Amend Zoning Seitz's 2nd... (2) 3"::.::. C.;.: ¡:"":.":;.".,:;; , ) < I ~;;. Gon::y OJ. ::;:.....:;'¡;¡; :3e i t re!;'~I:lb".r¡>è, tnCJ.t on t1'.is 'u'f!. da.~' Of~ , 194;" before r:l€', np unðerdcned, a notar:r public in and Ur said County and 3tatti, C<Jl:':(' tLe above na.rœd person ~Æ ~--./ to 18 knoVtn to be tr.e ",an" l'!".rson -;'ro executed the forecoing protest and duly ackno'.".ledcf>.ò. the execution of same. In wi tne1'lf3 whereof, I rave hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my offidal beal on tree da:,: and year last above written. lMar'~~ ~ f, ~' Co~'!':is"i on ::;=~rire3: ~ 'L.{,(C¡'f7 S'::.\.TE C:? I:.;l;3A3 ' 133. COLTTY Œ: ,""U,:í::= ) 3" it rp::-:er.bered, trat on tr.is day of , 1945, before me, the undersiGned, a notary public in and for said County ann State, C'11'18 t1iP. a:Jc,ve named 'person to be kno~~ to~ tbe q~~p r"rRon ~c executed tre fore~oin~ protest and duly a.cl<:no~'l".dred. He execution of sa:r.e. In ,:"i tness -'r.ereoÏ, I r:ave hereunto subscribed r.y name and a:fi:-:ed ::l~' offici'-:], seal or. tOte day anè, :,'ear l[,st above written. ~;otar~' I'ublic Ly Co,~issjon :::xpires: i \ I 1 \ I I ! ,