Annex Broadway \.- TO: THE OOARD OF OO!'!1.crSSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSJIS Salina, Kansas July l6, 1951 Ç\Lfjj , 7 ~ r' ~J-I (,.,a.e t """ "" c..~ The undersigned do hereby supplementally petition for the in- clusion ot the following described land within the corporate li1Ilits or the City of Salina, and that as a condition precedent to the inclusion thereof that the same be included in District F, Light IndustriaJ. District as defined by the Zoning Ordinances ot the City. TRACT 1 Part o~ the Northwest Quarter (NW/4) or Section Fourteen (14), Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Three (3) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Saline County, Kansas, described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at a point Two Hundred Forty-two (242) feet West of the East line of the northwest Quarter NW/4) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Three (3) West of the Sixth Prin- cipal Meridian, in the center of Walnut Street ex- tended West, thence South parallel with the East line of said quarter section to a fence as now lo- cated une Hundred Sixty-five (165) feet North and Two Hundred Forty-two (242) feet West of the South- east Corner (SE OOR) of said quarter section, thence West parallel with the South line of said quarter section Si.-c Hundred Thirty-three (633) feet, thence North along the East side of the Right-of-71ay of U. S. highway No. 81 By-Pass, as now located to the center of Walrmt Street extended West, thence East Six Hundred Thirty-three (633) feet to the place of begj.nn:ing, containing Seventeen and thirty-six hundredths (17 .36) acres, more or less, subject to streets and highways. TRACT 2 A tract of land 1y'i-ng in a part of the South Half (S/2) of the Northwest ';"uarter (NWI4) and the South- west Quarter (SW/4) of Section Fourteen (14), Town- ship Fourteen OM South, Range Three (3) West of the Sixth Principal 1:eridian, in SaJ.L1'1e County, Kansas, described as follows: Commencing at a point One Hun- dred Sixty-five (165) feet north of the Northeast Corner (NE COR) of the Southwest Quarter (811/4) of said Section Fourteen (14), thence run..'1ing West and parallel with the North line of said Southwest Quarter (S"/4) Eight HUIXired Seventy-five (875) feet to a point on the East line of the Right-of-Way of U. S. HighIVay No. 81 By-Pass, thence running South along the East line of said right-of-way to a point Three Hundred Thirty (330) feet North and Eight Hundred Seventy-five (875) feet West of the Southeast Corner (SE COR) of the Northea.st Quarter (NE/4) of the Southwest Quarter (sw/4) of said Section Fourteen (14), thence Eé:.st and parallel with the South line of said quarter section ! ¡ i I ! ¡ ¡ f ¡ ¡ ! [ I i ¡ i ~ ! ! ¡ .. -.., One Hundred Eighty (180) feet to a point, thence South parallel with the East line of said South- west Quarter (Sì'í/4) Three Hundred Thirty C330) feet to a point, thence East parallel with the South line of sai:l Southwest Quarter (sw/4) Thirty-five 05) feet, thence North parallel with the East line of said warter Section Three Hunired Thirty (:330) feet to a point, thence East parallel with the South line of said Southwest Quart.er (51/4) Six Hundred S:i.xty (660) feet to a point on the East line of said Southwest Quarter (51'{ /4), thence North to the point of beginning. TRACT :3 A tract of lani lying in the Southwest Quarter (81/4) of Section ¡t'ourteen <14), Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Three (3) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Saline County, Kansas, described as follows: Com- mencing at the intersection of the North line of Craw- tord. Street Road with the ]i;aat line of the Right-of- Way of U. S. Highway No. 8l By-Pass, thence running East along the North line of Crawford Street Road Four Hun- dred Fitty (450) feet to a point, thence North parallel with the East Line of said Quarter Section Seven Hundred Fifty (750) feet to a point, thence East and parallel with the South line of said Quarter Section Four Hundred Twenty-five (425) feet to a P9,int in the East line ot said Quarter Section, thence .iorth along the East line of said Quarter Section Two Hundred Twenty-nine and five- tenths (229.5) feet to a point, thence West and parallel with the South line of said :;;'uarter Section Eight Run- dred Seventy-five (875) fee-t to a point on the East line of the Right-of-way of U. S. Highway No. 81 By-Pass Nine Hundred Seventy-nine and five-tenths (979.5) feet North of the point of beginning, thence South along the East line of said Right-of-Way of U. S. Highway No. 81 By-Pass to the point of beginning and all rights ani appurtenances thereunto belonging. 4 -wHEREFORE, petitioners pray for the adoption of an appropriate ordinance. SALINA BUIIJ>IOO COMPANY By 1/1~~ es en:\; Omler of Tracts ~, "2" and .,.,., afore- said