Protest Rezoning Riversi... (2) T02 THE HOllORA LE MAYOR A!m COOt~I8r,IC'"'.:H8 OF TEE CITY OJ' ~ALINAJ KANSAS -, . - p~rITION OF PROT~ST. ~e the unds~81gned ~ee1Gent. and oitlzena of Salina, K~naaa, owning prO')br1.7 in Elock Twelve and BIlI'1.oundlng te~rltory 1n RiYe~.1de Ps%k Add1t1on to tbe City of Salina, KanGas, do berebJ p~oteat to the 01ty COøI!r,1aaionna and Planning 00Itm1881on of the UitJ of 8a1iD&, K&naa8, and we do h'3reby objeot to aD1 plan lIrhere Bloak T~1.Ye and 8UN"otmdlng ten1tory in Riyeras.4e park . - ~,," A441Uœ be ob&nge4 fro;", a O1a.1I IAI Residence aone to that of Ø1asB .... 008msl'o1al, fO~ the reason that it will a1lOlf Duine.. ~o come into a nrlcUy residential pon1on of the oUr. We ~b8z object to an1 plan 1I'b.el'8by a oars or l'e8taU1'&nt 18 allowed to w114 On Lot Thl'ee (3) in Bloak Twe1n (12)8i1hdd8 Pal'k Ad41t1on to the CUy of Sa11na, Kanaae, fol' tbe I'fI8son that once thi. l'e.14_t1&1 .eotion 18 changed to a DUBine8S aC)De J it will mean .that not only . o2.fe but 8DJ waln.8s m1ght then locate tbere whlob would be «.trimentsl to tbe be.' 1ntel'e.t. of 8ald eectlon. .. ADt;RIl:S8 , /Vb.A4. tfl)o-vt-~~ htJ ~ ~tJ f ç; ['u-k k~ ~