Traffic Iron & Santa Fe (2)
April 21, 1947
SJlLIHi'.. YJù:S¡\S
DEJ.R sms.
April 17. 1947
Concerning yo.ur "Uo-Turn Sie;nslt at the coritei-s of' Iron and Sama
Fe Avenues, the undersigned wish to present their reasons for not
retaining these signsa -
1. During rush hours of the day, .Ash and. Walnut streets are
backed up with automobiles frcøn. Santa Fe to Sevamh. and from Bantt, Fe
to Fii."'th streets at numerous times thereby blocking north and so.uth
traffic on Fif't:h áné! Se'V'en:th S'treets'.
2. It becoI;Jes very invonveniem to. do business. for instance on
the 'West side of North Fifth street and from there yo.u wish to drive over
on North Santa Fe. In order to do ilhis. with the"Ho-l'urn Signslt ,in place.
it becomes nece::: Gary to dri va i.,-¡o blocks south to Walnut;, thence to SanI;a
Fe. and then 'tv1O blocks north on santa Fe again, which requires t-œ blocks
of extra dri Ting. Evoryone doing this naturally co.ngests Walnut 8IId
Ash Streets.
3. The suggestion prflsented already by one of' our citizens concerniI\;
p.adestrians. of an amber light; for crossing. is a very good one.
y" ours tru~~. ..'
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April 21, 1947
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