Sidewalk Phillips Street PETITION -------_. -- "'-'--'._'--~~ -~~-----~_._---_._,-. ~-~--.- --..----" --------_.~~ For .coutl'UOUon. ora el.cLe-a walk..oll."'.14. of Phil. -.~~".__~'~~.e.t.~.~ A...h e' 0.'.0 u_.u. .aicleuof..a1.1q.L.. "'C'. /' i I'NlIeaw to .... ~ aa. n..t U'h'''h.IP..)O~_l8.. ___SMa aM ........... to eo..ittn _ I , f. --_,u"h_3~"'~~"h "'''_n . REPORT OF COMMITTEE We...-. ~.... to ......... peti- tioD was rduncI,.bet. ___ to report ._tIle--. c.,.".itlie. _ ___.__ _..~_ ______~ ....__ _~_ ___ The wi8IiII Petitioa ... filed ia -.y office tlbsu _ _lBlh _ _ _ .. . m ___ _ . day af --__.____..1I0T_.ber ....191.2. mCluut-.X..BaI1ke.r. __ _ _ u. _ ... _ c''iIfI' Clerk. _-- ~c.. f' - . - '--i--- _c,~ -.~ -'- - ,_ - ~lL"'~k:'~-C=<C'~~__~T}:' ..- ~ 1 ,I '1 ~ ........,.... r--- '.: ~-'------ -. ijalinl1, 'iZan,11\SI ~I'O tho l:Ion. Mayo1.' ttnd (1O\\lleil, llalina, J{allfHH1. Oontlmuon: .. No, the \111do):i'dl~n8d l.'o<1:idonts andpl:OJ.J01.'ty OWj.\0J.'H of the vlc;inlt:! IJf ,),tldi'iurth i:'ll.11:L " " WCiJt A~ill 3t potition YOU): ll.ollor.aliloho.C\y f[))~'__:tl.10 (J'.liluL:nr01:\On ,'Ii' c. 8f1~1t :,d_'V, of Ph:lll:LrsfI'Olh :.I1.t:ll"':Hifo11}.",(1\mth tuUi al1o:rlo C;Olltl80"t up the W[;,::';,: 8.:1. '1njr.l. ',) nLc1f1fw:U'. ''0]: Oil tlw h'l.lst:illf~ that thepl.'o.YC:J'J,'B of the l:eLH'ilJl)l)l'fj IHHo'i.ll ',{in '1)0 g!:ant.od) 'ue iU:0, B,I'!'11l8Ctfl1'11y J Numo Stl:0e,t In' Lot nnuibox -~._-_.~----".- '\ <,.', I ~-'iC? ..., /" "'-'.. '"' . '----_~. '_~'--( -~^.--'\ '1.. rfA'::"'. ;J ,I r ~L (.' (a.t.. / "'Yr. ",~,'.Lt z Un, ..) i,i.. I ,.' ;/ .> . ...m Le.,vLu.-rk7( I.f-! ). "I. /;.~ If, (~)'. I/" /IJ /i/t7f ,J '),Ii: //. ,I.:{t.// ",{,-{/ _I~ 1 , , (;'(1/7 <:..., --",.~~. -~-_._.._--~._._-' 1. I'! ,i,\' ;-lll~~;F1 ,.,..,."..<" 7,1;'- 21 """, ....J. ii' " I" 1/ 'J(1,IIl:1- 1\ )tl ? - ". ~ ,.,iiiiH;l l! ) :\ , \.//' , >-,.. " ./ . ' ,", . "i'I"il" ,,1".11," )1",;1\ ')'! J:'/'i .,,\< -,,~! , 1 / i',::;l:n:' . V{"I,;\J i,\ /e.V / "i" '';' /// I d ".' .- ~-:illin\1 K /( ',:, j\ :;,