Vac Alley Columbia & Penn Ave PETITt ON For ..catloa of the S. 10' of Uae e..' 188' ot 'he tir.. :~:;:rth ot 0Jpa- An. .. a ÇG1.1I8»J.a aaiI P8IIa A... .- ... read .Talh I. PreIented to the Bo8rd of Commis8ionera and referred 80 Ol'4ered tUe4 RBPORT 19M.....- > . . this 2R4 The 1rithiD Petition W88 filed ÎD my offiƓ .T~ day of 19'ß&- Cha8. B. B8ak81" . ae, a.L -- -- ---- -"."'~="--~>.~-. ".-. . }:". i. ¡ \ I " : ~ . - \ " -- ~!~=- "C ~--- _ri~<J? . _::c~~~ cia11na. [.:ans - January 20th. 1934 To C1ty Comø1s.1oners: ])eat Site: 1 1Iar..ith ..1 tM.:taw ¡qv petition pre..."" to "Gal' honorable bod7 on Monda7. Jawar7 15th. lt34 and ..Ie tbat no fUrther action be taken on the vacauas ot the .000th aD4 east half' ot the t1ret all81 north ot Gyp.. Aye. _teDcUDS' weat 165 teet from Columbia .treet. Your. respectfully. 7-/. j !;f/ldv ~,- <Z" ,- ,.. 7. "~ '4. ~/.._, .c;.c-... . 'IV ~J.-j.~~'. ..'~ "'IS Çv ...~. .'. ~ ß~' -':.'/~ '" """,' . ~ ~.. '-- '"-,...."f1,,.. "~l .J¡¡,