Amend Zoning Sunrise Add "" .-., PETITION TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COLIMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SALINA. KANSAS a WHEREAS. the undersigned are the owners of certain lots l)'ing and situate in the Addition to the Grounds of lan...s Wealeyan UnlTers1ty. an addition to the City of Salina. in Saline County, lansas. as portrayed on a certain schedule hereto attached an4 marked Exhibit itA-, and the same is hereby made a part hereof; aDd WHEREAS. the undersigned propose to replat all of said area as SUNRISE ADDITION to the City of Salina. Saline County, lansas, and WHEREAS. it is requisite that the Board of Commil8ioners of the City of Salina. Saline County. Kansas. approve said plat aDd that the Planning and Zoning Commission of said city approve said plat; and SO. NOW. THEREFORE. it is requested that said Board of Commissioners of said city and said Planning and Zoning Colllldssion approve the proposed plat of' SUNRISE ADDITION to the City of Salina. Kansas. cop:! of 1Ihich is hereto affixed. marked Exhibit "B-. and the same is hereby made a part hereof'. Respectfully submitted. CZJ't9}' ~ - .. IU.. ~ Owner of Lots Identified as Tract I ~~% Owner -of Lots Identifie as Tract 2 ~4~ '--A..~"--l~ Ownd"r of Lots dentified as Tract 3 Own.. or J#.J<.~ f( to, Ju <>oner '<. Md .-.- ~ , f/~ - í Ii-' i.J. ./-A.',-"n..., L'IJ.-n- Contract Purchaser of Lots Identi f'ied as Tract 5 I .. Lot. in The AdeUUon to the Grounds or The 'aneu 1C881.yan UnlT.rdty, an Addition to the City or Salina, in éallne County. lansa.. ann DUCRIPfION OF PIÐPEJI!T I. I. Y8Dl.r IlIAC! I ( tert. -61. Ü, 66, 61, U, 11, II, II ( &1, 51, 81. 81, II. 8'. It. '1 ( &D4 fa eo --palaU. .6...-.. ( Lot. 6. ... Øl ID81..h.. Ln. II. II, ( Sf aII4 SI, eM z.- f1 -- 10 ( Iaeluh., - leJ.oU ----. ( ~. tI, M. M. 41, 18. la. M. H. ( 18 ... a... 10 -- 10 _11&81... ( on ~pol1.. A...... ( ( { ( ( Lots 61 to 80 Inelu81ft on Ill.-or1:h' A'nGUe. Lots 10, '12, 16. 18, 78 ... 80 o. "_11 .&.'11'_". 1.Mr1. A. Foz !RAC'!' 2 ( Lots 41, 43. 46. 67. 69, 51. 65. 16. ( 57.59. 61. sa, 66. 61, Sf, 11, ( 73. 15. 11 and 71 on J...ll ( ATlnue. ( Lot. 62, '"I ( 58. 60, ( 14. 16. { AT8I1U8. ~. a. 60, 51. M. M, S2, 66, 16. 68. 10, fl, 18 and 80 on Urwla TRACT :5 Lots 16. 17 and 19 on !lepll1a110 -.... W. M. Garrison P. J. Brettl. TRACT ~ Lot 41 on Boloi t ATC1ue '!'IlICT 5 807 O. E8't,p (602 West Grand) Lot. 62, 64, 66, 68 IUI4 10 on h18U ATtII1US JaHIBIT -A- and ../.!J ~>:// 1. ./ ~ PETITIOß TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS. WHEREAS. the undersigned are the owners of all of the lot. In a certain area and portlon of the Addition to the Grounds of Iansas We.1ey&n UniTerslty, an addit10n to the City ot Salina, in accordance with a certain sohedule hereto attached. marked Exhibit -A-J and WREREAS, the undersigned owner. propo.. to replat the 101:s de- scribed In said schedule .. SUNRISE ADDITIOIf to the City ot Salina, Kansas and WHEREAS, in order to replat said land 110 is necessary for certain streets and alleys to be vacated; and SO. NOW. THEREFORE. it is requested that the following streets alleys in said city be vacated as follows, to-wit. That portion of Norton Street. commencing at its intersection w11;h the North line of Kirwin Avenue. thence North to the South 11ne of Jewell Av--nue. 2. That portlon of Norton Street commencing 8.t its intersection with the North line af Minneapolis Avenue. thence North to the South line of Republic Avenue. 3. Trat portion of' Ellaworth Avenue fram the East line of Quincy Street. thence East 1;0 the West line of Roach Street. 4. That portion of' Jewell Avenue. commencing at a point 260 feet West of the West line of Roach Street. thence East to the West line of Roach Street. 5. That portion of Minneapolls Avenue conunencing at its intersection with the East line of' Norton Street. thence East to the West line of Roach Street. 6. A certain East alld West public alley lying between Kirwin Avenue and Jewell Avenue and connecting Quincy Street and Norton Street. 7. That portion of a certain East and West public alley lying between Kirwin Avenue and Jewell Avenue and connecting Norton Street and Roach Street. 8. That portion of a certain East and West public alley lying between Jewell Avenue and Ellsworth Avenue and connecting Quincy Street and Norton Street. 9. That portion of a certain East and West public alley lying between Ellsworth Avenue a.nd Jewell Avenue and connecting Norton Street and Roach Street. 10. That portion of a certain East and West public alley lying between Ellsworth Avenue and Minneapolis Avenue and connecting Quincy Street end Norton Street. .-'""' Lots in The Addition to the Grounds of' The Kansas Wesleyan University. an Addition to the City of Salina. in Saline County. Kansas. OWNER DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY J. J. Vanier TRACT 1 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Lots 41. 43, 45. 47, 49. 5l, 53. 55 57. 59, 61, 63. 8S, 67. 69, 11 and '715 on Republio Aftnue. Lots 42 to 61 Ino1u8iTe. Lots 63. 85, 87 and 69, and Lot. 71 to 80 IncluslTe, on Beloit ATlnue. Lot, 42, 44. 46. 48, 50. 52, 54. 56, 58 and Lots 60 to 80 Inolu8iTe. on llinneapolis. ATellUe. Lots 61 to 60 Inolus1Te on BIlsworth Avenue. Lots 70. 72. 74. 76, 76 and 60 on Jewell ATenue. x-is A. Fox ( Lots 41. 43. 45. 47. 49. 5l. 53. 55. ( 57. 59. 61. 63. 65. 67. 69. 71. ( 73. 75. 77 and 79 on Jewell ( Avenue. TRACT 2 ( Lots 42. 44. 46. 48. 50. 52. 54. 56. ( 58. 60, 62, 64. 66. 68. 70. 12. ( 14. 16. 76 and 60 on Kirwin ( Avenue. TRACT 3 Lots 15. 77 and 19 on Republic Avenue W. M. Garrison F. J. Brettle TRACT 4 Lot 41 on Beloit Avenue TRACT 5 Roy O. Estep (502 West Grand) Lots 62.64. 66. 66 and 70 on Beloit Avenue EXHIBIT itA"