River Festival Reim. AR1S AND HUMANITIES. SMOKY HIlL MUSEUM Smoky Hill Museum Building. 211 West Iron. Box 2181 Salina, Kansas 67402-2181 TELEPHONE (913) 826-7410 . FAX (913) 826-7207 Salloa tdb:J 1iir - TO: Rod Franz FROM: Martha Rhea RE: Salary Pay Back DATE: December 22, 1997 Enclosed fmd a check for $28,579.80 from the Salina Arts and Humanities Foundation for salary expenses. Details of the breakdown are on the attached sheet. In response to your memo and per our telephone conversation, in 1998: . Festival salaries will be reimbursed to the City by August 20, 1998. ~ ~"\ ~~.~ ~... \.\4-'\~ . Salaries for the Arts Services Coordinator (72%) and the Accounts Coordinator will be reimbursed December 20, 1998. . If a temporary/seasonal salary occurs, it will be reimbursed December 20, 1998 also. FYI, current budget projections show: . $6,700 in Festival salaries . 72% of the Arts Services Coordinator's salary or $19,678 . $7,500 for the accounts coordinator Let me know if you have any questions. ~~ -~~~ ~~