Protest Rezoning Bishops Add / Salina. KMllas To the Hen. Board of CoI:Il:lissioners, Ci ty of salina, Kansas. Gentlemen. We. the undersigned, resident. and prop..ty O'WJlerl in the City of Salina, 111118&S, do h,-,reby petition your honorable body jar -.h. -Cain8't the I"8IC11111mc of Lot 10. 8. on ll1nth Stren. Bi8hop'. J441tiaa. . (8cnathwu~ Gona... ot the 1nt....8o1ölaa ot Jf1D.tk aII4 A8b) 110 .0. C-Wo1a1 Ðlnrs..t. . Aft:. o,,!!: t~,P C. .t~ .., C~'" -'I{~ Trusting that the prayers ot the petitionorl herein will be granted. we are, Respeotfully. --- ---- ---