Tennis Courts Sunset Park . , 'f_t'l~ lITl~~-i~:-:etf~1l7-~';~-Jlf4-_- .~ ,Co~11l1t!!l1f~lIYH"1l4th.CH .gr14.-..rn"U)'OOIl_ d~.r the ur~ent nnd of thll 01 t)' for u.. cn..t \.eMit coutU. .I.t th'"rnl'llt lilll. the,e.re onl1 tYO eOIlTU 1D thl eit:!' thllte.. ''''117 "1t ter"111. '.h. 'Ix court,.t [\ll\lIt?ri fro. Hlj(flC' to GuT ""a~ city. n I ...It 0....: thM by 10\1 11111 rill pro... "ore lItO".)'.,."ton th' "'II"nt lurf_". there"lll b.hrllo1111l1tedu tllelr lurhu _....nr U>:ht. ~Iu Drily rul lilting lolllt!on tD '''11 llrohl... 111 tMt I)ort or tll. oO\llll.1'r 11 QI:IIl..,t OOll1'U. -1\, u.. o.11.4el'1 (,..117..n4J eOllrt.lnO,kd.l,P,r!tIUlgdlllb1l1 of'u"'Mowithllttur,tul'll. "'loeullotpoordnin.gl.ndtOOIl ".~4 IUt".C. tlollY Ir, out or 1111 dhr .r,l')' "ill UIIlI In tht ._.r"'.n"llrt It den, on th.,., Lnt._.r'lh!n they got l'lolrlr lI'004 II'" th~ ....'.ploy.bI. olll;!,' ....n pU'tot thl ti... ,. :I\otl'u" t'110 ePl.nt coutU It OIU.I' to tlk. \III ou..r Ill. "1.Y G" .-",to, eMl~"'" .n4 thllluda or tJ'l.1I1/tl Sohil.l h_... .lId ot~~r .o"n~l te"1'I11 .etlTlty. Vlliton O\IId te.... rl'tlB otber to... _1'1~ _~""~'" _11 ero" thn. to'l eourt... );,,",,'thn. two eourtllllld ~f1I' ",lfl"lf on the l>.ek .tou I..d '0lII. 'U"UOII ,1,... to tIl. put of tho elIl1l't IMt II "ot en...t 1IIthll 1. rough 'lId hoh dullIl," Li~tl fl1ill ""Thlf _,.... aMuU., l,utllh4 Oil II lint 'n _ourtl III tllll.io""o .'"nolpUy In dnyl1g11t eo~4p.l' to-jl1.Y-.-t'.... fttll'llt;- f ....;~ 1 . 'I "- ..- V' ""yn_nU"", to... Ilnl rour todxgoodC"eIItcouru. COlb1 Illd Bt,r).llIgu. rx'D~lll. sell". II1th1U .1u 1ll4nllul.lltlOn n the bnllliG. cUyln tho ,UUlhou141DlIroT.it'1I0'IUOII by 401111 'Olllthlng Ibout tll1. ,,"id It on... ~o h.n 11110'" un tho 5l11llet court. 11. un.eUon On tho olt1 bodhbo111g dlu1. DlIltll to th..dll or th'i18l11..ndnryhordoll.hoNIll4b.11.. tho .1gl1.n or thh ptnUon lither ph1 th. 'OOIt. Ukt to...loh II, P.01.d. or ou ll1hrntod b..Hllgtt pOlllb1l hr 1t tel be p1l1.d .ore 011 uuonlb11 iood oourtl. 11111 eltan. hnl1llr\ll'port iiiT"1 Dool blllt!lehl Ollt to growlniilYO\Ith. ,". \ll.uroro, ro~u"I 10ur IpeodYleUon to apron the IlnnllpJ.'11ng r..lllU_ or ~"l1n' b)' tho oon.tr:;p)on or rhl or .lxDOu ...lIlt eOlll'l' III "'~W' e111 pork.'. 9(;~~~ iL.;,~...........~....,,~itt:~. '. - ~ ! - , I ~ .{ , , - " L L ~" , - F <:\\...S\) \ """~..~,.# ........:"~t::> ,-o!> ...... ~....... - ~ , ) ,J l ..t 1" . , . , , . ,. ~. .. .' j ~ ~" "11 ,_i....- ~ ~ . . . '" " ~ ,I> . ;m -~;', ~." , '''',.. 'i :\: ;ii , ' /.:/fj,;y..iV':- !'.'.,.;.e,~...~;~ ~---.. ' ~. . ~..~.", , , ,.' , " " ',,' , J~