Street Lights Phillips Street ..... /~, Salina, Kans..s. ¡'¡ovemùer 18th, 1918. To the Hon. r:.ayor &: Council, City ot Salina, Kansa~. Qentle:nen: A petition presented on IloveÅ“ber<tth, 1918. signed by solte 17 prop'3rty OOlt1erS for the ext"nsion of' lights on Cra8ford. Phillips. CÌ~rl.8 and other;8treeta. the committue begs to report that t11e petition i8 legal, pr(Ivlderl the signers. 17 in number are eligible to sign for the extension of lißhts in that territory. and .e would recommend that The SaUna Light, franchise. Power 4: Gas ~ompany extend the lights as petitioned f'or. pro- viding t:at it contor~~ with the conditions prescribed in the Of course, it is understood that the signature of anyone desiring to consume lights is not binding until such time as the house Is ~ired and ready for current. 1ie find, by measurement; -I. that t:ae total distançe which The Salina Light. Fower &: Gas Company ~ust COver in order to reach all of the petitioners is 2856 feet, and it is tc_erefore necessary that there should be 17 consw;¡ers. The l;ouncil has no authority outside of t!at iihich is granted in the franchise, and it would take J. 7 actual consumers before .e can rorce any extension of such lignts. ¡¡e ",ould, recommend however. that this extension be ordered b~ the Mayor and Council. Respectfull.y SUbfUi~ 4-~ ~d' /{ .~ , r. -¿, P~iz:ü Street 4: Al.l.ey Committee.