Frontage Elm Street
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Petition for Change of Lot Frontage
Comes now the Estate of Susan C. Wiegner, Deceased by
El~zabeth Wiegner the duly appointed, qualified and act!nš Execu-
trix of said Estate, and respectfully petition. your hoDor8Þl.
body to grant permission for a resurvey aðd a change of lot front
age to the real estate hereinafter described and owned by your
Your petitioner is the owner of Lot. Fifty (50), Fifty-on.
(51). Fifty-two (52) and Fifty-three (53) on ElJD street in tbe
Original Town of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, and the ator..aid
lots are shown on the plat of the Original Town of Sal1na which
is now on file in the Office of the Register ot Deeda ot Sal1D8
County, Kansas. a photostatic copy of said plat is hereto attac
marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof by reference.
That your petitioner desires to replat and change the front-
age of said lots so owned by it, in accordance with the plat
thereof as proposed to be changed, hereto attached, marked Exhib-
it "Bn, and made a part hereof by reference, and to be known a8 ,
Resurvey of Lote Fifty (50), Fifty-one (51), Fifty-two (52) and
Fifty-three (53) on Elm Street in the Original Town of Salina,
Saline County, Kansas.
Your petitioner states that the reasons for desiring such
change are as follows:
The recorded plat of the Original Town of Salina, Salin
County, Kansas does not disclose the measurement of the lots
there~; however by supposition and usage. the widths of aald lot
have been accepted by the public in general to be Flfty (50)fee1;
in width; that as the result of a survey made by WUson and Cmap-
any, Engineers of Salina, Kansas during the month of January, 194 ,
of the aforesaid lots, the measurement of the north side of said
lots disclosed a total distance of the four lots to be 210.2 teet
or an over run of 10.2 feet over the ~pposed measurement ot 200
reet generally accepted by the public; that the aforesaid over
run of 10.2 reet should be apportioned and prorated between the
aroresaid lots owned by this petitioner thereby making each ot
the aforesaid lots 52.55 reet in width.
Respectfully submitted,
Estate or Susan C, Wiegner.
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