in the Salina Journal on May ,2003)
K.S.A. 12-519 TO 12-526, INCLUSIVE.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas:
Section 1. That the following described tract of land, to-wit:
A parcel of land located in the Northeast Quarter of Section 1, Township 15 South,
Range 3 West ofthe 6th Principal Meridian in Saline County, Kansas, more particularly
described as follows:
Commencing at the Southeast comer of said Northeast Quarter; thence on an assumed
bearing ofN 89057'35" W along the South line of said Northeast Quarter a distance of
50.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel to be described;
thence continuing N 89057'35" W along said South line a distance of2517.53
feet to a point on the East right-of-way line of the Union Pacific Railroad;
thence N 00009'46" W along said West right-of-way line a distance of2007.59
thence N 90000'00" E a distance of698.41 feet;
thence N 00000'00" E a distance of 103.00 feet;
thence on a curve to the right with a radius of 173.08 feet, a chord length of
192.06 feet, a chord bearing ofN 33041 '54" E, and an arc length of203.60 feet;
thence on curve to the left with a radius of233.08 feet, a chord length of258.63
feet, a chord bearing ofN 33041 '02" E, and an arc length of274.17 feet to a
point on the South right-of-way line of Schilling Road;
thence N 90000'00" E along said South right-of-way line a distance of 1577.87
thence S 03027'41" E along said South right-of-way line a distance of217.91
thence S 00024'33" W a distance of2269.90 feet to the POINT OF
Said parcel contains 135.56 acres, more or less, and is subject to easements,
reservations, and restrictions of record.
meeting one or more of the classifications for annexation prescribed by K.S.A. 12-519 to 12-526,
inclusive, is hereby annexed and made a part of the City of Salina, Kansas.
Section 2. That the tract of land described in Section 1 above shall be zoned "A-I"
AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT upon annexation into the city.
Section 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoptiOl.
and publication once in the official city newspaper.
Introduced: April 28, 2003
Passed: May 5,2003
Alan E. Jilka, Mayor
Lieu Ann Nicola, City Clerk