Fed Pledgee Agreement 2002 Pledgee Agreement COPY
To: Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
P. O. Box 419033
Kansas City, MO 64141-6033
Attn: Fedwire Operations
We, the City of Sa I ina, Kansas agree to the terms of Appendix C of your
Operating Circular 7, dated August 27, 2001, as it may be amended from time to time with respect to the
account on your books designated J 2 B M -
(account number)
We further agree that you may accept securities from the Pledgor as a replacement of, or in
substitution for, those securities presently held (please check one):
[] with prior approval X~ without prior approval
provided that the replacement or substitution does not reduce the aggregate par amount of securities held in
custody for us. (See Operating Circular 7, Appendix C, Section 4.3.)
We authorize you to use the following call-back procedure for securities transactions pertaining
to this account (please check one):
)tX three-party call-back [] four-party call-back
We certify that the individuals listed below may take authoritative action on our behalf with
respect to the account, including a direction to release collateral from the account. You may rely on the
authority of these individuals with respect to the account until we otherwise notify you.
Rodney Franz Dir. of Finance {785} 309-5735
(Print name) (Title) [ .- (Signa~r~ / (Date) (TelePhone)
Va I erie Gebhardt City Accountant~/~-~~(785} 309-5736
(Print name) (Title) (Signature) '- "(Dat~ (Telephone)
JasonGaqe Asst CityUgr. ha~d.~ .3////t)Z_ (785) 309-5700
(Print name) (Title) (,/ (Signature) ' (Date) (Telephone)
Penny Day Account Clerk I I I.~Y'IJ'IA ,['~)J,/. ~/~,~. (785) 209-5735
(Print name) (Title) -- (S~re) (~ (D~tte) {Telephone)
(Print name) (Title) (Signature) (Date) (Telephone)
(Print name) (Title) (Signature) (Date) (Telephone)
~ Undersigned hereby certifies that he/she is the present lawful incumbent of the designated
public office.
City of Salina, Kansas
Name of governmental unit
P.O. Box 736
Street Address or P.O Box Number
Salina, KS 67402-0736
City~ State, Zip Code
Official Signatffr~
Dennis Kissinqer, City Manaqer
Printed Name and Title
State of~/~ ~'~£Z_~_
County o ~) ~ ~9
[-'.. On this i5~ day ~bt(-~.~ '~)~5;t_fit.)~ ? 200~before me personally appeared
& ~ l~ ~ lo_ ~, '~/~ ~ ~5~.~r~9~me personally ~own or satisfactorily proven, who by me duly
sworn, did depose and say that h~esides at ~ ~ ~ ~3~1~ , lathe
Ci, of~ & !~;,~ J ,i~theStateof~~.~ ~? ~ ,thathe/she
isthe ~~-~~~ ~ ~. [Title] of ~.¢~ ~
and that he/sgxecuted this aocu&t on Uehalfof ~g¢~/)~~~ ~Uefore
(Signature of Notaw) 1~ Nota~ Public - State of
(Print name of Notary)
My commission expires on / ~) -~--~:~ -/~;'~._ [Date]