Imp Alley Santa Fe & 5th PETITION For Re"ad!!i1::_-,!!ley and oollstruc:tion _of Storm ~~m-¡'II' inclley ~twe.. S".;,ta Po and 5 'h S lrat !lIldbE¡1;y¡()<m the Dlo~k :-:nmtad ~.nd Bond. Pmmted to the Board of Còmmi8IioDm alld read Ootober 3. 194.2.. ucI refartd to .' E. J 0 Alli.on. City Nanar:or RBPOR. T The within PnitiOD was filed in my oØiœ tbit 3r" day of Ootcber 194....9.. Cmso E. Banker City Clerk. eONOCLIOAT8D-O""'A-""O-IN--- ."--- ------""-"------'""