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Sewer Report
Salina. Eansaa. BO'\". 5th. 1917. to the Hon. M.,or and Councilllen. Cu., of Sauna. Kana... a.ntl....u .e, 10\11"Co.1t.t.ee .. Senl'lt and Dra1aa... too .h_ m.er.. ous ...er petiUona ba". b.en ref'.M"ed, beg 1..". t.o repo~ and re- o...nd t.he oonat.ruot.ioa ot t.he toUoans aamect ....l".: s.ction 1. 21.6 11neal bet. of 10 inch ....1" on co1_bl. Annu.. .out.h Of Iron Aye... 8 .ulh01... s.cti8l1 2. 1046 11neal te.t. ot 10 Inch ....r In .1lel' be- t.ween ltaDa.. AY8I1U8 and De. Mollle. A'Y8IlUe, north of Ash St.reet.. 3 .....le.. section 3. 850 ll1leal teet. ot 10 inch ....r OIl BbI St..reet., bet._en Eanaa. A"eau.. and Oakda1. Aye.... a anho1... sect.ion~. 700 lineal. Ce. of' 10 lIlch ....r III th. .11.l' In Block 1, Riw.rsid. Park Addit.ion. a .-nhole.. SecUon 6. 626 lineal f'eef. ot 10 Inch a...r OIl J'obnst.o1lll A"enue. a -..bol... . Section 6. ~OO Unea1 f'eet. of' 10 lDch se.er III Block 3, Riverside Park Addit.ion. 1 maDho1e. section 7. 566 lineal f'eef. ot 10 Inch ....r on Bleyent.h . St.reet. f'rGa Cbar1e. street. t.o Crawf'ord street.. 2 ~lea. Sect.ion 8. 1060 ll1leal f'eef. of' 10 inch a...r on .1D.t.h and Bonet Storeet.a. 4 ..mao1ea. section 9. 705 lineal f'eet. ot 10 inch sewer on Phillips Storeet. :rrc. Sou.t.h St.reet t.o Morrison A."ema.e. 1 ~1.e. Section 10. ti26 u..&1.. ree& or l.O 1a8Il se..r in allel' bet.ween BeplbUc and Beloit. A."enu.e, east. of' Santa Pe A.,,8Ilu.. 2 ~lea. SecUon 11. 370 11neal f'eef. of' 1~ I.JICh ....r In a1.lel' be- t....n Beloit. and Minneapolia AY8DU8. ..st. of' Blgt.1and A."eDDe. 1 -.nhole. Sect.ion 12. 525 lllleal f'eef. of' 10 lnc.h ..wer in the aU.J' bet...en .Jewell AYeDUe and Kirwin A"eou.e. east. ot Sant. Pe A"'.IDle. 2 ..molea. Sec. 13. 388 lineal f'eef. of' pipe sewer OIl Claf'lin A'Y8IIIl8, _at. of' Paur1.h street. She 10 inch. 12 l1Dea1 f'eef, ot cast. iron pipe under Railroad t.l'8.ek. Size 10 IDCh. 1 IIaDhole. ./ .' ....." ....__~k _,~~:&:~~~..~~~-;-=-:::----=:",-:---:,-,-- seoUon 1~. eoo lineal teet. Of 10 lnoh s...r on BJ,8Y8nt.h St.reet., tl"oa ElII St.reet. t.o JUhOp Street.. a aanhol... I 1 ~ a..pecttul1, 8U~ltt..d, {b;- # L:)f /-:-;--.. ~ .AP. ~~ .tI/J~k P --- {;) L' (~"hL Ci ~ sewer I: DralDage Co.aUtee. r;:;~~ ~ '-"::.~-"~~:.c.,':~~~._~, ".-. -..:_:~