Street Light 12th & Prescott -' S.lin., Kana.a, ~rch 9th, 1925 to the Bon.~Jor- ~ "~Q1UI.c11', ., ~- - . -'. C1t7 d S.z-nïj.-Xan.... We, the nnder.ig~ed, resident propert7 ~..era in the Cit7 or Sa llna. Knnsas do hereb7 J IIJI"U1I>1._.. .,-.-- ...._--_....."....~~~ protest against the paving or the alley between Santa Fe AveJ1Wt and Seventh Street rrom Walnut street to Iron Avenue Tru8ting that the pr.,era of the petiti...ra herela will b. granted, we are, I I - ! Reapect1'ul17' Name 8AL.It& 1WlMa. .u I 1M ~ If A8IA8 UL IN" IfA.aM. ~ If Alia... 7=~t a ~~ ~¿:/' q:~;;:~ - - , - ., '<. . .- """' ". .¿ i . I , I j ( ..'~.( ',.'.. . . .' \. _._- ~