Security Agreement
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:):)lj Corporate
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This security agreement is made and emered into this 17!b day of 1anu~, 20@, by and
between City of Salina. hereinafter caned the "municipalitY', Security Savings Bank..
E. S.B..., hereinafter called "depository bank", and -, hereinafter called the .Cagent",
WHEREAS. the municipality has deposited and will in the future deposit public funds
in the depository bank in amounts exceediQg the amounts insured by the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation or it successor, hereinafter called "FDIC"; and
WHEREAS, the munidpaJity requires that the amounts of its deposits in excess of the
amounts insured by the IDIC be secured by pJedge of collateral as requÛ'ed and authorized by
KS.A 9-1401. ~ &çL and amendments thereto~ and
WHEREAS, the depository bank desires to deposit, maintain, pledge and assign., for the
benefit of the governing body of the municipality, investment property and fmancial assets
consisting of certificated securities, uncertificaíed securities, security entitlements> and undivided
fractional interests therein, and negotiable promissory nOtes and mortgages securing payment
thereof, to secure the deposits of public funds by municipality in the depository bank: and. if an
agent is a party to this agreement, to cause the agent to do so; and
\VHEREAS, the parties hereto have entered into a Custodial Agreement with Feder~
Home Loan Bank ofToDek~ as CUStodian, dated January 17. 2003.. hereinafter called Custodial
Agreement, which CuStocUaJ Agreement is incorporated herein by reference and made a part
hereof: and/or have investment property held in a restricted securities account with the Federal
Reserve Bank of Kansas City; and
WHEREAS, the partíes hereto desire to reduce their security agreement to writing:
NOW, THEREFORE, the municipality, the depository bank and, if an agent is a parry
to thj s agreement, the agent agree as foHows:
1- The investment propcny and financial assets in which a security interest is hereby
granted the municipality by the depository bank and, if an agent is a party to this agreement, the
agent to secure payment of deposits made by the municipality in the depository bank shall consist
of one or more oftbe fonowing or security erttitlements with respect thereto:
(a) Direct obJígations of, or obligations that are insured as to princ:ipal and
interest by, the United States of America or any agency thereof and obJigations,
including but not limited to letters of credit, and securities of United States
sponsored corporations which under federal law may be accepted as security for
public funds;
(b) bonds of any municipal corporation or quasi-municipal corporation of the
state afKansas which have been refunded in advance oftbeÚ" maturity and are
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fully secured as to payment of principal and interest thereon by deposit in trust,
under escrow agreement with a bank, of direct obligations of: or obligations the
principal of and the interest on which are unconditionally guaranteed by, the
United States of America;
(c) bonds of the state of Kansas;
(d) general obligation bonds of any municipal corporation or quasi-municipal
corporation of the state of Kansas;
(e) Tevenuð bonds of any munic:ipal corporation or quasi.municipaJ corporation
of the state: arKansas if approved by the state bank commissioner.
(t) temporBIy notes of any municipal corporation or quasi-municipal corporation
of the state of Kansas which ace genera] obligations of the municipal or quasi-
municipal corporation issuing the same;
(g) warrants of any municipal corporation or quasi-municipal corporation of the
state of Kansas the issuance of which is authorized by the state board of tax
appeosls and which are payable ftom the proceeds of a mandatory tax levy;
(h) bonds of either a Kansas not-far-profit corporation or of a local housing
authority that are rated at least Aa by Moody's Investors Service or AA by
Standard & Poor's Corp.:
(i) bonds issued pursuant to KS.A12-1740, et ~'. and amendments thereto,
tbat are rated at least MIG-l or Aa by Moody's Investors Service or AA by
Standard & Poor's Corp.~
(j) notes of a Kansas not-for-profit corporation that are issued to provide only
the interim funds for a mortgage Joan that is insured by the federal housing
(k) bonds issued pursuant to KS.A 74-8901 through 74-8916. and amendments
(1) bonds issued pursuant to KS.A 68-2319 through 68-2330, and amendments
thereto; or
(m)negotiable promissory notes together ~th first lien mortgages on one to four
family residential rea) estate located in Kansas securing payment of such notes,
which notes and mortgages satisfy the limitations set out at KS.A. 9-1 402(d)(l 3),
and amendrnents thereto.
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SSB Corpors'te
2. The depository bank and, if an asetlt is a party to this agreement, the agent hereby
grant to the municipality and its governing body a security interest in the investment propertY..
financial assets and security entitlements with respect thereto held in the securíties account of
depository bank with custodian under the Custodia] Agreement and identified as Pledged
Financial Assets in joint safekeeping/custody receipts issued by custodian to mUnicipality and
depository bank, or held in a restricted securities accoUnt with the Federal Reserve Bank of
Kansas City to seœre the deposits of municipality in depositol}' bank.
3. The depository bank and. if an agent is a party to this agreement, the agent shall
take such action or actions as are necessary to make the security interest granted herein
enforceable and to attach, and to pertèct the security interest herein granted. The security
imerest in the investment prop~, financ:iaJ assets and security entitlements with respect thereto
granted herein shall be perfected by the depository bank and. if an agent is a party to this
agreement, the agent causing control of the investment property, financial assets and security
entitlements with respect thereto under the Kansas uniform commercial code to be given to the
4. The depository bank and, ¡fan agent is a pany to this agreement, the agent shall
guu:rt municipality a security interest in eligible investment property, financial asscrs and security
entitlements with respect thereto having an aggregate market value equaJ to 1 00 percent of the
amount of the total deposits of public funds in the depository institution. including accrued
interest, Jess so much of any deposits as in insured by the FDIC.
5 . The depository bank and, if an agent is a party to this agreement) the agent shall
transfer or deposit the investment property, financial assets and security entitlements with respect
thereto subject to the security interest to or with the Kansas state treasurer, the federal reserve
bank of Kansas City. the federaJ home loan bank of Topeka, or a state or national bank or trust
comparty authoñzed to do business in Kansa~ as provided in KS.A. 9~]405, and amendments
6. Except when tbe collateral ÌnveQtment property, financial assets and security
entitlements with respect thereto are held by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, a
Custodial Agreement between the depositoI)' bank, the municipality, the office or institution to
which collateral financial assets are tTarJsferred pursuant hereto, herein caUed the "custodian))
and, if an agent ¡Iii a party to this agreemen~ the agent shall be executed by the parties to the
Custodia] Agreement, and be retained in the recordB of the depository bank. The joint custody
receipt issued purswuu to the terms of the Custodial Agreement and the records of the custodian
shall deSCribe the specific investment property, financial assets and security entitlements wìth
respect thereto in which a security interest is granted municipality by the depository bank, and,
if an agent is a party to this agreement, the agent. and which are heJd by the cuStodian to secure
deposits by municipality in the depository bank.
When the investment propeny, financial assets and serority entitJements with
respect thereto are deposited with the Federal Reserve Bank of:Kansas City. they shan be held
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ìn a restricted securities account as collateral to secure deposits of the municipality in the
depository bank, and not withdrawn or transferred &om the restricted securities account except
Upon the direction of the municipality and the depository bank, except as provided ia paragraph
9. Payments of interest on investment property, financial assets and security entitlements with
respect thereto maybe credited to an appropriate funds account.
7. The depository bank and, if an agent is a party to this agreement, the agent
represent and warrant to the rnunicipaHty that~
(a) No other person or entity iB a legal and equitable owner of the investment
property, financial 88setS and security entitlements with respect thereto deposited,
maintained, pledged and assigned by it to secure the deposits made by the
municipality in the depository bank.
(b) No security interest has been or will be granted by it in the investment
property, financial assets and security entitlements with respect thereto so
deposited, maintained. pledged and assigned Other than that granted herein or
which has been or may be granted in undivided fractional interests in financial
assets not pledged to the municipality.
(c) Deposits made by the municipality in the depository bank are insured by
the FDIC up to $100,000 1n the aggregate for all time and savings deposits, and
up to $100.000 in the aggregate for all demand deposits.
(d) It is duly authorized to execute this agreement and the Custodial Agreement,
that this agreement and the Custodial Agreement have been approved and
authoril;ed by its board of directors. that this agreement and the Custodial
Agreement are refleCted in the minutes of said board of directors, and that this
agreement and the CuStodial Agreement will be continuously maintained from the
11 me of their execution as official records of the depositoIY bank
8. The depository bank shall be in default and the municipality shaH be entitled to
foreclose the security interest in the investment property. financiaJ assets and security
entitlements with respect thereto deposited. maintained, pledged and assigned pursuant hereto in
the event the deposito-ry bank fails to pay, according to its terms. any deposit of funds of the
9. In the event of default, investment property. financial assets and security
entitlements with respect thereto deposited. maintained, pledged and assigned pursuant to this
agreement shall be subject to sale pursuant to the laws of the state of Kansas to satisfy the
obligations of the depository bank to the municipality.
10. This security agreement may not be assigned in whole or in part, and is binding
upon the parties, their successors and assigns.
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(DepositoI)' Bank)