Bicentennial Center HVAC Study of: BICENTENNIAL CENTER HV AC SYSTEMS for the City of Salina, Kansas December 15, 2003 submitted by I...... BUCHER, WilLIS & RATLIFF I.'.'.~ CORPORATION . . . Study of: Bicentennial Center HV AC Systems City of Salina, Kansas TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION NUMBER PAGE 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 APPEND ICES APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C APPENDIX D APPENDIX E APPENDIX F APPENDIX G EXISTING CONDITIONS"""",..,."...,.,...",."",.....,.""""""""""""""""""""'" 1 OPTIONS & CONSIDERA nONS .................,..........,......,....................,............ 1 2,1 Replacement of Indoor Air Handling Units,....,...........................,....... 1 2.2 Conversion from Heat Pump to Natural Gas Powered Units........... 1 2.3 Chilled and Hot Water Units """"",,"""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 1 2.4 Replacement of Existing Heat Pumps with New More Efficient Models .., ......... ,.. ...' ....... ..... ,... ....,.........., ......... '...'... ,........ ..... ,..., .....,. .... ...., 2 RECOMMENDATIONS .""".."..,..",..,.."."..",.".,.""""."..""""""..".,........"".2 COST ESTIMATE,.",....,."",..".,."""".",.,...."".,.""".,.,.,..",."""""."".,....,..."",,2 - Existing System Description - New Replacement Heat Pumps - Utility Bills and Energy Consumption - HV AC Maintenance Cost - Determination of Savings by Replacing Heat Pumps - Heating and Cooling Loads Building Loaded with People -- Heating and Cooling Loads Building Loaded without People Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corporation, i N:\2003328\TeporflReport final fomw1Ied.doc . . . Study of' Bicentennial Center HV AC Systems City of Salina, Kansas 1,0 EXISTING CONDITIONS The Bicentennial Center original building is heated and cooled by split system heat pumps, There are supplementary gas duct heaters in the discharge ductwork from several of the air handling units serving the arena, This allows the arena to be heated during very cold weather. There is a locker room addition which was added to the building in 1986 which has a gas fIred rooftop unit with DX cooling for HV AC, It is a stand alone system and is not considered part of the main system study. A description of the building HV AC systems is included in Appendix A. The heating and cooling loads for the building were run with the building full of people as well as without. The calculations with people load show a total load of 565 tons, The calculations without people load show a total load of 113,5 tons, Refer to Appendix F and G for detailed heating and cooling loads for the building, 2.0 OPTIONS & CONSIDERATIONS 2.1 Replacement of Indoor Air Handling Units Replacement options for the heat pump system were considered, After study of the drawings and field surveys, it was determined it would be cost prohibitive to select a system that would require replacement of the indoor air handling units, These units are in locations within the building that would require considerable modification to remove and replace them, The units are in good shape with routine maintenance required on the fans and dampers, 2.2 Conversion from Heat Pump to Natural Gas Powered Units Converting the building from heat pump to natural gas was considered. In order to have the units be gas only, the indoor air handling units would have to be replaced, The price of natural gas is rising at a significant rate and has doubled in the past few years, The cost for conversion is not a feasible alternative due to the costs of replacing the air handling units and considering the escalation in the price of natural gas. 2,3 Chilled and Hot Water Units Chilled and hot water units were also considered, This could be done without replacing the air handling units, New water chillers, boilers, pumps, piping and controls would be required for this option, A small building to house the boilers and pumps would also be required, Only one coil would fit into the air handling units so it would have to be both heating and cooling, Changeover from heating to cooling would take time as well as cause significant control problems during certain times of the year, The system would also require antifreeze due to some of the water pipes being located outdoors, This system has many more components than the heat pumps and would Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corporation, 1 N/oJOO332l!v-eporNieport final fannatted.doc . . . Study of: Bicentennial Center HV AC Systems City of Salina, Kansas require significantly more maintenance, Construction cost of this system is approximately fifty percent more than the heat pumps, Therefore chilled water is not a feasible choice, 2.4 Replacement of Existing Heat Pumps with New More Efficient Models Replacement of the heat pumps with new and more efficient heat pumps was considered and is the most economical system, Work involved to replace the heat pump system would basically include removal of the existing outdoor units and replacement with new outdoor units, The outdoor units consist of the compressors, controls, and heat rejection fans, Each forty-ton air handling unit has four circuits with one ten-ton compressor connected to each circuit. The current configuration is each outdoor unit has two ten-ton units, The new configuration would be separate ten-ton units for each circuit for a total of 48 ten-ton units. There are also eight seven-and-one half-ton units that would be replaced. Two five-ton units and one one-ton unit would not be replaced, The new system would pipe and wire up to the new units with very little modification. The refrigerant piping and coils in the units are in good shape and will not need to be replaced, The down time and inconvenience of construction would be minimal with this option. 3,0 RECOMMENDATIONS Our recommendation is to replace the existing heat pumps with new efficient heat pumps as described above. This option will cause the least amount of disruption for the building compared to any other replacement considered, The payback is around eight years which makes the project feasible, 4.0 COST ESTIMATE The estimated cost is $395,650 for the Replacement of Existing Heat Pumps with New More Efficient Models option, This cost includes a five-year warranty for parts and labor on the new heat pumps, Refer to Appendix B for cost breakdown, The annual cost of energy for the HV AC in the building has averaged $0.75/sqft for electricity and $0. 16/sqft for gas, This cost is very good, The low cost to run the building can be attributed to the staff and their knowledge of the system and ability to run it very efficiently, Refer to Appendix C for a breakdown of cost of energy for the building. The heat pumps are past their useful life and compressor failure is common, Refer to Appendix D for infonnation on maintenance costs for the heat pump systems, This appendix includes the repair bills for the year 2002 and part of 2003. Calculations of energy cost savings and maintenance cost savings per year are located in Appendix E, Note in the seventh year of savings the payback is $411,813 which exceeds the construction cost so the payback is a little less than eight years, Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corporation - 2 N:\2003 3281TeporlVleporr final jarmarteJ.dor . . . Study of' Bicentennial Center HV AC Systems City of Salina, Kansas One item not considered in the payback is the inconvenience of down time, If the heat pumps are not replaced there will be continually more failure of the existing units, not only causing additional expenses, but down time as well, Some of the down time may come at critical times. The payback is longer than initially expected because of the low annual cost of energy due to the efficient operation of the building, If activity in the facility increases over the next few years, the cost of energy would rise and decrease the payback time accordingly, Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corporation, 3 N:\2003328\reparMepart .final ¡annatled.dac Study of: Bicentennial Center BV AC Systems . City of Salina, Kansas APPENDIX A EXISTING SYSTEM DESCRIPTION . . N :\20033 2/NeporMpp<ndic es. doc Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corporation . . . EXISTING SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION Arena: The arena is served by ten heat pump units, They are labeled on the drawings as units 3,4,5,7,8,10,11,12,15 and 16. Indoor air handlers 3,4 and 5 are on the south equipment mezzanine and indoor air handlers 10, 11 and 12 are on the north equipment mezzanine. Indoor air handlers 7 and 8 are located at the west entrance end of the arena and are on equipment platforms, Units 15 and 16 are located on an equipment mezzanine at the east end of the arena, Indoor air handlers 3, 5, 10 and 12 have gas fired duct heaters in the supply ducts, Each of the supply ducts for these units have two Modine DJ300 duct heaters in parallel. Each duct heater has an output of 231,000 Btuh, The heat pump compressors are located in an equipment area outside the north and south sides of the building. The units are all the same size. 20,000 CFM, nominal 40 tons cooling and 270,000 Btuh heating, Total CFM delivered to the arena is 200,000, The arena is approximately 61,800 square feet so the CFM per square foot is 3.24, Total cooling is approximately 400 tons and total heating is 2,700,000 Btuh from the heat pumps and 924,000 Btuh heating from the gas heaters for a total of 3,624,000 Btuh total heating, Heritage Hall: Heritage Hall is served by two heat pump units, They are labeled on the drawings as units 21 and 22, Both air handlers are located in mechanical areas on the south side of Heritage Hall. Air is ducted above the ceiling to all areas of Heritage Hall. The compressors are located on the roof, The units are both the same size, 20,000 CFM, nominal 40 tons cooling and 270,000 Btuh heating, Total CFM delivered to the Heritage Hall is 40,000, Heritage Hall is approximately 18,434 square feet so the CFM per square foot is 2, Total cooling is approximately 80 tons and total heating is 540,000 Btuh, Lobby Upper Level Meetina Rooms: The upper lobby meeting rooms is served by two heat pump units, They are labeled on the drawings as units 18 and 20. Both air handlers are located in mechanical rooms on the east side of the upper level meeting rooms. Compressors are located on the roof, The units are both the same size. 3,000 CFM, nominal 7.5 tons cooling and 86,900 Btuh heating, Total CFM delivered to the meeting areas is 6,000, The upper lobby area is approximately 7,000 square feet so the CFM per square foot is .86. Total cooling is approximately 15 tons and total heating is 173,800 Btuh, Lobby Lower Level: The lower lobby area is served by two heat pump units, They are labeled on the drawings as units 1 and 14. Both units are located in mechanical rooms on the west side of the lower lobby area, The units are both the same size. 3,000 CFM, nominal 7.5 tons cooling and 86,900 Btuh heating, Total CFM delivered to the lower lobby area is 6,000. The lower lobby area is approximately 7,000 square feet so the CFM per square foot is ,86, Total cooling is approximately 15 tons and total heating is 173,800 Btuh. Office Area: The office area is served by one heat pump unit. It is labeled on the drawings as unit 17. The air handler is located in mechanical room above the office area, . The unit capacity is 3,000 CFM, nominal 7.5 tons cooling and 86,900 Btuh heating, The office area is approximately 1,240 square feet so the CFM per square foot is 2.42 VIP MeetinQ Room: The VIP area is served by one heat pump unit. It is labeled on the drawings as unit 19, The air handler is located in mechanical room above the VIP area, The unit capacity is 3,000 CFM, nominal 7.5 tons cooling and 86,900 Btuh heating, The office area is approximately 1,290 square feet so the CFM per square foot is 2.33, South Concourse Area: The south concourse area is served by two heat pump units, They are labeled on the drawings as units 2 and 6, Both air handlers are located in the mezzanine mechanical room above the area, Both units had Modine OJ150 gas fired duct heaters installed in their discharge ductwork, The gas heaters were added in 1985 for supplemental heat. Each duct heater has an output capacity of 115,500 Btuh. The units are both the same size. 3,000 CFM, nominal 7,5 tons cooling and 86,900 Btuh heating from the heat pump and 115,500 Btuh from the gas heaters, Total CFM delivered to the south concourse area is 6,000. The south concourse area served by these units is approximately 8,000 square feet so the CFM per square foot is .75, Total cooling ;s approximately 15 tons and total heating is 404,800 Btuh, . North Concourse Area: The north concourse area is served by two heat pump units, They are labeled on the drawings as units 9 and 13, Both air handlers are located in the mezzanine mechanical room above the area, Both units had Modine OJ150 gas fired duct heaters installed in their discharge ductwork, The gas heaters were added in 1985 for supplemental heat. Each duct heater has an output capacity of 115,500 Btuh, The units are both the same size, 3,000 CFM, nominal 7,5 tons cooling and 86,900 Btuh heating from the heat pump and 115,500 Btuh from the gas heaters, Total CFM delivered to the north concourse area is 6,000, The north concourse area served by these units is approximately 8,000 square feet so the CFM per square foot is ,75. Total cooling is approximately 15 tons and total heating is 404,800 Btuh, Locker Room Addition: This addition was constructed in 1986, It is approximately 4,300 square feet and is served by a single gas fired rooftop unit with OX cooling, The system is zoned with a computerized damper system, This system is gas and is completely different than the other systems in the building, This system and this part of the building will not be included in the study, . . . . Study of: Bicentennial Center HV AC Systems city of Salina, Kansas APPENDIX B NEW REPLACEMENT HEAT PUMPS This section contains the estimating fonn for the heat pump system, The estimated probable construction cost is $395,650, Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corporation N: 12 00 33 2/W epo rfIA ppendi< e s. doc CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE DATE PREPARED SHEET OF Oct. 21, 2003 1 1 PROJECT BASIS FOR ESTIMATE cenntenial Center OCA TION - CODE A (Preliminary design) - 35% Salina, Kansas CODE B (Preliminary design) - 65% ARCHITECT ENGINEER - CODE C (Final design) Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corporation OTHER (Specify) DRAWING NO.1 SECTION: ESTIMATOR CHECKED BY HVAC ROM QUANTITY MATERIAL LABOR SUMMARY NO. UNIT PER TOTAL PER TOTAL TOTAL UNITS MEAS. UNIT UNIT COST TEN TON REPLACEMENT CONDENSING UNITS 48 EA 4000 $192,000 750 $36,000 $228,000 SEVEN AND ONE HALF TON REPLACEMENT CONDENSING UNITS 8 EA 3100 $24,800 500 $4,000 $28,800 ELECTRICAL $28,600 DEMOLITION 56 EA $0 400 $22,400 $22,400 '-'. I' SUBTOTAL $307,800 TWENTYFIVE PERCENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT $87,850 . Total This Sheet $395,650 Form BWR 2002 . . . Study of: Bicentennial Center HV AC Systems City of Salina, Kansas APPENDIX C UTILITY BILLS AND ENERGY CONSUMPTION This section contains the utility bills for the last three years for the Bicentennial Center, The bills were obtained from the City Finance Department. There is only one electric meter for the building so the amount of electricity attributed to HV AC was estimated, An explanation of the assumptions to calculate this are included, The calculations showing annual energy costs for HV AC are included, Utility costs for HV AC are averaging around $88,000 per year for electricity and $18,500 for natural gas, Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corporation N :~OO3 3281reporMppendices. doc DETERMINATION OF ELECTRICAL COSTS ATTRIBUTED TO HVAC . The building has only one electric meter so the consumption indicated in the utility bills is for all electrical items in the building including lighting, kitchen, special equipment and heating and cooling, We needed to estimate the amount of the consumption attributed to heating and cooling, We took interim months (April, May, September and October), estimated the amount of heating and cooling attributed to the consumption for those months and came up with a base consumption (90,OOOKW) for electrical use other than heating and cooling, We then took this base and subtracted it from the total consumption each month to come up with the probable heating and cooling electrical energy consumption and costs, TOTAL COST HVAC HVAC HVAC HVAC HVAC KW KW ANNUAL COST ANNUAL ANNUAL KW COST CST/SOFT 9/8/2003 287600 $14,303,00 197600 $9,827.10 8/8/2003 280000 $14,049,00 190000 $9,533,25 7/9/2003 241600 $12,089,00 151600 $7,585,65 6/9/2003 252800 $12,371,00 162800 $7,966,77 5/7/2003 202400 $10,302,00 112400 $5,721,07 4/9/2003 222400 $11,207.00 132400 $6,671,79 3/11/2003 268800 $12,782,00 178800 $8,502,31 2/10/2003 292400 $13,874.00 202400 $9,603,62 1/10/2003 237200 $11,552,00 147200 $7,168,86 . 12/9/2002 220400 $10,918,00 130400 $6,459,65 11/5/2002 137200 $8,132,00 47200 $2,797,60 1 0f7/2002 204800 $10,495.00 114800 1767600 $5,882,94 $87,720,61 $0,75 9/5/2002 260400 $12,996,00 170400 $8,504,29 8/7/2002 271600 $13,176,00 181600 $8,809,87 7/9/2002 285200 $14,034,00 195200 $9,605,32 6f712002 228400 $11,813,00 138400 $7,158,14 5/8/2002 206400 $10,332,00 116400 $5,826,77 4/9/2002 217600 $10,974,00 127600 $6,435,12 3/11/2002 282400 $12,948.00 192400 $8,821,51 2/8/2002 264800 $12,631.00 174800 $8,337,99 1/10/2002 270400 $12,591,00 180400 $8,400,21 1217/2001 187200 $9,618,00 97200 $4,993,96 11/5/2001 174400 $9,199,00 84400 $4,451,81 10/5/2001 229600 $11,084,00 139600 1798400 $6,739,23 $88,084.22 $0,75 9/6/2001 278000 $13,261.00 188000 $8,967,87 8(7/2001 254000 $11,220,00 164000 $7,244.41 7/9/2001 279600 $12,238,00 189600 $8,298,73 6/6/2001 208800 $10,112,00 118800 $5,753.38 5/8/2001 147200 $7,655,00 57200 $2,974,63 4/5/2001 215200 $10,137.00 125200 $5,897,55 3(7/2001 280800 $12,357.00 190800 $8,396.42 2/6/2001 284800 $12,524.00 194800 $8,566,28 1/8/2001 351600 $15,247.00 261600 $11,344,18 12/5/2000 257600 $12,082,00 167600 $7,860,80 11/1/2000 154000 $8,129.00 64000 $3,378.29 . 1 0/3/2000 135200 $7,765,00 45200 1766800 $2,595,99 $88,017.76 $0.75 . GAS COSTS ATTRIBUTED TO HVAC All of the gas costs are attributed to HV AC DATE MCF COST $/MCF $/SOFT $/VR $/SOFT /VR 9/8/2003 6 $66,00 $11.00 0.00056 8/8/2003 6 $63,00 $10.50 0,00054 7/9/2003 8 $81.00 $10,13 0,00069 6/9/2003 22 $206.00 $9,36 0.00175 5/7/2003 37 $324.00 $8,76 0,00276 4/9/2003 177 $1,434.00 $8.10 0.01221 3/11/2003 665 $4,538.00 $6,82 0.03863 2/10/2003 792 $5,245,00 $6,62 0.04465 1/10/2003 512 $3,035,00 $5,93 0.02584 12/9/2002 383 $2,341.00 $6,11 0,01993 11/5/2002 255 $1,284.00 $5,04 0,01093 1 0/7/2002 10 $72.00 $7.20 0,00061 $18,689,00 $0,16 9/5/2002 6 $47.00 $7,83 0.0004 8/7/2002 6 $49.00 $8,17 0,00042 7/9/2002 8 $67.00 $8,38 0.00057 . 6/7/2002 35 $268.00 $7.66 0,00228 5/8/2002 47 $345,00 $7.34 0.00294 4/9/2002 261 $1,911,00 $7,32 0.01627 3/11/2002 632 $4,223.00 $6,68 0,03595 2/8/2002 546 $3,571.00 $6,54 0.0304 1/10/2002 672 $4,899,00 $7,29 0.04171 12/7/2001 281 $2,059.00 $7,33 0.01753 11/5/2001 102 $746.00 $7.31 0.00635 10/5/2001 9 $75.00 $8,33 0,00064 $18,260,00 $0,16 9/6/2001 7 $64.00 $9.14 0.00054 8/7/2001 6 $57.00 $9,50 0.00049 7/9/2001 16 $132.00 $8,25 0.00112 6/6/2001 10 $91,00 $9,10 0,00077 5/8/2001 70 $632.00 $9.03 0.00538 4/5/2001 256 $2,126,00 $8,30 0.0181 3/7/2001 707 $5,545.00 $7.84 0,04721 2/6/2001 556 $4,366.00 $7,85 0.03717 1/8/2001 998 $9,820.00 $9,84 0,0836 12/5/2000 469 $3,875.00 $8,26 0,03299 11/1/2000 22 $182,00 $8.27 0.00155 1 0/3/2000 7 $65.00 $9,29 0,00055 $26,955.00 $0,23 . ENERGY CONSUMPTION TAKEN FROM UTILITY BILLS . DATE ELEC. USE KW COST $IKW $ISOFT $ISOFTNR 9/8/2003 287600 $14,303.00 0.04973 0.12176 8/8/2003 280000 $14,049.00 0.05018 0.1196 71912003 241600 $12,089.00 0.05004 0.10292 6/912003 252800 $12,371.00 0.04894 0.10532 5m2003 202400 $10,302.00 0.0509 0,0877 41912003 222400 $11,207.00 0.05039 0.09541 3/1112003 268800 $12,782.00 0.04755 0.10882 2/1012003 292400 $13,874.00 0.04745 0.11811 1/1012003 237200 $11,552.00 0.0487 0.09834 121912002 220400 $10,918.00 0.04954 0.09295 11/512002 137200 $8,132.00 0.05927 0.06923 1 Dn12oo2 204800 $10,495.00 0.05125 0.08935 $1.21 9/512002 260400 $12,996.00 0,04991 0.11064 61712002 271600 $13,176.00 0.04851 0.11217 71912002 285200 $14,034.00 0,04921 0.11947 61712002 228400 $11,813.00 0.05172 0.10057 518/2002 206400 $10,332.00 0.05006 0.08796 41912002 217600 $10,974.00 0.05043 0.09342 3/1112002 282400 $12,948.00 0.04585 0.11023 21812002 264800 $12,631.00 0.0477 0.10753 1/1012002 270400 $12,591.00 0.04656 0.10719 121712001 187200 $9,618.00 0.05138 0,08188 11/512001 174400 $9,199.00 0.05275 0.07831 10/512001 229600 $11,084.00 0.04828 0.09436 $1.20 9/612001 278000 $13,261.00 0.0477 0.11289 61712001 254000 $11,220.00 0.04417 0.09552 71912001 279600 $12,238.00 0.04377 0.10418 6/6/2001 208800 $10,112.00 0,04843 0.08609 5/8/2001 147200 $7,655.00 0.052 0.06517 4/512001 215200 $10,137.00 0.04711 0.0863 3/712001 280800 $12,357.00 0.04401 0,1052 2/6/2001 284800 $12,524.00 0.04397 0.10662 118/2001 351600 $15,247.00 0.04336 0.1298 121512000 257600 $12,082.00 0.0469 0.10286 11/112000 154000 $8,129.00 0.05279 0.0692 1013/2000 135200 $7,765.00 0.05743 0.0661 $1.13 GAS USAGE . DATE MCF COST $IMCF $ISOFT $ISOFTNR 918/2003 6 $66.00 $11.00 0.00056 BlB/2003 6 $63.00 $10.50 0.00054 71912003 8 $81.00 $10.13 0.00069 61912003 22 $206.00 $9.36 0.00175 51712003 37 $324.00 $8.76 0.00276 41912003 177 $1,434.00 $8.10 0.01221 3/1112003 665 $4,538.00 $6.82 0.03863 2/1012003 792 $5,245.00 $6.62 0.04465 1/1012003 512 $3,035.00 $5.93 0.02584 12/912002 383 $2,341.00 $6.11 0.01993 11/512002 255 $1,284.00 $5.04 0.01093 1 Dn12002 10 $72.00 $7.20 0.00061 $0.16 9/512002 6 $47.00 $7.83 0 . 0004 61712002 6 $49.00 $8.17 0.00042 71912002 8 $67,00 $8.38 0.00057 61712002 35 $268.00 $7.66 0.00228 518/2002 47 $345.00 $7.34 0.00294 41912002 261 $1,911,00 $7.32 0.01627 3/1112002 632 $4,223.00 $6.68 0.03595 2/8/2002 546 $3,571.00 $6.54 0.0304 1/1012002 672 $4,899.00 $7.29 0.04171 121712001 281 $2,059.00 $7.33 0.01753 11/512001 102 $746.00 $7.31 0.00635 10/512001 9 $75.00 $8.33 0.00064 $0.16 9/612001 7 $64.00 $9.14 0.00054 61712001 6 $57.00 $9.50 0.00049 7/912001 16 $132,00 $8.25 0.00112 6/6/2001 10 $91.00 $9.10 0.00077 5/8/2001 70 $632.00 $9.03 0.00538 415/2001 256 $2,126.00 $8.30 0.0181 3/712001 707 $5,545.00 $7.84 0.04721 2/6/2001 556 $4,366.00 $7.85 0.03717 1/8/2001 998 $9,820.00 $9.84 0.0836 12/512000 469 $3,875.00 $8.26 0.03299 11/112000 22 $182.00 $8.27 0.00155 10/3/2000 7 $65.00 $9.29 0.00055 $0.23 . SALINA BICENTENNIAL CENTER c: iJ S ~,' 5..1 c; E KENWOOD PARK WK . SALINA KS 67401 HM 785 826-7200 G 01 E URARGR CINQ COMB COMBINED METER BILLING HISTORY 3701 07 00140 A COM 8366139495 09/22/03 11:19 . DATE DAYS ELE USE ELE DEM GAS USE AMOUNT BC PC CR 09/08/03 31 6 66.16 B 08/08/03 30 6 62.92 B 07/09/03 30 8 80.99 B 06/09/03 33 22 206.36 B 05/07/03 28 37 323.76 B 04/09/03 29 177 1,434.17 B 03/11/03 29 665 4,538.10 B 02/10/03 31 792 5,245.12 B 01/10/03 32 512 3,035.03 B 12/09/02 34 383 2,341.07 B 11/05/02 29 255 1,283.56 B 10/07/02 32 10 71.79 B REQUESTED FUNCTION INACTIVE 13-ACCT DATA 14-CURR SERV 16-ACCT BAL 17-PYMT HIST 18-ANALYSIS 19-MISC CHARGE 20-DEGREE DAY 21-CUST CONTC 22-ACCT INFO NEXT FUNCTION: DATA: 0022 . . SALINA BICENTENNIAL CENTER KENWOOD PARK WK . SALINA KS 67401 HM 785 826-7200 G 01 E URARGR CINQ COMB COMBINED METER BILLING HISTORY . DATE DAYS 09/05/02 29 08/07/02 29 07/09/02 32 06/07/02 30 05/08/02 29 04/09/02 29 03/11/02 31 02/08/02 29 01/10/02 34 12/07/01 32 11/05/01 31 10/05/01 29 ELE DEM GAS USE 6 6 8 35 47 261 632 546 672 281 102 9 ELE USE MORE PAGES 13-ACCT DATA 14-CURR SERV 16-ACCT BAL 19-MISC CHARGE 20-DEGREE DAY 21-CUST CONTC NEXT FUNCTION: DATA: . . AMOUNT 47,64 49,33 67.42 268,59 345,07 1,911.57 4,223,90 3,571. 44 4,899.23 2,059.64 746.16 75,10 17-PYMT HIST 22-ACCT INFO 3701 07 00140 A COM 8366139495 09/22/03 11:19 BC B B B B B B B B B B B B PC CR 18-ANALYSIS 0022 SALINA BICENTENNIAL CENTER 3701 KEN"WOOD PARK WK 0700140 '" SALINA KS 67401 HM 785 826-7200 G 01 E A COM 8366139495 URARGR CINQ COMB COMBINED METER BILLING HISTORY 09/22/03 11:19 . DATE DAYS ELE USE ELE DEM GAS USE AMOUNT BC PC CR 09/06/01 30 7 63.86 B 08/07/01 29 6 56.74 B 07/09/01 33 16 132,31 B 06/06/01 29 10 90.87 B 05/08/01 33 70 631.82 B 04/05/01 29 256 2,126.13 B 03/07/01 29 707 5,545.28 B 02/06/01 29 556 4,366.33 B 01/08/01 34 998 9,819.63 B 12/05/00 34 469 3,874.77 B 11/01/00 29 22 182.52 B 10/03/00 32 7 64.86 B MORE PAGES 13-ACCT DATA 14-CURR SERV 16-ACCT BAL 17-PYMT HIST 18-ANALYSIS 19-MISC CHARGE 20-DEGREE DAY 21-CU8T CONTC 22-ACCT INFO NEXT FUNCTION: DATA: 0022 . . BICENTENNIAL CENTER ¡Ç L é (" t «1" ê /,'t{ () 5/1 ¿:é 3701 KENWOOD PARK WK 07 00140 SALINA KS 67401 HM 785 826-7200 G E 02 A CBC 7630776810 URARGR CINQ COMB COMBINED METER BILLING HISTORY 09/22/03 11:21 . DATE DAYS ELE USE ELE DEM GAS USE AMOUNT BC PC CR 09/08/03 31 287600 893 14,303.49 B 08/08/03 30 280000 893 14,049,53 B 07/09/03 30 241600 761 12,089.40 B 06/09/03 33 252800 743 12,371.32 B 05/07/03 28 202400 668 10,302,54 B 04/09/03 29 222400 714 11,207.06 B 03/11/03 29 268800 719 12,782.88 B 02/10/03 31 292400 778 13,874.09 B 01/10/03 32 237200 685 11,552.59 B 12/09/02 34 220400 668 10,918.32 B 11/05/02 29 137200 668 8,132.78 B 10/07/02 32 204800 668 10,495.17 B TOP OF LIST MORE PAGES 13-ACCT DATA 14-CURR SERV 16-ACCT BAL 17-PYMT HIST 18-ANALYSIS 19-MISC CHARGE 20-DEGREE DAY 21-CUST CONTC 22-ACCT INFO NEXT FUNCTION: DATA: 0022 . . BICENTENNIAL CENTER 3701 KENWOOD PARK WK 07 00140 SALINA KS 67401 HM 785 826-7200 G E 02 A CBC 7630776810 URARGR CINQ COMB COMBINED METER BILLING HISTORY 09/22/03 11:21 . DATE DAYS ELE USE ELE DEM GAS USE AMOUNT BC PC CR 09/05/02 29 260400 812 12,996.06 B 08/07/02 29 271600 774 13,176.16 B 07/09/02 32 285200 835 14,034.71 B 06/07/02 30 228400 692 11,813.98 B 05/08/02 29 206400 678 10,332.61 B 04/09/02 29 217600 733 10,974.01 B 03/11/02 31 282400 699 12,948.14 B 02/08/02 29 264800 752 12,631. 58 B 01/10/02 34 270400 706 12,591.15 B 12/07/01 32 187200 678 9,618,43 B 11/05/01 31 174400 678 9,199,56 B 10/05/01 29 229600 694 11,084.53 B MORE PAGES 13-ACCT DATA 14-CORR SERV 16-ACCT BAL 17-PYMT HIST 18-ANALYSIS 19-MISC CHARGE 20-DEGREE DAY 21-COST CONTC 22-ACCT INFO NEXT FUNCTION: DATA: 0022 . . BICENTENNIAL CENTER 3701 KENWOOD PARK WK 07 00140 'SALINA KS 67401 HM 785 826-7200 G E 02 A CBC 7630776810 ORARGR CINQ COMB COMBINED METER BILLING HISTORY 09/22/03 11:21 . DATE DAYS ELE USE ELE DEN GAS USE AMOUNT BC PC CR 09/06/01 30 278000 847 13,261.36 B 08/07/01 29 254000 668 11,220,93 B 07/09/01 33 279600 715 12,238,30 B 06/06/01 29 208800 728 10,112.40 B 05/08/01 33 147200 613 7,655.15 B 04/05/01 29 215200 692 10,137.03 B 03/07/01 29 280800 732 12,357.16 B 02/06/01 29 284800 741 12,524.10 B 01/08/01 34 351600 878 15,247.02 B 12/05/00 34 257600 824 12,082,58 B 11/01/00 29 154000 668 8,129.90 B 10/03/00 32 135200 713 7,765,23 B MORE PAGES 13-ACCT DATA 14-CORR SERV 16-ACCT BAL 17-PYMT HIST 18-ANALYSIS 19-MISC CHARGE 20-DEGREE DAY 21-COST CONTC 22-ACCT INFO NEXT FUNCTION: DATA: 0022 . . . . . Study of: Bicentennial Center HV AC Systems City of Salina, Kansas APPENDIX D HV AC MAINTENANCE COST This section contains bills from 2002 and part of 2003, The costs attributed to HV AC are around $20,000 per year, Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corporation N:\201J33 2ENeporMppendicu. db< 8 2002 MAINTENANCE COSTS $19,163 8 i8 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC .P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 ~~1" BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P,O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION Heritage Hall -- no electric supplemental heat operation. Checked rooftop unit. 2/4/2002 Circuit #21, unit 3 -- compressor shorted. Breaker tripped, Disconnected compressor leads to enable breaker reset to operate supplemental heat controls, Circuit #22, unit 3 -- out on low pressure, Outdoor coil ttoze up causing low pressure conditions. Disconnected compressor to operate unit to enable supplemental heat controls. Circuit 18 -- coil ttoze up. Dettosted coil. Needs dettost timer, Checked various other units. hours of labor Subtotal NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3.00 min. . Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron DUE DATE 3/15/2002 QTY INVOICE 2 Total DATE 2/4/2002 REP DP RATE 48,00 INVOICE NO. . 12216' VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 96,00 96.00 $96.00 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WAL 1'8 REFG., HTG., & AlC . P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 \!~1" BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.O, Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION 2/13/2002 Circuit 22 Unit 3 -- wired in compressor. Checked deftost circuits. Deftost timer faulty, Will check to see if part in Bicentennial Center stock is compatible. Unit 4 - reset breaker. Checked unit operation, Okay. Checked various other units. Circuit 21 Unit 1 -- checked and ftoze up. Found fans running half speed during deftost. Fans should be off. Checked circuits, Found outboard fan motor shorted to ground. Removed fan motor. Will return with replacement and install. hours oflabor Subtotal NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3.00 min. . Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron DUE DATE 3/15/2002 QTY Total 2.5 DATE 2/13/2002 REP DP RATE 48.00 INVOICE INVOICE NO. 12262 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 120.00 120.00 $120,00 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC .P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827.1624 1!~1" BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED 3/15/2002 DESCRIPTION Unit 21, circuit 1 -- removed and replaced outdoor fan motor and capacitor. Unit 21, circuit 4 -- pumped system down and replaced outdoor expansion valve, Unit 21, circuits 3 and 2 - checked and need compressors, Shorted, Unit 22, circuit 1 -- operation okay. Unit 22, circuit 2 -- needs compressor. Unit 22, circuit 3 - needs compressor. Unit 22, circuit 4 - operation okay, outdoor fan motor rain shield outdoor expansion valve run capacitor hours of labor freight charges Subtotal NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 11/2% monthly, $3,00 miD, . Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron DUE DATE 4/15/2002 QTY 1 1 1 4 Total DATE 3/1512002 REP DP RATE 179,86 8.60 91.78 5.69 48.00 14.91 INVOICE INVOICE NO. 12412 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 179.86 8,60 91,78 5,69 192,00 14,91 492.84 $492.84 PAHlS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC .P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 ~~1" BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P,O. Box 1727 Salina, K.S 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED 4/12/2002 DESCRIPTION Meeting Room 201 air conditioning system -- checked and unit froze up. Defrosted coil. Replaced blower belt and filters, Started unit. Found expansion valve slowly closing down, starving evaporator, Picked up replacement, returned, pumped system down and installed. Started and checked operation, (Filters furnished by Bicentennial Center.) 4L490 belts 7 1/2 ton R-22 expansion valve hours of labor - overtime Subtotal NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 11/2% monthly, $3.00 min. . Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron DUE DATE 5/15/2002 QTY 1 I 3 Total DATE 4/12/2002 REP DP RATE 8.95 110.46 72,00 INVOICE INVOICE NO. 12558 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 8.95 110 .46 216.00 335.41 $335.41 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WAL 1's REFG., HTG., & AlC .P.o, BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 \!~1" BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.O, Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION 5/15/2002 South concourse, west unit -- checked, Fuses blown, Found short in compressor crankcase heater, Disconnected start unit. Low load condition. Checked air handler. Found belt broken and replaced it. Started and checked, South concourse, east unit -- fuses blown, Found compressor shorted. Scheduled replacement. Replaced belt on air handler. System 5, Circuit 3 -- checked and breaker tripped. Found crankcase heater shorted. Disconnected, Started unit and checked operation. Okay, (All fuses and belts furnished by Bicentennial Center,) wire connectors hours of labor Subtotal NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3.00 min. . Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron DUE DATE 6/15/2002 QTY Total 4 3 DATE 5/15/2002 REP DP RATE 0.24 48.00 INVOICE INVOICE NO. 12723 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 0,96 144.00 144,96 $144.96 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC .P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 ~~1" BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION Unloaded four Trane 10hp, 460v, 3 phase compressors at location fÌ'om shipper. Freight included, 5/16/2002 units delivered as quoted Subtotal NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 1112% monthly, $3.00 min. . Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron DUE DATE 6/15/2002 QTY 4 Total DATE 5/16/2002 REP DP RATE 1,694,00 INVOICE INVOICE NO. 12745 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 6,776,00 6,776.00 $6,776.00 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC .P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 ~~1" BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION 5/21/2002 VIP Room Split system heat pump -- noticed not operating properly while repairing Heritage Hall equipment. Found system low charged, Located refrigerant leak on compressor discharge tube soldered connection. Added refrigerant 22, Will remove refrigerant and repair leak when returning to complete Heritage Hall work R-22 remgerant in pounds hours of labor Subtotal NET BY DUE DATE, Service Charge 11/2% monthly, $3,00 min. . Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron DUE DATE 6/15/2002 QTY Total 14 1.5 PDR DATE 5/21/2002 REP RATE 5,95 48,00 INVOICE INVOICE NO, 12751 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 83.30 72,00 155,30 $155.30 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC .P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 ~~1" BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.O, Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION 5/21/2002 Heritage Hall Installed compressors on three units. Replaced suction filters and liquid line filters, Removed refrigerant, Replaced one sight glass. Replaced one expansion valve, Evacuated each system, Started and charged with refrigerant 22. Unit 21, circuit 1 - expansion valve Unit 21, circuit 2 - compressor Unit 21, circuit 3 - sightglass Unit 21, circuit 4 -- compressor Unit 22, circuit 1 -- compressor Unit 22, circuit 2 -- needs compressor; removed refrigerant Unit 22, circuit 3 -- okay Unit 22, circuit 4 -- okay suction filter liquid line filter refrigerant recovery charge 10 ton expansion valve 1/2" sightglass NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 11/2% monthly, $3.00 min. . Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron Page 1 DUE DATE 6/15/2002 QTY Total 3 3 4 1 1 PDR DATE 5/21/2002 REP RATE 63,86 36.44 25.00 108.71 23.63 INVOICE INVOICE NO. 12752 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 191.58 109.32 100,00 108.71 23.63 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC . P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 ~~1" BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION solder and consumables wire and connectors hours of labor (Doug) hours oflabor (Ron) Subtotal NET BY DUE DATE, Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3,00 min. . Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron Page 2 DUE DATE 6/15/2002 QTY Total 8,5 8.5 PDR DATE 5/21/2002 REP RATE 21.75 3.58 48.00 48.00 INVOICE INVOICE NO. 12752 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 21.75 3.58 408,00 408,00 1,374.57 $1,374.57 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC .P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. 6/1/2002 12827 BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 ~~1" I I P.O, NO. DUE DATE REP VENDOR NO. 11/30/2002 DP SERVICED DESCRIPTION Heritage Hall -- replaced fan motors on units, and one faulty control relay. Press shaft from fan blades at shop. QTY RATE AMOUNT 5/31/2002 Unit 21, circuit 3 -- replaced condenser fan motor. Unit 21, circuit 2 -- replaced condenser fan motor. Unit 22, circuit 2 -- replaced condenser fan motor condenser fan motor 3 179.86 539.58 relay 1 16,87 16.87 rain shield 3 9,74 29.22 15 mfd capacitor 3 9.48 28.44 wire connectors 17 0,24 4.08 hours of labor (Doug) 5 48.00 240,00 hours of labor (Ron) 2.5 48.00 120,00 Subtotal 978.19 Sales Tax 7,05% 0,00 NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 11/2% monthly, $3.00 min. . Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron Total $978.19 PAHlS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WAL rs REFG., HTG., & AlC .P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 1!~"" BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center p,o, Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P,O.NO. SERVICED 6/10/2002 DESCRIPTION South Arena heat pumps -- no units running. Found cooling lockout switches in off position, Switched over. Checked all equipment on this side. Found several units need repair. System 3 Circuit 1 -- needs expansion valve Circuit 2 -- repaired broken contactor wire and low charged Circuit 3 -- needs compressor overload module; high pressure safety; one fan motor Circuit 4 -- open circuit indoors, located and repaired System 4 Circuit 2 -- compressor valves out Circuit 4 -- indoor open circuit found and repaired System 5 Circuit 2 -- outdoor check valves leaking by, causing improper refrig. flow Circuit 1 -- system low charged NET BY DUE DATE, Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3.00 min. . Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron Page 1 DUE DATE 11/30/2002 QTY Total DATE 6/10/2002 REP DP RATE INVOICE INVOICE NO. 12879 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC . P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center p,o, Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 1!~1" SERVICED DESCRIPTION R-22 refrigerant in pounds wiring and material hours of labor Subtotal Sales Tax P.O. NO. NET BY DUE DATE, Service Charge 11/2% monthly, $3.00 min. . Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron Page 2 DUE DATE 11/30/2002 QTY 16 4.5 Total DATE 6/10/2002 REP DP RATE 5,95 2,87 48.00 7.05% INVOICE INVOICE NO. 12879 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 95.20 2,87 216.00 314.07 0,00 $314.07 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC .P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 \! ~"" BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.D, Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P,O.NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION 6/1212002 Unit 3 Circuit 3 -- installed replacement high pressure safety switch, compressor overload module, inboard fan motor and capacitor. Started and checked operation, Added refrigerant 22, Unit 5 Circuit 1 -- installed replacement compressor module. Outboard fan motor shorted, running slow causing unit to cycle on high pressure safety, Will return to replace. compressor overload module fan motor high pressure safety switch 15 mfd capacitor R-22 refrigerant in pounds wire connectors freight charges hours of labor Subtotal Sales Tax NET BY DUE DATE, Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3.00 min. . Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron DUE DATE 11/30/2002 QTY Total 2 1 1 1 14 4.5 DATE 6/12/2002 REP DP RATE 198.28 179,86 36.47 9.48 5.95 0.24 13,80 48,00 7.05% INVOICE INVOICE NO. 12899 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 396.56 179,86 36.47 9.48 83.30 0,24 13.80 216.00 935.71 0,00 $935.71 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WAL rs REFG" HTG., & AlC .P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827.1624 \!~1" BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.D, Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED 6/20/2002 DESCRIPTION VIP Room -- replaced compressor in outdoor unit. Set Tecumseh compressor and adapted mounting and refrigerant lines to accommodate. Replaced filter driers. Evacuated, started, and checked operation. (Compressor furnished by customer.) Checked units 22 and 21, Repaired several small items. Unit 22 Circuit 3 - replaced faulty compressor overload module. Started and checked operation, drier refrigerant recovery charge wire terminals copper tube and fittings solder and consumables wire connectors compressor overload module freight charges hours of labor Subtotal NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 11/2% monthly, $3.00 min. . Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron Page 1 DUE DATE 11/30/2002 QTY Total 2 1 4 4 1 5.5 DATE 6/20/2002 REP DP RATE 17.48 20.00 0.26 3,27 6.00 0.24 198,28 4,50 48.00 INVOICE INVOICE NO. 12954 VENDOR NO, AMOUNT 34.96 20.00 1.04 3.27 6.00 0.96 198.28 4.50 264.00 533.01 rAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC .P.O, BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827.1624 1!~1" BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center IP.O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 ¡ P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION Sales Tax NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3.00 min. . Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron Page 2 DUE DATE 11/3012002 QTY Total DATE 612012002 REP DP RATE 7.05% INVOICE INVOICE NO. 12954 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 0,00 $533.01 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC .p .0. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 \!~1" BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P,O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION 6/21/2002 Unit 21 Circuit 2 -- replaced warranty compressor. Replaced filter drier. Removed refrigerant. Replaced outdoor expansion valve. Evacuated, started and charged with refrigerant 22, After charging, found reversing valve not operating properly, bypassing discharge gas into suction of compressor. (Likely cause of compressor failure.) Will return to replace reversing valve, Unit 22 Circuit 2 - replaced compressor with Manurop, furnished by Bicentennial Center. Removed refrigerant, Replaced suction and liquid filters. Evacuated system and charged. After startup, found indoor expansion valve faulty, Will return to replace, Left unit off, filter drier outdoor expansion valve refrigerant recovery charge Rotolock gaskets 305 liquid line filter NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3.00 min. . Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron Page 1 DUE DATE 11/30/2002 QTY 1 1 1 2 1 Total DATE 6/21/2002 REP DP RATE 36.44 91.78 20.00 1.10 36.44 INVOICE INVOICE NO. 12956 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 36.44 91.78 20.00 2.20 36.44 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WALT'S REFG" HTG., & AlC .P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402.0321 (785) 827.1624 BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 \!~1" SERVICED DESCRIPTION I 3/8 suction filter refrigerant recovery charge solder and consumables hours of labor Subtotal Sales Tax P.O. NO. NET BY DUE DATE, Service Charge 11/2% monthly, $3.00 min, . Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron Page 2 DUE DATE 11130/2002 QTY I I 7,5 Total DATE 6121/2002 REP DP RATE 63.86 20,00 7.50 48,00 7,05% INVOICE INVOICE NO. 12956 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 63.86 20.00 7.50 360,00 638.22 0,00 $638.22 PAHL$ ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WAL 1'5 REFG" HTG., & AlC .P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, K5 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 ~~1" BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION 7/27/2002 Arena units outside south concession -- started and checked à1I units. Made repairs as needed after checkout. Unit 3, circuit 1 -- added refrigerant 22. Replaced indoor expansion valve in air handler. Unit 3, circuit 2 - replaced indoor expansion valve, Unit 3, circuit 3 -- operation okay. Added refrigerant 22. Unit 3, circuit 4 -- replaced indoor expansion valve, Repaired wiring on outboard fan motor. Unit 5, circuit 1 -- replaced outboard fan motor. Unit 5, circuit 3 -- added refrigerant 22. Checked all other units, Some other repairs needed, Not able to pick up parts on Saturday. Will return, NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 11/2% monthly, $3.00 min. . Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron Page 1 DUE DATE 11/30/2002 OTY Total DATE 7/27/2002 REP DP RATE INVOICE INVOICE NO, 13251 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT PAH~$ ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WAL rs REFG., HTG., & AlC 8p .0. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827.1624 BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 1'.~1" SERVICED DESCRIPTION 10 ton expansion valve 46Ov outdoor fan motor 15 mfd run capacitor R -22 refrigerant in pounds wire connectors rain shield hours of labor Subtotal Sales Tax P.O. NO, NET BY DUE DATE, Service Charge 11/2%monthly, $3.00 min, 8 Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron Page 2 DATE 7/2712002 DUE DATE REP 11/30/2002 DP QTY RATE 3 108.71 1 179,86 1 9.48 16 5.95 9 0,24 1 9,74 6,5 48.00 7,05% Total INVOICE INVOICE NO. 13251 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 326,13 179,86 9.48 95.20 2.16 9,74 312,00 934.57 0.00 $934,57 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WAL 1'5 REFG" HTG., & AlC .P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827.1624 1'.~1." BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.O, Box 1727 [Salina, KS 67402,1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED 11/20/2002 DESCRIPTION Unit 2, southeast concourse -- replaced compressor, Removed refrigerant. Removed shorted compressor. Piped in suction filter and liquid line filter. Set compressor. Evacuated and charged. checked operation. Found condenser fan motor out, belt on air handler broken. Replaced it. Cooling expansion valve operating okay, Heating expansion valve (outdoor) not allowing refrigerant flow, Ordered replacement. Will return to complete. (Compressor furnished by Bicentennial Center,) suction filter liquid filter 1 1/8" CS LP 90 deg,'s 1 1/8 CS LP st, 90 deg.'s 1 1/8 CS coupling 1 1/8 copper tube/ft, refrigerant recovery charge 4L500 belts wire connectors solder and consumables Rotolock gaskets hours of labor NET BY DUE DATE, Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3.00 min, . Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron Page 1 DUE DATE 1/15/2003 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. 11/2012002 13908 REP VENDOR NO. PDR OTY RATE AMOUNT 1 53.11 53.11 1 44.48 44.48 3 3.48 10 .44 2 5.61 11.22 1 1.24 1.24 2 2.11 4.22 20.00 20,00 1 9.86 9,86 6 0.24 1.44 7.50 7.50 2 0,95 1.90 7 52.00 364,00 Total PA"LS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WAL rs REFG" HTG., & AlC 8P .0. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 ~~1" BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION Subtotal Sales Tax NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3.00 min. Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron 8 Page 2 DUE DATE 1/15/2003 QTY Total PDR DATE 11/2012002 REP RATE 7.05% INVOICE INVOICE NO. 13908 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 529.41 0,00 $529.41 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC .P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 ~~", BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P,û, Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION 11/20/2002 Unit 4, Circuit 2 -- compressor valves out. Removed refrigerant. Removed compressor. Installed Copeland Scroll compressor. Piped in and adapted mounting, electrical and refrigerant piping to accommodate, Evacuated system. Unable to complete, Bicentennial Center closing, Will return to complete. Compressor includes one year manufacture warranty and four year additional extended warranty . Copeland 10hp 460v Scroll compressor 7.8" CS LP 90 deg, els 1 3/8" CS LP 90 deg els 1 3/8" CS coupling refrigerant recovery charge freight charges on compressor solder and consurnables hours of labor Subtotal Sales Tax NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 11/2% monthly, $3.00 min. Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron . DUE DATE 1/15/2003 QTY Total 1 4 2 1 6 DATE 11/20/2002 REP PDR RATE 1,666.81 2.47 4,71 2,06 20.00 38.96 7.00 52,00 7.05% INVOICE INVOICE NO. 14087 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 1,666.81 9.88 9.42 2.06 20.00 38.96 7,00 312,00 2,066,13 0.00 $2,066,13 PAfilS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC .P.O, BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 1'. 1\.1 " BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P,O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION Southeast Concourse, Unit 2 -- completed repairs after compressor change. Returned after parts shipped. Replaced faulty outdoor expansion valve, inboard fan motor. Started and checked operation. 12/16/2002 outdoor expansion valve 460v fan motor run capacitor rain shield wire connectors freight charges on expansion valve freight charges on fan motor System 4, circuit 1 - replaced outboard fan motor (bearings out). Wired in and checked operation. 460v fan motor run capacitor wire connectors rain shield NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3.00 min, Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron . Page 1 DUE DATE 1/15/2003 QTY Total 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 6 1 PDR DATE 12/1612002 REP RATE 91.78 179,86 9.48 10.41 0.24 9.81 14,37 179.86 9.48 0,24 10.41 INVOICE INVOICE NO. 14088 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 91.78 179,86 9.48 10.41 1.44 9.81 14,37 179.86 9.48 1.44 10.41 PAflLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: , WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC .P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. 12/16/2002 14088 BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P,O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 ~~1" P.O. NO. DUE DATE REP VENDOR NO. 1/15/2003 PDR SERVICED DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT System 4, circuit 2 -- replaced faulty outdoor expansion valve. Completed compressor replacement. Replaced filter drier. Evacuated system and charged with refrigerant 22, Checked operation. 305 filter drier I 36.44 36.44 outdoor expansion valve 1 91.78 91,78 R -22 refrigerant in pounds 17 5.95 101.15 Unit 4, circuit 3 -- breaker tripped. Checked circuits, Found compressor crankcase heater shorted. Replaced with heater removed from replaced compressor. Needs inboard fan motor. wire connectors 2 0,24 0.48 Unit 4, circuit 4 -- checked. Added refrigerant 22. R-22 refrigerant in pounds 5 5.95 29.75 NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3,00 min. Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron . Total Page 2 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: . WAtT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC .P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 ~ ~1" BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION Unit 5, circuit 1 -- unit iced up, Checked defrost timer -- stuck, bound up internally. Defrosted manually. Will order needed parts. Added refrigerant 22. Sight glass leaking, R-22 refrigerant in pounds Unit 5, circuit 2 -- replaced check valves in refrigeration circuit. Valve screens plugged restricting refrigerant flow. Replaced filter drier. Checked operation, Added refrigerant 22. 1/2" check valves R-22 refrigerant in pounds solder and consumables Unit 5, circuit 3 - added refrigerant 22 R-22 refrigerant in pounds Unit 5, circuit 4 -- added refrigerant 22, R-22 refrigerant in pounds NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 11/2% monthly, $3,00 min. Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron . Page 3 DUE DATE 1/15/2003 QTY Total 8 3 6 4 3 PDR DATE 12/16/2002 REP RATE 5.95 11.96 5.95 6.50 5.95 5.95 INVOICE INVOICE NO. 14088 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 47,60 35.88 35.70 6.50 23.80 17.85 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC .P.O, BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 1'. ~1" BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION Southwest concourse, Unit 6 -- checked operation -- okay. hours of labor (Doug) hours of labor (Ron) Subtotal Sales Tax NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3.00 min. Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron . Page 4 DUE DATE 1/15/2003 QTY Total 8 8 PDR DATE 12/16/2002 REP RATE 52.00 52.00 7,05% INVOICE INVOICE NO. 14088 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 416.00 416.00 1,777.27 0,00 I $1,777.27 I PAHtS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC .P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 1'.t\.1" BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.O, Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION 12/18/2002 Heritage Hall Checked over all units on Heritage Hall for proper operation. Checked expansion valve, reversing valve, fan motor operation and refrigerant charges, Unit 21, circuit 1 -- added refrigerant 22. Needs reversing valve, Unit 21, circuit 3 -- replaced defrost timer, wired in new style timer to replace diaphragm type. Unit 21, circuit 4 - replaced fan motor run capacitor, Unit 22, circuit 1 - added refrigerant 22 Unit 22, circuit 3 - repaired wiring to fan motor. Unit 22, circuit 4 -- breaker tripped. Fan motor shorted, Ordered replacement. defrost timer (temp, termination) freight charges run capacitor R-22 refrigerant in pounds NET BY DUE DATE, Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3.00 min. 1bank you for your business! Doug & Ron . Page 1 DUE DATE 1/15/2003 QTY Total 1 1 14 PDR DATE 12/18/2002 REP RATE 156.43 6.57 9.48 5.95 INVOICE INVOICE NO. 14089 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 156.43 6.57 9.48 83.30 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC . P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P,O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 ~~1" SERVICED DESCRIPTION wiring materials 1 1/8 reversing valve 24v reversing valve coil freight charges 1 3/8 x 1 1/8 red couplings hours of labor (Doug) hours of labor (Ron) Subtotal Sales Tax P.O,NO, NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3.00 min, Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron . ' Page 2 DUE DATE 1/15/2003 QTY DATE 12/18/2002 REP PDR RATE 4.48 1 178.46 1 28.71 18.40 3 2,61 7 52.00 2 52,00 7.05% Total INVOICE INVOICE NO'1 14089 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 4.48 178.46 28.71 18.40 7.83 364,00 104.00 961.66 0.00 $961.66 . THR U JULY 2003 MAINTEN AN CE COSTS $10,800 . . ,PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC .P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 . , BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.D, Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION Unit 21, circuit 2 -- replaced faulty refrigerant reversing valve. Removed refrigerant. Replaced reversing valve, high pressure safety, filter drier sight glass and stuck defrost timer. Evacuated system and charged with removed refrigerant and added additional refrigerant to proper level. 3/7/2003 Unit 22, circuit 2 -- replaced outdoor fan rain shield, Unit 22, circuit 4 -- replaced inboard outdoor fan motor, capacitor and rain shield, Wired in and checked operation. Unit 22, circuit 1 -- replaced shorted compressor. Removed refrigerant. Replaced compressor, filter drier and suction filter. Piped in, evacuated system and charged with refrigerant 22. Compressor furnished by Bicentennial Center. Unit 21, circuit 1 -- installed replacement defrost timer. Replaced open defrost NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3,00 min. Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron . Page 1 DUE DATE 9/15/2003 QTY Total REP PDR DATE 3/7/2003 RATE INVOICE INVOICE NO. 14498 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT í ,/ /JÅHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: .: WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC . P.O. BOX 321 .ALlNA, KS 67402-0321 (78~) 827-1624 BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO, DUE DATE 9/15/2003 SERVICED DESCRIPTION termination thennostat. Deiced coil. Checked operation. QTY 3/7/2003 Unit 16, circuit 3 -- replaced defrost timer. Original type defrost timer with self contained defrost termination thennostat, 1 1/8 OEM reversing valve 24 V AC reversing valve coil 1 3/8 x 1 1/8 CS red, couplings 13/8 couplings 1/2" refrg. sightglass liquid line filters 1 3/8 suction filter high pressure safety defrost timers with self contained termination thennostat defrost timer (No charge/furnished by BiCenter) defrost termination thennostat 1" 90 deg, elest. comlector 1/2 hp 46Ov fan motor 1/2" rainshields run capacitor solder and consumables NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3,00 min. Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron . Page 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 Total REP PDR DATE 317/2003 RATE 223,78 36.43 2.61 1.93 24,11 44,86 54,71 34.79 129.47 38.43 4.19 179.86 10.41 9.48 12.50 INVOICE INVOICE NO. 14498 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 223.78 36.43 7.83 3.86 24.11 89.72 54.71 34.79 258.94 0.00 38.43 4.19 179.86 20,82 9.48 12,50 . . ,/~HL'8 ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402.0321 (785) 827.1624 , BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION refrigerant recovery charge wire connectors fteight charges hours of labor (Doug) hours of labor (Ron) Subtotal Sales Tax \!;;ndor # t< '; I, ,r:' .' l¡jIJ, Date InV.:!t Description' C. IA,.r.~#- --- ,-,'-t.. A val Depart:nent Head ppro NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3.00 min. Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron . Page 3 DUE DATE 9/15/2003 QTY Total REP PDR 9 7 DATE 3/7/2003 RATE 25.00 3,80 17.60 52,00 52.00 7.05% INVOICE INVOICE NO. 14498 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 25.00 3,80 17,60 468,00 364,00 1,877.85 0.00 $1,877.85 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC, dba: WALT'S REFG" HTG., & AlC .P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402.0321 (78~) 827.1624 BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION Kitchen Hobart dish machine - checked complaint of wash water temperature low, Checked heating element function. Found one open fuse on heater circuit, Replaced fuse, All three elements operating, Adjusted temperature to 168 deg. F. Checked operation. 3/24/2003 60 amp TD fuse hours of labor Subtotal Sales Tax NET BY DUE DATE, Service Charge I 1/2% monthly, $3.00 min. Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron . DUE DATE 9/15/2003 QTY 1 1 Total DATE 3/24/2003 REP DP RATE 5.87 52.00 7.05% INVOICE INVOICE NO. 14578 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 5,87 52.00 57,87 0.00 $57.87 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC 8p.O, BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 1 BILL TO .salina Bicentennial Center P,O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 SERVICED 4/3/2003 4/9/2003 P.O. NO. DESCRIPTION Kitchen Hobart three door reach-in cooler system low charged, Located refrigerant leak in evaporator coil. Ordered replacement evaporator coil. Added refrigerant 12. Will return when parts are shipped. R-12 refrigerant in lbs, hours oflabor Hobart 3 door reach-in cooler -- removed refrigerant, replaced evaporator coil, condensate loop and filter drier. Evacuated and reassembled unit and charged with refrigerant 12. Started and checked operation. Hobart evaporator coil freight charges 5/16" OD copper tube/ft. filter drier R -12 refrigerant in 1bs. 1/2" CS coupling hours of labor Subtotal Sales Tax NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3.00 min. Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron 8 DUE DATE 9/15/2003 QTY 1 1 1 5 1 0.5 1 4,5 Total DATE 4/9/2003 REP DP RATE 46.55 52.00 223,90 8,90 0.54 13,07 46.55 0.56 52,00 7.05% INVOICE INVOICE NO. 14642 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 46.55 52.00 223.90 8.90 2.70 13.07 23.28 0.56 234.00 604,96 0.00 $604,96 ".PAHi:S ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WAL TIS REFG., HTG., & AlC .P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 BILL TO ,Salina Bicentennial Center Ip.o. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION South lobby heat pump -- replaced shorted compressor. Installed Copeland Scroll compressor. Adapted compressor mounting and piping, Installed suction and liquid line filters for system clean up. Relocated pressure controls and wired in, Evacuated system and charged with refrigerant 22. Checked and replaced belt on lobby air handling unit. After starting, found condenser fans not operating properly. Run capacitors for both fans shorted. Replaced, 4/10/2003 Room 203 heat pump units, no cooling operation. Checked and found thermostat system switched off. Started and checked, operation okay. Unit 15, circuit 4 -- inboard outdoor fan motor laboring. Checked capacitor - open circuited, replaced it. Copeland 94,000 BTU 460v compressor freight charges refrigerant suction filter NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3.00 min, Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron . Page 1 DUE DATE 9/15/2003 QTY 1 1 Total DATE 4/10/2003 REP DP RATE 1,581.07 32.00 48.93 INVOICE INVOICE NO. 14675 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 1,581.07 32.00 48.93 i , PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC . P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827.1624 BILL TO -Salina Bicentennial Center p,O, Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 I I P,O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION refrigerant liquid lme filter 5 mfd capacitor copper tubmg and fittmgs scrader stem hardware and electrical fittings/connectors R-22 refrigerant m pounds 112" sweat sight glass refrigerant recovery charge solder and consumables hours oflabor Subtotal Sales Tax NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 1 112% monthly, $3.00 min. Thank you for your busmess! Doug & Ron . Page 2 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. I 14675 4/10/2003 DUE DATE REP VENDOR NO. 9/15/2003 DP QTY RATE AMOUNT 1 44.86 44.86 3 7Al 22.23 14.56 14,56 4 2.99 11.96 3,28 3.28 8 5,95 47.60 1 24.11 24.11 20.00 20,00 12.00 12.00 8 52.00 416.00 2,278.60 7,05% 0.00 Total $2,278.60 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WAL T'S REFG., HTG., & AlC AI' .0, BOX 321 "SALlNA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 BILL TO -Salina Bicentennial Center P.O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION 5/12/2003 Room 201 HVAC unit --complaint of unit icing up. Checked and refrigerant charge okay, Operation of equipment okay, Unit is underloaded because of additions of other equipment to cool room 201 B & c. This unit was designed to cool all of201 A, B & C. When ducts were removed, this cut air flow and decreased unit load, Will look into adding air supply runs to increase airflow and load. hours of labor Subtotal Sales Tax NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3.00 min. Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron . DUE DATE 9/15f2003 QTY 2 Total DATE 5/12/2003 REP DP RATE 52,00 7.05% INVOICE INVOICE NO. 14861 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 104.00 104.00 0.00 $104.00 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WAL rs REFG., HTG., & AlC ..0, BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P,O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION Dressing rooms -- checked rooftop HV AC unit, Operation okay. Electronic temperature controls inside rooms causing low air flow and low system load. Will contact sales representative to look at replacement of controls. 5/28/2003 hours of labor Subtotal Sales Tax NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge I 1/2% monthly, $3.00 min. Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron . DUE DATE 9/15/2003 QTY 1 Total DATE 6/1/2003 REP DP RATE 52.00 7,05% INVOICE INVOICE NO. 14941 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 52.00 52.00 0.00 $52.00 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WAL T'S REFG., HTG., & AlC . P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION Unit 15 - checked circuits 1,2,3,4. 7/1012003 Circuit 1 -- overload protector open. Circuit 2 - needs two fan motors, 24v control relay wiring repair. Circuit 3 -- deftost timer wiring. Timer running in cooling cycle. Circuit 4 -- needs one condenser fan, one control relay. Will return to complete repairs. hours of labor Subtotal Sales Tax NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 1112% monthly, $3.00 min. Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron . DUE DATE 9/15/2003 QTY 2 Total DATE 7/10/2003 REP DP RATE 52,00 7,05% INVOICE INVOICE NO. 20116 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 104,00 104.00 0.00 $104.00 I PAHlS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: ,. WALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC . P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 , BILL TO -Salina Bicentennial Center p,O, Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION North units -- checked all heat pumps. Repaired many as possible to operate. Ordered needed parts to repair others. 7/18/2003 Unit 10, circ. 2 -- replaced two condenser fan motors. Unit 10, circ. 3 -- compressor open circuited. Unit 10, circ. 4 - compressor shorted. Unit 11, circ. 1 -- compressor open. Unit 11, circ, 2 - replaced restricted filter drier. Checked operation, Unit 12, circ. 1 - washed condenser coil. Unit 12, circ. 2 -- compressor shorted. Replaced open fan capacitor. Unit 12, circ. 3 -- replaced 24v control relay. Fan motor needs bearings and compressor needs crankcase heater, Unit 13, Concourse -- unit lost refrig. charge. Located refrigerant leak and repaired. Replaced filter drier and evacuated system. Charged with refrig.22. Replaced outboard condenser fan motor and capacitor, fan motor was shorted, South units - several units short cycling on NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3,00 min. Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron . Page 1 DUE DATE 9/15/2003 QTY Total PDR DATE 7/18/2003 REP RATE INVOICE INVOICE NO. 20155 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT PAHlS ENTERPRISES, INC, dba: . WAL rs REFG., HTG., & AlC .P.O, BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 BILL TO 'Salina Bicentennial Center P,O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION high pressure, Removed remgerant as needed to allow units to run. Extreme temperature of 112 deg, F., and air recirculating behind wall causing short cycling of machines , Some refrigerant will have to be added back to units when normal temperatures resume. 7/18/2003 Unit 4, circ. 3 -- needs inboard fan motor. Unit 2, circ, 2 - replaced 24v control relay, Unit 6, southwest concourse - no evap,load, Broken belt? Motor? Unable to access unit, Most staffwas gone after 5:00 PM. Will check next week. condenser fan motor run capacitor filter drier R-22 refrigerant in pounds 24v relays wire connectors and misc. material solder and consumables hours of labor (Doug) hours of labor (Ron) Subtotal Sales Tax NET BY DUE DATE, Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3.00 min. Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron . Page 2 DUE DATE 9/15/2003 QTY Total 3 5 2 29 2 9,5 2 PDR DATE 7/18/2003 REP RATE 179.86 9.48 44.86 5,95 12.59 5.40 4.00 52,00 52.00 7.05% INVOICE INVOICE NO. 20155 VENDOR NO, AMOUNT 539,58 47.40 89.72 172,55 25.18 5.40 4.00 494,00 104.00 1,481.83 0.00 $1,481.83 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: WrAL TIS REFG., HTG., & AlC .P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402.0321 (785) 827.1624 ¡ " ~ BILL TO Salina Bicentennial Center P.O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION Replaced compressors on Unit 10, circuit 4 and unit 11, circuit 1. Removed refrigerant. Removed defective compressor. Adapted piping and mounting to accept Copeland Scroll compressor, Piped in, evacuated and replaced filter drier. Started and checked operation. 8/2/2003 Copeland 125,000 BTU 46Ov compressor freight charges extended warranty (included) 1 3/8" CS LP st 90 deg's 1 3/8" CS LP 90 deg's 7/8 CS LP st. 90 deg's 7/8 CS LP 90 deg's 1-3/8 copper tubing/ft. 7/8" OD coppertube/ft. schrader stem 305 filter driers refrigerant recovery charge hardware solder and consumables hours of labor (Doug) hours of labor (Ron) NET BY DUE DATE. Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3.00 mID. Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron . Page 1 DUE DATE 911512003 QTY Total 2 4 2 4 2 3 3 8 2 9 2,5 DATE 8/2/2003 REP POR RATE 1,666.81 75.00 5,83 4.71 3.87 2.79 3.94 1.73 2,99 44.86 30.00 6.48 14.50 52.00 52.00 INVOICE INVOICE NO. 20282 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 3,333,62 75,00 0.00 23.32 9.42 15.48 5.58 11.82 5.19 23.92 89.72 30,00 6.48 14.50 468,00 130.00 PAHLS ENTERPRISES, INC. dba: \V.ALT'S REFG., HTG., & AlC . P.O. BOX 321 SALINA, KS 67402-0321 (785) 827-1624 r BILL TO , Salina Bicentennial Center P.O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 P.O. NO. SERVICED DESCRIPTION Subtotal Sales Tax NET BY DUE DATE, Service Charge 1 1/2% monthly, $3.00 nUn. Thank you for your business! Doug & Ron . Page 2 DUE DATE 9/15/2003 QTY Total REP PDR DATE 8/212003 RATE 7.05% INVOICE INVOICE NO. 20282 VENDOR NO. AMOUNT 4,242.05 0,00 $4,242.05 . . . Study of: Bicentennial Center HV AC Systems City of Salina, Kansas APPENDIX E DETERMINA TION OF SAVINGS BY REPLACING HEAT PUMPS This section has the explanation of the basis for the calculations and the calculations, The total savings are shown as they accumulate for each year to determine the number of years for payback. Savings start in 2005. Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corporation N :12003 32lÞreporMppendices.doc DETERMINATION OF SAVINGS BY REPLACING THE HEAT PUMPS . The estimated savings because of the better efficiency of the new heat pumps is 19%, The cost per year attributed to HV AC is around $88,000 based on the last three years, The annual cost savings attributed to the better efficiency of the heat pumps is $16,720, Fuel cost escalation is estimated at 4% per year over the next few years so the annual savings will be escalated by this amount each year. The annual maintenance costs attributed to HVAC is around $20,000, Since the existing heat pumps are way past their expected life this number will be increased by ten percent per year, There will be no cost for repair of the heat pumps for five years because they will be under full warranty. There are other parts of the system such as the air handler fans and controls which will not be under warranty and will have some maintenance costs to them, The $20,000 is attributed to the heat pumps themselves, After five years the warranty will be off the heat pumps but they will still only be five years old and should not have much maintenance expense, Savings will start in 2005, YEAR ENERGY TOTAL MAINT, TOTAL TOTAL COSTS ENERGY COST MAl NT, SAVINGS SAVINGS COST SAVINGS COST SAVINGS SAVINGS 2005 $16,720,00 $16,720.00 $20,000.00 $20,000,00 $36,720,00 2006 $17,388.80 $34,108,80 $22,000,00 $42,000,00 $76,108.80 2007 $18,084,35 $52,193,15 $24,200,00 $66,200,00 $118,393.15 . 2008 $18,807,73 $71,000,88 $26,620,00 $92,820,00 $163,820.88 2009 $19,560,04 $90,560,91 $29,282,00 $122,102,00 $212,662,91 2010 $20,342.44 $110,903,35 $32,210,20 $154,312,20 $265,215,55 2011 $21,156,13 $132,059,48 $35,431.22 $189,743.42 $321,802,90 2012 $22,002,38 $154,061,86 $38,974.34 $228,717,76 $382,779,63 2013 $22,882,47 $176,944,34 $42,871.78 $271,589,54 $448,533,88 2014 $23,797,77 $200,742,11 $47,158.95 $318,748,49 $519,490.60 2015 $24,749,68 $225,491,80 $51,874,85 $370,623.34 $596,115,14 2016 $25,739,67 2017 $26,769,26 2018 $27,840,03 . . . . Study of: Bicentennial Center HV AC Systems City of Salina, Kansas APPENDIX F HEATING AND COOLING LOADS BUILDING LOADED WITH PEOPLE Loads were run with all spaces loaded with people, A ventilation rate of? ,5 cfm per person was used for intermittent occupancy, A recap ofthe loads for each area is on the following page, Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corporation N :\2oo332It1reporMppendices. doc . . . BICENTENNIAL CENTER HVAC STUDY BUILDING COOLING LOADS BASED ON BEING LOADED WITH PEOPLE AND 7,5 CFM PER PERSON OUTSIDE AIR AREA LOBBY OFFICE AREA EXHIB, HALL KITCHEN 2ND FL. MEET ARENA S, CONCOURSE N,CONCOURSE VIP ROOM STORAGE LOBBY TOILETS TOTAL TONS OF COOLING 15 1,7 80,8 1,2 25 388 22,8 22,7 4.4 2,1 1,3 565 > Air System Sizing Summary for System 1-Lobby 7,~ 10/07/2003 08:48AM Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Air System Information . '~r System Name _n----.._,..--.._.._m_m--------- System 1-Lobby ,quipment Class ----m_m_,__----..--____mm--m------___, PKG ROOF Air System Type _--m--mm_mm--_,__,-,-,__---,h----_h_--------- SZCAV Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM ---"-_m_m_--hmmm Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM ----__00----_----_----- Individual peak space loads Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data Total coil load '-m------_--m_h--_--h---__h--m___-_mm------mm------- 15,0 Tons Total coil load _mm_mmmnm--mhh_--_--_hm----__h__--_mmm_- 180,4 MBH Sensible coil load m_m_m--nm--m--mmm----h_m--m----h_m-- 164,7 MBH Coil CFM at Jul 1500----_-------_m___--mmmn_m_----mm--_-- 9138 CFM Max block CFM '--_hh__h--hh--m,--m--_hmnmm___h---m--m-- 9138 CFM Sum of peak zone CFM _hm----_--hh__m--"----__-------m--m 9138 CFM Sensible heat ratio --m_hmm h___h_,_hm______hm___m-_--m-- 0,913 ft'2/Ton --_--mmmm--------mn--m_--____m--m----m--_------m----____mh- 326,0 BTU/(hr-ft'2) m--mm--mm_--n_--__--mm----hhm_m------m----m---- 36,8 Water flow @ 10_0 of rise ____m_---- --_--mm------m__mm--_-- NJA Central Heating Coil Sizing Data Max coil load h_--m--..--mmm_m_m----m--mhmm_m----mmmm- 92,4 MBH Coil CFM at Des Htg mh,___mm_,--_h_m_m'----h____mh"h__h 9138 CFM Max coil CFM h-mh--__--__---_m__m---------m--,--------------------- 9138 CFM Water flow @ 20_0 of drop m------mm_--------h--____------------m NIA Supply Fan Sizing Data . "ctua! max CFM _--"h_--_m ,----m----_-mm_m--_mm___--m'- 9138 CFM ,tandard CFM ------------ _-_h_---------m--_-__----'_____m--__m-- 8726 CFM Actual max CFM/fF m--mm'm--m--mmm_--_mm----__--_m----__- 1,86 CFM/ft'2 Outdoor Ventilation Air Data Design airflow CFM ..m_--m___--m--_hm--mh_--mm_mmm--_mh 375 CFM CFM/ft2 _--mm-- hm--m----mmm_--mmm--m_mm--mm_m--------__-- 0.08 CFMlft2 . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Number of zones m_mm____mm_mm---_h--h____h------_h__m__h--m----hm- 1 Floor Area -----,..----_--_--'m------------m_h_---_mmh_hm--m--m --- 4900,0 ft2 Calculation Months ----_m--_m--------m_m----------_m_------_Jan to Dee Sizing Data --,--_------m_---___---'------_mmmmm-------------'m_- Calculated Load occurs at __--mmm--___mmm--____------mm_____--m--m---- Jul1500 OADB/WBm_--_m--------m_--------m_mmm__mm---- 101,0174,0 of Entering DB 1 WB ---___,_--m_'m--m--mm----_m___--_--h,_--- 78.1/65,9 of Leaving DB 1 WB --m-----m----m'_m_mm_h----m------m----- 60,7/59,5 of Coil ADP --m_--_h--m_--_m---------------m------m--------m----_--_m____m---- 58,7 of Bypass Factor m--m_--_-h----m----_h------mm______-------------'__h_m_- 0.100 Resulting RH _--mm--m_m----------m--______--m_--__--hh__----mm_m__hh__-- 55 % Design supply temp. _m----_mmm____--------m_h----m--m_--m--m-- 58,0 of Zone T-stat Check m,---m____n_mh___'_-_h_m--n------m__--_-_n__m1 of 1 OK Max zone temperature deviation -----------m-mm-__mm_h_----_--- 0,0 of Load occurs at ----------'----_mmm___------'hmmmmmm---_m-- Des Htg BTU/(hr-ft2) ---------'----------_-mn__m_hh--_------m--h_hm----_mm_____m 18.9 En!. DB 1 Lvg DB -----_--____m--_m--hm--"--_m mm--mmn_- 66,7/76.5 of Fan motor BHP -----------m-m_----_mh__--_mmn_--mm--m_--_m_------ 0;00 BHP Fan motor kW -__m-----_mm--_h__----_hm_hmm------_-_m--,__m____h--m 0,00 kW Fan static --m----mm--m----m---m-m-------mm_----_m____------mm--------- 0,00 in wg CFM/person -----------_mm--_h__------h_h--_-------m_----m_'__--_h_hm,__-- 7.50 CFM/person Page 1 of 1 Zone Sizing Summary for System 1-Lobby Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 10/07/2003 08:48AM Sizing Calculation Information . '}ne and Space Sizing Method: ,ane CFM __nmm--__--n-------_m Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM m--nm----m--m Individual peak space loads Calculation Months ,mn----umm----,--m--_m--m----mmmJan to Dee Sizing Data mnn--m---__m--_____------------------------n----m-n--- Calculated Zone Sizing Data Zone 1 Zone Terminal Sizing Data No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system. Space Loads and Airflows Zone 1 100-Lobby(+101) Heatiit9 -'Load - (MBH) 160,2 Jul1400 9138 65-0 4900,0 1.86 . . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Design Load Summary for System 1-Lobby Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 10/07/2003 08:48AM ; . . c' DESIGN,ÇOOL.ING, ' DESIGN HEA"ÐNG , cccc,' .. " CO()LI~Q~þ'TAcAT"1.ì115Ø9 " " ,', c'" ,', , HE:ATlNG'[)ATAATDESI;ITG """,,' , CQOLING6ÂPB1W ij101;;ò 'OF ii4iÓoF) c,~.' .,." tI EATI ~ G .° AD B IW B ;."c... .~iOC 'FI~. ~'~Fæ "'),; '~~'~~~I,~le ,c.c,'c""'4~t~nt ' Sensible ',', '; ZONE,LOADS ',cc , ", qetå,ils'( :!TOlhr)':. ~ i(sJwÞr) ':.. ',' 'c."'ö.eta'IS(~TØ1hrX~,";}(~[~íþÌ') Window & Skylight Solar Loads 936 ft2 741 83 - 936 ft2 - - Wall Transmission 504 ft2 847 - 504 ft2 3532 - Roof Transmission 504 ft2 2774 - 504 ft2 3325 - Window Transmission 360 ft2 4632 - 360 ft2 1 5453 - Skylight Transmission 576 ft2 741 0 , 576 ft2 24724 - Door Loads 336 ft2 1 1 566 , 336 ft2 1 2722 - Floor Transmission 4900 ft2 0 - 4900 ft2 5270 ' Partitions 0 ft2 0 ' 0 ft2 0 - Ceiling 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Overhead Lighting 1 0584 W 361 1 2 ' 0 0 ' Task Lighting 2400 W 81 89 - 0 0 - Electric Equipment 0 W 0 - 0 0 - People 50 1 4000 1 3500 0 0 0 Infiltration - 0 0 - 0 0 Miscellaneous ' - 0 '0 - 0 0 Safety Factor 0% / 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 »TòtâFZ()OeLØåC ~' c'ccC ,', . 1c§,~1í2' ;'"" - c.c. ", 6!?ètì5 ,c,c 'ic ,; """,,C C,c,",oI) Cc.. Zone Conditioning - 1 55467 1 3500 - 64325 0 Plenum Wall Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Plenum Roof Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Plenum Lighting Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Retum Fan Load 91 38 CFM 0 , 91 38 CFM 0 - /entilation Load 375 CFM 921 8 21 59 375 CFM 28098 0 Supply Fan Load 91 38 CFM 0 - 91 38 CFM 0 - Space Fan Coil Fans - 0 - - 0 - Duct Heat Gain / Loss 0% 0 - 0% 0 - :» Tò1f1t~terÞ,lioli!çf", "C', "'cc~ .. 1~ا ':,c,' ,tj~5~ ,J Ø2"~" ';"""" "<Q' C', ",' Central Cooling Coil - 1 64685 1 5666 - 0 0 Central Heating Coil - 0 - - 92424 - >~1'qtåIÞ()f1dlti PO ¡rig , '"c" c' cc,~"""". 4"""""" "c ",c ;, Ø2424 ,,'," ';0 "t, .. ~~}I:~ ,,','c,c,' " ,',,' ~~~ljiV~'~ "þ;, ,eosltj\levälQes,.âr~H!¡tg!()~~$" ...;j;f~ - ,;,;Y,;" ":.",'f:'. ~~a.tiV~ cViiI "~a.rø't:!g,!q~s " ,,' - c" <Negative y' . Hourly Analysis Program v.4,1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Sizing Summary for System 2-First FI. Office Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Air System Information . ~~u7~~:~ ~~~:_::::::-:::_~~t~~oo~_~~i~~~_~I: ~~~~~~~ Air System Type mhoooo_oomoomm___moo-oooooooomooooh_-___oo SZCAV Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM oooomoomm__m_moom Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM moommmoooooo_-_- Individual peak space loads Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data Total coil load ooooUO_oommmmm_mmoooooo_oooooomm_oo__oooooounoo-ooOO 1,7 Tons Total coil load oommoooooom-m_moooooooo_oooo_mun-moomoo_oooooo_oooooo 20.0 MBH Sensible coil load moooo_oooooomm-_-___oo_oom__oo_oom___oo_-_mm_m 16,9 MBH Coil CFM at Aug 1500 oo_oooo_moommoo__moommoooooo_oooooo_moom 855 CFM Max block CFM oo_m_moommoooom_unmm_-_oooo_-oooooommoommm 855 CFM Sum of peak zone CFM _m_moomoooo_oo_oooooooooomoomoomoomoooo 855 CFM Sensible heat ratio oo-_oo_oooo_moommoooooom___oooo---_oooooooo_oooooo' 0.847 ft2/Ton ___hmoohoo,hooon-moooomoooomoomm_on,oooooooommmm_oooo_,m 746,2 BTU/(hr-ft2) moooo--__oooomoooomoooo__oooooooooooooooomoooomoomm__m 16,1 Water flow @ 10.0 of rise __moooo_-_____mmmm__oooomoomoo-_- N/A Central Heating Coil Sizing Data Max coil load ___m_onmmoooom___oo-oo_-oo_-m_m_m_mmoooooom__oo-- 12,1 MBH Coil CFM at Des Htg __oooom_moo_oomoooo-_oooomoooooomoommoo_,oo_0855 CFM Max coil CFM ooOOm_ommoooooom,_oomooooooooomOOmmoommmmoom 855 CFM Water flow @ 20-0 of drop ,----__oo__oomoooooomoom,oo_m,ooO-OOO NIA Supply Fan Sizing Data . i~~:~~~:~~~~ì~2:-::0::_::_::_:oo-:_::::o:oo:_:o:_o:_:_:-o:_::_::_::o:_:_:_:_:_::_--oo::oo:oo:o::o:::_:_o::o~!i g~~/ft2 Outdoor Ventilation Air Data Design airflow CFM moomoooommoooomoooo_oooooooom_moooomo_oooooooo 98 CFM CFM/ft2 oomO_omooooooo-oooooooomoooomoooooo_oooooooomOO_-m-ooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO- 0.08 CFMlft2 . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 12/08/2003 02:26PM Number of zones _ommmmoomoooooooooomoommooooooomoomoom__-om-oo_om 1 Floor Area oooomoo.._mm__mooooooooom....omoomoomm,_-....oooo_oooom 1241,0 ft2 Calculation Months _ommmmmoooooooooomoooooomoooooomooooJan to Dee Sizing Data_ooooo_omoom_mooooooooooooooooooommmmmooomooo- Calculated Load occurs at o_mOoomo__moooooo_moo__m_ooOoooooooooooo-,_oooooom- Aug 1500 OADB/WB_-m-o-oooo-__oo_ooomomm-_-oooooomoom_ooooo-moom 101,0/74,0 of Entering DB 1 WB oommmoommoomooooomoooom_ommoooooom80,O 167,1 of Leaving DB 1 WB mm_oo_oomo_moo_moomoooooooooomoomoo_om- 60,9 1 59.6 of Coil ADP oooo-moommmoooommoommoooom_ooooooomoooomoooooooooomwooooooo 58.7 OF Bypass Factor _ooommmoommoomoooooooomoo-,__oo_-ooooooooom_oooooomm 0,100 Resulting RH moomm,m_oooooOoomooooooooomoooo-O-m_moooooomOooOoomooOOO-m 56 % Design supply tempo oomo_mmmmooooO_oomO_om_moooooo__Ooommoo__- 58,0 of Zone T'stat Check _ommoomoooooohhoooooommoommoooooommoomm 1 of 1 OK Max zone temperature deviation oommoomoooomoomO_oooo"oohooooo 0,0 of Load occurs at ..o_oommommoo_oo_oom_oooo..ooomoooomoooooooooomm Des Htg BTU/(hr-ft2) "oooommooooooooooooommmooooooo-m-o-oo-o-oooooooooooooooooooooo-omu, 9,7 Ent. DB 1 Lvg DB _OooO..on-mmmoomoomoo_hoomoo-om_moooo- 61.3/75,0 OF Fan motor BHP mmoomooooOm-O-ou-m_-_oo_oooooo_oomWOhmoooooomoooom 0,00 BHP Fan motor kW oo___oommoooooooomu-oooo-_oooooooooooooooomoomoooooooooomoooo 0,00 kW Fan static _uooooooooom_umo_oomoomoomooOoomoomoooooumo_oooooooo_omooooooo 0,00 in wg CFMlperson oooooooooooooomOoooouoooomoooomoomoooommooOuooo-uoomooOoomoo 7.50 CFM/person Page 1 of 1 Zone Sizing Summary for System 2-First FI. Office Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 02:26PM Sizing Calculation Information . Zone and Space Sizing Method: ,,"-one CFM dm.d.dd.,OmmO--- Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM °OOOdddddmdmd Individual peak space loads Calculation Months dOOOmddOOdddmdddddOddmOodddnoJan to Dee Sizing Data mnmnm.mnmmnnmnO..o.omnnnnnnnnmO Calculated Zone Sizing Data Maximum Design Minimum Time Maximum Zone Cooling Air Air of Heating Floor Sensible Flow Flow Peak Load Area Zone Zone Name (MBH) (CFM) (CFM) Load (MBH) (ft2) CFMlft2 Zone 1 15.0 855 855 Jul2300 500 1241.0 0.69 Zone Terminal Sizing Data No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system. Space Loads and Airflows . Cooling Time Air Heating Floor Zone Name I Sensible of Flow Load Area Space Space Name Mull. (MBH) Load (CFM) (MBH) (ft2) CFMlft2 Zone 1 1 02,Office 1 3.7 Jul2300 209 2.3 376.0 0.56 103-Office 1 2.6 Jul2300 150 2.6 215.0 0.70 104,Office 1 1.9 Jan 2300 108 0.0 132.0 0.82 105,Office 1 1,9 Jan 2300 108 0.0 132.0 0.82 106-Tickets 1 1.4 Jan 2300 78 0.0 112.0 0.70 107 -Conference 1 2.1 Jan 2300 117 0.0 132.0 0.89 108-Corridor 1 0.7 Jan 2300 42 0.0 72.0 0.58 109'Storage 1 0.4 Jan 2300 21 0.0 40.0 0.53 110-Toilet 1 0.4 Jan 2300 21 0.0 30.0 0.70 . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Design Load Summary for System 2-First Fl. Office Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 02:26PM . I DESIGN COOLING DESIGN HEATING COOLING DATA AT Aug 1500 HEATING DATA AT DES HTG COOLING OA DB / WB 101.0 of / 74.0 of HEATING OA DB / WB -3.0 of / -4.4 of Sensible Latent Sensible Latent ZONE LOADS Details (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) Details (BTUlhr) (BTU/hr) Window & Skylight Solar Loads 0 ft2 0 - 0ft2 ' - Wall Transmission 516ft2 803 - 516ft2 3616 - Roof Transmission 0ft2 0 - Oft2 0 - Window Transmission Oft2 0 - 0ft2 0 - Skylight Transmission 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Door Loads 0ft2 0 - 0ft2 0 - Floor Transmission 1241 ft2 0 - 1241 ft2 1342 - Partitions 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Ceiling 0ft2 0 ' 0ft2 0 - Overhead Lighting 1838 W 6272 - 0 0 - Task Lighting OW 0 - 0 0 - Electric Equipment 1200 W 4094 - 0 0 - People 13 3185 2665 0 0 0 Infiltration - 0 0 - 0 0 Miscellaneous , 0 0 - 0 0 Safety Factor 0% / 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 » Total Zone Loads - 14354 2665 - 4958 0 Zone Conditioning - 14532 2665 - 4797 0 Plenum Wall Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Plenum Roof Load 0% 0 - 0 0 ' Plenum Lighting Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Return Fan Load 855 CFM 0 - 855 CFM 0 - Ventilation Load 98 CFM 2378 380 98 CFM 7292 0 Supply Fan Load 855 CFM 0 - 855 CFM 0 ' Space Fan Coil Fans - 0 - - 0 - Duct Heat Gain / Loss 0% 0 - 0% 0 - » Total System Loads - 16910 3045 - 12089 0 Central Cooling Coil - 16910 3047 ' 0 0 Central Heating Coil - 0 - - 12089 - » Total Conditioning - 16910 3047 - 12089 0 Key: Positive values are clg loads Positive values are htg loads Negative values are htg loads Negative values are clg loads . . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Sizing Summary for System 3-Exhibition Hall Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff ~S' 10/07/2003 08:53AM Air System Information . \ir System Name .................... System 3-Exhlbition Hall .=quipment Class ............................................... PKG ROOF Air System Type ........................................................... SZCAV Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM ............................. Sum of space alñlow rates Space CFM ......,.,.,............ Individual peak space loads Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data Total coil load ...............................................................,......80,8 Tons Total coil load .................................................................... 969.9 MBH Sensible coil load ..................................,.......................... 707,4 MBH Coil CFM at Jul 1600 .................................................... 30508 CFM Max block CFM "',""'""""""",""""",,,,,"......m.............. 30508 CFM Sum of peak zone CFM ...m...,...........................""""" 30508 CFM Sensible heat ratio ................m........................................ 0,729 ft2rron ",'...m,...,.................................................................... 228.1 BTUI(hr-ft2) """.....................m.................................."""""" 52,6 Water flow @ 10.0 of rise """""""""""""""'."""000""'" NJA Central Heating Coil Sizing Data Max coil load 'OOO""""OOO"""""""ooo,'..........................m...... 759.6 MBH Coil CFM at Des Htg .......,................................,.........,m30508 CFM Max coil CFM ......'...........................................,............-.. 30508 CFM Water flow @ 20.0 of drop ....................................,.......... NJA Supply Fan Sizing Data . ~~~~~~~:~~~:i:::."::.:.:.'::::.,:~:.:':':.:.:::::.::.:'.::.~.::::.:'::::::.~~~:! g~~/ft2 Outdoor Ventilation Air Data Design airflow CFM """"'""""""'"'"',"'m"",,,,,,,,""",".. 7500 CFM CFM/ft2 ""","000'""""""""""""",'.."""'.'...""'.""""'.'........... 0.41 CFM/ft2 . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Number of zones """""""""""""""""""."""""".000""""""""000..1 Floor Area """."""""'OOO"m""""."""""""""""""""""""" 18434,0 ft2 Calculation Months .............................................,......Jan to Dec Sizing Data """""""""""""'.""""""-""""................. Calculated Load occurs at """""""".""""""""""""""""'000.""""'" Jul16oo OA DB 1 WB """"""""""'000""""""""""""""""""" 100,3/73,8 of Entering DB 1 WB ,"',"'""""","'"""""""""","'",000,...82,9/69,2 of Leaving DB 1 WB """"0.""""""""".""""'000""""""'." 60,5/59.2 of Coil ADP "000"""'0.'000""000000""""""""""'.""""""000""""""'.""" 58,0 of Bypass Factor """""...........0.0.....0.............0.......000""""""""" 0.100 Resulting RH .""'hhhh""'_""""""""""""""""""'h""'m............. 61 % Design supply temp. ""'",,',',""""'m""""......h.....h............... 58.0 of Zone T-stat Check """',,"'m................h....h......................... 1 of 1 OK Max zone temperature deviation """'0.0.0.""""'000"'.""'..""" 0,0 of Load occurs at '..0....0...0.""""""""""""""""..........0.0....0.. Des Htg BTU/(hr-ft2) ........000......0...........................................0.............0...41,2 Ent. DB 1 Lvg DB ""..........000"""""""""""""",0.......... 51.9 1 76,0 of Fan motor BHP """""OOO."OOO""""""m...,.""'h....ooo""",.""",ooo. 0,00 BHP Fan motor kW .000"""".'.....0...0.""""""""""""",'0."""""'.000..", 0,00 kW Fan static h""""""""'m........hh....h""""""""""'mh'.....hh........ 0,00 in wg CFM/person .h""""""""""""."'.'m""""."',""'-"'"""""",.""" 7.50 CFM/person Page 1 of 1 Zone Sizing Summary for System 3-Exhibition Hall Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 10/07/2003 08:53AM Sizing Calculation Information . ':one and Space Sizing Method: "':one CFM h........h...m.mh.hh Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM h...................." Individual peak space loads Calculation Months .............mm.....,....m...........m..m. Jan to Dee Sizing Data ................mm.....".."hm.....mmm..""'.""... Calculated Zone Sizing Data Zone Terminal Sizing Data No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system. Space Loads and Airflows Jul1500 30508 1,65 . . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 't Air System Design Load Summary for System 3-Exhibition Hall Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff . " . :Z¡QNE'LqAPS " Window & Skylight Solar Loads Wall Transmission Roof Transmission Window Transmission Skylight Transmission Door Loads Floor Transmission Partitions Ceiling Overhead Lighting Task Lighting Electric Equipment People Infiltration Miscellaneous Safety Factor >~ï9få,zó!:i~:¡Loa~§; ", Zone Conditioning Plenum Wall Load Plenum Roof Load Plenum Lighting Load Retum Fan Load Jentilation Load Supply Fan Load Space Fan Coil Fans Duct Heat Gain / Loss >i:";'â"øjâ I$YiJ t~fn~q ij <f~ Central Cooling Coil Central Heating Coil , ,", ,þEStC:¡N~~OtilNC:¡ ," , , DESt<;NHEATìNG , C:;OOL.INß!trATAAT;¡:J."...,.".'.' ,.i>; HEATlNG,PATÄiATDESrHTG'.", """,S;~;,' BJ\p~t~~~~w¡rr.~ ~~~~:œi'W.ï-4'~ 90 ft2 2533 - 90 ft2 - - 7130 ft2 17357 - 7130 ft2 46364 - 18434 ft2 101443 - 18434 ft2 121598 - 90 ft2 1147 - 90 ft2 3863 - 0ft2 a - 0ft2 a - 252 ft2 8843 - 252 ft2 9541 - 18434 ft2 a - 18434 ft2 15522 - 0ft2 a - 0ft2 a - 0ft2 a - Oft2 a - 9193 W 31366 - a a - 27000 W 92122 - a a - OW a . 0, a . 1000 279997 270000 a a a - a a - a a - a a - a a 0%/0% a a 0% a a '", ',.~ ""y'" 1."210lll',;;,, ",,' 1\!!~!J8' "';';"'" "".,>',Tlí - 529351 270000 - 196639 a 0% a - a a - 0% a - a a - 0% a - a a - 30508 CFM a - 30508 CFM a - 7500 CFM 178046 -7617 7500 CFM 562984 a 30508 CFM a - 30508 CFM a - - a - - a - 0% a - 0% a - ,,' ',,';"" .""1" ~ ',';;' ',.';. '7'5~23'.,~;"'.,ø - 707397 262495 - a a - a - - 759623 - ;~';';"I'\); <'c'¡,';,.>¡' ,; "",.";,, ,,¡'i':: ~,,',~!~d:,.,~r>,;f7 Of,' ""',.;',., " I- ~ey:' .. , " "I '.:' , , ">" . Hourly Analysis Program V.4.1 10/07/2003 08:53AM Page 1 of 1 " Air System Sizing Summary for System 4-Kitchen Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff '" Air System Information . ð..ir System Name ................................... System 4-Kitchen Equipment Class.................................................. PKG ROOF Air System Type ...................'........uu........................... SZCAV Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM ............................. Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM ........................ Individual peak space loads Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data Total coil load "..."'................................................................. 1.2 Tons Total coil load .......................................................................14,3 MBH Sensible coílload ....",."""",."""."".""",.............,............ 12,3 MBH Coil CFM at Aug 1600 ........................................................ 623 CFM Max block CFM ".""'............................................................. 623 CFM Sum of peak zone CFM .,................................................... 623 CFM Sensible heat ratio "'.."""'."'........................................... 0,865 ft2/Ton .."....."'.'..'.""'.......................,...................,............. 1317.2 BTU/(hr-ft") ..""'...".""....".."".....,........................................... 9.1 Water flow @ 10.0 of rise ................................................ NIA Central Heating Coil Sizing Data Max coil load ."'..""'U."...........................u........................... 14.0 MBH Coil CFM at Des Htg """""'.."............................................ 623 CFM Max coil CFM """"".'."""'.................,...........,...................... 623 CFM Water flow @ 20.0 of drop .."."""'.....""...............,.......... NIA Supply Fan Sizing Data .1;:~~~~~:~:::::::::::::::::.:::.:::..:::::::::=::::::::.:.::::::::::::::::]:~ g~~ft" Outdoor Ventilation Air Data Design airflow CFM ".h."""'.....................,............................ 90 CFM CFM/ft2 ."".".."'...."....""....".....,............................................ 0,06 CFMIft" . i Hourlý Analysis Program v.4.1 09/03/2003 10:11AM Number of zones """"."'.""""".."'..."""'."'.""""""""'..""'..,...... 1 Floor Area .............,.,................................................,.............1566,0 ft" Calculation Months """"............................................ Jan to Dec Sizing Data ""..."..""""".""'.""...h.............................. Calculated Load occurs at "'.'."""".""""""'."..............,...............,. Aug 1600 OA DB 1 WB "....""""""".""".........,.......................... 100.3/73,8 OF Entering DB 1 WB """""."."'.".................................... 80.7 /67,5 of Leaving DB 1 WB ,........................................................61.5/ 60.2 of Coil ADP ..""'..""h".."'.."""h"...............,...............,................... 59,4 of Bypass Factor .........................................................,............,.0.100 Resulting RH ...."".""""'...""""""""'.."""."'."".."."""'.'.."""m. 57 % Design supply temp, ."""'....................................................... 58,0 of Zone T-stat Check .."..""""".""."'.."',................................. 1 of 1 OK Max zone temperature deviation "".".............,..................... 0,0 of Load occurs at """""""""""""........................................ Des Htg BTU/(hr-ft") .""'."""""."""""""""""."..........,...................,......... 9,0 Ent. DB 1 Lvg DB ""'.".".."'....................,.................... 58.8/ 80,7 of Fan motor BHP .."""'.""'."'.""'.................u........u.....,........... 0.00 BHP Fan motor kW ""'U"....'..""'..."""'.."""'.".".........................,... 0.00 kW Fan static """..".."'..................................................................... 0.00 in wg CFM/person """.""".."....""..................,................................ 15.00 CFM/person Page 1 of 1 , Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Zone Sizing Summary for System 4-Kitchen 09/03/2003 10:11AM !=:izing Calculation Information . 'one and Space Sizing Method: _one CFM """"'....."umhmm Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM um'm.huhm.uu Individual peak space loads Zone Sizing Data ,Màxh11~ri1 . . Coolln~:, . Sensible; . '(NtBH) , 10.9 Zone Terminal Sizing Data Calculation Months 'UUumu.m"uUUUhhh,ummu""u,,' Jan to Dee Sizing Data uuuumhu".uu.Uhu"uumuumuu'huu,uuu"" Calculated No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system. Space Loads and Airflows . . Hourly Analysis Program v,4.1 10.9 623 Page 1 of 1 Air System Design Load Summary for System 4-Kitchen Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 09/03/2003 10:11AM * . ,Cc' 'c'C ic, cC' i ' ,,' ,'þeSIGNCQPl.lNG -c...,t>I;I!'." -..-~ ,,' ."., ,.iéÖQLI'~;'ð~T:tr~gt~øo,'.'.,. HEATINGOATA'A:T.'O 'i ".i, " .' ,'. "êØ(¡)liIN. ",B'1P()j~.FI~3,8.F,. HEAÎ1~i.()Ä~J3.l'W"~¡O~Fl.4.4.Þ..':'-i..".. ,i,;'. '..- ' _00; ' 'Senslble Latent 'Sensible latent .............',.,¡"'....... ".... '( :ÎT~lIir)' .. ',' . ",,'. , :", "",,"',': UfJ'P!!'tt) (BTlI/"!') OEÍtáils "(i:5"!TPlht) Window & Skylight Solar Loads 0ft2 0 - 0ft2 - - Wall Transmission 627 ft2 1425 - 627 ft2 4394 - Roof Transmission 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Window Transmission 0 ft2 0 - Oft2 0 ' Skylight Transmission 0ft2 0 - Oft2 0 - Door Loads 21 ft2 137 - 21 ft2 460 - Floor Transmission 1566 ft2 0 - 1566 ft2 2359 - Partitions 0ft2 0 - 0ft2 0 - Ceiling 0 ft2 0 - 0ft2 0 - Overhead Lighting 2130 W 7267 - 0 0 - Task Lighting OW 0 - 0 0 - Electric Equipment OW 0 - 0 0 - People 6 1680 1620 0 0 0 Infiltration - 0 0 - 0 0 Miscellaneous - 0 0 - 0 0 ø Factor 0% / 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 ,';;'>, i" ',"i.-:"';":/ """. ,,' .,,""~ ii' ',,",: Zone Conditioning - 10221 1620 - 7333 0 Plenum Wall Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Plenum Roof Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Plenum Lighting Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Return Fan Load 623 CFM 0 - 623 CFM 0 - Ventilation Load 90 CFM 2126 299 90 CFM 6709 0 Supply Fan Load 623 CFM 0 - 623 CFM 0 - Space Fan Coil Fans - 0 - - 0 - ~at Gain / Loss 0% 0 - 0% 0 - '-"i""""" '..',;X.. ,!, ;,,"';;~ I"~~; .. .. Fl;;" I:;'! ~ ',;;,;;Ó Central Cooling Coil - 12347 1920 - 0 0 Central Heating Coil ";;,"':;;.;~~".." - 14041 ' ". ..' ", '.""""'", in '.' .' ;" ' ~;;;, ' i, .' "'."":."" ". ", .' ",,"'. ,':-.,.-.... ;.-, """"',=,~ "'" ;i' "-;;-- ';,."', .; .';, .i' " ". ,> . . Hourly Analysis Program v,4,1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Sizing Summary for System 5-Second FI. Meeting Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Air System Information . ~~u~~~:~ ~~~e.:.~.~~~~~..~~.~.~~~~.~n~I.:..M~~n~~e: Air System Type nnnmmmnnnnnnm'n...nnn'",'n........' SZCAV Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM """"hnmmnmmm Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM nmm................ Individual peak space loads Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data Total coil load nnh..mmnm.mmn...h...hh.'.h.mm.hh....h.....m25,O Tons Total coil load nnn..mm.nmmmnnmmn'hh'h.m.mmm.""" 299.4 MBH Sensible coil load """"""h...mm.mnmnh.hmn.mnmnnnU 246.2 MBH Coil CFM at Aug 1500hh......n.mnnnn......u...n.m.mm 10567 CFM Max block CFM ,nmmnnmmm.nn.....m.h..nmm................10567 CFM Sum of peak zone CFM mnmmmmmnmm.nmnmn',"" 10567 CFM Sensible heat ratio u..nnm.....nm..nnm,nnmnm..nmm.mn 0,822 ft2/Ton nm.m.nnm........nmmmm.nmmm.nmnmnnn.nnnnnhh 334,6 BTU/(hr,ft2) nhh..hn.m.nnmmm.nmnnmhh'nhnnnnmmnm...n 35,9 Water flow @ 10.0 of rise n""n'mhUnh"'h.'U................m N/A Central Heating Coil Sizing Data Max coil load ",,'nmmh'nnmmmnmnnnnmnnnnnnnmnnn" 277,1 MBH Coil CFM at Des Htg hnnnnn""hhnmmhnnmmhh'hnnn' 1 0567 CFM Max coil CFM hnnmmmmnmmmnnmnnmhnnmn.nnnnnn 10567 CFM Water flow @ 20,0 of drop mnnm..mnnnnm...mnnnmn"" NJA Supply Fan Sizing Data . i;~~~~:~~~~/~;:::.:.:':n.::.:n::.':n:::n:..:.:.:.:n.:n:.::..::':n:'::.::':::::.:.~.~~i~ g~~/ft2 Outdoor Ventilation Air Data Design airflow CFM "'U""h.hnnnmnnmmnn.n.mnnnm."" 2769 CFM CFM/ft2 nnnn"'nh'hnn..UUmn'mnnnnnmm.m......mnnnmnnn, 0.33 CFM/ft2 . Hourly Analysis Program v,4.1 12/08/2003 02:41 PM Number of zones "h..........m.m"""""""""""'n'nhm"""'U""hhnm 1 Floor Area "h'mnn"'Uhhnn.....hnn........n m"'h""'hmmnnmm8348,O ft2 Calculation Months n.nn..hhhmnmn..hnnmmnnm...mJan to Dec Sizing Data ""nmh"U"'U""""hUUh.hm'nnnnmmnnmm Calculated Load occurs at """,u......uumnU"""""'h'h,'mh'nmmmh Aug 1500 OA DB 1 WB .'h'h'hnhmm""mnmnn"Uhnnmmnmnnn 101,0/74,0 of Entering DB 1 WB .nhnnnhnmnnnnnnmnn.nnm..........83,5 1 68,5 of Leaving DB 1 WB nm.n....mnn.n""""""h'nU"'hnm.','" 60,91 59,5 of Coil ADP U""'h'h.""""""UU"""h.'hmn'nmnnnmnmnnm...n""'h 58,4 of Bypass Factor .mnhmm,'mhUnmnnmmnmnmnmmnnnU'Uhm 0,100 Resulting RH nmn'nn'nmmhhnmm.mnmnm..nnmnnm""""'mmu. 57 % Design supply temp. mm.h'm...mnnm..n......n.nnn""""Uh."h. 58.0 of Zone T-stat Check mnmn.nnnnnnnnn...m.nmn.n.....nnnn'h,.1 of 1 OK Max zone temperature deviation m.mm.nmm"""""""'h"n,. 0,0 of Load occurs at "nnnmn..m.....n""h'mnmmn.....hnnnmhm Des Htg BTU/(hr-ft2) nnnm..mm"""U"""""""""'h.hnmnmnmmmnu...... 33,2 Ent. DB 1 Lvg DB .n""""'U"h','m"'h"'n'mmmmmm.n 50,6 1 76,1 of Fan motor BHP ummnn..m"""'h'nh."hnmnh'huu'nmmmn...... 0,00 BHP Fan motor kW u.....nn"""'U""""h'mm'mmnnmmmnnuU"'mnn 0,00 kW Fan static U"""h'nmh""m'Uhnmnmm.m...n.....mm""h""'h'm.... 0.00 in wg CFM/person ....m.nnmm.m.nm"u""""mn'n..hmnnnmmnn"'hm 7.50 CFM/person Page 1 of 1 Zone Sizing Summary for System 5-Second FI. Meeting Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 02:41 PM Sizing Calculation Information . Zone and Space Sizing Method: ~one CFM mm"",u""'um,"'u Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM Uuhhmm..uuhh Individual peak space loads Calculation Months .....hUmUUU.h.UmU.mmU'hh....muJan to Dee Sizing Data huumm'mummmu",u.mum'hh"'hmumhm Calculated Zone Sizing Data Maximum Design Minimum Time Maximum Zone Cooling Air Air of Heating Floor Sensible Flow Flow Peak Load Area Zone Zone Name (MBH) (CFM) (CFM) Load (MBH) (ft2) CFMlft2 Zone 1 184.9 10567 10567 Jul1600 69.6 8348.0 1.27 Zone Terminal Sizing Data No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system. Space Loads and Airflows . Cooling Time Air Heating Floor Zone Name I Sensible of Flow Load Area Space Space Name Mult. (MBH) Load (CFM) (MBH) (ft2) CFM/ft2 Zone 1 200-Corridor 1 14.2 Jul1500 808 6.4 968.0 0.84 201 ,Corridor 1 5.5 Jul1500 314 2.0 297.0 1.06 202-Corridor 1 5.5 Jul1500 314 2.0 297.0 1.06 203'Meeting Rm. 1 47.2 Jul1500 2692 16.1 1829.0 1.47 204-Meeting Rm. 1 21.6 Jul1500 1234 5.8 880.0 1.40 205-Storage 1 7.1 Jul1700 404 5.9 404.0 1.00 206-Men Toilet 1 3.6 Jul1500 208 1.8 280,0 0.74 206-Women Toilet 1 3.6 Jul1500 208 1.8 280.0 0.74 208-Meeting Am. 1 47.8 Jul1500 2727 16.1 1829.0 1.49 209-Meeting Rm, 1 21.6 Jul1500 1234 5.8 880.0 1.40 210-Storage 1 7.4 Aug 1500 423 5.9 404.0 1.05 . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Design Load Summary for System 5-Second FI. Meeting Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 02:41 PM . . DESIGN COOLING DESIGN HEATING COOLING DATA AT Aug 1500 HEATING DATA AT DES HTG COOLING OA DB / WB 101,0 of /74.0 of HEATING OA DB / WB -3,0 of /-4.4 of Sensible Latent Sensible Latent ZONE LOADS Details (BTU/hr) (BTUlhr) Details (BTUlhr) (BTUlhr) Window & Skylight Solar Loads Oft> 0 - Oft> - - Wall Transmission 2880 ft2 8297 - 2880 ft2 14495 - Roof Transmission 8348 ft> 43329 - 8348 ft2 55067 - Window Transmission 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Skylight Transmission Oft> 0 - Oft> 0 ' Door Loads Oft> 0 - Oft> 0 - Floor Transmission 0 ft2 0 - Oft> 0 ' Partitions 0 ft2 0 - Oft> 0 - Ceiling 0 ft2 0 - Oft> 0 - Overhead Lighting 11832W 40372 - 0 0 - Task Lighting 440W 1501 - 0 0 - Electric Equipment 1230 W 4197 - 0 0 ' People 369 84915 44304 0 0 0 Infiltration - 0 0 - 0 0 Miscellaneous ' 0 0 - 0 0 Safety Factor 0% / 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 » Total Zone Loads - 182611 44304 - 69562 0 Zone Conditioning - 178623 44304 - 69599 0 Plenum Wall Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Plenum Roof Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Plenum Lighting Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Return Fan Load 10567 CFM 0 - 10567 CFM 0 ' Ventilation Load 2769 CFM 67584 8882 2769 CFM 207529 0 Supply Fan Load 10567 CFM 0 - 10567 CFM 0 ' Space Fan Coil Fans - 0 ' - 0 - Duct Heat Gain / Loss 0% 0 - 0% 0 - » Total System Loads - 246207 53186 . 277128 0 Central Cooling Coil - 246207 53218 - 0 0 Central Heating Coil - 0 - - 277128 - » Total Conditioning - 246207 53218 . 277128 0 Key: Positive values are elg loads Positive values are htg loads Negative values are htg loads Negative values are elg loads . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Sizing Summary for System 6-Main Arena/Seating Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Air System Information . -=~u~~~:~ ~1~~:.::::::::::.~.~~~,~..~~~.~i~.~~~~~~a1~B Air System Type ..........m.........m.......................m.m.. SZCAV Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM ..""""'..m,"..."'.". Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM ................,....... Individual peak space loads Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data Total coil load ......m........m.........n.mm,..mm.................. 387,9 Tons Total coil load mm,..................................................m..4654.7 MBH Sensible coil load ..........,.................................,...........,3261.6 MBH Coil CFM at Jul1500 .""."""""".""n"',,"........m..... 130905 CFM Max block CFM "",,""mmm.....n...mm.mnmnn.n.....mn 130905 CFM Sum of peak zone CFM ..n....mnmn..."'..".nn..""... 130905 CFM Sensible heat ratio .,m...m.......n""".."""'."mm."'----nnn 0,701 ft2fTon n...n.n......,m..........................n'."'......mn...nnmn...nn 162,5 BTU/(hr-ft2) n.....mnm"""""'."'."."n.....""'nnm...nmnm..... 73.8 Water flow @ 10.0 of rise nn.mmmnnnnnnn,.....m.n.m.... NJA Central Heating Coil Sizing Data Max coil load """'."m.".""..........mm.............n............. 3592.4 MBH Coil CFM at Des Htg ."..."...n...m...m...n..................... 130905 CFM Max coil CFM ."""".."""'...nn.nn............nm.................. 130905 CFM Water flow @ 20.0 of drop nn...nm......mm""n""""nn"'" NIA !=:upply Fan Sizing Data .l~~:~~~]~~~~:::::::::.::::::::::::..:,:.:..::.:.::::.::..::.::::..:.::::..~~~: g~~/ft2 Outdoor Ventilation Air Data Design airflow CFM nnnmm......m'.."'mnn.nm."n."....n 40080 CFM CFM/ft2 ..nn....nmm.........n.."""'..nnnn.....mn.."".""...n." 0,64 CFM/ft2 . 7~~ 10/07/2003 09:30AM Number of zones...n......nn...mnn.mnnn..........n...n.m.m.n....n.nn.1 Floor Area nnnn.m......m ".""....mnnmn"'...""'..'n'...m....... 63030,0 ft2 Calculation Months .........n..n............,.........n.nnn....Jan to Dec Sizing Data ..........n......m."'...""mn..nnn."'...""""n.nn Calculated Load occurs at nn...nm..."..""nnm....m".""""n...mm,m Jul1500 OADB/WBnmnnn.....mmnnnn................nnn.........101,O/74,O of Entering DB 1 WB .............m.................m...n.nmm......84.5 1 70,1 OF Leaving DB 1 WB ""."mmm..."""'."mnnmm....nn....... 60,3/59,1 OF Coil ADP nn.nnn.......nnnn........m........m..............n.......nn...nn. 57,6 of Bypass Factor .....n""n...mnn.."".""'."mm.m.""'......m....n 0,100 Resulting RH .....nn.....m..mn...nm...nm.mnmm................n....n... 64 % Design supply temp, .."""."."mmnn..m...."'----"nm,..n...n"m 58,0 of Zone T-stat Check n..............mn.......................m.........n.....1 of 1 OK Max zone temperature deviation ..n.".......mn..."""'......m.... 0,0 of Load occurs at .."..".m.......nnnn"'.n.."".m......"'.nnmn"n Des Htg BTU/(hr-ft2) 000000""".."00'........."..."""00"'00...00...."."00""".""'00 57,0 Ent. DB 1 Lvg DB "...nnn,.m"'.m...nn."nmn."""""'nm 47,6 1 74,2 of Fan motor BHP n.nm.....nn.......m..nnm...nm..mnnn.n....n...m.. 0,00 BHP Fan motor kW n...mn....nnn.......m..n......nm.mmnnnn........n..... 0,00 kW Fan static .............n........n......n"'......................mnn. .............. 0,00 in wg CFM/person nn...mmn.........mm.mnmmn..............n.............nnn 7,50 CFM/person Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Zone Sizing Summary for System 6-Main Arena/Seating Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff ~izing Calculation Information . one and Space Sizing Method: ¿one CFM ---...........,...........--- Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM ..,.............,...... Individual peak space loads Zone Sizing Data 10/07/2003 09:30AM Calculation Months .........---............---...................--..,.Jan to Dee Sizing Data ........---..--.--....-----.......---..---..------------...---.---. Calculated Zone Terminal Sizing Data No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system. Space Loads and Airflows . ; , I .' , ., . , ' , , .,,' ~ '.', th:n~ :". :: i, . I'::' ., :~.~ H} . '. Loaa c , ' , . Zone 1 161-Arena-East Seating 161-Arena-Main Floor 161-Arena-North Seating 161-Arena-South Seating 161-Arena-West Seating 217-Press Box 131-Stair 132-Stair 138-Stairway 143-Stairway 150-Stairway 162-Stair 163-Stair 169-Stairway 173-Stairway 180-Stairway . Hour1y Analysis Program v,4.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 215,9 615,6 604.8 608.6 240,1 4,6 0,4 1.1 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.1 0,4 0.4 0.4 Jul1500 Jul1500 Jul1600 Jul1500 Jul1600 Aug 1400 Jan 2300 Jan 2300 Jan 2300 Jan 2300 Jan 2300 Jan 2300 Jan 2300 Jan 2300 Jan 2300 Jan 2300 Air .".~;~:~11'.' .. ,.~ FloW I."" (CfM) MB' (W)' 12318 35113 34501 34714 13696 260 25 63 21 21 21 25 63 21 21 21 74.4 152,9 131.5 131.5 74.4 3,3 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0,0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 5206,0 23184.0 14006.0 14006.0 5206.0 184.0 112.0 144.0 121,0 121.0 121.0 112,0 144.0 121.0 121,0 121.0 2.37 1.51 2.46 2.48 2.63 1.41 0,23 0.44 0.17 0,17 0.17 0.23 0.44 0.17 0.17 0,17 Page 1 of 1 Air System Design Load Summary for System 6-Main Arena/Seating Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff . 10/07/2003 09:30AM "," i.',.> " .' 'i'" ." ,'.:, " . ,iT, , ,,',.:,'. ',' Window & Skylight Solar Loads Wall Transmission Roof Transmission Window Transmission Skylight Transmission Door Loads Floor Transmission Partitions Ceiling Overhead Lighting Task Lighting Electric Equipment People Infiltration Miscellaneous Safety Factor 0% / 0% ~"i";,' """"" ~ Zone Conditioning - Plenum Wall Load 0% Plenum Roof Load 0% Plenum Lighting Load 0% Return Fan Load 130905 CFM ventilation Load 40080 CFM Supply Fan Load 130905 CFM Space Fan Coil Fans - Duct Heat Gain / Loss 0% >c~]pJil¡¡$~~!i!ITî'~ø~d$ ""i',," ,',i,'. ""',' "'" ">é "". Central Cooling Coil - Central Heating Coil - ~~ 'V". ,'f',¡.~ DESIGNCØOL.ING '.., DJ;SIGN;Ì"fÈÄl'ING COOLING'DATÄATJ~li1~OO,. ~¡;~1J1N(¡:Q~'FÂÀ'T"DFS'HTß . .. COOLlNGOADBIWà.lÔ1i!l:~F'.:L:74.0 of tilE;ATlNGOA'DBìLWB,.,;.a¡O:~FI-4,4!iF>. ; :Setìslbie Latent '..' . Sensible latent ( :I1i:J/bt}j¡ . ( :ITlJlht) , Deta,!I,$) . . '{~TYlþr} (BT:ymr) 0 - Oft2 - - 88710 - 31902ft2 160565 - 340051 - 61792 ft2 407604 - 0 - 0ft2 0 - 0 - Oft2 0 - 0 - 0ft2 0 - 0 . 24422 ft2 0 - 0 - 0ft2 0 - 0 - 0ft2 0 - 357950 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 - 1503800 1535380 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 ~!l1§1~ I.: i' ;,iii')': ,.....;'i'.;..O 2278179 1535380 - 579570 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 - 0 . 0 0 - 0 - 130905 CFM 0 - 983440 -142320 40080 CFM 3012864 0 0 - 130905 CFM 0 - 0 - - 0 . 0 - 0% 0 - ->,60,'.'~~lj¡;/"".:::.,:x(:i 3261618 1393112 - 0 0 0 - . 3592435 - -~!Jl1I' """'¡..i~ . ~1~ ~ Qfitails 0ft2 31902 ft2 61792 ft2 0ft2 0 ft2 0 ft2 24422 ft2 0ft2 0ft2 104911 W OW OW 5344 . . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 - - Page 1 of 1 Air System Sizing Summary for System 7-South Concourse Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Air System Information . ~~u~~~:~ ~I~~:::~~~~~n~_~~~ut~-_:~~-~~u:~; :r~~ Air System Type _on ----------______n___n_nm__-___h_h- '- SZCAV Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM m_h,hn_m_mm_m_n Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM nmn___-_nnn__n- Individual peak space loads Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data Total coil load _n_hmm_nnm__h_h_h_hmmmmnnnnnm_m_nm, 22,8 Tons Total coilload___h,_---_nnnmmnnmmmmnnnnn_----_mnn_--- 213.4 MBH Sensible coil load _hhhnnn___mm___nnnm_---n---nmn___- 193,5 MBH Coil CFM at Aug 1400nh-_mnmm__-n___nhmm--___n___--_-- 7770 CFM Max block CFM n_n____--hmh_______n___- nnmnnm_m_____hh_m 7770 CFM Sum of peak zone CFM nnhhnmnnm_mnnnnn_nnmn_m- 7770 CFM Sensible heat ratio -----hhmmm_--___nn_n--mmmnnnmnh,m 0,108 ft2ITon m'n_mm__n____--_--__--nm_mnnn--mm'--m_m_m__'m_mnm 352.5 BTU/(hr,ft2) n--_____n_--_h__mmm--hmn_m--m--m____n_______nn______- 34,0 Water flow @ 10.0 of rise m----mm--n m_n--___----__mm_m--- N/A Central Heating Coil Sizing Data Max coil load m--nnm____-____h--------___hmnn___m--m_mmm------ 220,0 MBH Coil CFM at Des Htg --n--_--mnnn--n--_h___hhnm---_m--nhn 7710 CFM Max coil CFM mn----mmn______----______h__-___--_mhmnm____mm 7770 CFM Water flow @ 20.0 of drop ------------------_-----mnmmm_m--m N/A Supply Fan Sizing Data . ~~~:~~~:~~~~i:-:::__:_:_-:-::_:__::_---:::_::::::---::_:_::_-_::-::-:--:-::_S~ g=~ft2 Outdoor Ventilation Air Data Design airflow CFM n-___hn--m_----m--nnnmm--__n__n--n_--- 2490 CFM CFM/ft" --_nmh--nhhhmm_n--mn--_--__--------------------------_hnnn 0,31 CFM/ft2 . Hourly Analysis Program v_4.1 12/08/2003 02:45PM Number of zones mmm----m--n_--nn___---__m--m--n_m___--__-_--_mm----m1 Floor Area ____--_h--___--_-n_n_h_hm__h----nm____h----_nm_m_mm_m 8030,0 ft2 Calculation Months n---h_mmnnm--mn----h__mnm_____-- Jan to Dec Sizing Data m_m_m--_m__---_---------------------------------n--n--h Calculated Load occurs at _mnnnmmmn-_n__nh--_--------------------h----m Aug 1400 OA DB 1 WB mn_--__--__m____------_-_----_nnm__h_h__m------- 100.3/73,8 of Entering DB 1 WB --____h,_--_h_-------h_hmm_mm--nnnm__n84,1 170,2 of Leaving DB 1 WB _mm--------mn__h_--m_--_nnm_--nnn__-__h 60,6 1 59.3 of Coil ADP mm_nmn_nnm_--n_-_--,nnh--h_h__----_nn____--mnm--m___---- 51,9 OF Bypass Factor _m---__nm___-------h--------nm-----hmhnnmmm-----h- 0.100 Resulting RH _m_____--_m_____----____---h___----__n--_------mn--mnnn__m--n_-- 64 % Design supply temp. m-___-------------_--hmnmmmnnnnnm__n_hn-- 58,0 of Zone T-stat Check __-_h___'__-------__---__hm_m----m----mn--__----_--n 1 of 1 OK Max zone temperature deviation _mm--------mnm_--_-___--_hn---- 0,0 of Load occurs at _mn_h____--------_------_---mmmm--mnnmn___---_- Des Htg BTU/(hr-ft2) h_mm_____nmn___-----_nmmm_------_h__mnm__mmn_m_-- 21,4 Ent. DB 1 Lvg DB ___n__________hn____----mm_n_mn_nm---m_- 46,5/74,0 of Fan motor BHP --hhh_--mm_____mnm--m______--__m_nnm--n--nnh- 0,00 BHP Fan motor kW _h_mnnnmm__mn_n,___--------m--__-h----mnm-----__n 0,00 kW Fan static --m__mnnmn m'--------_-------------_--_hn_m--mmmnnn--m_m 0.00 in wg CFM/person -______m--mm--m--mnnm____----n_-------h--mnnnn--n__h- 7,50 CFM/person Page 1 of 1 Zone Sizing Summary for System 7-South Concourse Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 02:46PM Sizing Calculation Information . Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM 0000000000"""000000""'" Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM ""'00"000000'00000000 Individual peak space loads Calculation Months ...n.n..nnn.........nnnnnn.n.nnm....Jan to Dec Sizing Data ""'00......'00"""""000000"""""00""""""0000'00"00 Calculated Zone Sizing Data Maximum Design Minimum Time Maximum Zone Cooling Air Air of Heating Floor Sensible Flow Flow Peak Load Area Zone Zone Name (MBH) (CFM) (CFM) Load (MBH) (ft2) CFM/ft2 Zone 1 136.0 7770 7770 Aug 2000 30.5 8030.0 0.97 Zone Terminal Sizing Data No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system, Space Loads and Airflows . Cooling Time Air Heating Floor Zone Name I Sensible of Flow Load Area Space Space Name Mult. (MBH) Load (CFM) (MBH) (ft2) CFMlft2 Zone 1 136-First Aid 1 1.0 Jan 2300 55 0.0 143.0 0.39 140-Women 1 5.3 Aug 2200 301 3.5 672.0 0.45 142-Media 1 1.7 Jan 2300 100 0.0 240.0 0.41 144-Concourse 1 85.2 Aug 1800 4862 21.4 4920.0 0,99 145-Concourse 1 26.5 Jan 2300 1510 0.0 544.0 2,78 147-Men 1 5.7 Aug 2200 326 3.5 672.0 0.48 148-Dressing + (149) 1 1.8 Aug 2200 101 2,2 162.0 0.62 151-Dressing 1 2.7 Jan 2300 153 0,0 165.0 0.93 152,Toilet 1 0.8 Jan 2300 45 0.0 144.0 0.31 153 + 154 Shower 1 1.8 Jan 2300 102 0.0 126.0 0.81 155-Dressing 1 3.8 Jan 2300 217 0.0 242.0 0.90 . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Design Load Summary for System 7 -South Concourse Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 02:46PM . . DESIGN COOLING DESIGN HEATING COOLING DATA AT Aug 1400 HEATING DATA AT DES HTG COOLING OA DB 1 WB 100.3 of 173.8 of HEATING OA DB 1 WB -3.0 of 1-4,4 of Sensible Latent Sensible Latent ZONE LOADS Details (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) Details (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) Window & Skylight Solar Loads 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 - - Wall Transmission 2134 ft2 4315 - 2134 ft" 14957 - Roof Transmission 0 ft2 0 - Oft" 0 - Window Transmission Oft" 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Skylight Transmission Oft" 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Door Loads 378 ft2 2397 - 378 ft" 8278 - Floor Transmission 8030 ft2 0 - 8030 ft" 7287 - Partitions Oft" 0 - Oft" 0 - Ceiling Oft" 0 - Oft2 0 - Overhead Lighting 5826 W 19876 - 0 0 - Task Lighting OW 0 - 0 0 - Electric Equipment 4450 W 15183 - 0 0 - People 332 92759 89040 0 0 0 Infiltration - 0 0 - 0 0 Miscellaneous - 0 0 - 0 0 Safety Factor 0% / 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 » Total Zone Loads - 134530 89040 - 30522 0 Zone Conditioning - 134515 89040 - 32853 0 Plenum Wall Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Plenum Roof Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Plenum Lighting Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Return Fan Load 7770 CFM 0 - 7770 CFM 0 - Ventilation Load 2490 CFM 58942 -9128 2490 CFM 187130 0 Supply Fan Load 7770 CFM 0 - 7770 CFM 0 - Space Fan Coil Fans - 0 - , 0 - Duct Heat Gain / Loss 0% 0 ' 0% 0 - » Total System Loads - 193457 79912 - 219983 0 Central Cooling Coil - 193457 79918 - 0 0 Central Heating Coil , 0 - - 219983 - » Total Conditioning - 193457 79918 - 219983 0 Key: Positive values are clg loads Positive values are htg loads Negative values are htg loads Negative values are clg loads . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Sizing Summary for System a-North Concourse Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 02:45PM Air System Information .~~u7~~:~ ~I::_:::_~-~~~-~--~~-~~~-~---=~-~~~~~~ ~~~ Air System Type ---0000000000---____'_____00---_00_00000000---_---00- SZCAV Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM ------00---_---_---00---00--- Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM _---000000------_'__---- Individual peak space loads Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data Total coil load --____n_m_---nnnn------___n__n_n---n---_-----m--__m__---22,7 Tons Total coil load _nnn---n_'____--mn---_---------_n---nnn---_n--nm__n- 272.3 MBH Sensible coil load _0000'___0000_____0._---00_0._---00000000------000000000000 192,5 MBH Coil CFM at Aug 1500 n_---n------n_---_---n---_---n----m---,_m--- 7595 CFM Max block CFM ----__-__--hn_n_m__n----hm_-n_h---n-----___--mm- 7595 CFM Sum of peak zone CFM ------nn_h_hn_h,_------_nn----------m-- 7595 CFM Sensible heat ratio mh_hn---_hn---nn------_---nn_m--hh_h------- 0,707 ft2/Ton -n_h_m_--mn---__mmh__---------nnnnnn---nnn_m__hh_nnm_- 343,3 BTU/(hr-ft2) __----_n------m___h_------_---n---nnn------nnn----nh__n-- 35,0 Water flow @ 10.0 of rise ____--nnn---nnnn---_------__n----m---- NIA Central Heating Coil Sizing Data Max coil load mm--m_--_____h_m------__---n__nnn_-m--hh_h------nn 213.1 MBH Coil CFM at Des Htg n------n__-_hmmn__n_hm_h---n_n_n_------- 7595 CFM Max coil CFM n_nnm_---m___--____------nnnnm------------mmm-m_- 7595 CFM Water flow @ 20.0 of drop nh_nhn---_---mn_---n---_n_______n- NIA Supply Fan Sizing Data . ~~~:~~~:~~~:~:-::_:n::::_-:_:_:_:_-:_:-::_:::_:--_:_-:::n:---:_:_::_-:::_::_:n:::_--::':__~~i: g~~ft2 Outdoor Ventilation Air Data Design airflow CFM ---------_nn__h---------nn------nn---n_n__-m_- 2460 CFM CFM/ft2 __m__---_mh__n--h__n------nn___nm_-m_--h_hn------__n--_,_nm 0.32 CFMJft2 . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Number of zones n------n---_Ohmm---n--- 000000000---0000------0-0_0-0000.00000_000- 1 Floor Area nnmnn------n------,,---On------nn---------nn------O--- _------__00 7790,0 ft2 Calculation Months o_----nnnnn---------_n_---no-------m_n-mJan to Dec Sizing Data -mhOhOnOh---hnnO---hh_-__h_mnnnnn------mn 00 Calculated Load occurs at m-h-__-o---n------onon_-hmh_hh_h---m---m__no Aug 1500 OA DB/WB,-m----m-0__no__nnnmn---h----__-om----h--nom_101,O/74,O OF Entering DB 1 WB _0----0_no------n_nm_nno_---------ono-_-0__0--h85,O /70,2 OF Leaving DB 1 WB mm------nnh_-o-m---h--_--h-h--hhO-hmhn 60,4/59,1 OF Coil ADP n---_-o-_------___---no-onn-onhmmmhOnOh--hmh-_h-_O-Ohhn---O-h 57,7 of Bypass Factor hO_O--m_O-------mmhhOm_hOnnOnOmOh--h----hnh-O-m 0,100 Resulting RH _Onnnh----hhh_hOhnm------m,n---m_---nmOnnnO----m---n_-- 64 % Design supply temp. 'nOh_--hhn---mnnnn---nn---nm---m_n----hO--- 58,0 of Zone T-stat Check nommhn'--hhhn---n---n------nh---nnnnnnuu_1 of 1 OK Max zone temperature deviation mh---h,m---_mn---umnouOhm 0,0 of Load occurs at m---mn_mnnnnnu---_U-O_---_O-O_Oh--m--------hOm Des Htg BTU/(hr-ft2) U--UO----U_O-O---OhnhOhmhOh_---_m_nmh_h_hh_hnnumOm 27,3 Ent. DB 1 Lvg DB _0---000.0.0000._------00---00--- ---uu---------mon 46,1/73,3 of Fan motor BHP _---uu---um_uuumm---____-UOOm-mOh----Ouu---um_o 0,00 BHP Fan motor kW o_ou_---o-o-oummO-_hm__--_mnumO---hhhhuuun-----hm 0,00 kW Fan static ---mnOnnn--Ohhm------Ohunmnnmm------,---n---um_---hnu--- 0,00 in wg CFM/person m------O_O_mO_hmmmhhO---_m---_muo_n__---un---mO-mOm 7.50 CFM/person Page 1 of 1 Zone Sizing Summary for System a-North Concourse Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 02:45PM Sizing Calculation Information . Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM h.."""",."""".."." Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM .hh..hhh.....h..', Individual peak space loads Calculation Months ....................................h.....h.......Jan to Dec Sizing Data ...................hh..........hh.,..........................h Calculated Zone Sizing Data Maximum Design Minimum Time Maximum Zone Cooling Air Air of Heating Floor Sensible Flow Flow Peak Load Area Zone Zone Name (MBH) (CFM) (CFM) Load (MBH) (ft2) CFMlft2 Zone 1 132.8 7595 7595 Jul2100 30.5 7790.0 0.98 Zone Terminal Sizing Data No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system. Space Loads and Airflows . Cooling Time Air Heating Floor Zone Name I Sensible of Flow Load Area Space Space Name Mult. (MBH) Load (CFM) (MBH) (ft2) CFM/ft2 Zone 1 167-0ffice 1 1.0 Jan 2300 55 0.0 143,0 0.39 171-Women 1 5.0 Jul2300 285 3.5 672.0 0.42 174-Concourse 1 84.6 Jul1700 4827 21.4 4920.0 0,98 175,Concourse 1 26.5 Jan 2300 1510 0.0 544.0 2.78 177-Men 1 5.4 Jul2300 310 3.5 672.0 0.46 178-Dressing + (179) 1 1.6 Jul2300 92 2.2 162.0 0.57 181-Dressing 1 2,7 Jan 2300 153 0.0 165.0 0.93 182-Toilet 1 0.8 Jan 2300 45 0.0 144.0 0.31 I 183 + 184 Shower 1 1.8 Jan 2300 102 0.0 126.0 0.81 185-Dressing 1 3.8 Jan 2300 217 0.0 242.0 0.90 . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Design Load Summary for System a-North Concourse Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 02:45PM . DESIGN COOLING DESIGN HEATING COOLING DATA AT Aug 1500 HEATING DATA AT DES HTG COOLING OA DB / WB 101.0 of /74.0 of HEATING OA DB / WB -3.0 of / -4.4 of Sensible Latent Sensible Latent ZONE LOADS Details (BTUlhr) (BTUlhr) Details (BTUlhr) (BTU/hr) Window & Skylight Solar Loads 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 - - Wall Transmission 2134 ft2 3473 - 2134ft> 14957 - Roof Transmission 0 ft2 0 - Oft> 0 - Window Transmission Oft> 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Skylight Transmission Oft> 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Door Loads 378 ft> 2481 , 378 ft> 8278 - Floor Transmission 7790 ft2 0 - 7790 ft> 7287 ' Partitions Oft> 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Ceiling 0 ft2 0 ' 0 ft2 0 - Overhead Lighting 5584 W 19051 - 0 0 - Task Lighting OW 0 - 0 0 - Electric Equipment 4450 W 15183 - 0 0 - People 328 91839 88560 0 0 0 Infiltration - 0 0 - 0 0 Miscellaneous - 0 0 - 0 0 Safety Factor 0% / 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 » Total Zone Loads - 132027 88560 - 30522 0 Zone Conditioning - 132455 88560 ' 28847 0 Plenum Wall Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Plenum Roof Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Plenum Lighting Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Return Fan Load 7595 CFM 0 - 7595 CFM 0 ' Ventilation Load 2460 CFM 60028 -8746 2460 CFM 184205 0 Supply Fan Load 7595 CFM 0 - 7595 CFM 0 ' Space Fan Coil Fans - 0 - - 0 - Duct Heat Gain / Loss 0% 0 - 0% 0 - » Total System Loads - 192482 79814 - 213052 0 Central Cooling Coil - 192482 79807 - 0 0 Central Heating Coil - 0 - - 213052 ' » Total Conditioning - 192482 79807 - 213052 0 Key: Positive values are clg loads Positive values are htg loads Negative values are htg loads Negative values are clg loads . . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Sizing Summary for System 10 VIP Room Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Air System Information . Air System Name ""'....." System 1 0 VIP Room Area :quipment Class..................mm..h..h....hhm PKG ROOF Air System Type........m,.mhh....mmhmmhh..hhmmh SZCAV Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM "mhm"hhhmmmh Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM ,mm ....m.. Individual peak space loads Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data Total coil load ......mh....mhmhmhhh..h.hh.....h..hhhhmh..hhh 4.4 Tons Total coil load m..h.mh..hmhmmmhhh.hh.....hhmmh.mm53,1 MBH Sensible coil load mh,hm...h.h.mmhhh.h..h.hmmmhm..mh 41,7 MBH Coil CFM at Aug 1700 hh...hhhmm...hmhh.....hhh.mhmh 1586 CFM Max block CFM m.......mmm..h.mmh...mhhh...hhhh.......... 1586 CFM Sum of peak zone CFM ...h....m'............m...hhhhhm.mh 1586 CFM Sensible heat ratio ....,......h...mhhmhh...hh...h...h.....h..h 0.784 ft2fTon .h..hh..m.hhh...h.....h.....hh"".hmh...hhhhhhm.......m. 292,5 BTU/(hr-ft2) m..m hm...h...hhhhhhh...hhhhh..hhh..h... 41,0 Water flow @ 10.0 of rise m...hhmmmh""""".hhhm.h.", N/A Central Heating Coil Sizing Data Max coilload..hmmh..m.....m...........h.....hh....h...m...m... 54,3 MBH Coil CFM at Des Htg ...hmh.hm..hh......hm.....h......hm.. 1586 CFM Max coil CFM ..h"",,'.......mhhm...m.m...hhh.....m............ 1586 CFM Water flow @ 20.0 of drop h..h...h...hhmhhmh...mhh....h NlA Supply Fan Sizing Data . i~~~~~~:~~~:í~;:.:::.:::..::::::.:.::.:'.::..::.........:::::....:.::...:.:::.~1~!i g~~/ft2 Outdoor Ventilation Air Data Design airflow CFM ".hmhhmh...m...mmmhm"'..'......hh, 648 CFM CFM/ft2"'hhhhhm ..hhh......hm...m............hh..m....h 0.50 CFM/ft2 . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 12/08/2003 02:27PM Number of zones ',.,"'.'."""...hm,mhhmm...h..h.....m...m..hmhh.... 1 Floor Area.. h"mh...h.hhmhh...m..m....mmh ..,..1295,0 ft2 Calculation Months ..h...h'."'....m..h...mh...,hmmh.m. Jan to Dec Sizing Data h...mh.....h.......mm........m""""......hh......h Calculated Load occurs at h...hh""...""""".'...h.....m........mhh"..h. Aug 1700 OA DB 1 WB ......h.'h..h,"..h.h.....m.....m.'."'.....""'.h.... 98.7 1 73,4 of Entering DB 1 WB ....h.'...hhhhhh.......h.....h.mh.h......h 86,1 1 69,6 OF Leaving DB 1 WB hhhh..h....h......m'.'..h"'h.......hhh"'" 60,7/59,2 of Coil ADP ......hhhmhhhh...h"'.h...hh""h",h."'."""""'mhhh.m.... 57,8 of Bypass Factor h.......hm.'hh..h................................................ 0,100 Resulting RH hhmm..m...hh........hh............h."""'...m...hh""hhhh 58 % Design supply temp. ...'.."""'h...m",."'mhh"""""""",h'..'h... 58,0 of Zone T-stat Check .h.m......m.........'.......h.....hh.hh.......h......1 of 1 OK Max zone temperature deviation ..h...mhhh...hh""."'......h.h 0,0 of Load occurs at ...m.mmhm..m..h"'..........hhmhhhh...mh... Des Htg BTU/(hr-ft2) ..mhm.........h..hh..hm.....h... m......mmh.41.9 Ent. DB 1 Lvg DB.hhh..hhhhh.....hmm..m...h.....hh... 40,0 1 73,2 of Fan motor BHP '...................h'mm.hm..mh'.."..h.h..hm....m.... 0,00 BHP Fan motor kW """mh.h......h.h"..,.""""....h"......h..hhhhh.."'.,, 0.00 kW Fan static ....m"'.hm...m..hhhm.....hhh.h..mhh.h'",..."",.h.hh..h 0,00 in wg CFM/person """..hh.....mhhm"""""'."".."""".h..hh""""'....h. 7,50 CFM/person Page 1 of 1 Zone Sizing Summary for System 10 VIP Room Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 02:27PM Sizing Calculation Information . Zone and Space Sizing Method: ~one CFM ""00"'00""'00'",' Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM """""""""'00 Individual peak space loads Calculation Months .,..u....uuu..........................Jan to Dec Sizing Data ""00"""""00"""'" ..00..00...."""""""""", Calculated Zone Sizing Data Maximum Design Minimum Time Maximum Zone Cooling Air Air of Heating Floor Sensible Flow Flow Peak Load Area Zone Zone Name (MBH) (CFM) (CFM) Load (MBH) (ft2) CFM/ft2 Zone 1 27.8 1586 1586 Aug 2300 6.0 1295.0 1.23 Zone Terminal Sizing Data No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system. Space Loads and Airflows Cooling Time Air Heating Floor Zone Name I Sensible of Flow Load Area Space Space Name Mult, (MBH) Load (CFM) (MBH) (ft2) CFM/ft2 Zone 1 116-VIPRm. 1 27.8 Aug 2300 1586 6.0 1295.0 1.23 . . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Design Load Summary for System 10 VIP Room Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 02:27PM . . DESIGN COOLING DESIGN HEATING COOLING DATA AT Aug 1700 HEATING DATA AT DES HTG COOLING OA DB 1 WB 98,7 of 173,4 of HEATING OA DB 1 WB -3.0 of 1-4.4 of Sensible Latent Sensible Latent ZONE LOADS Details (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) Details (BTU/hr) (BTUlhr) Window & Skylight Solar Loads Oft" 0 - Oft" - - Wall Transmission 576 ft" 1216 - 576 ft" 4037 - Roof Transmission 0 ft2 0 . 0 ft2 0 - Window Transmission 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Skylight Transmission 0 ft2 0 ' 0 ft2 0 - Door Loads 0 ft2 0 - Oft" 0 ' Floor Transmission 1295 ft2 0 - 1295 ft2 1987 - Partitions Oft" 0 - Oft" 0 ' Ceiling Oft" 0 ' 0 ft2 0 - Overhead Lighting 1814 W 6191 - 0 0 - Task Lighting OW 0 - 0 0 . Electric Equipment OW 0 ' 0 0 ' People 86 19856 10360 0 0 0 Infiltration . 0 0 ' 0 0 Miscellaneous , 0 0 ' 0 0 Safety Factor 0% / 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 » Total Zone Loads - 27263 10360 - 6024 0 Zone Conditioning - 27466 10360 - 5743 0 Plenum Wall Load 0% 0 - 0 0 ' Plenum Roof Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Plenum Lighting Load 0% 0 - 0 0 ' Return Fan Load 1586 CFM 0 - 1586 CFM 0 - Ventilation Load 648 CFM 14191 1099 648 CFM 48517 0 Supply Fan Load 1586 CFM 0 - 1586 CFM 0 - Space Fan Coil Fans - 0 - - 0 - Duct Heat Gain / Loss 0% 0 - 0% 0 - » Total System Loads - 41656 11459 - 54259 0 Central Cooling Coil - 41656 11464 - 0 0 Central Heating Coil - 0 - - 54259 - » Total Conditioning - 41656 11464 - 54259 0 Key: Positive values are clg loads Positive values are htg loads Negative values are htg loads Negative values are clg loads . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Sizing Summary for System 11 Heritage Hall Storage Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 02: 17PM Air System Information . ~~u~~~:~ ~~~:.::::.~~.t~,~..1~~~rl.t~.~~.H~~~t~~8~ Air System Type 00",..."'.......""'00.."",,".......".....0000""" SZCAV Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM "00"'.00".."'."'.0000." Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM ........m...........,. Individual peak space loads Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data Total coil load ....00...00....00....00...............................""""""""'" 2,1 Tons Total coil load """""'......000000."'."'.""".".".""'.."""""'00......25,6 MBH Sensible coil load .""""""'."'.."..."".."'.""".""""".""'00'" 25,6 MBH Coil CFM at Aug 1500 "".m"""..."."...".",..,,,.."."'."".". 1725 CFM Max block CFM m...m............."""'."..""""""",""'.""""". 1725 CFM Sum of peak zone CFM ",.",."..n......n.......mn"."'..."."" 1725 CFM Sensible heat ratio ","mm"......."n..m"""""'n............m.. 1,000 ft2fTon ....,.......nnm.""".""'."'.'n.......mm.""""""""""""" 1345,1 BTU/(hr,ft2) n......m...........m.................................,.m.......nnnn 8,9 Water flow @ 10.0 of rise ...................................n........m N/A Central Heating Coil Sizing Data Max coil load ....m..........nm.....................................m..m.m 48,7 MBH Coil CFM at Des Htg ""'.'.n."'..""'","".n.n..........nm.....n 1725 CFM Max coil CFM .....""...n..m"nnU'........n"."m.m.....".."""'.. 1725 CFM Water flow @ 20,0 of drop ,Unnm...""..."."""""".UUU"" N/A Supply Fan Sizing Data . i~~~~~~:~~i~;~::.::::.:..:..::.:.::..::.::.:::.:.::.::.:.:..::...:.:.:..::.::.:..::.::::.::.~:~ g~~/ft2 Outdoor Ventilation Air Data Design airflow CFM "'U.."nn.",".",n","."."...n...nnn..m.""""', 0 CFM CFM/ft2.............mn...uuu..............nn..n............n.....mm.n..... 0,00 CFM/ft2 . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Number of zones ......n......m.n..................nm..".""..........nn".hn... 1 Floor Area ....................00.....................,.............00..00.....00........2869,0 ft2 Calculation Months ..u..........nn..........u......................Jan to Dee Sizing Data ..........nn..m..........................nmm......n.....Calculated Load occurs at ""."n"nn".","m.....nm".......m","m..n... Aug 1500 OA DB 1 WB.........mmm...nm.nn....n...................m.. 101,0174,0 of Entering DB 1 WB n............n.'.""""""'..m......mnn...... 77,1/46,3 of Leaving DB 1 WB .."."'"""'."""'...,,,."n.....n"""".m... 62.71 39,2 of Coil ADP n.""n.nm"'....m",."".."""",.".......nn......n...",,".."",,,. 61,1 of Bypass Factor "m.."...nnm"...m""","n...m......nnm....""'""" 0.100 Resulting RH ....m........nn....n...............................mn",..",mn......... 0 % Design supply temp. ...........nn"","................nnn""",,"nnnm 58,0 of Zone T-stat Check ...............m..............nnm......n............m..1 of 1 OK Max zone temperature deviation n.....nm"."............nnm..... 0,0 of Load occurs at ."U...."""",,"...m........nn.......................... Des Htg BTU/(hr-ft2) mn"","..n..n.............................n.......................n.... 17,0 Ent. DB 1 Lvg DB ......m.........nm.......m................mn.. 68,11 95,5 OF Fan motor BHP ...mnm...".....""","........nn","'.,m"",,,,"..n.... 0,00 BHP Fan motor kW .""'..."'.'.m"'....""......m...mn....................m...... 0.00 kW Fan static """""',,"......m....................n............n....m.u.....n....... 0,00 in wg CFM/person ....mnn.......n..........n..nnmu....................._u.u........ 0,00 CFM/person Page 1 of 1 Zone Sizing Summary for System 11 Heritage Hall Storage Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 02:17PM Sizing Calculation Information . 'Zone and Space Sizing Method: !one CFM _mm_muuum__muu Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM ---__--_-mumm_U- Individual peak space loads Calculation Months _-___00_00__0000 ,_uu_-,---------_u_uu___-'_h_Jan to Dec Sizing Data mmuuuuum_mu_m_umm_---mm_m---uuuuuu Calculated Zone Sizing Data Maximum Design Minimum Time Maximum Zone Cooling Air Air of Heating Floor Sensible Flow Flow Peak Load Area Zone Zone Name (MBH) (CFM) (CFM) Load (MBH) (ft2) CFMlft2 Zone 1 30.2 1725 1725 Aug 1500 49.9 2869.0 0.60 Zone Terminal Sizing Data No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system. Space Loads and Airflows Cooling Time Air Heating Floor Zone Name I Sensible of Flow Load Area Space Space Name Mult. (MBH) Load (CFM) (MBH) (ft2) CFM/ft2 Zone 1 122-Heritage Hall Store 1 30.2 Aug 1500 1725 49.9 2869.0 0.60 . . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Design Load Summary for System 11 Heritage Hall Storage Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 02:17PM . \ DESIGN COOLING DESIGN HEATING COOLING DATA AT Aug 1500 HEATING DATA AT DES HTG COOLING OA DB I WB 101,0 of /74.0 of HEATING OADB / WB -3.0 of I -4.4 of Sensible Latent Sensible Latent ZONE LOADS Details (BTUlhr) (BTUlhr) Details (BTUlhr) (BTUlhr) Window & Skylight Solar Loads Oft2 0 - 0ft2 - - Wall Transmission 3384 ft2 10011 - 3384 ft2 20694 - Roof Transmission 2869 ft2 14891 , 2869 ft2 18925 - Window Transmission 0 ft2 0 - 0ft2 0 - Skylight Transmission 0ft2 0 - 0ft2 0 - Door Loads 252 ft2 1654 - 252 ft2 5519 - Floor Transmission 2869 ft2 0 - 2869 ft2 4784 - Partitions 0ft2 0 - 0ft2 0 - Ceiling 0ft2 0 - 0ft2 0 - Overhead Lighting 1080 W 3685 - 0 0 - Task Lighting OW 0 - 0 0 - Electric Equipment OW 0 - 0 0 - People 0 0 0 0 0 0 Infiltration - 0 0 - 0 0 Miscellaneous - 0 0 - 0 0 Safety Factor 0% / 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 » Total Zone Loads . 30241 0 - 49921 0 Zone Conditioning - 25596 0 - 48698 0 Plenum Wall Load 0% 0 ' 0 0 ' Plenum Roof Load 0% 0 - 0 0 ' Plenum Lighting Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Retum Fan Load 1725 CFM 0 - 1725 CFM 0 - Ventilation Load 0 CFM 0 0 OCFM 0 0 Supply Fan Load 1725 CFM 0 ' 1725 CFM 0 - Space Fan Coil Fans , 0 - - 0 - Duct Heat Gain I Loss 0% 0 - 0% 0 ' » Total System Loads - 25596 0 - 48698 0 Central Cooling Coil , 25596 0 - 0 0 Central Heating Coil - 0 ' - 48698 - » Total Conditioning - 25596 0 - 48698 0 Key: Positive values are clgloads Positive values are htg loads Negative values arehtg loads Negative values are clg loads . . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Sizing Summary for System 12 1 st FL. Lobby Toilets Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Air System Information . Air System Name ,--- System 12 1st FL. Lobby Toilets :quipment Class ___---000000---00---_00_------0000------000000- PKG ROOF Air System Type _00__00_---000000---_00_00---___---00------0000_0000 SZCAV Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM __0000_00---00__00-____----'- Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM __---___00000000---00__- Individual peak space loads Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data Total coil load _00--------_'____00000000---_---___00__'---00---_000000---_---0000_---00- 1.3 Tons Total coil load 00---___00________---00_---000000_00---_----___00---------00---00000015,1 MBH Sensible coil load -_____---00000000------_00__--___-__--00___---0000---000000-- 13,7 MBH Coil CFM at Jul1400 ___00---0000000000------------------____000000-------0000 645 CFM Max block CFM _00---'__--'_00_--'---__00_-__'00_---000.0000-----_--00--__0.0000--- 645 CFM Sum of peak zone CFM -----_0.____00_00---_---00-----------_---000.00------ 645 CFM Sensible heat ratio --___00_____----_____---0000---__--'--_--____00---0000___00 0,906 ft2rron uuuum---_---u__--------------------------u---u--___h_m_---U_-_---_UU 928,5 BTU/(hr,ft2) 00_---_-------------'---00---_00---0000__--_----0._--__---0000_---00---0012.9 Water flow @ 10.0 of rise ---00---------------------0000---000000---_0000 N/A Central Heating Coil Sizing Data Max coil load ------0000---------0000------_---------_---0000------00__--------------_00 6,8 MBH Coil CFM at Des Htg m_u---___-oouu---_u-------------_u-----_mh--oooo- 645 CFM Max coil CFM uuuu----uu----------u_u__u__uu_-----uuuooh__---__m--_- 645 CFM Water flow @ 20.0 of drop uu_-_u------uuuuu___h_--u_m----_-- N/A Supply Fan Sizing Data . i:~~~~:~~~~i~:__:-::_:_-:u:_::::_::__:-:::__::_:::oo,:-::::::::_::_-:_::_::u:_::_::::::_:~~!i g~~ft2 Outdoor Ventilation Air Data Design airflow CFM ---uuu_----uuu_oooo--_oo---oo---oom---u___u_---u--- 90 CFM CFM/ft2 -'--------_00_-----__-_-0000_____0000__00_0000---------_-----00__--_00_----_---'--- 0,08 CFM/ft2 . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 12/08/2003 02:22PM Number of zones u---------_u_u__oo__muuuu------u---------uuh--uu---u,-um_1 Floor Area --------u__umuu__u__uuuu 000000__-___00_-00- -- 1170,0 ft2 Calculation Months ---u------u------uu--------u---u---uuuumJan to Dee Sizing Data --u----uuuhum_____oooo_mum ------0000---0.000000_- Calculated Load occurs at -_---------uumuu------h-----hoo___oo_----_oo---_u------ Jul1400 OA DB 1 WB ___h_-----___m_____uum_u_------_-----uuu_--_uu--- 100,3/73,8 of Entering DB 1 WB -------------'--00_------000000---0000---0000------_---,80,61 66,3 of Leaving DB 1 WB ---uuh---__--__m-_-__U_--_UUUUU--------------- 60,01 58,7 of Coil ADP -----_---_u_---m------u---uuuuu_--------oo_-_u__----oo_h_h--______u__u 57,8 of Bypass Factor --------_00_--_00__00__0000---0000-----------------'-----_0.-----_---_,0.100 Resulting RH u,--_uu---u_u------u---u_u---,m-_-__mOO_---U_h___-UU_--_OOuu--- 52 % Design supply temp. ---uuu---u---------_OO_,_uOO_----_U_--_---_-_h---m_u 58.0 of Zone T-stat Check ---00_0000----------00_--0.00__00__---00_---_'_00__00_--0000--- 1 of 1 OK Max zone temperature deviation -----------------______00_____----_00_--- 0,0 of Load occurs at --------,um------_--___---mum---uuu------------um--- Des Htg BTU/(hr-ft2) _0000__0000_---_00---_---0000------0000000.000000'_00___-----00-----_---0000___, 5,8 Ent. DB I Lvg DB _--00_---__00000000_000000--- 00------__---00---____--- 59.8 1 70,0 of Fan motor BHP ---_u__---__muu___------uuuuu--------_u---u---------uum 0,00 BHP Fan motor kW ---__000000------00------00------_---_-----------_--------00--_---00_---__- 0,00 kW Fan static ---------,-----__---_---_0000---_---------------00000000---__---_---00---00000000--- 0,00 in wg CFM/person _---------00------0._--__---------_---0000__----__--__---00___--00_____'---- 15.00 CFM/person Page 1 of 1 Zone Sizing Summary for System 12 1 st FL. Lobby Toilets Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 02:22PM Sizing Calculation Information . Zone and Space Sizing Method: :one CFM _00---_00'-----------00_---' Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM mm--_n---,...----- Individual peak space loads Calculation Months --,-------._-_...-------------------------------n--Jan to Dee Sizing Data ---------nn--.---__nn---n-----.--.-.-----_.------------------- Calculated Zone Sizing Data Maximum Design Minimum Time Maximum Zone Cooling Air Air of Heating Floor Sensible Flow Flow Peak Load Area Zone Zone Name (MBH) (CFM) (CFM) Load (MBH) (ft2) CFMlft2 Zone 1 11.3 645 645 Jan 2300 0.0 1170.0 0.55 Zone Terminal Sizing Data No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system. Space Loads and Airflows Cooling Time Air Heating Floor Zone Name I Sensible of Flow Load Area Space Space Name Mult. (MBH) Load (CFM) (MBH) (ft2) CFMlft2 Zone 1 111.Corridor 1 2.2 Jan 2300 126 0.0 257.0 0.49 112-Women Toilet 1 1.9 Jan 2300 110 0.0 252.0 0.44 113,Mech. Rm. 1 3.0 Jan 2300 173 0.0 152.0 1.14 114-Men Toilet 1 1.9 Jan 2300 110 0.0 252.0 0.44 115,Corridor 1 2,2 Jan 2300 126 0.0 257.0 0.49 . . Hourty Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Design Load Summary for System 12 1st FL. Lobby Toilets Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 02:22PM . DESIGN COOLING DESIGN HEATING COOLING DATA AT Jul1400 HEATING DATA AT DES HTG COOLING OA DB 1 WB 100.3 of 173,8 OF HEATING OA DB 1 WB -3,0 of 1 -4,4 of Sensible Latent Sensible Latent ZONE LOADS Details (BTUlhr) (BTUlhr) Details (BTUlhr) (BTU/hr) Window & Skylight Solar Loads 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 - - Wall Transmission OfF 0 - OfF 0 - Roof Transmission OfF 0 - OfF 0 - Window Transmission 0 ft2 0 ' OfF 0 - Skylight Transmission 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 ' Door Loads 0 ft2 0 - OfF 0 - Floor Transmission 1170 ft2 0 - 1170 ft2 0 ' Partitions 0 ft2 0 - OfF 0 - Ceiling 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Overhead Lighting 2454 W 8372 - 0 0 - Task Lighting OW 0 - 0 0 ' Electric Equipment 456W 1556 - 0 0 ' People 6 1380 720 0 0 0 Infiltration . 0 0 - 0 0 Miscellaneous - 0 0 - 0 0 Safety Factor 0% / 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 » Total Zone Loads - 11308 720 - 0 0 Zone Conditioning - 11574 720 - 0 0 Plenum Wall Load 0% 0 - 0 0 ' Plenum Roof Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Plenum Lighting Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Return Fan Load 645 CFM 0 - 645 CFM 0 ' Ventilation Load 90 CFM 2123 703 90 CFM 6775 0 Supply Fan Load 645 CFM 0 - 645 CFM 0 ' Space Fan Coil Fans , 0 - - 0 ' Duct Heat Gain / Loss 0% 0 - 0% 0 - » Total System Loads - 13696 1423 - 6775 0 Central Cooling Coil - 13696 1425 - 0 0 Central Heating Coil - 0 - - 6775 - » Total Conditioning - 13696 1425 - 6775 0 Key: Positive values are clg loads Positive values are htg loads Negative values are htg loads Negative values are clg loads . . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 . . . Study of: Bicentennial Center HV AC Systems City of Salina, Kansas APPENDIX G HEATING AND COOLING LOADS BUILDING LOADED WITHOUT PEOPLE These loads were run with no people in the spaces except for the office area, This is how the building operates most of the time, Ventilation loads were also reduced in accordance with the number of people in the building, A recap of the loads for each area is on the following page, Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corporation N: \2 00 3 3 281repo rM p P e ndice s. doc . . . BICENTENNIAL CENTER HVAC STUDY BUILDING COOLING LOADS BASED ON NO PEOPLE LOAD AREA TONS OF COOLING LOBBY 9,7 OFFICE AREA 1,7 EXHIB, HALL 20.6 KITCHEN 0,7 2ND FL. MEET 8,1 ARENA 61,3 S. CONCOURSE 3,5 N,CONCOURSE 3,9 VIP ROOM 0,6 STORAGE 2,1 LOBBY TOILETS 0,8 TOTAL 113 Air System Sizing Summary for System 1-Lobby Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff NO . - i~~~~~~: I~~~:_~_ti_~~n---------n_n--nnn System 1-Lobby Equipment Class _--_---mnn-_n--n_n_m--mm_m__nm' PKG ROOF Air System Type n-___---nn_mmm--n---mn_---_---__----mm,m SZCAV 10/02/2003 03:19PM ¡; ¿,ð~cé Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM m___---_hn------_--mm Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM m---,nmn---_m_n Individual peak space loads Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data Total coil load _-------m------nmnmn_n--n--m---_---_m__nnnnnh---m 9.7 Tons Total coil load -----_---__--nnm_mn___n_--m_--__n_---__nmm_nmn-- 116,5 MBH Sensible coil load -----__hnmmnm--n_---_--mm---n__-_------------- 115,6 MBH Coil CFM at Jun 1400 _mmm___--__m--n_m_____m_mmh_nn--n 6988 CFM Max block CFM m'h__---------______m__m__--___--n-----_n__nn--nmm 6988 CFM Sum of peak zone CFM _nnn__-_-----m________--_m_--_______----n 6988 CFM Sensible heat ratio ---_m_mnm--__--m-___m_--_--_--m_n--n__------ 0,992 ft2ffon __mnmn---_---mm______---_nn--___n__mm_nm--__----m__nn---n- 504.6 BTU/(hr,ft2) 'm---_---n---m______mnnm---n--nnn----mm_____m--m-- 23,8 Water flow @ 10.0 of rise nm___--nn---nn_mnn_m_n-----_--m- NIA Central Heating Coil Sizing Data Max coil load _n_---n--n_--_--nnm____--m_m____n---n--nm_---n---m- 67.2 MBH Coil CFM at Des Htg m----nn_m_--nnmm___nmn--nm___m'm 6988 CFM Max coil CFM --h___---__n_---n_---_____--mmm-_----m--_--___m--nn- 6988 CFM Water flow @ 20.0 of drop ___----nm---n______--nmnn--m_h--n- N/A . ~1dt~~1 ~~ ~~~n:__~~_~-~-_mn-----_--mm_mhn--m_---_---_m 6988 CFM Standard CFM _---nm_-_-----nmn--_---__mm_---mn_n--mn---m--n 6672 CFM Actual max CFM/ft2 h--_______nm_---mnnmnm ____nnmm--mn 1,43 CFMlft2 Outdoor Ventilation Air Data Design airflow CFM nm--nmn___---m---------_---_m_--m_--n-----_n--- 45 CFM CFM/ft2 mhn_--_n__---nn--nmnnn,nh_---_nh---m_n-mm--m_nm__----- 0,01 CFM/ft2 . Number of zones _n----m,-----__---n--nnmh__-__nm----_m_--m--mnnmnh_- 1 Floor Area h______------____m_--______--_m__m___----____m--__--_n--n-----nm 4900,0 ft2 Calculation Months ____h---_------nm---nmh__--mmh_--__----Jan to Dec Sizing Data --n--_---_m,_h____m-----___n--nm--m--__--_______m---- Calculated Load occurs at --n_n--h---__---n--_nn_h_______m_m_h----nmn--h_Jun 1400 OA DB 1 WB --,----------m---_-__--------mmmnn,n_nnn_h--_--__n 96,5/71,8 of Entering DB / WB -_---____n---_h_--___n_m_-----_--__--_--mm----- 77,2/65,5 of Leaving DB / WB -----_-----n__--mm--h_------__mm--____nnm 61.2/60.0 of Coil ADP ----___n---_m_______--_m,---______---m__---_n___m---n_n___h-_----_------ 59,4 of Bypass Factor _____m---_--_______n_---__---m------m__m----m--m-------n-- 0,100 Resulting RH n---n______n_n_h____n------mmnnm_nn--m_--__--_--m_--nh_m 55 % Design supply temp. ---m____nn---_n_h--- n-_--__nn_m---- 58,0 of Zone T -stat Check _------_h----____m--nm---__--_____--n--n---_h_------- 1 of 1 OK Max zone temperature deviation ___n---m_------n_m_-------_--_h_m 0,0 OF Load occurs at n_h____---------_--_------n--m-------_______--n_mn'm_- Des Htg BTU/(hr-ft2) ___---__m_nnn____n---___--_---_mm------n__--mmmnmnn--_--- 13,7 Ent. DB / Lvg DB _n----_h___----n_---m_nnh--- m____h--n 68.9/78.3 of Fan motor BHP m--nm__---_n---_-----_h____nmnnmhmh-------n_nn-- 0.00 BHP Fan motor kW _------nm_--,--n_--nn--nh--__h__-_--__nnmm____--m--__--_n 0.00 kW Fan static n_-----__m_h---__m--hm___-__---mn_m__--- __hh_- 0.00 in wg CFMlperson _n_--..___--------------____mn----mm--_..---_-----mmh___n_--- 15,00 CFMlperson Hourly Analysis Program vA_1 Page 1 of 1 Zone Sizing Summary for System 1-Lobby 10102/2003 03:19PM Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff .'¡Zing Calculation Information 'Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM nnnn-_mm_-___mn_- Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM nnnnm_n_n-___m Individual peak space loads Calculation Months nm__nmmnmnnn_nm_-_nnmm____mJan to Dec Sizing Data nnm_mn_mmnnm-_-_-_mnnm___mmmnnnnm- Calculated Zone Sizing Data Zone 1 1.43 Zone Terminal Sizing Data No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system. Space Loads and Airflows Zone 1 100-Lobby(+101) 122.5 Jul1400 6988 65,0 4900.0 1.43 . . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Design Load Summary for System 1-Lobby Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 10102/2003 03:19PM . . ....~'.'....'.'_.:"i:. ,":,.:"" :::' " lilt~ ." "T' ;.I.~" : " , .:"" "I,' """. :T g", ..,[7 ",,'. ",. .".....,....,.,""'".,,:i:¡"""'" Ii " F" ":,,,' ", Window & Skylight Solar Loads 936 ft2 76638 - 936 ft2 - - Wall Transmission 504 ft2 618 - 504 ft2 3532 - Roof Transmission 504 ft2 2539 , 504 ft2 3325 - Window Transmission 360 ft2 3670 - 360 ft2 15453 - Skylight Transmission 576 ft2 5871 - 576 ft2 24724 - Door Loads 336 ft2 10674 - 336 ft2 12722 ' Floor Transmission 4900 ft2 0 - 4900 ft2 5270 - Partitions 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Ceiling 0 ft2 0 ' 0 ft2 0 - Overhead Lighting 5292 W 18056 - 0 0 - Task Lighting 500W 1706 - 0 0 - Electric Equipment OW 0 - 0 0 - People 3 840 810 0 0 0 Infiltration - 0 0 - 0 0 Miscellaneous - 0 0 - 0 0 Safety Factor 0%/0% 0 ~ 0% 0 0 " :..,....,..." "",~ ,:,::."",,',"',,:.' '" Zone Conditioning - 114713 810 - 63804 0 Plenum Wall Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Plenum Roof Load 0% 0 ' 0 0 - Plenum Lighting Load 0% 0 - 0 0 ' Return Fan Load 6988 CFM 0 - 6988 CFM 0 - Ventilation Load 45 CFM 901 102 45 CFM 3360 6 Supply Fan Load 6988 CFM 0 - 6988 CFM 0 - Space Fan Coil Fans - 0 ' , 0 - Duct Heat Gain / Loss 0% 0 - 0% 0 - ."~E E.' "" "....' "'.",' ,':',E.:."ri4ri """:'E,'".,,.,.c ....I.'...',;',.,..',.'..,.:i,':,6' "", Central Cooling Coil - 115614 917 - 0 0 p-:" 0 - - 67163 - -" I --~ ",:, , >i:, ""," '::", .", . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Sizing Summary for System 2-First FI. Office Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Air System Information . A~u~~~:~ ~~~:.::::::::::.~~t_~~.~_~~i~~~_~.I: ~:~~~~~ r\ir System Type ......m..._.'h'hu...mU""""'--'----""""-'" SZCAV Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM '0000'...-0.--_--"""0000-- Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM --...u.........m...-- Individual peak space loads Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data Total coil load u-u--u.....,.......,_._,__hh....----U..........---_h----...mu-- 1,7 Tons Total coil load "--"--"'00"0."""""----""""--'-'-""-"""""""00..._.20,0 MBH Sensible coil load 'U"'__h........._U___..._...m----_h__"'-"""'--""'- 16.9 MBH Coil CFM at Aug 1500 "h....__h......,.-_.m----h__...___...,h--"""" 855 CFM Max block CFM _hu....m...--......_.--u....-,......__Uh""""U'h_U""" 855 CFM Sum of peak zone CFM ....0000..._00.--......._..0.0000......00....00......855 CFM Sensible heat ratio u.,.---...u...........-.......-u..-.-_uuu......_um 0,847 ft2fTon __"'00--_'00......._.__---,_--00._.............._"'00'00"'-_0000000.00""00"_' 746,2 BTU/(hr,ft2) u.-....------.......-...-...-u---uu..un----'-U"""""'-'-UU"'U 16,1 Water flow @ 10,0 of rise _._h-----...-_.m""""----"""---""UU NlA Central Heating Coil Sizing Data Max coil load ...._...u...m...---_..._.----..........._h"'__""""'-'----""" 12,1 MBH Coil CFM at Des Htg u.........,....--mU""""""-U--'hhhUU"'--U- 855 CFM Max coil CFM _0000000000-0.00"'000000......__--"'_000000..._.0000___00"""""-0. 855 CFM Water flow @ 20.0 of drop __0.'0.0000.....-_00.----_"'00_......__00""- NlA Supply Fan Sizing Data . :;~~~~:~*~ii~:::::::::::::_::::::.:::.:.::::.:::.::,::_:_::::::::::::_:::::::::::.:::}!i g~~ft2 Outdoor Ventilation Air Data Design airflow CFM .m..u......-_---...,......_..._--...Uhh...._,--_m'U'" 98 CFM CFM/ft2 u.--__...u...--m""'-"-'--------U'--"'U.......---__--'U_h__"""'------ 0.08 CFM/ft2 . 12/08/2003 02:26PM Number of zones _0.00._--.......--_0.--00"""0."""----"'-'_0.""""-"'--'-----'",- 1 Floor Area -..._........m._--"'U----......-----------...---...u--..........._...m. 1241,0 ft2 Calculation Months --"'000.00__0._"""------'__0.0."'00--_--""'" Jan to Dee Sizing Data ....--m--hh...---U......---.--'h"""hU"'--UUUU------ Calculated Load occurs at ___h--......'hu...,m-----_U----.--.....----__u,__m--_- Aug 1500 OA DB 1 WB 00-...'_000000...----.---.-......----...----00....----_00"'--- 101.0/74,0 of Entering DB 1 WB .......m......,..._.,...--....--......--__--h-""'" 80,0/67,1 of Leaving DB 1 WB _"'00...---.........._...00--'----_--00""_""""'-" 60,9/59.6 of Coil ADP ............,0.----00"""0000...........--_--__'00--_......_0.00""""""""'" 58,7 of Bypass Factor ........,...,......--00_00..._............__000000...-----__00"""---- 0.100 Resulting RH 0000.........00--0..........-_.......00._0000--,_,00...0000...---00--'...00...-- 56 % Design supply temp, ---............__--_000.--------000000""""""'_-""-"'-- 58,0 OF Zone T-stat Check --_00--""__----""00"""""00"'--00""""_--_00000.___.1 of 1 OK Max zone temperature deviation "'00..._----......----_0000"'0.--'-.-... 0,0 of Load occurs at U.......--"'UU--'__...h--_uuu......_m_U"""""""'- Des Htg BTU/(hr-ft2) ----_------0."'00"""""'_'_--'_'_---_____0000"'00"'00_00'_00'_"'00--000000- 9,7 Ent. DB 1 Lvg DB '00...____00.......'-'_.....-...000.-"""'---"""'" 61.3 1 75,0 of Fan motor BHP 00..---00......._00_--00"""""00--_"'00"""""------------""" 0.00 BHP Fan motor kW U....-----U.....___h--......_............._--m..._--_------"'---'-'" 0.00 kW Fan static .................-----..-..--------...u--....--uum_""",,_-----"'--,"um 0,00 in wg CFM/person 0....,-----______0000--00-_-_--___0."_00""0000...0._""'00_00'_"'00_""" 7.50 CFM/person Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Zone Sizing Summary for System 2-First FI. Office Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 02:26PM Sizing Calculation Information . Zone and Space Sizing Method: :one CFM _m-...._m...-..._-..---.. Sum of space airflow rates 5pace CFM .....---..------..---... Individual peak space loads Calculation Months ..m...-..-...-.....................-.---...,.....,Jan to Dee Sizing Data ...-.....-...-...-.--..-.-...-.----.-........,...--....-----...._..Calculated Zone Sizing Data Maximum Design Minimum Time Maximum Zone Cooling Air Air of Heating Floor Sensible F.IOw ~Flow Peak Load Area Zone Zone Name ~MaH) ~CFM) ~CFM) Load ~MBH) (ft2) CFMlft2 Zone 1 15.0 855 855 Jul 2300 5.0 1241.0 0.69 Zone Terminal Sizing Data No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system. Space Loads and Airflows . Ooolll1g Time Air He~tlf1g Floor ZtSneName.l Sensible of FlOW LOad Area Space ~paceJj ame -- Mult. ~MBfn Load ~CFM) ~riðElH) ~ft2) CFM/ft2 Zone 1 1 02-0ffice 1 3,7 Jul2300 209 2.3 376.0 0.56 103-0ffice 1 2.6 Jul2300 150 2,6 215.0 0,70 104-Office 1 1.9 Jan 2300 108 0.0 132,0 0,82 105,Office 1 1,9 Jan 2300 108 0.0 132.0 0.82 106-Tickets 1 1.4 Jan 2300 78 0.0 112.0 0.70 107 -Conference 1 2,1 Jan 2300 117 0,0 132.0 0.89 108-Corridor 1 0,7 Jan 2300 42 0,0 72.0 0.58 109-Storage 1 0.4 Jan 2300 21 0,0 40.0 0.53 110-Toilet 1 0.4 Jan 2300 21 0,0 30.0 0.70 . Hourly Analysis Program v.4,1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Design Load Summary for System 2-First Fl. Office Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 02:26PM . I DESIGN COOLING DESIGN HEATING COOLING DATA AT Aug 1500 HEATING DATA AT DESHTG COOLING DA,DB/WB 101,0 of /74.0 of HEATING OA DBI WB -3,0 OF /-4,4 of Sensible Latent Sensible Latent ZONE LOADS Details (BTUlhr) (BTUlhr) Details (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) Window & Skylight Solar Loads 0ft2 a - 0 ft2 - - Wall Transmission 516ft2 803 - 516ft2 3616 - Roof Transmission 0ft2 a - 0ft2 a - Window Transmission 0ft2 a - 0ft2 a - Skylight Transmission a ft2 a - a ft2 a - Door Loads Oft2 0 - 0ft2 a - Floor Transmission 1241 ft2 a - 1241 ft2 1342 ' Partitions 0ft2 a - 0ft2 a - Ceiling 0ft2 a - 0ft2 a - Overhead Lighting 1838 W 6272 - a a - Task Lighting OW a - a a - Electric Equipment 1200 W 4094 ' a a - People 13 3185 2665 a a a Infiltration - 0 a - a a Miscellaneous - a a - a a Safety Factor 0% / 0% a a 0% a a » Total Zone Lø¡ads - 114854 2~ - 4958 0 Zone Conditioning - 14532 2665 - 4797 a Plenum Wall Load 0% a - a a - Plenum Roof Load 0% a - a a - Plenum Lighting Load 0% a - a a - Retum Fan Load 855 CFM a - 855 CFM a - Ventilation Load 98 CFM 2378 380 98 CFM 7292 a Supply Fan Load 855 CFM a - 855 CFM a - Space Fan Coil Fans - a - - a - Duct Heat Gain / Loss 0% a - 0% a - :> >Tø't.~ 1(;~ìÌl t e Á:I.Li~~ds ;, 'U)9~:ø '.. .' . 30ìt5 - '.' 'tiÎQA9 .. 'Q """. Central Cooling Coil - 16910 3047 - a a Central Heating Coil - 0 - , 12089 - >:> 1'otaliØpn d IllQrdng - 116910 .. 3047 ~ 12089 0 Key: Ppsltive vaiulilsarecigloads Poslthfevalues arehtg I.oads ~1iI9I.ltlvevah.l~sarehtg 10"IC:ls N~gatiVø values are. clg 198ds . . Hourly Analysis Program v.4,1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Sizing Summary for System 3-Exhibition Hall Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff NO ¡C e :I',,(,fl 8'ir System Information .\ir System Name nnmmn.nnm System 3-Exhibitlon Hall Equipment Class ....mn........mn.n.nmnmmn.m.... PKG ROOF Air System Type nnn.n.....nnmn....mmnnm.......nnmnn. SZCAV Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM ........nnm.n.....nnn Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM mnn""'.,..mnn Individual peak space loads Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data Total coil load ..nmnn.m.........m.n.....nmnnm.n.....nmnmn.m20,6 Tons Total coil load ....mnmmnnn'hnm.hn.m.mnnnnnn.....nnmn 247,7 MBH Sensible coil load mmmhhnnnmh.......nnnnnnnnmnhnnm 245,8 MBH Coil CFMatJuI1600nnnmnh.hmnm,m..nm...h...nnh,...14616 CFM Max block CFM nmnnmhn.nmn..h...mmnnnnnnnh...nnn.14616 CFM Sum of peak zone CFM m....nmnm',n mn'mhmh 14616 CFM Sensible heat ratio mnmmnn....nm.mm...............m....nnn 0,992 ft2fTon ""h....m.h...n"'nnn..n..nn.n,............._......n..nnn........893,0 BTUI(hr-ft2) nmmh.n..n..nnm...nnmnhnhhhh.mn......,..n 13.4 Water flow @ 10.0 of rise nm.....n.mmnnnhm.hmm......m N/A Central Heating Coil Sizing Data Max coil load .hnn........mhnh.m..m.m...nnnmm.mmh....m 207.1 MBH Coil CFM at Des Htg m...,mommnm.n...nnnmnm...m..14616 CFM Max coil CFM mnmnmnmmn..mnnnh...nm....mn....nmnn 14616 CFM Water flow @ 20.0 of drop ...mnm...nmm.m.mn.....mnnm NIA 8~1c':~~1 ~~ ~~~n=..~~t.~mmn....m.mmnmmh'...n.mh 14616 CFM Standard CFM ...nnmnnnnmn......nmmm.m......mmm.n.n 13956 CFM Actual max CFM/ft2 .mmmmh,....m.nn.m."h.....mmm...mn 0,79 CFM/ft2 Outdoor Ventilation Air Data Design airflow CFM .....m,.nnnm...n.m.mnnnnm.nnnmn..n 75 CFM CFM/ft2 nnm....nnm.'hn...,n......mm......nmnm.nm.mn.....mmn 0,00 CFM/ft2 8 10103/2003 10:07AM Number of zones nnnmnm..nnmn"'hnh,......n.mh'nnm.nmnn'mnm 1 Floor Area n....n,'.m.n'nhnm.nmm ,m,mmmnnmhm.....m 18434,0 ft2 Calculation Months mnm'hmmnnm.mm..........nnm..nJan to Dee Sizing Data nnnhmm""m..nmnn"n.........nmnn....,.nnn Calculated Load occurs at mmm.n,....n.m."h""hn...,..nnm,mm...n.. Jul1600 OA DB 1 WB..n...nmm.n..,.nnnnmmmnm.....mnnmm 100,3/73,8 of Entering DB 1 WB mnh.........nmnnnnmmm.mnnnnn" 77.3/65,4 of Leaving DB / WB n.........nnm.m.m.......m..mn.........mu 61,0/59,9 of Coil ADP h...........mnnn.h....mnnmnnnmnm...nmnhmm n.hm 59.2 of Bypass Factor "'n....mn.,mnmmh........n..mh.....nmmmnnm. 0,100 Resulting RH .m.m'n.......nnnm"n""'n.n.nm.m.....nu nnnnh... 54 % Design supply temp. .nn....mmnnhn..........mhnh.......,..nmh 58,0 OF Zone T-stat Check ""h..m.mnnmm'm......nmmnnn........n 1 of 1 OK Max zone temperature deviation mm,......mnnmnm,"""",m 0,0 of Load occurs at mmn...nmmnmm..mnm'h.mm'hhm'nmn Des Htg BTU/(hr-ft2) n...hhm....m.mmmh......n....nnm.h.n.nnnnmnnmm, 11,2 Ent. DB / Lvg DB ,'n....n..m'h...........nmmm."""" ..68,9/82.6 of Fan motor BHP hn.n..m.m'n', .nnumnm.hn'U"'h.....mmn 0,00 BHP Fan motor kW .nmnm.nh.........n...nnnmmm.,..m.....mmm.mnn 0,00 kW Fan static n..nnmmnnm,...........nmmhn'h."'h..n m',"',' 0,00 in wg CFM/person .n,,'nmnmm.hn'h,n'" nun 15,00 CFMlperson Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Zone Sizing Summary for System 3-Exhibition Hall Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff .'~'Zing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM uuu---uu---_.---.-.uu Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM .Umu.--------------. IndIvidual peak space loads Zone Sizing Data Calculation Months .-----------00---00 Sizing Data 00_--.___--00.00 00---------00------ Zone 1 Zone Terminal Sizing Data Time of Peak Load Jul1500 Space Loads and Airflows No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system. Zone Name I Space Name Zone 1 117-Exhibition Hall Mult, . . Hourly Analysis Program vA.1 256.2 Jul1500 Maximum Heating Load (MBH) 196.9 10/03/2003 1 0:07AM .------uJan to Dec ---00--' Calculated 18434.0 0.79 Air Heating Floor Flow Load Area (CFM) (MBH) (ft2) 14616 196.9 18434,0 Space CFM!ft2 0.79 Page 1 of 1 ~ Air System Design Load Summary for System 3-Exhibition Hall Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 10/03/2003 10:07AM . . .. .. .. DESIGN COOLING . DESIGN HEATING .. COOLINGDATAATJul t600 HEATING DATA AT DES HTG . ... COOLING OADBI WB100,3 OF 173.8 OF HEATINGOADBIWB ...-3.0 °FI-'4,4 of ... Sensible Latent Sensible Latent ZONE LOADS .... ........ Details ' (BTU/t\r) (BTUlnr) Details (BTUihr) (BTUlhr) Window & Skylight Solar Loads 90 ft2 2533 - 90 ft2 - - Wall Transmission 7130 ft2 17357 - 7130 ft2 46364 - Roof Transmission 18434 ft2 101443 - 18434 ft2 121598 - Window Transmission 90 ft2 1147 - 90 ft2 3863 ' Skylight Transmission 0 ft2 0 ' 0 ft2 0 - Door Loads 252 ft2 8843 , 252 ft2 9541 - Floor Transmission 18434 ft2 0 - 18434 ft2 15522 ' Partitions 0ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Ceiling 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Overhead Lighting 9193 W 31366 - 0 0 - Task Lighting 27000 W 92122 ' 0 0 - Electric Equipment OW 0 - 0 0 - People 5 1400 1350 0 0 0 Infiltration - 0 0 - 0 0 Miscellaneous - 0 0 - 0 0 Safety Factor 0%/0% 0 0 0% 0 0 »Tctal Zone Lóads ..' .. 2562t1 1350 ... ..... I 196888 0 Zone Conditioning . 243989 1350 - 201507 0 Plenum Wall Load 0% 0 ' 0 0 - Plenum Roof Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Plenum Lighting Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Return Fan Load 14616 CFM 0 - 14616 CFM 0 - Ventilation Load 75 CFM 1787 481 75 CFM 5588 17 Supply Fan Load 14616 CFM 0 . 14616 CFM 0 - Space Fan Coil Fans - 0 ' , 0 - Duct Heat Gain / Loss 0% 0 - 0% 0 - »TDtal System Loads ..".".... .... .. ...'.. - .245776 1831 ..."...... "- '.. 207095 17 Central Cooling Coil . 245775 1950 - 0 0 Central Heating Coil , 0 - - 207095 - »Totøl ... ...< ..' ... 245775 1950 ....... - 207095 I .. 0 Key: ... .. Posltlvevaluesllreçlg.loads Þóslthiêvaluesare. htgloads '" .. Nfi 9liti vellallJ es are htgl Dads. Negati\le \/alo es al'ec I gl cads . Hourly Analysis Program vA.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Sizing Summary for System 4-Kitchen Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff . ;~;~~~~: I~:~:.~.t.i.~~mumumumh System 4-Kitchen Equipment Class mhumUm..mU""".h...ummh'... PKG ROOF Air System Type, .U...UUhUUhmhmhm......n...um.UU. SZCAV Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM umUmmU.....m....u Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM ummmm.U.n.n Individual peak space loads Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data Total coil load ...""h.u..m.mmunmnum.muum"U...mummum. 0.7 Tons Total coil load mmUh.n"..U.unu..m..num..m."Uh.h.......,mu.... 8,9 MBH Sensible coil load uumn.uh.hmummu........mm.hmm,".hm. 8.9 MBH Coil CFM at Aug 2200 mm.mm.m.u...m..umumumunuuu" 527 CFM Max block CFM ..u........n.u.mh,.nmmum......... ....,00.527 CFM Sum of peak zone CFM uhhmm....mnnnummunmm,u.,.u. 527 CFM Sensible heat ratio mhn.....uu...n.nU..hnm.nmmh"".h.'... 1.000 ft2fTon m..unmmmnu...nu......n..,..,...uuuuuuuu...n.,...u...... 2119,7 BTU/(hr-ft2) uu.hu"."'...u""h..m.u...mmmmm'.......hh."".u 5,7 Water flow @ 10.0 of rise uu...nu.m..uunnumuummu".m NIA Central Heating Coil Sizing Data Max coil load n..mh......."'hh......mn.....mmmm,..mm.mm..hh 7,1 MBH Coil CFM at Des Htg uumummnummmuuum,h.,"'um......u 527 CFM Max coil CFM .m.m.h.mmmhuuuuUmu.....uunummmmuuum 527 CFM Water flow @ 20.0 of drop h"uunm.mmnnunnnuuu,m..m NIA . 'U¡J:~~I ~; ~~~n~u~~.t~nmn.mnn.nmuU..m."Uhhm..m 527 CFM Standard CFM hm...m,.....mmm.mmnmm.mmmummhhumu 503 CFM Actual max CFM/ft2 .mm...nmmmmmunummu................m 0.34 CFM/ft2 Outdoor Ventilation Air Data Design airflow CFM muunmuumnmnmnhm.....m.m 00.......00 0 CFM CFMlft2 umm.nmmh..u.u....mm.mmmnnmum..u.uuhhU 00..00.. 0,00 CFMlft2 . Hourly Analysis Program vA,1 10103/2003 1 0:09AM Number of zones uumm.mumuu.uu......u...nm.mmmu Floor Area m.hUhh..h.Um.......,..mmmum...uuuU.. .........00..1 00 1566.0 ft2 Calculation Months u,uum..........m.u.......u.......u.....m Jan to Dec Sizing Data nmunmnuuuuhuu"'.u"'.u...m...uuuummm, Calculated Load occurs at .....umm..n.n..mummummuu.umuu...mu Aug 2200 OA DB 1 WB .mmmu..hh..h......uumummumnuuuhm...85,4/69,7 of Entering DB 1 WB .mumh...................uu.....mnmuu.u. 77,4/46.4 of Leaving DB 1 WB ...umuuunuumuu"ummhummmhU.. 61,1/38,4 of Coil ADP .mmmm..m,uu.u.unumuu..mm,unnm.um.,......nhnu...., 59,3 OF Bypass Factor .umm.mu.umum.u"'uuuu.m.mmm.....mh.,.m., 0,100 Resulting RH nununuunmnnmuuu.......u..u.....mmum.m.m."..nuun 0 % Design supply temp. ...uh.h...u.mu.h.n...m.umumu"'uu...h..... 58.0 of Zone T-stat Check umUhhu.uuumummm...m.uumm 1 of 1 OK Max zone temperature deviation mmmh..m..uuuuuu.mun..u 0,0 of Load occurs at.... m.mmmm.m..hh...uhm.h.'. Des Htg BTU/(hr-ft2)...muu..umm......munuumuuu nu....uuuumm..u 4,6 Ent. DB 1 Lvg DB mm,m.hh,..mu....mmuu...mnmum, 69,2 I 82,3 of Fan motor BHP .mm.....mmnumm......,....n...mmum..m"..umm 0,00 BHP Fan motor kW .un'h.'.""um,m.nmm.mmu.ummmmm'.u"'h,m 0,00 kW Fan static uh.h.,.huu.....u......mummumm u,.nmmmm.muu.."'", 0,00 in wg CFM/person mnunnmnumuumhuuuu mm.m..um""""."'.h.UU... 0,00 CFM/person Page 1 of 1 Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Zone Sizing Summary for System 4-Kitchen . ;zing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM m ..--m.. Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM .nmm..--.--. Individual peak space loads Zone Sizing Data Zone Name Zone 1 Zone Terminal Sizing Data 9.2 Design, .' Air. . Flow (CFM) 527 10/03/2003 1 0:09AM Calculation Months ----n--...nmnm.....mnmnn..nn-- Jan to Dee Sizing Data ...-- .mnm--.--.--.--.n.m.nnmn------mnmm. Calculated . Minimum Air Flow (CFM) 527 Time of Peak Load Aug 2100 Space Loads and Airflows No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system. Zone Narne I .. Space Name Zone 1 118-Kitchen Mult, . . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 9.2 Aug 2100 527 Heating Load (MBH) 0.34 7.2 1566.0 0.34 Page 1 of 1 Air System Design Load Summary for System 4-Kitchen Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff . I . ..,' Window & Skylight Solar Loads Wall Transmission Roof Transmission Window Transmission Skylight Transmission Door Loads Floor Transmission Partitions Ceiling Overhead Lighting Task Lighting Electric Equipment People Infiltration Miscellaneous Safety Factor :>:>TotaIZoJle.Loads Zone Conditioning Plenum Wall Load Plenum Roof Load Plenum Lighting Load Return Fan Load Ventilation Load Supply Fan Load Space Fan Coil Fans Duct Heat Gain I Loss :»Total..Systern.Løads Central Cooling Coil Central Heating Coil Key: . ., ... . Hourly Analysis Program vA.1 DESIGN COOLING ... DESIGN HEATING COOLING DATA AT Aug 22OO HEATING DATA ATDESHTG COOLINGOADB IWB85.4°1"169,7°1" HEATINGOADB IWB.. -3,0 of 1-4,4 OF Sensible Latent Sensible (f:1TU/hr) (BTU/hr) Details (BTU/hr) 0 - Ofl2 - 1888 - 627 fl2 4394 0 - Ofl2 0 0 - Ofl2 0 0 - 0ft2 0 76 - 21 fl2 460 0 - 1566 fl2 2359 0 - Ofl2 0 0 - Ofl2 0 7267 - 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0% 0 ... 9231.0 - 7213 - 8865 0 ' 7133 0% 0 - 0 0 0% 0 - 0 0 0% 0 - 0 0 527 CFM 0 - 527 CFM 0 0 CFM 0 0 0 CFM 0 527 CFM 0 ,527 CFM 0 - 0 - - 0 0% 0 ' 0% 0 ...0 .. 88650 - 7133 - 8865 0 - 0 , 0 - - 7133 ~7¡;~~~!!~i¡~ . =:;::.:~=~~~::~~~ 10/03/2003 1 0:09AM Details Of 12 627 fl2 0 fl2 0 f12 0 f12 21 ft2 1566 fl2 0 fl2 0 fl2 2130 W OW OW 0 Latent (BTUlhr) - - - - - - - , - - - - , 0 0 0 0 ° 0 - 0%/0% - - - - 0 - - - 0 0 - 0 Page 1 of 1 Air System Sizing Summary for System 5-Second FI. Meeting Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff .~ ir System Information .~~u~~~:~ ~1~~:.:::::::.~~~t~.:--~~_:~~~_~~_~lp~~hÅ~~~ Air System Type .m---_------_----m__--_mm--m...m__mm_m_- SZCAV Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM mm___,_--._._h.h_""-- Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM m_h_"h'm'_m.m Individual peak space loads Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data Total coil load ..m--m_mhm____--_--..m_.-___hm_m..m_m--m_h.m'm 8.1 Tons Total coil load m--_--..m,mm--..___m--..m-_mm__--m__..m_mm_---- 91.3 MBH Sensible coil load m.__--_....mm..m'h..mmm"m'm_,--..._m'm 96,0 MBH Coil CFM atJuI1600.__...._h_m--mm----..h--,--..m,m-----_..... 5828 CFM Max block CFM .__m..mm..mmm___....mh__m--..--m_m..---._m 5828 CFM Sum of peak zone CFM ,_m__--m_-,.--_--'__mh.mmm----_h_m 5828 CFM Sensible heat ratio --'-_'__"--mm__m_m_mm--m--m___..--mm-- 0.981 ft2rron _--___mm----m--.--_..m_'___--_m._--._'m-_.m_m_m_____mm_- 1029.1 BTU/(hr-ft2) ___--m____h"__."'_h____.mm,__,_h_hm"'hm_._m---_----m 11.1 Water flow @ 10-0 of rise .,mm_m_____h____--______h___-_--___m N/A Central Heating Coil Sizing Data Max coil load mmh_h_.h__mmm__,.__-Omhh_h_hh_omm..---m__O_h 11,8 MBH Coil CFM at Des Htg m-__.._mm_._-,__..._..mm..--_'m,_--_.--m 5828 CFM Max coil CFM _'hmm__-----_-_--__m.___,o.._--m_om..o_m_mo--_.-----m 5828 CFM Water flow @ 20_0 of drop _Oh__om_.---..----_---m,m_om---__m'- N/A "'!.Upply Fan Sizing Data .:~f:n~~~~~~~_:::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~ g~~ Actual max CFM/ft2 Oh"'--O'h--Om--...._.....--__.----m,.---_....---m'- 0,10 CFM/ft2 Outdoor Ventilation Air Data Design airflow CFM ---'O___'--m___m--mm_.m____m_.__m--m--_O--m 60 CFM CFMlft2 m,_-.-----___,__m_"m_h__Oh__mO..---__..m,__-_.._h----_"h.__m---- 0,01 CFMlft2 . Hourly Analysis Program v.4_1 12/08/2003 02:41 PM Number of zones mO...-m_m_hho._..mm__h_,__-_----m_hO_---'hm------__---.o. 1 Floor Area m.._---.._.h--_hmm-m-m_O_h..__'m__m__..o'm---_m-_m--m 8348.0 ft2 Calculation Months _-----_--_h_m,...--_____h""--"._.'-"'----". Jan to Dec Sizing Data O----m.--...__--------"---.OOOm_O__..--mm_--__-------m. Calculated Load occurs at ----..-OO...-----_h.m..___---,m--Oh__hh--_h..h_O_.O_-- Jul16oo OA DB 1 WB Om___-o----..'____m----_--_hOO..---'_-----..--m.._m-- 100,3 113.8 of Entering DB 1 WB ----"'_O.'--m----------_.---.mO--'_'hm--_O_'--'- 11,4/65,1 of Leaving DB 1 WB ..--__.h_h----m--.--h_____.---_..---_,mm..---__. 61.5 1 60.3 of Coil ADP _O__---_m---_--mh--..---..---__-------_mmmm_____.m._."O..----"--- 59.1 of Bypass Factor ---.._..--.---_m_.-m..__--m_,.m_m-----_.------_..--...---m' 0,100 Resulting RH ----------oo_-----..m---,o,---__.-..mh.'--,.-,------,--------.._----o_,-... 55 % Design supply temp- .---m---_....---m'm_.--OO_-___m_--O_O__--__.mhh_'- 58.0 of Zone T-stat Check _'-----.m..---m__-----m_-._-'-mm_--_..._---m---h--- 1 of 1 OK Max zone temperature deviation ---.-_-m-_m-_O_Oh--...--'--h-----_- 0,0 of Load occurs at -------_O_'_"O_h__O_O......-------._---....---mm------_.--- Des Htg BTU/(hr-ft2) --m..mm-----___..m---m.o-------._._mmm--__m-m._Omm__--m, 8,6 Ent. DB 1 Lvg DB ----------..m..mmm_..mm__----n---.'m_--m 68.41 80.3 of Fan motor BHP m...hOO__mO_h..m..--mmm_.,m_---mm---__hO__hm_. 0,00 BHP Fan motor kW _.-m-,..h-_--m....m..---hm-,_,-m.m_m._-,O__h--.,_------- 0,00 kW Fan static mm-....___m.__---_m.._'._'-_m_--_'_m__--__--_---__m--__m--_'__'- 0,00 in wg CFM/person m--._--__---oo__--..--m_--------_.,---.----,-.---_...---_m_-'--._--".-- 1,50 CFM/person Page 1 of 1 Zone Sizing Summary for System 5-Second Fl. Meeting Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Aatliff 12/08/2003 02:41 PM "izing Calculation Information . ¡Zone and Space SIzing Method: Zone CFM ----m_..-----------,------ Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM ____------n'_-------"- Individual peak space loads Calculation Months ---_..----.._n--....----'-------------------"----- Jan to Dee Sizing Data ..__....,----__,___nn------,---_--------,-__------..---n----n-- Calculated Zone Sizing Data Zone 1 5828 Zone Terminal Sizing Data No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system. Space Loads and Airflows Zone 1 20o-Corridor 1 14.2 Ju11500 808 6.4 968.0 0.84 201-Corridor 1 5.5 Jul1500 314 2.0 297,0 1,06 202-Corridor 1 5.5 Jul 1500 314 2,0 297.0 1.06 203-Meeting Am. 1 19.1 Jul1500 1092 16.1 1829.0 0,60 2O4-Meeting Am. 1 8.1 Jul1500 465 5.8 BBO.O 0.53 205-Storage 1 7,1 Jul1700 404 5.9 404.0 1,00 . 206-Men Toilet 1 3.6 Jul1500 208 1.B 280,0 0.74 206-Women Toilet 1 3.6 Jul1500 208 1.8 280,0 0,74 20B-Meeting Am. 1 19,B Jul1500 1127 16,1 1829.0 0,62 209-Meeting Am. 1 B.1 Jul1500 465 5.8 B80.0 0.53 21O-Storage 1 7.4 Aug 1500 423 5.9 404.0 1.05 . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Design Load Summary for System 5-Second Fl. Meeting Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff ..' ."'/;/. .'-.......... ."..........'...¡~.'....<.~.;',:;3' <..."'.'..'..<.' ".. ....'n.. ,i.:".'....' ......'.,..' ." ..,.. .<,""'. s.."" '. [l.".'. Window & Skylight Solar Loads 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 Wall Transmission 2880 ft2 7946 ,2880 ft2 Roof Transmission 8348 ft2 45939 - 8348 ft2 Window Transmission 0 ft2 0 ' 0 ft2 Skylight Transmission 0 ft2 0 ' 0 ft2 Door Loads 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 Floor Transmission 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 Partitions 0 ft2 0 .. 0 ft2 Ceiling 0 ft2 0 .. 0 ft2 Overhead Lighting 11832 W 40372 - 0 Task Lighting 440 W 1501 - 0 Electric Equipment 1230 W 4197 .. 0 People 8 1840 960 0 Infiltration .. 0 0 - Miscellaneous - 0 0 - ~tor ....... 'i."O%/O% "'IP"~'.. 96~ "..', 0%[ Zone Conditioning ,94565 960 .. Plenum Wall Load 0% 0 - 0 Plenum Roof Load 0% 0 - 0 Plenum Lighting Load 0% 0 - 0 \ Return Fan Load 5828 CFM 0 - 5828 CFM Ventilation Load 60 CFM 1430 326 60 CFM Supply Fan Load 5828 CFM 0 - 5828 CFM Space Fan Coil Fans - 0 .. .. Duct Heat Gain I Loss 0% 0 .. 0% ......""'....' .."., ".'1~.6~ ...~ ,...........< - 95995 1290 ' ~i""..- . Central Cooling Coil ~. -....'........ . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 12/08/2003 02:41 PM - .. 14495 55067 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..... 69562' ...,. 67348 0 0 0 0 4463 0 0 0 - .. .. .. - .. .. - .. - .. 0 0 0 0 .. .0 0 - - - - 3 - .. , . ,3 0 0 71810 . ... . . 7l810' '.. slues are~ .. vÆ1ïues'åre~' .. - Page 1 of 1 Air System Sizing Summary for System 6-Main Arena/Seating Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 84ir System Information ~~u~~~:~ ~~~:.::::::::::.=~~.t~.~..~~~.~i.~þ':~~~~~a~~B Air System Type .......................................................... SZCAV Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM .......,..................... Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM ........................ Individual peak space loads Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data Total coil load ..................................................................... 61,3 Tons Total coil load ........................,.......................................... 736.0 MBH Sensible coil load ...............................,............................. 736,0 MBH Coil CFM at Jul1500 ..................................................... 45189 CFM Max block CFM ...............................,...............................45189 CFM Sum of peak zone CFM ..................,.............................45189 CFM Sensible heat ratio ......,..............-.................................... 1,000 1t2rron .......................................................,........................ 1027,6 BTU/(hr-1t2) ............................................................................ 11,7 Water flow @ 10.0 of rise ................................................ N/A Central Heating Coil Sizing Data Max coil load ................,.................................................... 539,2 MBH Coil CFM at Des Htg ......................,.............................. 45189 CFM Max coil CFM .......................,.......................................... 45189 CFM Water flow @ 20.0 of drop ...................,...... .................... N/A . ,>u££~;~¿a~~E~~::~~:t:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::~:: g~~ Actual max CFM/1t2 ..........-..................................,............ 0,72 CFM/1t2 Outdoor Ventilation Air Data Design airflow CFM ......,.................................................... 60 CFM CFM/1t2 ................................................................................. 0,00 CFM/1t2 . 10103/2003 12:59PM Number of zones ........................................................................... 1 Floor Area .....,................................................................... 63030,0 1t2 Calculation Months .................................................... Jan to Dec Sizing Data ...........................,....................................... Calculated Load occurs at ...........................,..................................... Jul 1500 OA DB 1 WB .,........................................................... 101,0/74,0 of Entering DB 1 WB ..................,................................,... 77,2 /63.2 of Leaving DB 1 WB ................................-...................,. 61,4/57,6 OF Coil ADP .........-......................................................................... 59,7 of Bypass Factor .............,................................................,......... 0,100 Resulting RH ................,............................................................... 47 % Design supply temp. ............................................................. 58,0 of Zone T-stat Check .......,....................................................... 1 of 1 OK Max zone temperature deviation ..............,.......................... 0.0 of Load occurs at ........................................................,........ Des Htg BTU/(hr-1t2) ......................"...m..............................................m.. 8,6 Ent. DB 1 Lvg DB ...................................,.................... 68.9/ 80,4 OF Fan motor BHP ...................................................................... 0,00 BHP Fan motor kW ................................................... ."""" 0,00 kW Fan static """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""","n ....... 0,00 in wg CFM/person .......................................--................................... 15.00 CFM/person Hourly Analysis Program v.4,1 Page 1 of 1 Zone Sizing Summary for System 6-Main Arena/Seating Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 10/03/2003 12:59PM .~i.zing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM "".."...."",m"'---'" Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM "..--""",---,-----, Individual peak space loads Calculation Months ",------------"--"--,,,------------,,m,,""'" Jan to Dec Sizing Data ,--------""m,-----------------",m",-----------,..--m"--- Calculated Zone Sizing Data 790.7 0.72 Zone Terminal Sizing Data No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system. Space Loads and Airflows . .. ... Çl)otin9 ' Time ....Co sp~ce .....c". .... ~; TI,",' .. ....... Art Sensible I)f I~...'U'" ~a ... +. .... ...(t 121 ", ..,..,.,' M.ult. (MeH) Load ... . (CFMl '... Zone 1 161-Arena,East Seating 1 47.9 Jul1500 2735 74.4 5206.0 0.53 161-Arena,Main Floor 1 468.1 Jul1500 26700 152.9 23184.0 1.15 161-Arena-North Seating 1 100.8 Jul1600 5752 131.5 14006.0 0.41 161-Arena-South Seating 1 104.6 Jul1500 5965 131.5 14006.0 0.43 161-Arena-West Seating 1 60.9 Jul1600 3474 74.4 5206,0 0.67 217-Press Box 1 4.6 Aug 1400 260 3.3 184,0 1.41 131-Stair 1 0.4 Jan 2300 25 0,0 112,0 0,23 132-Stair 1 1,1 Jan 2300 63 0.0 144.0 0.44 138-Stairway 1 0.4 Jan 2300 21 0.0 121.0 0.17 143-Stairway 1 0.4 Jan 2300 21 0.0 121.0 0.17 150-Stairway 1 0.4 Jan 2300 21 0.0 121.0 0.17 162-Stair 1 0.4 Jan 2300 25 0.0 112.0 0.23 163-Stair 1 1.1 Jan 2300 63 0.0 144.0 0.44 169-Stairway 1 0.4 Jan 2300 21 0.0 121.0 0.17 173-Stairway 1 0.4 Jan 2300 21 0.0 121,0 0.17 180-Stairway 1 0.4 Jan 2300 21 0.0 121.0 0.17 . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Design Load Summary for System 6-Main Arena/Seating Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 10103/2003 12:59PM . . >. '.....~ . ... DESIGN COOLING ... DESIGN HEATING ' ". ,.. COOLING DATA ATJul1500 ... HEATING DATA ATDESHTG , .. ... .... '" COOLINGOA DB/WB1 01.0 °F174.0 of HEATINGOA DB/WB '. -3.0 °FI-4,4 OF ii. --- . ..... Sensible Latent . Sensible . Latent ... .,..,., ,............ Details (BTU/hr) (BTUlhr) D.etall$ (BTUlhr) (BTUlhr) Window & Skylight Solar Loads 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 , - Wall Transmission 31902 ft2 88710 - 31902 ft2 160565 - Roof Transmission 61792 ft2 340051 - 61792 ft2 407604 - Window Transmission 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Skylight Transmission 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Door Loads 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Floor Transmission 24422 ft2 0 , 24422 ft2 0 - Partitions 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Ceiling 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Overhead Lighting 104911 W 357950 - 0 0 - Task Lighting OW 0 ' 0 0 - Electric Equipment OW 0 - 0 0 - People 4 1120 1080 0 0 0 Infiltration - 0 0 - 0 0 Miscellaneous - 0 0 - 0 0 Safety Factor 0%/0% 0 0 0% 0 0 :>:>TôtåIZôlieLoads .',... .', 787.832 1080 .,.. 568169 0 ... . .. - ... Zone Conditioning , 734548 1080 , 534768 0 Plenum Wall Load 0% 0 - 0 0 ' Plenum Roof Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Plenum Lighting Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Retum Fan Load 45189 CFM 0 - 45189 CFM 0 ' Ventilation Load 60 CFM 1475 801 60 CFM 4452 266 Supply Fan Load 45189 CFM 0 - 45189 CFM 0 - Space Fan Coil Fans - 0 - - 0 - Duct Heat Gain 1 Loss 0% 0 - 0% 0 ' :>:> TotarSystem Loads .. ,.. - 736023 1881 ... .. - 539221 .,. 266 .. Central Cooling Coil - 736023 0 ' 0 0 Central Heating Coil - 0 - - 539221 - - . . .136023 0 ..,., - 539221 . 0 tI...' .,..,., .,. , . Positive values areclgloads .posltlvevalues arehtg loads .... .. .." Negative values are htg loads NegatIVe vålues are clgJoads . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Sizing Summary for System 7-South Concourse Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff .. \ir System Information ~~u~~~:~ ~~~:.::.:~~~~.~..~~.~.~.~~~..~~~~.~ ~~~T ~~~ Air System Type ...n............."""""""""""""""""""'" SZCAV Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM ........,...........,........ Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM ........................ Individual peak space loads Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data Total coil load ...............,..........................,.,............................ 3,5 Tons Total coil load ...,....................................................,......."..,..42,6 MBH Sensible coil load .......................,................,...................... 41,9 MBH Coil CFM at Aug 1900....................................................2511 CFM Max block CFM .............................,...................,............... 2511 CFM Sum of peak zone CFM .................................................. 2511 CFM Sensible heat ratio .......................,.,................................. 0,983 ft2fTon .,...........,....-.............................................."............ 2262.4 BTU/(hr-ft2) ...,...,................,.............,....................................... 5.3 Water flow @ 10.0 of rise ................................................ NIA Central Heating Coil Sizing Data Max coil load .....................................................,..........,....... 30,7 MBH Coil CFM at Des Htg ,.....................................,................ 2511 CFM Max coil CFM ..................,......................................,............ 2511 CFM Water flow @ 20.0 of drop .,...................,......................... NIA ~upply Fan Sizing Data . '~:~~~~~~~~,::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::: ~~~~ g~~ Actual max CFMlft2 ...,........................................................ 0.31 CFMlft2 Outdoor Ventilation Air Data Design airflow CFM ............................................................... 30 CFM CFMlft2 ,....,..............................,.........................-........,.......... 0.00 CFMlft2 . 12/08/2003 02:45PM Number of zones .........................................-......,.........................,1 Floor Area ,..........................................,...........,...................... 8030.0 ft2 Calculation Months .............................._.,..................Jan to Dee Sizing Data ...............,............,...........,.......................... Calculated Load occurs at ...........................,..............,.....-............. Aug 1900 OA DB 1 WB ..................................................................93,2 171,9 of Entering DB 1 WB ...................................................,..,.77,6/65,8 of Leaving DB 1 WB ......................................................... 61,4 160.3 of Coil ADP """"""""""""""""".""""",,"""""""""""""""""'m 59.6 of Bypass Factor .........,.........................................................,....0.100 Resulting RH ................................................................................. 55 010 Design supply temp. .,.......................................,.....................58,0 OF Zone T-stat Check ..................................................,............. 1 of 1 OK Max zone temperature deviation """"",""""""""".........,... 0,0 of Load occurs at ...-............,................................................ Des Htg BTU/(hr-ft2) .........................................,...,..,...............................,.. 3,8 Ent. DB 1 Lvg DB ........................................................ 68,3 1 80,1 of Fan motor BHP ....................................................................... 0,00 BHP Fan motor kW ..,.......................................................,......,......... 0,00 kW Fan static .........................................................................,.......... 0,00 in wg CFM/person ...................-................,...................,........,......-. 15,00 CFM/person Hourly Analysis Program v.4,1 Page 1 of 1 Zone Sizing Summary for System 7-South Concourse Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 02:46PM '.zing Calculation Information . 'Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM _00--"""-'--00"""-_"'- Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM ------__---00"'_-_----- Individual peak space loads Calculation Months -_U___-----hUUU__--u-----.....--------u.---._Jan to Dec Sizing Data ...---...-----""U-.----------_--UhhhU'U...._-_---"-----h Calculated Zone Sizing Data Zone Floor -- Area - (ft2) 8030.0 Zone CFMJft2 0.31 Zone Terminal Sizing Data No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system, Space Loads and Airflows Splice CFMtft2 Zone 1 136-First Aid 1 0.4 Jan 2300 24 0.0 143.0 0.16 140-Women 1 3.0 Aug 2200 173 3.5 672.0 0.26 142-Media 1 0.8 Jan 2300 47 0,0 240.0 0.20 144-Concourse 1 15.2 Aug 1800 869 21.4 4920.0 0.18 145-Concourse 1 18.1 Jan 2300 1031 0.0 544,0 1.90 147-Men 1 2,9 Aug 2200 166 3.5 672.0 0.25 . 148-Dressing + (149) 1 1.2 Aug 2200 69 2,2 162.0 0.42 151-Dressing 1 0.4 Jan 2300 25 0,0 165.0 0.15 152-Toilet 1 0.8 Jan 2300 45 0.0 144.0 0,31 153 + 154 Shower 1 0.7 Jan 2300 38 0,0 126.0 0.30 155-Dressing 1 0.4 Jan 2300 25 0.0 242.0 0,10 . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Design Load Summary for System 7-South Concourse Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 02:46PM . . ......, ., ....... DE$JGNCOOLING .. ... DE$IGNHI;;ATING. .. ..'. COOIJING'PATINATA@19()(). HEATING DATA AtOESHtG . . "..'" . ..'. CØc)LIN~øA[)~jWB9Ï3,~~FJ71~9~F ... HEATINGOADB/WB;S;()~FI"¡:¡:.4.F .. .. .""'...Sehslble Latent. ,... SenjJlble' ,Latent ZONE LOADS ., . ..... '.",. Døtalls .£B'Tl.Jlnr) (eTUlh.!') Details.. (ElTU/hr) (BTUth") Window & Skylight Solar Loads 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 - - Wall Transmission 2134 ft2 6205 - 2134 ft2 14957 - Roof Transmission 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Window Transmission 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Skylight Transmission 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Door Loads 378ft2 1970 ,378ft2 8278 - Floor Transmission 8030 ft2 0 - 8030 ft2 7287 ' Partitions 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Ceiling 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Overhead Lighting 5826 W 19876 - 0 0 - Task Lighting 0 W 0 - 0 0 - Electric Equipment 4450 W 15183 - 0 0 - People 2 560 540 0 0 0 Infiltration - 0 0 - 0 0 Miscellaneous - 0 0 - 0 0 Safety Factor 0% / 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 >W11IëitåfZóhê1LoadSl< . ....'....' . ..) . .... 540 .... ....... I -c.~¡;¡?? .., ...m.O Zone Conditioning - 41396 540 - 28490 0 Plenum Wall Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Plenum Roof Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Plenum Lighting Load 0% 0 ' 0 0 - Retum Fan Load 2511 CFM 0 - 2511 CFM 0 - Ventilation Load 30 CFM 488 166 30 CFM 2231 1 Supply Fan Load 2511 CFM 0 - 2511 CFM 0 - Space Fan Coil Fans - 0 - - 0 - _Duct Heat Gain / Loss 0% ...............0.. - 0% 0 - ,.....'..'.......41884 ...."..'...............'....,.",,".. '.'.'.'....'..""..!" .,.... ..)'} Central Cooling Coil - 41884 707 - 0 0 _entral ~o~." -- 0....., ....,.,..,.n;;,............ - 830721......- .,.'...~')'" """'..'1;...,...'" . "1. I . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Sizing Summary for System a-North Concourse Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 'ir System Information . .. ~~u~~~=;;r; ~I~~:_:;~~-~t_~~-~~~-~~-~...~~~~-~ ~~~T ~~~ Air System Type ___nn_---nn--_,__n___n__nn-_n_------_n_......__- SZCAV Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM -----,"'_""'_h_nn...... Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM nnnn__nn____n_'_- Individual peak space loads Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data Total coil load -...-,-......-...--_---__---_n___..._nn-----_'_h"'_""""'----- 3,9 Tons Total coil load _..n__......nnn..-_------__n---_____--"---------h.-__..--_...46,5 MBH Sensible coil load "'_h_____h_..._...-------__""-_h......-..-__-----___n"- 43,7 MBH Coil CFM at Jul1600 n_---___........__n___n_nnm---__"""_--------- 2485 CFM Max block CFM ---_......___nnn..............n---m__---h""""""""- 2485 CFM Sum of peak zone CFM .........------------___""h__"""------------ 2485 CFM Sensible heat ratio ""'_h..._...,_.....n---n""""""""--"'--'----- 0.941 ft2fTon ____---_nh__--_......,--..._...___--n___........................_'____n"- 2011,7 BTU/(hr-ft2) ..--..-...-,---_---____n--.._...........-------___,__n"""""""_"'-- 6,0 Water flow @ 10_0 of rise ..............___nn____nn.........---_____n NlA Central Heating Coil Sizing Data Max coil load _---_hh--__...........-..-----__---m__mh--n_h---_m__---h_h- 37,6 MBH Coil CFM at Des Htg nm_--__---_n---m__.....-........._,h"_"""__- 2485 CFM Max coil CFM ...nn"'h__hnhnhn_..._.....n---"_n'_"""-'-'----------- 2485 CFM Water flow @ 20-0 OF drop ---_'_n------_......_.....__nn__n"'h.....NlA ~upply Fan Sizing Data . ...i:~~~]~~~i~:~::::::~::_::::::,:~~~:_::::::_::::_::-:~::::::::.~:~:::,~:::::__~~i g~~ft2 Outdoor Ventilation Air Data Design airflow CFM .......-.....---------------_____---nnn_........____nn__120 CFM CFM/ft2 m__n__---nnh......--_-_n___n__________nn___---......____..n---____"--' 0,02 CFM/ft2 . Hourly Analysis Program v_4_1 12/08/2003 02:45PM Number of zones -_........_---n_""_"---nn---........___---__---nmnm"'-_---_hn 1 Floor Area ....,_h______-----------"""_"'_'---h............---h'_--hnh_n_'" 7790,0 ft2 Calculation Months nnmh............n.._...n......_-_...-__,-...Jan to Dec Sizing Data '____hn""""'hh..nn---_---,...,...-_...__---_n""""h- Calculated Load occurs at -,..._---__n__...'_nh---_______---_n""'--nh'_"""""" Jul1600 OA DB 1 WB h---_""""h...,_----_---,........-_.....'__n_----____--n 100,3/73.8 of Entering DB 1 WB __hh_h.........._............------_,--,..._mnm 78,5 /66.3 of Leaving DB 1 WB n__,_......------""'_____n_"_'_h_n_n--"-""'_h 61,4 / 60,3 OF Coil ADP ___"---_h_m_..---_.....-----"h__h-----n_---__---m_"__hhh___"hn__'" 59,5 of Bypass Factor --...----------------"""'____m_h_n--__"_nh..n..-..,_......- 0,100 Resulting RH ......-,---------.._,--""n---__n_h_--......_,......nn.._---...,_......- 55 % Design supply temp- -------,"""'_h_n_"_"""""'-"----""""----------" 58,0 OF Zone T-stat Check ............------..-...........-,---...-___---"""hn__"" 1 of 1 OK Max zone temperature deviation "'__"'hnn_nh__""""-"--""-,- 0,0 OF Load occurs at ...,--...--..._..._---_m---m____,_------_n__mn__"----"- Des Htg BTU/(hr-ft2) n_,...____n__n---nnn--"_'_---------""'-------------"-"---"""-------.. 4,8 Ent DB 1 Lvg DB ..--,---......--,...........------___---_---m---nm 65.6/80,3 of Fan motor BHP _h-n--------__-"---""""-"""-"""____h..--m...__...._n-- 0,00 BHP Fan motor kW _n...__n--........-___nmn___n_,__hn_n..n__hn---_n_n'h""" 0,00 kW Fan static nnn,---____---_'_---------hnnn_-----__"'-_-__'_n--__m_.._............--- 0,00 in wg CFM/person --__n,_..........,----..-------__...._...m__.........__...'n__m---___- 15,00 CFM/person Page 1 of 1 \ Zone Sizing Summary for System a-North Concourse Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 02:45PM '.izing Calculation Information . Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM --___mnmmnnm___m Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM _m_nmmn_mm-- Individual peak space loads Calculation Months _hm--n_,h_--h___-m--_m-_--__h__--hmmJan to Dec Sizing Data _m,__nm_h_----hmmmnn_n_h--_--m-m'nm--m- Calculated Zone Sizing Data Time. . of Peak Load Jul2100 7790.0 0.32 Zone Terminal Sizing Data No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system. Space Loads and Airflows Zone 1 167-OOice 171-Women 174.Concourse 175-Concourse 177-Men 178-Dressing + (179) 181-Dressing 182-Toilet 183 + 184 Shower 185-Dressing He¡ Ung. Floor Load Area ~þaþe (Mati) (tt~) CFMlft2 1 1.0 Jan 2300 55 0.0 143,0 0.39 1 2.8 Jul2300 157 3.5 672.0 0,23 1 14.6 Jul1700 834 21.4 4920.0 0.17 1 18.1 Jan 2300 1031 0,0 544,0 1,90 1 2,6 Jul2300 150 3.5 672,0 0.22 1 1.1 Ju12300 60 2,2 162.0 0,37 1 0,4 Jan 2300 25 0.0 165.0 0.15 1 0.8 Jan 2300 45 0.0 144.0 0.31 1 1.8 Jan 2300 102 0.0 126.0 0.81 1 0.4 Jan 2300 25 0.0 242.0 0.10 . . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Design Load Summary for System a-North Concourse Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff . /~.....".">"",y""",.,,i'>....'_.>"""" ,....,. """'" '.>...., ,',"',>' I, ,,"'.."" ,,>..,"""" ,., Window & Skylight Solar Loads 0 ft2 Wall Transmission 2134 ft2 Roof Transmission 0 ft2 Window Transmission 0 ft2 Skylight Transmission 0 ft2 Door Loads 378 ft2 Roor Transmission 7790 ft2 Partitions 0 ft2 Ceiling 0 ft2 Overhead Lighting 5584 W Task Lighting 0 W Electric Equipment 4450 W People 8 Infiltration - Miscellaneous - Safety Factor 0% / 0% ;¡;?,rrëitåJ'Zó~'LÓàds ... ,."",-¡, , ,"" Zone Conditioning - Plenum Wall Load 0% Plenum Roof Load 0% Plenum Lighting Load 0% Return Fan Load 2485 CFM Ventilation Load 120 CFM Supply Fan Load 2485 CFM Space Fan Coil Fans - Duct Heat Gain / Loss 0% ~Þ;11rQt~1$Y$têm.t;;padÅ¡ "" ',.' ".,'. ,'.",." ",,', Central Cooling Coil - 43716 ~ ".,.~,~ -,>\","':..¡:'.I:>,.,~ . . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 0 4021 0 0 0 2459 0 0 0 19051 0 15183 2240 0 0 0 40880 0 0 0 0 2835 0 0 0 . . ¡ '.. . .: .. , .. 2751 , '."."".'." DI;$H r.~ ' ' , ",.",. "':~EI'Y..3 :1: CA't"r: ~ '.'"" ..,.,. ~ ~ " ' ""'.y,îï7Z" Oft2 - 2134 ft2 14957 0 ft2 0 0 ft2 0 Oft2 0 378 ft2 8278 7790 ft2 7287 0 ft2 0 0 ft2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 - 0 0% 0 ,L 30522 .,> - 28665 0 0 0 0 0 0 2485 CFM 0 120 CFM 6924 2485 CFM 0 - 0 0% 0 i,,' -=~ 37589'.." - 0 . - - - , - - - - , - - - 2160 0 0 0 2160 - - - - 590 - - - 12/08/2003 02:45PM - . - - - - - , - - - - 0 0 0 0 .'. '.0 0 - - - - 0 - , - 0 ~~§9 Page 1 of 1 Air System Sizing Summary for System 10 VIP Room Area Project Name: Bicentennial Center Pre'1ared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff ~ir System Inf~l'mation . ~~u~~~:~ ~1~~:_:::::::::--~~~~~:--~-~--~~~~~~gp~~O~o~~ Air System Type ___m__moo---nmh___noom__nn_moom_------_oo SZCAV Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM nm--mm_n-__'noo__m Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM _m-_n__m_,--_---' Individual peak space loads Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data Total coil load _moo__oo__---,oo_oomoo-,___moo,__'--ooh___oommoo__-mmmoo 0,6 Tons Total coil load __moomhoo_moommmm_,___m___moo---___m_h'n_n__--h- 7,7 MBH Sensible coil load oohooh__oommm__mmnoo_---m'n__OOOOhn___h_--'h_- 7.7 MBH Coil CFM at Aug 0000 -m,______nm__n__hOO_____'OO-OO---_OO---'_m_--oo 454 CFM Max block CFM _mh___--_--,--_m_nUU--mUnmh____--mmOOhoo__m-_n 454 CFM Sum of peak zone CFM hh_mmnoonnn'h,n_,_n__,m,u_m_"m__454 CFM Sensible heat ratio _h----_mmoomoo---_m__--'-_hm__moo,uu--_n-- 1,000 ft2/Ton ____--h_-----Uh,m___m--_--m___,_,m_oom____-n-,--_--___'h--___-- 2028.7 BTU/(hr'ft2) _m_-_-_---,-,__--_--_oom_moou__-_m_,_'_----_'___mhOO__nm__-_00- 5.9 Water flow @ 10-0 of rise ooumoomn__m_h_OOn__--mmUh____h NlA Central Heating Coil Sizing Data Max coil load moooom_--__--,__m___hmU_moo____n_mmm_m__m--n_-_m- 6.2 MBH Coil CFM at Des Htg mmm_oo_oooonu-oo_oomm_noom_hmoooomum454 CFM Max coil CFM mmn___'_-_n-__-n--__mmm___,_mh'noomOOU,m--,m,m 454 CFM Water flow @ 20.0 of drop 'mm'hoo---nmhh__m___-m,_--mm_NlA "'5~~~?~~~::=:::::::::::::_~~ g~ Outdoor Ventilation Air Data Design airflow CFM OOnm,__--m_----mmm_----m___'m_m__--um_m-__n 0 CFM CFM/ft2 __--oo____mm-m----------'----___----_h--_n__'_'_m_.h'_h__h__oo_--,--- 0,00 CFM/ft2 . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 12/08/2003 02:27PM Number of zones mmmmh___--__hm_n____mh___mn--_,__oo_mhm_m_____,--- 1 Floor Area OO_-_nn_____-m----____,_h_nmoommm___--__hoo_mmn______n--- 1295,0 ft2 Calculation Months m_-____,mh__n,n'----_____--h__oo___u--muJan to Dec Sizing Data _oo______--_'h'__----__n-__m_'____h__----m___--mooh____h Calculated Load occurs at mnnmmm___moo__mnm,n_--____--____mm----_U Aug 0000 OA DB IWB --,------m---------m------------m'm__oom__oo__mn_--_82,1/68,7 OF Entering DB 1 WB 'mn_hm--_-n_'mmmnoon_mnm__h'm--- 77,5 1 46,4 OF Leaving DB/WBu--m----mm_--n-oo--m_,____-_mnm_-m_-___61,1/38.4 OF Coil ADP ,-nnm___-_------'--_m_m_'m_m_--_oom_----_--_m-------m-_m-m-,--- 59,3 of Bypass Factor ----n--oom_oom--oom_'oo____'U_--m--------oo_m---_-n-__OO'_- 0.100 Resulting RH --m__n--Uhmn___mmh'n--um--m_m----m___-__m'__m-___u----- 0 °/. Design supply temp. --_nn--_'_'_noo__,___--,--_mm---hmmmm_---n-_-- 58.0 of Zone T -stat Check ------nn_-'--mn_m----'_--nmm----------mmm_,-_- 1 of 1 OK Max zone temperature deviation '----m--m--_m--mmm-m-nn--- 0.0 OF Load occurs at m--m,___m_m_oomoo_mm__mm___--_moooo___--m--- Des Htg BTU/(hr-ft2) m_______n_mmoooo________'hh_m'__------m---------mm---m,-m----- 4.8 Ent. DB 1 Lvg DB _mm'--h_ummm--m__moooom_mmm_-_--- 69,21 82,5 of Fan motor BHP --_--_--'_h__n_mmm_m_h--'_----hm__--_h_m__nh_--hh 0.00 BHP Fan motor kW --h__--m--m_'m__nOOnoommm..______oo,n_-_n_'_m____oooon' 0,00 kW Fan static m_m_oo_m__m__h_'_--h__--_nmh__m_OO--h'hh'm'___--m_mmm 0,00 in wg CFMlperson 'm----__-_---__-m-_n______n__m,__m_m___m__oo________,__m---_00 0,00 CFM/person Page 1 of 1 Zone Sizing Summary for System 10 Meeting Room 116 Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff .~iZing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM ............................ Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM ,.......,...."""..--- Individual peak space loads Zone Sizing Data 8,0 Zone Terminal Sizing Data Design . Air Flow (CFM) 454 Calculation Months .........."",."",............,." ......Jan to Dec Sizing Data.. .................,......---.....,....,..,...,......."...,..,.. Calculated Minimum Air Flow (CFM) 454 Time of Peak Load Aug 2300 No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system. Space Loads and Airflows Zone 1 116,Meeting Rm. . . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 8.0 Time of Load Aug 2300 Heating Load (MBH) 454 Maximum Heating . Load (MBH) 6.0 6,0 1295.0 Space CFMtft2 1295.0 10/03/2003 1 0:22AM Zone CFMtft2 0.35 0.35 Page 1 of 1 Air System Design Load Summary for System 10 Meeting Room 116 Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 10/03/2003 1 0:22AM . . DESIGN COOLING .. DESIGN HEATING . COOLING DATAATAugOOOO HEATINGDATAATDESHTG .. COOLINGOA DBIWB82.1°F 168,7 of HEATINGOADB IWB-3;O°FI -4.4 of , Sensible Latent Sensible Latent ., .... ..' Details (BTUthr) (BTU/hr) Details (BTU/hr) (BTUlhr) Window & Skylight Solar Loads OfF 0 - 0ft2 . - Wall Transmission 576fF 1748 - 576 ft2 4037 . Roof Transmission 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Window Transmission 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 . Skylight Transmission 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Door Loads 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Floor Transmission 1295 ft2 0 - 1295 ft2 1987 - Partitions 0 ft2 0 ' 0 ft2 0 - Ceiling 0 ft2 0 . 0ft2 0 ' Overhead Lighting 1814 W 6190 - 0 0 ' Task Lighting OW 0 - 0 0 ' Electric Equipment OW 0 - 0 0 - People 0 0 0 0 0 0 Infiltration - 0 0 - 0 0 Miscellaneous - 0 0 - 0 0 Safety Factor 0%/0% 0 0 0% 0 0 »Tõtäl.Zol1e Loads - 7938 0 c:- .. 6024 0 Zone Conditioning - 7660 0 - 6222 0 Plenum Wall Load 0% 0 ' 0 0 - Plenum Roof Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Plenum Lighting Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Return Fan Load 454 CFM 0 - 454 CFM 0 - Ventilation Load OCFM 0 0 OCFM 0 0 Supply Fan Load 454 CFM 0 - 454 CFM 0 - Space Fan Coil Fans - 0 - - 0 - Duct Heat Gain / Loss 0% 0 - 0% 0 - »TótäISystemLóads - 7660 ..., <Q ... 6222 . 0 ... Central Cooling Coil - 7660 0 - 0 0 Central Heating Coil - 0 - - 6222 - ., ,.. - > 7660 0 ~.. ... ~.. .6222 ..,....0 Kèy:> ..... Positive values are clgloads Positive values' arehtgJoads ..., ....... .." ~ Negativevaluesarehtg IOflds Negative valUes are clg loads . . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Sizing Summary for System 11 Heritage Hall Storage Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Air System Information . i~u~;~:~ ~1~~:::::0=~~~~_~n10~n~~_r_i.~_~~_H;~g~~8~ Air System Type O..nn.nOnonm_Ononmnmmn..._Onnmnmn SZCAV Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM _OnO-,On.nOn...monnn Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM mmn.O"nOOmm.- Individual peak space loads Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data Total coil load omm-o...m..._nnnnn_.mo.._mmn...,-..nmmnnmn... 2,1 Tons Total coil load nnnm_nm,mmo_m_mnnOn----..nnnmO....ommnnn 25,6 MBH Sensible coil load nmmn"-O-o_mmO_OOO..----o-_nmnm..._mmnm- 25,6 MBH Coil CFM at Aug 1500 mnnn.nm_,o_---mmnn.....nmO.------." 1725 CFM Max block CFM ....-o_monnnn"""'Oo-.._mO...-.-onmmm...---nO. 1725 CFM Sum of peak zone CFM nO...mmmnm.....---__.nmm..n"""- 1725 CFM Sensible heat ratio mn.n._---o-_nmmmm...-o-onnmnO"'O-..nm 1.000 ft2/Ton n...-.nnnmmn.nn.mn,.---nmm_O..---..omm_nnmOomnnn 1345.1 BTU/(hr-ft2)onmnnnm_nm._---nmm_om_..ooo_nnnnn..ooommnnnn 8,9 Water flow @ 1000 of rise -..n_mmm_....-on..-omO...-.mo-.-.-.- NJA Central Heating Coil Sizing Data Max coil load mnhmn..-,.nnmm,...o.n....-_mnmmnOO_onnnmn_n 48,7 MBH Coil CFM at Des Htg _mnmm.n...-_-.onnn..-..n__mmOnOO-.n_O 1725 CFM Max coil CFM..o---onmmnm'm..no-m_m..o"'---.---hnnmnm.'no 1725 CFM Water flow @ 20.0 of drop On---moonnmnOm_..oo..mnm__nO'" NJA Supply Fan Sizing Data . i~~:~~~:~~~~ï~~::::.::o::_':::o::::::_:.::.:n:o::::_:::-:_::_::-:-:oo::_:_:_:::_:n:::_-:_~:~ g~~ft2 Outdoor Ventilation Air Data Design airflow CFM nnhO---_m.n....---..-.nnm_m..n..n_nnmmnOOn.O 0 CFM CFMlft2 ooo-ommnnnnnnn---...ooomO.....on_oo..._m_mmnO...mnnmm- 0,00 CFM/ft2 . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 12/08/2003 03:46PM Number of zones m_nOnnn......m_nm....---omnmnm...o_nmm__nm-nnn 1 Floor Area ---nmnm nmnnmnO,-o_mmmnO...nnmnnm_OnOonnnnn 2869,0 ft2 Calculation Months _mmmmo.....-...on.-m_.n.....-mnnoonJan to Dec Sizing Data m.n,"n..._mo-o,no-o_nnnOn.......mnnnnO..o...nm Calculated Load occurs at _o_.----o_nnmonm'n....---..mm_nn"n"O...._mn Aug 1500 OA DB I WB mmmnnnnnmO_....mmnnn---.o-onnmmn"'O 101,0 I 74.0 of Entering DB I WBmmnn_------..nm_m_n---nnm_mn_...o... 77,1/46,3 of Leaving DB I WB no...-_ommoo_mnmmn...nmn.........-onm62,7/39,2 OF Coil ADP nn"n,nmn..-_nmn.om_mm........m_nn...n..---...mnmnnmn 61,1 OF Bypass Factor n.....ono-__m_onm"O...o-..m_mnmm....---ommnmm 0,100 Resulting RH nnmonnnnnnnn._...no_nomm.m_m.....---m_..n..nOmnmo--- 0 % Design supply temp. nmmnO"---O....-..._mm......-oo_mn"---nOnmm 58.0 OF Zone T-stat Check mnnnnm........o...nnmno.....m...nno..on,mn.1 of 1 OK Max zone temperature deviation ..o..m_.......---oo---_mnm_mmo. 0,0 OF Load occurs at nnmm_nnm.n....._no_mmm.Oo-om_mnnnnmm Des Htg BTU/(hr,ft2) _mnmmmm"O..---mnmnnnm_-------.n_mnn._.---"nO...O" 17,0 En!. DB I Lvg DB _.nO_"Oo.---..---nnnnnnn_.---..mnnm.---'" 68.1/95,5 OF Fan motor BHP .n..monmnmmnnnnn------mnnnn.nonnnmn_mmo 0,00 BHP Fan motor kW "nn---._nnnnnnnnnnmnOnmmnh---n.Oooonnnmm_m 0,00 kW Fan static "---,.__n"n...m_mmmm------.._n.-_mnmn.---.....nnmnnn.m 0,00 in wg CFM/person nmnmmmnnm.n....nm_om_nnO__mmmmm_m.mmm. 0,00 CFMlperson Page 1 of 1 Zone Sizing Summary for System 11 Heritage Hall Storage Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 03:46PM Sizing Calculation Information . Zone and Space Sizing Method: ~one CFM __--m_m--mm--_"'-- Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM m------m----m--m Individual peak space loads Calculation Months ,,--------mm----------_mmm.------mm_Jan to Dec Sizing Data m--_____m----------------m_,--.._-_m----mm----m..' Calculated Zone Sizing Data Maximum Design Minimum Time Maximum Zone Cooling Air Air of Heating Floor Sensible Flow Flow Peak Load Area Zone Zone Name (MBH) (CFM) (CFM) Load (MBH) (ft2) CFMlft2 Zone 1 30.2 1725 1725 Aug 1500 49.9 2869.0 0.60 Zone Terminal Sizing Data No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system. Space Loads and Airflows Cooling Time Air Heating Floor Zone Name I Sensible of Flow Load Area Space Space Name Mult. (MBH) Load (CFM) (MBH) (ft2) CFMlft2 Zone 1 122-Heritage Hall Store 1 30.2 Aug 1500 1725 49.9 2869.0 0.60 . . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Design Load Summary for System 11 Heritage Hall Storage Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 03:46PM . , DESIGN COOLING DESIGN HEATING COOLING DATA AT Aug 1500 HEATING DATA AT DES HTG COOLING OA DB / WB 101,0 of /74,0 of HEATING OA DB / WB -3,0 of /-4,4 OF Sensible Latent Sensible Latent ZONE LOADS Details (BTUlhr) (BTUlhr) Details (BTUlhr) (BTUlhr) Window & Skylight Solar Loads 0 ft2 0 - Oft2 - - Wall Transmission 3384 ft2 10011 - 3384 ft2 20694 - Roof Transmission 2869 ft2 14891 - 2869 ft2 18925 - Window Transmission 0 ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Skylight Transmission 0ft2 0 - 0ft2 0 - Door Loads 252 ft2 1654 - 252 ft2 5519 ' Floor Transmission 2869ft2 0 - 2869 ft2 4784 - Partitions 0ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Ceiling 0ft2 0 - 0 ft2 0 - Overhead Lighting 1080 W 3685 - 0 0 - Task Lighting OW 0 - 0 0 - Electric Equipment OW 0 - 0 0 - People 0 0 0 0 0 0 Infiltration - 0 0 - 0 0 Miscellaneous - 0 0 - 0 0 Safety Factor 0%/0% 0 0 0% 0 0 » Total Zone Loads - 30241 0 - 49921 0 Zone Conditioning - 25596 0 - 48698 0 Plenum Wall Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Plenum Roof Load 0% 0 - 0 0 ' Plenum Lighting Load 0% 0 - 0 0 - Return Fan Load 1725 CFM 0 - 1725 CFM 0 - Ventilation Load OCFM 0 0 OCFM 0 0 Supply Fan Load 1725 CFM 0 - 1725 CFM 0 ' Space Fan Coil Fans - 0 - - 0 - Duct Heat Gain / Loss 0% 0 - 0% 0 - » Total System Loads - 25596 0 - 48698 0 Central Cooling Coil - 25596 0 - 0 0 Central Heating Coil - 0 - - 48698 - » Total Conditioning - 25596 0 - 48698 0 Key: Positive values are clg loads Positive values are htg loads Negative values are htg loads Negative values are clg loads . . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Sizing Summary for System 12 1 st FL. Lobby Toilets Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Air System Information . Air System Name _h- System 12 1st FL. Lobby Toilets :quipment Class mm___m-_-_h__'___h-__-__mh___-_- PKG ROOF Air System Type -----_m___mmnhhhhhh___hh_h_-_-_-mm_- SZCAV Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: Zone CFM _hhmm___h__mn-hm Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM mhhhmh__,_-_hh Individual peak space loads Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data Total coil load m_-___m_mh__nnmmmmmn___,__h_m_hmmnm_mm 0,8 Tons Total coil load n_hhm_hmn_____hhhhhh_m_m___m_hmmmhhmm10.0 MBH Sensible coil load mhnnmhmh_h_h_n_m_hh_mhhh_m-__mhh 10,0 MBH Coil CFM at Jan 2000 hnmmh_m_hh_mm_hhh_mnhmmm_-_- 566 CFM Max block CFM m_mm_nnm_m_nn_h_mhhm_mmh_m_m_mm_n_566 CFM Sum of peak zone CFM _mn__'_hmhhmhmmmhn-_mnhnh_h566 CFM Sensible heat ratio mh_nm_hn-mhmmhmhmhhm_hm_n---- 1,000 ft2fT on _hm_--hh_hn---n-_mnmhhmn_,hhhmnhmmhhh____hhm 1402,0 BTU/(hr-ft2) mh_n_---_mnm___nm_mm_mh--__hmmnnm__mmm_n--- 8,6 Water flow @ 10.0 of rise mh_-_m___mh_---h____nnhm_n__hm NIA Central Heating Coil Sizing Data No central heating coílloads occurred during this calculation, Supply Fan Sizing Data Actual max CFM _h_mnnh_m_mnnmm_____h_____hhm_mhm--h566 CFM Standard CFM mmh_---_mmhhhhhhhm_____,nh_---_hhhhm_-_mm 541 CFM Actual max CFMlft2 __m__mnnmmmnmh___hhhhhm_____--_m- 0.48 CFMlft2 . g~~;: ~~~~I~~~~h~i~__~~~~hh_'___m_mhm_hm_hhhhhm- 0 CFM CFM/ft2 -_m_mmmhn---m___'m_nhhhhh_m_m___hm_mmmmmnh 0,00 CFMlft2 . 12/08/2003 03:30PM Number of zones __nnmhmmhhmnh_hh-_mnhmmhh___'h_mhh___h___1 Floor Area ___h___m_____mhmh_h_h_mhhmm____hh_hhmhnn-mhm 1170,0 ft2 Calculation Months _mmm--____hmmmh__m_-hhn__--hn__Jan to Dee Sizing Data mmmhhhhm_mmhmhh__m__h_mhmm_hh_m Calculated Load occurs at hm__m_m_m_nm_mhn-_m_hn__mhh__,__mhm Jan 2000 OA DB 1 WB _nn_h---_hhmmm_h,_-____hmhmhmh_--____mm 43,6 1 38,9 of Entering DB 1 WB nm__h_h_hn-_nhnmhhmmnh_n_-_hmh- 77,5/46,5 of Leaving DB 1 WB mhmnh___---hmhm_m__h_-_mhmmmhh 60,4/38,0 of Coil ADP mm_hmn_mhmhn_h__m_m_mm_m_n-__hm_m_hmmm__h__- 58,5 of Bypass Factor nn__m_mm_---____hmnmhmh---_m____n__mhm_hh_h 0,100 Resulting RH ,__---__hhh_m_nnmhh_mnnm_---m,__mm_mn_nmh_-nmnn- 0 % Design supply temp- nh_h_-,hhhmmhhm_nnm_n---hhh__n,_h__n- 58,0 of Zone T-stat Check _h_hhh____m_mhhhnmmmn__------_nmhh_--__1 of 1 OK Max zone temperature deviation nm____mhm____m_mmh_m_nn 0,0 of Fan motor BHP mh---_m____un_mmmmhh_hhhhhmhhhmm_m---- 0,00 BHP Fan motor kW mh__------mmnmn_mnh__h_nhhhnmmhmnmh--_m_- 0.00 kW Fan static mmmhnn--,_hh__h___mmhm_nh__n-_--nmmm_m__--_hn-- 0.00 in wg CFM/person ___mmmnnm-mmh_mhmnmh__m_n--mhm_m_m,_____h 0.00 CFMlperson Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Zone Sizing Summary for System 12 1 st FL. Lobby Toilets Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 03:30PM Sizing Calculation Information Zone and Space Sizing Method: . ::one CFM .m,mmu'hmhumm Sum of space airflow rates Space CFM mhh........umm' Individual peak space loads Calculation Months .m.Uh.h....U....hhmhhhmh.h.hh.mJan to Dee Sizing Data hh.hh....mUUUh"'h...h.hmhhm h..hh""h.m Calculated Zone Sizing Data Maximum Design Minimum Time Maximum Zone Cooling Air Air of Heating Floor Sensible Flow Flow Peak Load Area Zone Zone Name (MBH) (CFM) (CFM) Load (MBH) (ft2) CFM/ft2 Zone 1 9.9 566 566 Jan 2300 0.0 1170.0 0.48 Zone Terminal Sizing Data No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system, Space Loads and Airflows Cooling Time Air Heating Floor Zone Name / Sensible of Flow Load Area Space Space Name Mult. (MBH) Load (CFM) (MBH) (ft2) CFMlft2 Zone 1 111-Corridor 1 2.2 Jan 2300 126 0.0 257,0 0.49 112-Women Toilet 1 1.2 Jan 2300 71 0.0 252.0 0.28 113-Mech. Rm. 1 3.0 Jan 2300 173 0.0 152.0 1.14 114-MenToilet 1 1,2 Jan 2300 71 0.0 252,0 0,28 115-Corrldor 1 2.2 Jan 2300 126 0.0 257.0 0.49 . / / ~" . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1 Air System Design Load Summary for System 12 1 st FL. Lobby Toilets Project Name: Bicentennial Center Prepared by: Bucher, Willis & Ratliff 12/08/2003 03:30PM . DESIGN COOLING DESIGN HEATING COOLING DATA AT Jan 2000 HEATING DATA AT DES HTG COOLING OA DB I WB 43.6 of I 38,9 of HEATING OA DB I WB -3,0 OF I -4,4 of Sensible Latent Sensible Latent ZONE LOADS Details (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) Details (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) Window & Skylight Solar Loads 0 ft2 0 0ft2 Wall Transmission 0 ft2 0 0 ft2 0 Roof Transmission 0ft2 0 0ft2 0 Window Transmission 0ft2 0 0ft2 0 Skylight Transmission 0ft2 0 0ft2 0 Door Loads 0 ft2 0 0ft2 0 Floor Transmission 1170 ft2 0 1170 ft2 0 Partitions 0 ft2 0 0 ft2 0 Ceiling 0ft2 0 0 ft2 0 Overhead Lighting 2454 W 8372 0 0 Task Lighting OW 0 0 0 Electric Equipment 456W 1556 0 0 People 0 0 0 0 0 0 Infiltration 0 0 0 0 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 Safety Factor 0% / 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 » Total Zone Loads 9928 0 0 0 Zone Conditioning 10014 0 0 0 Plenum Wall Load 0% 0 0 0 Plenum Roof Load 0% 0 0 0 Plenum Lighting Load 0% 0 0 0 Return Fan Load 566 CFM 0 566 CFM 0 . Ventilation Load OCFM 0 0 OCFM 0 0 Supply Fan Load 566 CFM 0 566 CFM 0 Space Fan Coil Fans 0 0 Duct Heat Gain I Loss 0% 0 0% 0 » Total System Loads 10014 0 0 0 Central Cooling Coil 10014 0 0 0 Central Heating Coil 0 0 » Total Conditioning 10014 0 0 0 Key: Positive values are elg loads Positive values are htg loads Negative values are htg loads Negative values are clg loads . Hourly Analysis Program v.4.1 Page 1 of 1