2005 Contract Addendum LOWENTHAL SINGLETON WEBB & WILSON PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION David A. Lowenthal, CPA Thomas E. Singleton, CPA Patricia L. Webb, CPA Thomas G. Wilson, CPA Audrey M. Odennann, CPA CERTIFÅ’D PUBLIC ACCOUNT ANTS 900 Massachusetts, Suite 301 Lawrence, Kansas 66044-2868 Phone: (785) 749-5050 Fax: (785) 749-5061 E-mail: lswwcpa@lswwcpa.com Abram M. Chrislip, CPA Leanne E. Miller. CPA Members of American Institute and Kansas Society of Certified Public Accountants December 30, 20QS Rod Franz City of Salina 300 West Ash Street, PO Box 736 Salina, KS 67402 Dear Rod: This letter serves as an addendum to our current professional services contract with your organization. We agree to observe the requirements of KSA 44-1 030, section (a) during the term of that contract. If you have any questions, please let me know. Cordially, ~~ \\.\ a ----. Alldrey M Odermann AMO:sg g;\checkJisIs forms and proceduraslaudilslaudit diant lattars\ksa 44-1030 latter 05'J<sa 44-1030 latter OS.doc