8.2 SANE / SART Funding CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 04/24/2006 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO: 8 AGENDA: ITEM FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION NO. 2 BY: Page 1 BY: Rod Franz ITEM: Consider a request for Special Sales Tax Human Services funding from the SANE/SART (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner/Sexual Assault Response Team) program. BACKGROUND: This request was discussed in detail at a City Commission Study Session on April 10, 2006. The staff report provided at that time is attached. The amount requested is from $30,000 to $35,000 per year, which would provide about one-third of the program funding. Other funding sources for the program include Saline County ($28,000), Health Foundation ($30,000), and other fees and charges ($20,000). At the study session, the City Commission directed staff to present the request for 2006 funding to them for formal consideration. Future funding for this program will be contingent on an annual request, review and authorization by the City Commission FISCAL NOTE: This comes to the City Commission as a request for Special Sales Tax Human Services funding, which is scheduled to sunset in 2010. This is a continuing program, so requests for funding beyond 2010 will need to come from a different source if the sales tax is not extended at that time. RECOMMENDED ACTION: The City Commission has several options available. 1. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with the Salina Regional Health Center to fund the SANE/SART program in the amount of $33,000 for 2006. 2. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with the Salina Regional Health Center to fund the SANE/SART program at a different funding level determined by the City Commission for 2006. 3. Deny funding for the SANE/SART program. Staff recommends alternative #1 . Salina Regional Health Foundation (SANE/SART program) -rhe Salina Regional Health Foundation has requested annual funding on the order of $30,000 to $35,000 per year to support the SANE/SART (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner/Sexual Assault Response Team) Program. The program was initiated in 2003, through the initiative and contributions from a variety of community groups. The program provides nursing staff trained in the processing of sexual assault cases, from the collection of evidence to court testimony, and also provides for specialized equipment required for the effective performance of the forensic tasks required. Services are offered to the surrounding region, however the bulk of the cases originate from Salina/Saline County. In calendar year 2004, the program recorded 95 cases/consults. 590/0 of these originated in Saline County, 71 % were pediatric victims, 91 % were female, and physical injury was sustained in 480/0 of the cases. -rhe assailant was known in 820A, of the cases. Ages of the victims varied from 1 year of age to 50 years of age (although, during the life of the program, the age range is from 4 months to 91 years). In fiscal (ending September 30) year 2004, the program handled 76 cases/consults, incurred $114,089 in expenses, and realized a net of $38,120 in patient revenue. Approximately $6,000 in net patient revenue came from insurance providers, with the balance cOrTling from the County prosecutor's offices in Saline and surrounding Counties. The program also receives a sn1all amount of grant revenue. 2005 numbers will be somewhat higher, based on the data provided for the first 10 months of the year. According to the notes in the file, the original concept behind the request was that the cost of the program, net of insurance re-imbursements and services provided to other Counties in the region, be shared among the City of Salina, Saline County, and the Salina Regional Health Foundation at about $33,000 each. In 2005, Saline County paid about $18,000 in patient fees. Starting in 2006, Saline County has negotiated a lump sum annual payment of $28,000, in place of providing payment on a case by case basis. Based on the information provided, and if the City provides the requested funding, total resources for the program would be approximately as follows: Insurance Reimbursements $ 6,000 Grant Revenues $ 5,000 "Patient Revenue" From Regional Counties $ 15,000 Saline County $ 28,000 City of Salina $ 30,000 Health Foundation $ 30,000 Total Resources $ 114,000 -rhis is clearly a continuing program. There are several options that could be pursued: 1. Fund the program at some level determined by the City Commission out of the special sales tax proceeds from 2006 through 2010, and then consider how to proceed beyond that point; or 2. Fund the program out of Special Sales Tax proceeds for 2006 and directing staff to include the program in the General Fund Agency Contracts item for 2007 and beyond as a continuing obligation; or 3. Not fund the program. A packet of supporting n1aterial is attached. CD o o ~ o N ....... .q- 'm - Cil19 0'0.. en ro c~ a> x E ro ~I- E ~ Ero OC/) U ()~ .~ a; o a. C:C/) ro (5 I- OONOLOOONO OO(J)Of'.OOCDO OO('l")OT"""OONO oa:i~o-r-:oo~ci OOOLO.q-Nf'.O(J)O NOLO N ('l")f'.T""" N o o I 0 I o N o o 101 LO LO N o o 101 0" LO -,- (J) N I 00 a:5 (J) f'. CD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o T""" o N (J) o o N o o o o .q- N o o o o o <D ~ 00 00 00 Ll"ici f'.LO T""" LO ~~ 00 00 00 Ll"i 0- f'.0 T""" LO ~ tR- 000 000 000 ciLl'ici LOf'.LO T"""T""".q- tR- tR- tR- 00 00 00 o LO LOf'. T""" T""" tR- tR- N CD IN .q- (J) f'. .q- LO T""" I LO o 5 c '00 a> C E ro en a> a. C en c.. x ....... a> a. W C-c E ro::s en N a>ea> cen C ~ E::s > ~ .2l -0 a> a> a.oo+:it)C/)c ~ ,.5_ E x :::J rn a. 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'n; > <( Q) o C <a (ij CD r_ Salina Regional Health Foundation BOARD OF TRUSTEES Jane Berkley Mike Berkley Dale Bradley Shirley Braxton Larry Britegam Harold Eagleton Kathleen Elsea Charley Griffin Lynda Hassler Julie Sager Miller Mark Miller Karen Mize Randy Peterson Dr. Rex Romeiser Steve Ryan David Sellers Linda Smith Dick Tilgner John Vanier Dr. Bob Weber Dr. Tom Wilson George Yarnevich July 29, 2005 ,/ ' '.-: ........ . - -- -.---- /Mr. Jason Gage City Manager City of Salina City-County Building P.O. Box 736 Salina, KS 67402-0736 Rita Deister Administrator Saline County City-County Building P.O. Box 5040 Salina, KS 67402-5040 Dear Jason and Rita, This past June 7th, Randy Peterson, CEO, Salina Regional Health Center, Mary Alice Weed, RN, and I meet with Dennis Kissinger, Rita Deister, Police Chief Jim Hill, Sheriff Glen Kochanowski, and other law enforcement representatives, concerning SANE/SART (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner/Sexual Assault Response Team). At the June 7th meeting, Randy and I shared financial information related to the operation of SANE/SART since its inception in April 2003 and stressed the need for additional levels of financial support from both the city and the county. Our understanding from the meeting was that then City Manager Dennis Kissinger was hopeful that support from the city budget could be forthcoming for SANE/SART starting in the current budget year and that Rita Deister intended to visit with the County Commissioners about the possibility of the county providing funding for SANE/SART starting with the 2006 county budget. Since the June 7th meeting, I initiated follow-up telephone calls to both Dennis and Rita in which I stated my understanding of the potential outcomes from our meeting. Dennis assured me that he had briefed the new incoming City Manager Jason Gage and Rita assured me that the County Commissioners were in the process of finalizing the county's budget for 2006 and that funding for SANE/SART would be discussed. At this point, I have not heard anything further related to possible funding for SANE/SART from either the city or the county. Although the hospital's 2005 fiscal year does not end until September 30th, we are projecting a loss for SANE/SART in the 2005 fiscal year of approximately $84,000. In fiscal year 2004, SANE/SART's first full year of operation, it had a net operating loss of $71,270. 139 North Penn · P.o. Box 5080 · Salina, Kansas 67402.5080 · 785/452..()088 · Fax 785/ 452~6358 lmp-roving the health of our regional community. Printp.rl on rp.c:vc:lp.rl o.::loer r_ Salina Regional Health Foundation BoARD OF TRUSTEES Jane Berkley Mike Berkley Dale Bradley Shirley Braxton Larry Britegam Harold Eagleton Kathleen Elsea Charley Griffin Lynda Hassler Julie Sager Miller Mark Miller Karen Mile Randy Peterson Dr. Rex Romeiser Steve Ryan David Sellers Linda Smith Dick Tilgner John Vanier Dr. Bob Weber Dr. Tom Wilson George Yamevich P-2 SANE/SART was established through a collaborative effort involving representatives of the hospital. city. county. law enforcement and other community-wide human service organizations. SANE/SART is an important much needed service for victims of sexual assault. many of whom are under the age of five. I would appreciate hearing in writing as to the status of funding for SANE/SANE from both the city and the county. Your response will provide me an opportunity to share your information with the Salina Regional Health Foundation Board of Trustees. Currently, our board has tabled a grant request for $60,000 on behalf of SANElSART pending further information being obtained from the city and county. concerning funding for SANE/SART. We look forward to building upon our relationship with both the city and the county to continue to provide SANElSART for victims of sexual assault. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. p- Thomas P. Martin Executive Director 139 North Penn · P.O. Box 5080 · Salina, Kansas 67402..5080 · 785/452~088 · Fax 785/452.-6358 Improving the health of our regional community. Printed on recvcled oaoer r_ Salina Regional Health Foundation BOARD OF TRUSTEES Jane Berkley Mike Berkley Dale Bradley Shirley Braxton Larry Britegam Harold Eagleton Kathleen Elsea Charley Griffin Lynda Hassler Julie Sager Miller Mark Miller Karen Mire Randy Peterson Dr. Rex Romeiser Steve Ryan David Sellers Linda Smith Dick Tilgner John Vanier Dr. Bob Weber Dr. Tom WHson January 26, 2006 Mr. Jason Gage City Manager City of Salina City-County Building 300 West Ash P.O. Box 736 Salina, KS 67402-0736 Dear Jason, I thought it might be wise to touch base with you again concerning the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner/Sexual Assault Response Team (SANE/SART) Program. As you may recall, our earlier discussions centered on a funding partnership for SANE/SART that involved Salina Regional Health Center, Saline County and the City of Salina. It is my understanding that effective this past January 1, 2006, the Saline County Commissioners have approved an annual allocation of $28,000 for the SANE/SART Program. Beyond the support from the county, ~ahna Regional Health Center continues to subsidize the SANE/SART Program and its operating deficit. We remain hopeful that the City of Salina will want to be a partner in helping to fund the SANE/SART Program. SANE/SART is fulfilling a very important mission by providing immediate and follow-up medical, advocacy, and criminal justice services to victims of sexual assault, the majority of whom are of a very young age. Please advise if there is any1hing further that 'vve should be doing to help facilitate this request. Thank you again for your consideration. George Yarnevich ~ Thomas P. Martin Executive Director 139 North Penn · P.O. Box 5080 · Salina, Kansas 67402..5080 · 785/452..6088 · Fax 785/452.-6358 Improving the health of our regional community. Print",rl nn rp.~vdArl n~ner r_ Salina Regional Health Foundation BoARD OF TRUSTEES Jane Berkley Mike Berkley Dale Bradley Shirley Braxton Larry Britegam Harold Eagleton Kathleen Elsea Charley Griffin Lynda Hassler Julie Sager Miller Mark Miller Karen Mire Randy Peterson Dr. Rex Romeiser Steve Ryan David Sellers Linda Smith Dick Tilgner John Vanier Dr. Bob Weber Or. Tom Wilson George Yarnevich September 21,2005 Mr. Jason Gage City Manager City of Salina City-County Building 300 West Ash P.O. Box 736 Salina, KS 67402-0736 Dear Jason, Thank you for taking the time to meet with us concerning the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner/Sexual Assault Response Team (SANE/SART) Program. As we all agreed, the SANE/SART Program is fulfilling a very important purpose by providing immediate and follow-up medical, advocacy, and criminal justice services to victims of sexual assault, the majority of whom are of a very young age. In March 2002, the Salina Regional Health Foundation, through its Community Health Investment Program (CHIP) awarded a $60,868 cha,lIenge grant to help establish a SANE/SART Program in our community. Through the efforts of a community coalition that included representatives from city/county government and law enforcement, and other charitable human service organizations including, Salina Area United Way, Social Rehabilitative Services (SRS), Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas (DVACK), and Chiid Abuse Prevention Services (CAPS), matching funds to the CHIP challenge grant were raised and the SANE/SART Program was initiated in April 2003. As the attached SANE/SART Program financial analysis will verify, the program has operated at a loss since its inception. Given the important purpose of the SANElSART Program and its origin through the community coalition, we are hopeful that city/county government will assist Salina Regional Health Center in financially supporting the SANE/SART Program. Toward that end, the Saline County Commissioners have approved an annual a,lIocation of $28,000 for the SANE/SART Program, starting in 2006. 139 North Penn · P.O. Box 5080 · Salina, Kansas 67402-5080 · 785/452~088 · Fax 785/452--6358 Imp-roving the health of our regional communit). Prinlprl nn fPr.Vr.1Arl mmAf r_ Salina Regional Health Foundation BoARD OF TRUSTEES Jane Berkley Mike Berkley Dale Bradley Shirley Braxton Larry Bdtegam Harold Eagleton Kathleen Elsea Charley Griffin Lynda Hassler Julie Sager Miller Mark Miller Karen Mize Randy Peterson Dr. Rex Romeiser Sleve Ryan David Sellers Linda Smith Dick Tilgner John Vanier Dr. Bob Weber Dr. Tom Wilson George Yamevich P-2 In addition to providing caring and compassionate care for victims of sexual assault, a case can also be made that through the SANE/SART Program, justice is more effectively served and that law enforcement resources are more efficiently and economically utilized. We would respectfully request that the City's governing body consider an annual funding commitment in the range of $30,000 to $35,000 for the SANE/SART Program, starting in 2006. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require any further information. Sincerely, ~ f2~f). - PresidenUCEO Salina Regional Health Center Thomas P. rnJ1ll~ Executive Director Salina Regional Health Foundation Enclosure 139 North Penn · P.O. Box 5080 · Salina, Kansas 67402-5080 · 785/452--6088 · Fax 785/452~6358 Improving the health of our regional communi!)'. Printed on recycled paper ... ~ C Q)f/J1t) 0.- 0 f/Jo ;; ~N _ ta - COCO Q)<(M :I: ... c;~~ c<(E .2 00 Q) C') W c.. Q) z Q) O::<(U) .~ U) ~ - :J CO 0 U) ... ;; ~ c o f/J E .; (3 ~ .; !?;. J- 0:: <(It) 000 w>- zu. <( 00 J- 0:: <(v 000 w>- zu. <( 00 M o o N ~ J-...; O::Q. <((bM U)U)O LU::::>- ~ c.u. U)<( 'i: Q. <( ?f!. f'- co \0 0-- N o co co u) f'-- N <q" 1.O ::::.e o .......0....... M 0 ("') <Of'-(",) .......-"l;f"-<<:i <q" "l;f" ";ft M co ....... co <0 \0 <0 N 0'> a:5 <<J- <0 ....... <<J 0 ....... ~tVtV C :J :J ~ ~ ~ ~~~ .......n::n:: ~c2 'Z co 0 ~i5J- ~ ; N N m o 1.O u) ef!- M ~ co ....... ....... \0 ri ef!- ....... f'- cri co N <0_ tV () c co ~ .Q <( co :J -0 ~ C o U <0 ....... 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C OJ 0 'C .~ 5 co t:: 0 :J (ijoE~~"O en u.- fJ) ....... OJ oOJ-DEg~ Z'~ :2 E ~ E .- ro co en tV fJ) U en a. e ~ '':: ~m5~~~ "O"O.......n::oc ~.2VJ<(:;:;O ggcoen~~ ~~~w~~ (.r;OOOZC~ ell> >- )- >- <( 0 co ~~ u... u... u... en U a.. L_" . .. .. .. .. c.o >00 4)0 eN .Ri 0 0:::: ....J ~ Gage, Jason From: Sent: To: Subject: Hill, Chief Jim Thursday, July 21 t 2005 2:59 PM Gage, Jason SAN E1SART Jason: SANE/SART is an acronym used to describe: A Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) is a Registered Nurse who 1) is specially trained to provide comprehensive care to sexual assault victims, 2) demonstrates competency in conducting forensic examinations, and 3) possesses the expertise for effective courtroom testimony. The Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) is a community-based coordinated response to child and adult victims of sexual assault. The team is comprised of SANE's, sexual assault victim advocates, law enforcement, prosecutors, and any other professionals with a vested interest in assisting victims of sexual assault. JH 1 lait~ 95 !~llt157 SANE/SART Monthl IAnnual Statistics 2 7 19 1 1 2 7 5 2 37 3 1 4 3 8 3 31 3 0 6 7 6 3 14 3 0 6 9 2 0 20 na 2 0 1 2 6 4 17 6 3 0 6 2 (1 rechk) 7 3 2 9 1/2 4 0 0 2 3 (I rechk) 4 6 3 17 5 4 1 5 1 6 62 33 46 17 78 67 28 86 9 56 18 9 28 29 41 not 50 collect- ed 16 51 40 22 6 21 8 Acute: % Long Term: 0/0 Oldest: 91 years Youngest: year Average age acute exam: years (examined <72 hours of assault) Average age long term: years (examined> 72 hours of assault) Pediatric: % Adult: % Female: % Male: % Injury: % Consultations: Known assailant: 0/0 Most common ages seen in order were: Increase % from the year 2004 Percentage of SANE/SART patients per county served include: Saline: % Geary: % Dickinson: % Shawnee: 0/0 Ottawa: % Ellis: % Mitchell: % fl t;k.J- Cloud: % . q Rush: % SANE/SART Monthl IAnnual Statistics 8 6 2 8 19 14 3 5 8 3 0 8 8 3 5 6 11 9 7 1 8 2 4 6 8 5 3 4 23 7 6 2 7 4 2 6 2 1 1 0 34 4 1 1 2 2 0 2 9 5 4 5 13 11 7 2 8 1 5 1 7 9 6 3 1 15 4 8 1 6 3 4 0 6 10 6 2 7 21 9 8 2 10 4 2 7 9 5 4 7 19 8 6 3 9 1 3 0 10 8 5 2 3 20 10 5 3 7 1 5 3 8 5 4 1 2 16 16 3 2 4 1 2 1 4 7 4 3 4 12 None 5 2 7 4 3 3 . 12 9 3 9 17 10 8 4 11 1 11 1 11 95 59 33 56 18 9 67 28 86 9 46 17 78 28 29 40 22 avg. 8 avg. 41 16 51 6 21 50 Acute: 65% Long Term: 35% Oldest: 50 years Youngest: 1 year Average age acute exam: 18 years (examined <72 hours of assault) Average age long term: 9 years (examined >72 hours of assault) Pediatric: 71 % Adult:29 % Female: 91% Male: 9% Injury: 48% Consultations: 17 Known assailant: 82% Most common ages seen in order were: 15 years, 3 & 13 years, 6 yrs, & 4 yrs Increase 40% from the year 2003 Percentage of S ANE/S ART patients per county served include: Saline: 59% Osborn: 1 % Dickinson: 17 % Ft. Meyers, FL: 1 % Ottawa: 5% Butte, Calif: 1 % Lincoln: 3 % Ellis: 1 % Mitchell: 2% Geary: 1 % Cloud: 2% Washington: 1 % McPherson: 1 % Barton: 1 % Harvey: 1 % Marion: 1 % Apr II May 4 June 7 July 7 Aug 8 Sept 5 Oet 7 Nov 5 Dee 3 TotaV 57 Avg. age SANE/SART Monthly / Annual Statistics 7 3 8 15 7 8 8 3 4 II 2003 Towl . j eWe l.ollg SA co. ,\led., 1ge ,\led., . Ped ,Idul! Fell/. \lule Juju ry J:~rJ!' A"(ll~'" Terlll l1cute .t,!:efl (.\(1111 t\\l1/l. 2 3{ one seen 2 for acute/ LT exam) 2 6 8 3 14 3 8.5 5 8.5 4 5 7 4.5 4 9 7 16 2 5 8Y2 41 avg.age 3 3 4 5 22 2 7 4 5 5 2 4 20 3 6 3 6 2 6 6 16.5 8 2 6 4 4 32 5 5 2 5 2 9 7 7 2 3 5 35 3 5 2 4 2 3 55 2 2 2 28 29 40 22 avg. age 6 21 50 16 51 Acute: 49% Long Term: 51 % Saline Co.: 70% Oldest: 51 years, (consulted on an 88 year old) Youngest: 16 months, (consulted on a 4 month old) Average age acute exam: 22 years (examined <72 hours of assault) Average age long term: 8 ~ years (examined >72 hours of assault) Pediatric: 72% Adult: 28% Female: 89% Male: 11 % Injury: 37% Known assailant: 88% The SANE/SART Unit opened February 28, 2003 and treated our first patients in April 2003. January 2004 through March 31, 2004, we have treated/consulted on #23 additional cases. A year before SANE/SART: March 1, 2002 to March 31, 2003, the Emergency Department treated #36 sexual assault survivors. A year of SANE IS ART: April 1, 2003 to March 31,2004, the SANE/SART Unit treated/consulted #80 sexual assault survivors, a 55% increase over the previous year. National averages: 1 in 3 women are sexually assaulted and only 1 in 10 will report. 1in 15 men are sexually assaulted and only 1 in 30 will report. 1 in 4 girls and 1 in. 6 boys will be sexually assaulted before the age of 18 and only 15% will disclose. Perpetrators usually begin at age 8-10 and will assault an average of350x in their lifetime. Percentage of SANE/SART patients per county served include: Saline: 72% Dickinson: 11 % Cloud: 5% McPherson: 4% Lincoln: 2% Republic: 2% Ottawa: 1 % Ellsworth: 1 % Wooster, OR: 1 % ifDlen ZnnDt,ent,e SANE/SART 2004 Age Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dee Tot 1 x X x 3 2 xx x 3 3 x x x xx x 6 4 x x x x 4 5 xx x x x 5 6 x x x x x 5 7 x X 2 8 x X 2 9 x x x 3 10 X 1 11 X X 2 12 0 13 xx x xxx xxx 9 14 x x x x 4 15 x x x xx xx x x X 10 16 x x x xx x 6 17 xx 2 18 x 1 How many were under the age of 8 years?: #30 How many were under the age of 16 years?: #59 How many of our clients were kids?: #67, which is 7196 How many were unable to name their attacker(s)?: #7 We had one confirmed gang rape of a child. /' SA II N A ~OWHTOWH . .~... c:: :-/=: D ,- -~ l: r~ 2 J' -"".- _~" BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1/20/2006 I "-"':, ,.' : :; ~- ;~.~.' ! S 0 r: F: / C E David Moody Salina Regional Health Ctr. SDI President Tony Dong Martinelli's Uttle Italy SD I Vice President Jason Gage City Manager P. O. Box 736 Salina, KS 6'7402-0736 Sherril Bieberly Quilting Bee SDI Secretary Dear Jason: Kent Buer First Bank Kansas SDI Treasurer The SOl Board of Directors at its November, 2005 meeting agreed to earmark $5,000 in SDI reserves to apply toward a possible City-funded parking study of the downtown core area. Andy Anderson Anderson's Leather We believe the study, as recommended in the PLIMA plan, is necessary to bring' an objective evaluation to the table along with innovative concepts for parking management downtown* Lou Appleby Appleby & Marsh Architects Todd Davidson Hampton & Royce ayle Martin Executive Director Murray Gorman Capers Cafe and Bakery jerry Hinrikus Sign Pro Enclosure Ken Jennison Salina Media Group GRM/eaf Clark Renfro UMB Bank Ken Wasserman Norton, Wa..c;serman, lones & Kelly Alan Weber Blue Cross-Blue Shield of KS Gayle Martin Executive Director 114-A 5ou~h 7~h · PO Box 1065 · 5alina, K5 67402-1065 · 785/825.0535 · Fax 785/825.7216 · www.la'inadown~own.com