School Board Meeting (2)
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At its regular November meetin3 the Salina Loard of Educa-
tion voted to petition the C1 ty Commissioners and Salina Plan-
ning :.oard to make plans, studies and regulations which w11l
govern the orderly development of the territory surrounding
the new hi~ school and the new grade school sites in the
southeast part of Salina.
Thia to include the planning of streets of adequate width
to t~~e care of future traffic which w111 use this area: also
to urge the city to adopt a building code to supple~ent the
present zoning ordinance, which will not only prevent undesir-
able "shacks" beinG built in this area, but encourage the
building of well planned and desirable homes.
The School :oard is interested in the future development
of this area to the extent that it hopes such re3ulations
Day ~overn the type of buildin~s which will be built in this
part of the city: to the end that all such buildings conform
to an acceptable pattern that this part of town may become
an attractive sub-division of new homes and new schools.
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