Amend Zoning Pacific Add (2) --. , Salina. Kansas To the Hon. Board of Commissioners. City of Salina. Kansas. Gentlemen. we. the under.igned. residents and property owners in the City of 5&1111&. lanaa.. do hereb;V petition your honorable body tor the naODinc of Lot. 6. 8. 10. 12. 1" and . in B1ook a. Pao1t1o Addition Cit7 of SaliDa. Kan... rr- \b. .,.' ReaideDt aon. to tho .C. CC888l'O1al Zone. ~. /" Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners herein will be granted. we are. Respectfully. ", --L. ,., 'L If _\..( I ¡---- -- -+-- --- !