Parking 4945 THE NATIONAL BANK OF AMERICA PM.." NA.""'N. ..""'.0 CNA.. P. "CADA".. V.c. P".'.."O UON 8. nOVON8DN. Vie. P......"o CAPITAl.. $200.000 SURPI..US $' 50.000 SALINA. KANSAS OM'O. P. "O".LEY. ".. cu.,.. ..ALO." O. LlNDOLON. 10"0. CU"'.. MEL'M I. CLU.,. "..T. c...,.. Aug. 4. 1936. M:r Herbert Brown, C1 tJ lleÅ“ger, C1t,.. Dear Herb: )!re. Hageman and ),(.re. "11.1, to:- whOll I .. agent, are the owners or the Business College Build1ng. The tenant. Ilr Steele, ot the Bungalow I'ood llerket. 18 quite anx10u8 to bave a ParktDg Zone on one s1de or the other ot thie build1ng. He 1s asking this because the present rule of two hour parking permits people to park there tor two or three hour. at a time while they attend the p1cture show and consequently blocks the tratt1c at h1. store. We would apprec1ate i t very much 1t you would present thi'B to the 01 ty Ccmmi88ioners at one ot your regular l118et1ngs and would .e glad it they could see their way clear to establiehing a t:iJlle limit on this corner. Yours Tar¡ truly, \. ~¡?fi~ ~ TPK:E