Sewer Riverside Park Add PETITION For Iiigging.and. à.yi¡:¡g gf ."'1 from M.B. Bo. 2,9 on !Þe8lOin.. 81:. JTor1;h to the Morth end of Blook 6, .íi.i.,.,.81cia .t'ark Ad.u., Pramted to the Board of Commissionm and read ÀUuat: 22, 19"-8 and ftferÅ“d to Clty JlarJaC- lU!POll T The within Petition was filed in my office this - Z31'd day of. Aueuai: 194~ Cha... E. Banker City Clerk, OON80LIDAT"'-SAL'NA-""'...,....- '--- ----