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Sidewalk North Street
r- ~-~- " ---,-,-.--- --~---r'V.' " : o. f : ~ -.t.. j i , ~ PETITION --- - -.". ---- ... - - " "--.- ..- -- ---.-----------. --_._. -----,- For 81dewal.k on Borth 8t. ~ . _ . . _ _ _ . L ~ _.. _. . _ _ _ ~ _ _.. _ _ . _ _ ----.__._,,-~---,.- --------_.~--_._- ".-- ~-------~...,--,----------,-~---~- [ I I' I I I l .......... to tM c:-.c:iI aacl ..... ..h."J.L15.. '. .........1912 &ad .....rre4 to Coaai.... _ . ...... 81clftalb. REPORT OF COMMITTEE We. JaV ~i""" ~ IIaia peti- ~/Uy~ .~~.. htt~7I:\.~t~.. i.. //~./;{v~~ j (."--,iM.....u+ __u.. --h_U__hnhU__ 1. t I j I n.e willlia Petitioa was filed ia _y -4 office tIbs..... .I Q". -.;- ..... . day of .~An--.ul91(.... '.~.~ c;c" Clmr. [--..... _~- ~a.. -_.~-~_._-_.-.__.__.- ~-=-~..-.-=---"-_.- ---..". .:., J " ~- t ~. -t t i i "i. d' ... -:1::: - "'. ". I jt. "'- - -~~--' --- -' ... - -- -, ',,"",~,.-" ; ';:-a7 ~-'.' # >=-~-~ r- 1~. .....'\t . Muy~r.'-aud~0~unoil, ~ "" "anr.,\, l(""ou'. a~"n"mOJl' !;~UM,;;~"~~,, Mal'ell le,l')12. WQ, tho ''''llch';!,,,,,,] '"(."i<lotlLo n",j p""yol'Vr ,,,,,",-,,'0 ur Gity of ""Xi"8 ,10 .1<",'41:, pot Hi"" ym'.1' hO"''''UU" '''Iil, ful.' the cOllOt,'u~UO!i of n ,lid. wnJ.k /,'" tll th~l\orth .ido 0[ llol'th $t fnlO 12tlitu 15'h l!tNet. l",,,"tb~ t%t tho ~"a:/Q':" <>1' U,,, p!LHi'-'Ul'^ h,,"Yi.:< ','i1', '0" r;t'aHhi\, ',.'c, ",'n, Nu~:e ',' ;"; . ,'.' "." ,",.- .j /-. "Ii. ., ,.{ /'YJ>y\?,'?'-f,,/i.. I .....> ",!- 1.1 -',.. ,.." H',"p(;otful.l'{. ~a,':H!, or ".0'; 'iLlmb,_,' . //"'/' iJ.'V.(,( . 1 "I:' 'I" ,"-,1,'_.,., -J I' . '" VIU , Ii' ':, /;/ ''",' ;."11 "" Ii;, I; ((,;.j r,.,.'" , I ," (' -~"""'!,'(,.~iJ '/"'{ ) . '-r "> 1/ It/ .((!.i..\ / 'iI- i'f"" i:.' I .-,.' '," -' v'di .- ( -,::; ,~: . >- /,". .' ....',\/0':'-\/;-' ""," ') , , I '1""':"),'''''-"',; ../.,-- ~,'-.. I""~'", '-., Ii ,,">" ,. " <r'f-'- ",,-1,--/ i,r" \.i/'i ;1 ,:i .' ", (' /1. *' ,.