Sidewalk Custer
- . For .1481Iálk on. . .148
" ot tJPOa Cl'awter4
" J'raftIr1 ia
PreIeotect to the Boød 01 c---> &onets
... I'e8d Api'. 12.
8DcI referred to
The - witbin ~tiøo mliJed ~ 'Y oIfiee
.~ 12 1;h day of
Appn -
CbIuI. B. ~
oe,. a.L.
To the Board of Commissioners,
City of Snlinn, Knnsns.
The undersigned, owner of the property hereinafter des-
orlbed hereby petltlona for the construction or reconstruction
ot a o_veta a14ewnlk in front of or abutt1ng upon the following
ManoS-bee! lot or traot ot 1- 1.a the Clt7 of SGllna, Kan8&8#to-wltt
Lot Desorlpt10nr
street Iro, a
and hel'eby 861'e.. to pay the coat ot the materials required for'
8uch oonstructlon or reconatroction of laid sidewalk, or such
portion thereot al will not be paid f%'Om othe~ souroes, laid cost
not to exceed Su Dollars and Sixty Cents ($6.60) per 100 square
teet of fOUl' (4) inch concrete aidewAlk.' and Ten Dollars ($10.00)
per 100 square teet tor 6" concrete s~ewalk driveway crossing,
out of which is to be paid the cost of the materials ot sald side..
walk or such portion thereof as 18 not paid from other souroes. in
accordance with the provisions of Senate B111 No. 103, enact~ by
the legislature ot the State of Kansas in the session of 1935.
Such aidewalk shall be constructed or reconstructed according to
the plans and specifications prescribed by Ordinance No. 3509 of
the City at Salina and now on file in the office ot the City Clerk
and upon the grade established by the ordinances ot said city.
It il understood. that if for any reason said sidewalk is not
con8tructed or reconatructed the undersigned shall receive back
tram the city the amount deposited and the City of Salina shall
not be obligated to the undersigned to construct or reconstruct
.\IOb 8idewalk. or in afty other manner whatsoever except for the
return ot the amount so deposited. Any salvaged materials 'from
an existing sidewalk shnll become the property ot the city.
Proper",. owner
Bote: Thia coat may be slightly higher subject to future W.l'.A.
Regulations. The property owner may pay for the material
and all labor to be furnished by W.P.A.
City Engineer.