Flood Boundary StudyGENERAL CONDITIONS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ("Agreement") This Agreement between City of Salina, 300 West Ash, Salina, Kansas 67402-0736, (785) 309-5725 , ("Client") and URS Corporation ("URS"), a Nevada corporation; 8300 College Blvd, Overland Park, KS 66210. (913) 344-1000 is effective as of AMrun ?,-I. The parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I - Services. URS agrees to perform for Client the professional services ("Services") described in URS Statement of Work dated February 28, 2006 ("SOW"), attached and incorporated herein. Because of the uncertainties inherent in the Services contemplated, time schedules are only estimated schedules and are subject to revision unless otherwise specifically described in the SOW. As full consideration for the performance of Services, Client shall pay to URS the compensation provided for in the SOW. ARTICLE 11 - Payment. Unless otherwise stated in an Work Order, payment shall be in accordance with the Payment Schedule attached and incorporated herein. Client shall pay undisputed portions of each invoice within thirty (30) days of the date of the invoice. If payment is not maintained on a thirty (30) day current basis, URS may suspend further performance until payments are current. Client shall notify URS of any disputed amount within fifteen (15) days from date of the invoice, give reasons for the objection, and promptly pay the undisputed amount. Client shall pay an additional charge of one and one-half percent (11/2%) per month or the maximum percentage allowed by law, whichever is the lesser, for any past due amount. In the event of a legal action for invoice amounts not paid, attorneys' fees, court costs, and other related expenses shall be paid to the prevailing party. ARTICLE III - Professional Responsibility. URS is obligated to comply with applicable standards of professional care in the performance of the Services. Client recognizes that opinions relating to environmental, geologic, and geotechnical conditions are based on limited data and that actual conditions may vary from those encountered at the times and locations where the data are obtained, despite the use of due professional care. URS is not responsible for designing or advising on or otherwise taking measures to prevent or mitigate the effect of any act of terrorism or any action that may be taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to an act of terrorism. ARTICLE IV - Responsibility for Others. URS shall be responsible to Client for URS Services and the services of URS subcontractors. URS shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of other parties engaged by Client nor for their construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or their health and safety precautions and programs. ARTICLE V - Risk Allocation. The liability of URS, its employees, agents and subcontractors (referred to collectively in this Article as "URS"), for Client's claims of loss, injury, death, damage, or expense, including, without limitation, Client's claims of contribution and indemnification, express or implied, with respect to third parry claims relating to services rendered or obligations imposed under this Agreement, including all Work Orders, shall not exceed in the aggregate: (1) The total sum of $100,000 for claims arising out of professional negligence, including errors, omissions, or other professional acts, and including unintentional breach of contract; or (2) The total sum of $1,000,000 for claims arising out of negligence, breach of contract, or other causes for which URS has any legal liability, other than as limited by (1) above. ARTICLE VI - Consequential Damages. Neither Party shall be liable to the other for consequential damages, including, without limitation, loss of use or loss of profits, incurred by one another or their subsidiaries or successors, regardless of whether such damages are caused by breach of contract, willful misconduct, negligent act or omission, or other wrongful act of either of them. Salina—PSA-2 (Rev. 1).DOC 28 -Feb -06 1 - ARTICLE VII - Client Responsibility. Client shall: (1) provide URS, in writing, all information relating to Client's requirements for the project; (2) correctly identify to URS, the location of subsurface structures, such as pipes, tanks, cables and utilities; (3) notify URS of any potential hazardous substances or other health and safety hazard or condition known to Client existing on or near the project site; (4) give URS prompt written notice of any suspected deficiency in the Services; and (5) with reasonable promptness, provide required approvals and decisions. In the event that URS is requested by Client or is required by subpoena to produce documents or give testimony in any action or proceeding to which Client is a party and URS is not a party, Client shall pay URS for any time and expenses required in connection therewith, including reasonable attorney's fees. ARTICLE VIII - Force Majeure. An event of "Force Majeure" occurs when an event beyond the control of the Party claiming Force Majeure prevents such Party from fulfilling its obligations. An event of Force Majeure includes, without limitation, acts of God (including floods, hurricanes and other adverse weather), war, riot, civil disorder, acts of terrorism, disease, epidemic, strikes and labor disputes, actions or inactions of government or other authorities, law enforcement actions, curfews, closure of transportation systems or other unusual travel difficulties, or inability to provide a safe working environment for employees. In the event of Force Majeure, the obligations of URS to perform the Services shall be suspended for the duration of the event of Force Majeure. In such event, URS shall be equitably compensated for time expended and expenses incurred during the event of Force Majeure and the schedule shall be extended by a like number of days as the event of Force Majeure. If Services are suspended for thirty (30) days or more, URS may, in its sole discretion, upon 5 days prior written notice, terminate this Agreement or the affected Work Order, or both. In the case of such termination, in addition to the compensation and time extension set forth above, URS shall be compensated for all reasonable termination expenses. ARTICLE IX - No Third Party Rights. This Agreement shall not create any rights or benefits to parties other than Client and URS. No third party shall have the right to rely on URS opinions rendered in connection with the Services without URS written consent and the third party's agreement to be bound to the same conditions and limitations as Client. THE PARTIES ACKNOWLEDGE that there has been an opportunity to negotiate the terms and conditions of this Agreement and agree to be bound accordingly. CLIENT Signature��✓ Typed AVCYtle -3 12-1 Ip Lo Date of Signature Salina—PSA-2 (Rev. 1).DOC 28 -Feb -06 2 - U% RS-6/" ;3-2a -ak Date of Signature 16'e5 - Date 6'e5 - PAYMENT SCHEDULE Upon completion of the work required as detailed in the Statement of Work, including the delivery of all work products under the Statement of Work, URS shall be paid a total firm fixed sum not to exceed $20,000, which amount shall constitute full payment for these services. All work products will be submitted along with a request for final payment. Upon submission by URS of each work product described below with an accompanying invoice, payments will be made according to the following schedule: Task 8 — Hydraulic Task 10 — Floodplain Analyses Mapping (Detailed Riverine Analyses) $10,000 $10,000 L:\KANSAS\16530067_SALINE\1_ProjMgmt\1_03_Contracts\Salina_PSA-2_Payment Schedule.doc February 28, 2006 STATEMENT OF WORK Saline County Flood Study City of Salina Flood Data Analysis 1. Purpose FINAL URS Corporation (URS) will prepare a Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) and Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for Saline County, which will include the City of Salina, in accordance with the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA's) Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners (hereafter referred to as the "G&S"). The purpose of this scope of work is to update identified flood hazards within the City of Salina for inclusion into the countywide DFIRM and FIS. Specifically, URS will perform hydrologic and hydraulic analyses using detailed study methods for the Old Smoky Hill River Channel, The Slough, and the shallow flooding areas north and east of the Magnolia Road Ditch. The needs to update the FIRMS are because completed projects have altered contributing drainage area and channel shape, and the watershed has further developed since the early 1980s. In addition, newer computer programs have made it possible to account for backwater affects, flap gates and pump stations, and multiple flow splits, which all can affect the way water moves throughout the watershed. 2. Performance Period March 13, 2006 through February 12, 2007 3. Background URS was tasked by Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA) to prepare a DFIRM and FIS report for Saline County in a countywide format. As part of this DFIRM and FIS, the Old Smoky Hill River Channel ponding area, The Slough ponding area, and Tributary to East Dry Creek are to be studied using detailed study methods. The Tributary to East Dry Creek is east of the Old Smoky Hill River and is not a flooding source within the southern portion of Salina. The Tributary to East Dry Creek will be studied as part of the countywide DFIRM and FIS agreement with KDA, therefore it is not considered part of this scope of work. The contributing flooding sources within the southern portion of Salina are The Old Smoky Hill River Channel, The Slough, Magnolia Road Ditch, Dry Creek, and sheet flow to low-lying ponding areas. Bucher, Willis & Ratliff has previously studied these areas for the effective FIS dated February 5, 1986. The storage volume for the Old Smoky Hill River Channel was calculated assuming the streams outside the levee system were up (no gravity flow outlets open), no pumping, and a volume of runoff equal to the drainage area times the inches of direct Page 1 of 10 L:\KANSAS\16530067_SALINE\I_ProjMgmt\1_05_ScopeOfWork\South Salina Detailed Study SOW_Final.doc February 28, 2006 FINAL runoff. The peak discharges for The Slough and Magnolia Road Ditch were calculated using the TR -20 computer program, and the water surface profiles were developed using the HEC -2 step -backwater computer program. Cross-section data were obtained from 2 -foot contour interval mapping and field surveys. Improvements have been made to reduce the amount of flooding from these sources. The Magnolia Road Ditch has undergone channel improvements, re -grading of the drainage area to shed water into an old sand pit, and the installation of a flap gate at the Highway 135 culvert to prevent flood flow from Dry Creek from entering the ditch. A Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) was issued by FEMA. A new 72 -inch storm water pipe was installed at 91h Street and Claflin Street to drain water to The Slough. A holding basin was constructed just south of Claflin Street to detain flood waters from The Slough before entering a 90 -inch storm water pipe that discharges to the Old Smoky Hill River channel. A storm water detention basin was constructed as part of a shopping mall and residential development just north of Magnolia Road. This development was elevated above the Base (100 -Year) Flood Elevation (BFE). 4. Study Area The study area for the Old Smoky 14ill River Channel, The Slough, Magnolia Road Ditch, and shallow flooding areas is shown in Figure 1. The limits of detailed study extend north to the Union Pacific Railroad, east to the Smoky Hill River Levee, west to the Missouri Pacific Railroad and Interstate 135 (near Magnolia Road), and south to Schilling Road. URS shall evaluate the 10%, 2%, 1%, and 0.2% annual chance storm events. Flood boundaries for the 1% and 0.2% annual chance flood events will be delineated. No floodway will be determined. 5. Contract Tasks Task 1 — Define Scope of Work and Cost Estimate URS shall coordinate with KDA, the City of Salina, and Saline County representatives to prepare the Scope of Work and cost estimate. This task has already been completed and charged to KDA as part of the countywide study. Task 2 - Coordination and Site Visit URS shall coordinate data collection and the initial site visit with KDA, the City of Salina, and Saline County representative(s). An initial coordination meeting with the local officials is required. A record log of this meeting and any other coordination activities must be kept. URS shall collect necessary data to perform the hydrologic and hydraulic analyses. These data include: Page 2 of 10 L:\KANSAS\16530067_SALINE\1_ProjMgmt\1_05_ScopeOtWork\South Salina Detailed Study SOW_Final.doc February 28, 2006 FINAL • Historical flood information, including high water marks and rainfall hyetographs, for model calibration; • Previous hydrologic and hydraulic information including the preliminary revised Flood Insurance Study for Saline County, Kansas and the City of Salina; • Letters of Map Change (LOMCs) • Land use/zoning • Soils (e.g. SSURGO) • Subbasin boundaries from previous studies • Rainfall depths and distribution for design storms (SCS 24 -hr Type 11) • Ditch and pipe geometries o Depths and widths, or diameters o Invert elevations o Material/vegetation • Flood control structures o Operation and Maintenance manuals o Performance envelopes o Flap gates o Pump stations • Detention facilities o Stage/storage or stage/area data from as-built/design drawings or survey • Correspondence from FEMA outlining assumptions made, especially with respect to flood control structures, when issuing LOMRs URS assumes the following information is available and can be provided by the City of Salina: • Topographic Data on 100 -foot grid spacing 4 2 -foot contours, or equivalent as mass points and breaklines (expected availability April 2006) • LOMR model and report on Magnolia Road Ditch — TR -20 • Storm Pipe report to The Slough — Bucher,Willis & Ratliff • Mall Pond study — Wilson & Company • Storm sewer system in GIS format (pipes, inlets, outlets, manholes, etc.). Includes the pipe flow direction, size, and material. It is assumed that invert and manhole elevations are not available. • Design drawings or As-Builts of culverts, bridges, and ponds that cross the flooding sources • Measured flood stages and their associated hyetographs or rainfall depths • Location of buildings of significant footprint (at least 10,000 sq.ft.) within the study area that are dry-floodproofed if any exist. • O&M manuals for flood control structures The O&M manual should include timing considerations for operating levee closures: • Automatic vs. manual operations Page 3 of 10 L:\KANSAS\16530067_SALINE\1_ProjMgmt\1_05_ScopeOfWork\South Salina Detailed Study SOW_Final.doc February 28, 2006 FINAL • Remote vs. local operations • Number of crews available to operate manual or local closures • Priority for closing structures • Criteria for closing/operating structures • Travel time between structures requiring manual operation • Redundancy of power for operating automatic closures • Inspection frequency of closures during operation Deliverables: URS shall make the following products available to KDA, the City of Salina, and Saline County by digital media. • A record log of the initial coordination meeting and any other coordination activities; and • A report summarizing the findings of the data collection. Task 3 — Field Survey and Reconnaissance To supplement any, field reconnaissance conducted during Task 1 of this project, URS shall conduct a detailed field reconnaissance of the specific study area to determine conditions along the floodplain(s), types and numbers, of hydraulic and/or flood - control structures, apparent maintenance and condition of existing hydraulic structures, locations of cross sections to be surveyed, and other parameters needed for the hydrologic and hydraulic analyses. In addition to the initial field reconnaissance, URS shall conduct field surveys, including obtaining channel and floodplain cross sections, identifying or establishing temporary bench marks, and obtaining the physical dimensions of hydraulic and flood -control structures. URS also shall coordinate with other Mapping Partners that are collecting topographic data under Task 4. All surveys will use the NAVD 1988 vertical datum. Standards: All work under Task 3 shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of attached Mapping Activity Statement (MAS) #14 between KDA and FEMA (hereafter referred to as the "MAS"). Deliverables: In accordance with the TSDN format described in Appendix M of the G&S, URS shall make the following products available to KDA, the City of Salina, and Saline County by digital media. • A report summarizing the findings of the field reconnaissance; • Maps and drawings that provide the detailed survey results; • Survey notebook containing cross sections and structural data; and • FEMA Format Survey Database or Intermediate Data Delivery consistent with the FEMA Data Capture Standards (Appendix N of the G&S). Page 4 of 10 L:\KANSAS\16530067_SALINE\l_ProjMgmt\1_05_ScopeOfWork\South Salina Detailed Study SOW_Final,doc February 28, 2006 Task 4 — Topographic Data Development FINAL To supplement the field surveys conducted under Task 3, URS shall obtain additional topographic data of the overbank areas of the flooding sources studied to delineate floodplain boundaries. URS will not collect any new aerial topographic data. URS assumes the City of Salina will provide topographic data as mass points and breaklines, or 2 -foot elevation contours that meet the horizontal and vertical accuracy for topographic data based on the current FEMA requirements as documented in the G&S. The topographic data provided shall be considered `Best Available Data,' and URS is not expected to provide certification of existing data obtained from other sources. In addition, URS shall provide recommendations to the City of Salina to resolve any comments arising from Task 5, Quality Assurance Review of Topographic Data. Standards: All work under Task 4 shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of the MAS. Deliverable: In accordance with the TSDN format described in Appendix M of the G&S, URS shall make the following products available to KDA, the City of Salina, and Saline County by digital media. • Documentation summarizing methodology, results, and accuracy of the topographic data, if available from the City of Salina; • Mass points and breaklines data if available from original source; • Digital file with elevation data (2 -foot elevation contours); • Metadata compliant with Federal Geographic Data Committee standards; and • FEMA Format Terrain Database or Intermediate Data Delivery consistent with the FEMA Data Capture Standards (Appendix N of the G&S). Task 5 — Quality Assurance Review of Topographic Data According to the MAS between KDA and FEMA, one of FEMA's Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contractors, Fuller, Mossbarger, Scott and May (FMSM), shall perform an independent Quality Assurance (QA) review of the mapping data collected by URS under Task 4 to ensure that these data are consistent with FEMA standards and standard engineering practice and are sufficient to prepare the DFIRM. URS shall provide recommendations to the City of Salina to resolve any comments arising from the QA review. Task 6 — Hydrologic Anal The streams identified in the Study Area section above will be studied by detailed methods. URS shall calculate runoff hydrographs for the 10%, 2%, 1 %, and 0.2% annual chance storm events using the PCSWMM computer program, which is a data pre- and post -processor for the Environmental Protection Agency's Storm Water Page 5 of 10 L:\KANSAS\16530067_SALINE\1_ProjMgmt\1_05_ScopeOfWork\South Salina Detailed Study SOW_Final.doc February 28, 2006 FINAL Management Model (hereafter referred to as "EPA SWMM"). EPA SWMM version 4.31 will be used for all numeric modeling computations. These flood discharges will be the basis for subsequent hydraulic analyses under Task 8. In addition, URS shall address all review comments regarding Task 6 that are identified by FMSM during the QA review under Task 7. Standards: All work under Task 6 shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of the MAS. Deliverables: In accordance with the TSDN format described in Appendix M of the G&S, URS shall make the following products available to KDA, the City of Salina, and Saline County by digital media. • Digital copies of all hydrologic modeling (input and output) files for the 10-, 2-, 1-, and 0.2 -percent -annual -chance storm events; • Digital versions of all backup data used in the analysis, including work maps and basin delineation; • For GIS -based modeling, deliverables shall include all input and output data, intermediate data processing products, and GIS data layers; • FEMA Format Hydrology Database or Intermediate Data Delivery consistent with the FEMA Data Capture Standards (Appendix N of the G&S); and • Brief summary report documenting the study area, methodologies, assumptions, and any other pertinent information related to the engineering analysis performed. Task 7 — Quality Assurance of Hydrologic Analyses For the streams identified in the Study Area section above, FMSM shall review the technical, scientific, and other information submitted by URS under Task 6 to ensure that the data and modeling are consistent with FEMA standards and standard engineering practice and are sufficient to prepare the DFIRM. This tasked is performed as part of the MAS between KDA and FEMA. URS will address any review comments from this task before submitting the final Hydrologic Analyses deliverable to KDA, the City of Salina, and Saline County. Task 8 —Hydraulic Analyses URS will perform detailed hydraulic analyses for the flooding sources listed in the Study Area section above. The modeling will include the 10%, 2%, 1% and 0.2% annual chance storm events based on dynamic routing of runoff hydrographs computed under Task 6. The hydraulic methods used for this analysis will utilize the EPA SWMM 4.31 computer program for all calculations. URS shall use the cross- section and field data collected under Task 3 to perform the hydraulic analyses. The hydraulic analyses will be used to establish flood elevations for the subject flooding sources. Floodways will not be calculated for the flooding sources. Page 6 of 10 L:\KANSAS\16530067_SALINE\1_ProjMgmt\1_05_ScopeOfWork\South Salina Detailed Study SOW_Final.doc February 28, 2006 FINAL A `Simplified SWMM Model' approach will be used for these hydraulic analyses. This approach does not seek to model the entire storm pipe network, but rather account for its effects in storage nodes or hydrologic storage. Model nodes, or "manholes," are included at all branch junctions, at key locations (detention facilities, ponding areas, etc.), and at system inflows (hydrologic loading points) and outflows (e.g., pump stations at levees). For storm water analyses, especially more extreme rainfall events, the storage in smaller pipes will be insignificant compared to the total runoff volume. Buildings will be accounted for when determining flow resistance on the floodplain but will be ignored when determing floodplain storage, unless they have a substantial footprint and are dry-floodproofed. Assumptions for this approach include the following items. • Starting level of Old Smoky Hill River channel is "normal pool/normal outflow" stage; • Storm water pipes are accounted for either in storage nodes or in hydrologic storage; and • Pipes penetrating levees are flap -gated. URS will coordinate technical recommendations for simulating hydraulic structures with the City of Salina and FMSM. In addition, URS shall address all review comments regardiing'Task 8 that are identified by FMSM during the QA review under Task 9. Standards: All work under Task 8 shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of the MAS. Deliverables: In accordance with the TSDN format described in Appendix M of the G&S, URS shall make the following products available to KDA, the City of Salina, and Saline County by digital media. • Digital versions of the Summary of Discharges Table presenting discharge data for the flooding sources for which hydrologic analyses were performed; • Digital profiles of the 10-, 2-, 1- and 0.2 -percent -annual -chance water -surface elevations representing existing conditions using the FEMA RASPLOT program or similar software; • Digital work map showing the 1- and 0.2 -percent -annual -chance floodplain boundary delineations, cross sections, and BFEs with the base map used from Task 12 of the MAS; • Digital versions of all hydraulic modeling (input and output) files; • Digital versions of a table showing ranges of Manning's "n" values; • Digital versions of all backup data used in the analyses; • For GIS -based modeling, deliverables include all input and output data, intermediate data processing products, GIS data layers, and final products in the format of the DFIRM database structure; • FEMA Format Hydraulic Database or Intermediate Data Delivery consistent with the FEMA Data Capture Standards (Appendix N of the G&S); and Page 7 of 10 L:\KANSAS\16530067_SALINE\1_ProjMgmt\1_05_ScopeOtWork\South Salina Detailed Study SOW_Final.doc February 28, 2006 FINAL Brief summary report documenting the study area, methodologies, assumptions, and any other pertinent information related to the engineering analysis performed. Task 9 — Ouality Assurance of Hydraulic Analyses For the streams identified in the Study Area section above, FMSM shall review the technical, scientific, and other information submitted by URS under Task 8 to ensure that the data and modeling are consistent with FEMA standards and standard engineering practice and are sufficient to prepare the DFIRM. This task is performed as part of the MAS between KDA and FEMA. URS will address any review comments from this task before submitting the final Hydraulic Analyses deliverable to KDA, the City of Salina, and Saline County. Task 10 — Floodplain Mapping (Detailed Riverine Analyses) URS shall delineate the 1- and 0.2 -percent -annual -chance floodplain boundaries for the flooding sources for which detailed ahalyses were performed. URS shall incorporate all new or revised modeling and shall use the topographic data acquired under Task 4 to delineate the floodplain boundaries on a digital work map. In addition, URS shall incorporate the results of all effective (at the time of funds award) LOWS within the revised areas as appropriate. Only those LOWS visible at the published map scale shall be included. Also, URS shall address all review comments regarding Task 10 that are identified by FMSM during the QA review under Task 11. Standards: All work under Task 10 shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of the MAS. Deliverables: In accordance with the TSDN format described in Appendix M of the G&S, URS shall make the following products available to KDA, the City of Salina, and Saline County by digital media. • Digital work map showing the 1- and 0.2 -percent -annual -chance floodplain boundary delineations, cross sections, BFEs, flood insurance zone labels, and all applicable base map features; • DFIRM mapping files, prepared in accordance with the requirements in the G&S; • A summary report that describes and provides the results of all automated or manual Quality Control review steps taken during the preparation of the DFIRM; • Any backup or supplemental information used in the mapping required for the QA review outlined under Task 11; Page 8 of 10 L:\KANSAS\16530067_SALINE\1_ProjMgmt\1_05_ScopeOfWork\South Salina Detailed Study SOW_Final.doc February 28, 2006 FINAL An explanation for the use of existing topography for the studied reaches, if appropriate; and Intermediate Format Mapping Database or Intermediate Data Delivery consistent with the FEMA Data Capture Standards (Appendix N of the G&S). Task 11 — Quality Assurance Review of Floodplain Mapping (Revised -Areas) For the streams identified in the Study Area section above, FMSM shall review the floodplain mapping submitted by URS under Activity 10 to ensure that the results of the analyses performed are accurately represented, and that the work maps are consistent with current FEMA standards. This tasked is performed as part of the MAS between KDA and FEMA. URS will address any review comments from this task before submitting the final Floodplain Mapping deliverable to KDA, the City of Salina, and Saline County. 6. Schedule URS will deliver preliminary results of each task for review as they are completed. Table 1 shows the delivery dates for each task. Historically, FEMA's contractor review has taken 30 days with an additional 15 days for comment resolution. Final deliverables will be submitted within one month of receipt of the City's and FEMA's IDIQ contractor comments on the preliminary results. Table 1 Schedule Notes: 1 = Assumes Notice to Proceed date of March 13, 2006. 2 = Task 1 has already been performed and charged to KDA as part of the countywide study. 3 = Assumes 30 days for FMSM review, 15 days for comment resolution, and 15 days to finalize and submit. The Final deliverables will then be merged into the Saline County DFIRM Production study as part of URS' agreement with KDA. This schedule does not include allowances for delays that are beyond the control of URS, such as inclement weather Page 9 of 10 L:\KANSAS\16530067_SALINE\1_ProjMgmt\1_05_ScopeOtWork\South Salina Detailed Study SOW_Final.doc Preliminary Final Duration Task Task Submittal Completion from NTP No. Description Date' Date' (days) Define Scope of Work and Cost 1 03-I3-06 03-13-06 0 Estimate 2 Coordination and Site Visit 05-26-06 05-26-06 74 3 Field Survey and Reconnaissance 05-26-06 05-26-06 74 4 Topographic Data Development' 05-26-06 07-28-06 137 6 Hydrologic Analyses J07-28-06 09-29-06 200 8 Hydraulic Analyses 09-29-06 12-01-06 263 Floodplain Mapping (Detailed Riverine 10 Analyses) 12-01-06 02-12-07 336 Notes: 1 = Assumes Notice to Proceed date of March 13, 2006. 2 = Task 1 has already been performed and charged to KDA as part of the countywide study. 3 = Assumes 30 days for FMSM review, 15 days for comment resolution, and 15 days to finalize and submit. The Final deliverables will then be merged into the Saline County DFIRM Production study as part of URS' agreement with KDA. This schedule does not include allowances for delays that are beyond the control of URS, such as inclement weather Page 9 of 10 L:\KANSAS\16530067_SALINE\1_ProjMgmt\1_05_ScopeOtWork\South Salina Detailed Study SOW_Final.doc February 28, 2006 FINAL during the survey portion of the work, or delays in receiving data, opinions, directives, permissions, or materials from other parties. 7. Fee for Services URS will complete the scope of work for a Lump Sum fee of Eighty -Five Thousand dollars ($85,000). As part of the countywide DFIRM production for Saline County, KDA has $65,000 available within their budget to conduct the detailed analyses for the City of Salina. The remaining $20,000 would be the responsibility of the City of Salina. Due to the joint effort of funding by KDA and the City of Salina, separate invoices will be submitted to KDA and the City of Salina. The City of Salina will be invoiced $10,000 at the completion of Task 8 (Hydraulic Analyses) and the remaining $10,000 at the completion of Task 10 (Floodplain Mapping). Invoicing for KDA will continue as in the past. Page 10 of 10 L:\KANSAS\16530067_SALINE\I_ProjMgmt\1_05_ScopeOfWork\South Salina Detailed Study SOW_Final.doc Mapping Activity Statement # 14 Cooperating Technical Partners MAPPING ACTIVITY STATEMENT Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 — Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map Production and Development of Updated Flood Data In accordance with the Cooperating Technical Partners (CTP) Partnership Agreement dated September 1, 1999 between Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Mapping Activity Statement (MAS) No. 14 is as follows. Section 1: Objective and Scope The objective of the Flood Map Project documented in this MAS is to develop a Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) and Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report for the counties shown in Table 1-1. The DFIRM and FIS report will be produced in the FEMA countywide format. Table 1-1. Summary of Mapping Effort County Total Stream Ni les Zone A (existing; approximate sthldN; see note 1) Total Stream Zone AE data; see «'ith tloo(hl"w Miles (existing; note 2) Without f7ooffi�'al� Total Stream Irliles Zone AE (new detailed study) Total Stream Miles Zone AE (dig;itized) Total Stream Miles 'Lone AE (redelineated) :• .• 1 1 1 1 1 1 -• •- 1 1 ® 1 1 1 1 . •• ® 11 11 11 • 11 11 � 11 1 11 ILMINI ' • • 1 1 �� 1 _1 1 • • • • I� 1 �� • 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Note 1: The actual miles of new approximate study is not known at this time. The Mapping Partner shall complete new approximate analysis according to the scope in task 8. Note 2: Existing data from other sources may duplicate parts the effective detailed study areas. Existing GIS data and study needs for the community have been researched, obtained, organized and uploaded to the Multi -hazard Information Platform (MIP) by the Regional Management Center, (RMC). The RMC will provide a pre -scoping report for each county identified in Table 1-l. The mapping partner will schedule a project notification meeting in the counties identified in Table 1-2. The purpose of the project notification meeting is to describe the project scope to interested community officials. Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 Table 1-2 Comity Pre -award Coorditiatioii Allen Project Post -award Project Notificatioii X Bourbon X Cherokee X Crawford X Ellsworth X Harvey X Labette X Ottawa X McPherson X Neosho X Reno X Saline X The Mapping Partners involved in this project will develop new and/or updated flood hazard data, as summarized in table 1-3. Table 1-3: Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 sourc'Q Reacli Hinits Analyses Analyses Mapping Redelineation Using l"I'fective Flood Profiles and Updated Data Refillenlent oi- Zone 'Ar All streams with drainage greater than 1 sq. mile; and All streams with drainage County -wide X less than 1 sq. mile and have effective approximate mapping. Coon Creek in Headwaters on X X X Iola, Allen eastern border of County. Iola to confluence with Neosho River. 2.5 miles. Sand Creek in Northern city X Newton, limits to railroad Harvey County tracks. 3.5 miles. Old Smoky Hill All areas within X X X River Channel Saline city ponding area in limits. 5.5 Saline, Saline miles. County Slough ponding Headwaters to X X X area in Salina, Confluence with Saline County Smoky Hill River. 5.5 miles. Trib 1 East Dry Headwaters to X X X Creek east of confluence with Salina in Saline East Dry Creek. County 2.5 miles. Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall notify FEMA and the National Service Provider, (NSP) by e-mail of all meetings with community officials at least one week prior to the meeting. FEMA and/or the NSP may or may not attend the community meetings. The following will complete this Flood Map Project: • Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources; • URS & AMEC as contractors to the KS DWR; • Other contractors that may be identified by KS DWR; • Fuller, Mossbarger, Scott and May (FMSM); and • National Service Provider. The tasks for this Flood Map Project, including required Quality Assurance (QA) reviews, and the Mapping Partners. that will complete them are summarized in Table 1-4. All tasks that are to be accomplished by Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources are shown. The sections of this MAS that follow Table 1-4 describe the specific tasks, responsible. Mapping Partner(s), FEMA standards that must be met, and resultant map components. Flood insurance studies not represented on existing maps are designated as Legacy Projects (LP). They will be incorporated into the final DFIRM product and their various stages of completion are indicated in Table 1-4. A new detailed study is available for the portions of Labette County. A technical review of the study data has been completed. The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources will obtain the study data and incorporate the data into the countywide mapping as part of Task 10. A new detailed study is available for the portions of Neosho County. A technical review of the study data has been completed. The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources will obtain the study data and incorporate the data into the countywide mapping as part of Task 10. The RMC has completed Preliminary Research Activities; researching effective information and researching available data for the Flood Map Project. A Pre -Scoping Report will be available for the counties identified in Table 1-1. The report will include: an inventory of the FEMA archives for effective FIRM panels, FIRM panels, FIS reports, and other flood hazard data or existing study data; a summary of the information in the MNUSS database; a summary of the CAVs and CACs; a "scoping map'; an overview of the results of the research; identification of available base map information, topographic data, flood hazard data, legacy project details and other hydrologic and hydraulic information and data. The RMC has identified potential obstacles in an effort to learn of any issues that could delay or prohibit the Flood Map Project. Some examples of potential obstacles to completing the project in a timely fashion include the following: lack of an available base map meeting FEMA minimum specifications (described in Appendix K of the Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners); hydrologic and/or hydraulic issues; reliance on other studies or data (e.g., topographic mapping) that will not be available within the project's scheduling constraints; and other considerations (Federal/State/non- governmental organizations, programmatic, disaster -related, legal). Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 w�1 Ic In additional to meeting the quality/deliverable standards presented in FEMA Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners and Data Capture Standards, the Mapping Partner shall be responsible for meeting the standards outlined in Chapter 7 of the Multi -Year Flood Hazard Identification Plan (MHIP). The standards presented in Chapter 7 of the MHIP are risk-based. Table 1-5 identified the Risk Class for each countywide Flood Map Project presented in this SOW. Table 1-5 Risk Class Identification Note: (1) Areas of Risk Class B are limited to floodplairis'located within, and up to a distance of one -mile outside, the corporate boundary. - FEMA has developed tools to assist in the development of the flood hazard data studies and the. Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRMs). FEMA will, through the NSP, provide all Mapping Partners access to and training in these tools. The use of these tools will assist in the Map Modernization effort and the efficiency of mapping partners. If the Mapping Partner chooses not to use these production tools, then the Mapping Partner will be required to submit project data at major milestones in each Mapping Project in accordance with Data Capture Standards. Submitting data in these standards will aid in more efficient Quality Assurance reviews, data storage, archiving, and for future study updates. The Data Capture Standards submittals will be required at the following study milestones: • Project Scoping (as specified); • Terrain Data Processing Completed; • Field Survey Completed; • Hydrology Completed (intermediate and final); • Hydraulics Completed (intermediate and final); • DFIRM Mapping (draft work map and final preliminary). Although the scoping Task is not specifically included in this table, the Mapping Partner performing scoping activities will be required to submit scoping -related data in accordance with the data capture standards. Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 Allen C None Bourbon C None Cherokee C 7C None Crawford C None Ellsworth CNone Harvey None Labelle C None McPherson C None Neosho C None Ottawa C None Saline C None Note: (1) Areas of Risk Class B are limited to floodplairis'located within, and up to a distance of one -mile outside, the corporate boundary. - FEMA has developed tools to assist in the development of the flood hazard data studies and the. Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRMs). FEMA will, through the NSP, provide all Mapping Partners access to and training in these tools. The use of these tools will assist in the Map Modernization effort and the efficiency of mapping partners. If the Mapping Partner chooses not to use these production tools, then the Mapping Partner will be required to submit project data at major milestones in each Mapping Project in accordance with Data Capture Standards. Submitting data in these standards will aid in more efficient Quality Assurance reviews, data storage, archiving, and for future study updates. The Data Capture Standards submittals will be required at the following study milestones: • Project Scoping (as specified); • Terrain Data Processing Completed; • Field Survey Completed; • Hydrology Completed (intermediate and final); • Hydraulics Completed (intermediate and final); • DFIRM Mapping (draft work map and final preliminary). Although the scoping Task is not specifically included in this table, the Mapping Partner performing scoping activities will be required to submit scoping -related data in accordance with the data capture standards. Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 Quality Assurance review activities may be performed by the Mapping Partner or the NSP at the discretion of FEMA. Please note the NSP will also be performing periodic audits and overall study/project management to monitor study quality. FEMA will be providing download/upload capability for Data Capture Standards submittals through the MIP. Data submittals uploaded via the MIP will include the same data required prior to the existence of the MIP. If the MIP is not available the FEMA Project Officer will provide an alternate point for submittal. Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 Task I — Pre -Scoping Responsible Mapping Partner: Regional Management Center Scope: Pre -Scoping or Mapping Needs Assessment forms the building block for the Scoping Phase. This task involves collecting data from a variety of sources including community surveys, legacy projects, other Federal and State Agencies, NFIP State Coordinators, Community Assistance Visits (CAVs) and --- FEMA archives. The RMC will evaluate the effective Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report and Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) to see if they need to be updated. Lists of mapping needs will be obtained from the MNUSS database and community surveys. Data collection will include obtaining the best available base map materials (e.g., corporate limits, roads, orthophotos) along with stream centerline files. The acquired data will be imported into the scoping tool and used during the Scoping Task. In the Scoping Tool, all streams should have unique names, the limits of the effective FEMA studies should be identified, Letter of Map Change (LOMC) areas should be identified, and community requests should be identified. This task also includes populating the streamlines with existing pipeline and scoped studies currently underway. The Regional Management Center will provide a report that summarizes the data identified during pre - scoping. This report will be provided to the CTP/IDIQ for each county identified in Table 1-1, except for Ellsworth and Ottawa Counties. The report includes copies of all digital files obtained and lists of files. that may be available at a later date; a summary of the community's needs; and Scoping Tool project, files. The pre -scoping data is available on the MIP. Standards: All work under Task 1 shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of this MAS. Deliverables: There are no deliverables associated with this task. Task 2 — Scoping Responsible Mapping Partner: Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources Scope: The scope of this Mapping Project has been determined through the pre -scoping completed by the RMC, except for Ellsworth and Ottawa Counties. Data obtained by the RMC is available on the MIP. The Responsible Mapping Partner shall contact the RMC for access to the MIP and associated tools. In addition to the data provided by the RMC, Kansas Dept. Of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources also contacted all communities affected by the mapping projects in order to evaluate and prioritize any mapping needs as provided by community officials. The Responsible Mapping Partner shall contact the RMC for access to the MIP and associated tools. Task 3 - Field Surveys and Reconnaissance Responsible Mapping Partner: Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 Scope: To supplement any field reconnaissance conducted during the Project Scoping phase of this project, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall conduct a detailed field reconnaissance of the specific study area to determine conditions along the floodplain(s), types and numbers of hydraulic and/or flood -control structures, apparent maintenance or lack thereof of existing hydraulic structures, locations of cross sections to be surveyed, and other parameters needed for the hydrologic and hydraulic analyses. In addition to the initial field reconnaissance, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall conduct field surveys, including obtaining channel and floodplain cross sections, identifying or establishing temporary bench marks, and obtaining the physical dimensions of hydraulic and flood -control structures. Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources also shall coordinate with other Mapping Partners that are collecting topographic data under Task 4. All surveys will use the NAVD 1988 vertical datum. Standards: All work under Task 3 shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of this MAS. Deliverables: Upon completion of floodplain mapping for the flood sources in Table 1-3, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall upload the digital data to the MIP or submit by using other digital media if the MIP is unavailable. In accordance. with. the TSDN format described in described in Appendix M of Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall make the following products available to FEMA by submitting it to the MIP or by digital media if the MIP is unavailable. This submittal will occur in accordance with the schedule outlined in the MIP. Where paper documentation is required by State Law for Professional certifications, you may submit the paper in addition to a scanned version of the paper for the digital record. • A report summarizing the findings of the field reconnaissance; • Maps and drawings that provide the detailed survey results; • Survey notebook containing cross sections and structural data; and • FEMA Format Survey Database or Intermediate Data Delivery consistent with the FEMA Data Capture Standards. Task 4 - Topographic Data Development Responsible Mapping Partner: Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources Scope: To supplement the field surveys conducted under Task 3, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall obtain additional topographic data of the overbank areas of the flooding sources studied to delineate floodplain boundaries. Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources also shall coordinate with other team members conducting field surveys under Task 3. The contour interval and/or accuracy for the topographic data shall be selected based on the current FEMA requirements as documented in Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners. Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 10 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 Specifically, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall generate topographic data for the flood sources in Allen and Harvey Counties using stereo photogrammetric or LiDAR data. This task includes obtaining and preparing existing elevation data from other sources for use in later tasks assigned in this Mapping Activity Statement. The Mapping Partner should obtain available documentation to make an assessment of the usability of the data. The Mapping Partner is not expected to provide certification of existing data obtained from other sources. If a DEM from the USGS is used for the project, additional assessment by Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources is not needed. All elevation data will use the NAVD 1988 vertical datum. County Naine USGS I)EINI ConiniunitN1 Provided Description of Coil] inu n it.y provided elevation data Elevation Data Allen 1/3 arc sec NED/TVC Bourbon 1/3 arc sec NED/TVC Cherokee 1/3 arc sec NED/TVC Crawford 1/3 arc sec NED/TVC Ellsworth 1/3 arc sec NED/TVC Harvey 1/3 arc sec NED/TVC Labette 1/3 arc sec NED/TVC McPherson 1/3 arc sec NED/TVC Neosho 1/3 arc sec NED/TVC Ottawa 1/3 arc sec NED/TVC Reno 1/3 arc sec NED/TVC Saline 1/3 arc sec NED/TVC X 2 ft. contours from city of Salina Standards: All work under Task 4 shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of this MAS. Deliverable: Upon completion of topographic data collection and processing for the flood sources in Table 1-3, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall upload the digital data to the MIP or submit by using other digital media if the MIP is unavailable, so that National Service Provider can access it for an review under Task 5. In accordance with the TSDN format described in described in Appendix M of Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall make the following products available to Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 1 I Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 FEMA by submitting it to the MIP or by digital media if the MIP is unavailable. This submittal will occur in accordance with the schedule outlined in the MIP. Where paper documentation is required by State Law for Professional certifications, you may submit the paper in addition to a scanned version of the paper for the digital record. Topographic data developed as part of this mapping activity statement or obtained from a community source and used for Task 6, 8 & 10 will include: • Checkpoint analyses to assess the accuracy of data, including Root Mean Square Error calculations to support vertical accuracy; • Identification of remote -sensing data voids and methods used to supplement data voids; and • National Geodetic Survey (NGS) data sheets for Network Control Points used to control remote- sensing and ground surveys; Topographic data obtained from a community source and used for Task IOA will include: • Accuracy documentation if available from the community providing the data; All topographic data used for Task 10, 1 OA and IOB will include: • Report summarizing methodology and results; • Mass points and breaklines data if available from original source; • Digital file with elevation data; • Metadata compliant with Federal Geographic Data Committee standards; and • FEMA Format Terrain Database or Intermediate Data Delivery consistent with the FEMA Data Capture Standards. Task 5 - Quality Assurance Review of Topographic Data Responsible Mapping Partner: FMSM Scope: FMSM shall review the mapping data generated by Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources under Task 4 to ensure that these data are consistent with FEMA standards and standard engineering practice and are sufficient to prepare the DFIRM. If a DEM from the USGS is used additional Quality Assurance is not needed. Standards: All work under Task 5 shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of this MAS. Deliverables: In accordance with the TSDN format described in described in Appendix M of Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, the FMSM shall make the following products available to FEMA by uploading the digital data to the MIP. This submittal will occur in accordance with the schedule in the MIP: • Acknowledgement that the mapping data generated under Task 4 was reviewed; • A Summary Report that describes the findings of the Quality Assurance review; and Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 12 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 • Recommendations to resolve any problems that are identified during the Quality Assurance review. Task 6 — Hydrologic Analyses Responsible Mapping Partner: Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources Scope: For streams listed in Table 1-3 of this MAS that will be studied by approximate methods, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall perform hydrologic analyses for approximately 8443 square miles of drainage area for the flooding source(s). The hydrologic methods used for this analysis will be regression equations from the USGS. Peak flood discharges will be calculated for the 1% annual chance storm event. For the streams identified in Table 1-3 that will be studied by detailed methods, hydrologic analyses will be completed for approximately 17 square miles of drainage area. Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall calculate peak flood discharges for the 10%, 2%, 1%, and 0.2% annual chance storm events using the urban drainage regression equations or appropriate computer programs. Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 13 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 Allen 510 5 Bourbon 640 0 Cherokee 590 0 Crawford 600 0 Ellsworth 722 0 Harvey 540 0 Labette 650 0 McPherson 900 0 Neosho 580 0 Ottawa 721 0 Reno 1270 0 Saline 720 12 Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 13 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 These flood discharges will be the basis for subsequent hydraulic analyses under Task 8. In addition, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall address all concerns or questions regarding Task 6 that are identified by FMSM during the Quality Assurance review under Task 7. If Geographic Information System (GIS) -based modeling is used, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall document the automated data processing and modeling algorithms and provide them to FEMA to ensure they are consistent with the standards outlined above. Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall document digital datasets (such as elevation, basin, or land use data) and provide them to FEMA for approval before performing the hydrologic analyses to ensure the datasets meet minimum requirements. If non-commercial (i.e., custom -developed) software is used for the analysis, then Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall provide full user documentation, technical algorithm documentation, and the software to FEMA for review before performing the hydrologic analyses. The Mapping Partner will compare the calculated, or computed, discharge with discharge determined from reliable gage data, if any. This comparison will only be done at locations where the two discharge values are considered representative of the same flooding source. Results of this comparison will be used in making a professional judgment for determining the discharge to be used for the hydraulic analysis. Standards: All work under Task 6 shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of this MAS. Deliverables: Upon completion of hydrologic modeling for the flood sources in Table 1.3, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall upload the digital data to the MIP or submit by using other digital media if the MIP is unavailable. In. accordance with the TSDN format described in described in Appendix M of Guidelines and Specificationsfor Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, Kansas Dept, of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall make the following products available to FEMA by submitting it to the MIP or by digital media if the MIP is unavailable. This submittal will occur in accordance with the schedule outlined in the MIP. Where paper documentation is required by State Law for Professional certifications, you may submit the paper in addition to a scanned version of the paper for the digital record. For stream studied by detail methods, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall provide the following deliverables: • Digital copies of all hydrologic modeling (input and output) files for the 10-, 2-, I-, and 0.2 - percent -annual -chance storm events; • Digital versions of the Summary of Discharges Table presenting discharge data for the flooding sources for which hydrologic analyses were performed; • Digital versions of draft text for Section 3. 1, Hydrologic Analyses, of the FIS report; • Digital versions of all backup data used in the analysis, including work maps and basin delineation; • For GIS -based modeling, deliverables shall include all input and output data, intermediate data processing products, and GIS data layers; • FEMA Format Hydrology Database or Intermediate Data Delivery consistent with the FEMA Data Capture Standards; and • Brief summary report documenting the study area, methodologies, assumptions, and any other pertinent information related to the engineering analysis performed Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 14 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 For stream studied by approximate methods, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall provide the following deliverables: • Digital copies of all hydrologic modeling (input and output) files for the 1 -percent -annual -chance storm event; • Digital versions of all backup data used in the analysis, including work maps and basin delineation; • For GIS -based modeling, deliverables shall include all input and output data, intermediate data processing products, and GIS data layers; • FEMA Format Hydrology Database or Intermediate Data Delivery consistent with the FEMA Data Capture Standards; and • Brief summary report documenting the study area, methodologies, assumptions, and any other pertinent information related to the engineering analysis performed. The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall provide a brief statement that Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources will meet the quality / deliverable standards identified in Section 5. The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall provide a description of their QC procedures to the FEMA Project Officer prior to the start of this task. Task 7 - Quality Assurance Review of Hydrologic Analyses Responsible Mapping Partner: FMSM Scope: For the streams identified in Table 1-3 that will be studied by detailed methods FMSM shall review the technical, scientific, and other information submitted by Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources under Task 6 to ensure that the data and modeling are consistent with FEMA standards and standard engineering practice and are sufficient to prepare the DFIRM. This work shall include, at a minimum, the activities listed below. • Review the submittal for technical and regulatory adequacy, completeness of required information, and supporting data and documentation. The technical review is to focus on the following: - Use of acceptable models; - Use of appropriate methodology(ies); - Correctly applied methodology(les)/model(s), including QA of input parameters; - Comparison with gage data and/or regression equations, if appropriate; and - Comparison with discharges for contiguous reaches or flooding sources. • Maintain records of all contacts, reviews, recommendations, and actions and make them readily available to FEMA. Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 15 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 • Maintain an archive of all data submitted for hydrologic modeling review. (All supporting data must be retained for 3 years from the date funding recipient submits its final expenditure report to FEMA.) Standards: All work under Task 7 shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of this MAS. Deliverables: In accordance with the TSDN format described in described in Appendix M of Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, FMSM shall make the following products available to FEMA by uploading the digital data to the MIP. This submittal will occur in accordance with the schedule in the MIP: • A Summary Report that describes the findings of the Quality Assurance review; and • Recommendations to resolve any problems that are identified during the Quality Assurance review. Task 8 — Hydraulic Analyses Responsible Mapping Partner: Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources Scope: For the streams identified in Table 1-3 of this MAS that will be studied by approximate methods, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall perform hydraulic analyses for all. flooding sources within each county that have a drainage area greater than or equal to 1 mit. For all flood sources that have drainage areas less than 1 mit and have effective approximate mapping, the Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall also perform hydraulic analyses extending to the upstream limits of the effective study. The estimated length of approximate -studied streams is 8000 - 8600 miles for the flooding source(s). The modeling will include the 1% annual chance storm event based on peak discharges computed under Task 6. The hydraulic methods used for this analysis will include an appropriate computer program. The hydraulic analyses will be used to approximate flood elevations for the subject flooding sources. For the streams identified in Table 1-3 that will be studied by detailed methods, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources will perform hydraulic analyses for approximately 17.0 miles of the flooding sources listed in the section 1 of this MAS. The modeling will include the 10%, 2%, 1 % and 0.2% annual chance storm events based on peak discharges computed under Task 6. The hydraulic methods used for this analysis will include the HEC -RAS computer program. The hydraulic analyses will be used to establish flood elevations and regulatory floodways for the subject flooding sources. Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall use the cross-section and field data collected under Task 3 to perform the hydraulic analyses. The hydraulic analyses shall be used to establish flood elevations and regulatory floodways for the subject flooding sources. Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall use the FEMA CHECK -2 or CHECK -RAS checking program to check the reasonableness of the hydraulic analyses for streams studied by detailed methods. To facilitate the Quality Assurance review under Task 9, the Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall provide explanations for unresolved messages from the CHECK -2 or CHECK -RAS program, as appropriate. In addition, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall address all concerns or questions regarding Task 8 that are identified by FMSM during the Quality Assurance review under Task 9. Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 16 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 Lengtlj of Streams studied Lengtil of Streallis (Nlin.-Nlax. Range) INIetilods Allen 600-650 3.5 Bourbon 450-500 0 Cherokee 550-600 0 Crawford 450-500 0 Ellsworth 575-625 0 Harvey 500-550 0 Labette 700-750 0 McPherson 1250-1300 0 Neosho 650-700 0 Ottawa 675-725 0 Reno 850-900 0 Saline 750-800 13.5 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall document automated data processing and modeling algorithms for GIS -based modeling and provide them to FEMA for review to ensure they are consistent with the standards outlined above. Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall document the digital datasets and provide them to FEMA for approval before performing the hydraulic analyses to ensure that the datasets meet minimum requirements. If non-commercial (i.e., custom -developed) software is used for the analyses, then Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall provide full user documentation, technical algorithm documentation, and software to FEMA for review before performing the hydraulic analyses. Standards: All work under Task 8 shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of this MAS. Deliverables: Upon completion of hydraulic modeling for the flood sources in Table 1-3, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall upload the digital data to the MIP or submit by using other digital media if the MIP is unavailable. In accordance with the TSDN format described in described in Appendix M of Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall make the following products available to FEMA by submitting it to the MIP or by digital media if the MIP is unavailable. This submittal will occur in accordance with the schedule outlined in the MIP. Where paper documentation is required by State Law for Professional certifications, you may submit the paper in addition to a scanned version of the paper for the digital record. Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 17 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 For stream studied by detail methods, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall provide the following deliverables: • Digital profiles of the 10-, 2-, 1- and 0.2 -percent -annual -chance water -surface elevations representing existing conditions using the FEMA RASPLOT program or similar software; • Digital versions of the Floodway Data Table for each flooding source that is compatible with the DFIRM database; • Digital work map showing the 1- and 0.2 -percent -annual -chance floodplain boundary delineations, regulatory floodway boundary delineations, cross sections, and with base map used from Task 12; • Digital versions of all hydraulic modeling (input and output) files; • Digital versions of a table showing ranges of Manning's "n" values; • Explanations for unresolved messages from the CHECK -2 or CHECK -RAS program, as appropriate; • Digital versions of all backup data used in the analyses; • ; Digital versions of draft text for inclusion in the FIS report; • For GIS -based modeling, deliverables include all input and output data, intermediate data processing products, GIS data layers, and final products in the format of the DFIRM database structure; • FEMA Format Hydraulic Database or Intermediate Data Delivery consistent with the FEMA Data Capture Standards; and • Brief summary report documenting the study area, methodologies, assumptions, and any other pertinent information related to the engineering analysis performed For stream studied by approximate methods, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall provide the following deliverables: • A digital work map showing the 1 -percent -annual -chance floodplain boundary delineations with base map used from Task 12; • Digital versions of all hydraulic modeling (input and output) files; • Digital versions of a table showing ranges of Manning's "n" values; • Digital versions of all backup data used in the analyses; • For GIS -based modeling, deliverables include all input and output data, intermediate data processing products, GIS data layers, and final products in the format of the DFIRM database structure; • FEMA Format Hydraulic Database or Intermediate Data Delivery consistent with the FEMA Data Capture Standards; • Digital versions of draft text for inclusion in the FIS report (only for counties that require a FIS report); and Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 18 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 • Brief summary report documenting the study area, methodologies, assumptions, and any other pertinent information related to the engineering analysis performed. The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall provide a brief statement that Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources will meet the quality / deliverable standards identified in Section 5. The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall provide a description of their QC procedures to the FEMA Project Officer prior to the start of this task. Task 9 - Quality Assurance Review of Hydraulic Analyses Responsible Mapping Partner: FMSM Scope: For the streams identified in Table 1-3 that will be studied by detailed methods FMSM shall review the technical, scientific, and other information submitted by Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources under Task 8 to ensure that the data and modeling are consistent with FEMA standards and standard engineering practice and are sufficient to prepare the DFIRM. This work shall include, at a minimum, the activities listed below. Review the submittal for technical and regulatory adequacy, completeness of required infofmation, and supporting data and documentation. The technical review is to focus on the following: - Use of acceptable model(s); - Starting water -surface elevations; - Cross-section geometry; - Manning's "n" values and expansion/contraction coefficients; - Bridge and culvert modeling; - Flood discharges; - Regulatory floodway computation methods; and - Tie-ins to upstream and downstream non -revised Flood Profiles. • Use the CHECK -2 or CHECK -RAS program as appropriate to flag potential problems and focus review efforts. • Maintain records of all contacts, reviews, recommendations, and actions and make them readily available to FEMA. • Maintain an archive of all data submitted for hydraulic modeling review. (All supporting data must be retained for 3 years from the date funding recipient submits its final expenditure report to FEMA.) Standards: All work under Task 9 shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of this MAS. Deliverables: In accordance with the TSDN format described in described in Appendix M of Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, FMSM shall make the following products Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 19 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 available to FEMA by uploading the digital data to the MIP. This submittal will occur in accordance with the schedule in the MIP: • A Summary Report that describes the findings of the Quality Assurance review; and • Recommendations to resolve any problems that are identified during the Quality Assurance review. Task 10 - Floodplain Mapping (Detailed Riverine Analysis) Responsible Mapping Partner: Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources Scope: Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall delineate the 1- and 0.2 - percent -annual -chance floodplain boundaries and the regulatory floodway boundaries (if required) for the flooding sources for which detailed analyses were performed. Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall incorporate all new or revised modeling and shall use the topographic data acquired under Task 4 to delineate the floodplain and regulatory floodway boundaries on a digital work map. In addition, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture= Division of Water Resources shall incorporate the. results of all effective (at the time of funds award) Letters of Map Change (LOMCs) within the revised areas as appropriate. Only those LOMCs visible at the published map scale shall be included. Also, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall address all concerns or questions: regarding Task 10 that are identified by FMSM during the Quality Assurance review under Task 11. A new detailed study is available for the portions of Labette County. A technical review of the study data has been completed. The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources will obtain the study data and incorporate the data into the countywide mapping as part of Task 10. A new detailed study is available for the portions of Neosho County. A technical review of the study data has been completed. The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources will obtain the study data and incorporate the data into the countywide mapping as part of Task 10. All mapping will use the NAVD 1988 vertical datum. DFIRM production completed under this task should be submitted for a Quality Assurance review concurrent with DFIRM production completed for Tasks I OA, l OB and 13. Standards: All work under Task 10 shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of this MAS. Deliverables: Upon completion of floodplain mapping for the flood sources in Table 1-3, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall upload the digital data to the MIP or submit by using other digital media if the MIP is unavailable. In accordance with the TSDN format described in described in Appendix M of Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall make the following products available to FEMA by submitting it to the MIP or by digital media if the MIP is unavailable. This submittal will occur in accordance with the schedule outlined in the MIP. Where paper documentation is required by State Law for Professional certifications, you may submit the paper in addition to a scanned version of the paper for the digital record. Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 20 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 • Digital work map showing the 1- and 0.2 -percent -annual -chance floodplain boundary delineations, regulatory floodway boundary delineations, cross sections, BFEs, flood insurance zone labels, and all applicable base map features; • DFIRM mapping files, prepared in accordance with the requirements in Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners; • A Summary Report that describes and provides the results of all automated or manual Quality Control review steps taken during the preparation of the DFIRM; • Any backup or supplemental information used in the mapping required for the Quality Assurance review outlined under Task 11; • An explanation for the use of existing topography for the studied reaches, if appropriate; and • Intermediate Format Mapping Database or Intermediate Data Delivery consistent with the FEMA Data Capture Standards. The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall provide a brief statement that Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources will meet the quality / deliverable standards identified in Section 5. Task 10A - Floodplain Mapping (Redelineation Of Detailed Floodplain Boundaries Using Updated Topographic Data) Responsible Mapping Partner: Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources Scope: Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall delineate the 1- and 0.2 - percent -annual -chance floodplain boundaries and the regulatory floodway boundaries (if required) for the flooding sources identified in Table 1.3. Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall use the topographic data acquired under Task 4 to delineate the floodplain and regulatory floodway boundaries as appropriate on a digital work map. In addition, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall incorporate the results of all effective (at the time of funds award) Letters of Map Change (LOMCs) within the revised areas as appropriate. Only those LOMCs visible at the published map scale shall be included. If the new topographic data do not reflect the same hydraulic characteristics as in the effective study, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall evaluate the topographic data to determine if changes are significant enough to invalidate the floodplain boundary and regulatory floodway boundary redelineations. If so, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall contact the FEMA Regional Project Officer identified in Section 11 of this MAS with a recommendation. All mapping completed for this task will use the NAVD 1988 vertical datum. Standards: All work under Task l0A shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of this MAS. Deliverables: Upon completion of floodplain mapping for the flood sources in Table 1-3, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall upload the digital data to the MIP or submit by using other digital media if the MIP is unavailable. In accordance with the TSDN format described in described in Appendix M of Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall make the following products available to FEMA by submitting it to the MIP or by digital media if the MIP is unavailable. This submittal will Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 21 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 occur in accordance with the schedule outlined in the MIP. Where paper documentation is required by State Law for Professional certifications, you may submit the paper in addition to a scanned version of the paper for the digital record. • Digital work map showing the 1- and 0.2 -percent -annual -chance floodplain boundary delineations, regulatory floodway boundary delineations, cross sections, BFEs, flood insurance zone labels, and all applicable base map features; • DFIRM mapping files, prepared in accordance with the requirements in Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners; • A Summary Report that describes and provides the results of all automated or manual Quality Control review steps taken during the preparation of the DFIRM; • Any backup or supplemental information used in the mapping required for the Quality Assurance review outlined under Task 11; and • An explanation for the use of existing topography for the studied reaches, if appropriate. The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall provide a brief statement that Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources will meet the quality / deliverable standards identified in Section 5. The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture - Division of Water Resources shall provide a description of their QC procedures to the FEMA Project Officer prior to the start of this task. Task 10B - Floodplain Mapping (Refinement or Creation of Zone A) Responsible Mapping Partner: Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources Scope: Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall delineate the 1 -percent - annual -chance floodplain boundaries for the flooding sources identified in Table 1-3. Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall use existing topographic data or the topographic data acquired under Task 4 to delineate the floodplain boundaries on a digital work map. In addition, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall incorporate the results of all effective (at the time of funds award) Letters of Map Change (LOMCs) within the revised areas as appropriate. Kansas Dept, of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources may expand on the approaches for analyzing Zone A areas outlined in Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners and in FEMA 265, Managing Floodplain Development in Approximate Zone A Areas (April 1995), and/or develop new approaches. Such approaches must be coordinated with the FEMA Regional Project Officer identified in Section 11 of this MAS before analysis and mapping begin. The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall ensure that all flood sources are contained within the boundaries of the Floodway (if identified) and the Special Flood Hazard Area. Standards: All work under Task IOB shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of this MAS. Deliverables: Upon completion of floodplain mapping for the flood sources in Table 1.3, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall upload the digital data to the MIP or submit by Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 22 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 using other digital media if the MIP is unavailable. In accordance with the TSDN format described in described in Appendix M of Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall make the following products available to FEMA by submitting it to the MIP or by digital media if the MIP is unavailable. This submittal will occur in accordance with the schedule outlined in the MIP. Where paper documentation is required by State Law for Professional certifications, you may submit the paper in addition to a scanned version of the paper for the digital record. • Digital work map showing the I -percent -annual -chance floodplain boundary delineations, flood insurance zone labels, and all applicable base map features; • Any backup or supplemental information, including supporting calculations and assumptions for any computed 1 -percent -annual -chance water -surface elevations used in the mapping required for the Quality Assurance review under Task 11; • Digital versions of input and output for any computer programs that were used; • DFIRM mapping files, prepared in accordance with the requirements in Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners; • A Summary Report that describes and provides the results of all automated or manual Quality Control review steps taken during the preparation of the DFIRM; and • FEMA Format Mapping Database or Intermediate Data Delivery consistent with the FEMA Data Capture Standards. The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall provide a brief statement that Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources will meet the quality / deliverable standards identified in Section 5. The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall provide a description of their QC procedures to the FEMA Project Officer prior to the start of this task. Task 11 - Quality Assurance Review of Floodplain Mapping (Revised Areas) Responsible Mapping Partner: FMSM Scope: FMSM shall review the floodplain mapping submitted by Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources under Activity 10 to ensure that the results of the analyses performed are accurately represented, the work maps are consistent with current FEMA standards. This work shall include, at a minimum, the activities listed below. • Review the cross sections for proper location and orientation on the work map and agreement with the Floodway Data Table; • Review the BFEs shown on the draft work map for proper location and agreement with the results of the hydraulic modeling; • Review the regulatory floodway widths shown on the draft work map for agreement with the widths shown in the Floodway Data Table and the results of the hydraulic modeling; Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 23 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 • Review the floodplain boundaries shown on the work map or agreement with the flood elevations shown in the Floodway Data Table and the contour lines and other topographic information shown on the work maps; • Review the floodplain widths at cross sections as shown on the work maps to ensure they match the Floodway Data Table; • Review the floodplain boundaries as shown on the work maps to ensure they match the Flood Profiles; • Review the flood insurance risk zones as shown on the work maps to ensure they are labeled properly; • Review all effective LOMCs not superseded by the revised mapping to ensure they are included; • Review the DFIRM mapping files to ensure they were prepared in accordance with the requirements in Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners; and Standards: All work under Task 11 shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of this MAS. Deliverables: In accordance with the TSDN format described in described in Appendix M of Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mdpping Partners, FMSM shall make the following products available to FEMA by uploading the digital data to the MIP. This submittal will occur in accordance with the schedule in the MIP: • A Summary Report that describes the findings of the QA review, noting any deficiencies in or agreeing with the mapping results; • Recommendations to resolve any problems that are identified during the Quality Assurance review; and • An annotated work map with all questions and/or concerns indicated, if necessary. Task 12 - Base Map Acquisition Responsible Mapping Partner: Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources Scope: Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall provide the digital base map, the latest othrophoto from the USGS, for the project. The required activities are as follows: • Obtain digital files (raster or vector) of the base map. • Secure necessary permissions from the map source to allow FEMA's use and distribution of hardcopy and digital map products using the digital base map, free of charge. • Assess the digital data and determine the data meets the minimum standards and specifications that FEMA requires for DFIRM production. • Populate the DFIRM database with the information required by FEMA. Standards: All work under Task 12 shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of this MAS. Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 24 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R-Vll, June 9, 2005 Deliverables: For each mapping project Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall upload the digital data to the MIP or submit by using other digital media if the MIP is unavailable. In accordance with the TSDN format described in described in Appendix M of Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall make the following products available to FEMA by submitting it to the MIP or by digital media if the MIP is unavailable. This submittal will occur in accordance with the schedule outlined in the MIP. Where paper documentation is required by State Law for Professional certifications, you may submit the paper in addition to a scanned version of the paper for the digital record. • Written statement that the digital data meet FEMA's minimum standards and specifications; and • Documentation that FEMA can use the digital base map. Task 13 — DFIRM Production (Non -Revised Areas) Responsible Mapping Partner: Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources Scone: For all flooding sources except.those segments for which updated flood data will be developed under Activities 1 through 11, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture - Division of Water Resources shall convert the information shown on the effective FIRM and Flood Boundary Floodway Map (FBFM) panels for all incorporated and unincorporated areas of the counties identified in Table 1.1 to digital format in conformance with FEMA DFIRM specifications. Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall use the base map'acquired under Task 12 for the conversion. Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall digitize non -revised data from 79 FIRM panels and 24 FBFM panels. Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources also shall incorporate the results of all effective LOMCs (at the time of funds award) for each affected community. Only those LOMCs visible at the published map scale shall be included. The original work maps from the effective study should be obtained from the FEMA Technical Library. If the original work maps are not available, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall use the best quality paper FIRM and/or floodway maps for digitization. All mapping completed for this task will use the NAVD 1988 vertical datum. The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources will be required to fill in "gaps" in the Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) studied by detailed methods. These gaps typically occur in an unmapped community, but may exist in other areas as well. To ensure there are no holes or gaps in the countywide maps the mapping partner shall use either unpublished information developed as part of an effective Flood Insurance Study, or sound engineering judgment based on the published data. The unpublished data will be obtained from the FEMA Technical Library by the Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources. The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall ensure that all flood sources are contained within the boundaries of the Floodway (if identified) and the Special Flood Hazard Area. Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall not digitize the flood theme for those segments of flooding sources for which updated flood data will be developed. Rather, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall leave these as "holes" in the digital flood theme that will be filled in as part of Task 14 using the digital flood data developed under Tasks 10, 10A, and l OB. Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 25 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 Standards: All work under Task 13 shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of this MAS. Deliverables: Upon completion of each county, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall upload the digital data to the MIP or submit by using other digital media if the MIP is unavailable, so that National Service Provider can access it for an QA review under Task 13B. In accordance with the TSDN format described in described in Appendix M of Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall make the following products available to FEMA by submitting it to the MIP or by digital media if the MIP is unavailable. This submittal will occur in accordance with the schedule outlined in the MIP. Where paper documentation is required by State Law for Professional certifications, you may submit the paper in addition to a scanned version of the paper for the digital record. • Digital work maps showing the 1- and 0.2 -percent -annual -chance floodplain boundary delineations, regulatory floodway boundary delineations, cross sections, BFEs, flood insurance zone labels, and all applicable base map features; • DFIRM mapping files in final format, prepared in accordance with the requirements in Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners; • Metadata files describing the DFIRM data, including all required information shown in Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners; An Adobe .pdf file for each FIRM panel that includes all map collar information; and • A Summary Report that describes and provides the results of all automated or manual QA review steps taken during the preparation of the DFIRM, including a check that the road and floodplain relationship is maintained for all non -revised areas. The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall provide a brief statement that Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources will meet the quality / deliverable standards identified in Section 5. The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall provide a description of their QC procedures to the FEMA Project Officer prior to the start of this task. Task 13A — Quality Assurance Review of DFIRM Production (Non -Revised Areas) Responsible Mapping Partner: Not Assigned Scone: This task is not applicable to this Mapping Activity Statement Task 14 — DFIRM Production (Merging Revised and Non -Revised Information) Responsible Mapping Partner: Not Assigned Scope: This task is not applicable to this Mapping Activity Statement. Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 26 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 Task 14A — DFIRM Production (Application of FEMA Graphics and Database Specifications) Responsible Mapping Partner: Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water -Resources Scope: Upon completion of the floodplain mapping activities for the revised areas (Tasks 10, 1OA, and/or IOB) and the DFIRM production for non -revised areas (Task 13), Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall merge the digital floodplain data into a single, updated DFIRM. This work includes the tie-in of flood hazard information for areas that were not studied as part of the Flood Map Project documented in this MAS. Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources also shall tie in the revised and non -revised Flood Profiles, floodplain boundaries, and regulatory floodway boundaries with contiguous communities that were not studied as part of the Flood Map Project documented in this MAS. Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall apply the final FEMA DFIRM graphics and database specifications to the DFIRM files produced under Task 14. This work shall include adding all required annotation, line pattern, area shading, and map collar information (e.g., map borders, title blocks, legends, and notes to users). Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall coordinate with FEMA and those Mapping Partners responsible for Activities 10, 1 OA, 1013, 13, and 14, as necessary, to resolve any problems that are identified during Task 14A. This task includes the creation of the countywide Flood Insurance Study report. The FIS report may -be based on new study data, existing FIS reports, or a combination of the two sources. The elevations shown in the FIS shall be referenced to NAVD 1988 vertical datum. To facilitate later edits of the text placement the Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources will submit annotation databases for all text created for the printed FIRM panels. The format of the annotation database should be coordinated with the Mapping Partner that will complete Tasks 15 & 16. Standards: All work under Task 14A shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of this MAS. Deliverables: Upon completion of each county, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall upload the digital data to the MIP or submit by using other digital media if the MIP is unavailable. In accordance with the TSDN format described in described in Appendix M of Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall make the following products available to FEMA by submitting it to the MIP or by digital media if the MIP is unavailable. This submittal will occur in accordance with the schedule outlined in the MIP. Where paper documentation is required by State Law for Professional certifications, you may submit the paper in addition to a scanned version of the paper for the digital record. • Digital ready preliminary ready maps showing the 1- and 0.2 -percent -annual -chance floodplain boundary delineations, regulatory floodway boundary delineations, cross sections, BFEs, flood insurance zone labels, and all applicable base map features; • DFIRM mapping files, prepared in accordance with the requirements in Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners; • DFIRM database that meets final database specifications contained in Appendix L of the Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners; Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 27 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 • Metadata files describing the DFIRM data, including all required information shown in Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners; • The FIS report in the FEMA County -wide Format as documented in Appendix J of Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners; • An Adobe .pdf file for each FIRM panel that includes all layout text; • One hardcopy color plot for each FIRM panel; and • All Digital information used to compile and print panels which can include digital label and annotation files used to create labeling on panels (including all fonts and style files, if applicable) which can comprise cross sections, BFEs, flood insurance zone labels, and all applicable base map features. Task 14B — Quality Assurance Review of DFIRM Product Meeting FEMA Graphics and Database Specifications Responsible Mapping Partner: National Service Provider Scope: Upon completion of the floodplain mapping activities (Tasks 10, IOA, and/or 1 OB) and DFIRM production activities (Activities 13, 14, and 14A), the National Service Provider shall review the DFIRM to ensure it meets current FEMA graphics specifications and is sufficient to prepare the DFIRM. In addition, the National Service Provider shall review the DFIRM spatial database to determine if it meets current FEMA database specifications. The National Service Provider shall coordinate with FEMA and other Mapping Partners, as necessary, to resolve any problems identified during this QA review. This work shall ensure that the requirements below are met. • All required DFIRM features are accurately and legibly labeled and follow the examples shown in the FEMA DFIRM specifications. This includes all flood insurance risk zones, BFEs, cross sections, studied streams, mapped political entities, and all roads within and adjacent to the 1 - percent -annual -chance floodplains; • All DFIRM features are correctly symbolized with the appropriate symbol, line pattern, or area shading and follow the requirements in Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners; • All map collar information is complete, correct, and follows the requirements specified in Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners; • DFIRM mapping files are in one of the GIS file and database formats specified in FEMA's Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners and conform to those specifications for content and attribution; • Perform a final QA review of the Preliminary DFIRM and FIS report, including all data tables, Flood Profiles, and other components of the FIS report. The QA review procedures shall be consistent with the Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners. • Work with Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources and FEMA as appropriate to resolve discrepancies identified during the final QA review. Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 28 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 • DFIRM database files are in one of the database formats specified in FEMA's Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners and conform to those specifications for content and attribution; • Metadata files describing the DFIRM data include all required information shown in Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners; and • The FIS report is prepared in the FEMA countywide format as documented in Appendix J of Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners. Standards: All work under Task 14B shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of this MAS. Deliverables: In accordance with the TSDN format described in described in Appendix M of Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, the National Service Provider shall make the following products available to FEMA by uploading the digital data to the MIP. This submittal will occur in accordance with the schedule in the MIP: • A Summary Report that describes the findings of the QA review noting any deficiencies in or agreeing with the mapping results and the results of all automated or manual QA steps taken during the Quality Assurance review; • Recommendations to resolve any problems that are identified during the Quality Assurance review; and • An annotated copy of the DFIRM with all questions and/or concerns indicated, if necessary. Task 14C — Inclusion of Letter of Map Changes (LOMC) Responsible Mappine Partner: Not Assigned Scope: This task is not applicable to this Mapping Activity Statement Task 15 - Preliminary DFIRM and FIS Report Distribution Responsible MaDDinc Partners: National Service Provider Scope: Task 15 consists of the final preparation, review, and distribution of the Preliminary copies of the DFIRM and FIS report for community official and general public review and comment. The activities to be performed are summarized below. Letters of Map Change. Unless assigned to the responsible Mapping Partner under Task 14C, the NSP shall include all LOWS that are approved after the funds were awarded to the Mapping Partner that prepared the DFIRM in Tasks 10, 1 O & 13. Only those LOWS visible at the published map scale shall be included. Preliminary Transmittal Letter Preparation. The NSP or shall prepare letters to transmit the Preliminary copies of the DFIRM and FIS report and related enclosures to all affected communities, all other Project Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 29 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture— Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 Team members, the State NFIP Coordinator, the FEMA Regional Office, and others as directed by FEMA. Distribution of Preliminary DFIRM and FIS Report: The NSP shall distribute the Preliminary copies of the DFIRM and FIS report to all affected communities, all other Project Team members, the State NFIP Coordinator, the FEMA Regional Office, and others as directed by FEMA. News Release Preparation: The NSP shall prepare news release notifications of BFE changes for all affected communities if appropriate and perform Quality Control reviews of the notifications for accuracy and compliance with FEMA format requirements. The NSP shall file the notifications for later submittal to FEMA for review. Preliminary Summary of Map Actions (SOMA) Preparation: The NSP shall prepare Preliminary SOMAS for all affected communities if appropriate. The SOMAS shall list pertinent information regarding LOWS that will be affected by the issuance of the DFIRM (i.e., superseded, incorporated, revalidated). The SOMA shall be organized by the new DFIRM panel numbers, not by community. Standards: All work under Task 15 shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of this MAS. Deliverables: In accordance with the TSDN format described in described in Appendix M of Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, the National Service Provider shall make the following products available to FEMA by uploading the digital data to the MIP. This submittal will occur in accordance with the schedule in the MIP: • Preliminary transmittal letters shall be prepared using the template developed by Region VII. These letters and any additional letters requested by FEMA shall be prepared in accordance with the current version of the FEMA Document Control Procedures Manual; • Preliminary copies of the DFIRM and FIS report, including all new or updated data tables and Flood Profiles, shall be prepared; • Preliminary copies of the DFIRM and FIS report shall be mailed to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and floodplain administrator of each affected community, all other Project Team members, the State NFIP Coordinator, the FEMA Regional Office, and others as directed by FEMA; • In addition to the hardcopy of the preliminary DFIRM and FIS report, an Adobe .pdf format of each shall be provided to the FEMA Project Officer. • Preliminary SOMAS, prepared in accordance with FEMA requirements, shall be mailed with the Preliminary copies of the DFIRM and FIS report when appropriate; • Revised DFIRM mapping files, prepared in accordance with the requirements in Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, shall be provided by uploading the digital data to the MIP if available or if not then on CD-ROM; • Revised DFIRM database files, prepared in accordance with the requirements in Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, shall be provided by uploading the digital data to the MIP if available or if not then on CD-ROM; • Revised metadata files describing the DFIRM data, including all required information shown in Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, shall be provided by uploading the digital data to the MIP if available or if not then on CD-ROM. Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 30 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 Task 16 - Post -Preliminary Processing Responsible Mapping Partners: National Service Provider Scone: Task 16 consists of finalizing the DFIRM and FIS report after the Preliminary copies of the DFIRM and FIS report have been issued to community officials and the public for review and comment. The activities to be performed are summarized below. Initiation of Statutory 90 -Day Appeal Period: When required, upon completion of a 30 -day community comment period and/or final coordination meeting with the affected communities, the NSP shall arrange for and verify that the following activities are completed in accordance with the current version of the FEMA Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners and Document Control Procedures Manual: • Proposed BFE determination letters are sent to the community CEOs and floodplain administrators; • News release notifications of BFE changes are published in prominent newspapers with local circulation; and • The appropriate notices (Proposed Rules) are published in the Federal Register. Resolution of Appeals and Protests: The NSP shall support FEMA in reviewing and resolving appeals and protests received during the 90 -day appeal period. The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture —Division of Water Resources shall be available to address technical questions from the NSP. For each appeal and protest, the following activities shall be conducted as appropriate: • Initial processing and acknowledgment of submittal; • Technical review of submittal; • Preparation of letter(s) requesting additional supporting data; • Performance of revised analyses; and • Preparation of a draft resolution letter and revised DFIRM and FIS report materials for FEMA review. The NSP shall mail all associated correspondence upon authorization by FEMA. Preparation of Special Correspondence: The NSP shall support FEMA in responding to comments not received within the 90 -day appeal period (referred to as "special correspondence"), including drafting responses for FEMA review when appropriate and finalizing responses when requested by FEMA. The NSP also shall mail the final correspondence (and enclosures if appropriate) and distribute appropriate copies of the correspondence and enclosures upon receipt of authorization from FEMA. Revision of DFIRM and FIS Report: If necessary, the NSP shall revise the DFIRM and FIS report at the direction of the FEMA Regional Project Officer and distribute Revised Preliminary copies of the DFIRM and FIS report to the CEO and floodplain administrator of each affected community, all other Project Team members, the State NFIP Coordinator, the FEMA Regional Office, and others as directed by FEMA. Letters of Map Change: Unless assigned to the responsible Mapping Partner under Task 16A, the NSP shall include all LOMCs that are approved two weeks prior to the Preliminary Map issuance to the time of the Letter of Final Determination. Only those LOMCs visible at the published map scale shall be included. Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 31 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 Final SOMA Preparation: The NSP shall prepare Final SOMAS for the affected communities as appropriate. Processing of Letter of Final Determination: The NSP shall work with FEMA to establish the effective date for the DFIRM and FIS report, and shall prepare a Letter of Final Determination (LFD) for each affected community for FEMA review in accordance with the FEMA Document Control Procedures Manual. The NSP also shall mail the final signed LFDs and enclosures (including the Final SOMA and the Final Rule for publication in the Federal Register, when appropriate) and distribute appropriate copies of the signed LFDs and enclosures upon receipt of authorization from FEMA. Processing of Final DFIRM and FIS Report for Printing: The NSP shall prepare final reproduction materials for the DFIRM and FIS report and provide these materials to the FEMA Map Service Center for printing by the U.S. Government Printing Office. The NSP also shall prepare the appropriate paperwork to accompany the DFIRM and FIS report (including Print Processing Worksheet, Printing Requisition Forms, and Community Map Actions Form) and transmittal letters to the community CEOs. Revalidation Letter Processing. The NSP, when appropriate, shall prepare and distribute revalidation letters to the community CEOs and floodplain administrators to notify the affected communities about LOMCs for which determinations will remain in effect after the DFIRM and FIS report become effective. Archiving Data: The NSP shall ensure that technical and administrative support data are packaged in the FEMA -required TSDN format and stored properly in the°library archives. Standards: All work under Task 16 shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 of this MAS. Deliverables: In accordance with the TSDN format described in described in Appendix M of Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, the National Service Provider shall make the following products available to FEMA by uploading the digital data to the MIP. This submittal will occur in accordance with the schedule in the MIP: • Documentation that the news release notifications were published in accordance with FEMA requirements; • Documentation that the appropriate Federal Register notices (Proposed and Final Rules) were published in accordance with FEMA requirements; • Draft and final Special Correspondence (and all associated enclosures, backup data, and other related information) for FEMA review and signature as appropriate; • Draft and final Appeal and Protest acknowledgment, additional data, and resolution letters (and all associated enclosures, backup data, and other related information) for FEMA review and signature as appropriate; • Draft and final LFDs (and all associated enclosures, backup data, and other related information) for FEMA review and signature; • DFIRM negatives and final FIS report materials, including all updated data tables and Flood Profiles; • Paperwork for the final DFIRM and FIS report materials; • Transmittal letters for the printed DFIRM and FIS report; Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 32 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 • LOMC Revalidation Letters if appropriate; and • Complete, organized archived technical and administrative support data. Task 16A - Post -Preliminary DFIRM and FIS Report Finalization Responsible Mapping Partners: Not Assigned Scope: This task is not applicable to this Mapping Activity Statement Task 17 — Outreach and Coordination Responsible Entity: Kansas Dept. of Agriculture —.Division of,Water Resources Scope: The outreach activities for a Flood Map Project can best be understood as a process that begins during the Project Scoping phase and continues through the Map Production and Post -preliminary phases. The overarching goal for conducting outreach is to create a climate of understanding and ownership of the mapping process at the State and local levels. Well-planned outreach activities can reduce political stress, confrontation in the media, and public controversy, which can arise from lack of information, misunderstanding, or misinformation. These outreach activities also can assist FEMA and other members of the Project Team in responding to congressional inquiries. FEMA will conduct a Pre -Award Notification Meeting for the counties identified in Table 1-2 that are considered to be complex or politically sensitive. The meeting will allow FEMA to discover additional data or concerns not addressed in the pre -scoping report. A copy of the meeting minutes will be provided to Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources. Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources will prepare a project description for each county identified in Table 1-1. FEMA will provide a template to the Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources. The project description will be provided to each community that will receive a DFIRM as a result of this project. Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources will conduct a Post -Award Project Notification Meeting in each county identified in Table 1-1. The meeting will afford local officials an opportunity to learn about the project and ask questions. The meeting should include project scope, schedules, post -preliminary processing, and the community's role in the process. Following the release of the preliminary DFIRM and FIS for the counties identified in Table 1-1 FEMA will schedule a public meeting. The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall attend the meeting to address technical issues. The public meeting is expected to occur no later than 45 days after the issuance of the preliminary DFIRM and FIS. Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 33 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 FEMA will provide a database of the Chief Elected Official and Floodplain Manager (where applicable) for each community that will receive a DFIRM. The National Service Provider has developed outreach materials that may be used by the Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources during the post award notification meeting. The Regional Management Center should be contacted to obtain the materials. Standards: All work conducted under this task shall conform to the standards specified for this task in Section 5, "Applicable Standards" of this MAS. In the event of any contradictions between the MAS and the standards, the standards shall control. Deliverables: Upon completion of each county, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall upload the digital data to the MIP or submit by using other digital media if the MIP is unavailable In accordance with the TSDN format described in described in Appendix M of Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall make the following products available to FEMA by submitting it to the MIP or by digital media if the MIP is unavailable. This submittal will occur in accordance with the schedule outlined in the MIP. Where paper documentation is required by State Law for Professional certifications, you may submit the paper in addition to a scanned version of the paper for the digital record: The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall.provide the following to FEMA:. Conduct a Post -Award Project Notification meeting for community officials in each county that is. identified in Table 1-1 within 60 days of funds award. The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources will arrange for a meeting location and time, and prepare invitation letters for all community officials within the county. The project description shall be included with the invitation letter. Copies of the notification letter, project description, meeting minutes and an attendance roster shall be provided to FEMA for the docket file, and included with the TSDN. 0 The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources is required to provide a representative at the final meeting. Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 34 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 SECTION 2—Technical and Administrative Support Data Submittals and Special Problem Reports The Project Team members for this Flood Map Project that have responsibilities for activities included in this MAS shall comply with the data submittal requirements summarized below. All supporting documentation for the activities in this MAS shall be submitted in the TSDN format in accordance with Appendix M of the FEMA Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, dated April 2003. Appendix M is available for viewing or download on the FEMA Web site at http://www.fema.gov/pdf/fhm/frm gsam.pdf. Table 2-1 indicates the sections of the TSDN that apply to each mapping Task. Table 2-1. Mapping Task and Applicable TSDN Sections Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 35 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 Hydraulic X X X X X X X Analyses Ivey to Cross -X X X X X X X Section Labeling .1 "` X I I XIX X X X X abeliug br4ft FIS Report X X X X >ng X X X X X X X X X X X Inormation 1tscellaneous +fet`i►ce x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Irrfori�ation If any issues arise that could affect the completion of a Task within the proposed scope or budget, the responsible Mapping Partner shall complete a Special Problem Report (SPR) as soon as possible after the issue is identified and submitted to FEMA. The SPR is to describe the issue and propose possible resolutions. (For additional information on SPRs, refer to Appendix M, Subsection M.2.1.1 of Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners.) The NSP shall collect and maintain a set of products for all Activities and shall compile a comprehensive TSDN for the entire project. Section 3—Period of Performance The mapping activities assigned to Kansas Dept. of Agriculture – Division of Water Resources in this MAS will be completed within the period of performance as specified in the Agreement Articles of the Cooperative Agreement. The Mapping Activities may be terminated at the option of FEMA or Kansas Dept. of Agriculture – Division of Water Resources in accordance with the provisions of the June 1, 1999 CTP Partnership Agreement. Section 4—Funding/Leverage Funds will be provided to Kansas Dept. of Agriculture – Division of Water Resources by FEMA through cooperative agreement EMK-2005-CA-5010 for the completion for this Flood Map Project. The cooperative agreement budget identifies the amount to be provided by each party. Kansas Dept. of Agriculture – Division of Water Resources shall provide any additional resources required to complete the assigned activities for this Flood Map Project. Section 5—Standards The standards relevant to this MAS are provided in Tables 5-1, 5-2, and 5-3.. Information on the correct volume, appendix, section, or subsection of the FEMA Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 36 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 Mapping Partners to be referenced for each mapping task is summarized in Table 5-2. These Guidelines are available for viewing or download from the FEMA Flood Hazard Mapping Web site at http://www.fema.p,ov/fbni/dl cgs. shtm. Requirements applicable to this Mapping Activity Statement from Chapter 7 of the Multi -Year Flood Hazard Identification Plan, (MHIP) are summarized in Table 5-3. The MHIP is available for download at http://hazards.fema.gov/resources/. In addition, Data Capture Standards referenced in the previous sections are to be applied to the project for the data formats to be submitted to FEMA. Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 37 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 an ; ' � I 00 I I � � rA .O N 00 O ; O U O O ¢' O U ct U; d ¢ 00 vnLn y y ; z O' N W cn ; olti Otu (D I— N C4 N q N Ri Q W cd bA Cd Cd Q i1 U r M W O a ¢ 0 o E" o x d w ; ; cd i ri 01 cn 'C U, c d i cd U 0 U iCd ; VEn 4-5' w 0; A ;; ;; w .Y , �' 4) U C/3 En cn 0: U a¢.. o >;Q;dan;Q �. > a y O N C6 N as ai .O 53 53 O� Q5� Q CIS .-� ,byA sm.y Ln �x En En C �.Cd Cy a x x O y is � O a x oma. O w I � � � 1 1 � I I I I I I 4-' Cd M M M � I � N M• i COd Ci M i i /1 •-� i ^' I N O � �y � '� � •�:, rn � frn-� I V I Gd l Cd U Cd C's i 2/x-1 Cd .^'•+ . ' tF -.�''-w r •-�+ 03 �' NI � U i a � U i a � U� U l� � 0 M i N � i � O i ►-� Q! 1 y I y � I y I y � I y I y •�"' I y � •� 1 v � I � � I I Q 1 Q Q Q 1 Q I Q 65: Q > C/),: co O O _ U N it cd En � o1:4 N on °�' Q Q tz A b U � O U G1 N 0 Cd UO O %i — to U_ U nz� 0 O OLn U O O cd cd O O 4y O cn N N y a CdrA � A N V Table 5-3. Project Activities and Applicable Portions of MHIP Chapter 7 Topographic Data Development ITable 7-6 Suitability of Topographic Data Sources Table 7-3 Suitability of Various Hydrologic Analyses Hydrologic Analyses Methods Table 7-4 Suitability of Various Methods of Validation Table 7-5 Suitability of Manning's N -value Hydraulic Analyses Methodology Table 7-7 Suitability of the Inclusion of Hydraulic Structures Floodplain Mapping ITable 7-1 Risk Classes of Flood Insurance Rate Maps DFIRM Production (Non- Section 7.4.3 Utilization of Effective Flood Insurance Revised Areas) Study Information Section 6—Schedule The tasks documented in this Mapping Activity Statement shall be completed in accordance with the project schedule. The Multi -Hazard Information Platform (MIP) will be used to report progress for this Mapping Activity Statement. The initial schedule will be entered into MIP within three weeks of funds award. The data reported in the MIP will include estimated and actual completion dates, budget and amount spent, and the percent complete of each task identified in the Mapping Activity Statement. Each county identified in Table 1-1 will have separate schedule established. The Preliminary DFIRM for all counties identified in Table 1-1 shall be issued no later than September 30, 2006. The Effective Date for all counties identified in Table 1-1 shall be no later than September 30, 2007. All Mapping Partners assigned tasks in this Mapping Activity Statement shall coordinate schedules to ensure all required tasks are completed. A schedule that is coordinated will all Mapping Partners shall be required prior to funds award. If changes to the schedule are required, the responsible Mapping Partner shall coordinate with FEMA and the other Mapping Partners in a timely manner. Section 7—Certifications If applicable, the following certifications apply to this MAS: Task 3 (Field Surveys and Reconnaissance) and Task 4 (Topographic Data Development) Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 43 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 A Registered Professional Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor shall certify topographic data, in accordance with 44 CFR 65.5(c). Certification of topographic data by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is also acceptable. Task 6 (Hydrologic Analyses). Task 8 (Hydraulic Analyses), Task 10 (Floodplain Mapping– Detailed Riverine Analysis), Task 10A (Floodplain Mapping (Redelineation Using Effective Flood Profiles and Updated Topographic Data)), and Task 10B (Floodplain Mapping (Refinement or Creation of Zone A)) • A Registered Professional Engineer shall certify hydrologic and hydraulic analyses and data in accordance with 44 CFR 65.6(f). • A Registered Professional Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor shall certify topographic information in accordance with 44 CFR 65.5(c). • Any levee systems to be accredited will be certified in accordance with 44 CFR 65.10(e). Task 10 (Floodplain Mapping– Detailed Riverine Analysis), Task 10A (Floodplain Mapping (Redelineation Using Effective Flood Profiles and Updated Topographic Data)), and Task 10B (Floodplain Mapping (Refinement or Creation of Zone A)), Task 11 (Quality Assurance Review of Floodplain Mapping (Revised Areas)), Task 13 (DFIRM Production (Non -Revised Areas)), Task 14 (DFIRM Production {Merging,Revised.and Non -Revised Information}) = and Task 14A'(DFIRM Production (Application of FEMA Graphics and Database Specifications)) The DFIRM metadata files shall include a description of the horizontal and vertical accuracy of the DFIRM base map and floodplain information. Task 12 (Base Map Acquisition and Preparation) • Written statement that the digital data meet FEMA's minimum standards and specifications. • The responsible Mapping Partner shall provide documentation that the digital base map can be used by FEMA. Please note that uploading base map data to the MIP does not constitute agreement that the digital base map can be used by FEMA. Documentation that the digital base map can be used by FEMA will still be required. Certifications must be made at the time the intermediate data is submitted. For example, if hydrologic data is submitted, certification will be required at the time it is submitted. Section 8—Technical Assistance and Resources Project Team members may obtain copies of FEMA -issued LOMCs, archived engineering backup data, and data collected as part of the FEMA Mapping Needs Assessment Process from the NSP General technical and programmatic information, such as FEMA 265 and the Quick -2 computer program, can be downloaded from the FEMA Web site (http://www.fema.gov/flim/). Specific technical and programmatic support may be provided through the NSP; such assistance should be requested through the FEMA Project Officer specified in Section 11 of this MAS. Project Team members also may consult with the FEMA Regional Project Officer to request support in the areas of selection of data sources, digital data accuracy standards, assessment of vertical data accuracy, data collection methods or subcontractors, and GIS -based engineering and modeling training. Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 44 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 Section 9—Contractors Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources intends to use the services of URS and AMEC as contractors for this Flood Map Project. If federal funds are used Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall ensure that the procurement for all contractors used for this Flood Map Project complies with the requirements of 44 CFR 13.36. Part 13 may be downloaded in PDF or text format from the U.S. Government Printing Office Web site at http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx 02/44cfr13 02.html. Section 10— Reporting Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall provide progress and financial reports to the FEMA Regional Project Officer and Contracting Officer in accordance with Cooperative Agreement Articles V & VI. Reporting will utilize the MIP or other systems as identified by FEMA. Other progress reports are not anticipated. When the Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources provides deliverables through the MIP, the Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources shall ensure the MIP reflects the current status of the related task. The Project Officer, as needed, may request additional information on status on an ad hoc basis. Section 11 -Points of Contact The points of contact for this Flood Map Project are Robert Franke, the FEMA Regional Project Officer; Collin Olsen, the Project Manager for Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources; or subsequent personnel of comparable experience who are appointed to fulfill these responsibilities. When necessary, the assistance of the NSP should be requested through the FEMA Project Officer, Robert Franke. Section 12—Project Coordination Throughout the project, all members of the Project Team will coordinate, as necessary, to ensure the products meet the technical and format specifications required and contain accurate, up-to-date information. Coordination activities may include: • Meetings, teleconferences, and videoconferences with FEMA and other Project Team members on a ad hoc basis; • Telephone conversations with FEMA and other Project Team members on an ad hoc basis, as required; • Updates to the MIP, MNUSS database, and other FEMA status information systems in accordance with requirements in Volumes 1 and 3 of Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners; and • E-mail, facsimile transmissions, and letters, as required. • Project Team members shall meet with the Regional Management Center and/or FEMA quarterly to review the progress of the project. These meetings will be held via a conference call Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 45 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -VII, June 9, 2005 at a mutually agreeable time to be determined, Typically the call will occur following the submittal of the quarterly progress report. Each party has caused this MAS to be executed by its duly authorized representative. /C) Collin Olsen Date Project Manager Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources r` r-- Rob rt G. Biss 1, Director Date Federal Insurance and Mitigatio4 ivision Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region VII Mapping Activity Statement No. 14 47 Kansas Dept. of Agriculture — Division of Water Resources MAS Template R -V 11, June 9, 2005