Water Main Park Place PETITION ".. - ._'._~----~ .-----------,--------+-'-.---....---- _.._---,---_...__._--~----- : ....;SXt.en.lotLef'..t.er i4a1nl :~~.t on'arlcPlaoe, from Pronto ".U.-. -10 -Oak4all&.e . and- PI'oa Oakdale AYe. t.o G1paua 'aft.----.-----u. .-..- ---- ----.-.. .....-..-...-.-,..--- .----- ......... to tile eo..ci1 alld ft8d u.--ulla*w~ ----------1913. aad re'enecl to eo..itliec OIl Co_I'PQraUQI18._ and. Pranch1._ REPORT OF CO.M.MITIEE We, ~ ~.. to wta- tIIis pet;.. tioa _ ftfared, .~ Iea_ to report n __.' .u.__ .Uh. .__h_ __ __.0Il tile -. c.-iUee _..__n_n_h h_nu.h__unu_ The witbia Petitioa _ IiIecl ia my office tIIis. _ _19U1 __ _ _ _ _ _ _h __ __day of ~ ffl#ri:. _ ~~ -.....rea. '"- '-"" . -,~t l1' .) ~ :\ ~; 'f l i i ~- ~_-._~;.:_~.~'" ___ .,...__~-_,-:c. _n1,... -,.._~..,. . ,- '1.'""0""" IC; "I '~''l "", , , ~:1\' ie-,", .~f;"~". ,-,,,,,I. l,",,,',,-, , ""lin." i,e.""~,, I\Ti\ )(,1.!1,1))'.') ';'",C\'D"Hdo'.""I,,,,,,"",,,;J,,,,l,<,,',,d)""'l"'-,,'.;' ".,,,,,, ';l,n c,":"'", '1" t",-, oy '-," , , V,;, u-,.li1 -""-!:i fer '-i:_,C' t"" ",,'. , , '-'" .',' "', ,," '-'-l . ",- ",,, .., g"",,, ?i n.op , !.,,~ l"-,'" , "I, ,,,,'~ '<l , , , ,\o,J "",,,,," ,,,,<I ""'''' "'" "" , , , , -",; , (" OH"U~ AH. ,,,d,!, n", "'," ""a,w,'" ,1 !"],,o ,oUl>""," "0_:"'" C'", ..,,,, ~.,,', ,,-- ~J'", ;;'\"'0 ))<',; t, ": /-,',.y,: .-c."' ".i.,.,::,:" .f' i'i--:-.-<../-'" "' ); f(,P{-r20-'-'~'-.r (?/'" ./ ,/ ,"-- ,"' , _~ ~!I C-'{ "i';" I '1 :' <v;,7';;. c: '1 ::/:" / -I, ,- !LJ)ljLl~-/{- l' (Jc6 "'dC'!"z/ /I A...-t4 ',';--/,0\,.-'1---..' -" ',/ .Uf,.'-"!,, (.,~/:. ,0':_" "'I<4f.lrrtr'. ., i.'i~n!V--"L04---"~ ,.-,~'.--". ,.-:, .- (I (",,_j ,'/" . ,_ v.'.' _ ~ (.- ~. .- .' 'v i -!!' ",'" ;'i. f,w".- ,- ;'f-"",r,,, r. .j,/! I'. ". .1 :i,-1'" "I.:l", /"1(.' '-' .//../,-""_;,__.,,;.1,,,1:>,.,_,. \. l>t :'("]",,",,1"'1;', :~ t .'oo~, :n' 1.'.,) '. 'O",,,,",. I,,'~- 1/,-",., ,r.;i."-: 'I '-, "",', I "':i --'" ),--,,: '. itS.y' , ',,,, ,-,<'I '.-..\- '--<C.,.' ,,"" .'eo' -,r u' "'- '.",',' >{ , " {' ,U'" '.c \/<A...-[!.-.,C.,,-- '( f( ,;::'~ /".'. v/<-"cf'~'" , ~l) , II Vii ", ~- !f:i/.iIJ/ , ".f,' .0 i( "" lJ"I/I, rTLevv- ,-" , I-'~ 'J;f_ . , ;:,",F~f"'''-'-<'- '.,y