2006 Update Memo - - DANIEL L. HEBERT ßÙtrict Judge (785)309-5837 dan.hebert(@,saline.Q!g <' MARY B. THROWER District Magistrate Judge (785)309-5843 mary.thrower@saline.org JEROME P. HELLMER District Judge (785)309-5839 i erome.hel hner@saline.org TODD M. HElTSCHMIDT Court Administrator (785)309-5843 todd.heitschmidt@saline.org DAN D. BOYER District Judge (785)309-5840 dan.boyer@saline.org STATE OF KANSAS 28TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TERESA LUETH Clerk oftlIe Court (785)309-5831 teresa.lueth(wsaline.Ol:g RENE S. YOUNG District Judge (785)309-5838 rcnc.young(@,salinc.org City-County Building P.O. Box 1760/300 Wcst Ash Salina, Kansas 67402-1760 FAX (785)309-5845 NANCY L. TRAHAN Director of Court Services (785)309-5842 nancv.trahan!ÍÌl,saline.org MEMORANDUM TO: RE: Daniel L. Hebert, Chief Judge Trash/Li tter proj ect update Court Services begain organizing and supervising Trash/Litter projects in 1988, The first Trash/Litter project was held March of that year. Since that date, probationers working under the supervision of Court Services Officers have removed trash and litter from county roads, city streets and state highways. The following information is from 1988 to the present: . 248 projects have been held. . 2,426 probationers have worked on these projects. . 7,278 community service hours have been completed. . In excess of 12,000 bags oftrash have been removed from streets and roadways. Coordination with the City of Salina and Saline County has been excellent. The City of Salina has been very suppOliive and helpful in canying out this service. The city Manager's office has suPPOlied the projects by providing resources to continue them. Probationers meet at the Salina Police Department parking lot on Saturday mornings, where they are met by the supervising officers of the project. General Services Supervisor, Duane Zook and his staff continue to be extremely helpful in identifying sites to clean and providing supplies and trash removal after the projects. Currently the projects have been limited to City of Salina streets. Probationers under the supervision of Salina Municipal as well as District Court; work community service hours in these projects. The Court Services staff continues to do an excellent job of advising probationers of their responsibility to complete community service Trash/Litter projects, keep probationers infoDlled of the projects, verify attendance and monitor credit given for the DUI offenders towards court ordered fines. The staff has responded well to the need to supervise projects and helped insure the success of the program. Through the years, Trash/Litter projects have been involved in assisting special community interest projects. Special City projects as well as, Crisis Hotline, organizers of the River Festival, Neighborhood Clean Up Campaign and Civil Air Patrol have all been assisted by the Trash/Litter crews. Cooperation between all agencies and community businesses have continued to be very positive. Businesses approached to provide parking on Saturday moming have been very willing to do so, and have been very appreciative of the Project's effort. Trash/Litter projects continue to be successful in providing a scheduled opportunity to complete the probationer's court ordered responsibilities for community service, and has been a positive program for the comi in the community. Respectfully submitted this 13th day of March, 2006. \.. ~ , \.<,;1 C' '-..? /'" ~.>"? .::7' //< </ -",'..v.c" æ//,-,¿~---~ Nancy L. Trahan Director of Court Services cc: All District Court Judges Todd Heitschmidt, Court Administrator Jason Gage, Salina City Manager