H-1 Energy Usage Commission \ .y\' . /1- k . 7 ~ CITY OF SALINA COMMISSIONERS CITY - COUNTY -'-,-~,"G 300 WEST ASH STREET P. O. BOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 CITY MANAGER NORRIS D. OLSON AREA CODE 913 823,2277 JACK WEISGERBER, MAYOR KEITH G. DUCKERS DAN S. GElS KAREN M. GRAVES JERRY SIMPSON October 25, 1978 P1eåse place the following item on the agenda for the meeting of November 6, 1978: "Discuss letter of October 23, 1978,'from Senator John M. Simpson to the Tri-Government Council concerning possible methods of funding the Energy Usage Commission". ~ ¡jbd~ Jack l~ei sgerber 1 ,~ Mayor MEMBER. , . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIP,ALlTIES - NATION^L LE^GUE OF CITIES . . ~' I STATE OF KANSAS I / - Þ . ,7-' '? p, D BOX 1403 COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS JOHN M, SIMPSON SENATOR TWENTY-FOURTH DISTRICT SALINA, KANSAS 67401 TOPE"'" CHAIR"AN ASSESS"ENT AND TAKATION ""080 ELECTIO"S E""R'GY AND NATURAL RESOURCn JUDICIARY DRGA"IZATIDN. CALENDAR AND RUl.. SPECIAL CLAI"S AGAINST THE STATE SALINE. ELLSWORTH. LINCO!-N COUNTIES SENATE CHAMBER October 23,1978 Tri-Governmental Council City-County Building Salina, Kansas 67401 Recently I visited with representatives of the Tri-Governmental Energy Usage Commission. They indicate that the Tri- Governmental Council is interested in discussing ways in which the Energy Usage Commission can be financed. Following my conversations with these representatives, I contacted Ernie Mosher, Executive Director of the Kansas League of Municipalities, and discussed the problem with him. Mr. Mosher and I agree that it is not necessary, and perhaps not politicalJ.y desirable, to have special legislation passed to create an entity such as the Energy Usage Commission. Rather, we believe it it preferable to work within the existing inter local cooperation statutes and the home rule powers of the county. . Under the home rule powers of the county, as interpreted by the attorney general, the county could elect to exclude from the tax lid a levy for the purpose of financing the Energy Usage Commission. The charter resolution is subject to a protest petition by the citizens of the county. If no protest is made, the tax can be levied. K.S.A. 12-2904 provides for inter local agreements by public agencies. The agreements are limited to the activities set forth in K.S.A. 12-2904(a). Mr. Mosher and I believe that the statute would need to be amended to permit units of government to enter into an agreement for energy development and conserva- tion purposes. In view of the interest in solving energy problems, we do not believe that it would be difficult to obtain such an amendment in the 1979 session of the legislature. As an alternative to entering into an inter local agreement, it is possible for the county to be responsible for the commission and create an advisory committee (the Tri-Governmental Energy '.' Tri-Governmental Council October 23, 1978 Page 2 Usage Commission} and have the program administered and developed subject to the control of the advisory committee. This keeps all of the tax funds under the control of the county. Mr. Mosher and I agree that such control is required and that the funds cannot be directly dispensed to the commission for its uses. With these alternatives available, it appears that the Energy Usage Commission can be developed and financed in a manner that will meet the needs of Saline County~ Very truly yours, . ¿6/~ )r¡. ~ John M. Simpson JMS:lo Enc. PROPOSED FIRST-YE^R BUDGET FOR ENERGY OFFICE, SUBMITTED BY TIlE TRI-GOVERNMENT^L ENERGY USAGE COMMISSION, OCTOBER 1978 .. Salaries Director Secretary Overheads $18,000 - $22,000 8,700 3,600 $30,3"00 Office Expense Rent utilities Telephone Furniture & Equipment Postage Travel Office Supplies $ 1,800 350 1./800 600 750 5,000 400 $10,700 Program Educational Materials,. Publications & Printing Consultant Fees and/or Computer Time $12,000 3,000 $I-Å¡-,õOõ $56,000 - $60,000 TOTAL , ;i"""¡,~';,!::":-"A~:':/¡~:~,\:",.,y;",,~,~!?~~,, .,;~;..:>~~t', ~:~\'f>?~~"¡.'~,.~~!,~,,~:\,,t ,iÛ; ~";~_ct......".J."".;j I;. Li...;.I..>i~ > ""l) ,.it;. ~~~'A:."..u..\ ,:~,;,,¡~\i"¿,::,,'....., :;,<t..i,;~.\~;,L;-,,;~:~¡;.<..~~;,; .~, -'",! ' , , ¡ ,,' ,V!}i ,;"""",,, "I)ï"['I.,I': t' ." ¡. "'" ,,:';1;"::/; ;~';; ." ~¿j:;,: ¡¡iii;:. ,.,..'"- " :'¡-", "f~t' I','. ~I! ~iì~' '¡ ',¡ 'f ~.r "j\ :r( ~F;¡l, :l~ ~!i ,1..1' ~..( ")" :;T".I ),,;. :~j; :)) {;r~ ~ ,¡l. 'H,: :r.J.: ,'{ ,/p> I¡'~ 'l~ t' :;1) ~~i: '~;,': ',:,,', A;i ;~':: .r " ,,' , ";)" <::;"1 ': ~.. ,.;..:. , , l: I. ¡: d.' 'J: , I j t, " ' i: , ~ \ ' 'I ì ;! i (I/!: ' . ; :1' 12.2U:W CITIES ANI) Ì\[l1NICII'AUTJES --'----'-------------, , . :1 to persons or circumstances other than those as to whieh it is invalid. [1.. 1%5, ch. lIS, §38;Aprif 1.3,J ) 2.2U:W, Application of act; adoption .hy onlillallce; clcction. This ad shall only ;¡pply to thosc cities of the first cIass having a pupu- ]atioll of more than one hllndred twcnty thousand (120,000) who shaJJ adopt the pro- visions t])('rC'uf ]¡v ordinance and the guvclll- jug hudy of an}' sllch city Ill;¡y adopt the provi~iol!S of this act hy ordinance at an v regular meeting, adjonrned meeting or special meeting caJJed for said purpose: Provided, That any such ordinance shal1 not take effee:! unless and until the qucstion of the approval of said ordinance has been suhmitted to a vote o( the electors of the city and a majority of those voting on the gl¡cstion shaH have voted in favor thereof; and the eJ(>c'tion and vote on nny such ordinance shaH he caned, heJd and conducted in like manner as pro- vided by section] 2-1 07 of the GenC'ra] Statutes of ]91!:) [oJ for the suhmission of proposed ordinances to a vote of the eJectors of the city insofar as the same can he made applicable. IL. HJ55, eh. ] ]8, § 39; 1\JniI13.) 0 Now repealed, J , ! :1 ' 1, , :1' ;1 : ; I, II , . : SPECIAL PHOBLEMS 12.23.jO. Heimhursement of motor fllel and special fuel taxes paid, ~\'hC'n; ordinance; payment from street flilld. The govC'lllillg body of any city may provide by ordinance for the reimhursellient to any person, firm, or corporation of aH or any part of thc motor fuel tax or the special fuel tax imposed hy law which has l)(~en paid by such person, finn, or corporation on motor fuels or slwcia] fuels used for the ]1mpose of operating or propeHing motor vchic:!cs in connection with . the tramportation of persons in tIle operation of a franchised nl:1SS pu]dic transportation system O\'('¡' fì,'\ed routes within such C'ity alld iL, immcdiate ellvinms. Such rcimbursC'Jll('llts shall he paid from the stre,'t fund of such city to which js credited fullds rcceivcd under tl,e provisions o( K. S, A. 7U-,'312.s1) [O J. II." lU5U, ch.J9G,§J;June,'30.) . 0 Now n:pcalcd, ".~,' if if.: , : , , , I;"~ :\"~. ~) .\ ,~¡, "e), '", , ':"1 tj. . I ¡ : , ! , ' . ~j i::' ,'.¡- 'Ii[ ~ J ,^ .'. , , I Al,ticlc 29,-INTEHLOCAL COOI'EHATION Hc,'isor's No!c: E'p}¡¡llation, S'T 8th Biennial H"port of Kansas Collllllissi(}11 on Interstate Cooperation (I D57) pp. 117-11Ð. , i I, . I Cross Hcf('r('!Jccs 10 Hdatl'd Sccliom: ,. Joint cooperation in area planning, see 1'>.710 10 ¡ 12'æ,i,.,o"»' 1m.;"" .""" II Y. 'eo 68,169." '.',".: 12.2!Ht I. 1'1IIpOSC of act. It is the pur. pose of this act to permit local governlllcl1t.¡ f units to make tht' II1mt cffìcicllt use of their powcrs by enahling theln to cooperate wilh otlwr localities, !wr,o"ons, assoC'i;tfjOJlS alld COl. ...',.,' porations on a has is of mutual advantage alld thereby to provide services and facj/ities in a manner and pursuant to forms of go\'crn, mental organization that will accord best \I'ilh geographic, economic, popu/;¡tion and other factors influencing the needs and devcJopl11l'lIt of local communities. (L. W57, ch. 100, § J; À1arch 25,) Iìe~earch and Practice Aids: !\Iullicipal Co'1)oratiollsC=>267. C. J. S. !\Iunicipal Corporations ~ 1035. 12.2HO2, Short title. This act may ht cited as 'the inter/oca] cooperation act. IL 1957, ch, ]()(), § 2; c\brch 2.5.J ) 2.2~)():J. Dcfìnitioll'i, For the pmposes of this act: (a) The term "public agency' shall mean any counly, township, city, tolln. ~ viJJar;e, schoo] distrid, library district, roi¡d ¡'. district, drainage or levcc district, sewer <lis. t trict, water district, fìre district or other lllU' ., nieipal corporation, quasi-municipal cO/vola. . tion or political sl.lbdi\'ison of this statc 01 l of any otJlCr state and any agcncy or instlu, i~ ment,aljty 0\ this stale 0, I' any other state 01 v( I,', the UllItcd Stales; . (h) The terl11 "state" shaJJ moan a statc o( . the United States and the District of Co- , lumbia; (c) The term "private agency" shall mean ~. an individual, firm, assoC,iation, or corporation. ,~, (L. ]957, ch. 100, § 3; L. lUGS, ch. 221, ~ J¡ l July 1.) ~ 12.2H().I. InterJocal ngreernents by pub- i\ lic agencies; spccifìcatiollS; approval of JI'I'" torney general, exceptions. ((I) Any IXJII'l'! or PO\V,crs, privi1cg,es or anlhority e,XC',rCiseJ Of , capable of exercise by a public agency of this statc relating (0 public improvemcnts, public IItilHies, poJic'e protection, Jihraries, dal¡ pJ'Ocessillg services, edllcationaI servit,'S, building and related inspection services, flood; control and storm WaItT drainage, weather , modi (ìca tion, sc\\';¡ge d ispos;d, I'd \ISO disposal. '~ park ane! recreational pmgrams and facilitics, ~ ambuLnlcc service, Or nre'protection, J!Ja~' 1>(' ~ cxl'rcisec! and enjoyed jointly witll allY olher /', 244 I ~. \ ' ", /, j ¡¡nld, :lL'CII, Il ;n, !h(' ( (If t I,: elSe , ~ gOI',., ' pn!d, Iny ;<; ('(Jill ( (/) nglT( agcn: snd I 11 ;11e ;" \I' i SI' ¡ of tli,' 1\('('(:" I'nt I.'r ( (' ) fo! O\' (2 ) :tnd ¡, Ira Ii I', thl.' p ('lItill ( :3' ¡ ( ,j ; ('()o 1)(' and I: (,r;! II(' ("II NJf1\p, (or ell ('() III P : ( () ) Ins. (d) lIot c\! Ihc j, ugn,'," .) ;t II cI ! C( J!1 L 1 i ! I. 1 ]¡o;lld ' des t" ¡oi II t ( : of a jl . ngJ(,(,li, 2. 'j di~po', ill lite (c) , ad sl,:. olllig:I" 1.111' t", I i 11)(' II' , , I or otlwl .~. ,~" "," ",", ,..~"""""'~~~~"'\":1""1";~"T"1f1'I"'1~~1T~,,~1{m'~;W1:;" """¡,:""",.¡.,".-,, ' "',"-~~,,'¡""ì":"~,',I\',O,I'~i,' '¿?f,m"';t""",!","e!'f!, """""".{""""~,...,.,;,',,li~!"~t~¡q¡:~'Þ,I'¡¡,..(. :!n\f¡"'H\".I:"'<,~,.,..,irJ,'" "~"\k,'><J"" I", ,I" ,:--'t.,~f'~;:.i/\,¡";"~:"'h"'¡"~">""~",~,\""",,,;'":I'I".,:...".':{'\t<"'J.,..II'\\'I.i¿'<"!:r'......~I.,,,,',..1\","'.1,.',""":" ¡ (,."'". , ,,- . " ""~:~~ y\';?~"'~,;J:',::!';;\,:,¡ ;. . ,,;...,', ", , ,;,~t" ,.: ¡ ,.¡:.""~~ "¡Vi; ¡ ¡: ;;,r'fi t 1 !, .',," f 11"'0; t Illn~.: ~ ¡/ ,"':{: r ¡ ,: i/\{: ; Ii I';!; ì " II n:~,"),~;\,' ~,,' ¡' 1\\ ~:;r"; ~ , ,-,It;- " I"\""'\i' r- ¡:I~\,;, ¡,;)" I ,""" ',II ;,:~}\ 1111, ¡~i';,~; ¡~ ¡¡ ;~~; I 'i ,\ '" I I ¡II,\:,I;,!)',:' I ~ ',: ,-',J" ,¡,¡I¡\\{~~Il¡ III :1 \ fl.,,!, : ! 1'1-5 "\'" : i ¡I I ¡! ~,; ;'~ji: i, i, : \ I ;!i ~rJi ~ 'I I! """'" . '" I , 11' J, ",','," ' Iii iiI">';' \ ¡" II 'Ff',.. I ¡ ¡ I: !, ~;\:' i ¡ j I ¡ u ¡ !,'~~:,,;\t,;,'.' i I ¡I' ~ ',;:¡.., ': : I ,¡, i, ,~ ¡,: ~ ' " I Hi! iI',) ~ 1'¡lill !~j;.: ,I' /1",',',"", ,,' I I i j} ~ i, 1,¡,I':\,:h,: ,i! ! j ) "'¡I <, II ' ' " .' /' , !1}11~l)¡',:!:,1;,! ¡I! ';' , I' ',' í'I:'; ; '¡'" ' .:" i 'III ¡Hl'~"J:,j ~ ", j I i '), ,;':~ : I ,j ,~';,d "'I '):"'1,',,' ! ,! 'I " ,'j ~ ì:' ! ~ I:} ',ILiLi;' . : ¡ I' ~ 'iì~"; , : !¡ ; l,i;;;Ü, ""í\"I" , , "'\' , I ,~, ;;1" , i j ; I ~)~ " ~,;~: , j ,í t! '(; ' :~H\ ¡,t ,;.,\,' I ' I I ¡ ~ ]': " ft {~ ~. "I' '; ,.-, , "ij :h/~ ¡ , ,'J ", <!.. ~,' , , I " Î\! i ':":y t I :CJ~~ Ii ,H>\'ì ~ \' ,',,' ; , ,; I ~ I , '1'10' . , , ;' H '¡ , 1,I,t ' I, i ¡; t' ., ,,1\ ' : \;1\ ~, i ~'.. r : :i ~I: fI I : ~' \ '\"""'~'" ,"""',,' , ,,' ..~". , "..,..., " '.._, "'" ~'7""'>1""" ~,'¡lf~',~¡¡I,!,\"¡',,,:),~1',1'1.~~,~tl';:;:rWr"~~~~<1/!I";V,'",,'""'~iV¡¡~'lT"\¡!'\')"r¡'T'([.~""", 'J'ji,~~"~~'~:'I"'!'\)'JJI,I,,:':¡P~-:',~,,~ )\.;r-, 1\\~R!'!'I"~r': "~,I'!,'::: ",,!t'f,,\ ",,\ """ ,J""'"", """'h','" """"'",*""."""."""~,,,, "..,,', , '1;":"",¡~ ',',,,';'i;"I"^"""'-'" t"'"" ,'" ""ê,,":;<J:',':' .., , j " :,'.. ') : \, ,;. ,'. " , ,," '\ ' , ,'On,' hi .,~.::.............J';""¿¡;;.I""-,~,ùi.....:..:,..:.;::'J;:',,;,"'; ~J:..i"::." J"',:'" , "" , ,', .., 't~,t", " ""ii;'; , " ' ", id., "dLJ;.¡,~...w 'l'L1;j'";'~'J~~j.~L;":'k,~,l~" ,,~,'i,ì;.' ,¡.,".J~ INTEIILOCAL COOI'EHATION ] 2-2~J()5 "....,------ --'--'----"""""""""'-'---"""'-----"""------,----- ..u, ,-----" .-------- t public agcncy of this sl:'lfc or with allY private agency, and jointly with allY pllhlie agcJ](T of :1ny othcr state or of the United States to the extrnt that tile laws of such oth('r stale or of the United States l)('rInit sllch jOillt e,\('r- rise or enjoYlllent. Any agcncy of !hc state go\,(,l'JImcnt wllell acting joinlly with any public or private agcllcy Illay exercise and cn- ipy all of (he powers, privilq!;l's and anll ()rily ('onferred by this act Ilpon a public agellcy, (b) AllY public agcncy may enter into agrecments with one or more public or privall' agencies for joint or cooperative action pur- ~\I:1llt to the provisions of this :'Ict. l\ppropri- ate action by onlinanc(', resoliltion or other- wisc pursllant to law of the govcming bodies of the p:'lrticipaling pul¡jic agellcies shall 11L' n('ccSS:1ry before any such agrcclllent may ('nll'r into forcc, (c) A ny such agreement shall specify the following: (1) Its duration, (2) The precise organization, composition and natmc of any separate legal or adminis- trative entity created thereby tog<'lhcr with the powers delegated 'herdo, provided such cutity may be legally created, (,3) Its purpose or purposes, «I) The manner of fill:mcing the joint' or cooprr:1tivc undertaking alld of establishing and maintaining :'I 111IClgct tllcrdor. (.5) The pennissible mcthod or nH'tllOds to' h(' .eIllP]oyed in accolllplishing tIle partial or C'oll1plcle tcrmillatioll of the agrcenll'nt and 'for disposing of property upon sllt'h partial or l'ompkte tennillation, (6) Any olllL'r nccessary amI proper mat- Iprs, (d) Tn the evcnt that the agrecnH'nt docs not estah1ish a scp:nate legal el1tity tf) C'o!l(hlcl Ille joint or cooperalive IIn(lt-rtaking, thl~ ;lgrc('l1wllt sh:111, in addiliol1 to items I, J, cl, S alld G el1ullll'1ated in ,~ubdi,'ision (c) hereof, ('CIlllaill tl (' following: I.' Provisiol1 for all administrator or a joint )¡o,\HI or one of the parlieip:llil1.1,; public agcn- ('Í('~ 10 be rc'Sj)()llsiblc for adnlillisl<'rillg the joilll or coo H'l';lliv(' u!l(lertakillg, III lh(~ ca,(' of a joint board pllhlic ;I¡;el!ci('~ pall)' to the agr(,('I11I'l1t shall he H'[JITSt'n(¡<d, 2, The lll;lInlf'r of acquiring, holding :1ud di\ 1°sillg of n'al and pl'1sonal pro 1ntv ¡¡sed ill 111f'. joint or coo[1('raliv(' nlld(' 't;lkillg, (e) No aL~le('I1)(,l1t I1L1(I(, ) rSllal1t to this ad shall rc,lic\'C' an\' Jnblic ag('I1('y of a 11\' obligation or r"SPO!1Sibilily illlpos(,d IIp'JI1 it b~' 1,1\,' except tJI;1l to 1IIl' ("\(¡<lIt lIf a(III,,1 al1d lim('ly wrfol'lnance then'of by a joint hoard or other legal () ' administrative ('nlily created hy an agreement mad(~ IICrcuJl(J¡.r, said pc '- fonnancè may he olkred ill satisfaction of the obligation or respollsibility- ' (I) Every ,1greclllent made hcr<)lInder sha1J, prio ' to and a~ a condiliOl prl'l'('dcllt to it.~ eillry into forcc, be sul) ])ilted to tIll' altolï1cy general who shall determine \\hdl)('r the '1gr<'l'Ill{'nt is in proper form and compatible with the I;¡w,~ of this stall': I'mcid('(/, That agreements betwccn two or mo '(' puhlic agell- cies est:'lblishillg :'I council or otJIlT organiza- tion of local govelì1mcllts for the study of common problems of an area O ' region and for tJle promolion of int('rgovemmental coop- eration need not be so suhmitted, The attor- ney general shalJ approve any agn'cmcnt sub- mitled hen'uuder unlc'ss thc attorney gcneral sh,dl find that it does not 1I1I'('t the conditions set forth herein and shall detail in \\Titing ad- dressed to the govrJïJing hodies of the public and private agencies conC('rned the specific respects in whic,h the proposed agreenlC'nt fails to meet the rcquirements of la\\', Failure to dis:\pprove an agreement sllhmitted hercunder wilhin ninety (90) days of its submission si¡;¡]1 COJ1\titutc approval thercof. [L. J~),C;7, ch, JOO, ~ 4; L. HJG8, ch, 221, § 2; L. 1972, ch, 48, § ]; L. 1975, ch, 7.1, § 1; L. Jm5, ch, 75, § J; July 1.] H('visor's Note: Conditions Tcbtin¡.: to thl' provisions of cdocational services by boards of ed1lcation, sec 72,1)2,')0, ] 2-290;;. Samc; filing; status; c!;ullagc or liability actions. Prj¡¡r to its cnlr\' into lorce, an agrecment made pursll:1nt to thi" act shall hc filed with the register of d('eds of the eolluty where such political subdivision or agency of the stale govcrllTnent is located and with the SC'(Telar\' of slate, In the ev('nl that an agrecm('nt e ;I<~rcd into pmsua1lt to this ;\c[ is belwCl~n or among one or more pllhlic agencies of this slate aile! one or more public agcncics of anothcr statC' or of the United Slalcs, said ;lgrcelJ1cnt shall ha\'(' tlIe st;\lus of ;111 interstate compact, hut in any C:1se or conlmvcrsy illvolving performancc or in In- prC't:llion thereof or ¡i,¡hilily tllcrcullder, the puhJie agencies party tllC'rcto shall J)(' real p;\Jlies in interest and the slale may maintain an aclion to n'COllp oj' olh('¡'wise make ilself whole for an\, damac:es or Jiabililv which it may incur h)' reaso;~ of bcÎng j(;ince! as a party then'ill, Sl\ch action shall bc nL\intai1l- able against any public or prÎ\'al(' ;WC'IICV or agenci~'s whose' dcfanlt, L1ilmc of 1")('rf(;rl11- anc(~, or other condllct caused or c\»))triIJillcd 2-15 " ¿ttL~,~ '- ,~i.f"j'J' ~¿ki.1,:~,li;L;, ":...;~Ú.; . ,,~..'.' ~>"..t':(."'l,~,';'~".I':'."'1',: ,;,; , , ".;": ~'~,~L.t....J..i.'¿¡"".;....::".,:..J!,:Y,_i."'"'~¿:';~'¡II, :~"¡,ÄJ.k;.i\/~"~{!'.í~L¡¡.;;.:,¡;.;.;~~......,~, "; ", 'i~1, t','< , ¡', CENEHAL PIlOVISIONS 12-:H)() I, Comidcra!ion at public lIIeel- ings, when; (inal passage; clllcrgency mcas- ures. All ordinances of a city shall be eomid- .t, JI' , t I_~,-?~!~~¡,--- _CI~I!'~S A!:-.!)_~IUNICII':\LI1'IES r ", I he ;w"",;,,~ "r d""".~" oc k, 1 ~r" y by '-h;--;:;":I,,,-;," J~"I'h-;;n"'. ;"g "r -;;;:;'" ";':;,,g f stalt', [L. ID!J7, eh, 100, § 5; !\Iarch 25,J J)()(ly l'xcepl as OtIH'!\\,isl: h~'r!'Í1I provided or r' 12:2n(){j. Same; additional approval of \V1~(:re a SI:ltUlt', ~1ro~I~!cS ;~ ~,JI.r',LTent pn.).ced:lre! certalJl agreements. In tIlt' evellt tllal an I~I .\11 e!ldlll,I!IU, fOl ,I "pLlIfH, pUlpOSC, J (°'1 agrecnlC'III made IHIrS!];IIIt to this act shall ¡:/f/('II, I hat ,III elllnllllSSlon citIes 01 the, ~rst,,; deal in whole or in part with the provisions of class 110 ord'l1al1c~' other than Olle provHlllig \, servicI's or facilities with rcgard to which an f,or tIle appmlJr1atlCJ,n I!' ~lIncls, shall hc passed i officer or agency of the stalt: governmcnt has fIlially Oil the daY,lt IS I1ltmdu~:ed, except In ,", conslillllion;¡! or s!;((ulory powcrs of conlrol, tlll~ c;lse oj I)lJJ¡he eIJH.'rgenC'les, ,:1nd ,t!1l'n I_: the agn'('nlcnt shall, as a colJ(,Jition precedent only whcn requcskcl JJ}: the mayor ~n Wl'Illllg, " to ils clltry into force, be submitted to the hut no ~JI:(!Jnance granting a franchISe or spc, stale officcr or agency having slJch power of clal pnvllege shaJI Cver hc- passed as an 1: control and sJlall be apPl,',ovcd or disapproved elJl,crg"l1cy measure. [L. 19;)9, ch, 6J, §J;! by the state olfìeer or agency as to alllllatters JUIIC .'30,J "&,: within I¡is, hers ~Jr its jllfisdiction in t,he same Hesean,h and Praetice Aids: l:. manner, :1, I1d SU1,J)ect to Ihe same reC/lnrel,nenls ~[lInicip;d Corporalioll\C=105, , 't' go\'cmjng thc action 0/ the attorney general C:' j, S, 1\llIllicipal Corporations §§ 411 cl see¡, ;' pursualit tll K, 5, A, 12-2~JO-J (I), This re-, f ' , , , Law neVIl'\\' /Iud Bar jollrnn He ereHCI'S: , ! UII('nlcnt of submIssIOn alld approval shall ~[ I' 1, t' J, ]' ,,' , t", I' ,IJ" ,] , I," f, ,('IlIOIlI.'CII1,anallcccISClIs\lI1g0pCUHH'Cmpù Je m .J(ltIC)JJ to ,lI1( not m Sll)SlllllllC1n OJ r¡'l lIin'Il1elltsill (amas,jerryL,lJarpcr,43j,B,A,K., the , reqll,ire'n~ent of, SU~J:ni"s~ion to :~'~d ap- 257, 2,')') (EO,/), 1,,: plO\al b} the :1tt()]ney genua!. [L. U,,)7, ch, I" "WH" V L I I 1" JOO ~,G; :-, I arch 25, J . . --, -, 0 e JY yeas, an( 1~:~Ys; mn, ¥,:¡ , Jonty of lllembers,clcct required, llle votc f 12-2nO7: Same; funds; property, pers?n- on any ordinnncc, except as otherwise pro, I!', ~leJ and serVIce, Any pubL:..' agen~y enlenng vidcd Ilercin, sha]] be by yeas and nays, ~ , JIlto all ,agreement pursuant Lo tills act J~1ay which shall be enlercd on the journal by the ,~. appropnale funds and may sell, Icase, give, cJcrk, No ordinance sh;11I he valid Il11kss a t or otherwise supply III(' ad~ni,ni'ilr~ltive jo!nt majority of all the mcllllJCr-eJcct of the council f. board Or otll(' ' legal adlllJlllstrallvc entity of council cities or JIl,\\'or and olher conllnis, I crcatee! ,to operate .tl~c joint or cooperate sioncrs of comlllissio,; cilies vole in fal'or ~" und~'rtakmg by provJdmg such, p~~rsc~nncl or tl¡crcof: l'woidcr!, That in eolllleil cities í. serVIces t!lC'rcf,or :1S ma}: be wlthlll Its legal where the number of favorable voles is OIiC 1!' pOWcr to ful'llJsh,: ,Proou/crl, That the board less than required, the mayor shall have powcr .I' ~Jf county COlI~IIlJSSIOl](, ,S of an)' couilly ha\'- to cast lhe deciding vole in favor of the onli, 1- JIlg a popuLlt ()n 0/ not less than forty-two nance, [L. ]('),')9, eh, GJ, ~ 2; June 30,] '~! thousand (: 2,OOO) lIor more Lhan fifly-eight, l,: tholL'iand (5.'3000) with 'I tol'11 '15S 'S" I f-1 - Law Hc\'Iew and Bar Jollrna] Hdcrcuces: I,;, ' ',.,(,SU.x C'I"'Cl! HI' ( "\V'III'!' ablc tangible vahwtion of morc than eigllt}, ,ltel HI. .11f' Dille 11 C III ::¡L~;LÇ, IIgII" :"/ '11' 111 ("l'O ()()() ()()()) _I CnllnIl1CII,O\\,I,J,J,l,H,15(JLJW), 1, 1111 Ion (0 ;l!'S 'ê)" may use tlC ,l money 1,,1 L' rC'l 0, fc,ne or ('reaft"cr CC,)lleCfcd from .12-:H,ÞO:t:, 'Signing. or vele,)' of ordinances 'r",' tax !evi('s made undc'!' the authority of K, S, A, 11.1 C(!llllCJ! cl,tles, C:\C:ptlOll'i; I~as;;;¡gc ~)~'cr I'eta; , J9-1569[ 0 J ;md 19-15ïO[ 0] or acts an1C'nclatory slgnlllg ord,naJl(:es 111 collln;I:"on cItIes; pr(}o, th(' 'cof to pay the ('ounty's sl1:lI'e of ¡he ('ost ccclllrc; ;,lltcslallOn; seal. J he n¡ayor, of a;" to provide for thL, acquisition of hllildillg sites COlll1ei! city s~l;dl have the ,powcr to sIgn .or } an,cl parking 'areas, dcsign, construction, fur- \',C'lo, any o,r~llI};!nce passed by thceollnul: ^', l1ishillg, aIle! ('<[Ilipping of a colJlbincd unit of J /'Oo/f/ell. J Ilat or~II~);U1Cl'S on which l ¡~ r conrlhotJS(" city hall, jail aile! parking facilitics ma)'or C:lst, tIlL' e!el'llllllg vole ane! approplJ.I' ~' in coo pc ration wi(h the cilv which is the ,!HJI1 Or~,IIJI~IIl('e~ ~h:' 111;~}~or shall Ilaw',lIo ~Tr~ .\ connt}' se;ll of s\lch county, r L. I~)57, ch, 100, rilld he 01 sill Sh,I'! SIbIl ,Sll~ h 01 cllJI,llJ(,[s ¡,J § 7; L. IfJGJ, ('h, ïG, § I; June 30,J prCSl'1I1 at the I1lccllllg. and If thc mayor Il' ~. 0 No\v ) J ,1 luscs or lH'gJc'('ts to .siL~n or 1)(' nol plesent:ll 1 H' ('a e( , , I' thc IIll':C,lillg, lhey Sh:dl,take drl'd,\\'it!,lolit his "', Article 3D.-OHDINANCES OF CITIES or hcr signature, All)' ore!illallÅ“ veloed Ii)' " ¡he JI};IY°J', II);IY be passed ow'r thc' veto Ii)' a \'Otl' of thrl'l',folJ/lhs (;;) of the whole lllIl1Ilw I' of c()ullcilllll'lI ('lc('[I'e!, Iwt\\'illlsLllldin!,,' th~ , vdo: ]'rol'ir/C'lI, That if the llJavor clm's no! ' 21~';"" I,;, '" I"", "pp",,'al 01 ,10" ",'di""",.,'", t ~, ~. r ;, "', , . V"'H""'~~' ""-"""""":,-"":"T....,.~1'T"',,~-~~("~"~" """""\""~'-':::7""í""" , " '"t.. J, '~, :;, " '. .", " " .' , :,- , 1\ , t ,',t- . : I : ¡ , , , ; , !i , ¡ : I , : ,} ,1 '<ii'.,:,) ,".. ,. -,.