8.5 Criminal Damage Roof Jumpin CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME P.M. AGENDA SECTI ON: OR I G I NATI NG DEPARTMENT: APPROV ED FOR AGENDA: NO. 8 Police ITEM BY: , James ,_,n.. Hill BY: ~ ','\,7~ Item Amend Chapter 25 of the Salina Municipal Code by changing the penalty classification regarding criminal damage to property and by adding provisions regarding criminal trespass. Backqround Section 25-96 of the Salina Municipal Code regarding criminal damage to property currently provides that the offense is a Class A violation. Proposed Ordinance Number 96-9746 changes the violation to Class B, thereby bringing the penalty into conformity with K.S.A. 21-3720. Section 25-97 of the Salina Municipal Code regarding criminal trespass currently does not 1) proscribe entering or remaining upon or in any land, structure, etc., by a person who knows he or she is not authorized or privileged to do so, unless other circumstances are present, or 2) include language that prohibits entering or remaining upon or in any public or private land or structure in a manner that interferes with access to or from any health care f~cility, as provided in KS.A 21-3721. Proposed Ordinance Number 96-9746 changes the wording in Section 25-97 to prohibit, without requiring further circumstances, the entering or remaining upon or in any land, structure, etc., by a person who knows or reasonably should know that he or she is not authorized or privileged to do so; and adds language, consistent with that found in K.S.A. 21-3721, which prohibits entering or remaining upon or in any public or private land or structure in a manner that interferes with access to or from any health care facility. Recommendation Approve the first reading of Ordinance Number 96-9746. COMMISSION ACTION MOTION BY SECOND BY TO: (Published in The Salina Journal June , 1996) ORDINANCE NUMBER 96-9746 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 25-96 AND 25-97 OF CHAPTER 25 OF THE SALINA CODE PERTAINING TO OFFENSES, MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS AND REPEALING THE EXISTING SECTIONS. BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Sect|on 1. That Section 25-96 of the Salina Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 25-96. Criminal damage to property. Criminal damage to property is by means other than by fire or explosive: (1) Willfully injuring, damaging, mutilating, defacing, destroying, or substantially impairing the use of any property in which another has an interest without the consent of such other person; or (2) Injuring, damaging, mutilating, defacing, destroying or substantially impairing the use of any property with intent to injure or defraud an insurer or lienholder. Criminal damage to property is a Class B misdemeanor if the property damaged is of the value of less than five hundred dollars ($500) or is of the value of five hundred dollars ($500) or more and is damaged to the extent of less than five hundred dollars ($500)." Section 2. That Section 25-97 of the Salina Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 25-97. Criminal trespass. (1) Criminal trespass is entering or remaining upon or in any land, structure, aircraft or watercraft by a person, when: (a) Such person knows or reasonably should know that the or she is not authorized or privileged to do so; or (b) Such person enters or remains therein in defiance of an order not to enter or to leave such premises or property personally communicated to such person by the owner thereof or other authorized person; or (c) Such premises or property are posted in a manner reasonably likely to come to the attention of intruders, or are locked or fenced or otherwise enclosed, or shut or secured against passage or entry; or (d) Such person enters or remains therein in defiance of a restraining order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction and the restraining order has been personally served upon the person so restrained. (2) (a) entering or remaining upon or in any public or private land or structure in a manner that interferes with access to or from any health care facility by a person who knows such person is not authorized or privileged to do so and such person enters or remains thereon or therein in defiance of an order not to enter or to leave such land or structure personally communicated to such person by the owner of the health care facility or other authorized person. (b) As used in this section: (1) Health care facility means any licensed medical care facility, certified health maintenance organization, licensed mental health center, or mental health clinic, licensed psychiatric hospital or other facility or office where services of a health care provider are provided directly to patients. (2) Health care provider means any person: (A) Licensed to practice a branch of the healing arts; (B) Licensed to practice psychology; (C) Licensed to practice professional or practical nursing; (D) Licensed to practice dentistry; (E) Licensed to practice optometry; (F) Licensed to practice pharmacy; (G) Licensed to practice podiatry; (H) Licensed as a social worker; or (I) Registered to practice physical therapy. (c) Criminal trespass is a Class B nonperson misdemeanor." Section 3. That the existing Sections 25-96 and 25-97 of the Salina Code are hereby repealed. Section 4. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and publication once in the official city newspaper. Introduced: June 10, 1996 Passed: June 17, 1996 Evelyn Maxwell, Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: Judy D. Long, CMC, City Clerk