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N.oE roO:J "'-a>(/) (/)(j)(/) 0' E ro (/)..s::: (/) ..s::: a>+-'- - 0 ro 0>"0 1:5 .s ~ c a>.- (/) "0 a. :;::::;>.::. :JC(/) ~ e .~ co ro 0 :Ja."O I-..s::: 0- a....- ~ ro ~roo "02E (/) a>._ .s (/) .- a> E c c c .- a> ..s::: E ~ ro o +-' 0>1- .... = N ~c a>a>ro "0 uroa.> o..roE a> .- ..s::: +-' " (/) +-' a. u .- (/)..... (/) a. (/) a> >-"0 a> roO>a> (/)roc :J .s E :J "0 ro a> c a> ..s::: 0 c 0:: I- N 0 ...- I (/) ~ u ro .0 +-' a> C/) N ~ .i:I;:: L{)~L!) NeoN I I I "0"0"0 .... .... .... ro ro ro >'>.>' +-' .... ca>ro 0"0 a> U:U50:: i:I;:: o o ...- - L{) I"- , ..s::: +-' a. a> "0 - ..s::: +-' "0 .~ +-' o E :J E c ~ ('f) i:I;:: 0- (/) o o L!) l"- I ro a> .... ro +-' o E :J E c ~ "0:::1'" +-' C a> u .... a> a. o ('f) I a> OJ ro .... a> > o u +-' o E :J E .x ro ~ L!) CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 01/23/2006 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION NO: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR AGENDA: ITEM NO. Page 2 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEAN ANDREW 6. I ! Parking - May only cover 50% of any required front yard. Any new ot enlarged parking area must be paved with asphalt or concrete. I Signage - One (1) ground or one (1) pole sign per zoning lol Detached signs must maintain a ten (10) foot front yard setback and may not exceed a heirht of eight (8) feet. Screening - Required on any lot lines that abut a residential district. I BY: BY: 7. 8. *The areas where the existing use of the property may not be in comp iance with C-1 standards include front yard setbacks, front yard parking, and lack of screening. I Suitability of the Site for Development Under Existinq Zoninq ! I This factor deals with whether there are substantial reasons why the SUbje~t property can or can not be used in accordance with the existing zoning. I The subject property is a corner lot with 80 ft. of frontage on Iron Avenue, an arterial street. The property is very suitable for continued use as a residence under the curre 1t R-2 zoning. Due to the physical location of the existing dwelling and detached garage on the propE rty it would be much more challenging to convert the existing structure to an office or other busines~ use due to the driveway location on Iron and the lack of available space to add off-street parking. The applicant believes this is a suitable location to establish her office due tJ the Iron Avenue frontage and proximity to Ohio Street. Staff would note that a similar conversi In has occurred at 1716 Highland (Northwest corner of Cloud and Highland) where a home reZOnE d to C-1 in 1980 is being converted to an insurance office. Available space for parking was an issue here as well. The question for the Commission to consider is whether the subject prqperty is more suitable for continued residential use or conversion to office use. I I I Character of the Neiqhborhood I I The factor deals with whether the requested C-1 zoning would be compatibl~ with the zoning and uses of nearby property. I I The surrounding neighborhood to the north and east is predominantly sinmle-family residential. The residential area consists of modest, well kept homes and appears qui~e stable with few vacant dwellings. A duplex, two apartment buildings and an auto dealership are Ilocated to the west of this corner lot. Commercial zoning extends from Ohio Street to Connecticut oh the south side of Iron to accommodate a Green Lantern Car Wash. There is no commercial zoning lor other business or office uses along the section of Iron Avenue between Connecticut and Delaware. CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 01/23/2006 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION NO: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR AGENDA: ITEM NO. Page 3 DEVELOPMENT SER\1ICES DEAN ANDREW. BY: BY: The proposed use, an insurance office, is of relatively low impact on th neighborhood as presently developed. If the property were zoned C-1, the use could be expand d and I or new uses and buildings could be established. Because the property is small in size only a small office building could be built on the site. The zoning of the neighborhood is predominantly R-2 Residential. Chan ing the zoning of this parcel to C-1 could be considered "spot zoning" and could lead to further req ests from nearby property owners. A change to commercial zoning on the corner of Iron and Conn cticut also raises questions about the appropriate zoning for and future use of the property between 0 io Street and this property. Potential Alternatives to C-1 Zoninq The first alternative would be to rezone the property to R-2.5 (Multi-F mily Residential). R-2.5 is preferable to R-3 in that the same uses are allowed but R-2.5 is less den e and more suitable for the site should it be developed residentially. If rezoned to R-2.5, a Conditi nal Use Permit application along with a binding site plan could be submitted for a professional office. Professional offices may be allowed in R-2.5 provided that they are located on an arterial or collector s reet and occupy a structure of less than 2,000 square feet of gross floor area. With R-2.5 zonin , no Comprehensive Plan amendment is needed and the commercial "spot" zoning ceases to be an ssue. The subject property is located on an arterial street, however, a minimum lot size of 15,000 sq. ft. of lot area is required for conditional uses in the R-2.5 and R-3 districts and this lot contains onl 8,240 sq. ft. so a lot size variance would also have to be approved in addition to a Conditional Use ermit. The second alternative would be to amend the request to Planned C-1 zo ing. A site plan would also need to be submitted by the applicant. With PC-1 zoning site plans can be made binding and conditions can be placed on the use of the property. Neither of these alternatives addresses the real challenge with this prope y which is the lack of space available to accommodate commercial off-street parking. I Public Facilities and Services . Since no change to the existing structure is being proposed, a change in I oning should not have any impact on the need for public utilities or services. i I Traffic, Access, Parkinq The primary concern about this request is the availability of parking and t~e lack of available space to add parking. A minimum of 3 off-street parking spaces would be needed to serve an insurance office in this location and possibly 4 if an agent is added. Commercial parking paces can not be designed so as to require backin into a street so some t e of on-site turnaround w uld be needed so cars can CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 01/23/2006 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION NO: ORIGINATING DEPARTMl=NT: APPROVED FOR AGENDA: ITEM NO. Page 4 head out into Iron. DEVELOPMENT SERVldES DEAN ANDREW BY: BY: Off-site parking spaces within 600 ft. may be counted toward meeting the parking requirement. On street parking can not be counted. Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map - The Comprehensive Plan shows this site as being appr Jpriate for residential use. Rezoning to C-1 (Restricted Business) would not be consistent with th s residential designation, however, the nature and scale of this particular request does not justify ar amendment to the future land use plan without looking at the other property on the north side of Iron. Planninq Commission Recommendation The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the applicant's rezoning request on December 20,2005 and considered the following alternatives: 1. Approval of the applicant's request for a zoning change from R-2 to C-1 zoning to allow conversion of this residence to office use. 2. Approval of a lesser change to R-2.5 or R-3. This would also require approval of a Conditional Use Permit and lot size variance. 3. Direct that the application be amended to Planned C-1 which would allow the Commission to tie any zoning change to a site plan, allow potentially incompatible uses to be deleted and allow conditions to be placed on approval. 4. Table consideration of the request if it feels additional informati,Jn is needed or a more acceptable site plan needs to be prepared. 5. Recommend denial of the applicant's request for C-1 zoning which means they would need to search for an alternative location for their office. Following presentation of the staff report, comments from the applicant and comments and questions from Commissioners, the Planning Commission approved a motion (4-3) to recommend denial of the request for C-1 zoning citing concerns about spot zoning and the physical a terations that would need to be made to the property to accommodate parking for an office. At this point the applicant had the option of withdrawing their application, modifying their request or askinq the City Commission to consider their application for C-1 zoning and overrule the CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 01/23/2006 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION NO: ORIGINATING DEPART~ENT: APPROVED FOR , AGENDA: ITEM NO. Page 5 recommendation of the Planning Commission. The applicant chose to apl eal the recommendation of denial from the Planning Commission and retained the services of an 3rchitect to depict how the property could be converted to office use and how parking could be a ccommodated on the site. Those plans are attached. This plan differs from, the plans reviewed by tt e Planning Commission by proposing removal of the detached garage on the property and extensior of a new driveway over to Connecticut. DEVELOPMENT SER~ICES DEAN ANDREW! BY: BY: COMMISSION ACTION: If the City Commission concurs with the recommendation of the Planr ing Commission a motion should be made to deny Application #Z05-12. (This would require 3 affirmative votes). If the City Commission disagrees with the recommendation of the Plan ling Commission it may 1) overturn the Planning Commission and approve this request for C-1 zon ng provided there are four (4) votes in support of such action; or 2) return the application to the Planning Commission for reconsideration of other alternatives citing the basis of its disagreement wi h the recommendation. The City Commission also has the option to direct the applicant to amend heir application to Planned C-1 if the Commission wishes to condition approval of a zoning change 01 a specific plan for the site or wishes to restrict the number of C-1 uses that could be placed on the si e. End: Application Vicinity Map Existing site conditions Applicant's proposed site development plan Excerpt of PC Minutes 9/20/05 cc: Sally Enfield Warren Ed iger -~ (/) _W z R-1 _0 :2 - ill o ~ \ III Application #Z05-12 Filed by Sally Enfield ASH ST PC-1 R-3 R- 1-2 R-1 ~ "\ .~. AU ~ ~ '" ~ R-3"" est ~I~a '\ I ",,, I "" ~ I -3 R-1 I OJ] 17 ~ ~ ..---- f-- ~-2 ,... -, R_2 r-~ IRON AV J ~~ "'- C-5 PC-5 I-- . 1R-2 : C-3 R-2 > <( I- ::l t) i= t) w z ( ~ STAPLER AV I~_. . __- J -_J " ~ -:::~ - R-3 -_ - - i R-2 ( :' {;. .-; DI~.NI! .... ~ ,.:: ....-, ~"... . ..~ I j"'-. ..... : tv.: _'" iL . -- ...... ... . QIf;'" . ..... Ii'! ~r.... ~....~ PR~T.. · 0k~~.:~""''''' .... ..:.. CU~B ~ o ~ ..:1 y-l >- . .... HW ~ : . . iII.- :. .:t.~.. ., ~ ~ . . .. . . .. ... . . . ,.. . .. . .. . .. .--:~...... ~-2 -- ... ~I!'.: . ... ---- 10-. G psu-;;-- -- - IVIAV - r--1TTl -; . . .... --~ ( r--__ ~-- . . 1 Inch = 200 Feet 1-:" ... P: . . . Application #Z05-12 Sally J. Enfield Site Plan Existing Conditions 't;tJ .() I l!: X. \....,.I~ 1 ""'^ -r1Af2-6i' L".t:N 1:..- -r~ t?.Mz. ^~t. f"~t-\ ... , . ,... ',' ~11 IJr,~ . . . - - \\~l?~. \~~ ~. \.'(2-'" e. ,.' ~ .x , <;1'l..a6 IV\ Il(IlA~ EE= --r~ '1..- ().. \ C> \ ~IAF-l-:; CIA"f --- - ~n::'l;;"..J~ "" Cu (Z-& \.'\ .. ~ <0" : ....~... ". ,:. -,.. ...' ..- .. J , ..1 ~s-r \~~ +NEN'-'E: ~ 10' ~~ j ~Il --..--- ~\'~ Pc~~ a- .' . :.... ..' .. .. .....,'Or. ~ , .' ~ '. t ,- . '. ~ \1. oS V '1J.. ~ ~ ~ '. ,. I, ~", .;.""'" Na. e;:.""", 9> \...,.., C>~~ \\~~ ;;. ,~,..!l M~, l..""'" l4-lw~ ~,411 I~~, ~I #!)~ yO""'f \~ 1,,~"ioO; l'j, 4''"\\ e.1.o()4~ \ I f?-\A\"i"~~D 1\:90\ ,\1 ~ r4 I 1\\ I II ,,- \ ~ ""6 ~ 0 \..z.. .l~'''? U> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \) F t \J \I '2 - 7 ~ ~ \ \.\ I -z: East Iron Ohio to Sma Hill River North Side Of Iron Ohio East To Connecticut Business/Commercial Johnson & Associates Auto 1101 Elron Bryon Apartments (3.5 story) 1113E.lron Bryon Apartments (2.5 story) 1111 E Iron 1121 E Iron (Rental) 1123 E. Iron Rental Office/Commercial (Converted Home) Business / Residence (Converted Home) Business/Commercial Indiana East to Wisconsin Office/Commercial Kathy White, CPA 1329 E Iron Utility Power Sub-station South Side Of Iron Ohio East to Connecti ut Business/Commercial Gree Lantern #2 & Car Wash 1100f.lron (Full I lock) I Delaware East to Indi na Office/Commercial The arket Plaza 1300 . Iron (Va nt) Commercial Indiana East to Wisco sin Commercial/ Reed Steer Restaurant 1400 E Iron (?) Vaca t Office/Commercial Woo land Offices 1410 E. Iron Iron Wood Apartments 1409 A & BE Iron Lakewood Eye Center & Others Office/ Commercial 1499 E Iron Exec tive Plaza 15001516 E Iron Multi-Family Quail Creek Apartments Apartment Bldgs (2) 1515 E Iron Office Commercial Salina Foot Clinic & Others 1529 E Iron Office/Commercial (Converted Home) Wisconsin East to Riverwood Circle Wisconsin East to Iow$ Commercial Laura's Retail Liquor (Converted Home?) 1600iE. Iron Riverwood Circle East to River Place Office/Commercial Kans 5 Financial SVC5 State Farm Ins. (Joe Seed) 1612 E. Iron Commercial Del's Muffler 1622 E. Iron Iowa to Smoky Hill Ri er Office/Commercial Office/Commercial Salin Board ofTrade 1700 E. Iron ~vf Publication Date Application !:i 11/29/2005 No. Z05-12 Hearing Date 12/20/2005 Date Flied SalIna 11/18/05 Vicinity Map Attached KG Filing Fee Platulhlg if CaDnilllAitQ OWnership Certificate KG Receipt No. n..v..1..,,.,"'....t 13, Explain how off-street parking will be provided for this requested use~ 1fA./ /') 7S/fc.t:.. '!:/!!-,. -a hllA..../ }r,.f ~.-t. 2. 3. 4. Owner's Address (S, () 5. legal Description of Property to be rezoned (attach additional sheet if necessary) 6. ApproxImate Street Address 7. Area of Property (sq. ft. and/or acres) 8. Present Zoning '-if.:2.. 9. Requested Zoning el 14. List exhibits or plans submitted: ~ ~=2f;?~ Date: II r,/ !' ,. .;J..jJ(j.)....-' Owner(s) Signature Date: If the applicant Is to be represented by '.gal c::ounsel or an authorized agent, pleir.Ml completlJ the follovvi 9 in order that correspondence and communications pertaining to this appliClltion may be forwarded to tI1e authorized ndividual. Namo of roprosontatlve: Complete Mailing Address, Ineludlng zip c::ode Telephone (Business): E-mail address: PLF - 051, Application Amendment to District Zoning Map, Rev. 10-2005 10110 39\;id A:JN39\;i:Ul3I..:JN3 (;018E8EE 15 99:P1 900(;/1(;/11 L__ ----- -------- -..~~~-~J i ===---=:::::/ A P1 >(' < ^ SIGN 0 EAST IRON AVENUE III ill ." " ~ ..L ! - ; ~ II! PROPOSED SITE PLAN i It SALLY ENFIELD ..~ 1125 EAST IRON . I ~f'!l SALINA, KANSAS !!! PROPOSED SITE PLAN ZONING CHANGE - APPEAL e Warren Ediger/ARCIDTECT 116 South Santa F. P. O. Box 1821 Salina. Kansas 67402~1821 TEL 785.823.7547 FAX 785.823.0636 Salina Planning Commission December 20,2005 Page 4 Item #3. Application #Z05-12, filed by Sally J. Enfield, requesting a change in zoning district classification from R-2 (Multi-Family-Res~dential) District to C-1 (Restricted Business) District to allow a home to be conv~rted to an insurance office. The subject property is legally described as Lot F~urteen (14) and the East Thirty Feet (30') of Lot Thirteen (13) except the Northj Forty-Seven (47') of said lots, in Block One (1) of the Fruitland Addition to th~ City of Salina, Saline County Kansas and addressed as 1125 East Iron. Mr. Andrew gave the staff report which is conta ned in the case file. He stated that Mr. Johnson may have some additional con erns about backing into Iron. Mr. Johnson stated thank you I think Dean pr tty well covered my concerns with respect to a commercial business having c rs back into an arterial street. Mr. Simpson stated if it is used as a residence n this off-street parking issue if it's a double garage does that count as 1 car or spaces? Mr. Andrew stated a double garage generally co nts as two spaces. Mr. Funk asked does that R-2.5 with that alter ate #2 would that run with the land if the insurance business were ever closed. I Mr. Andrew stated a Conditional Use Permit do s run with the land. You as a Commission would be saying that the property i suitable for that use. Say for example you had approved a group day care at a location at a house and somebody sold that as a house, they could run a group day care in that location. That would run with the property because you made a determination that that location was suitable for that use reg rdless of ownership. The only thing I was suggesting if in this case the applica t was going to reside there and that was important in your decision, one thing hat the Planned C-1 would do would allow you to make that a condition, that it ould only be suitable for office use if the business office owner/operator resided there. So that could be a condition, but otherwise the only reason we didn t really push for the R-2.5 or R- 3 is this is not so much a question about the u e of the property as it is about parking. Mrs. Soderberg asked what are the other uses t at are included in R-2 or if this was zoned as an office what else could come in. Mr. Andrew stated the only thing that R-2.5 all ws that R-2 doesn't would be multi-family apartments, in other words somethin like what is built farther to the west can be built in R-2.5 but that's really the nly difference is that the R-2.5 and R-3 allow a greater number of living units t an R-2 does. In R-2 you are limited to a duplex or single family home. Mrs. Yarnevich asked well how does changing i to R-2.5 or R-3 help, why not leave it as R-2 with a conditional use? Mr. Andrew stated because R-2 doesn't allow off ces. Mrs. Yarnevich asked but R-2.5 does? Mr. Andrew asked yes R-2.5 does as a condition~1 use. I Mr. Simpson stated but it would still have to be a waiver of the 15,000 sq. ft requirement? Mr. Andrew stated when we first discussed this t at was kind of the direction we had discussed, but looking at the minimum I t size requirement and then determining that we had 8,200 sq. ft. that wo Id have required more steps, essentially a variance to that requirement. Tha is still an option but it would require that a variance be approved for the lot size. Most of our discussion Salina Planning Commission December 20, 2005 Page 5 focused on the fact that regardless of whether this is R-2.5 or C-1 you still have the same amount of parking that's going to be required. Mr. Simpson are there any more questions at tHis point? Can we hear from the applicant? Please state your name and addresS for the record. Hi, I am Sally Enfield and I currently reside inl Prairie Village, KS. My office address is 7211 West 98th Terrace in the Wind ill Village office condo and I live at 8421 Briar. I will give you some business ca ds that have an 800 number. I appreciate both the work of the staff and your a tention to this matter. Basically what has happened is I started an agency in verland Park about two years ago and then my mother's health began to fai and I am the caretaker. She lives in Hutchinson, KS but I need to bring her i to my home so I worked out a deal with Allstate which is pretty rare that I w uld sell them back my book of business in Kansas City and I would acquire a book of business in Salina and when I did that of course my first desire was t be in the downtown area but there is already an agent there and there is a one mile requirement between agents. Allstate is wanting to expand their b ok of business throughout this area so there will be five agents as of March f next year. I think there had been three or four before. When I was looking t locations I did look at renting but I am very Midwestern and I like to actually 0 n the property I sit in. I like to build equity and so I was trying to find an offic space that had an ambiance that would make customers feel welcome as ell as one that was close to a nearby business district and there are not a 10 of pods that meet those one- mile requirements by Allstate. So I started c ncentrating on Iron and it just happened that this house came up for sale and after talking with Dean and his staff I felt that it would work and went ahead an took the risk Dean and I went ahead and bought it anyway. I closed on it 12-9 When it comes to living there, I do plan to live there while I am opening the a ency and while I am selling my properties in the Kansas City area. I own se eral businesses as well as a home up there so it's going to take me awhile t transition. I hope eventually once I have everything sold to actually buy an ther house as well as this one and I have already bought a building downtow. I am trying to move all my businesses here and if you have any questions bout the agency or my plans I would be more than happy to answer them. Mrs. Yarnevich asked how many people do you I xpect to work in the office with you? r I Ms. Enfield stated my goal initially is I will op n it by myself but I would like within the first three months to hire either ustomer service or an office administrator because I will be acquiring some here between 700 and 1000 accounts so the customer service issue is ma or. Then once I have gotten through that I think there will be one other sales erson other than myself. So I really see the offices having 3 people over the n xt 2-3 years. Mrs. Soderberg asked so your plan is you will ive in the structure short term and you will purchase a house and live in that in he future? Ms. Enfield stated right I will live here until I ha e gotten all my properties sold in Kansas City but I don't plan on converting th upstairs to offices because it wouldn't easily be handicapped accessible so t ere will always be a bedroom area upstairs. Mr. Funk asked you don't plan to rent that space ut? I Ms. Enfield stated no I really don't enjoy renting residential property. I don't mind office property but I am not a good fixit perspn. I I Mrs. Yarnevich stated the only parking we haje is the on-street parking on Connecticut is that right? Because if you ha e three people working there that's going to pretty much take up the driveway. Ms. Enfield stated well again the garage can be sed. Salina Planning Commission December 20, 2005 Page 6 Mrs. Soderberg stated as long as it is residential right Dean? Ms. Enfield asked you can't use the garage at thlat point? , Mr. Andrew stated in a business setting you could not have cars stacked so you had to move one to get the other one out. Th. arrangement of having cars in the garage and two cars in behind there wo Idn't be really workable. You should be able to get out of a space without ha ing to move another car so the way we were seeing it is if your car was there s owner and probably even as business owner parked in the garage then you ould have really room for two other spaces side by side and then possibly a d conceivably one other but I think the real question is if you have three vehicles there where are the customers going to park when they come unles all the employees are parked up at the north end and you also utilize the gara e? Mrs. Soderberg asked what is the requirement or 3 employees and office use like this? Mr. Andrew stated it is always good informa ion to know the employment, sometimes we don't, but the rule of thumb is one space for every 300 sq. ft. of office space. On the floor plan that we look d at we were coming up with anywhere from close to 900 to over 1,000 sq. . of office space that might be available so we were coming up with a minim m of 3 spaces and possibly 4 depending on how of the ground floor was used for office space. There looked like there was another space potentially for an gent as well as administrative staff. So being very conservative we determine at least three parking spaces and possibly a need for a fourth. Again as a pr ctical matter some people may park out on Connecticut but there is still a requir ment to support a use that you do provide off-street parking so you have not ntirely met your obligation by pushing the parking to the street. We certainly ave cases of medical clinics or dental clinics that as a matter of practice the e ployees are directed to park in the street which is permissible to save space fo the patients. But in this case just based on the office staff, without taking int account customers, at least 3 spaces, one could be in the garage for the ower, two possibly for the other agency employees. The question of conceiv bly you could have vehicles parked side by side but it is simply not desir ble, even if you have agents parked at the north end to have a customer who might be there have to move a car then have them back around. So that would be highly unusual to have that kind of stacking arrangement within that parking area. You could with a double wide driveway accommodate up to 4 cars ther between the garage and the turnaround but it would require moving cars to b ck other cars out. Ms. Enfield asked what about the issue of expan ing the drive all the way to the lot line which would allow for three car width is th t within the zoning? Mr. Andrew stated we would look at a car width s being 8 Y2 ft. or 9 ft. It looks like conceivably you could have up to 28 ft. to w rk with which would maybe get you three abreast across there but you would h ve a house on one side and I don't know if there is a fence or any impedimen on the other side but it would be relatively tight but if you widened that yo could conceivably get three abreast across there. Mr. Schneider asked all of the cars are still cking onto Iron under any of those alternatives right? Mr. Andrew stated you would have to construct ~ turnaround there so that the idea is that if anybody parked here they could ba~k in and head out for visibility purposes. : , I Mrs. Soderberg stated so all that yard area would be removed including those two big trees on the west side there. I Mr. Schneider asked you don't have to be 7 ft. off1the property line on that side? Salina Planning Commission December 20, 2005 Page 7 Mr. Andrew stated you can put your driveway up to the edge of your property. There is no setback requirement for a driveway surface. Mrs. Yarnevich asked if the trees are removed and if you park cars in there diagonally could a car pass in between the back side of an automobile and the house? Mr. Andrew stated you could but if you park th m at an angle there you would still have to back out so that is part of the chall nge of the tightness of the site is that once you are in there the only way to get back out is backing not heading out and that is what is challenging about it. Mrs. Yarnevich stated then you have an issue 0 people parking in your back up area. Mr. Andrew stated it is a backing movemen of some kind and from our perspective it doesn't work at all without the tur around to allow people to head back out onto Iron. Mr. Funk asked now your calculation for the nu ber of spaces needed you said three or four is for employees and customers bo h? Mr. Andrew stated right, the way we calculate it is not necessarily based on employment because some offices can use th space differently, but when a building is built or retrofitted and we don't alwa s have an exact breakdown of the inside so the parking for offices is base on the office space that is available. That is designed to accommodate oth customers and employees and in some cases it is not enough and in so e cases we have offices and medical facilities where there is a necessity to u e the street for parking but we ask businesses to provide a minimum number 0 their own site. Mr. Funk asked this type of insurance that you handle, do customers come to your office more often or do you go visit them at heir site? Ms. Enfield stated frequently it depends on the r preference, a lot of my older customers want me to come to their home just Ii e insurance agents used to so I do that. I would say that and I was up to thr e employees in Overland Park and you rarely had more than one customer in t ere at a time. Once in awhile somebody would drop by to make an appointm nt and you might have two but it is not like a doctor's office where you have peo Ie scheduled on every hour or half hour. So basically Allstate offers personal Ii es as well as commercial lines and they are also affiliated with health care pi ns but I haven't seen a lot of volume in the office where I am currently located Mrs. Soderberg asked could we see the view of he actual house? Dean could you kind of give us an idea of how that turnarou d how it would it come, about to the middle of the house? Mr. Andrew stated you are looking at probably cutting this area about in half and starting a taper here coming in to maybe ab ut to this pillar or thereabouts to get a car in there and have it be able to turn ar undo I Mrs. Soderberg stated and then the grass we are also seeing would be concrete there as well? Mr. Andrew stated for the west side of that, ~he east half of that and the Connecticut side of course would be left pretty m ch undisturbed but in order to get the depth you need we were projecting it w uld probably go to the center point of that house or porch. Salina Planning Commission December 20, 2005 Page 8 Ms. Enfiled stated it looked like there would actually be a strip between the concrete and the edge of the property line which could be landscaped. I think it could be handled fairly attractively with some floWers. Mrs. Yarneicich stated oh I see where it curves, that is grass still? Ms. Enfield stated yes. Mrs. Yarnevich asked how are you going to keef people from parking in the fire zone? I Ms. Enfield stated I would assume you would d like any fire zone. You would paint it double yellow so they would know it as a turnaround not a parking spot. I would assume that anyone that would b working for me would park on the street. I don't think it would be that big of an issue. In fact if I were handicapped having to get a chair out I would park on the street anyway because you have already cut down the cur s so it makes for pretty easy access to the sidewalk. ~ Mrs. Soderberg asked are there any ADA i sues with converting this to commercial use? Mr. Andrew stated interestingly enough if you leave something substantially unchanged or untouched there are no require ents for retrofitting. But if she did a major alteration of the inside then she would have to take a certain amount of funds spent on that under her buildin permit and make accessibility improvements. Mrs. Sodeberg asked so simply changing the zoning doesn't affect that? Mr. Andrew stated not if you don't change the tructure itself. So by virtue of making it an office it doesn't necessarily m an that she has to make it accessible. That is driven by physical alterati ns of the property not just a change in use. There would probably be a need to work with one of the parking spaces that would be available for the public an design it in a way that it was van accessible or had a van unloading space f r customers or for a potential employee. That is the part of ADA that doesn,t always make sense that the parking would have to be accessible but you arel not required to make changes to the building itself. i , Mr. Simpson asked is there anyone else Wh~ would like to address this application? Seeing none, we will bring it ack to the Commission for discussion and action. i Mrs. Soderberg stated I would like to see Ms. E field come to Salina and have a business I just don't think this is the right place. It does seem like spot zoning to me for one thing. To rezone it commercial th n opens it up for a lifetime of other maybe higher impact uses than what she IS seeing. To take those trees out and put a fence up and then concrete so mu h of that certainly changes the character of that area. The parking seems to e still with every effort that is being made to make it work a problem. I don't s e that fitting for office use. Mrs. Yarnevich stated the parking makes me r~IIY nervous and the fact that there is a house right next to it and it isolates th house next door to be stuck between an office building and an apartment buil ing. Ms. Enfield stated this is a duplex. Mrs. Yarnevich asked it's a duplex? , Ms. Enfield stated this is the only single family thE1re. Mr. Funk stated but under alternative #3, Plan~ed C-1, it would pretty much restrict it to this particular use in the future even if she sold it. Salina Planning Commission December 20, 2005 Page 9 Mr. Andrew stated well you would have that ability under a Planned C-1 to limit it, to not allow some of the other uses. You !could limit it to the use of the existing structure and things of that nature. It is not a cure all but what a Planned C-1 does is allows you to tie the zoni~g change to the plan and also gives you some discretion to limit things throuqh conditions. It limits the ability to change it into something else that isn't being I proposed today. But it doesn't cure some of the things that Commissioner Sod rberg was referring too. Mr. Funk stated between recommendation #2 and #3 which one would you prefer? I guess I am going with three. Mr. Andrew stated I think for our purposes this was a case where the conversion to a different use based on the fa t that the block has other no single family in it was not so difficult, it was ho do you make this site work for any type of office related use just because of ho tight the site is and how there is no place on Connecticut really to do anything, so the reason we are here with the C-1 request is because we thought with th R-2.5 and the R-3 the 15,000 sq. ft. lot size requirement was a difficulty that w uld be difficult to overcome. MOTION: Mrs. Soderberg stated Mr. Chairman I move tha we deny Application #Z05-12. SECOND: Mrs. Yarnevich VOTE: Motion carried 4-3 (Funk, Mikesell, Simpson). Item #5. Other Matters. Mr. Andrew stated in terms of other matters again we will not meet on January 3rd, the first Tuesday of January. We will meet t e second Tuesday and we will have a final site plan for your consideration out t Riffel and S. 9th Street across from the TSC store and then we have a prop sed plat for development of a former farmstead that's on South Ohio. It is kin of squeezed in between Neal Avenue and the Catholic Church just to the e st of Trinity United Methodist Church and it is between 3 and 4 acres and the e is a plan for subdividing that for housing and that will come before you on the ih as well. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. C0~~ Dean Andrew, Sec tary ATTEST: ~ 1 Inch - - 200 Feet I. It ,~ " >:,; !!'+,..: ,.~,#~ ~, . it, SITE PLAN 1125 East Iron