Protest Rezoning Bonds Add (2) ~. Salina, Kalllas To the bo~. Board of Commissioners, City of Salina, Kensas. Gentlemena We, the undersigned, resident. and property owners in the City of Sal1D&, Ian...., do herebJ petition your honorable body 11M ..... 80" to 8011- the r..~ of Bl..k ~ 18 BoDd. .Add1u.. tor the purpo.. ot bla1l41Dc _ohiu IJIitpa b7 8&11.. Ce\llñ7, 1Ibe pl"OptII'V beiDa 10...\84 8OU1lh of CI'W1'8r4 A...... u4 .n ot 1'bunh aw_. t Trusting that the prayer. of the petitioners herem will be grauted, we are, Respectfully, LOT DLX ---- --. *